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01x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 01/15/23 19:07
by bunniefuu
I told you not to come.

I don't want you to see my face.

Next year,

the year after that,

and even the one after that

will all be good.

Because I'll be thinking about you.

I'll be grateful that you were born
into this world.

I'll be grateful

that the person I love is still breathing.

That's why your birthday

will always be a good day.

I thought you had left.

Are you planning to cry like that
once I leave?

No one plans to cry.

Tears come unexpectedly.

I don't want you to cry alone.

Since I cried today, I won't do it again.

I got vaccinated just now.

I heard

by chance.

Stop making things

hard for your father

and go back.

I will take care of that matter.

There is something called
the Bambi Syndrome.

When a baby deer

meets people in the mountains,

people pet it saying it's so cute.

But once people leave,

the baby deer

can't go back to its family.

Due to the smell

of people on its body,

its family

rejects it.

The baby deer
that is rejected from its group

dies in the end.

Are you worried

that I will be rejected and abandoned

by my group?

I will protect myself.

Believe in me.

In my world,

I will use my status, people, money,
and everything else.

Cho Cheol g*ng...


No one will be able

to take me down.

Believe in me...

and go back, Jeong Hyeok.

Go back to your world.

Wasn't it the first time she cried?

You are right.

Even when she crossed the ceasefire line,
she didn't cry.

Even when she got caught
on the smuggling boat, she didn't cry.

And even when she failed to escape
through the airport,

she didn't cry.

Just how much did you listen in on us?

Why aren't they coming back?

I hope the two of them just run away!

Don't say something so dangerous.

m*llitary World Games will be over
in a few days.

We must go back with Jeong Hyeok
before then.

I am sorry.

She didn't even blink
when I told her that I will bury her.

Seeing her cry so suddenly

got me flustered.

I will go out for a second.

-What are you doing outside?
-I was worried.

Are you okay?

I am okay.

-Let's go inside.

Everyone is worried and waiting for you.

I got startled because I didn't expect
such an event.

-I am sorry.
-Don't be.

Were you guys worried about me?

Gosh, no one worried about you.

Pyo Chi Su, I didn't expect anything
from you.

Who chose this cake?

Where did you get
such an old-fashioned cake?

-Let's light the candles.

I have only seen this in a drama.

This is my first time
to light candles on a cake.

Let's turn off the light.

All right.

Let's begin.

-Happy birthday, happy birthday
-Happy birthday, happy birthday

-Take this bouquet of flowers
-Take this bouquet of flowers

-Happy birthday, happy birthday
-Happy birthday, happy birthday

-Happy birthday to you
-Happy birthday to you

One more time!

-Happy birthday, happy birthday
-Happy birthday, happy birthday

-Take our blessings
-Take our blessings

-Happy birthday, happy birthday
-Happy birthday, happy birthday

-Happy birthday to you
-Happy birthday to you

-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.

I never thought I would hear
the North Korean birthday song.

You know that you need to make a wish

before you blow out the candles, right?

Didn't you know?

I am teaching you so many things.

All right. Close your eyes

and wish for what you want the most.

You blow out the candles after that,

and your wish will come true.

Did you finish making a wish?

Let's blow out the candles.

One, two, three.

Live a good life.

-Happy birthday.
-Thank you.

-Happy birthday.
-Happy birthday.

Thank you, everyone.


Come in.

I hope I didn't disturb your rest.

You didn't.

What brings you here?

What is it?

Do you have something for me?

Is it my birthday present?

It's a present,

but it's nothing big.

It doesn't matter. Let me see what it is.

Let me tell you in advance

that this isn't a token of anything.

You don't have to give it
a special meaning.

Okay. I won't do that.

I had to do something for your birthday
when I found out about it.

And I had a bit of free time,

so I bought it.

Although I bought it
without any thoughts...

If you think it's nothing,

you can pawn it.

Are you sweating?

It's hot in here.

Give it to me. Is this your first time
to give a present to a woman?

Why are you so nervous?

It's a ring.

It should fit.

It fits perfectly on my thumb.

That one is mine.


Are these couple's rings?

Is it your first time
to receive a present from a man?

You shouldn't have taken it away from me.
Had you waited a little,

I would have put it on your finger.


when you said you hadn't dated anyone,

I think you were kidding.

Tell me.

Where did you learn this?

Where did you learn
to make a woman's heart flutter?

Give it to me.

Let me do it for you too.

Thank you.

It's the prettiest ring I have ever seen.

I won't take it off
for the rest of my life.

I won't mind if you do.

No matter what happens,

I will remember you.

I can't go further
because the road is blocked.

You can't go further? Here, take it.

Why is the road blocked?

For goodness' sake.

-For goodness' sake.
-The hour is late,

so I didn't expect to see you.

-Have you been well?

I'm glad you're here. There are
many questions I've wanted to ask you.

-The house was ready quite a while ago,

but why are the newlyweds
nowhere to be seen?

As you know,

Jeong Hyeok has an emergency
at the outpost line.


It's just that

I saw a strange man go into the house.

As the people's president
of this neighborhood,

I was thinking
that maybe I should make a visit.

I should have given this to you earlier.
Happy New Year.

-You shouldn't have.
-You shouldn't have.

That strange man you saw is my nephew.

His name is Alberto.


He recently came back from Europe
when he received the country's calling.

I told him to stay in Pyongyang,

but he insisted upon staying here
because he missed the countryside.

-I see.

The air quality is better here.


Then, see you again.

She seems to be in a hurry.

She seems to be in a great hurry.

I think she was lying
when she said he is her nephew.

I agree.

Is Dan having an affair?

It will be a bloodbath.


-Comrade Al.
-That's right. I am Comrade Al.

We have met before, Mother.

-I was thinking

about visiting you in Pyongyang.

-Of course.

I am honored that
you've come all the way here in person.

-Dan is here, right?

She is here,

but she drank vodka until sunrise
and passed out.


I was about to wake her up

and make her eat some pollack soup.

Is that so?

Could it be that

Dan slept here without telling you?

Her cell phone was off all day.

Gosh, you must have been startled.

I was a bit startled, but...

I will apologize to you in her stead,

so please don't scold Dan too much.

-Where in the world is Dan?
-She is in this room.

-This room?

For goodness' sake. I can't believe her.

Wake up right this instant!

What do you think you are doing?

Mother, you haven't had dinner yet, right?

Please come on out and eat.

All of these side dishes look familiar.

I think they were in my fridge
until yesterday.

Every table needs candlelight.

I heard that you are a British citizen.

What do your parents do?

-My father used to run a business.

He passed away a long time ago, though.

My mother remarried,

and I haven't seen her in years.

Is that so?

What kind of relationship
do you have with Dan?

I have a crush on Dan.

I know that she likes

and is engaged to another man.

Why do you like


Her disciplined sternness

and noble elegance that comes from it.

Her confidence and grace
which make her strong before anyone.

All of those are the reasons.

I think they were passed down
from her mother's side.

I like him.

He figured out
that your elegance comes from me.

He is a wise man

who has an eye for people.

We don't have that kind of relationship.

But he carried you home on his back,

and you spent the night with him
at the apartment I got you.

I told you, didn't I?

I only let him stay over
because of some situation.

Then when Jeong Hyeok returns
from the outpost line,

-will you marry him as planned?
-Why wouldn't I?

I am Jeong Hyeok's fiancée.


It's you.

-Who are you?
-I think you know.

I remember. We talked on the phone,
Mr. Ri Jeong Hyeok.

Instead of showing up to an appointment,
you sent someone else.

I had an emergency that day.

I shouldn't have done that.
I did you a disservice. I am sorry.

Gu Seung-jun told me

that you are a talented broker,
but I should never trust you.

Given the nature of the job,
I connect people,

but I'm not necessarily loyal to them.

You don't need to be loyal to me.

Just answer the questions I ask.

I have a question.

It seems like the m*llitary World Games
will end in five days.

Does the team's bus return that day?


We need to get on that bus no matter what.

I see.

And it would be the safest for Jeong Hyeok
to take that bus.

His father took measures
despite the danger.

But if he doesn't go back then,
he won't be safe anymore.

It won't do if he fails to go back.

He must go back

no matter what.

She told you not to come?

That's right. She said
she will do the housekeeping for now,

so I haven't gone to her place
for two weeks.

Are you saying

Yoon Se-ri does the laundry
and cleans the house

without a housemaid?


Se-ri, what are you doing?

I am cleaning.

With that?

There are so many interesting things
in South Korea.

I would buy everything
if only you could take them back.

This is like a magical pass.

People usually call it M.C.

-What's that?
-Mom's card.

Since this is Se-ri's card,
let's call it S.C.

Get to the point.
What do you want us to do with it?

S.C. is a card with no spending limit.

You can buy anything you want with it.


You have no fear.

Don't you believe me when I tell you
that I will make you a beggar

-in your later years?

Go ahead and spend all of my fortunes.

Do something about your clothes.

Pyo Chi Su, you are the worst.

This is driving me crazy.

You guys are like fashion t*rrorists.

t*rrorists? Who do you think we are?

-We aren't t*rrorists.
-We aren't like that.

Fashion t*rrorists have nothing to do
with an actual terror att*ck.

It means that you have
no sense of fashion.


We do have a sense of fashion!

No, you don't. So do your best.

Before you leave,

I want to give you a present.

Buy everything you've wanted to get, eat,

and wear so far.

Make sure you do that.

Chi Su.

Upon a glimpse, South Korea seems to be
a wealthy country.

But the marketplace reveals the truth.

Look at these pants.
They are ripped up like a rag.

They should have patched them up
before selling them.

I think people wear such jeans for style.

Style, my foot! Your knees will get cold.

My goodness.

Give me the same pair of jeans.

Do you like it?

Buy it in every color.

Buy ten of it.

Can I really do that?

My siblings will love it.

Of course.

One costs...

Five thousand won?

It's not cheap, but...

Forget it. Buy everything.

Are there clothes you like?

There are so many clothes
that I don't know what to pick.

This is...

the only thing I need.

-How does it move?
-My goodness.

You know


I am the same as always

Thoughts of you

What are they doing?

I think they are beggars.

I knew it.

There are beggars everywhere.

I want those clothes.

In secret


Let's talk about changing
the chairwoman of Se-ri's Choice

once more.

That item was rejected
after Chairwoman Yoon came back.

What if

Chairwoman Yoon has major faults

that keep her from running the company?

Don't you want to know
where Chairwoman Yoon was

while she was missing?

You want to backstab her
as soon as she comes back alive.

You are one impressive woman.

I am working hard
to make your son successful.

If you make me a bitch,
I will be disappointed.

No mother would sacrifice her daughter
to make her son successful.

I know where Se-ri has been,

and the fact that you and Se-hyeong
stopped her from escaping sooner.

My husband knows as well.

Se-hyeong is in Hong Kong for work, right?

Tell him to come back right away.
Come to the house with him.

Last night, Cha Sang-u posted something

that was clearly meant for you
on his social media account.

Look at this.

It must be about another woman.

"I am glad you are back safely.
Shall we go out again?

It's a.m.
and alcohol is making me honest."

It's clearly and definitely a message
for you.

Why are you making a fuss
about a drunk man's words?

Stop and...

But reporters keep asking us
if he and you will get back together.

Get back together, my foot!

It has happened before.

Was it when she dated Shin Yeong-woong?

No, it was when she dated
that idol singer, Won Ji-hun.

They dated on and off.

-It was a total mess.


I have so much work

and absolutely no time
for this useless babbling.

Hurry up and get back to your work.

Yes, ma'am.

Lee Hyeok, what are you doing?

Come on.

No. Hyeok stays.

-I have

important and secret orders for him.

-Hurry up and get out.

I guess you weren't lying when you said
you'd go back and date men.

Those men just passed
through my life briefly.

Is that so?

Yes, it is.

Am I passing through your life?

Tell me if it happened already.

My goodness.

Little Hyeoky, are you jealous?


Whose fault do you think it is?

Are you saying it's my fault?

You should have shown up sooner
in my life.

How was I supposed to do that
with the ceasefire line between us?

That's why I am so understanding.

It's a sad history,
not your personal fault.

In any case, it was hard for me too.

"Is he the one?" Then he wasn't the one.

"Is he the one?"
Then he wasn't the one either.

Since my fated one was in North Korea,
I kept breaking up with men.

It was so exhausting and stressful.

Since we met each other
after many twists and turns,

why don't we bunk off?

Are you up for it?

Are you satisfied
that you bunked off today?

The day you spend after bunking off
is never satisfactory.

Since it always happens without a plan,

you can't do much despite the will.

But it's memorable

even if you don't do much.

Have you ever bunked off before?

-What did you do?

I didn't do much too.

I skipped my class
and went outside to take photos.

Then I saw someone
who was thinking about jumping off

a tall bridge.


She was a woman. She was my type.

I see why you said
such days are memorable.

I asked her to take a picture of me.

Stop it. You don't need to give me
the details.

She asked me if she must take it
at such a scary place.

With trembling hands, she took the camera.

Could you take a picture of us?


Give me the camera.

Where is that?


On Panorama Bridge Sigriswil.

That woman was quite memorable.

Even after that, I wondered

if she was doing all right

and if she would do anything bad

every now and then.

Because she was my type.


the woman next to you was

Ms. Seo Dan?

You said I could do better than her.

I wonder...

how many times we have met.

I am

very happy now.

They say

one sees the flashback
of the best moments in their life

for a moment

before they die.

I think this will be

one of those moments.

We should win, right?

-What the...
-Look at him.

-Oh, come on!
-What was that?

-What are you doing?

What's with all the fuss?

They're watching a soccer game.

What an ultimate entertainment.

It's an international competition.

Hey, who cares
about international competitions?

-Chi Su is right.

We must focus on our mission,
which is to send Captain Ri

safely back home, and go back home.

-But it's a match between Korea and Japan.


Go, go!

-Keep going!
-Just go!


-Run faster!


Captain Ri!


-Korea for the win!
-Korea for the win!

-Republic of Korea!
-Republic of Korea!

-Republic of Korea!
-Republic of Korea!

-Republic of Korea!
-Republic of Korea!

-There you go.

-Oh, come on!
-It was so close!

-Good. Keep going.
-Go, go!

-Keep running!


-Let's drink.

That was great.

I'm paying for all the chickens today.

Yangsongi beoseot.

Why do you always say words
that end with seot?

Damn it.

Drink it up.

Drink up.

-Hurry and drink up
-Hurry and drink up

-Drink it up now
-Drink it up now

If you don't, you're a coward
If you drink it, you are a hero

One more time!

-Hurry and drink up
-Hurry and drink up

-Drink it up now
-Drink it up now

If you don't, you're a coward
If you drink it, you are a hero

Thank you...

It's even nicer to see you out here.

When I found out that you betrayed me,
I got angry at first.

But I understood.

One can't only live off
the same food all the time.

However, you must face the reality.

Do you think

the Director of the GPB will protect you
when you get back?

After all, you're the person
who k*lled his eldest son.

After being used, you will be abandoned.

Was it the Director of the GPB
that has been providing for your family?

Was it Ri Jeong Hyeok who freed
your old mother from the prison?

Could you please just
turn a blind eye to me?

I would like to pay for what I did

to Ri Mu Hyeok.

Paying your debt to a dead man or...

saving your only child's life.
What's your choice?

What do you mean?

It's U Pil from this morning.


Loyalty and Justice.
They're all good. But,

the reason I don't pursue them is
not because I don't know they're good.

Rather than those fancy ideas,

I choose to protect my family and my kids.
That's why.

Who can blame that?

And I used to be a child beggar
who was born on the street.

I have no one to protect
and nothing to fear.

That's why I can risk everything
and just go for it.

If I catch Ri Jeong Hyeok here
and take Yoon Se-ri back home,

I can go up to a higher position.


make your decision.


I think it's better
that you sleep up here.

I said I'm fine. Enjoy your bed.

Thank you, Sir.

Before you guys met us,
you slept in a sauna?


But that place was really great too.

There are so many interesting things
in South Korea.

What else was interesting?

I went to a place called internet cafe
with Ju Meok.

I did this thing called computer game
for the first time.

You played a computer game too.

Well, it's a good experience to have
at your age.

At first,

I saw the amateurs sh**ting r*fles
like children.

So I thought, "I will show them
how to do it," and started to play.

But it was harder than I'd thought.

It's not as easy as it looks.

That's right.

So I studied the features
of the weapons and armors I had.

But then some South Korean punk

armed with expensive gears showed up
and messed up everything.

Oh, no.

I got angry and said,
"Stop hiding behind the computer.

Let me see your face."

-He didn't show up.

After all, he was one of those typical
rich and cowardly capitalist bluffers.

That stupid Tomato Cultivator.

What was your name in the game?

It was Desperate Effort.

-I see.
-So I--

Why don't you stop talking
and go to bed now? It's late.

Where are you going?

To get some water.

Sleep tight.

What's wrong?

If you're hungry...

No, I'm not.

Is it because you miss your family?

You will soon be able to see them again.

This is all because of me. I'm sorry.


We have been thinking

if there is any way
we could help you, Yeong Ae.

And Myeong Sun
has something to say to you.

-What is it?
-I can't reach my husband

who went on a long-term business trip.

So I went to his close friends

and asked them some questions.

Friends, you mean by the wiretappers?


You know how good wiretappers are.

There's nothing they don't know
about our village.

You're right.


Then what did his friends

say to you?

They said the incident
the Senior Colonel was involved

happened because

Lieutenant Commander Cho Cheol g*ng

tried to dig up dirt
on the Director of the GPB.

-Oh, my. Yeong Ae.

How dare he tried to mess up
with such a high-ranking official.

Cho Cheol g*ng must have been
k*lled secretly.

My goodness.

Why does Ri Jeong Hyeok happen to be

at the frontline now of all times?

I know!

It might not be the direct way

to the Director of the GPB,

I know a detour nearby.

-The Director of the GPB's

-future daughter-in-law's mother's...

nephew who used to live in Europe.


Goodness. I can't believe I took a bath
with the water boiled in a cauldron.

Now I have done everything.

Comrade Nephew from Europe,
are you in there?

Please open the door.

Maybe he's not in there.

Yes, he is.

He's in there.

We just saw the cauldron's steam

coming out of this apartment.

There was steam indeed.


Keep knocking.

Open the door.

We can unlock the door if we want.

But that's illegal.

-What's up?
-It's Dan.

Well, as the President of the village,
I just wanted to check--

Please come in.

-"Come in"?

Oh, my goodness.



Looks like I have many visitors.

Oh, my. I'm sorry
that we all suddenly have showed up.

Hopefully we didn't
make you feel uncomfortable.

I feel uncomfortable.

Yeong Ae, isn't it great?

We came to meet the Director of the GPB's
daughter-in-law's mother's

nephew who used to live in Europe.

But we happened to meet
his future daughter-in-law.

What's your business?

This is

what I got from my mother-in-law.

I have been treasuring it dearly.

Then keep treasuring it dearly.

As a matter of fact,

my husband is imprisoned
by the State Security Department.

Could you put in a word for him
to the Director of the GPB,

who will be your father-in-law?

I don't accept personal requests.

Is there anything else you want to say?

Come on, Dan.

Don't be so uptight.

She might sound cold
as the cold wind in the winter,

but her heart is warm
like a spring breeze.

Please leave the name of your husband.

I will put in a good word for him
with my aunt.

Oh, my. Comrade Nephew from Europe

can talk sense, right?

Please take good care of it.

Don't you worry.

By the way, I feel like
I have seen you before.


I saw you coming out
of Captain Ri's house the other day.

-Is that true?

I sent him on an errand.

I needed to pick up something.

-I see.
-I see.

That's right.

Goodness. I'm finally outside.
It's all thanks to you.

I have been staying home
these last few days and it was hard.

Tell me.

Why did you go to Jeong Hyeok's place?

You know Jeong Hyeok is at the frontline.

Don't you think of lying to me.

I don't lie to you, Dan. I decided not to.

The thing is...

Ri Jeong Hyeok contacted me
from the frontline.


Cho Cheol g*ng didn't die
while being transported.

He disappeared.

He went to South Korea.
He wants to bring Se-ri back

and destroy Ri Jeong Hyeok's family.


So Ri Jeong Hyeok...

went to Seoul.

To save Se-ri and catch Cho Cheol g*ng.

He didn't want to trouble
people around him,

so he didn't tell anyone about it
and asked me favors.

So I ran some errands
and set him up with some people.

I'm not sure why I did that, but...


Are you okay?

Dan. I'm sorry.

Don't cry--

All right. Tell me what you found out.

Myeong Eun.

There is good news and bad news.

What would you like to hear first?

No funny business, you punk.
Just tell me already.

First, Alberto Gu

is indeed a businessman from the UK.

He owns international businesses

all over the world.

-What's the bad news?
-This is the bad news.

What are you saying?

The Director of the GPB recently
tracked down

illegal businesses on a large scale.

He tracked down smugglers, drug dealers,

and those who got paid
for hiding criminals.

Were you all right?

Of course. Thanks to your wealth,

I have never been interested in money.

-There's a British business man

who is involved in the incident.

And that's Alberto Gu.

What the...


The State Security Department
is looking for him.

Apparently, he swindled
a lot of money in South Korea

and escaped to our country.

Then what's the good news?

-Right. The good news is...

Dan seems to know about this.

-She knew it from the first place.

It means

Dan didn't fall for a swindler at least.

You lunatic.

How is that good news?

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong? Why do you always hit me?

-What is it that I did wrong?
-You punk!

What are you doing?

I will send Ju Meok on an errand later,
and I want him to look pretty.

Ju Meok, you can remove it now.

What errand?

He will look
like a very sophisticated South Korean

and pick up something.

I would make a sophisticated South Korean
very well.

Yesterday, I was standing
at an intersection,

and people asked me directions.

They thought I was from Seoul.

That's not it.

Ju Meok, I think you should get changed

before you go.

What? I need to get changed?

Yes. Here, we don't wear just anything

when we run errands.

-Oh, my.
-You look gorgeous.

You look great.

It suits you very well.

-Does it?

Do South Koreans really dress like that
when they run errands?

Yes, we do. I told you.

Se-ri usually doesn't ask me
favors like this,

but she said she really would like me
to do this favor.

She said you were one of the people

she likes the most.

She told me you came from
somewhere really far away to see me.

Thank you.

Not at all.

If there's anything you'd like to say,
feel free to do so.

You said

those who love each other

will always meet again.

No matter...

how far you are...

You'll always come back to each other.

Yes. That's right.

True love will always return.

-Where's Ju Meok?
-He said he's not hungry.

Why not?

He refuses to eat anything
on top of the sacred meal he had

with Actress Choi Ji-woo.

Ju Meok, let's meet again.

Okay, Ji-woo.

Let's meet again.

But the only way to do that
is through unification.

Did you do your errand well?

-Se-ri, you totally duped me.
-Let me see.

How did you deceive me so easily?

Didn't you see me doing this

earlier in the morning?

Do South Koreans really dress like that

when they run errands?

Yes, we do. I told you.

What is that?

Cross my finger.

The American imperialism does this

as a way of declaring that they will lie.

That's right. So even though I did lie,

God would've forgiven me.

How are you so tolerant of yourself?

Thank you so much.

You made my lifetime dream come true.

I'd have no regrets even if I d*ed today.

You got the award you deserved.

Love for K-drama Award.

Eun Dong, you received
the Hospitality Award.


Chi Su, you received
the Fragrant Scalp Award.

Are we saying our goodbyes once again?


Why do we keep saying goodbye?

Who knows? This may not be our last.

Even still, we should say our goodbyes
in advance when we can.

By the way, I gave you my card
so that you could splurge,

but you didn't spend much.

So I prepared a gift for each of you.

Are you all ready to leave?

-Yes, sir.
-Yes, sir.

They'll be sending us another bus

so that the other athletes won't notice.

Aren't you coming with us?

A man who goes by Manager Oh
will contact me.

You can go first.

I'll join you once I'm done.

Good work.

Now I'll lure Ri Jeong Hyeok

through Manager Oh.

In the meantime, act normally

and report
Jeong Hyeok and Se-ri's whereabouts.

Oh, my.

I think something broke.

That's understandable.

Hold my hand, will you?

All right.


Do you even know how old that is?

You can't destroy them like this--

What did you say?

You should've told me the truth

when you had the chance.


Are you going to believe these men
whom you've never met

or me, your son?

I trusted you.

Then please keep doing so.

-It's a misunderstanding.
-Shut up!

Why do you think I appointed you
to that position?

Because you're competent?

Don't be ridiculous!

It was because
you were the most incompetent.

You're a doormat to your wife
and was conned so easily.

I thought if you were aware
of how much you lacked,

you'd ask others for help
instead of keeping everything to yourself.

I thought you'd do that.

That was why I gave you that position.

Are you saying the reason
you picked me among my siblings

was because I lacked the most?

I was aware of that, but I had no idea
how much you had lacked!

I made a mistake.

I'm going to hold
a general meeting of stockholders soon.

Just accept your fate
and get ready to be demoted.

Why are you doing this?

Father, I fully understand
why you're so upset.

Please forgive us
for not telling you earlier.

Get up.

I don't want to see either one of you,
so get out!

Please take a look at this.

You can make your decision afterward.

That's Gu Seung-jun.

He and Se-ri were hiding together
up North.

Do you really think it was coincidental?

This is something we recently found out
while investigating.

Do you remember Gu Myeong-su,
the president of Guryong Corporation,

whose company you forcefully
took over years ago?

Seung-jun is his son.

He had disguised himself
and approached our family on purpose.


We had to confirm this

before telling you.

We apologize.

Father, to be honest,

all kinds of thoughts ran through my head.

"Why were they spotted together
in North Korea

when they had called off their marriage?

Is the money he stole related to Se-ri?"

But first, I told him
to send her back home.

That's when he told me

to give up half the money
that was scammed.

But what could I do?

My first priority was to bring Se-ri back.

Is that so?

I'll have to verify

if you're still lying to me

or if Se-ri really did that.

If I find out that you lied once again,

not only will you lose your position

but everything that you currently have.

Call her.

I have nothing to say to you.

I feel the same way.

Father called for you,
so hurry up and come.

Mom's not doing too well either.

What's wrong? Is it because
of her low blood pressure?

It's all because of you.

Were you ever helpful to our family?

Tell him I'll be on my way soon.

The recording has ended.

That's the route she takes to come here.

She drives the car herself,

so do as you wish.

Does that mean

you don't care whether I abduct

or k*ll her?

You can do whatever you want
to do with her.

I just don't want her around me.

That's all.

Then I better get ready.


just left.

We'll be leaving soon as well.



Jeong Hyeok should be here soon.

Now that he'll arrive soon,

I think I'm done with my job.
May I go now?

Not yet.

Once I k*ll him

and get on the boat with Se-ri,

that's when you'll be done with your job.

I've arranged the time and place,

and he'll arrive soon.
I think I'm done here.

There he is.

I knew it.

I knew you'd come.

You're not a coward

who'd leave Se-ri behind and return
to the North, knowing I'm still here.

You're right.

I have no plans
to leave my woman here all alone. No.

As long as a scumbag like you is here,

I didn't plan on going back.


Man Bok.

Do you have something to tell me?

If you do, please tell me.

All my life, I've been reporting things
that I've eavesdropped on.

But you're asking me to speak my mind.

Thank you.

I will

tell you what's on my mind.

I met with Cho Cheol g*ng today.

He threatened me with a photo of my child.

I'm terrified.

But I'm going to put up a fight this time.

Aren't you coming with us?

I need to stop by somewhere.

A man who goes by Manager Oh
will contact me.

You can go first.

I'll join you once I'm done.

Tell him I'll be on my way soon.

I want to believe

that my mom is sick
and everything my brother said.

Do you truly believe that my brother
has colluded with Cho Cheol g*ng

and schemed this?

We'll find out.

Don't look so frightened. It's unlike you.

What's there to be scared of
when we're here?

-He's right.
-He's right.


just left.

Eun Dong, how's it going?

Don't overdo it
and make yourself stop growing!

Don't worry. I'm doing fine.

What was that? He's really one of a kind.

Hey, be careful!

Don't worry.

We're from the special forces.

It's cold out here. Wait inside for a bit.

I hope they won't get hurt.

Hey, don't move, okay?

If you don't, I can hit you
every single time.

Are you all right?

-We're fine too.

Man Bok.

You startled me.

All right. Let's go to the next place!

-All right!
-All right!

Hey, I'm serious! Be careful!

Are you sure we won't have to pay
the monthly rent for the next year?

You won't need to pay it for two years.

So march forward! Go!

-Let's go!

Captain Ri, we're here!

I see that you've made a decision.

So I'll make mine.

Hey, hey, hey.

Hey, what are you doing?


Why can't you k*ll
someone as trivial as him?

You're so soft.


What was that g*nsh*t?

What are they doing?

Hold on.

Who are they?


Don't come this way.


They say

one sees the flashback
of the best moments in their life

for a moment

before they die.

I think this will be

one of those moments.

Next year, the year after that,

and even the one after that

will all be good.

Because I'll be thinking about you.

I'll be grateful that you were born
into this world.

I'll be grateful

that the person I love is still breathing.

Jeong Hyeok.

To be honest,

what you had told me

was enough for me.

I got to enjoy

the happiness

that was given to me.




You're wrong.

That wasn't enough.

I still have

more to say.

There's something I haven't told you.

I love you.

I love you, Se-ri.

Judging from what Man Bok has told me,

you've crossed the line.

You won't solve this issue
by putting your life on the line.

That's what we're saying.

I'm sorry to all of you.

But I cannot go.

-Go first and--
-We just want you to put more on the line.

There's still more.

You have us.

We're from your troop.

In our current situation,
you're as important as our country for us.

Give us your orders.

-I cannot do that.
-Captain Ri.

Se-ri has become

a valuable friend to us as well.

Please give us your orders.

Master Sergeant Pyo.

Yes, sir.

First Lieutenant Park.

Yes, sir.

Staff Sergeant Kim.

-Yes, sir.
-Private First Class Geum.

Yes, sir.

Do everything in your power

to protect Se-ri.

That is all.

I trust you.





Please help us.