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06x09 - Statistical Probabilities

Posted: 01/16/23 06:54
by bunniefuu
No, no, it is not there!

Am l the only one here?

ls that it?
Hm-hm-hm? ls that it?

Am l the only one who sees?
Hm, hm, hm, hm?

And what
is that incessant noise?!

Calm down.

Am l talking too fast,

Having trouble keeping up,
hm, hm, hm?

l don't want
to see you get upset, Jack.

Please don't leave
us here, Karen, please!

lt's only for a few weeks,

You know why they brought
us here, don't you?

Why they carted us
halfway across the quadrant?

They're going
to experiment on us.

Stop it, Jack.

They want to find out what makes

our genetically engineered
brains tick.

They're going
to cut our heads open

and see what comes out!

He's just trying to scare you.

Don't listen to him.

Now, l told you

why l brought you here,


To meet that doctor,
Dr. Bashir?

You know.

The handsome one.

He was genetically enhanced

when he was a boy,
just like all of you.

No, no! He's not like us.

l never saw him
at the lnstitute.

He wasn't locked away, hm-hm,
for being too smart, hm-hm?

He's passed
himself off as normal.

He's Mr. Normal Starfleet man,

Mr. Productive Member
of Society.

Well, maybe we can learn
to be just like him.

Wear little uniforms, hm?
Yes, sir!

No, sir!

Thank you, sir!

l don't like it here.

lt's going to be all right.

Dr. Bashir is going
to work with you

for a while, that's all.

Just think of it

as a little vacation
from the lnstitute.

No, no, this is
not happening, no.

lt is happening, Jack,
and you're going

to have to try
to make the best of it.

l'm going to make
the best of it.

See the way he's looking at me?

He's in love with me already.

Give me that!

l want to go home.

lt's him.

See that?

That's what l'm going to do
to your boyfriend.

Give me the padd.


You're not sorry.

We both know that.

You did it on purpose
because you're upset

but there are better ways
of dealing with being upset.

l'll work on it.

All right, well...

l'll see you all in a few weeks.

Patrick, it's fine.
lt's fine.

Go on.

Bye, Sarina.

You all right?

Oh, it's nothing.

Just another run-in with Jack.

Like l said in my report

don't turn your back on him.

Well, we better get you down
to the lnfirmary.

l'm fine. You go on in.

They're about as ready
to meet you

as they'll ever be.

l just hope you
have better luck

getting through to them
than l've had.


Funny. He doesn't look
like a mutant.

ls that you, Jack?

He knows me.
He knows my name.

l didn't tell him my name.

lt's all right.

l just read Dr. Loews' report,
that's all.

l knew that.

Hello, Sarina.

What is he talking to her for?

He read the reports.

She won't answer you.

Didn't you read
the reports? Hm-hm-hm?

Would anyone mind
if l turned on the lights?

Would anyone mind
if he turns on some lights?

Go ahead, we're not mole people,
you know.

Computer, lights.



l know what you're thinking,

but l'm not that kind of girl.

Bashir, was it? Hm.

Rings a bell, rings a bell.

Bashir, Bashir,
Bashir, Bashir, Bashir...

Ah, got it, got it!

15th-century poet--
Singh el Bashir.

Any relation?

Yes, actually.

His work was totally derivative.

He was a plagiarist.

You knew that.
You had to know that.

Yet you come in here

bragging about it anyway,
hm, hm.

Why? Hm? Hm?

You're the one
who brought it up.

Well, what was l
supposed to do--

just let you get away
with it?! Hm-hm-hm?

That noise!

Tell me, Doctor,
what kind of enhancements

did your parents
have done to you?

Mental abilities, mostly

but they had
my hand/eye coordination

reflexes and vision
improved as well.

Can you do that? Hm-hm-hm?

l doubt it.

Yeah, what happened?

Uh, your parents couldn't afford
the full overhaul, hm-hm?

He turned out all right.

You're not exactly known for
being very discriminating, hm?

l turned you down, didn't l?

And you're still regretting it!

The cube root of 329--
what is it?


Very good!

And you didn't even use
your fingers.

He's a mutant,
just like the rest of us.

No, no, no, he is not like us.

He passed as normal.

ls that true?

Did you pass as normal?
ls that true?

My genetic status was
discovered a year ago.

How'd you manage to hide it
for so long?

l did my best
not to exploit my abilities.

so no one would suspect.

Very clever. l'm impressed.

Now, that's not right!

There are reasons why DNA
resequencing is illegal.

There are reasons
why people like us

are barred from serving
in Starfleet.

We have an advantage.

Normal people can't compete.
lt's not fair.

Maybe you're right.

Maybe l should have
said something sooner.

There are rules--

uh, uh, don't talk
with your mouth full

don't open an airlock
when somebody's inside it

and don't lie
about your genetic status.

No, no, no, you did.
You lied.

You'd lied, and-and then
when you got caught

you cut a deal with Starfleet,
hm, hm, hm, hm?

You-you got yourself
off the hook.

lf you'd told the truth

you could have lived with us
at the lnstitute.

Hm, he's right, you know.

Then they would have
put you away.

They don't put people away

for being genetically

No, no, no, no,
they just won't let you

do anything that's worth doing!

No, no, they are afraid
that people like us

are going to take over!

Well, it happened before.

People like us
did try and take over.

Oh, no, no, l knew you
were going to do that.

l knew that you were going
to trot out the Eugenics w*r.

l'm not trotting out anything.

All l'm saying is
there's a good reason

why we've been barred
from certain professions

but that doesn't
mean we can't be

productive members of society.

Yeah, here it comes--

the ''We Can Still Contribute''

No, no, no, no.

l will not forget
what was done to me.

l will not be
a part of a society

that put me away
for being too smart! No, no!

All right, then.

Seeing as though you have
all the answers already

l'll spare you the speech.

l'm having dinner
with some friends.

What? You think we
don't eat? We eat.

We're going to eat right now.

Hm? Y-Yum-yum.

l'll go set the table.

Don't worry about us.

We'll be fine. Hm.

Thanks for scaring him off.

All l kept thinking was

''There, but for
the grace of God, go l.''

How do you mean?

My parents managed
to find a decent doctor

to perform the DNA
resequencing on me.

These four weren't so lucky.

They all suffered
unintended side effects

and by the time
they were five or six

their parents were forced
to come forward

and admit they'd broken the law

so that their children
could get treatment.

Hm. Perhaps they waited
too long.

Yeah. There was nothing

the doctors at the lnstitute
could do for them.

These cases are so rare.
There's no standard treatment.

l can't imagine

it was a very stimulating
environment for them.

That's what Dr. Loews thought

when she first came
to the lnstitute.

She got permission to separate
them from the other residents

so that she could work
with them.

Why did she bring them here?

She thought they might respond

to meeting someone
like them who was leading

a normal life.

She was also hoping that one day

they might be able to live
on their own and be productive.

Well, let's hope they
don't become too productive.

Might make the rest of us
look bad.

lt is not a laughing matter.

lf people like them are
allowed to compete freely

then parents would
feel pressured

to have their children enhanced
so they could keep up.

That's precisely what prompted
the ban on DNA resequencing

in the first place.

Giving them
a chance to contribute

doesn't necessarily
mean sanctioning

what was done to them.

They didn't ask
to have their DNA tampered with.

They were only children.

And why should they be excluded

just because their parents
broke the law?

You're right.

lt's not quite fair...

but even so, it seemed like
a good way to discourage

genetic tampering.

Besides, it's not as if

we're trying to exclude them
from anything.

We're just... talking about...

you know, limiting
what they're allowed to do.

Like joining Starfleet.


Are you saying

that l shouldn't be allowed

to wear this uniform?

Well, you are an exception.

Ah, an exception.

l should be used to that.

l've been one all my life--

first, because
of the DNA resequencing

and now, because l've been
allowed to join Starfleet.

Perhaps l should not
have said anything.

No. No, it's all right.

does anyone care to speculate

about what Gul Damar
is going to say in his speech?

Nothing we're going to like,
l'll bet.

lt should be starting
any minute.

lf he's going to announce
another new battle offensive

it's going to spoil dessert.

Can you hear me?

H-Hello, calling Dr. Bashir.


Hello. Anybody there? Hm-hm?

Did you give them access
to the com system?

Hello? Hello? Dr. Bashir? Hm?

No, they must have
broken in somehow. Oh!

l'd love to stay and chat
about our impending doom, but...

l can't take it!

Would you do something
about that noise!

What noise?

What kind of sick game
are you people playing, hm?!

What are you talking about?

Can't you hear it?!

We complained, and two
very cute engineers came by

and said there
was nothing wrong.

Wait a minute.

ls it a kind
of high-pitched whine?

Yes! Thank God!

See? l told you
we weren't crazy.


You are a mutant.

You are.

Now, do something
about that noise

or l will snap her neck.

l called Chief O'Brien.

Now, let her go.

Maybe l'll wait
until he gets here.

lf you don't let her go

l'll tell the Chief
the noise went away

by itself.

You think l want
to be doing this?

l'm just making sure
things get done.


This is the thanks l get.

Are you all right?

Come in.


l wonder if you could find out
what's making that noise.

l know you can't hear it,
but it's there--

probably a sympathetic

in the power coupling
or something.

What do you know?
You're right.

Well, why don't you fix it,
dear fellow, dear fellow?

Well, why don't you fix it

before l go mad?!

He's married.

Too bad.

Sounds like the plasma
flow's out of sync.

You're right.

Better realign it.

l was just thinking that.

Yeah. Ooh!

lt's about to start.

Almost finished.




Much better.
Thank you, Chief.

Fellow citizens

these are great days
for Cardassia.

with our Dominion allies

we have given our enemies
cause to fear us once more.

Can't argue with that.

Who's he?

lt's Damar, the new head
of the Cardassian government.

''Uneasy lies the head
that wears the crown.''

He's sad.

Ashamed is more like it.

Why do you say that?


...we are poised to make

another bold step
to ensure our future.


Looks like a man
who doesn't sleep.

''Methought l heard a voice cry,
'sleep no more!

'Damar does m*rder sleep.'''

He's k*lled someone!

Someone close to him.

How could they know that?

...shed their blood
to defend their home.

Their sacrifice must not be
in vain.

The peace we seek

will honor their memory
and preserve the gains

for which they gave their lives.

l challenge the Federation
to answer my call for peace.

l am ready at any time
to meet with its representatives

to discuss how we can put an end
to hostilities.

As your leader...

Pretender! You don't belong
on that throne, and you know it.

...everything in my power
to protect Cardassia.

Someone's making him say
all this. He doesn't want to.

...forward into a new era.

This l vow
with my life's blood...

for my sons...

for all our sons.

Did any of you know who
Damar was before today?

No, no, no,
but it's obvious who he is.

The pretender...

...who-who k*lled the king
and seized the throne.

Not the king.
He's still alive.

Oh, the queen, maybe...

-Or a princess.

Yes. Ziyal.

That's Gul Dukat's daughter.

And now, the pretender

finds himself in league
with a-a-a dark knight

that he can't control. Hm, hm?


lt's not a bad story.

Epic, really.

What else can you tell us?
Hm, hm?

lt was amazing.

They pieced together
the entire story

of how Damar came to power.

Weyoun is the dark prince

Gul Dukat is the deposed king

Damar is the pretender

to the throne, and Ziyal is

the innocent princess
he m*rder*d.

And now the pretender is wracked
with guilt over what he's done.

And they got all this just
from watching Damar's speech?

Oh, they were fascinated
by the whole thing.

They kept bombarding me

with questions
about Cardassia and the w*r.

l've never seen them so engaged.

And you want
to keep them engaged.

l'd like to try.

l'm just running
out of material.

What do you mean?

Well, they've already gone

through everything
the computer has

on Cardassia and the Dominion.

Roll out the red carpet.


Starfleet has decided to listen
to what Damar has to say.

He and Weyoun will be arriving
in the morning

and l am the lucky one
who gets the chance

to sit across the table
from them.

That's great!

lt's hard to believe

that the Dominion
really wants peace.

l wouldn't be surprised
if they were

just stalling for time
in order to regroup.

Sir, is there any chance
l can get a transcript

of the negotiations?

You can do better than that.

The Dominion has insisted
on recording the proceedings

so that everyone can see

that their desire for peace
is sincere.


You shouldn't have agreed
to that, Benjamin.

Now you have to be
on your best behavior.


So, the pretender
and his dark knight

are coming to the station,
hm, hm?

And the story's not over, eh?

Peace talks
could be interesting.

l'd say so

and the best part is

we're going to have
ringside seats.


Ah, Major!

Welcome to Deep Space 9.

How nice to see you again.

Can l give you a word
of advice, Weyoun?

By all means.

You're welcome
to play your little

''we're all friends here'' game
with me

but l wouldn't try it
with Captain Sisko.

He's not in the mood.

We're on a mission
of peace, Major.

Maybe he should get in the mood.

This is the border as it existed
before hostilities broke out.

This is the border
we are now proposing.

This arrangement would award
disputed star systems

to the side that already has
effective control over them.

On the balance, we are
giving up more than you.

Computer, freeze program.


Hi. Uh, listen.

Go to native language mode

and replay time code
7-6-1 through, uh, uh...

7-6-9, hm, hm.

Eee-ja maa'na hoo'va-baa'li
jen'ku'rada sen'to.

Got you!

Did you hear that,
hm, hm, hm?

He used the passive
voice transitive, hm, hm.

Since when could you
speak Dominionese?

Hm, since this morning.

That phrasing is only used
to make a request

not a statement.

They are up to something,
hm, hm, hm.

What is it, Patrick?

Did you see something?

You can tell us.

They want the Kabrel system.

How do you know?

They kept avoiding it
with their eyes.

Are you sure?

They kept avoiding it.

Told you they were
up to something, hm, hm?

End program.

All right, they want
the Kabrel system, but why?

l don't know,
but they're willing

to give up a lot to get it.

The mizainite deposits
on Holna lV alone

are enough to keep their
shipyards running for years.

Yes, yes, yes, that's typical
Dominion strategy.

They offer to give up
something valuable

in order to hide the fact
that they want something

even more valuable
in the long term, hm, hm, hm.

See, that's how they think.
Big picture.

They don't worry about what's
going to happen tomorrow.

No, no, no.
They're thinking long term.

They're thinking what's going
to happen a year from now

a-a-a decade, a century,
hm, hm, hm, hm, yes, yes.

There must be something special
about the Kabrel system.

Nothing on the first planet
but some simple

and tri-nucleic fungi.

The second planet
has some cormaline deposits

but they're common enough.

Okay, okay, okay, maybe
there's another reason, hm.

Does it have
any strategic value, hm, hm?

Not that l can see.

They wouldn't want
to build a base there.

Why not, why not?
Hm, hm?

Seems perfectly suitable.
Hm, hm?

lt's not an optimum situation.

lt's a binary system.

There's a lot
of ionic interference there.

All right, all right,
forget it.

Does this have anything to do

with what we're talking about,

Can we take it? an ancient technology,
hm, hm, hm?

There's no evidence
of anything like that.

Any idea what this might mean?

Chemistry was never
my strong suit.

What is it?

lt shows

how you can break down
tri-nucleic fungus

to make yridium bicantizine

one of the active ingredients
in ketracel-white.

That's why the Dominion wants
the Kabrel system

so that they can manufacture
the drug

right here
in the Alpha Quadrant.

According to our calculations

they'll be able
to manufacture enough

to supply the Jem'Hadar

l was going to recommend

that the Federation accept
the proposed border.

lt could've cost us
the Alpha Quadrant.

Actually, sir,
we should give them Kabrel.

Why is that?

lf we don't

the Dominion
will be forced to att*ck

before their stockpile of white
runs out.

Here are
the casualty projections.

As you can see,
an att*ck would result

in devastating casualties
for both sides.

Y-You're suggesting we stall?

lt will buy us time
to rebuild our defenses

and bring the Romulans
into the alliance.

The Romulans.

According to our analysis--

there it is--

they'll vote to abandon
their nonaggression pact

with the Dominion
at next year's plenary session.

By which time,
internal pressures

between the Cardassians and
the Dominion will have erupted

and after three years

six months and 27 days,
we predict that, uh...

Hang on a minute, Doctor.

How'd you come up with all this?

Two days ago,
you said these people

were impossible to deal with.

Now they're
turning out projections

that it would take
Starfleet lntelligence months

to come up with.

We're mutants.

l know.

We're not exactly qualified
for this kind of work

and it could be said that, uh...
it is beyond the limits

of what people like us
should be allowed to do.

But l think if you allow me

to walk you
through our analyses

you'll be impressed.

All right, Doctor, go ahead.

Thank you, sir.

The way
our statistical analysis works

the further
into the future you go

the more accurate
the projection.

lt's based on a kind
of nonlinear dynamics

whereby small fluctuations
tend to factor out over time.

The net result is...

Just a minute, Doctor.

Why don't we go back
to the beginning

and take me through this

nice and easy.

Gladly, sir.

Captain Sisko said he
would take our analyses

to Starfleet Command right away.

lmagine that--
Starfleet Command. Hm.

All those admirals.

lt's a party!

lt is now.

We need music.

Computer, music.

Make it grand.

A waltz.


Care to dance?


He tried.

l meant her.

Come in.


What a pleasant surprise.

l, uh...

l need to replace
that power coupling.

Don't mind us.


No, thanks.

lt's a party.

No, l need to get to work.

l didn't mean to...

lt's just that l-l need to get
this coupling replaced.

What did you do, Chief?


What's the matter, Patrick?

He doesn't like me.

Well, sure, l do.


The Chief doesn't like
any of us.

-Do you, Chief?

He's just jealous

you're spending
so much time with us.

His wife's away.

He misses his friend.

l do not.

lt's all right, Julian.

Go play with your friend.

We'll be fine.

You want me to play with you,
do you, Chief?


Yes, you do.

Come on, let's go to Quark's.

l-l'm going to need those.

No, you don't.

There's nothing wrong
with that power coupling.


it's... going to have
to be replaced sometime.


Ready. Yeah.

l'm sorry.

The last thing in the world
l wanted to do was upset them.

Oh, it's all right.

The only reason
Patrick gets so emotional...

is because he likes you.

He does?

Oh, yeah, they all do.

What? Because l got rid
of that noise?

Oh, no, it's not just that.

They feel comfortable
being around you.

What was the word Jack used?



Oh, yes, they're
amazingly insightful.

They have ways of seeing things
other people don't.

And saying things
other people don't.

Yeah. They are pretty candid,
aren't they?

They sure are.

Funny thing is

l'm actually beginning
to enjoy their company.

Hey! What are you doing?

Get back!

You know, l was thinking.

Starfleet Command
might do all right

to take them on
as a team of advisers.

Oh, l don't know.

Oh, l can't imagine them
in a room

with a bunch of admirals

unless they're going
to teach them how to dance.

We were celebrating.

Yeah, whatever.

Ah, they really
are quite brilliant, though.

l mean, once we actually started
working, it was incredible.

We were all
on the same wavelength--

talking in shorthand, finishing
each other's sentences.

l've never had that
with anyone else.

Well, after being with them,
l can understand

how the rest of us must seem
a little uncomplicated.

Well, l wouldn't say
that exactly.

More like... slow.

Ha-ha. Must be very
frustrating for you.

l don't mind.

Makes me feel superior.

Oh, glad to be of service.

Ah, l appreciate it.

lt's not always easy walking
amongst the common people.

Ah, it's probably best

to keep your expectations low,

Ha! That way

we can surprise you
every now and then.

Another game?

Sure. But do l have
to stand so far back?

Oh, l-l-l make one lucky sh*t

and you're ready
to come down to my level.

l like to win, just
like the next man.

Get back there.
Come on.

l've got good news.

Starfleet Command was so
impressed with our analysis

they've agreed
to let us have access

to classified information

regarding Starfleet's
battle readiness.

ls something wrong?

We have new
long-term projections.

You-you better take a look.

You're not going to like it.

Well? Hm, hm?

Everything checks out.

l was hoping
you were going to find a flaw.


So then you agree
with our conclusion, hm, hm?

lt's inescapable.

There's no way the Federation

is going to be able
to b*at the Dominion.

We have no choice.

We're going to have
to surrender.

Surrender to the Dominion--

not on my watch.

Sir, l understand how you feel.

l don't like it
any more than you do

but it's the best option.

We've run dozens
of different scenarios.

Even if something
unlikely were to happen

tilting the scales
in our favor--

such as an anti-Dominion
coup on Cardassia--

we'll still lose this w*r.

But that doesn't mean
we just give up and roll over.

But if we fight

there will be over
900 billion casualties.

lf we surrender, no one dies.

Either way,
we're in for five generations

of Dominion rule.

Eventually a rebellion will
form, centering on Earth.

lt'll spread...
and within another generation

they'll succeed
in conquering the Dominion.

The Alpha Quadrant will unite
and a new, stronger Federation

will rule
for thousands of years.

But since we can't win this w*r

why don't we save
as many lives as we can?

l know it's difficult to accept.

l don't accept it.

Your entire argument

is based on a series

of statistical probabilities
and assumptions.

They're not just assumptions.

lf you want me to take you
through the equations

l will.

Even if l knew
with a hundred percent certainty

what was going to happen

l wouldn't ask an entire
generation of people

to voluntarily give up
their freedom.

Not even to save
over 900 billion lives?

Surrender is not an option!

Now l'm happy to hear
your group's advice

on how to win this w*r

but l don't need your advice
on how to lose it.

We can't win this w*r.

l don't care if the odds
are against us.

lf we're going to lose

then we're going
to go down fighting

so that when our descendants

someday rise up
against the Dominion

they'll know
what they're made of.

With all due respect, sir

aren't you letting your pride
get in your way?

All right, Doctor...
you've made your recommendation.

l'll pass it on
to Starfleet Command.

Without adding your voice to it,
they'll dismiss it out of hand.

l'm counting on it.

So we go down fighting.

How terribly courageous of us.

What do you think?

lt's pretty grim.

lt's not just grim...

it's hopeless.

We can't b*at them, Miles.

Well, it doesn't look
like it, does it?

We have to avoid
a long, drawn-out w*r.

You mean surrender?

l know...

it's an ugly word

but the facts are facts.

l don't know, Julian.

Don't tell me you agree
with the Captain.

l suppose l do.

Well... is there some
part of the analysis

y-you didn't understand?

Because if there is,
l-l-l'd be happy to explain.

l understood it perfectly.

Believe it or not.

That's not what l meant.

All l'm saying is

that you have to look
at the bigger picture.

Well, l'm trying, but
maybe l'm too uncomplicated

to see it properly.

l didn't say that.

You don't have to.

The way you're acting...

you think nobody
with half a brain

could possibly
disagree with you.

Frankly, l don't
see how they can.

Well, l can see two possible
explanations for it.

Either l'm even more

than you ever realized

or you're not as smart
as you think you are.

Good, good, stop.

One more!


Looks like your lucky day.


You and l both know

these games of chance
are no such thing--

the odds are
in the house's favor.

Shh. Don't say that.

People are trying to have fun.

Sooner or later, no matter
how perfectly l play

no matter how well
l hedge my bets

l'm going to lose.

Why are you trying to spoil
everyone's good time?

Look around.

These people are
enjoying themselves.

Half of them know the
odds are against them

but they don't care.

They're here because they want
to believe they can win.

ls that so bad?

They're fools.

Why don't you just
take your winnings

and call it a day?

Because l'm trying
to prove a point.

There is no way to win.

Stop saying that.

There! You see?

We're all as good as dead.

Doctor... take it easy.

lt's just a game.

You're right.

lt's not as if 900 billion lives
were at stake.

l just got word.

Starfleet rejected
our recommendations.

l knew it!

lt's kind of a relief
in a way.

l mean, who wants
to wave a white flag?

They're the cowards.

They don't have the courage
to see the truth.

You may be right

but there's nothing we can do.

No, no, no, we can't
just take this lying down.

The stakes are too high.

We've got to take matters
into our own hands.

How, Jack?
What can we do?

We can't force
Starfleet to surrender.

lf we can't head off the w*r

then there might be a way
to make it a lot less bloody.


Look at this--

Starfleet battle plans,
uh, fleet deployments.

Do you know what the Dominion
could do with this information?

They could take the Alpha
Quadrant in a matter of weeks.

With a lot fewer
Federation casualties

than in a drawn-out w*r.

There wouldn't be more than

two billion casualties.

That's a lot better
than 900 billion.

Wait a minute!

lt's one thing for us
to try and avert a w*r

but it's quite another
for us to take it on ourselves

to trigger an invasion

that's going to get
a lot of people k*lled.

lt's not our place to decide
who lives and who dies.

We're not gods.

Maybe not, but we're
the next best thing.

Can you hear yourself?

That's precisely
the kind of thinking

that makes people afraid of us.

l don't care.

l'm willing to make
this decision.

lt's not our decision
to make.

We presented our case
to Starfleet.

They rejected it.
Case closed.

Not closed!

We're going through with this.

Well, l'm not going to be
a party to treason.

Call it what you want,
but l am willing to do it

if it means saving
billions of lives, hm, hm.

So are you with us? Hm, hm?

No! Haven't you been listening?



So how do we contact
the Dominion?

Still at it, l see.

l've been looking over
Sisko's latest counterproposal.

We don't seem to be
getting anywhere with him.

Not very encouraging,
is it?

l don't know why you had me

call for peace talks
in the first place.

My, my. How quickly
you've taken to your new role.

And to think,
only a short time ago

you were nothing more
than Gul Dukat's Adjutant.

l appreciate the faith
you've shown in me.

Then show some faith in me.

Don't be like your predecessor,
second-guessing my every move.

lt should be clear to you by now
that no one is irreplaceable.


l just received
a very interesting message

from an unidentified party

claiming to have
some information

that could be
very beneficial to us.

What sort of information?

l don't know

but we're going to find out.


Computer, respond.

Sarina, where is everyone?

Did they arrange a meeting
with the Dominion?

Listen, we have to stop them
before it's too late.

Untie me.

Please, Sarina.

You don't want the deaths
of so many people on your hands.

lt's Jack, isn't it?

Are you worried
what he'll think?

l've seen the way
you look at him

when you think
no one's watching.

l know how much you care

but if you don't help me
stop them

you know what's going to happen?

They're going to be arrested
and charged with treason

and you're never going to see
any of them again.

You're never going to see
Jack again.

l'm Patrick.


Come on.

Hello, everyone.

He's not supposed to be here.

No, no, no, he's not.

l-l don't understand.

Well, why don't we all go back
to your quarters

and l will explain it to you.

No. We've got to do this.

Lives are at stake.

Don't interfere, Julian.

You have no right.

You're in enough trouble
already, Jack.

Don't make it any worse.

Now, we can do this
the easy way...

or the hard way.

lt's up to you.

Where are they?

They'll be here.

This is ridiculous.

Sneaking into a storage bay
for a secret meeting.

l'm not some agent
of the Obsidian Order.

l'm the leader
of the Cardassian Empire.

Don't let it go to your head.

You serve only at the
Dominion's pleasure.

Besides, l think it's exciting.

They're here.


Yes, l know.

l honor you with my presence.

We... seem to have
gotten ourselves lost.


They're not coming.

Who's not coming?

l had a feeling
you were going to say that.

Shall l escort you
to your quarters?

Captain Sisko has decided
not to press charges.

You won't be going to prison.

What are they going to do
to us?

Nothing bad.

You'll be going back
to the lnstitute together.

lt doesn't matter
what happens to us.

Don't you realize
what you've done, hm?

l've kept you
from committing treason.

Are we supposed to thank you?

900 billion people
are going to die.

You don't know that.

Didn't you sit here

and go through the
projections with us?

Hm, hm, hm? Didn't you?

He was here, Jack.

l remember.

Maybe our projections
were wrong.

How can you say that?

We factored in
every contingency, hm.

Every variable.

The equations don't lie.

You! You.

You ruined everything.

What do you make of that, Jack?

Why didn't you anticipate that?

Why didn't you factor
her into your equation?

Because you thought
you knew everything

but you didn't even know

what was going to happen
in this room.

One person derailed your plans.

One person changed
the course of history.

Now, l don't know about you

but that makes me think
that maybe, just maybe

things may not turn out
the way we thought.

l heard what happened.

lt was a pretty close call.

Yeah. Luckily, l managed
to intercept them in time.

No, that's not what l meant.

l was talking about
when you had to decide

whether or not
to meet with the Dominion.

lt can't have been
easy for you.

l know how you wanted to try to
save as many lives as possible.

That's probably what makes you
such a good doctor.

Fortunately, this doctor
is also a Starfleet Officer.

We thought we were so smart.

We thought we could predict
the future.

lt was my fault

not theirs.

l should never have let things
go so far.

lf l hadn't been so bent on
trying to prove to the world

that they had something
to contribute...

They did contribute.

lt seems to me we've become
far too complacent

about the Dominion.

We may have driven them back
into Cardassian space

but we haven't beaten them yet.

l can only hope.

Well, the odds
are stacked against us.

All we can do
is give it our best sh*t.

You're not going to cause
any more trouble, are you?

Not this time.

l'll double-down.


Maybe there's a better bet

but sometimes when the odds
are so stacked against you

you've just got
to take a chance.

l admire your courage.


Well, what do you know?

We have a winner.

O'Brien to Bashir.

Go ahead.

You wanted to know when
a certain transport was leaving.

Oh, thanks.

There is one problem, though.

We've got some passengers
that are refusing to board

unless you come see them.

l didn't think
you'd want to see me again.

Believe me

l wouldn't mind
if our predictions

turned out to be wrong.

Jack's still furious, but...

l didn't want to leave
without saying good-bye.

Will you come visit us?


Oh, uh, yeah, l'd like that.

You did the right thing,
you know.

One of these days,
he'll understand that.

So... you ready to go?

Not so fast.

There's one thing
l need to know, Doctor.

lf-lf we can come up with a way
to b*at the Dominion

will you listen?

l can't think of anything
l'd like better.


Good, good, all right,
let's go then.

Let's go.

Bashir to O'Brien.

Four to beam out.