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06x18 - Inquisition

Posted: 01/16/23 07:01
by bunniefuu
Computer, download file
to padd... F-7.

Come on.

Download complete.

Thank you! Nurse.

You're up late.

Ah, yes. I've got a few things
to finish up

before I leave in the morning.

I'm, uh, presenting a paper
at a medical conference.

I see.

Where is it?

Risa, Casperia Prime?

How'd you guess?

Well, doctors always hold
their conferences

at sunny resorts.

Ours is a grim profession.

Don't you think
we deserve a break

from all the illness and death?


Well, don't forget to take
plenty of sunscreen.

Oh, let me guess.

You dislocated your shoulder.

Not again.

Afraid so.

You promised me

that you wouldn't go
kayaking again

until your shoulder
had a chance to heal.

I know, but I can't stay away.

It's like the river calls to me.

Yes. It's saying, "Stay away.

Don't come near me
or I'll hurt you more!"


Much better.

It'll be tender

for a few days;
so go easy on it.


If the pain gets any worse

Nurse Bandee
will give you something.

Thanks, Julian.

Have a good time on Casperia.

I'm going to a medical
conference, not on vacation.

Whatever you say.

And if the river
calls you again, listen to it

and stay away.

The time is 0700 hours.


You're joking.

Computer, confirm time.

The time is 0700 hours,
11 seconds.

Something tells me

I'm going to need
a lot of raktajinos today.


See you in a few days, old chum.

Keep the home fires burning.

This is the Captain.

All senior officers report
to Operations immediately.

What now?

This better be quick.

I've got a shuttle to catch.

What's going on?

Internal Affairs.

What are they doing here?

They're not saying.

If they'd called ahead

we could have thrown
them a party.

Yeah, well, something tells me
it's not a social visit.

Where's the Captain?

He's in there.

He doesn't look too happy.

No, he doesn't.

All right, people

this is Deputy Director Sloan
of Internal Affairs.

He's here under the authority
of the Federation Council.

I expect you all to give him
your full cooperation.

Starfleet Intelligence
has reason to believe

that there's been
a security breach

aboard Deep Space 9.

It appears that someone

has been passing information
to the Dominion.

With all due respect

I think there's been
some kind of mistake.

I hope you're right, Commander.

I really do

but until we determine
the source

we have to follow standard
containment procedures

and isolate all members
of the senior staff.

As of now

you're all relieved of duty
and confined to quarters.

Confined to quarters?

I don't like it
any more than you do.

You'll be contacted shortly.

I'll be conducting interviews
with each one of you.

For the time being

you are not to discuss this
matter amongst yourselves.

Any questions?

Uh, how long do you think

your investigation's
going to take?

That's difficult to say, Doctor,
but don't worry.

We've already informed
Starfleet Medical

that you won't be attending
your conference.

Oh, that's very considerate
of you.

Take them to their quarters.

Would you come with me, please?

Hot buttered scones, moba jam,
red leaf tea.


What's the matter
with this thing?

All right.

Come in.

Would you please come
with me, Doctor?




Where are we going?

To the Wardroom.

Director Sloan wants to
ask you a few questions.

Stand clear.

What's going on?

Nothing you need
to worry about, sir.

This way.

Dr. Bashir, sir.

Thank you.

Dr. Bashir...

have a seat, please.

I'm sorry you're going to miss
your medical conference.

It couldn't be helped.

In a case like this

I have to follow
strict procedures.

Yes, I understand.

Maybe it's a blessing
in disguise.

The last time you tried
to attend a medical conference

you were taken prisoner
by the Dominion.

An experience
I wouldn't care to repeat.

I'm sure you wouldn't.

What, five weeks
in a Dominion prison camp?

I can't imagine
what that must have been like.

Not pleasant.

I read your report.

It made me ask myself

how I would have held up
under those conditions.

I guess you never really know
until you go through it.

I'm sure you would have
been able to cope.

We do what we have to
to survive.


I was just reading over
some of your case reports.

Fascinating stuff.

The work you did with those
genetically enhanced patients-

very impressive.

Thank you.

Before you started working
with them

Starfleet Medical described them

as "alienated, uncommunicative
and hostile. "

And you were the first doctor

who managed to establish
a dialogue with them.

Well, actually, I think the fact

that I'm genetically enhanced

made them a little more open
to accepting me.

You spoke their language.


I envy your profession.

You have a positive impact
on people's lives.

You know, I...

I considered becoming
a doctor myself.

Ah, you have
a good bedside manner.

Actually, when I first came
in here

I, uh, half suspected that,
uh, I would be interrogated

under a very bright light.

Not this time.

Well, I see no need
to trouble you any longer.

Thank you for your cooperation.

My pleasure.

Lieutenant Chandler will take
you back to your quarters now.

Ah, I'm afraid I'm going to have
to ask you to stay there

until I've finished
with the rest of the interviews.

Well, in that case, maybe you

could send someone
to take a look at my replicator.

It's not working.

Actually, we took them off line.

To prevent anyone
from trying to replicate

a communications device
or a w*apon.

Oh. Well, I just wanted
some breakfast.

What would you like?

I'll have it sent right up
to your quarters.

Hot buttered scones

moba jam
and some red leaf tea, please.

Coming right up.

Thank you.

Doctor, one more thing.

Those genetically enhanced
patients of yours-

did Starfleet Medical
ask you to work with them

or did you volunteer?

Oh, I volunteered.

I see.

Very good.

Come in.

Here you are, sir.

Thank God.

I'm famished.




It's a little early for gagh.

Well, I hope you're enjoying
my scones, Worf.

Miles, Sloan said we aren't

supposed to be talking
to each other.

I just wanted to make sure
you were all right.

I'm fine, except I think

someone's been snooping
around my quarters.

It wouldn't surprise me.

Has Sloan questioned you yet?

Yeah, we just finished.

How'd it go?

It went fine.

He just asked me
a few routine questions.

Believe me, it's not fine.

He just grilled me
for over two hours.

Two hours?

About what?

About you.

You're joking.

I only wish I were.

Every single question
was about you.

Look, I better go

before they trace
this transmission.

I just wanted to warn you
to watch your back.

Miles, wait.

What did he want
to know about me?

Just be careful.
I think they're-

Come in.

Director Sloan
wants to see you.


That's right.

Did you get
your breakfast, Doctor?

Yes, I did.


I was going over my notes
from our last conversation

and there are
a couple of things

I'd like you to clarify.


You have a problem with that?

-Not at all.
-Let's go back

to the time you spent
with the Dominion.

I wasn't "with" the Dominion;
I was their prisoner.

You were held
at internment camp 371?

That's right.

-Barrack 6?

You were there for five weeks?

37 days, actually.

You're absolutely sure
about that.


And General Martok
was with you in Barrack 6.


He said that the Jem'Hadar
removed you from the barracks.

I complained
when they cut our rations

so they threw me in solitary.

I see.

And did you meet with anyone
during that week?

I was alone.

You're sure about that.


Um, let me think.

Was I alone in solitary?


I think I was.

You didn't meet with a Vorta?


Or a changeling?


So what you're telling me

is you spent seven days
in complete isolation.

It wasn't seven days.

It was five- five days.

Now that's odd 'cause
General Martok said

you were gone for seven days.

He was wrong.
It was five.

Why would he lie
about something like that?

He wasn't lying.

You can't both be right.

He must have lost count
of the days.

He was under a great deal
of stress.

And you weren't?

Human beings are more adaptable

to incarceration than Klingons.

Especially when they're
genetically engineered?

Meaning what?

Let's move on
to the matter of your escape

from the camp.

I'll quote from your own report.

"We constructed a transmitter
using components

"from the barracks
life-support system.

"We used it
to contact our runabout

and beam ourselves
out of the camp. "

Now forgive me, Doctor.

That sounds
a little hard to believe.

It's what happened.

Why would the Dominion
leave your runabout

orbiting the camp unattended?

They didn't think
we'd be able to contact it.

Why not?

They left you everything
you need to build a transmitter.

Isn't it more plausible

that the Dominion
wanted you to escape?


Why would they do that?

So that you could start working
for them.

But I'm not working for them.

How can you be sure?

Excuse me?

How can you be sure
you're not working for them?

Are you familiar with the term
"engramatic dissociation"?


The theory holds
that if a person's mind

is sufficiently disciplined

he'd be capable
of compartmentalizing

contradictory information,
believing one thing

while doing another.

I think you possess
that kind of mind.

I think the Dominion saw that

and decided
to take advantage of it.

I think they broke you
and turned you to their cause

and then had you suppress
the memory of what happened.

You're saying I'm a Dominion spy
and don't even know it.

What could be more perfect?

There's no chance
of you getting caught

because you don't even realize
you're working for them.

When they want to debrief you

all they do
is trigger your memory.

That's ridiculous.

Doctor, I am trying to help you

but I need your cooperation.

I need you to tear down
the walls inside your mind

to dredge up
a fragment of a memory-

anything about your mission,
about your contacts.

I know it's not easy,
but you've got to try.

There are no memories
to dredge up.

I'm not suffering
from engramatic dissociation.

I'm a loyal Starfleet officer.

And will not answer
any more questions

unless I'm formally
charged and can respond

with the benefit of counsel!

I've had enough of your lies,

You think you're smarter
than the rest of us, don't you?

You think you're smarter

than the millions
of brave men and women

who put their lives on the line
for the Federation.

You want to do things
the hard way? Fine.

But I'm going to get
the truth out of you

and when I'm done, I'm going
to take whatever's left of you

and I'm going to lock it away.


Is it really necessary

to drag a Starfleet officer
across the Promenade in irons?

We have our orders, sir.

Please stand aside.

We'll get you out of this,

I'm sure this is all a mistake.

Is it?

Where's Odo?

In his quarters.

We'll be handling security
for the time being.

This way.

Too tight?

A bit.

You'll live.

Oh, so nice to see you
enjoying your work.

I was with the Seventh Fleet

when the Dominion
att*cked the Tyra system.

98 of our ships were destroyed
in a matter of hours.

I lost a lot of friends.

I lost a lot of friends, too.

I believe that

but yours were Jem'Hadar.

You won't be needing
this anymore.

Step inside.

With all due respect, Captain

if you would just wait
in the Security Office

Director Sloan
should be here any minute

and you can discuss
your request with him-

There is nothing to discuss.

I want ten minutes
alone with my officer

and I want them now.

Very well.

I thought you should know,
Odo did some checking.

Sloan had a son in Starfleet.

He was a transport pilot.

He was k*lled
by a Dominion patrol.

Maybe he thinks I supplied
them with the information

that helped them target
his son's ship.

That's exactly what I think.

When my son's convoy
dropped out of warp

to rendezvous
with a Klingon bird-of-prey

they found
three Dominion attack ships

waiting for them instead.

I'm sorry for your loss.

But don't you think that
your son's death indicates

a conflict of interest
in your investigation?

No, I think it gives me
an added incentive

to go after the truth.

Now, what was it you wanted?

I need to talk

to my Chief Medical Officer
in private.

I can understand that.

But security protocol

requires that no one
talk to the prisoner

without clearance from me.

Director Sloan, have you
received orders from Starfleet

to relieve me of my command
of this station?

No, I haven't.

Well, then, as long
as I remain in command

I will see Dr. Bashir
whenever I please.

Furthermore, from now on

I will sit in on all
interrogation sessions

to make sure
his rights are observed.

Do I make myself clear?

I believe so.

Well, we'll see
each other tomorrow.

In the meantime,
enjoy your conversation.

I appreciate your help, sir.

We'll get this straightened out.

I promise you.

Let's go back a few years
to the incident at Bopak III.

According to your report,
you and Chief O'Brien

crash-landed on the planet

where you then made contact
with a group of Jem'Hadar.

We didn't make contact
with them.

They captured us.

Well, if that's the case

why didn't you
attempt to escape?

We didn't have a chance.

According to Chief O'Brien

you were more interested
in curing the Jem'Hadar

of their addiction
to ketracel-white.

I'm a doctor.

They were suffering
from withdrawal.

They're the enemy-

genetically engineered
k*lling machines.

They're not machines.

They're sentient beings

and I couldn't just stand there
and watch them die.

Why? Because you felt sympathy
for them

being genetically engineered

This is irrelevant.

We're talking about an incident
that happened

before Dr. Bashir allegedly
became a Dominion agent.

It's not irrelevant, Captain.

If anything, it shows
he was already sympathetic

to the Dominion.

But let's move on.

Doctor, we spoke yesterday

about a group
of genetically enhanced patients

that you brought to the station.

Why exactly did you decide
to work with them?

They'd been institutionalized
most of their lives.

I thought I might find a way

to help them assimilate
into society.

A laudable goal.

What I find puzzling
is the way you went about it.

These misfits had been sheltered
from the outside world

for as long as they
could remember.

Yet you chose
to bombard them with information

about the w*r with the Dominion.

Now, frankly, I'm surprised

it didn't scare them
into a deeper isolation.

I wanted to engage them.

And it worked.

Is that why
you convinced Starfleet Command

to give them access
to classified battle plans?

Starfleet was interested
in hearing our ideas

on how to win the w*r.

How to win the w*r.

You recommended
that the Federation surrender.

We were looking for ways to save
as many lives as possible.

Now, if you'd take the time
to examine the findings...!

Captain, you took the time

to examine the findings,
didn't you?

I did.

And did you agree with them?


Of course not.

No loyal Starfleet
officer could.

I won't deny that Doctor Bashir

has made
some questionable decisions

in his career,
but that's a long way

from convincing me
that he is a traitor.

Now, so far, your case is based

on circumstantial
evidence and speculation.

What other kind of case
can I make against a man

who covers his tracks so well?

That's a circular argument,
and you know it!

Captain, if Dr. Bashir
had been involved

in one or two
questionable incidents

I could understand how you
might be able to dismiss it

but the sheer number
of incidents

form a pattern of behavior
that can't be ignored.

I understand that you want
to be loyal to a man

who's served under you
for so long.

I understand you'd be inclined
to take his word

over that of an outsider.

But step back for a moment
and think about it.

This man concealed the truth

about his illegal
genetic enhancement

for over 30 years.

He lied to get
his medical license.

He lied to get into Starfleet.

He lied to you when he
came aboard this station

and he's been lying
to you ever since.

He did eventually
come forward...

and tell the truth.

That's right, he did. Why?

Why? What made you confess?

Was it because you realized

that it was your duty to be
honest with your Captain?


Was it because you felt guilty

for having lied to him
for so long?


Then why did you come forward?

I was found out.

And if you hadn't been found out

would you have come forward and
told your Captain the truth...


I don't know.

I see.

Sloan was right
about one thing, sir.

I should have told you the
truth from the beginning.

You're right.

You should have.

But let's put that
behind us for now.

How can I defend myself
to this man?

Whatever I say to him

he either thinks I'm lying
or repressing my memories.

I know you're not lying, Julian.


But... as a doctor

isn't it in the realm
of medical possibility

that the Dominion
did recruit you

and you have blocked it
out of your memory?

Well, even if it is possible,
it didn't happen.

You don't believe me, do you?

I don't...

I don't think you're lying,

It's late.

Try to get some sleep.

We'll talk again in the morning.

Sorry to interrupt your sleep,

Looks like you're going on
a little vacation after all.

Where are you taking me?

Starbase 53
for further questioning.

Does Captain Sisko
know about this?

It's none of his concern.

Not anymore.

You have no right to do this,

Oh, but I do.

Starfleet Special Order 66715
gives me the authority

to neutralize security threats
to Deep Space 9

by whatever means necessary.

Doctor, you're about to spend
the rest of this w*r

in a maximum-security cell...


you would care to put

your thumbprint
on this confession.

We can reword it if it doesn't
meet your exacting standards.

You can take that confession

and throw it
out of the nearest airlock.

I thought so.

Take him to the shuttle.

Would you put your hands
in front of you, Doctor?

He's beaming out!

Stop him!

Good evening, Doctor.


Welcome home.

It would appear we got
you out just in time.

It's all right.

You're among friends now.

Did they mistreat you?

I don't see any bruises.

Why did you bring me here?

What choice did I have?

Starfleet discovered
you were working for us.

I'm not working for you.

I'm not a Dominion spy.

You actually believe that,
don't you?

That's why you're
such a good operative.

You're lying.

Oh, here we go again.

These little conversations
of ours

always follow
the same pattern:

You start out confused;
then you get angry;

then you deny everything

until finally the walls
inside your mind

start to break down
and you accept the truth.

What truth?

That you broke me
in your prison camp?

We're not barbarians.

There was no t*rture involved.

We simply helped you
to see that there's

no way Starfleet
can defeat the Dominion

and because you didn't want

billions of Federation citizens
to lose their lives needlessly

you agreed to provide us
with information

that would help us
end this w*r quickly.

You rose above
the petty question

of whose side you were on
and made...

a moral decision.

It's not surprising, really.

After all, you are a doctor.

You're saying
that I'm a traitor?

Traitor, hero...

those are just words.

Oh, your friends on Deep Space 9
may vilify you, but history...

will judge you
to be a great man

a visionary
who helped bring an end

to one
of the most devastating wars

the galaxy has ever seen.

I-I don't remember.

I don't remember any of it.

Of course not.

You suppressed the memories-

compartmentalized them.

It's a remarkable ability,
but it does make

these initial conversations
a bit wearing.

Have something to eat.

You always reintegrate better
on a full stomach.

Do you remember
when I first offered you scones?

Back at the camp.



Sensory details are the key.

I had you brought in
from solitary.

You were very hungry,
but you refused to give me

the satisfaction
of seeing you eat.

Do you remember?

I don't remember...

because it never happened!

You were almost there.

Try again.

With a little more effort,
you can break through.

I'm not a Dominion spy!

I can see this is going to be

one of our
more difficult sessions.

I'm innocent. I don't care
what you or Sloan think.

Wait a minute.

Why would you both be trying
to convince me of the same lie


you were working together?

Please, Doctor

listen to yourself.

Sloan's the traitor.

Combat stations.

Enemy ship approaching.


I'm afraid we're going
to have to continue

your debriefing later.

Am I glad to see you.

Away team to the Defiant.
We got him.

I suppose you have
a reasonable explanation

for why the Dominion

broke you out
of that holding cell.

I understand
how this must look, sir.

What did they want?

Weyoun just tried

to convince me
that I was his operative.

I think he and Sloan
are working together.

Now that's enough.

You know you're not going
to exonerate yourself

by casting suspicions
on someone else.

Well, maybe he's not a traitor.

Maybe he's been replaced
by a changeling.

All I'm saying is

that both he and Weyoun
are trying to frame me.

You have run out of excuses,

You have to believe me.

I'm innocent.

I have had enough
of your lies, Doctor.

You can't just dismiss
what I'm saying.

Because if I'm right,
there's no telling

what kind of damage
Sloan can do-

Get him off my Bridge!

Let's go, Doctor.

Jadzia, you believe me,
don't you?

Why did you do it, Julian?

Miles? You?

Your shoulder-

it's all right?

Of course, it's all right.

But you dislocated it
yesterday when...

we were playing springball.

So? It's better now.

You didn't hurt it
playing springball.

You dislocated it kayaking

in a holosuite.

You're not Miles.

And you're not Captain Sisko.

He'd at least be
willing to hear me out.

This isn't real.

It can't be.

You're right, Doctor.

None of it was real.

But I am

and this isn't over.

Congratulations, Doctor.

It's not often
that we're proven wrong.

I take it you finally believe

I'm not working
for the Dominion.

I'm leaning heavily
in that direction

but to erase
any lingering doubts

what do you say we make
one final test?

I've finished playing games
with you, Sloan!

I can assure you, Doctor,
this is no game.

Don't be afraid.

I have no intentions
of hurting you.

I just need to remove an implant
from behind your right ear.

I tell you what.

Why don't you do the honors?

Give it to him.

Go ahead, Doctor.

It's only
a neurosynaptic relay.

You've been recording my
neuro-electric responses.

That's correct.

And now I'd like
to check the findings

in order to confirm
what I already believe-

that you're an innocent man.

Now, either you remove the relay
or we will.

Thank you.

This'll only take a moment.

Take your time.

I don't seem
to be going anywhere.

I'm glad to see your sense
of humor's returning.

That's a very good sign.

Of what?

You're beginning to relax.

We subjected you
to high levels of stress

to ensure accurate test results

and I'm glad to say
the results are in your favor.

Your loyalty to the Federation
appears to be above reproach.

Why do I still detect a hint
of doubt in your voice?

Well, frankly,
I would have preferred

to have kept you under
observation a little longer.

Unfortunately, we didn't know
about Chief O'Brien's injury

or we would have incorporated
that into the program.

So you beamed me
out of my quarters

into this holosuite
when I was asleep.

I believe we allowed you
a full hour.

No wonder I feel so tired.

I suppose you find your subjects
more malleable

when they have been deprived
of sleep.

Not a new technique, I admit

but an effective
one nonetheless.

So... why don't you tell me
who you are?

Who you work for?

I think it's obvious.

The same people you work for-

the Federation... Starfleet.

You don't expect me to believe

you're with Internal
Affairs, do you?

No, of course not.

Internal Affairs is
a competent department

but limited.

So which department
are you with?

Let's just say I belong

to another branch
of Starfleet Intelligence.

Our official designation
is Section 31.

Never heard of it.

We keep a low profile.

Works out better that way
for all concerned.

And what does Section 31 do-

apart from kidnapping
Starfleet officers?

We search out and identify

potential dangers
to the Federation.

And once identified?

We deal with them.



So if I had been
a Dominion agent

what would have
happened to me?

We wouldn't be standing here

having this conversation.

Starfleet sanctions
what you're doing?

We don't submit reports

or ask approval
for specific operations

if that's what you mean.

We're an autonomous department.

Authorized by whom?

Section 31 was part

of the original
Starfleet Charter.

But that was 200 years ago.

Are you telling me
you've been working

on your own ever since?

Without specific orders?

Accountable to nobody
but yourselves?

You make it sound so ominous.

Isn't it?

Because if what you
say to me is true

you function as judge, jury
and executioner, and I think

that's too much power
for anyone.

I admit it takes
exceptional people

to do what we do-

people who can sublimate
their ambitions

to the best interests
of the Federation.

People like you.


You have all the qualifications

to be a very useful
member of Section 31.

A few minutes ago,
you were calling me a traitor.

And now you want to recruit me.

Well, you're intelligent,

You've always been fascinated
by covert operations.

Why else would you spend
so much time

in Quark's holosuites

playing spy?

You're serious.

We're on the same team.

We believe
in the same principles

that every other Federation
citizen holds dear.

And yet you violate
those principles

as a matter of course.

In order to protect them.

Well, I'm sorry

but the ends don't always
justify the means.


How many lives do you
suppose you've saved

in your medical career?

What has that got
to do with anything?

Hundreds? Thousands?

Do you suppose those
people give a damn

that you lied to get
into Starfleet Medical?

I doubt it.

We deal with threats
to the Federation

that jeopardize
its very survival.

If you knew how many lives
we've saved

I think you'd agree that
the ends do justify the means.

I'm not afraid
of bending the rules

every once in a while if
the situation warrants it.

And I don't think
you are either.

You've got the wrong man, Sloan.

I don't think so.

In time, you'll come
to agree with me.

Don't hold your breath.

All I ask is that when you
get back to Deep Space 9

you consider what I've said.

And what if I decide
to expose you?

Let's just say

I'm not going to lose
any sleep over it.

I'll say one thing
for this fellow, Sloan-

he's clever.

He timed the doctor's abduction
to coincide with his trip

to the medical conference.

That way he wasn't missed.

Yes. He's clever.

We went over Julian's quarters,
but we couldn't find

any residual
transporter signatures.

So either they got him
off the station another way

or they have
transporter technology

that we can't detect.

Captain, is there any
word from Starfleet

about Sloan or Section 31?

There's no record
of a Deputy Director Sloan

anywhere in Starfleet.

And as for Section 31

that's a little more

Starfleet Command doesn't
acknowledge its existence

but they don't deny it either.

They simply said they'd look
into it and get back to me.


They didn't say.

That sounds
like a cover-up to me.

I can't believe the Federation
condones this kind of activity.

Personally, I find
it hard to believe

they wouldn't.

Every other great power
has a unit like Section 31.

The Romulans have the Tal Shiar.

The Cardassians had
the Obsidian Order.

But what does that say about us?

When push comes to shove, are we

willing to sacrifice our
principles in order to survive?

I wish I had an answer
for you, Doctor.

Maybe we should
do some checking-

try to track down
this Sloan ourselves.

That won't be easy.

If he's right and
Section 31 has existed

since the birth
of the Federation

they've learned to cover
their tracks very well.

We don't have to find them.

They'll come to us.

You said that Sloan
tried to recruit you.

I turned him down.

He doesn't strike me

as a man who takes "no"
for an answer.

The next time he asks you
to join his little group

you will say "yes. "

Well, congratulations,

Looks like you're going to get
to play a spy after all-

only this time, for real.