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6x01 - Gone Maybe Gone

Posted: 10/20/12 22:13
by bunniefuu
Gossip Girl here your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite.

Blair, I just got invited to the Institute of Arts and Letters' summer artists retreat.

That's incredible! But what could possibly be the problem, besides Rome in August? I need your photographic memory and your passion for social upheaval to help me write the book about the Upper East Side.

My computer's gone.

It's Gosip Girl.

She took it.

After we got the address for tonight, I gave it to Gosip Girl.

I just need you to keep our agreement.

Take down Lily.

You can't hold me responsible for everything bad in your life.

I can because you are.

I want you gone for good.

Pack your things.

Serena, there is no "us" andand now that our parents are splitting up, I never have to see you again.

Do you have what I asked for? What did we bury in that coffin? Starting today, I will be the only Bass in Bass Industries.

All I've done is work to protect your legacy.

And pine after Blair Waldorf.

I'm gonna take over my mother's company, and it can be our future.

You said I always bet against you, but this time I'm all in.

And who am I? That's a secret I'll never tell.

You know you love me.





, Gosip Girl.

Could it be any hotter? It's a good thing you're not fair-skinned.

Otherwise, your summer "Under the Tuscan Sun" would end up under a scalpel, removing a melanoma.

I know it was my idea, but why did I bring you to Italy? I should be at the workshop right now in Rome with all of the other writers, writing.

You shouldn't be creating in a workshop.

You're not an elf.

Besides, how can you possibly be inspired inside? But here, on the other hand, if you're really looking for payback, then what better place to knock the Upper East Side out of the dark ages than in the cradle of the renaissance itself? Da Vinci, Galileo, Humphrey Underwood? Oh, Dio mio.

Have you learned nothing? Technology means hackers.

We're going old school.

Don't just stand there.

Start typing.

Oh, grazie.

I'm parched.

You'll get yours when I get mine.

Real names this time.

No holding back.

Everyone gets exposed.

The naked truth.

Faster! Faster! Faster! Could this take any longer? I'm gonna ride this thing all night long.

I hate trains.

Excuse me.

Can you, like, move your leg? My God! Do that again.

What's the rush? We've got all the time in the world.

Welcome back, Upper East Siders.

Call me superstitious, but I've got a feeling this fall could be my last season.

Let's face it.

I've been at this a long time.

But age breeds wisdom, and this I know the best is yet to come.

You both look so relaxed.

Hamptons good for the soul, huh? Well, yes, the Hamptons were lovely, but nothing compares to the Seychelles, where Bart and I renewed our vows.

Which was restorative.

But our time with Eric off the African coast was the highlight.

Have you heard from Mr.

Chuck? Well, we're hoping Charles used his summer to relax as much as we have.

Well, I'm sure as soon as he sees what happy couple you are, happy family won't be far behind.

I'm not so sure.

Look at all this.

It'll take weeks to get through.

I thought Serena was keeping the apartment in order.

Well, that was the deal.

And since she's been ignoring my texts, our primary mode of communication, I assumed she was taking care of it.

Vanya? When is Serena gonna be back? Miss Serena? I haven't seen her all summer.

I really appreciate you taking the time to meet with me.

Yeah, well, it's nice to have someone else asking the questions for a change.

Plus Professor Peiser taught my favorite journalism class at Columbia.

Well, clearly it worked.

I mean, look how successful you are.

Well, we're about to find out.

I think it's really brave, you deciding to run "The Spectator" on your own.

No investors, no partners, no safety net.

Wait, are you here to freak me out or write a paper onon my paper? Sorry.

I'm just impressed.

I wouldn't be going it alone if I didn't think I could succeed.

And I have a story on the horizon I know is gonna secure the company's future.

You wouldn't happen to want to give Professor Peiser's class an exclusive? Uh, no.

But I like your initiative, and if we're still in business by the time you graduate maybe I'll interview you for a job.

Lily, hey.

How are you? Uh, Serena? No, I haven't heard from her all summer.

I assumed she was somewhere between Tulum and the Turks and Caicos.

Well, hey, hey, hey.

Don'tdon't worry about it.

Serena's disappeared on us before, but we always find her, and she's always fine.



I am well aware of the deadlines, mother.

You don't need to put any more pressure on me.

The stress is making my hair fall out in clumps.

Thank God for this chapeau.

If the Olsen twins can build a fashion empire bossing around pattern drafters, then so can I.

Oh, I have to go.

Someone I actually want to speak to just walked up.

A bientot, maman.

Bonjour, ma cherie.

Ca va, Jean Pierre? How was your meeting? Good.

Now that it's over, I can be here with you.

You Frenchmen.

Must be why I always come back to Paris.

Your mother again? I actually wish it was.

It's my friend Nate.

Someone we know is missing.


What happened? Who can say? She does it all the time.

I'm sure it's nothing.

You don't sound convinced.

When was the last time you saw her? When I kicked her out of my apartment and told her my life would be better off without her in it.

It appears she got the message.

What are you going to do? Exactly what needs to be done set some more meetings with buyers, look at the latest sketches, contact the textile mill to see if they can move up production dates.

You don't have to take all this down.

You're not my assistant.


But I do care about you, which is why I'm booking you a ticket back to New York.

That's where you need to be right now.

For your friend.

First class? Bulkhead by the window.


De rien.

Did this really happen, you and Serena? On the bar of the Campbell apartment.

Every dirty detail exactly as it occurred.

Not that.

The part where you guys get it on is "Fifty Shades of Boring".

No offense.

After that, when you realized that she had a sex tape.

She said she erased it, but did you actually see her do it? No.

I-I don't know.

I mean, she said she would.

I'm sure she did.

So she might still have it.

Are you going to answer that? No.

It's Blair again, and I know you might not believe this, but I'd rather listen to you than Blair and her excuses for dumping me.

Dan, finally! Thank you for picking up.

I know you've been dodging my calls all summer, but I talked to Nate, and no one knows where Serena is.

I thought you two might be together, hating me.

Are you with her? Hello, Blair.


I should've known it was you from the sound of that disdainful silence.

Now I don't even want to know why you are picking up n's phone, but please put him on so I can speak to him.

This is serious.

No one has seen Serena for months.

Not even Gosip Girl has posted about her.

And what could be worse than that? Always good catching up, Blair.


Wait! No! No! Okay, change of venue.

What? Why? What did Blair say? There's a new ending for your book, if we can find Serena before anyone else does.

I don't understand what we're doing here, Chuck.

Neither do I.

But I'm trying to find out.

This was the last project my father worked on before he How do I put this delicately? Faked died.

He said he was in Miami, but he was here in Dubai with you.

As his translator.

And I already told you everything I know.

Look, I pored over all the records when I took over Bass Industries, and there was nothing about a project in Dubai.

And I know a view this breathtaking would've taken up my father's time and interest.

Once again, Chuck, I wish I could help.

When your father walked away from this, I lost out, too.

I'm not sure what else I can do.

Maybe you can translate for me.

Do you speak unstable psychopath? Hello, Georgina.

To what do I owe the displeasure? From all around the world, our favorite Upper East Siders are asking the same question.

But I couldn't care less.

Serena Van Der Woodsen is dead.

At least to me.

Spotted at J.



and Teterboro our favorite U.



ers returning home.

What motivated this sudden flurry of transatlantic travel? Could it be a certain passport that didn't get stamped this summer? No, her passport's here.

It was in a box with her other things.

So let's focus our efforts closer to home.

Thank you, officer.


You didn't have to come home But I am so glad you did.

Of course.

And you're not alone.

Amira Abbar.


Amira's a new friend.

We met in Dubai.

Beautiful city.

With beautiful women.

I'm Bart Bass.

Son, I trust your summer was relaxing.

Indeed, father.

Nothing like travel to clear the mind.

I found Dubai fascinating.

Such a forward-looking city, yet so many links to the past.

It's true.

I showed Chuck all my favorite spots.

Usually, Chuck can find a woman's favorite spot all by himself.

Blair, you're back, and you brought a friend.

And who's your mystery guest? I was just introducing her.

Where were we? Just leaving.

Got a couple things to clear up at the office.

Yes, I'm gonna head out with you.

I have one more place to check for Serena.

Nice to meet you.

Amira, I'll meet you at the hotel.

Uh, yes.

You can drop her off on your way to my mother's.

I think there's jam on the steering wheel.

Consider yourself lucky if it's just jam.

I don't know how much time you've spent around babies Only yours, when you were pretending he was mine.

Constant pooping, food throwing, random explosions out of every orifice babies are nauseating.

Not that I don't love being a mother.

Just not as much as going on secret missions with me.

A woman shouldn't have to choose.

So wait, who who were you texting when Philip dropped the van off? 'Cause I think I was the last person to see Serena, and I have no clue where she is.

Yes, but you forget that I've known S.

since ninth grade.

And whenever she hits a road bump in life, inevitably she reaches for a bump of a different kind.

And her favorite provider is Damien Dalgaard.

You really think Serena's on dr*gs? Well, hopefully, or clinically insane.

Either would be a great ending for your book.

What? Poughkeepsie's known for three things.

I highly doubt that S.

is enrolled at Vassar, and she's certainly not signed for a taste testing at the Culinary Institute.

Which leaves? Where we're headed.

The Hudson River State Mental Hospital.

Swear to me that nothing is going on between you and Amira.

When I saw you two together, I thought you'd reneged on the promise we made.


She's a w*apon against my father.

That's all.

They were involved in some off-the-record business deal.

I brought her back to rattle him.

Oh, she was his translator? Well, you've always expressed admiration for women who are good with tongues.

She's very pretty.

No prettier than your Jean Pierre.

As head of your Public Relations, does he know how much you enjoy relations in public? You two seem close.

Well, he's been my constant companion since I returned to Paris.

Focusing on work has made it easier to be away from you.

If I had known it would be this difficult going our separate ways, I would never have agreed.

Well, we had to come to some kind of an agreement or we never would've left that hotel room in Monte Carlo.

And We have much to do.

But like I said in the casino, I'm all in.

My bet's on us.


What are you doing here? I thought you and Bart were circling the globe in an 80-foot yacht.

Well, the yacht was 110 feet, and most people who've actually been on one call it a boat.

I assume you didn't come all the way to Brooklyn to tell me that.


I didn't come here to tell you anything.

I came here to ask.

Have you seen Serena? She's missing, and I thought she might've sought out Dan.

Well, Dan's in Italy, and I haven't seen or heard from Serena.

Oh, really? Is that why her sweater's here? Rufus, you have reached an all-time low.

I mean, first, you let her hide here and then you lie to me, right to my face.

That's not Serena's sweater.

It's mine.

What is going on here? Ivy's been staying here.

Here? With you? Lily, could I get you a glass of water? You don't look well.

I assure you I am quite all right.

Unlike you.

There's nothing wrong with Rufus.

He saved me.

After I tore up your check you wrote me, I had nothing.

I was on the verge of doing something desperate, and Rufus opened his home to me, gave me a second chance.

I don't know why it matters to you, but she's sleeping in Dan's room.

It doesn't matter to me.

None of it does.

My daughter is missing.

God knows what happened to her.

And I don't know why she would ever think of coming here.

This is all clothes and toiletries.

We're never gonna discover Serena's secrets in her loofah.

She never kept a day planner, maybe an address book that might have some names in it? Serena's life is on her cell phone, and it seems to be the only thing she has with her.

Still nothing from Gosip Girl? I checked.

Her last post on Serena was in the spring, the day she moved out.

Well, yeah, just because she hasn't written about Serena doesn't mean she doesn't know anything about her.

You do have a personal correspondence with our poison pen pal.


Well, when I heard from Lily, it was the first thing I tried.

Gosip Girl didn't give me anything.

Nate, you have to convince her.

Haven't you ever seen a Hitchcock movie or watched "Dateline"? There's only so many ways this goes kidnap/ransom, t*rture/m*rder, or brainwash/cult.

Okay, Blair, we get it.

No, you don't.

We both know that Serena is quite capable of hurting herself.

But This time, I'm afraid I hurt her, too.

There is one more thing I can try.

Anything, please.

If you have a card, now's the time to play it.

It's okay.

We'll find her.

Looks like N.

is about to save the day.

But we'll see if he can still save his friend.

And that way, we could take advantage of the natural light.

What do you think? Earth to Rufus.

Have you heard one thing I've said? Oh, yeah.


Um, "Earth to Rufus.

" That's a really cool name for a solo record, by the way.

Admit it.

Lily's visit upset you, not just because something could've happened to Serena, but because Lily would think there was something going on between us.

All you've done is been a good person.

What I've done is dragged you from one potential art gallery to another.

I mean, if you have to see one more polished concrete floor It was fun.

And it was worth it, finding this place.

Look, I'll call the agent, and I'll tell him you'll take it, and I'll go pick up the keys.

I can't let you do all that.

You can and you will, because you're gonna be too busy helping Lily.

Well, I guess I was Serena's dad longer than anyone else.

Which is why you should go.

Thanks, Ivy.

And, um If there are any problems with that realtor There won't be.

I've got this.

Trust me.


You've reached Lola.

Leave a message.

Lola, hi.

It's Ivy.

So congrats on booking a TV series.

NBC, huh? It's very impressive.

Well, whatever acting you have going on over there has nothing on my performance.

Rufus Humphrey he's easy on the eyes and even easier to manipulate.

Call me.

All right, so we're not too far from where Gosip Girl said she is.

What makes you so sure we're not being led on a wild goose chase, Nathaniel? I mean, Gosip Girl is only slightly less trustworthy than, say, Georgina sparks or Me.

You know, you could at least pretend you're relieved that Serena wasn't institutionalized.

Any disappointment you're sensing is not because the mental hospital was a dead end.

It stems from the fact that you and I missed out on a real opportunity.

Empty hospital bed, soundproof rubber walls No, no, no, no, no.

You stop right there before I start chugging this premium unleaded.

I paid a serious price for Serena's location.

I was gonna break a major story.

I had surveillance video that could've led me to the identity of Gosip Girl.

Unmasking Gosip Girl? That's a major media coup.

I-I can't imagine a better way to relaunch "The Spectator.

" Yeah, well, you're gonna have to.

I traded the whole story to find out where Serena is.

I don't understand.

It's noble and selfless.

Of course you don't.

You put your whole venture at risk.

Hey, if it helps Serena, it's worth it.

Come on, Humphrey.

I can go undercover as a patient.

You could be my orderly.

Something about mental hospitals really just Gets me going.

Yeah, it's because you're insane.

I say we turn around right now to go home and pretend nod of this ever happened.

Start the car now, Dan.

We have to see what this odyssey can do in an open road.

And I'd say 40, 45 max.
Why? What's the sudden rush? That limo is Chuck's.

I memorized the license plate.

I knew he and Blair knew where Serena was.

Damien was right all along.

We have to get there before they do.

Serena recouping in rehab is much less interesting than a full-on slut spiral.

That's a heartwarming tale, but whywhy would you just assume that Chuck is with Blair anyway? No, hey! Georgina, wait a second.

Wait a second.

You gotta hold up.

What are you doing? Get in! Open thestop the car.

So the place we're going to doesn't look like it's on an actual road.

So she's literally off the map.

Well, whatever backwoods town we're headed to, it can't be good.

Serena is not country strong.

Yeah, well, we're gonna have to be for her.

Can you turn right here, please? We need to go west.

What the hell's going on?! What are we doing? Sabotage.

Georgina sparks.

With Humphrey in tow.

Hey, guys.

Nice day for a drive, huh? Don't talk to them.

Let's go.


W-where are you going and what are you doing with her? Probably the same thing you're doing with him.

Saving Serena? No.

Finding Serena.

And since you're going to be following us, I'm going to have you to follow my lead as well.

Which means what, exactly? Do nothing.

Whatever Serena is doing, we can't get involved.

We're there to observe and record, like a documentary.

This isn't a reality show, sparks.

This is reality, a concept I know you're a little fuzzy on.

So whatever filth-filled, paint-huffing meth den we find Serena cracked out in, we don't judge.

We're still her friends no matter what.

We're her family.

Oh, aren't you just the kindest, nicest little trust fund babies in the whole world? But when it comes to what Serena's capable of, I think you'll find it's nothing like what you imagined.

I can't argue with you there.

I would just like to point out that most serial K*llers are high-functioning members of society who lead a double life.

She could be trapped in the basement or buried in the backyard.

Good idea, Georgina.

Why don't you grab a shovel and start digging? There'sthere's gotta be an explanation for all this.

Can I help you? I believe you can.

We're looking for our friend Serena.


Legs for days.

Effortless charisma that only someone far less secure than I am would find threatening.

And I'm the weird one? I believe you mean Sabrina? I think someone's about to toss her cookies.

And the only thing more disturbing than finding her on dr*gs or in a psych ward is seeing her happy and healthy.

Who wants that? What the hell are you doing here? Uh, looking for you.

To observe and record.


We're here to help you.

And get you home.

And, uh, I don't even know what I'm doing here.

Can't you see there's a party going on and you're not invited? Crashing parties is one of our favorite pastimes.

Especially when it involves infiltrating a sophisticated yet deadly cult.

Now which one is the charismatic leader? Please leave before it's too late.

Sabrina! Sabrina.

Too late.

Sabrina, you didn't tell me you invited friends.

That is so Sabrina.

Oh, she loves surprises.

She has so many surprises, you could write a book about 'em.

Where to end that book is the challenge.

I hope you don't mind us dropping by.


Nice to meet you.

And of course not.

The more, the merrier on this special day.

Please, stay and be a part of it.

Oh, yes, Steven.

I think we will.

Why don't we get my friends some drinks then? Okay.

I know I'm not exactly a welcome houseguest these days, but we shouldn't let our recent history overshadow our past.


I appreciate it.

How could I have thought it was okay to go all summer without actually talking to my own daughter? Whatever this is, Lil, isn't your fault.

And why should I believe that? Because that's what you told me when Jenny ran away, and she was much younger and crazier, with much heavier eye makeup than Serena.

We raised good girls.

Unpredictable, sure.

Try reckless, defiant.

Spirited, independent.

Not unlike their parents at that age.

Oh, God.

Who can remember back that far? I can, and seeing the way her mom turned out, I have every confidence that Serena will be okay.

Well, look, I'm sorry about earlier.

I shouldn't have stormed out like that.

I had no right.

I should've known you wouldn't be attracted to someone like you know Ivy.

So sorry to interrupt, but, um, I just came from the gallery, and, uh, look.

We got it.

I was justI was so excited.

I couldn't wait! It's what we dreamed about all summer.

Well played, Rufus.

You butter me up, remind me how great you can be, only to have your little tramp show up here and throw whatever this is in my face.

Lily, hold on.

Is it any wonder our children are still so immature with such role models for parents? Don't say anything you're gonna regret.

I have no regrets, Rufus, only that I let you in my home today.

I'm already leaving.

You know, I know you're really worried about Serena, but you should try to relax your face.

You're getting some very pronounced frown lines.


This is so much worse than we thought.

Because you're here? I agree.

What makes you say that? It's a nice house.

He seems like a nice guy.

Look at this.

Trellis, chairs, pastor.

This is a wedding.

And Serena was wearing a white dress! Either she's the bride, or she's just really tacky.

I told you.

She's obviously had a psychotic break.

Serena's taken too many happy pills, and now she think she's Sabrina from Dan's book.

That actually sounds vaguely plausible.

Or today's the day of the cult sacrifice, and since I don't see any volcanoes in the area, I wonder if they're burning her at the stake.

And then you lost me.

Whatever is going on, we can't let her marry this guy.

Time for a plan.

Okay, well, Lily was really worried this morning, so I should at least call her and let her know we found Serena.

And I can reach out to the Ostroff Center, have them ready Serena's old bed just in case.

And Humphrey and I will try to get her alone.

We're the closest to her, the best chance of breaking through.

Aren't you forgetting someone? Trying to.

Fear not.

I've seduced a man of the cloth before.

I can do it again.

This wedding cannot happen.

Blair, why don't you go find Serena on your own? You know, I'm really not up for a super secret mission, especially with you.

I'm not even here to help.

Georgina just dragged me along so I could, you know, oh.


What is wrong with you? Uh, aside from the fact that my face now hurts? You know what, Blair? You chose Chuck.

I don't owe you an explanation.

Good luck.

In here, Chuck.

Wrong Bass, my dear.

What are you doing here? I came here to ask you the same question.

So is Chuck using you, or are you using him? What goes on between Chuck and me is none of your business.

You better hope your relationship has nothing to do with business, because so help me, if you've told him anything about mine.

I haven't.


But that could always change.

Chuck is very persuasive.

Takes after his father in more ways than one.

What do you want to leave town with your mouth shut? You think you can just buy my silence? I can buy anything.

It's one of the chief perks of being really rich.

$10 million.

Everything okay? You seem a little nervous.


Yeah, no.

It's just a lot of pressure, and I want everything to be perfect.

So But when do I get to see you alone? That's all I care about.

Not soon enough.

Although, I, uh, imagine you wanna spend some time with your friends.

So are they from Vassar or did you, uh, grow up with them in Wisconsin? Uh, Wisconsin.

And I'mI'm so sorry I didn't tell you that I invited them.

It just must've slipped my mind with all this going on.

No, it's okay.

It's okay.

I'll see you out there.


Wisconsin? Seriously? Do you even know where that is on a map? What I do know is, you told me you never wanna see me again, and then you show up here, today of all days, when I'm finally happy with someone I actually care about? Cares about you or Sabrina from Madison who goes to Vassar? Georgina's right.

You really are delusional.

I'm not gonna let you ruin this.

Serena, I have no intention of ruining your big day.

I hope you do marry this guy.

Frankly, it would be the kind of desperate, attention-seeking stunt that would prove you're every bit as shallow and sad as the character in my book, so Okay, I deserved that one.


Wait, marry him? How'd it go? Humphrey and I split up.

I didn't find Serena, so hopefully he did.

You? The Ostroff Center's on alert, though apparently now it's called the Pedowitz Institute.

Great news.

You'll never guess what I found.

Looks like Nate Archibald to me.

After I talked to Lily, I found her rooting around Serena's bathroom.

Not rooting.


And all for a good reason.

The only thing you were supposed to be doing was getting between that man and his cloth.

He's protestant.

I do my best work with Catholics.

Thank God I'm an atheist.


Now this wedding is gonna happen unless we find Serena, which requires us finding Dan.

Well, that might be easier than you think.

Could I have everyone's attention, please? Sabrina, would you would you join me? Tell them, please.

Of course.

Okay, so Serena explained everything Explained what? That's she's never been happy in her whole life and she found true love for the very first time? Please.

in life, which is why I'mI'm so glad that you all could be here for this special moment.

And to have the love of my life by my side.

So let's, uh, let's all raise a glass No! No! We will raise nothing! You cannot marry her.

You don't even know her! Blair, please.

Her name isn't Sabrina either.

It is Serena.

Serena Van Der Woodsen! And that's not all.

What are you doing? I've got this.

Public humiliation's really more my forte.

Sabrina/Serena has a history of mental imbalance, drug use, and promiscuity.

That's right.

She's got a rap sheet and a snuff film.

Yeah, and we have contacted a psychiatric care center who has agreed to take her into custody.

k*ll me now.

Hey! What are you doing down there?! Wait.

Who are the two angry guys in matching hats? They're the grooms.

That's what I was trying to say.

This is not Serena's wedding.

Will someone tell me what's going on here? Why are the maid of honor's friends ruining David and David's wedding? I know I have some explaining to do.

But can we talk, just the two of us, please? No.

No one goes anywhere.

No more lies.

I have proof that you're on dr*gs.

I found these in your bathroom.

Yeah, those are vitamins.


Like we're supposed to believe that.

Steven makes them.

He has a holistic health company.


You're Steven Spence.

I saw you speak at the T.



conference last year.

I told you I was fine.

Actually, no, you didn't.


Dan is right.

You fell off the face of the earth without a word.

But isn't that what you wanted? You kicked me out of your house.

You said you have no reason to ever speak to me again.

And, what, you two were too busy doing whatever it is you do to even send a text? I spent the summer in the middle east, dealing with something relating to my father.

It's serious.

Well, and so am I about turning my life around.

Wait a second.

Blair, you two spent the summer apart? I started my summer on a train, being revived by paramedics.

Mouth-to-mouth on public transportation? Yeah, I'd say that's rock bottom.

Yeah, I would, too, which is why I wanted to start fresh without any of you.

As for why I pretended to be someone else, well, I-I think that explains itself.

Serena! I don't believe you.

Well, I'm not gonna let her just charge off without No, not Serena.


That you chose Chuck, I don't like it, but I begrudgingly accept it.

Dan, please don't do this.

But then I find out that you're not even with him.

I am with him, or at least I will be.

We made a pact.

We have things we need to do on our own.

But when we are both in that next place, we will be together for food.

End of story.

So I didn't lose you to Chuck.

I lost you to the idea of Chuck, at some point in the hopefully not-to-distant future, maybe? Well, when you put it that way You know, you had someone who loved you unconditionally, treated you right, and wanted to be with you every day, and then you threw that all away to let Chuck Bass decide when he's ready for you? You think you two have an epic love, but all you have are excuses.

I have to go find Serena.

I'm sorry I came to Lily's.

I never meant to cause any problems.

Lily thinks what she wants.

It's always the worst, especially about me.

Well, she's wrong.

I probably shouldn't be saying this, but I'm glad you got away from her.

She doesn't appreciate you.

Never did.

You know, if you have such a poor opinion of Lily, then Why was it so important for you to get close to her? I realize now she's not the one I wanna be close to.

You're the good one, and you care about other people.

And I think that's why she's so threatened by me.

I see the real you, and I don't think she deserves you.

That's an interesting theory.

I think it's more than that.

Ivy It's okay.

I'm not a kid.

You're not married.

Why are you still here? You didn't think I was leaving without you? Or without saying I'm sorry.

Because I am, Serena.

Thinking that I really lost you made me regret every horrible thing I've ever said to you.

Well, that's a lot of regret.

However complicated our friendship got, I shouldn't have let it go.

I shouldn't have let you go.




" means "best friend forever," right? Well, maybe it's time to admit that We're stuck with each other.

I appreciate the kind words, andand I know that they're hard coming from you, but I don't want to be stuck with you.

I want a fresh start with Steven.


If that's how you want it, stay here.

You can have Poughkeepsie.

Hell, you can even have Schenectady, but I get Manhattan.

Have a nice life.

Poor B.

Looks like she just got dumped by the love of her life, and we're not talking about Chuck or Dan.

The two of us alone in your limo? You're really tempting fate.

You know that? Unless that's your intention, of course.

We're both back in New York, doing what we need to do.

Maybe our pact is just an excuse for us not to be together.

Blair, I love you with all my heart, and that is the reason we cannot take the chance of messing this up.


Because what would your father think if you failed? That I distracted you.

That you sacrificed your empire for me.

Blair, you are a distraction, because when we're together you're all I think about.

And I would give up my empire for you.

I would give up everything for you.

After a couple nights in Monte Carlo, I lost track of all time.

We were exhausted and starving.

I think I had an actual fever.

But that's not why we need to do this, and neither to prove a point to my father.

Then what? In the past, I blamed my mistakes on you, and Bart was right on that count.

It's the boy who blames the girl, not the man, and that's what I want to be with you.

It won't be much longer, I promise.

Arthur, pull over.


What are you doing? This is your limo.

I need to walk it off.

Hey, sage.


Sorry for dropping in after hours, but I was walking by and I saw that your office light was on.


No, you, uh, you justyou thought of more questions, huh? Only one.

Would you like to have a drink with me? Yeah.

I could use a drink, actually.

Bad news on your big story? Real bad.

What's old is new again.

I may not have much time left, but some things are forever.

Since you know who I am, I thought it was time that you see where I'm from.

That explains why you didn't want to come back to the city and stay at my place.

I'm just on the other side of the park.

You know, all that time away, I didn't realize how much I missed it.

But now that I'm back and I'm with you, New York has never seemed more perfect.

The promise of love No one can ruin this, no matter how hard they're gonna try.

The threat of w*r And the fall of the mighty.


It's late.

I thought you would be in your own suite.

Your father gave it to me to keep quiet.

About what? For that amount of money, you must know a hell of a secret.

I swear I don't know what it is, but I wanted to stick around to find out.

That was a waste of time.

All that driving and wedding crashing and public humiliation, and still no Serena.

What's worse, still no ending to your book.

Serena still has her cell phone.

I just know that video has to be on it.

I guess we'll never know 'cause Serena's not coming back, and you're not going looking for her again.

Something to hide, Humphrey? If memory serves, that video should make you a star.

Or is it that you just don't want Blair to see? Can youcan you, can you just drop it, please? Why are you even walking me to my door? I'm not kissing you good night.


I' call you tomorrow.

And just because I've seen it all doesn't mean I've seen everything.

And I gotta say, no one saw this one coming.

You may think my best days are behind me, but this old girl still has some new tricks.

Stay tuned.





, Gossip Girl.