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02x20 - Allies

Posted: 01/16/23 16:07
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis...

Hello, Michael.

Do you remember me?

I don't even know who I am.

I get the feeling like they
know something, something they're not telling me.

He's not...


I'm a Wraith!

I'm returning to what I was.

There are Wraith nearby.

Not only has our dear lieutenant's rejoined the Wraith,
but he's taken with him the knowledge
that Atlantis still exists.

They will send another wave of hive ships.

We found a sister ship to the Aurora

called the...


All chairs and seatbacks into
your upright and locked positions.

Be advised,
we have detected a hive ship heading towards Atlantis.

All of my people have been
safely relocated to the City.

Did everything go smoothly?

Yeah, they're pretty used to it, back and forth,
by now. Have you picked up any of their contacts?


Negative, Ma'am.

Scans are still clear.
It looks like it's just the one hive ship.

And our cloak?

Up and running. All readings are in the green.


Colonel Caldwell, are you in position?

Affirmative. We're out of scanning range and
ready to jump into position on your go-ahead.


Just for the record, I still think that we should be
in orbit around Atlantis, ready to open up on
that hive ship the second it comes out of hyperspace.

It's one hive, Colonel, which suggests they
might just be checking up on us. There's no
need to confirm our presence if we don't have to.

Just stand by.

Standing by.

Colonel Sheppard, how goes it on your end?

Well, we're out of sensor range
and all that, but whether or not we're
ready to fight is a whole another story.

Getting this ship up and running
in under a month is a miracle.

Do we start the beatification now or later?

Rodney, if the hive opens up on us,
I want Orion's drones.

Which means we're gonna need
the hyperdrive to get in position.

Which means we'll need shields,
which means you want everything!

- I like everything! Can we do it or not?
- Well, don't get up!



Jump into position.


Release the drones.

Probably not.

Well, it's pointless to get
in position if we can't fire.

You know,

let's talk about it for a really long time,
that'll help for sure.

Rodney's doing everything inhumanly
possible to be ready.

I have a contact.

Atlantis, report?

It's going into geosynchronous orbit.

Hasn't armed any of its weapons.

If they do, I want you to switch from cloak to shield
as quickly as possible. Don't wait for my order.

Yes, Ma'am.

You could be a little more chatty, Elizabeth.

I'm sorry, I was just waiting
for them to make the next move.

Transmitting a signal, audio only.

Put it on speaker.

We know you are there.

We mean you no harm.

Please respond.

John, are you hearing this?

It's repeating again.

We mean you no harm.

There is no point in hiding, Doctor Weir.

We know you are there.

We mean you no harm.

Please respond.

Is that who I think it is?

He's addressing me by name.

I think we can assume it's Michael.

- You don't actually intend to respond?
- Why not?

Where do you want me to start?

I think we can safely say our cover is blown.

I wouldn't jump to that conclusion.

The message is from Michael, Colonel.

They know we're here.

- But they don't know exactly where we are.
- He's right.

Answer them, and we guarantee
the first shot won't miss.


Any attempt on my part to connect
with Michael will confirm our location
as surely as if you answer by radio.

I recommend you open a secure channel
to the hive via the Daedalus.

That way they won't be able
to pinpoint Atlantis' position.

We can always turn the shield on.

And I believe we have enough combined
firepower to take out a single hive if we need to.

Have you ever heard of a Wraith behaving this way?


Nor have I.


Let's hear what they have to say.

Rodney and I have set up the subspace relay to

go through the Daedalus, and I've been able
to configure our systems to handle both
their audio and video frequencies. So,

we should be able to see and hear them live.

They want to know what's taking so long.

Open the channel.

Hello, Michael.

Why the long delay?

We needed to take a few precautions
before contacting you.

I'm sure you understand why.

I said we would not harm you.

Well, excuse me for not taking you at your word.

You wanted to talk, we're listening.

Go ahead.

Over two years ago,

every hive ship in this galaxy

emerged from hibernation prematurely.

We thought a new,
rich feeding ground had been discovered.



locating your planet

and uncovering an effective means
of transportation to get there

has proven... quite difficult.

Well, I can't say I'm sad to hear that.

For the first time since the dawn of our race,

there are too few of your kind
to feed the waking Wraith.

This has resulted in civil w*r.

Hives are forming alliances

and the strong are attacking the weak.

Which are you?

Our goals are not dissimilar, Dr. Weir.

You would like to eliminate the Wraith as a threat?

I find that hard to believe.

We would like you to give us Dr. Beckett's retrovirus.

If we were able to distribute it

among the rival Wraith hives in sufficient quantity,

this would both render them helpless

and provide us

with an alternative food source.

Those Wraith would become humans.

On the surface, perhaps.

As a sign of good faith,
I am sending you our jamming codes.

This program was established and
distribute before the civil w*r broke out,

so we assume all the hive ships are still using it.

By figuring out how to bypass

or disable this program,

you would be able to beam your nuclear
weapons aboard any of our ships

whenever you so please.

We are willing to help you achieve this

if you help us.

They're sending a data burst.

Download it to a non-networked, firewalled computer.

Yes, Ma'am.

I'm sure you'll want to recall all the ships you had
lying in wait for us and discuss this with your people.

We will await your reply.


should you make an attempt to destroy us,

we will alert every Wraith in this galaxy
to the fact that Atlantis is still very much intact.

I'm sure you wouldn't want that.

Well, I think it's safe to say that if they were going
to attack us, they would have done it by now.
They let the Daedalus land without incident.

And you're sure they don't know about the Orion?

I ordered Lorne to park her
just outside of sensor range.


this is incredible!

I can't believe they actually sent this over so freely.

If I can figure out how to break through this program,
which is, well, as you know, pretty likely,

we could nuke any hive ship that we came across.

- Including Michael's?
- Well, it might take a couple of tries the first time.

Long enough to tell the rest
of the Wraith we're still around.

If they really are willing to let
me run tests on their ship...

I mean, this is...

an amazing opportunity, Elizabeth.

An amazing opportunity?

Well, think about it.

This is essentially our idea.

We created the retrovirus in order to do
exactly what they're proposing we do.

What's the downside?

I mean, other than that fact that
we'd be working with the Wraith.

Isn't that enough?

It would mean at least something good
came of our experiment with Michael.

I am not sure we have a choice.

It appears they have kept our existence a secret,

but if we do not help...

There is that.

Carson, I know you've been working
on the weaponization of the retrovirus.

How close are you?

We're close.

It still needs work,

but we're close.


What do you think?

Let's do it.


Sheppard said it himself...

it's our idea.

I just thought you of all people...

Hey, if they want our help k*lling other Wraith,
that's one kind of help I'm happy to provide.


So, we're going to do this.

I'll accept the offer.



Something tells me you don't
think this is such a good idea.

As I said, I do not believe we have a choice.

But a good idea is still a good idea.

I voiced my concern about this plan to change the
Wraith into humans prior to the experiment on Michael.

And we convinced you.

No, Colonel.

I chose to place my trust in you.

There's a difference.

Look, it's not like we're setting out
to create a bunch of Michaels here.

No, we are creating a food source for other Wraith.

Instead of us, which is the part
I am fine with, by the way.

I guess I just want you to be fine with it, too.

If this is the full extent of their plan...

What do you mean?

They are Wraith.

This is Escort 2. We have a visual on the Wraith
scout ship and are entering formation with Escort 5.

I got to tell you, when I woke up this morning,
I honestly didn't think this would be happening.

God, I hope we're doing the right thing.


I'm Dr. Elizabeth Weir.

Welcome to Atlantis.

My people are willing to work
with some of your scientists,

but no more than three Wraith will be
allowed on this base at any given time.

You will be subjected to extensive searches
that we we'll perform at random intervals.

If any harmful materials or
weapons are found on your,

your fellow Wraith,

we'll consider it an act of aggression
and immediately destroy your ship.

- We are also monitoring all of your transmissions.
- All we want is the retrovirus.

It is the key to ending a civil w*r
that could go on for centuries.

Impose whatever conditions you wish.

Let us begin.

Aside from a slight
refinement since we last used it on,

well, on

the one we called Michael.

Do you have names?

What shall I call you?

What shall I call him?

Well, I suppose in the end it
really doesn't matter, does it?


Where was I?

- We were just getting to dissemination.
- Yes, yes. Thank you.


when disseminating an aerosolized medicine
such as the retrovirus, one needs to take in

a number of different considerations...

proximity to patient,

particle size,

ventilation pattern,

- airway architecture, dosage...
- You have turned it into a gas?


An aerosol gas.

On Earth, we would normally use a technique
called aerodynamic dissemination,

but because of the problems of doing
that inside, say, like, a Wraith hive ship,

we have attempted various styles
of thermal dissemination.

- expl*sives?
- expl*sives. Yes, yes.

The problem with an expl*sive delivery system is that,

because the drug is now an aerosol,

a third of the tests ignited the medication,

rendering it useless.

They call it flashing.

Long ago, we experimented with gas weapons.

We found them most difficult
to use in outer-atmosphere combat.

When fired into an enemy vessel, the w*apon caused
expl*sive decompression in the targeted compartment.

We had thought of that, yes,

but if you want to affect a

large population simultaneously,

an aerosol gas is really the only way to go.

Now we have to figure out a way to get
it into your enemies' hive ship.


We will.

It's pretty interesting stuff.

I think I've learned more about Wraith technology
in the last hour than I have in the past two years.

Oh, come on.

I understand you're an Asgard and everything, but
even you've got to feel a bit of an adrenaline buzz.

My body does not possess the adrenal gland
that produces epinephrine in your system,

and even if I did,

I would not be as easily impressed.

I get it, I get it... you think you're smarter
than I am. Are you ready to go or not?

I have been for some time.

This is McKay.

Get me an open channel to the hive.

You're live.

Go ahead.

This is Dr. Rodney McKay
aboard the Earth ship Daedalus.

We would like... with your permission,

to begin attempting to beam an innocuous canister
onto your ship while you are actively jamming.

We're hoping, through trial and error, that we can


disarm or

break the code.

May we proceed?

You may begin, Dr. McKay.

Okay. Thank you. Thank you.

That was weird.

Shall we?

Hello, Michael.

It seemed right to come back here.

And to see you.

Thank you for coming.

You didn't have to bring him.

I insisted.

The last time I saw you,

I really was going to feed on you...

but it was not a matter of choice.

It was...


That is what you have come here to say?

You have given me a very rare
perspective among the Wraith.

Few of us have ever come to know
the humans we are going to feed on as...

anything more than a means to survive.

And still,

I would do what I had to do.

But what you

- did to me...
- We did the same.

- To survive.
- I thought you were trying to help me.

What's your point?

We're not as different as you think.

We are nothing like you.

You are a lot more like us than
you allow yourselves to believe.

I will not argue with you, Michael. It is pointless.

If we are to make this alliance work,

we must both overcome the instincts that define us.

We will not meet again.



You're proving my point right now.

Oh, every fiber in your body wants to k*ll me.

Instinct is so hard to overcome.

But what would happen to our alliance?

Every Wraith ship in this galaxy would
descend upon this City and destroy it.

Is it worth it, Ronon?

- If it was up to me...
- But it isn't!

What will happen once you disseminate the w*apon?

We shall continue on to the next hive.

Then what?

Well, we will continue until we
have conquered all of our enemies.

And you think our retrovirus can do all that?


The one we're freely handing over to you.

I see.

Your people will not be harmed.

Such will be the nature of our agreement.

And what about all the other humans

on the other worlds?

Any chance you'll stop feeding on them?

Your retrovirus will allow us to feed off enemy Wraith.

There will come a time,


when our enemy will be vanquished.

At which point you'll return to k*lling
ordinary folks the old fashioned way.

That will take far longer than your short lifetime.

Let's just say I'm worried about my grandkids.

The technology of this City...

this City that you now control...

is far more powerful than that of the Wraith.

Yet we brought the Lantians to their knees...

- Why?
- Far greater numbers.

Numbers that will be diminished by your retrovirus.

Balance will be restored.

I believe that is as much as either of us can ask for.

Don't you?


I'm sorry, an aerosol gas is the only way to go.


that I want to anger you, or


take any of your ideas into consideration.

It's just that, well,

we've been working on this for some time now.

Very well.

Can't you smuggle a gas b*mb
onto one of your rival hives?

Such a device would not allow for the gas
to affect the whole ship in sufficient time.

They would open fire on our own
ship the moment the gas was detected.


You need to reach all the occupied compartments

at once.

If we could get the aerosol gas
into the life support system...

How long for the gas to take effect?

- Well, theoretically...
- We don't know.

Well, we don't.

He's right, we don't.

Then I will have to make arrangements.

I want to go in there.


Vent the gas from the room.

Don't worry. He'll begin to turn
back in only a number of days

if we don't start administering the...


We knew this would be a part of the bargain.

I've seen enough.

It works.

There is another hive ship a
single jump away from this system.

They recently attempted to attack our ship.

I would like to test the virus on them first.

With all due respect, Madam,

I don't think we're there yet.

We've been working with your scientist here on

- an effective means of disseminating
the virus as an aerosol...
- And you have succeeded.

Transforming a single Wraith
in a controlled environment

and trying to infect an entire hive at
once are completely two different things.

We plan on entering their hive under the
pretense of negotiating our surrender.

Part of the delegation will break away, planting
small canisters of gas throughout the ship.

We need only to create a system
that will synchronize the release.

Well, we can do that.

But do we have the kind of volume we need?

Aye. Our lab has been

churning it out since
we struck our deal with our friends here.

Then we can do this?


It's up to them.

I would like our people to go along and observe.

For what purpose?

Make sure you stick to the plan,

do what you say you're gonna do.

Very well.

Good luck.

To us all.

Jumper 8 has cleared the bay, cloaked,
and is heading for the two hives ships.

- We are running quiet and out of sensor range.
- Thank you, Captain.

I guess now we just wait.

This trial's a little premature, don't you think?

Guess that's what happens when
the Wraith get too excited.

What if they fail?

Maybe they'll blow each other to
kingdom come. We can all go home.

I thought we wanted this to work.

I'm just saying if this thing goes south,

we can't let
the word get out we were involved in this.



When I developed this retrovirus for the Wraith,

it was to free them from what I
perceived to be an unnatural state.

Now, the very moment they take human form,
they'll face a horribly painful death.

No matter how we rationalize this,

we're still letting the Wraith k*ll humans.

I guess it depends on how you define "human".

We can't judge an entire race based on the fact that

Michael's experiment didn't work.

If you're asking me whether or
not I'm losing sleep over this...


I am taking those sedatives you prescribed.

We're getting
telemetry back from the cloaked Jumper, Sir.

It's in theater.

Let's see it.

That's our hive there on the left.

"Our hive".

That's weird.

The delegation is aboard. Now we wait.

They didn't need you on the Daedalus?

Colonel Caldwell believed my time was
better spent disabling their jamming code.

So, they can fly that ship without you?

Yes, but apparently you cannot
run these tests without me.

I'm sure I would have been fine.

I am not as sure.




Try it now.

Well, well.

Turns out the human knows
what he's doing after all.


Your assistance on this project will be noted.

My assistance?

The delegation transport is returning
to the friendly hive ahead of schedule.

What was that?

The transport has been destroyed.

That's not good.

Sir, Jumper 8 is reporting
the enemy hive has opened fire.

Friendly hive is sustaining serious damage.

If they get boarded, it's all over for Atlantis.
They'll give us up for sure.

Jump to their position, shields to full,
ready main rail g*ns, ready all m*ssile batteries!

Jumping into theater now.

Get that Jumper back into bay! We're not
going to be able to keep this up for long.

- Hopefully we'll give them enough time to jump into...
- Our hive is entering hyperspace.

Jumper 8 has been recovered.

Set course for Atlantis. Get us out of here.

Our delegation was searched.

They were k*lled immediately
when your canisters were discovered.

Our transport ship tried to escape,

but it was destroyed.

You must devise a better delivery method.

Or what?

Or we will disclose your location to the other Wraith.

We kept our part of the bargain.

We gave you the retrovirus.

And it is useless without an effective delivery system!

So we have to do everything?

Okay, okay. I will figure something out,

But no more holding back. I want to know
everything there is to know about hive ships.

Schematics, power distribution,
life support configurations, everything you've got.

Then you shall have it.

For real?

Receiving transmission.

Make sure it's secure.

Yeah, we're completely firewalled.
Let me see that.

She actually did it.
I mean, this is the motherlode!

What is, exactly?

Only everything you've ever wanted to know
about Wraith technology, but were afraid to ask.

Why are you doing this?

We have suffered extensive damage.

We could render assistance

You would do this?

We're supposed to have an alliance, aren't we?

Sending information on Wraith technology was
a remarkable act of good faith on your part.

Your assistance would be acceptable.

Alright, then.

We have a deal.

I know you guys have been
burning it at both ends, so...

Dr. Vogel just went to get us some.

- Thank you
- Yeah, caught him on the way in.

How's it coming?

It's phenomenal.

It's like being handed a Wraith encyclopedia.
It's hard to know where to start.

When I was a kid and I got my first
encyclopedia, I started with the letter "S".

Yes, well, while I'm sure
that Wraith sexuality is interesting,

we've decided to split into two teams.

Team A, over here is trying to find the best
place or places to plant the gas canister

and team B, over there is trying to come up
with some fixes for the damage that the Wraith hive

- sustained during its last battle.
- And you?

- Mostly, I'm just skimming the index.
- Anything exciting?

- Oh, yes.
- Such as?

Well, the ships are massive,

but because of their mainly organic design,

they have a number of external weaknesses.

I've got a weakness for external weaknesses.

- Any word from Rodney yet?
- I'm sure he's fine.

The organic base of a lot of your technology, it's...

it's quite amazing.



Many of the problems
we encounter eventually heal themselves, yes,

but there are smaller, more complex issues.

Such as the programming code
to make your old ships do new things?

Or bypassing inoperable systems, yes.

It has been so long since we have fought a real battle.

Yes, well...

I imagine I'd forget a lot in 10,000 years, too.

Before the civil w*r, there were
keepers who maintained the entire fleet,

but they have made their own alliances.

Sorry about that.

Without your help,

- this damage may have been irreparable.
- Finally, an alien race that appreciates me.

Do you think we will be able to come up with an
adequate delivery system for the retrovirus?


I know that you don't know me,
so you couldn't possibly know this but...

The short answer is yes.

This way.

Ronon, are you crazy?

Do you want us to get k*lled?

You don't touch him.

He was guiding me down the hall,
not sucking the life out of my shoulder.

We are sorry.

Say you're sorry.

That will not be necessary.

He was protecting his superior.

I would have done the same.

He's not my superior.

Certainly not in every sense.

My apologies.

You wanted to take us somewhere?


this way.

That's your sweet spot.

This central chamber scrubs the
CO2 from your artificial atmosphere

and redistributes it as breathable
air to the rest of the ship.

If you get a sufficiently large canister of
retrovirus into that central chamber,

the whole ship will be affected simultaneously.

Getting to this location without
arousing suspicion will be very difficult.

I'm sure it will be,
but we can't really help you with that.

Although, the Colonel and I have come up
with a way to test that theory.

Step one,

we find another enemy hive and jump
to a location just out of its sensor range.

Step two, the Daedalus takes position
in close proximity to your hive,

essentially merging with your scan patterns, rendering
it practically invisible to the enemies' sensors.

Step three,

using sublight systems,

our ships approach the target hive for

whatever reason...
I'm sure you can come up with something.

Step four,

now that the Daedalus can use
its beaming technology again...

which would be thanks to...


once we get in range,

we can beam a canister
into the CO2 chamber, and boom...

one hive ship de-Wraithified.


Excuse me?

This plan keeps us completely reliant
on you to disseminate the retrovirus.

It's meant to be a test

to see if the gas works in the first place. If it does,

you can come up with some other way to deliver it.

Very well.

I'll transmit the coordinates to our new
target as soon as I return to the hive.

We'll leave as soon as you are ready.

What's a girl like her do for fun?

I should be on that hive when we do this.

Excuse me?


I know it's uncharacteristically brave,

but I've hacked a lot of their systems
under the guise of repairing them.

I've convinced them that I should be there to
supervise their systems if anything goes wrong.

And they agreed to this?


Plus, now we can freely beam
stuff on and off their ships,

I've written a program

that will immediately beam me out of there the
second I activate this emergency transponder.

You're sure you want to do this?

Of course I don't want to do it.

I just...

I think it should be done.

Ronon goes along.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

And I'd like you on the Daedalus.

No place I'd rather be.

Okay. Good let's get this done.

I'm about ready for our house guest to leave.

Hey, is your terminal...

You need to see this.

Oh, no.

Tell me the Daedalus has not left yet.

Are we there yet?

Do you have any idea how difficult
these maneuvers are going to be?

I'm guessing really difficult?

Yeah, we're going to be flying so close to that
hive ship you'd be able to reach out and touch it.

I'm gonna insist on a few practice
runs before we approach the enemy.

I'm sure they're fine with that.

Coming out of hyperspace.

Now, get McKay on the radio. I want to...

Shields to maximum!

Decks 1 to 7 in the forward section have
decompressed and are venting atmosphere.

Seal off those sections, get a
damage control team down there.

Who's firing on us?

I have two hive ships
bearing down on our position, Sir.

One of them is the friendly.

Not so friendly.

All main weapons, fire at will on both ships.

Hermiod, stand by to beam
warheads to the nearest hive ship.

This doesn't make any sense.

Why break the alliance now?

They don't even have the gas
aboard their ship, we do.

That's not my concern right now.

Colonel Caldwell, this is Hermiod.

The warheads are ready to deploy.

Stand by till we reach optimal range.

We've got to give McKay and Ronon
time to beam back aboard first.

They've got until we reach
weapons deployment range.

If they can't activate their
emergency transceivers by then,
there's nothing we can do about it.

What was that?

Activate your transceiver.

Oh, no...

What are you doing?

I am sorry, Dr. McKay.

There has been a

change in plans.

That's time.

You got to give them a few more seconds.

Sorry, Colonel. I can't do that.

Hermiod, deploy warheads when ready.

Colonel Caldwell,

Dr. McKay's code has failed to
breach the Wraith countermeasures.

I am attempting another series of codes.

Work as fast as you can.
This shield ain't gonna hold up forever.

With some 302s, I might be able to take
out their hyperdrive, save us some time.

Do it.

Shields are at 60%!

Dagger 2, on my lead,

we're going to hit their stardrives,
where the hull is thinnest.

I've got incoming.

Daggers 3 and 4, try to keep
these darts off our six.

Hold on! We were supposed to be allies!

I'm afraid the alliance has been dissolved.

Do you have any idea how much
work I have put into all of this?

I haven't slept in 36 hours!

Perhaps it is better if you rest.

Shields are under 20%.

Hermiod, what have you got for me?

I cannot guarantee that I will be able to defeat
the Wraith countermeasures in sufficient time.

Colonel Sheppard, get your flight back to the ship.
We need to jump out of here as soon as possible.

Two minutes, and I can shut down their hyperdrive.

Unless you can shut down their weapons,
it's not going to do us much good.

Damn it.



I'm not getting anything, Sir.

Prepare to jump on my mark.

Sir, the hives are opening hyperspace windows.

Why the hell'd they do that?

Three of our 302s are returning to Daedalus, Sir.


His fighter isn't one of them.

The only contacts I have on screen are wreckage.

What about his locator beacon?

No. Nothing, Sir.

He's just gone.


Set course for Atlantis.

We got hacked.

Within the hive ship schematics
was a worm-like computer virus.

Your people went over the data.

I know. We thought it was clean,

but this virus was entirely different.

What did it do?

It very selectively probed our systems
without damaging them or exposing itself.

I don't understand. If you didn't
find it, and it didn't reveal itself...

Once the hive left Atlantis,

the worm began to destroy
all of the data they had sent down.

Then this was their plan all along.

What did they get?

This is one of the reasons we didn't detect it.

They only uploaded two pieces of information...

One, the Aurora mission reports...


And two?

The location of every world in our database.

Are you okay?


No, I think this is the most "not okay"
I have ever been.

I see you have awakened.


I was sort of hoping this was just a nightmare.

Why aren't we dead?

The queen wants you to live long enough
to witness the fruits of your labor.

If it wasn't for you, Dr. McKay,

we would never have been able to get there.

What are you talking about, get where?
