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01x02 - The Party

Posted: 01/16/23 16:35
by bunniefuu
Police! Put the flashlight down!

- Put the f*cking flashlight down!
- Put the g*n down! It's me.

Are you okay?

We have to go. The ship's leaving.

This is Koskimäki.

Kiiski's gotta be here still.

- Nurmi.
- The ship's departing.

Come down immediately.

Kiiski's still here.

We don't have authorization
to hold the ship.

If Kiiski is on the ship,
he'll be caught in Hamburg.

There's nothing we can do. Come.

Get the hell out, both of you!

Hi honey. The call was
cut off for some reason.

I can't sleep.

Go sleep in Henna's bed.
I'll be home soon.

- Good night. Kisses.
- Bye.


He's up there.

- Don't go up there.
- You can stay down there.

- Karppi.
- What?

There's an elevator.

- Where did you see him?
- There.

He's there.

Okay. Stay here.

- You sure?
- Yeah.


I can see you.

Stay away or I'll jump!


I'm not going back to prison!

You have a child.
You don't want to k*ll yourself.

I promise everything will be okay.

Come down with me.


You have to come with me.

You can't stay here.

Sometimes life depends
on a single decision.

And you have to make that decision now!


No, you have to come with me.

Yeah. You can't stay here.

Damn, I'll come with you then.

What the hell are you doing?

I don't interrupt your work.

You can't do that
when I'm rehearsing my lines.

I'm sorry. But it sounded really good.


It's practically guaranteed that
we'll get the construction permit.

- Honey, congratulations.
- Thanks.

Let me finish rehearsing, okay?

We talked about starting
the adoption process –

once we got
the construction permit, remember?

I'm not ready yet.

Oh, you don't want to adopt anymore?

I wanted to, but...

adopting isn't that simple.

I think it is. We fill out
the papers and go to the interview.

What if they give us a child

who's been mistreated or who's sick or...

There's no way of knowing beforehand.

Are you ready to stay home
for a couple of years

and take care of the child?

You assumed I'd stay home
with the child? Huh?

You know what it means
if I stay home from work

for a couple of years at my age?

We don't have to decide now.

You're at work around the clock.
That'll have to change.

Okay. You know what?

I promise I'll stay home with the child.

You'd stay home?



Okay. Let's fill out the papers.


I also have flowers.


- Are you coming down?
- No.

You did time for as*ault
and attempted manslaughter,

but they also found amphetamine on you.

- Did you relapse?
- No.

Why did you s*ab Usko Bergdahl?

He invaded our apartment.

- And you stabbed him?
- I was protecting my child.


What about Anna Bergdahl?

- Who the hell is she?
- Usko's wife.

Your case worker. She was found
m*rder*d in Tuulivuorenranta.

You were seen ranting outside
her house. How come?

I wasn't.

Usko says you were.


- Did you thr*aten Anna?
- No.

Why did you break into their house

- and thr*aten to k*ll her?
- That's a f*cking lie.

Did you follow Anna Saturday night?


- From nightclub Sirius.
- I didn't.

I haven't seen her in ages.

Why do I have a hard time believing you?

You followed her Saturday night.

I'm not talking to you anymore.

What did you do Saturday night?

- How is that any of your business?
- It is.

What did you do Saturday?

f*ck you, bitch.

I'm running out of patience.

If you tell me now,
I'll see what I can do about the Kn*fe.

I took a ship to Stockholm.


Saturday night.
I came back Monday morning.

You're on probation.

Go check the security cameras.

Nurmi, check it out.


What about the Kn*fe?

How about a deal that you stay out
when I'm interrogating?

You were so worked up I had to intervene.

Excuse me?

It wasn't going anywhere.

Good morning.


How are you doing?

I'm okay.

Have you two met? This is Nurmi.

Peltola. Peltola, Nurmi.

We've bumped into each other
in the hall.

Sakari Nurmi.

So, this is our team.

Here. Kiiski was seen
in the security cameras –

on the way to Sweden and on the way back.

So he was gone the whole weekend
like he says.

Those photos... With the long hair.

- We could put...
- Long hair.

Flowers or something.


- Ball
- shaped lights.

Balls? What balls?


We just ate. There's food if you want.

Why hasn't Mom come home?

Can I download a game? Everyone's got it.

Keep your grimy hands off!

It's my iPad! It's my turn!

- No, it's not!
- It's my iPad!

It's not! Give it to me!

- Dad!
- Girls.

- My turn!
- Girls.

Let's go to your room.


Let's just go.

Did you find anything?

No. I checked all the indoor cameras.

Let me see.

Just fast-forward it.

The guests are coming out.


That's Anna.

October th, : p.m.

Who's that man?

I can't see him.

Can't see the license plate.



Zoom in there.

She went into the taxi van
behind that taxi.

There are other people in the taxi van.

So Anna went to an after–party.

Stig Olander, entrepreneur
and real estate investor.

You pronounced his last name wrong.

I know the guy. He got rich
after the recession in the s.

He bought run–down apartments
in good neighborhoods.

Some say he paid for
the renovations under the table.


Peltola. I've got results for you.

Wait. I'll put you on speaker.

Tell me.

They found sperm in Anna Bergdahl's body.

- She was r*ped?
- Probably not.

But she had intercourse some time
during her last couple of days.

Can you get a DNA sample
from Usko Bergdahl?



We need a DNA sample from Usko Bergdahl.

Is he a suspect?

Karppi thinks
he might've f*cked his own wife.

When do we interrogate
Anna's husband properly?

Let's leave him alone for the time being.


He's using all his energy
to survive his everyday life.

The second most common
type of homicide in Finland is –

when the partner or
a former partner kills a woman.

Usko Bergdahl is the most likely

That's why I'm wondering.

In the Financial Crimes Unit, we
look at the statistics...


- For what?
- For your analysis.

Stig Olander?


Sofia Karppi and Sakari
Nurmi, Helsinki Police Department.

Can we come in for a moment?

We have a couple of questions
about Saturday night.


A woman who got into a taxi
and came here was found dead.

She was m*rder*d.

- Who?
- Anna Bergdahl.

Does this mean I have to call someone...

You're not considered a suspect.

Did you know Anna Bergdahl?


But one of your friends did?

Yeah, a friend did.


I don't want to name names.

A lot of famous people come
to my parties.

Cut the BS.

We'll get the names
when we question the people at Sirius.


Leo. Leo Rastas is my friend's name.

Leo knew Anna and invited her here?


- What time did Anna leave here?
- Around midnight.

- Alone?
- Yes.

How do you know that?

I went to the sauna,

and Anna was in the hot tub.

In the hot tub?

Yes. And she started flirting with me.

I joined her.

So you had sex with her?

That's none of your business.

Actually it is my business.

- Is there anyone else here now?
- No.

A cat and a couple of parakeets.

I didn't have sex with her.

She wasn't serious with her flirting.

We sat in the hot tub for a moment,

and then Anna got dressed and left.

Okay. How did she get home?

Taxi, I think.

When did your friend Leo leave?

I have no idea.

- You know where we could find him?
- No.

You don't happen to have his number?

I might have it.

Thanks. If anything comes
to mind, call me.

Leo Rastas's phone is turned off.

Okay. He's a former hockey player.

Now he works as a personal trainer.

- Does he have a family?
- He has a wife.

-She's on Facebook. Here's her number.
-Give it to me.

It's already ringing.


Hi, this is Sakari Nurmi.

I'm trying to get hold of Leo Rastas.


Okay. Thanks. Bye.

Leo left to go hiking
in Lapland five days ago.

His phone is out of range.


Leo Rastas's phone is still turned off.

Or maybe he has another phone
for his Lapland trip.

Could Leo and Anna have had an affair?

Maybe Leo was jealous when
Anna flirted with Stig Olander.

Why the hell would he have buried her

at the Tempo construction site?

Mom, you cursed!


- Oh, hi, Emil.
- Hi.

You came here to help us
catch the bad guys?


We issued an APB on Leo Rastas
and notified the Border Guard.


- Hi.
- Hi.

What are you playing?

A game.

Emil, let's go home.

You still wanna sleep over Joonas's house?


You have to comb your hair.

Oh. Why?

Otherwise you'll never get a new man.

I don't want a new man.

I want a new dad.

Wouldn't it be weird having
a strange man in our home?

You don't know how to snowboard,
play soccer or cook.

Yeah, yeah, I know. I know.

You don't know how to do anything.

Emil. I promise you
the three of us will do fine.

I don't want it
to be just the three of us.

We don't have a choice.

Why did Dad have to die and not you?

Tomorrow's Power Hour
energy panel discussion at p.m.

will feature Tempo's director
of development Alex Hoikkala.

He's known as the figurehead

of the new energy sufficient
residential area.

This new area is expected
to be a breakthrough

in wind power technology.

Other participants
in the panel discussion include

politician Erkki Louhivuori,
one of the loudest opponents.

Power Hour panel discussion
on energy tomorrow at p.m. on TV .

We're expecting rain in
the northern parts of the country...

- Hi, honey.
- Hi.

- How come you're still up?
- Is Henna with you?

No. I'm not home.

Where are you?

I'm in town.

Joonas and I are playing cards.

Tell Joonas's mom I said hi.

Yeah, yeah.

- Sleep tight.
- You too.

- Okay. Kisses. Bye.
- Bye.

Henna. Henna.

The number you have dialed
cannot be reached.

Where have you been?


I tried to call you a number of times.

My battery d*ed.

You could've borrowed a friend's
phone and called me. I was worried.

I have to know where you are.

I told you.

You just don't remember.

You told me?

Okay. I just got scared
when I couldn't get hold of you.

- You want to eat something?
- No, thanks.


I know this is a difficult time for you.

And you had to leave
your friends in Germany.

I promise everything will get easier.



Should you buy lamps?

You're right.

- Good night.
- Good night.

Usko Bergdahl? I just have
a couple of questions.

Not now.

Your wife was a swimmer
on the national team,

and people want to know
what happened to her.


She was found at a Tempo
construction site.

Don't photograph the children.

Tempo used her consulting services
for the Tuulivuorenranta project.

Do you think there's a connection?

Girls, let's go inside.

Care to comment?

Do you have any idea
who could've done it?

Leave him alone. You can't
come here harassing people.

- Let go of me.
- You want me to call the police?

Get the hell out!

How about you get the f*ck out.

I'm just doing my job.

Do it somewhere else.

Usko, he's gone.

He's gone.

If you need anything, let us know, okay?


- We mean it.
- Thanks.

Dad, Isla spilled my milk!

Did you file a report?

The deductible is so high,
there's no use reporting it.


You're sure nothing was stolen?

Not that I noticed.

Maybe he didn't have time
to steal anything.

You took photos of
the signs of the break–in?


Nothing. Never mind.

- Jenna Rastas?
- Yeah.

Sofia Karppi, Helsinki Police
Department. Do you have a moment?

Will this take long?
I have to go pick up my kids.

This won't take long.

Where's Leo?

In Lapland, hiking.

His phone is out of the coverage area.

Unfortunately that isn't true.

What do you mean?

Leo was at a party at Sirius Saturday.

Then at an after-party

- at Stig Olander's house.
- Stig Olander?

-You know him?

But I know who he is.

Maybe Leo left for Lapland
after the party.

I don't know where he could be.

Maybe I got the dates mixed up.


Do you know this woman?

- No. Who is she?
- Anna Bergdahl.

Do you think it's possible your
husband had an affair with her?

With her? I doubt it.

- You want to explain?
- I really have to go.

Please call me if you remember anything.

- Yeah.
- Thanks.

Hi, Jenna. How are you?

What the hell are you doing
with my husband?

There's a problem.

You're right.

I don't know...

Maybe a safety pin would work.

Maybe I should just cut these off.

No. I mean...

How about we just lift the hem?

- Hi.
- Hi.

I heated the sauna.

- I figured the girls would be asleep.
- Come on in.

I had to give a DNA sample
at the police station today.


I don't know. I guess
they want to rule something out.

Were you watching something?

No, I'm just checking what's on them.

All the wedding photos will be sh*t
from the front or from the side.

This is material that didn't
make it to our wedding video.

Someone might've left the camera on.

That's how it should be.

Where was this sh*t?

Oh. One more little surprise.

Usko, I just wanted to say

that this is the happiest day of my life.

Thank you for becoming my husband.

See you soon.

Where the hell have you been?

The cops are looking for you.

They want to ask you about Anna.
– Anna. Right. C'mon.

I saw you here.

It was nothing serious.

f*ck off. I saw you!

- What have you done?
- What have I done?

Now we'll call the cops and sort this out.

No f*cking way!

Did you do something to Anna?

Look at me when I'm talking to you, Leo.

We can't keep this secret anymore.

Jenna knows.

What the f*ck? You told her?
– She called me.

What the f*ck? f*ck!


What? – Someone made
an emergency call from Kulosaari.

And you called me?

Something happened
at Stig Olander's residence.

- When?
- Just now.

Okay. – A patrol car
will be there in five minutes.

Hello? You hear me?

Hey! Hey! Are you all right?

I'll help you up. Just a second.

Can you get up?

Are you okay?

Sit down.

Did you k*ll Anna Bergdahl?

- No.
- But you had an affair with her?

- With Anna?
- Yeah.


With Stig Olander?

Is he dead?


We're down here!


He's not dead.

He can still be a m*rder*r.

Do we know who made the emergency call?

Anybody have Leo Rastas's phone?

- It's turned on.
- Thanks.

Leo made the emergency call.

Let me see.


This photo was taken
in front of the house.

Is that...?

Anna got a ride from someone.

The car is a Lexus.

LNA– .

We're looking for the owner of
a vehicle, plate number LNA- .


The car's owner is Alex Hoikkala.

Maybe we should
come back in the morning.

- Isn't that his house?
- Yeah.