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01x07 - Roots

Posted: 01/16/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
Karppi. Hey.

Roope Hoikkala was seen fleeing
on Alex's boat.

- Okay.
- Let's go.

...Gulf of Finland. . Command .

Watercraft Register Number P- .

Gulf of Finland .

Watercraft Register Number...

Maritime Search and Rescue,
V Gulf of Finland .

Attention: watercraft,
register number P- sighted

in the Lehtisalmi Strait.

If you look at the route,

there should be a pretty
narrow strait ahead.



If we're lucky, he'll drive through that.

V Gulf of Finland .
Maritime Search and Rescue Helsinki.

Follow and observe unsub.

Maritime Search and Rescue
V Gulf of Finland copy that.

ATA : .

- Move your car out of sight.
- OK.

Unit to Command .

Unsub is fleeing towards the open seas.

Register Number P- .

Unsub just left Lehtisalmi Strait.

It's him.

Police! Stop the boat!

Roope, you hear me?
Stop the boat!

Stop the boat!

- Roope!
- Police, stop! Drive to the dock!

Keep your hands in sight!

Drive to the dock.

That's it.

Good morning.

- What's going on?
- I spent the night here.


I told Linda about Anna,
and she kicked me out.

Why did you have to tell her?

- You want coffee?
- No.

The police caught Roope.
He was on his way to Sweden.

- Sweden?
- On your boat.

- What the hell?
- That's what I want to know.

Anna Bergdahl got into Alex's car
after Stig Olander's after-party

early Sunday morning
last week at : .

An hour later you were spotted
on a security camera

at the Myllykukko gas station
where you charged the same car.

The sequins found under the bridge
near the Myllykukko gas station

belonged to Anna's skirt.

- Can you explain?
- We just talked.

- About what?
- I can't remember.

I ran out of electricity,
charged that piece of junk

and brought Anna back.

- Where did you take her?
- Home.

You were seen alone
at the Myllykukko gas station.

Lying will only make
your situation worse.

- You followed her from the Tempo party.
- Maybe I did.

- You picked her up at Stig's house.
- I promised to take her home.

Why did you want to talk to her?

I wanted her to end her affair with Alex.

- Why?
- Because Alex couldn't.

- Then you went ballistic and k*lled her.
- No.

I drove under the bridge.
I wanted to talk to her.

Anna got out immediately.

I went after her
and tried to talk sense into her.

She pulled away
and ran up towards the freeway.

I didn't go after her anymore.
Then I headed home.

Alex's car wasn't captured
by the cameras on the freeway,

- so you didn't take the freeway home.
- I took the old road back.

- Why?
- Hell, I got scared.

Why did you take her to Tuulivuorenranta?

I didn't.

I told you she ran off.

This evidence is enough
to get you convicted of m*rder.

You know what that means?

Life in prison.

Had Anna become a hindrance
to your construction project?

- What the hell?
- Was this Alex's and your plan?

- Are you serious?
- Your plan?

There was no plan.

Why aren't you investigating
that damn German

who tried to k*ll Linda and Alex?

The NBI confirmed
that Wolf wasn't in Finland

the weekend Anna d*ed.

I want you to take a look at something.

Look at this. You see that bus?

Anna is standing there.

She got on that bus.

What buses stop there

- in the early morning hours?
- No buses.

She got into some bus.
And soon she was dead.

Roope let her go like he said.

Rewind it again.

It's a tour bus.

- It is?
- Yeah.

Find out which bands were
on the road at that time.

Can you take care of Hoikkala?

- You can go.
- Yes, sir!

It's the same bus.
The name of the band is Blizzard.

- Excuse me, what?
- Blizzard.

Helsinki Police Department.
Is this your bus?


I have a couple of questions.

You had a gig in Vaasa
on October th,

- but you left in the early morning. Why?
- It's a damn long drive.

We had a gig in Helsinki
late Saturday night

and hit the road right after.

Did you pick this woman up
near the Myllykukko gas station?

- Yeah. Why?
- This woman, Anna Bergdahl, is dead.

You don't read the papers, do you?

- Did you take her to Vaasa?
- She wasn't going to Vaasa.

She wanted to go to...
What the hell was the name...

- Rönnvik.
- Rönnvik?

It's near Pori.

But you took National Road
via Tampere, didn't you?

Yeah. But we decided
to take her to Rönnvik

and make a detour via Pori.

It's on the coast.

- So Anna stayed in Rönnvik?
- Yes, she knew the place well.

- What time did she get off your bus?
- Around .

You left a woman
in the middle of nowhere

- in the middle of the night.
- She wanted to get off.

Right. Your bus needs to stay here
for examination.

- We have a gig tonight.
- Take the train.

Hi. Can you check where Anna grew up?

I'll wait.

What did you think of that?

I think he's telling the truth,

but Peltola can talk to his bandmates.

Yeah. Okay.

Anna is from Rönnvik.

Please repeat.

Okay. Bye.


Anna's parents still have
an address in Rönnvik.

- They're alive?
- Why did Usko lie that they're dead?

- Maybe Anna lied to Usko.
- Yeah.

According to the pathologist,

Anna d*ed early Sunday morning
between and .

If she got off in Rönnvik at ,

who did she meet
during the last hour of her life?

- Maria!
- What?

Something's wrong with Dad!

- What is it?
- He won't wake up!

Usko! You need to wake up.
Wake up.

Dad, wake up!

- What's wrong with him?
- Wait.

- What's wrong with him?
- Calm down.

- Wake up. Hey!
- Dad!

- Why doesn't he wake up?
- Wake up, Usko! Hello?

What the f*ck...

- I have to go to work.
- How many did you take?

- How many pills did you take?
- Not many.

Armi, please go to your room.

- I'll order sick leave for you.
- I don't need it.

Two weeks to start with.

Ask your mom if she can
take the girls for two weeks.

That won't be necessary.

Otherwise I'll have to report you
to child protective services.

I'm sorry if I've been a burden lately.

I won't ask for help again.

It's not that. Of course I'll help.

But you have to rest.

You can't take care of the girls

when you're in that kind of shape.

They're not going anywhere.

We'll be fine.

What are you looking for?

Anna Jylhä's childhood home.
Is this the house?

- I'm not familiar with the name.
- We're from the police.

- From Helsinki.
- I don't know anything.

Come in.

Anna came here Sunday.

For the first time in years.

- What time?
- : in the morning.

He was awake and let Anna in.

She slept a couple of hours and left.

- Where?
- We don't know.

The girl caused nothing but grief.

She came because... What was
the expression she used...

She wanted to wipe the slate clean.

- What did she mean?
- That we didn't defend her back then.

Stop lying.

It's terrible watching your husband
become demented and blurt out anything.

We tried our best,

but Anna was out of control.

If we had made wiser decisions,
she might still be alive.

"God is mighty, but despises no one;

he is mighty, and firm in his purpose."

"He does not keep the wicked alive."

- Why did Anna come here now?
- She had forgiven us.

- Forgiven what?
- Don't believe his rambling.

We have to help the police.

It's not helping when you talk nonsense.

I should take him to the nuthouse
so he won't bother people.

We didn't know her anymore.

There's something wrong in the picture.

- Why did Anna come here?
- Maybe she really did want to start over.

To reconcile.
She rented an apartment.

She might've been
planning to leave Usko.

It's possible.
But what did she want to forgive?

A shitty childhood.

Yeah, but they didn't tell us everything.

But her time of death
doesn't match their story.

- I'll ask Peltola to check it again.
- There's no logic here.

If her parents didn't do it, who did?

- There was no swimming memorabilia.
- What do you mean?

Her parents had no photos
of her swimming or trophies.

There's a café.

It's closed.

Excuse me, is there
a grocery store around here?

No. There's a gas station,
but it's kilometers from here.

- Is there a restaurant?
- There's a motel.

Okay. Is there
a big funeral here today

because everyone's wearing black?

They're Christ's Northern Disciples.

The whole village used to belong
to the same religious sect.

The founder of the sect,
Paavali Pusenius,

- was from our village.
- Pusenius...

- Does this woman look familiar?
- No.

If you want to swim competitively here,

- where would you practice?
- I don't know.

There was a swimming team here,

but it's been gone about twenty years.

- Who was the manager of the team?
- I don't know.

- Pusenius might know.
- Where can we find him?

Drive to the edge of the forest,

and you'll see a white house
behind a large field.


Anybody home?

- We can't go in there.
- Why not? Come on.

Mrs. Sherlock and Doctor Watson,
I presume?

Karppi and Nurmi,
Helsinki Police Department.

How may I help you?

We're investigating
the death of Anna Jylhä.

Anna Jylhä.

She was an extraordinary girl.
She stood out among her peers.

For some time I hoped she would
continue my work.

But our Lord had different plans for her.

- Anna came here a little over a week ago.
- I heard.

Unfortunately we didn't meet.

Anna started swimming as a child.
There was a team here, right?

This village used to be full of life.

We came up with wholesome
activities for our children.

- Who was your coach?
- Oskari Heikkilä.

He took the kids to the swimming pools.

Until he got hit by a car and d*ed.
We never imagined

one of our swimmers would compete
at the nationals.

But you can't call it coaching.

- Why not?
- It was more like running a club.

- Anna swam in the club?
- She was a talented swimmer.

Unfortunately I have to ask you
to leave.

Our Bible study class is starting.

- Thank you.
- Thanks.

Come to the shore. It's on the left
at the end of the road.

Park your car so that it can't be seen.

I don't know if this has anything
to do with Anna's death,

but when she was young,

her best friend was
this girl named Raakel.

When Anna was , Raakel drowned.

Raakel was a good swimmer
and on the same team as Anna.

Anna said it wasn't an accident.
She said Raakel wanted to die.

- Why?
- Their coach was inappropriate with her.

And Raakel wasn't the only victim.

- Was he inappropriate with you?
- No. I wasn't on the team.

You didn't hear it from me, okay?

- Was he inappropriate with Anna?
- Maybe.

Something happened.
When Raakel drowned,

Anna had a nervous breakdown.
And she ran away.

- Does anyone else know about this?
- The girls on the team did.

What about adults?

At least I didn't have the guts
to tell anyone.

And it's possible the girls lied.

- I have to go.
- Here. If you remember anything else.

Karppi? Okay.

Where the hell is the motel?

We have to talk
to Anna's parents again.

I have to eat.

I have to start carrying snacks
in my bag for you.

- What? What happened?
- I don't know.

The engine d*ed.

- Does this happen often?
- Never.

I find that hard to believe.

- You find this funny?
- Sorry.

- Sorry.
- There's traffic maybe once an hour!

Should I check

if the farmer has forgotten
a potato in the field?


- You want chewing gum?
- We'll walk to the motel.

Close the hood. I'll call the motel.

Okay, let's walk.

I'm looking for a number
for a motel in Rönnvik.

Can you put me through?

- So everything's okay?
- Yes.

Good. From what I understand

the police will leave Tempo alone now.

You'll get to work
without being disturbed.

That's what we hope.

And Louhivuori?

How much power does he have
in the City Council?

He has his followers,
but the majority support our project.

Everyone knows by now
that we need new forms of energy.

Did you get the results

- from VTT Technical Research Center?
- Yes. VCON- is durable.

Great. We'll just wait
for the voting results,

- and then you can get to work.
- That's right.

Julia, did you have time to talk to Alex?

- About what?
- I'll get back to you on that later.

The results from VTT didn't come yet,
did they?

That's okay.

We've tested it so many times.

What did Rannikko
want to talk about?

WeltKraft wants to buy Tempo.

- Why?
- It's logical.

- You know what I think.
- I'm sure we can at least discuss it.

No. Tempo won't be sold.


- Dad.
- Hi.

Why are you up?

What's going on?

Would you like to go
to Grandma's tomorrow?

Only for a couple of days.

I'll come see you on the weekend.

- I don't care.
- Good.

Go back to bed.

Armi, come.

Well. Which side do you want?

- I don't care.
- Okay, I'll take that side.

Anna Bergdahl is .

Her swimming coach gropes
her best friend.

Her best friend walks
into the sea and dies.

Anna wants to get out of here.
She doesn't come back for years.

Then she comes back.
And dies.

Do we know...

if she moved to Helsinki from Rönnvik?

- Call Peltola.
- Okay.

I was joking. You can't call her
in the middle of the night.

She doesn't have to answer.

Truth or dare?

- Are you serious?
- Truth or dare?

Well... Neither.

- Pick one.
- Truth.

Dare. Wash my underwear for tomorrow.

Good one.

Why did you want
to move to Germany?

- Because of Jussi's job.
- Bullshit.

I was trying to be
the kind of wife Jussi wanted.

- Did you succeed?
- I didn't have time to ask.

- Your turn.
- Dare.

- You have a girlfriend?
- No.

- Are you divorced?
- No.

- Would you like to have children?
- No.

Why not?

I don't want anyone
to be dependent on me.

Aren't you afraid you're going
to miss out on a lot?

Good night.

- Hi.
- I heard you're here.

Well, what is it?

I ruined everything.

Is there any chance
I could come back home?

Did you have an affair
because I couldn't get pregnant?

No. Of course not. No.

That's a lot of no's.

Let's adopt a child. And start over.

Isn't this the worst possible time
to do that?

- You have to try a hell of a lot harder.
- I promise.

You know I'm used to working hard.

- Don't ever lie to me again.
- I won't.

- I have to go.
- Okay.

Alex Hoikkala.


We sent you all the documents.


The test results from VTT say
the opposite of what you claimed.

They say the wind parks should be
renovated every couple of years.

No. That's not true.

The test results are unambiguous.

We at the VTT Technical
Research Centre found out

that your VCON- composite won't
endure large temperature changes.

It becomes brittle in a couple of years.

These test results will be
included in the documents

that the City Council will read
before they vote.

The strength of your project
has been

specifically using
cost-effective renewable energy.

These test results mean the price
will be doubled.

They're lying.

There's something fishy going on.

- Do you have something to do with this?
- Excuse me?

- Do you know anything about this?
- What the VTT researcher just said.

VCON- endures temperature changes well.

I'm an engineer.
Of course I've checked that!

It's the results from the unbiased
VTT study against your tests.

You've been against our project
from the very beginning.

If you have something to do with...

Are you accusing me of
manipulating the test results?

- They can't be accurate.
- You've made a mistake.

You just can't admit it.
You're looking for a scapegoat!

It's not the first time
that a VTT study revealed

that a product needed
to be developed further.

- The test results can't be accurate.
- They're unambiguous.

Go away!

We have nothing to say to you.

Go inside if you can't handle
hearing the truth.

I'll tell them what I know.

You don't know anything.
You imagine things.

Your bad words will be judged on doomsday.

Oh, shut up!

We thought Anna was just upset
because Raakel d*ed.

Raakel was her best friend.

She disappeared
and was found drowned.

Anna started saying

their swimming coach
was inappropriate with the girls.

I don't know if it was true.

But then it was found out
that Raakel was pregnant.

I know nothing about these things.
They happened a long time ago.

And the coach is dead too.
We can't ask him.

- No, Paavali is alive.
- Alive?

Paavali Pusenius was the coach?

Yes, he became the coach
after Heikkilä d*ed.

I have a hard time believing
Paavali would...

But if we had done things
differently with our daughter...

...would she still be alive?


Hello? Anybody home?


What's that smell?

f*ck. The house is on fire.

- The door is hot. We can't open it.
- f*ck.

- There's no coverage.
- There are bars on the windows.

We're here in the attic!

- Here.
- Find an iron bar or something.

Karppi, quick! Find something!

Jump in. Quick!

Don't go back! Karppi!

Get out of there!

- Sofia!
- I'll just grab the photos.

Get out!

- Let's go.
- There are photos.

Get out of there!

Hold on.

He ran towards the shore.

Drop the g*n! Drop the g*n!

I did time for refusing to go
to the army.

I didn't want to k*ll people.

But this is how weak
my beliefs were.

Anna was fifteen when she left.

Twenty wasted years.

I saw a hearse on the way here.

Pusenius is dead.

I met Anna when she came here.

She borrowed money from me.

I took her to the bus stop,
and she took a bus to Helsinki.

- On Sunday?
- Yes.


According to the pathologist,
Anna was dead by then.

She was alive and well
when I saw her.