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01x02 - Line and Françoise

Posted: 01/16/23 19:40
by bunniefuu
The wreath is ready,
we just need the ribbon.

His name?

- Samuel.
- Very well.

He should never have gone
on vacation. How stupid.

And the cause of death?

I heard some story about
a Brazilian prost*tute.

No! What nonsense. You
shouldn't listen to rumors.

He swallowed a wasp.

So you can live an exciting life
but still have a shitty death.

Andréa, Samuel is dead.

I've lost a very dear friend.

I know, Françoise. So have I.

- But I've lost my agent, too.
- I understand.

I'm ready to take over.


This movie...

All the Way, by Gabor Rajevski?

Yes, that's it.

All the Way, yes.

I don't think I'm going to do it.

I'm asking you to let them know.

sh**ting starts in three weeks.

It all revolves around you.

Mrs. Fabian?

Excuse me, but I loved
you in your last...

Thank you, madam.

You were fabulous.

Françoise... maybe we could
delay the start a little,

so you have time to get over this.

It's a really dark
movie. I need optimism.

Françoise, you mustn't react
in the heat of your grief.

Think of Samuel. What
would he have wanted?

For you to be strong.

For us to go on making movies.

Powerful, intense movies, like Gabor's.

I want to see my daughter, to travel.

I must follow my instinct.
Samuel would've understood.

Absolutely. But...

we can't talk about instinct.
Let's be professional.

You have no family.

You're devoted to your job.

I have a life. It's different.

But there are people
counting on this movie,

who've fought to get it made.

You can't throw it all in
the air. You just can't!

Don't you realize?

At what age do these whims stop?

- Sorry.
- Samuel was a class above.

I'm sorry, I...

Why do I even stay with this agency?

Here, ladies. What do you think?

Yes, it's perfect.


Working till after
ten every day is crazy.

I'm burnt out after only 10 days.

How do you have a life?

We don't.

I can't hold onto a
guy for over a month.

I haven't had sex since...

since Samuel d*ed!

Six days!

I know, I'll forget how!

I haven't had sex for three months.

- Three months?
- All right!

No sex for three months?

And I'm not about to meet anyone here.

I could almost make a sacrifice for you!

Three months, Camille!

It's unhealthy.

- I'm walking up. Coming?
- No way!

You'll get a flabby ass!

Doors closing.

Doors opening.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

- What'll happen now your boss is... ?
- I don't know.

We're waiting to hear from the lawyer

to know what Samuel's wishes were.

- Don't be so familiar.
- We're alone here.


Have I done anything inappropriate?

Apart from getting a job here?

I just do my job, I
don't even look at you.

Even I don't know
that I'm your daughter!

Good morning.

It's like a gangster's funeral.

I don't like sloths!

What's this? I agree with you.

The funeral will be at ten on
Thursday, at Père Lachaise.

Yes, we're expecting a big crowd.

No, it is neither the time nor the place

to hand Valérie Lemercier your script.

Right, see you Thursday.


They think his funeral is Cannes!

I've had fashion houses calling,

wanting to lend dresses for the funeral.

Give me the list of your guests
for the homage on Thursday night.

It bothers me, you sitting there.


It's a chair.

No, it's Samuel's place.
He d*ed six days ago.

Why not sit there?

It's Camille's seat.

Right, Camille?



Let's not waste time on details.

We have urgent problems.

Starting with Samuel's clients.

On that note,

I have bad news.

Arditi's going.

He says we won't last six months.

When did you hear this?

He called yesterday.

I splashed out on lunch,
a 250-euro bottle of wine...

Nothing doing!

Samuel's clients account for
18 percent of our turnover.

We can't lose them.

If word gets out, they'll
leave us in droves.

So, I've considered how
to share them out among us.

Here's what I suggest.

Open to discussion, of course.

An Excel spreadsheet with
what each person earns?


I see!

I get one male actor with cirrhosis?

Really? No?


You want Françoise Fabian?
I saw her this morning.

You approached her before we talked?

No, Herr Kaporal, I
didn't "approach" her!

She asked to see me.

Does she want you?


Well, it's complicated.

She's upset and says she
doesn't want to do Gabor's movie.

I'll call her.

No, Mathias, I'm dealing with her!

She needs to talk to someone who's
reassuring and emotionally stable.

Or someone who really loves cinema?

That's enough.

You were so reassuring
with Cécile de France!

Andréa, we can't let that movie go!

Fix it in 24 hours or I'll step in!

You asked Françoise Fabian...

"At what age do these whims stop?"

You're a legend!

A legend of embarrassment.

Well... you're going to eat, right?

Yeah. Don't tell Mathias, will you?

Of course not.

I swear, it's a magnificent movie.

What a waste.

You'll find someone else.

You're joking. sh**ting
starts in three weeks.

Do you think Mathias is right?

That I'm unstable and not
reassuring to my clients?

No, no, not at all.

Maybe you could work a little
on your impulsiveness, but...

Oh, what next?

I show some character, so
I'm labeled "impulsive"?

If you don't show authority, you
get trampled on. It pisses me off!

Dinner's ready!


Now, this is...

Who's this?

Florence, my ex.

You know...

Oh, yeah.

Florence. But that was a long time ago.

A year. A year and a bit.

Why did the bitch leave you?

No, she's not a bitch!
She left because...

I worked too much.

I wanted a kid and she didn't.

It's in the past. I'm over it now.

What are you doing?

You said it's in the past.

- You know what?
- What?

I think I could have a kid with you.

That's the wine talking.

I'm sure you'd be a great dad.

Oh, yeah?

Your clients call you "Pops."

Do you want kids?

I don't know.

There's nothing to be ashamed about.

No, but it's complicated when
you only sleep with girls.

And you've...

never slept with a guy?

Yeah, of course I have.


It's not so bad. It's... funny.

But I prefer girls, end of story.

I always feel guys are conning me.

But if I had to choose between
an anonymous Dutch donor...

and a friend, I'd go for the friend.

Is this an offer?

I'm touched, anyway.

I'll find out if she can see you.

Rebecca Vialle,

Rebecca Vialle, Rebecca Vialle...

- Yes, Camille?
- Andréa!

One of your actresses is here,
Rebecca Vialle. Can you see her?

- She's here?
- In the corridor.

Is Rebecca Vialle on
my agenda for today?

But she is a client.

She hasn't worked for two
years, she's just on my list.

If we don't help her,
she won't find work.

She started crying.

Actresses can cry at will.

Did you get the cashmere
shawl for Françoise Fabian?

Yes, it's been sent. Here's the bill.

- You got green?
- Yes, a lovely green.

You don't give an actress
anything green. It's bad luck.


sh*t, no!

Hello, Line.

So nice of you to come.

I'm really pleased.

Sorry, it's a bit off the cuff.

Not at all.

It was a good idea.
It's great to see you.

Our Samuel... It's hard to believe.

It must have been such a shock for you.

He was your mentor, wasn't he?

Yes, we've all been orphaned.

Do you know that

barely two months ago,

he and I had lunch at this very table?

What a good friend. What a gentleman!

I felt a foot slip into the grave.

But I pulled it right out again.


You're not the melancholy kind.

Melancholy? No, no...

Is that story about an
orgy in Rio de Janeiro true?

No, I swear, he really
did swallow a wasp.

What an idiot!

I picked a shitty bike, so
by the time I got there...

If she hadn't put it in
the garbage, I'd have...

It was really expensive, too.

Do some photocopying.

A lot of photocopying. A lot.


- Hello.
- Hello.

Everything okay?

It's playing up.

No, it's working fine.

The contrast is real good.

A nice gray balance.

You're Camille, right?

- Yeah.
- Okay.

Do you work here?

- I've never seen you before.
- I'm an actor.

Haven't you seen me in Andréa's
files? Hippolyte Rivière.

Yes, I have. Do you have an appointment?

No, but I'm glad I came.

What can I do for you?

Start by relaxing again.

And come for a coffee on the terrace?

I'm busy. You need an appointment.

Well... thanks, anyway.

Have a nice day.

Samuel was a great agent.

But there aren't many major
roles for a woman my age.

I don't know why.

We're the same as we
were at 40, only worse!

Shouldn't that inspire people?

I want movement, action, energy...

I want you to find
me something powerful.

Something throbbing with life!

Do you follow me?


Yes, because...

Line, we have a great project
at the agency right now and...

I thought of you.

- Really?
- Yes.

With Michel Piccoli.

I adore Michel!

It's a movie by Gabor
Rajevski, you know?

He won that prize at
Cannes three years ago.

I'm sensing something very complicated.

No, Line, not at all.

On the contrary, it's... very committed.

Oh, I talk "commitment"
with the Chiracs.


It's like Bonnie and
Clyde with octogenarians.

You know I don't like v*olence.

No. That's just it...

It treats it with
finesse. It's suggested.

It's the story of an elderly couple,

hit by the financial crisis,
who start doing hold-ups.

They get a taste for it,

get carried away on this crazy spree,

and in the end they hold up...

They hold up a bank boss...

Wonderful! They steal all his money

and run away to the Pacific? I love it!

They're trapped by a SWAT team

and jump from the 17th floor, but...

It's like they're as free as the birds.

Why did you think of me for the part?

Well... because...

Because it's powerful,
throbbing with life...

And sh**ting starts in three weeks.

Three weeks?

Why so soon?

At first... Françoise Fabian
was going to take the part.

But that doesn't change
anything with regards to you.

What happened?

- Did she get another offer?
- No.

No, she was just a bit... A bit tired.

Line Renaud in a Gabor Rajevski movie?

I think that sounds real good.

Why not?

So, how many?

Gabriel said 80 people, tops.

Then chop his list.

Hang on! Mathias has 50 on his.

It's proportional to what
he brings in for the agency.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Okay, but I'm adding
Gabor Rajevski to my list.

Hold the line, please.

- Hello.
- It's okay.

Are you looking for Andréa?

I'll take you to her.

Your producer is here.

Françoise phoned, said you were odious.

That's so dishonest! She'd
already made her mind up.

Piccoli says if it's not
Françoise, he won't do it.

Without Samuel, you fall apart!

Using Samuel's death against
us is really low, Emma.

I've been on this project for
four years, read all 18 versions,

I even took Gabor for a rest cure
when we lost a regional grant!

I've slaved for this movie!

But it's dead.

No, Samuel is dead.
That's what "dead" means.

A movie is never dead!

- We'll find a solution.
- "We'll find a solution."

To replace Françoise Fabian?

A great 80-year-old
actress, whom Gabor likes,

who doesn't have Alzheimer's
and is free in three weeks?

We don't have to replace
Françoise Fabian.

I'm going to persuade her to come back.

I can do it.

Hello, Françoise, it's Andréa Martel,

I want to apologize for yesterday.

You caught me by surprise,
the decision was a bit blunt.

No, I don't mean you were blunt.

You were...


To re-record your message, press 1.

To hear it back...

Yes, hello, Françoise,
it's Andréa Martel.

I want to apologize.

I'd really like to talk to you.
I have great admiration for you.

It's awful to think
I may have upset you.

I really feel like...

a piece of sh*t!

Hello, Françoise, it's Andréa Martel.

- You may hang up.
- I... Oh, f*ck!

f*ck it! There!


Book me a massage,
please, not before eight.

Yes, Gabriel?

What's that?

- Line Renaud.
- Yes.

Line Renaud to replace Françoise
Fabian in Rajevski's movie.

What an idea!

Line Renaud in a Rajevski movie?

Genius, huh?

Why not Enrico Macias?

I'd rather die than listen to this.


Line Renaud is beautiful,

the right age, and very popular.

Gabriel, you've totally lost it!

I like Line Renaud. She's
cabaret, she's joie de vivre,

but she's not right for this.

- Not in a movie by Gabor!
- Ask him what he thinks.

I'm not going to humiliate
myself. I know he'll say no.

It could save the movie.

It'd be another movie.

Now let me work.

Not that you understand how I work.

You can be such a snob,
Andréa. It's pitiful!

I have convictions, that's all.

Who's Line Renaud?

Are you okay?

I'm having doubts.

- Want some carrot juice?
- No, thanks.

When you've finished having
doubts, call Line Renaud back.

No, I don't change my mind all
the time, but I reread the script.

- I think I got carried away.
- Really?

It's really violent.

Cutting out someone's
eye isn't your thing.

- Well, if it's funny...
- Funny?

Look, I'm going to the Lido...

I'll call you.


No, Gabor, you're not going to die.

Drink hot lemon and honey and
watch funny videos on the web.

If not that, then p*rn.

It's life-affirming.

I'll call you tomorrow.

Take care.

Sorry about that. I'm here.

Hélène, if there's anything you need,

you can count on us.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

You're here because you
were my husband's partners,

so you should be informed

that Samuel didn't leave a will.

So I inherit all his shares.

So you now own 60 percent of the agency.

Don't worry,

I don't intend to take on
any duties in the agency.

No, I want to sell.

What will become of ASK without Samuel?

I know some clients have left,

and Françoise Fabian
won't do Rajevski's movie.

I don't want to see a
life's work go up in smoke.

I'd rather sell up first.

To whom?

I don't know.

To the fastest and highest bidder.

Excuse me, Hélène,

but we're your partners,
not your enemies.

Don't just decide like...

We have to discuss what
Samuel would have...

Excuse me.

We can buy Samuel's shares.

What do you mean, "we"?

Us. The four of us.

You're the richest out
of all of us, by far.

I have nothing, my parents have nothing,

I rent, I don't have
a cent to put into it.

The same for me.

Okay, I own a studio apartment,

but my brother lives there, so...

I have my life insurance.

Money can be had.

Yeah, sure, when you
already have plenty!

You could earn more by making
different artistic choices.

By representing people I have
absolutely no interest in?

By negotiating huge
contracts for shitty movies,

and ending up a loathsome individual?

- Andréa...
- Aren't I right?

You're the one who wants the buyout!

You'd rather ASK disappeared?

Hang on. If we're sold, we
won't necessarily disappear.

Best case, Hélène sells
to a discreet financier

and nothing changes for us.

Worst, we're swallowed up by a big
group that we can't fight against.

A bit like having you as our boss!

Thank you, Arlette!


Want to taste life's pleasures?

We want a threesome with a mature woman

New on the site... lost...
About to log off, then I saw you

Thanks. Good call. Welcome.

It's weird, talking to a stranger.

Like a party. Except there's no booze

Not that I don't like a drink.

You visit these sites often?

A bit...

I come and I go. You'll see, it's fun.

I like fun... But I
want a real relationship.



Thank you!

Hi! You have wicked eyes.

- I'd like to see them!
- Could happen

Whenever you like

Have you left?

Is that how these sites work?

I hate girls who act like guys.

And I don't like little girls like you!

Leave me alone!


- Okay, sweetie? You're late.
- Coffee?

Yes, thanks, Damien.

I didn't sleep well.


- Go on, excite me.
- Yeah, it was wild!

I spent the night doing credit
simulations on my bank's website.

And you?

Well... I did my accounts, too.

I might as well spend what I have...

on the agency.

I have no kids,

apart from Jean Gabin.

So, what's the point?

You're all my family.

All of you and my actors.

Do you want to pee? You
want to pee, Jean Gabin?

Wait, he's peeing!

Cheeky of Gabriel to suggest Line
Renaud to replace Françoise Fabian.

You think it's cheeky?

I love Gabriel, he makes my
life about 36 percent better,

but at times he can get it so wrong!

When you know the history
between Line and Françoise,

you know it's cheeky.

What history?

They can't stand each other.

Really? I've never heard that.

It's beneath them to show it.

They met at the Régence,

a restaurant where everyone
used to go to party.

Line was a well-known singer,

she'd already released
"My Cabin in Canada."

Françoise was just out of the
conservatoire, where she'd met...

Guess who.

I don't know.


- Françoise was with Samuel?
- Yes!

Until she introduced him to Line.

Do you follow me?

I didn't have all the
background. And then?

The two women fell out,

and they've never patched it up.

Line became a music-hall
star and Françoise...

made a career in art-house movies.

Buñuel, Malle, Rohmer, Demy...

Deep down, I think that...

Françoise would have
liked to be a singer.

And Line, a New Wave actress.

Each hates the other for
doing what she didn't?


ASK, good morning. 10 o'clock
at Père Lachaise, that's right.

A package for Andréa? Thanks.

Sofia, I need a favor.

Hold the line, please.

Hervé is snowed under
with the funeral...

Yes, I had a manicure.

- Yes?
- Sofia!

Deliver directly to the agency.

Send these photos to Caroline
Braudel, the casting director.

Can I count on you?

Yeah, anything that's a pain to do!

ASK, hello. Hold the line.

Excuse me.

Gabriel! Why put the brunette
among all the blondes?

It's a strategy, a way
of making her stand out.

Oh, yeah.

Yes, sorry...

What a surprise! Françoise!


I've just been to a screening.

- How are you?
- Very well, thank you.

- I'm sorry.
- It's forgotten.

I got carried away.

In any case, Gabor
respects your decision.

It was a big blow for him, but
he doesn't hold it against you.

He's a bright young man.

How is he?

To tell the truth... pretty
good. Really good, actually.

- Really?
- Yes.

I'm glad to hear it.

Even though it was a...

A shock, he soon bounced back.

The spark can return so
quickly in this business.

Yes, that's true.

It's still confidential,

but you were part of the
project so I can tell you.

We're going with Line Renaud.

- Line... Line Renaud?
- Yes.

Gabor came up with the
idea. I thought it was crazy,

you and Line couldn't
be more different, but...

Françoise Fabian decided
not to do the movie.

That close to the starting date!

That's not right at all.

Apparently, she's tired. Very tired.

Gabor is so keen.

He thinks it's great
casting against type.

He convinced me, anyway.

That's wonderful.

You see her on-screen so rarely.

What was her last movie?

Oh, yes, Les Ch'tis.

How old is she?

I don't know.

For her last birthday,

the candles cost more than the cake!

She's a great actress.

Oh, yes, a great actress. Such allure!

Yes, those blue eyes,
that legendary gaze...

When she appears in a movie,

you immediately feel... smarter.

If she played a n*zi,
you'd find her appealing.

She's la femme française!

She has a place in
every Frenchman's heart.

She has an elegance that's
ever so slightly... unyielding.

She can be scary.

She's the eternal female friend.

- I still think the role was made for you.
- Really?

I've turned Françoise Fabian.

- No.
- Yeah!

She's coming back to do the movie.

- How did you do it?
- I did a Mathias.

I told her that Gabor
wanted Line Renaud.

I manipulated her with lies.

- I hate doing that.
- I know, but it feels so good!

Finding the G-spot of an
actress's lust for life!

The power of rivalry.

This is a great business, huh?

All is well.

The movie's saved,
Gabor will be ecstatic.

- When I think about it...
- What?

Line Renaud in a Gabor Rajevski movie.

It's absurd!


He wants me!

I just spent two hours with Gabor.

We're in love! We start sh**ting
in three weeks, children!

Thank you, Gabi.

My little miracle!


What do we look like?

Like discerning people, Andréa.

People who understand Gabor's cinema,

and whose intuition can save
the most desperate situations.

No one asked you to interfere.

No, you were freaking out.

But I was still in
control of the situation!

I wanted to help.

You were showing off to your new client!

That part wasn't written for
anyone but Françoise Fabian!

So tell Line Renaud
to get out of the way!

You go tell Françoise Fabian
that the part's already taken!

Gabriel, I'm not playing! Do as I say!

Do not order me around!

All you do is screw things up!

All you do is insult your clients!

You don't need anyone, Andréa!

I certainly don't need
you and your stupid ideas!

And when you're 40 and want a kid,

find someone else for that, too!


So, I will still own 17
percent of the shares?

Yes. We thought that...

you'd appreciate the
income in memory of Samuel.

There's nothing to do,
you'll just get the profits.

How nice of you to think of my pension.

Unless the real reason
is that the four of you

couldn't raise enough
to buy all the shares.

We've made a huge effort to
make you this offer, Hélène.

Gabriel's mortgaged his apartment,
Andréa's taken a 20-year loan,

Arlette's life insurance...

And you become the majority
shareholder and boss of ASK.

By increasing our profits,

we'll be able to buy you out
completely in about a year.

Have you ever cheated
on your wife, Mathias ?

Sorry, but I'm not the confiding sort.

Samuel cheated on me a
lot, usually with actresses.

- But I imagine you knew that.
- Not really, no.

You'd think that as you grow older,

you'd come to terms
with it, accept it...

I didn't.

I'll tell you something.

I hate actresses.

So, you see...

the thought of getting a percentage

from their performances disgusts me.

Sorry, Mathias, but I'll have to
look at the other offers I've had.

- The check, please.
- Other offers?

Oh, yes.

People are only too quick to
come jumping over dead bodies.

See you, Sofia.

See you.


It's really late.
Andréa's already gone.

- Good evening.
- Yes, sorry.

What can I do for you?

Andréa left a script here for me.

No, she didn't.

See for yourself!

Thanks, Camille.


there's an invisible line between us.

If I film you like this at the start...

That's something weird
that directors do,

to imagine the sh*t.

It doesn't even look good.

There are still people who want to try.

My mom does these little
classes in hair styling...

On you, for example, I
can see that takes work.

- Which star is that?
- No one!

When you watch movies...

love scenes...

They really do it.

- No.
- Yes, they do it for real.

They really kiss.

They do it like that?

More or less.

How could Gabor be unsure
about which one to choose?

He dreamt of Françoise for that part.

Okay, Line really has something, but...

To be honest, no.

What will I tell Françoise
if he doesn't want her now?

I don't believe this!

I can't concentrate!

I'm sorry.




What's up?

Samuel Kerr's funeral. I'll be late.

Where are my things?

I'll take you on my scooter.


So f*cking sweet!

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Françoise Fabian and Line
Renaud want the same part,

and whichever one doesn't
get it will hate us,

leave the agency and
destroy our reputation?

Is that right?

How did we get in such sh*t?

Ask Gabriel.

Ask Andréa.

Can't we call a truce?

We're burying Samuel, remember?

Thank you.

Good evening.

On behalf of ASK, I'd like
to thank you for coming.

I'll hand over to a
great friend of Samuel,

Mrs. Françoise Fabian.

Good evening.

A few weeks ago, I was
having dinner with Samuel.

He said something wonderful which
still resonates with me today:

"How lucky you actors are...

to have a job which
is all about 'playing.'

That's why you remain
children: you play parts.

You play so as not to grow
up, you play so as not to die."

Samuel, we try to remain
big children full of passion.

But on this sad day, we're
not in the mood for playing.

We miss you terribly.

Thank you.

He wouldn't have wanted
us to cry. Would you?

You'd have wanted us to laugh!

Samou was full of joy, free,

a mad dog!

How we used to party, back in the day.

We had so much fun one time, that
I went on stage still giggling

and couldn't even start my song!

We miss you, Samou.

But I promise you one thing.

We shall continue to laugh...

however much your absence
makes us want to cry tonight.

Thank you, Samou.

Yes, we must fight sorrow.

Samuel really enjoyed laughter...

but he was also a man of great depth.

The light of your intelligence
has gone out, Samuel...

leaving us all in the dark.

Thank you.

You loved a good song...

especially this one.

You used to say this was "our song."

Yes, tell us, Samou.

Why not take them both?

Bonnie and Clyde at 80 is iconoclastic,

but with two women,

it becomes modern, feminist...

Blue is the Warmest
Color meets Tarantino!

- You mean a real female couple.
- Yes.

Lesbians, but elderly.

Line Renaud, Françoise
Fabian. We just saw them.

Each one is a star,
but in her own genre.

But together...

Did you see how they lit it up?

They're born hold-up artists!

If we don't win the
Palme d'Or at Cannes...

I'll quit!

That's not bad.

It's totally unexpected, it's...

radically irreverent.

Everyone will be talking about it.

And you get two stars cast!

- We'll give you a good price.
- Of course.


Yes, outjet.

Well, then... Outjet!


- Would you care for some?
- No, thanks.

You had to run? In the cemetery?

Yes, I ran in the cemetery.

- Everyone was around the grave and you...
- Hippolyte!

- This is Catherine, my mom.
- Hello.

This is Camille, Andréa
Martel's new assistant.

Poor you!

- You knew Samuel well?
- Yes.

My husband worked with
him for over 15 years.

Speak of the devil. Mathias!

The whole family's here now.

No introductions necessary.

Camille is Andréa's assistant.

Yes, Hippolyte told me.

I didn't know your son was an actor.

You could have told me!

What does it change?

I'm thirsty.

Shall we get a drink?

I really want you!

No, someone might come in.

No one will come in.

Hang on, just...

I don't really remember.
What did we do last night?

- That gets you hot, huh?
- Really, Hippolyte!


You don't remember anything?

Did we... ?

Did we what? Screw?


Can't you say the
word when you're sober?

Tell me!

We went back to my place, we made out,

I carried you to my bed,

I tucked you in and... nothing.

- You fell asleep in two seconds.
- Really?

Yes, really.

Thank you!

A Tavernier movie about
the Algerian w*r. Great!

There's no part for you.
Only a few Kabyle characters.

What, don't I look like a Kabyle?

What about Gallienne's
movie? Can I read the script?

What's happening?

At least tell me what it's about.

Sorry about yesterday.

Line Renaud was a genius idea.

I'm sorry, too.

I won't abandon you when
you want a baby at 40.

I'll take you to Holland.


If it wasn't for you, I think
I might quit this business.

Yes, Sue Ellen!

What are you playing at with my son?

I didn't know he was your son.

He didn't tell me.

- Did you hit on him?
- No!

- Yeah?
- No!

- You're being totally reckless!
- That's rich, coming from you!

You're the one who lies to everybody!

You're a coward!

- Shut up!
- You never took responsibility for us!

Keep away from my family.

I'm your family, too!

Do you have a light, Noémie?

No, I don't smoke.


Don't sweat it.

Sorrows, men...

they all go up in smoke.