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02x02 - Irezumi

Posted: 01/16/23 19:50
by bunniefuu
f*ck! It's too hot in here guys,
I can't stand it.

I'm gonna die if I stay.

The new director of
the Criminal Documentation

- will be appointed next week.
- Oh, yeah?


- It's not too hard?
- Why?

You know very well it is not me
who will appoint him.

No, no.
It's not that. It's…

He's gonna replace Gaillard

and I know how much
you cared about him.

It is normal that his position is vacant

since he is dead.


We're just next to Tanaka's shop.

Would you like to say hello to him?

Say hello in a shop.

I do my shopping on Mondays.

It is Tuesday.

- That's true.
- Yes.

I did my shopping
on Tuesday once, with you.

- Yes, I remember.
- But it was one time.

- Yes.
- Yes.


- Ah. Ladies.
- Yes?

Damn. It's hot in here.

He bled out,

facilitated by the osmosis effect
of the hot water.

It probably diminished the pain,

but it must have taken a while.

His k*ller must have had
things to tell him.

Must have.




Oh shit!

His pinky finger was cut?

Yes, and we didn't recover it.

What do you mean?



I missed you, Miss Nielsen.

Could you do us a favor
and tell us more about

that yubi something?



That is Japanese, Doctor Fournier.

There is a body of
consistent evidence showing

that this man cut his pinky finger himself.

It is a ritual punishment
performed by the yakuza.

The Japanese mafia?

The victim would be a yakuza?


The yakuza have their bodies
entirely covered with tattoos.

But the victim does not have any.


not on the front.

- Well, let's go.
- Sorry. Sirs?



It means, cut off a phalange.

- Ok.
- It can be any finger.

Thank you.

He is dead.

- You do not have to take his temperature.
- It's for the water.


Could you tell me what happened?

I don't have a clue.

Like every morning,
we escorted Mr. Kimura to his bath.

And after that,


All I can remember is that we fainted-

What time was it exactly?

I don't know.

9 am...

9:30 am tops.

- Sir, nobody's allowed through.
- Let me in.

Nobody's allowed through, sir.

Are you family, sir?

I might as well be.

I'm the one who protects Kimura-san.

They aren't his bodyguards?

They're substitutes who
started two weeks ago.

I've been here since the beginning.

Commander Coste.

- You see the man, there.
- Yes?

He is a true yakuza.

Thank you.

You father lets you
come on your own now?

I am qualified.

(Japanese) Thank you very much.

You honor me, Miss Nielsen.

But you are thanking me like a Prince.

You should say

Arigato gozaimasu.

In Japan,

politeness follows a very precise code.

The keigo

which is divided in
3 different levels.

And for each situation
corresponds a precise response.

I'm bothering you with my stories.

Not at all.

Could you explain to me, Tanaka-san?

We will not thank the same way…

That's it.

I know a little more about our Marat.



A guy assassinated
in his bath it's “Marat”,

the painting of David.

You gotta stop Charlotte Corday.

I didn't know you were
interested in the French Revolution.

No, not really.

But I always had the soul of a cop.

All that interested me in history

was everything revolving around homicides.

Julius Ceasar. Henry IV.


- Marat.
- Marat.


And this victim?

Takeshi Kimura.

The only son of an old
Japanese aristocratic family.

His late father bought
a French gallery in the 80s

and made it into a huge enterprise
of art imports and exports.

The company has the entire building.

The three French bodyguards are clean

but Ken, the Japanese bodyguard,
just got out of prison.


He hires back his bodyguard
when he gets out.

He hires three more.

You don't increase
your protection without reason.

What was he afraid of?

Or who?

We'll find out.

What scared your boss so much?

- Nothing at all.
- Four bodyguards,

including a yakuza.

He didn't mind being
associated with organized crime?

Was he working with the mafia?

Among people of his standard,

having bodyguards is
rather a form of prestige.

A bit like a Lord surrounded by Samurais.

You want to tell me

that your role
alongside Kimura was just for show?

And one year of prison
for as*ault and battery…

What was it?

That was a...

personal dispute.

Your boss rehired you
when you got out of prison.

I have been working for
the family for 20 years.

It creates bonds.

Then why weren't you with him this morning?

He asked me to buy him cigars.

Such a tragedy.


That is the file.

Ken, the bodyguard, got a year in prison

for as*ault and battery on his victim,

who was an artist
displaying at the Kimura gallery.


And Takeshi Kimura is
involved in the case?

Not at all.

Ken took full responsibility.

- There. Personal dispute.
- Yeah.

Those are his exact words.

Yes, it is written there.

If you want my opinion,
I'm less and less sure about that.


Some of those works have been sold
for a fortune by the Kimura gallery.

And since the as*ault,

those paintings don't sell anymore.
And his ratings are plummeting.


In general, it's a matter of taste.

But in this specific case,
I believe it has nothing

to do with aesthetic considerations.

It's a very old scheme.

Vendor A buys a painting
for a few thousand euros.

They put it on the market
via the Kimura gallery

which inflates the price artificially.

Like an auction.

So, buyer B buys it for a million.

So A make an official profit
of a million euros.

Commander Coste uses A and B letters
to symbolize people.

It is a metaphor.

If A is a politician and
B a wealthy manufacturer,

the manufacturer just legally gifted

one million euros to the politician.

It's a system of money laundering.

Commissioner, great timing!

We just found a case of
money laundering and corruption.

Yes, I already know.

I just got the BRB

and they're on the
Kimura gallery for years,

- working with the Japanese authorities.
- Really?

In the 80s, France was
the El Dorado of yakuza

for laundering money.

But there were too many gangs
and not enough space.

It led to a true w*r of the gangs.

When the w*r ended,
the Kimuras were the only ones left.

Ok, and what does it mean today?

The Commissioner wants to say that

Takeshi Kimura's death

probably marks the beginning
of a new g*ng w*r.

I need to go to the Criminal Documentation.

I am going to be late.
One should not be late.


The Kimuras aren't just
a façade for the yakuza.

They're the French part of one of the most

powerful Japanese criminal organizations…

The “Yamaguchi-kai”.

- Extortion-
- They're part of

what the Japanese authorities
call “Bōryokudan”.

It means violent group, in Japanese.

How did you know?


Well done, Commander Coste.

Extortion, blackmail, trafficking.

Everyone who gets in their way
ends up in the cemetery.

Are we sure that Takeshi Kimura's
death is linked to all that?

Hard to tell.

From what we know, they have
little competition in their sector.

But the MO

could suggest a settling of scores.

It doesn't mean Kimura's death
is linked to organized crime.

We saw members of the mafia
be assassinated by their mistresses.

I agree.

If we find elements
linked to organized crime,

I promise you we'll send all
the information to the BRB.


we work this case like any homicide.


But be careful where you put your nose.

Commander Coste, your shoes.
You must remove your shoes.

You mustn't walk in with your shoes.
It is the rule.

- Like in the paper room.
- Like in the paper room.

It is the rule.

It is Go.

An ongoing game.

White and black are tied.


We'd like to ask you a few
questions about your boss, please.

I believe I offended the woman.


Tell the lady that

we have a few
questions about her boss.

Kimura was my husband.

Mr. Kimura was her husband.

Ask Mrs. Kimura

why her husband hired

two new bodyguards.

Had hired.

He is dead.

Mrs. Kimura,

why had your husband
hired two new bodyguards?

He was worried.

Our house was recently robbed.

He was worried.

Their house was recently robbed.

Thank you, I heard.

He didn't just increase his security,

he totally replaced it.

He fired his Japanese bodyguard

to hire French ones, why?

He didn't trust him anymore?

That's a little too long for a question.

I do not know.

My husband wasn't
keeping me informed of

his relationship with Ken.

It's a men's matter,
do you understand?

Do you know who he
might have talked about it with?

She does not know.

It is a men's matter,
do you understand?


to her Go partner.

It is normal she was offended, Raphaëlle.

You lent forward at 45 degrees.

This salutation is restricted to
the Imperial family and the clergy.

Moreover, you had your hands
at your sides, like a man.

It would have been better

to lean forward at 30 degrees

and put your hands on your thighs.

There are 3 different types of salutations

in the Japanese culture.

One should choose the right one.


The shoes are glued together.

That is weird.

I do not understand.

Me neither.


I'm Hiro Morin, Mr. Kimura's assistant.

I'll let you handle it, Astrid.

Do you play Go?


I saw a game in Mr. Kimura's office.

An ongoing game.
There is an interesting move.

But they are only delaying.

A moment of equilibrium, bound to tilt.

On which side?

The black side.

Mr. Kimura.

I've never beaten him.

But he's the one who
taught me how to play.

Among other things.

I owe him a lot.

Does Ken play Go?


He didn't have that passion.
Ken was

like his brother.

They went out together to drink,
go to the bath together.

Not this morning.

They weren't together this morning.

Were they on bad terms?

I don't know.

What I can tell you is that

I heard them arguing
around two weeks ago.

About what?

I couldn't tell you.

Listen, I'm sorry.

But I have a meeting outside

- to make the funeral arrangements.
- Of course.

- Like that.
- Yes, because

when he arrived, you bent too far.

You are not an Empress.

- Well, no.
- No.

It's not a date.

Ok, not a date.

Can I have half a pint?


let's talk about work, then.

So, your case?

Am I allowed?

Talking with a DA who's not on my case,
am I allowed?

Thank you.

Because you worry
about what you're allowed to do, now?

That's new, isn't it?

It's a case which
involves an environment

I am not familiar with,

of which I don't know the language,
and all its code.


What is it?

No, it's...

No, earlier and for the first time I…

I was in Astrid's shoes.

It's difficult to explain but...

it made me
understand a lot of things.

- Who is this girl?
- This girl?

This girl is the most talented
criminalist of this city.

Don't you dare make fun of her.

It's not that but,

it's so you.

You were always like this,
wanting to take in the...

The what?

- Well, you know...
- The what?

- The lost souls, the hopeless cases-
- The lost souls!

- Yeah.
- But she isn't a lost soul...

She's my friend.


Can we cheer anyway?

There were 5 crimes involving yakuza

during the last 30 years in Paris.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

All happened at the
beginning of the 90s.

Not one since.

The g*ng w*r
the Commissioner talked about.

But I did not find anything

that could link one of
these cases to the Kimura family.

We need to interrogate Hiro Morin again

I'm sure he didn't tell us everything.

You could do it, Astrid.

It went well last time, didn't it?


But, we shouldn't do it at the precinct

it'd have to be in
a more informal setting.

A coffee at Michel's.


I would prefer a tea

at Mr. Takana's shop.

Ah, yeah, yeah, it's perfect.

But I would need to ask
the permission of Tanaka-san.

Well, call him to have a meeting.

Anyway, I need to drop by the precinct

to touch bases with the team.


I cannot ask him over the phone,

it would not be appropriate.
I need to ask him in person.

- But it's Wednesday?
- Yes.

- I do my grocery shopping on Monday.
- Yes?

But this is an unusual event.

When we think about it,

it is better if the unusual event

does not happen on a usual day.


It is better.

- Yeah, it's better, yeah.
- Yes.

Konichiwa Tanaka-san.

You are not Tanaka-san.

Why, yes I am.

You are really different on Mondays.

Ah, pardon me.

You're talking about Apu Tanaka.

I'm Tetsu Tanaka,

- his nephew.
- Ah.

I run the shop on Wednesdays.

I do my grocery shopping on Mondays.

- You only came on Mondays?
- Yes.

- Are you, by chance, Ms. Nielsen?
- Yes.

How did you know?

My uncle told me a lot about you.

I am very honored to meet you.

How can I help you?

I would like to borrow your
back room to serve tea

to someone Commander Coste
wishes to interrogate.

Oh, a police case.

Of course!

My uncle also told me all the good things

he thought about Mrs. Coste.

It consists of
interviewing a key witness

whose office is two streets from here.

All right.

I can prepare everything
you'll need for tea right now.

If you want?

Right now?

It would be impolite to refuse.

But it's what you want.

We can do this later, if you prefer.

No, it would be impolite to refuse,

I don not want to be impolite.

I will inform Hiro Morin.

Right now.

Right now.


- Is everything all right?
- I'm fine.

- How much coffee did you have?
- I don't remember.

I spent all night on the
Kimura company accounts.

- Did you find anything?
- Yes.

So, all the transactions between

the parent company in Japan
and the French company

are legal,

except that the transactions
to Japan the last 3 months

are significantly less than before.

Kimura was dipping into the funds?

I don't know but it must have
raised Tokyo's hackles

when they saw that the
profits were very low.

And that's not all.

I looked at Ken's receipts
to verify his alibi

and I found long-distance calls from Japan

the day before and
the day of Kimora's m*rder

when there was none
for several months.

- Coste is with him for an interrogation, I'll tell her.
- Ok.

Who do you take
orders from in the end?

From the Kimura family

or directly from the
Yamaguchi-kai in Japan?


It's the clan

that put me under
Kimura-san's orders.

To protect him or to monitor him?

You argued with him recently,
about what?

The transactions that dropped?

That's it.

And where did it go, this money?

In Kimura's pockets?

Not really.

He was gambling with Tokyo's profits.

He'd been losing money recently,

so I had to remind him that

the clan's patience is limited.

And their patience reached its limits.

They had him k*lled.

After making him

- cut off his finger as a sign of penance.
- No.


I wasn't expecting a
confession from you anyway.

You don't understand.

If it was Tokyo who wanted him dead,

he would have known,

because he would have
asked me to do it.

You knew each other for 20 years,

you drank together,
you were friends.

There is friendship.

And there is duty.

You realize that
you're giving me a motive?

And you?

You realize it's not
my first interrogation?

You have nothing on me.

For my part,

the man I had to protect,

he was m*rder*d.

So understand that

the police are
the last thing on my mind.

You want us to keep you here?

It would change nothing.

For certain things, they are patient.


I don't think it was the clan
who k*lled Kimura-san.

He had a sort of insurance,

a compromising list

that he would release to the media
if anything happened to him.

We didn't find anything of the sort.

Well, keep looking.


It's your job, right?

I am not capable.

You can begin by serving tea.

This you are capable of doing.

Yes, serving tea.

I am capable.

My uncle told me that
you do it to perfection.

It's a starting point.

Serving tea.

It's a starting point.

Domo arigato gozaimasu.


I thank you for this kindness, Miss.

I am at your service.

If I can help in any way

in the arrest of Mr. Kimura's m*rder*r,


let me know.


I would like to ask you some questions.

Oh, Astrid, I'm so sorry,
I couldn't come earlier.

I had some complications with Ken...


You're here.

It appears that Kimura had a list
of compromising contacts.

But we can't find it.

And you?
Did you go to Tanaka?


- Can we interrogate Hiro Morin?
- Yes, it is done.

Well, I'll bring him in.

No, I mean yes it is done.

I interrogated Hiro Morin.


not playing by the book, are we Astrid?

You are angry.


I'm really proud of you.

It's a transgression,
not really your thing.

I was offered tea.

To refuse tea in a Japanese house

is a more serious transgression,
you can believe me.

And you told me that

you wanted me to
conduct the interrogation.

- It's true. Well, tell me.
- Yes,

I am closing the file.

The file needs to be put away correctly.

Mr. Morin was really amiable.

He really liked Mr. Kimura.

Except for one thing.

Mr. Kimura was very keen on women.

It is the only aspect of his personality
that he didn't approve of.

He talked to you about this?


His non-verbal language suggested it.

You recognized an intention in
Hiro Morin's non-verbal language.

Absolutely not.

You know it is not something
I would be capable of.


It was Tetsu,

Mr. Tanaka's nephew who
brought my attention to it.

He was present during the interview
and gave me his observations.

Very observant, this guy.

Yes, and he smells very good.

Here is the conversation.

He smells very good?

Absolutely. And he noticed
Mr. Morin's condemning look

when he talked about bachelor pad.

His bachelor pad?

It is a secret apartment where Mr. Kimura

spent some nights with his mistresses.

And can we know where
this secret apartment is?


it is a secret.

Which means that we
cannot know where it is.

That is the principle of a secret.

Secret but legal.

No irregularities to declare to tax
authorities for Mr. Kimura.

It is the same Go game as at the office.

But this one is a few steps ahead.
Black has won the move.

Yes, now it is in the lead.

This should be the adjacent
wall to Kimura's building.

What do we have here? Hey, there.


It's fingerprint protected.

They surely wouldn't have cut off his pinky
to log into his laptop, right?

Careful, the cobra. Slowly, Raphaëlle.

The computer is linked to the TV.

- What's happening...
- There.

In the bed post, it seems that there is a
camera. There. It is a camera. It is me.

It is strange though, to record yourself
when you are sleeping.

When you are sleeping.
Of course, you're cute.

Thank you Raphaëlle. The Osen shower.

Well, it seems he wasn't just
keen on women.

He was a straight up voyeur.

To wet the hair, it needs to be down.

It is strange to wash the hair when it
is tied. And in the Osen changing room,

there is a woman inside. The Osen Jacuzzi.
It is empty.

You know that this is convenient
for us, Astrid.

Only the forefinger is recorded in the
fingerprints program.

That's not why the cut off his pinky.
The file I told you about, is this one.

It's a file with a timer.

It's programmed to be sent to a bunch of
newspapers if it is not reseted every day.

Because you're k*lled for example.
It's the guarantee Ken talked about.

Politicians, businessmen...

In fact all those who benefited from the
money laundering at the gallery.

- And given the sums exhanged, it could cause quite a mess.
- What interests me is something else.

The computer was connected to the TV.

Do you think it could have recorded
the camera footage?

Oh yeah. The hard drive is nearly full.

Can you find me the video feed from the
Osen shower at the time the m*rder happened?


There it is.

- There is what? He's wearing a mask.
- But look at the tattoos. This is Ken, right?

- He's the culprit.
- On the contrary, Ken is innocent.

It is not Ken's tattoo but the tattoo
from a Yakuza who died 25 years ago.

I know the file. I will go find the file.

I need to go to the Criminal Documentation.

- How does she know that?
- Well, you know.

It will be fine, thank you.

I was expecting something more threatening
on a Yakuza's back.

Buddha is a symbol of love and
peace normally, isn't it?

More like a symbol of acceptance.

Accept what is, let go of what was,
have faith in what will be.

Accept all things, including death.

- Yours or that of others'?
- Commander Coste.

A tattoo is something personal.

- We found your list.
- Before it could be broadcasted?

It will be dealt with by the justice system
and not the media.

I told you it wasn't us.

Do you know this man?


- The person who k*lled Kimura has the same tattoo. Are you sure?
- Then it's a ghost.

A Yakuza who copies the tattoos of another,
that doesn't exist.

So, you wanted to see me?

Don't even think about
it. It's strictly professional.

Would you like a status report?

- What is this?
- Yes, sorry.

Ah, ok.

- Damn it's expl*sive, this thing.
- Yes. A political b*mb.

You know it's not my
thing so... It's a gift.

But you're aware of what a document
like this can do to a career?

My career is about human drama, you see.

And for Takashi Kimura's m*rder,
I'm ready to bet it's really personal.

If there's anything
I've learned from Astrid,

it's that sometimes,
you only need to trust.

- You'll know better than me what to do with this thing.
- Well, thank you.


This picture, Astrid took
it from a file from 1995.

This one was taken when Kimura was
being m*rder*d at the spa.

Well, without a doubt.
It's the same tattoo.

And we're sure it can't be the same person?

- Well, this is an autopsy picture, Commissioner.
- He is dead.

- 25 years ago.
- Yes, sorry. Of course. So?

This man was probably a Yakuza.

He was found dead on the 23th July 1995,
drowned in a swimming pool.

The investigation concluded it was a
homicide. This man was never identified.

He didn't have any I.D. on him
and nobody claimed the body.

- We don't know who he is.
- No. But we know where he was buried.

The law provides a grave for all citizens.

In every cemetery, there is a space
allocated to unidentified people.

We call it "the common ground". It is an
individual grave with an assigned number.

The unknown Yakuza was buried under
the number "CE9913"

in the cemetery of Thiais
in the common ground.

I think that this man is
the key to this mystery.

Kimura has been m*rder*d over a story
from 1995 which has resurfaced.

- Ok.
- Your balls are untidy.

And why are you still in my office, Coste?
Why aren't you at the Thiais cemetery?

- At the common ground.
- Astrid.

- Yes.
- Come.

The pictures of the file.

I aligned your balls.

A lot of people are asking me how I have
been feeling since Mr. Gaillard's death.

I do not know what to say.

Raphaëlle, have you ever
lost someone close to you?

I lost someone close, yes.

And how did it feel?

An emptiness. An immense emptiness.

- Did you do something to fill that void?
- I talk to them.

To someone who is dead?

It's to the part of them that lives inside
of us, we talk to.

It helps fill the void.

- Ah.
- So this is the common ground.

We only need to find the grave now.

CE9913. CE9913. CE9913. CE9913, there.

Under the red dahlias.

One should not walk on graves.

Of course, nobody saw who brought the
flowers. But there's no coincidence.

I would bet my right hand that CE9913 is
the key to this story.

- CE99 what?
- CE9913.

Because since we don't know who he is
and that we only have the grave number,

Astrid decided to call him CE9913.

- And you managed to remember CE9913?
- Yes.

- I've made a lot of progress thanks to Astrid.
- Yeah, I can see that.


So, the k*ller has the same tattoo as
a Yakuza k*lled 25 years ago.

Couldn't it be an old settling of scores
linked to the gangs w*r of 1992?

It is unlikely. CE9913 was wearing a
prosthetic to hide his amputated pinky.

- So?
- So an active Yakuza shows his amputated finger with pride.

It's an identifier. Finger prosthetics are
generally used by

people who returned to civilian life
and wish to forget about their past.

We found alcohol in his blood. There
were two empty bottles of sake by the pool.

On these bottles were two sets of
DNA: His and another we couldn't identify.

So, we will compare the unknown DNA to
Ken's and Kimura's.

I'm sure it would explain a number of
things to someone who could read Yakusa.

Yes, but we know of only one and
he refuses to talk of it so...

But we too know someone.

Someone very talkative, and who knows
their stuff about tattoos.

- Don't we, Astrid?
- It is a good idea.

Oh! Beautiful! Just look at this work!

This is not dermograph.
This is traditional work.

- A needle at the end of a piece of bamboo and tap tap tap.
- It must have hurt like hell!

- The suffering is part of the experience.
- Exactly.

This type of tattoo is called "Irezumi" and
it relates a whole story

because they are not all done at once.

They evolve throughout a Yakuza's career.

And it wouldn't tell us who he worked for,
by any chance?

No, but for who he didn't work for anymore.

You see these parts where the outline
is done but not yet colored?

This is called "sujiborido" and it means
that the tattoo will continue to evolve.

However here, it's all colored.

His Yakuza career was finished.

- You were right Astrid, he had retired.
- Yes.

If it doesn't tell us who he worked for,
maybe it can tell us with whom.

This little demon, there, on his back...

And there on this picture... identical.

At the same place, made by the same
person at the same time.

They were probably
colleagues or brothers in arms.

- Thank you.
- It's Ken's tattoo.

They were brothers in arms. He really
took the piss out of me!

- Hello.
- Hello.

Commander, I have the DNA comparison.

Naturally, the measurements were not
as precise 25 years ago.

At the time, we could only sequence
a fragment of the DNA.

And as it relates to the domain
of statistics, this naturally impacts

the results, working with measurements
that were done so long ago.

- Hello, Mr. Frederic.
- Hello, yes, absolutely. In fact-

Stop! I'm stopping you right there because
if I let you two talk about this,

we will have a thesis. So these results,
what do they say?

Let's say that there is a probability,
quite reasonable,

that the DNA found on the bottle
near CE9913 was Ken's.

So, we found Ken. He
was not at Kimura's office.

- He is at the abandoned pool of Medon.
- You bring him in right now, I have a few things to say to him.

- Impossible.
- Oh yes, it's possible.

Yeah, it looks like his DNA was on the bottle
we found at the crime scene 25 years ago.

Impossible to interrogate
him, because he's dead.

- Hello, sir.
- Hello.

We'll take pictures from all sides,
and also sh*ts from up there.

- Hello, ladies.
- Hello, Doctor Fournier.

He planted a cigarette into the
ground, like a stick of incense.

It is sake. These are ritual acts to
honor the memory of a dead loved one.

In Japan, it is very common to replace
a stick of incense with a cigarette.

They were friends.

Didn't stop him from
liquidating him back then.

Ken k*lled CE9913 because
there's friendship and there's duty.

- Sorry?
- Something Ken told me.

So, one blow was enough,
he didn't defend himself.

- Maybe he was taken by surprise.
- From the front? No.

- Why not?
- No. I think he chose not to fight.

He was waiting for his fate.

The plaiting of the handle and the
patterns on the hilt of this saber

are identical to those of the dagger
that k*lled Kimura.

These 2 weapons belong to the same set.

It is likely the same m*rder*r.

This is all the stuff we found
when searching Ken's apartment.

- Nico?
- Yeah?
- Look.

So, this could be Ken,

and this could be CE9913 who Ken
k*lled 25 years ago.

And I know this one, I saw his face
in the business' papers.

- He's Kimura's father.
- Too bad he's dead because he could have helped us.

- But now they're all dead.
- No, wait. She was much younger, but that's Hitomi. She's Kimura's wife.

- Who's very much alive.
- Yeah.

Come on, Astrid. You can do it. Come on.

I am blue, she is pink.

I am blue, you are pink.

You need to follow the arrows. Konichiwa.

The photo.

Could you tell me if you
recognize this man here?

Next to your father-in-law,
next to Ken, next to you.

- Absolutely.
- 'Absolutely', that means yes.

His name is… Akira Itchi.

- It has been a while since I last saw him.
- That is normal.

- Did you know he was a Yakuza?
- Of course.

'Of course' means yes. Yes.

- So you do not deny having connections to the Yakuza?
- I have none.

My husband did, my father-in-law
did. Because they were men.

I was always kept away from those things.

- Do you know what happened to Akira Itchi?
- No.

He must be in Japan. Soon before our
wedding, he asked my husband

if he could leave our
service to get married.

- And your husband accepted.
- Of course.

- 'Of course' means yes. And the clan accepted.
- Yes.

Akira did everything properly.

Respecting tradition.

And he had my husband's blessing.

Yet he wasn't wearing a ring.

What do you mean?

Do you know the name of the woman
he intended to marry?

She was a painter who had long been
my husband's favorite artist.

Her name was…

- Nathalie Lafont.
- Nathalie Lafont.

Natalie Lafont.

- He is dead. Akira Itchi, he is dead. 25 years ago. CE9913.
- Good.

It could be I was his favorite, but it
wasn't really exactly because

- of my paintings, you understand?
- Absolutely not.

- Well, yes.
- No.

- Yes, it's a pretty classic tale.
- Kimura was in love with you,

- and you were in love with Akira.
- Yes, that's a good summary.


- Did you know he was a Yakuza?
- That was hard to miss.

He had this tattoo on his body and many
missing digits.

But he wanted to change his life. To
turn his back on his criminal past.

I was worried at first, but eventually
he left the organization without

any trouble with clan Kimura's blessing.
Especially Takeshi's.

- But that was to condemn him to death.
- Judas' kiss.

He couldn't have the clan execute him
as long as he was a member.

Once freed, he just had to make a call.

- I understood that afterwards.
- When he was found drowned.

Why didn't you tell the police?

Ken made me understand that it
wasn't in my best interest.

He was my friend, he was also Akira's.

But if given the order, he would
have k*lled me without hesitation.

It is the same game as the one at
the office and the apartment.

Every black piece is dead. White is
going to win the game, Commander Coste.


- Do you play Go?
- No, but my son does.

- Yes, Hiro Morin.
- Yes.
- Yes.

He's Akira's son. I was pregnant with
him when he was m*rder*d.

He has my second husband's name.
But how do you know that?

- We met at the gallery.
- What gallery?

The Kimura gallery, where he works.

That's impossible. My son doesn't
work, he's studying Art.

- Yes, he works at the gallery.
- Does he live with you?

Yes, his room is upstairs.

Ok, thanks.

Hiro isn't at the Kimura gallery.
We put out an alert everywhere.

Thanks, Arthur.

We need to open the closet, there.

Do you have the key to the lock, ma'am?

Oh, that's not possible.

We found the finger.

Did you know your son worshiped
his father and the Yakuza?

Mrs. Lafont?

He had an episode when he
was a teen. He…

He started idealizing Akira, and to
consider the Yakuza as Samouraïs.

I did everything to make him understand
they had nothing to do with each other.

He seemed to understand, to forget about
all this when he…

When he started his art studies.

Arthur, can you bring her to the precinct
and watch over her, please?

Ma'am, come with me,
I'll take your deposition.

- There is one missing.
- There are three stands.

We have found the kaiken, the dagger,
the katana, the long sword.

The wakizashi is missing, the short sword.

- Seppuku.
- Seppuku? What's seppuku?

su1c1de. He is going to use the
short sword to k*ll himself. The finger.

Cover the area!

So you're the one who put flowers on
his grave?

I had to k*ll Kimura and
Ken, do you understand?

But I thought you cared about Kimura?

All those years,

while I was trying to get
close to him to k*ll him…

Kimura actually took me under his wing.

He was almost the father I never had.

Even that didn't make
you change your mind?

Kimura found my mother's works.

He told me…

He told me this artist
should have been his.

And that- And that some poor guy
tried to take her from him.

He did everything to stop him from
running away. All that...

All that because of pride.

Good, easy.


It is not Monday, but this is an
uncommon purchase.

If this is an uncommon purchase, then
it is normal that it is on an uncommon day.

I was wondering if I could
treat Commander Coste to a drink.

To celebrate the success
of her investigation.

Still not a date?

We'll see.

You're smoking again?

- Did you follow me?
- Not bad, this spot.

- I get where you disappeared to, now.
- Don't say anything, ok?

It's the only place I can relax.

If people find out, it'll become
the new cafeteria.

It's about Raph, isn't it?

I can see you.

Since the new DA's been sniffing around
her, you're tense, stressed, not doing well.

No, I've moved on, really, I promise.

You promise?

You know what your problem is?

It's that you don't think you're good
enough for her.

As long as you don't think you're good
enough for her, how can

she thinks you're good enough for her?
It doesn't work.

- It's about attitude.
- Here.

Thank you, Mr. Gaillard.