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07x19 - Strange Bedfellows

Posted: 01/17/23 17:52
by bunniefuu
Last time on
"Star Trek - Deep Space Nine"...

This is intolerable!
We are caged up like animals!

Stop it!

We meet at last.

Gifts? How thoughtful.

You should be honoured.

You're witnessing an historic moment.

The birth of the alliance
between the Dominion and the Breen.

And now, the continuation...

We will secure the prisoners below.
They will share a cell.

They may wish
to physically comfort each other

on the long trip back to Cardassia.

I find inter-species mating rituals
fascinating to watch.

Interesting device.

I am so sorry.
Where are my manners?

Let me introduce Legate Damar,
leader of the Cardassian Union.

- Thot Gor.
- Thot.

The equivalent of a legate, isn't it?

What did he say?

He says you need to have
your universal translator adjusted.

I would have if I'd known
we were meeting with the Breen.

It is a distinct pleasure
to finally meet you.

Thanks. If our talks are as productive
as our subspace communications,

I'm sure we'll sign
the treaty documents soon.

- Treaty?
- We'll discuss it later.

The alliance between
the Breens and the Dominion

will end this w*r
that has torn this quadrant apart.

With the Breen at our side, the
Federation cannot stand against us.

They'll be erased
from the face of the galaxy.

This is outrageous!

- Have you read this treaty?
- Parts of it.

It refers to "territorial concessions"
that Cardassia will make to the Breen.

- It doesn't say what they are.
- Don't worry about that.

It's all itemised in a secret protocol
between the Dominion and the Breen.

All you have to do is sign the document

as the acknowledged leader
of the Cardassian Union.

- I want to see this protocol.
- Then it wouldn't be a secret.

You expect me to agree
to these territorial concessions?

Damar, you are missing the point.

We need the Breen to win this w*r.

When it's over, there will be
more than enough territories available

to compensate Cardassia
for the loss of a few minor planets.

There are no minor planets
in the Cardassian Union.

You should talk to Thot Gor.
Express your concerns.

- He's very reasonable.
- I don't trust him or his people.

The Founders shouldn't just
give away Cardassian territory!

I'm sorry, I think I misunderstood you.

Were you implying Cardassian territory
doesn't belong to the Founders?

Surely that isn't what you meant?

No. Of course not.


I look forward to receiving the signed
documents from you within the hour.

Is there something else?

The Klingons have att*cked Septimus lll.

- I'm aware of that.
- And they've landed 15 divisions.

The Cardassian troops will never
survive without reinforcements.

The Septimus lll situation
will be dealt with.

We will not allow your brave soldiers
to perish in vain.

You have my word.

Septimus lll will fall within the week!

The Cardassian 11th Order
is a reserve unit.

Old men and walking wounded.

- They have no chance.
- You're right.

Enough about w*r with the Dominion.
I want to hear about the w*r at home.

You just married that freighter captain,
didn't you?


w*r has broken out,
whether you know it, or not.

A long, gruelling, intoxicating w*r.

I remember the day my beloved Sirella
moved into my home.

I had a pet "targ. "
Had him since I was a boy.

A filthy, mangy beast, but in his
bony breast beat the heart of a warrior.

Of course, Sirella loathed him.

To make a long story short,

while she was supervising
the unloading of her bags,

Sirella accidentally
left the front door open.

My faithful "targ," ever ready
to follow the call of the wild,

tottered outside on his frail legs
and disappeared into the forest.

I never laid eyes on him again.

Lady Sirella draws the first blood.

You see my point.

Don't get me wrong. I would not trade
Sirella for all the "targs" on Kronos.

And during our marriage I've won
more than my fair share of battles.

But in the end,
I know she will win the w*r.

I'll keep that in mind.

You ate all the milaberries.

Well, then, have Solbor bring us more.

And give him another chance
to frown disapprovingly?

The good Ranjen
doesn't much care for me, does he?

You'd think he'd be pleased
to see his Kai so happy.

Are you happy, Adami?

More than I've ever been in my life.

The Prophets are smiling on us.

They've not only brought us together,
but they've given us a great task -

the restoration of Bajor.

Our world will be reborn.
And you will be its leader.

- A sacred responsibility.
- Yes.

I pray I'll have the strength to do
what the Prophets are asking of me.

I will be at your side.
We won't fail them.

But the Restoration will not come
without struggle.

There will be those
who will stand in our way.

It is not allowed to interfere
with the will of the Prophets.

Even those who claim
to speak in their name.

The Emissary.

In your vision,
the Prophets said he'd faltered.

I can only hope that he doesn't choose
to oppose them.

Their love is strong,
but so is their wrath.

I hate to say it,
but this is doing wonders for my back.

- I doubt our captors intended that.
- Probably not.

We must get back
and warn Starfleet about the Breen.

You're right.
There's just a few problems.

We're on a Jem'Hadar ship
heading in the wrong direction,

hanging upside down and...

And what?

I think I'm getting spacesick.

Well... welcome home, Mrs Sisko.

Thank you, Mr Sisko.

How was your cargo run?

Interesting. It seems my Bajoran
crew members have decided

that serving under the Emissary's wife

is a little different
than serving under his girlfriend.

I've known some of those people
for ten years

and suddenly
they're asking me for advice

about their children,
their wives, their husbands,

their spiritual relationship
with the Prophets.

Welcome to the club.
Which reminds me...

Every spring,
the Emissary holds a ceremony

to bless the women
who want to be mothers.

What does this have to do with me?

There's been a request made,
several in fact,

that the Emissary's new wife
perform the ceremony this year.

- This week, actually.
- No.


I've got to draw the line somewhere.
I married you. I didn't convert.

And I'm not going to start acting
like I suddenly believe in the Prophets.

I don't want you to feel uncomfortable.

Good. Then it's settled.
I'm going to take a sonic shower.

Take your time. Dinner won't be ready
for another 15 minutes.

And so... the battle begins.

- Let me try.
- You lack the necessary strength.

And your fingers are too fat. Look out.

- Would you...
- I've got it.


- Ow!
- Are you hurt?

Yes. You cut my finger
and made me hit my head!

It was an accident.

How will a pin out of a bunk
help us escape?

If you stop interfering and allow me
to remove the pin, I will show you.

- Let me look at your head.
- No, thank you.

The last time you touched me,
things got out of control.

I was seduced and betrayed.

- Seduced? I seduced you?
- At least we agree on that.


You desired a physical relationship
with me from the start. It was obvious.

You have the biggest ego I've known.

That's quite a statement.

Should I be embarrassed that
Jadzia had a few lovers before you?

A few?

More than a few.
It was dozens. Hundreds.

I don't think there was anyone
aboard DS9 who wasn't her lover!

Let me take this opportunity
to welcome you to Cardassia Prime.

I trust you're being well treated so far?

I've been looking over the information

you supplied during your interrogation,

and the results are a bit confusing,
as mental probes so often are.

I was wondering if you wouldn't mind
sifting through the data

and clarifying certain issues for us.

- You can't be serious.
- I'm always serious.

If you don't do as I ask, I'll have to
hand you over to Legate Damar,

and you know how ruthless
the Cardassians can be.

I must inform you that a Cardassian
tribunal will try you as w*r criminals.

- What are the charges?
- It is not necessary for you to know.

You will be found guilty and ex*cuted.

If you decide to join us in our search
for a quick end to this miserable w*r,

your sentence will be reduced
to life imprisonment.

Why don't you
convince the Founders to surrender?

You know, my dear,
it would be such a shame for you to die

without the good Dr Bashir
knowing how you felt about him.


The hallmark of the Weyouns.

The Founders should eliminate that
from your genetic recipe next time.

They'll make another copy of him.

You should've k*lled me.
There's only one Damar.

- I will keep that in mind.
- I'm sure you will.

Consider his offer, Klingon.
You die in two days.

Pick that up and let's go.

There you are.

Who are you?

What do you mean?

I mean, who are you, Anjohl Tennan?

I want to know everything.
About your family, your childhood...

- It would bore you.
- Not at all.

What might seem trivial to you
matters a great deal to me.

I need to know more about this guide
the Prophets have sent me.

This simple farmer.

This man who shares my bed.

- We are of Bajor.
- We await the Restoration.

I am ready. I have met the Guide.

You need only tell me what to do.

I give myself to the Prophets
in all things.

- She does not understand.
- She is fearful.

There is no other path.

She is the chosen one.
She must embrace us.

I will. I swear it!
Give me a chance. Please.

Give us your allegiance,
Kai Winn Adami.

Restore us to our rightful place
in the Celestial Temple.

Reject the false Prophets.

Walk our path
and embrace your own destiny.

Feel our love.
The love of the "Pah-Wraiths... "

No! No!

What is it, Adami? What's happened?

They came to me. A vision.

Blessed be the Prophets.

No! They weren't the Prophets.
They were...

They were what?

The "Pah-wraiths. "

Find Solbor. Have him go
to the Shrine and bring me the Orb.

I must bare my soul to the Prophets
and beg forgiveness.

- Are you sure that's wise?
- Go! Bring me the Orb!

Well, hello.

I'm glad you find the death
of my predecessor so amusing.

You misjudge me. I miss him deeply.

Here. Let's drink to Weyoun Seven.

When will the prisoners be ex*cuted?

When the trial is completed.
Legal protocol must be observed.


The execution is scheduled
for tomorrow. 1400 hours.

- Have they agreed to cooperate?
- No.

Maybe you should talk to Worf again.

Welcome to our command centre.

Of course. Go right ahead.

That database is classified.

Legate Damar means
our entire database is open to you.

Feel free to examine it at your leisure.

- Surely you don't mean that?
- I'm quite sincere.

Our military operation
should stay a secret.

The decision was made
by the Founder herself.

She decided your recommendations
will be submitted to Thot Gor.

He will pass it on to her.

I will not!

I trust that was simply
an unguarded emotional outburst,

so I will ignore it... this time.

Make plans to do exactly
as the Founder instructed,

or you can schedule an execution
for yourself.


- Leave me!
- Oh, shut up!

- You never listen.
- Look who's talking.

- Do you have to do that?
- I do it every day.

I know. But it seems morbid.

- That implies she's not coming back.
- I wasn't implying that.

One day Ezri's going to come
walking through those doors again

and this drink is going to be
waiting for her when she does.

In the meantime, you're just
reminding us that she's missing.

No one's forcing you to sit here.

It was the Badlands.

- What?
- What?

You said something
about the Badlands.

Worf. If his escape pod
hadn't drifted into the Badlands,

the Defiant would've found him
and Ezri wouldn't have gone.

I never thought
I'd hear myself say this,

but I wish
the Defiant had found that Klingon oaf.

We can't change what's happened,
so let's just hope for the best.

I was just starting to.

Starting to what?

I don't know.

But there was something about her,
wasn't there?

Something that made me happy,

She was this old soul
and yet so young at heart and...

I don't know what I'm saying.

- Where is he?
- He'll be here any moment.

He said certain security precautions
had to be observed

before the Orb was allowed
to leave the Shrine.

- May I ask what you're planning?
- No, you may not.

This is far beyond
your ability to comprehend, Anjohl.

Come in.

The Orb of Prophecy.

Place it on the table and then go.

How may I serve you?

You are not required here, thank you.

- There's nothing to fear.
- Of course not. I am the Kai.

The Prophets
will make everything clear to me.

- Something's wrong.
- What?

There's nothing.

The Prophets show me nothing.

They won't speak to me.

They have forsaken me...

...because I have been in communion
with the evil ones.


I know this may be hard to hear,
but you must listen.

I've hidden something from you.

I didn't come here by chance.

I had a vision.

The true gods of Bajor came to me
and asked me to serve them.

- The true gods?
- The "Pah-wraiths. "

- They led me to you.
- No!

- They care about Bajor.
- No!

- They want to make Bajor strong.
- Heretic!

- Listen to me!
- Get away!

Enough! The Prophets
have done nothing for you.

During the occupation, they turned
their backs and let our people suffer.

Let me go!

You've sacrificed everything for them,
and how have they rewarded you?

They've appointed an alien Emissary.

They've rejected you at every turn.
Even now they won't speak to you.

- Solbor!
- Shh!

Listen to me, please.

The "Pah-wraiths" will give you
everything you've ever dreamt of...

the power, the adoration of the people.

In spite of your protestations of humility,

that's what you really want. Admit it.

Stop pretending
to be something you're not.

Take what they're offering you.

Get out!

Go. Crawl back to your Prophets.

Beg their forgiveness.

Live the rest of your life
in Sisko's shadow.

I'll do anything you ask.

You need only give the word.

Have you nothing to say to me?

Am I so offensive to your eyes
that I don't exist for you any more?

There must be something I can do to
prove that I'm still worthy of your love.

- Go ahead.
- This is Kai Winn.

I need to speak with you.
Would you come to my quarters?

Of course.

Colonel Kira to see you, Eminence.

Come in, my child. Please sit down.

Thank you for seeing me
at such a late hour.

What can I do for you?

I have often sensed you don't approve
of how I conduct myself as Kai.

That you believe
I put my own political interests

ahead of our people's
spiritual wellbeing.

I wish I could disagree
with that assessment.

I have strayed from the path
the Prophets have laid down for me.


You don't know. You don't know.


When you told me
the Prophets had spoken to you,

I prayed that they would open your
heart, that they would change you.

I want to change.

I'd do anything
to earn their forgiveness.

- I'm afraid it's too late.
- It's never too late.

- The worst of us can be redeemed.
- How?

I'm not a Vedek, but it seems to me...

...that you have to set aside the things
that led you astray - ambition, jealousy.

Yes. I have given in
to the temptations of power.

- Turn away from temptation.
- Yes.

Give yourself over to the Prophets.

I'll do whatever it takes
to make myself worthy in their eyes.

Everything will change
once you step down as Kai. You'll see.

Step down?

I don't understand.
Why would I do that? Bajor needs me.

Eminence, being in power
is what led you on the wrong path.

But I've resolved to change.

Don't you see?

Once I have regained
the Prophets' trust,

I'll be better able to serve them
if I remain Kai.

If the Prophets wanted me to step
down, surely they would've told me so.

They don't always use words
to make their wishes known.

Sometimes they speak to us
by touching our hearts.

But only you would know
if they had done that.

But Bajor needs me.

Good night, Eminence.

Oh, Damar. There you are.

I want you to hear this.

Thot Gor had an observation about
our forces along the Romulan border.

He thinks we haven't taken advantage
of weaknesses in their defences.

Is that so?

The Romulan colony
in the Unroth System is ripe for attack.

Their long-range sensor array
is being repaired...

- Septimus lll has fallen!
- Excuse me?

Septimus lll. An entire
Cardassian order has been wiped out!

- 500,000 men!
- Oh, yes. A great tragedy.

- You promised reinforcements!
- I didn't.

- I said it would be dealt with.
- By letting the Klingons k*ll them?

If you will calm down and listen,
I will explain.

The sacrifice made by
the Eleventh Order will not be in vain.

They forced the Klingons to commit
valuable troops and resources

to capture
a strategically worthless planet.

- I'm glad you agree.
- I don't!

You condemned loyal Cardassians...

If they were loyal, they died willingly for
the Dominion. That's a great sacrifice.

How many more sacrifices
will my people make?

Your people, Damar?

We are all one with the Dominion.

Vorta, Cardassia,
Jem'Hadar, the Breen...

We all serve the Founders

and we will all make whatever
sacrifices they deem necessary.

Thot Gor, could you reiterate your plan?

I seem to have lost
my train of thought.

I know. It's become difficult
to get a full day's work out of him.

The Dax symbiont has lived
for over 300 years.

Experienced eight lifetimes.

And now it's all going to end
with an execution on Cardassia.

Ezri Tigan's contribution
to the Dax legacy will be to end it.

There is no honour in self-pity.

Worf, I have had just about enough
of your little Klingon aphorisms.

I came on this mission
to save your miserable life,

so the least you can do is
stop acting like a self-righteous "targ. "

Your motives for rescuing me
were not honourable.

Do you really think I disobeyed orders
and risked my life to seduce you?

I hate to burst your bubble, Worf,
but it wasn't that good.

Always the barb, always the joke.

There was a time when you found
my sense of humour endearing.

That was Jadzia. Not you.

Are you angry at me for something
I did or because I'm not Jadzia?

Let's cut to the heart of the matter.

Do you love me? Me? Ezri?

You are trying to make this about me.

Answer the question. Do you love me?

I made my feelings clear
back on Goralis lll.

What is it, Worf? Could it be
that you're feeling just a little guilty?

Because you don't have the same
feelings for me that you had for Jadzia?

If that's true, maybe we both
made a mistake back on Goralis.

So maybe we both should be forgiven.

This night would be better spent
preparing ourselves for the next life

instead of rehashing
the mistakes of this one.

You are right.


I said you are right.

I do not love you as I loved Jadzia.

There's no crime in that.

I dishonoured myself.

I know how often I use that word.
Maybe too often.

- But in this case, it is appropriate.
- Go on.

From the moment you came on
the station, I knew you were not Jadzia.

And yet I knew there was
a part of Jadzia still alive within you.

On Goralis, I allowed myself
to see her instead of you.

I felt the same way.

A part of me,
the part that was your wife,

wanted very much to be close to you.

I realise Jadzia saw physical love
differently than I do.

To her it could mean many things,
but to me it was a deeply spiritual act.

When I made love to you,
my motives were not spiritual.

It was an unworthy impulse.

Worf, we're not gods or prophets.
We're people. We make mistakes.

There is one other thing
I want you to know.

I honestly didn't realise
how I felt about Julian.

I'd never hide
something like that from you.

I believe you. And I do not hold
any malice toward you or Dr Bashir.

That's good to know.


- And more.
- And more.

It appears all we have left to do
is to be ex*cuted.

Sounds like a lazy day.

It's time.

There's a Cardassian patrol ship
in launch bay 3A, two levels above.

Its computers have information
to get you past our checkpoints.

- Why are you doing this?
- Give a message to the Federation.

- They have an ally on Cardassia.
- Why should we trust you?

You can trust me
or you can stay here and be ex*cuted.

I vote for option one.

How could this have happened?

You put the Jem'Hadar
in charge of the detention area.

Thank you for reminding me.

No, I assure you this is
not typical of our security procedures.

The Founder wishes to see me.
She has to be told about this.

I'm sure she'll understand. If not,
I look forward to meeting Weyoun Nine.

Eminence, Anjohl is here.

He claims you called for him.

- Show him in.
- As you wish.

I remember when I first saw
the gate of the Celestial Temple.

I was on the Promenade.

When it burst into view,
this whirlpool of colour and light,

the people around me were in awe.

They said they could feel
the Prophets' love washing over them.

Do you know what I felt, Anjohl?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing.

But I smiled and pretended I did
because it was expected of me.

- I've never admitted that to anyone.
- I can understand why.

They've never spoken to me.

Never offered me guidance.

Never trusted me
with the fruits of their wisdom.

Now I'm supposed to step down as Kai
in order to be blessed by them?

No. I have worked too hard,
waited too long to give it all up now.

You shouldn't have to.

Merciful gods don't ask their children
to make such sacrifices.

The Prophets
have turned their backs on me

after all I've done,
all the pain I've endured for them.

They are not worthy of you, Adami.

I'm a patient woman.
But I have run out of patience.

I will no longer serve gods
who give me nothing in return.

I'm ready to walk the path
the "Pah-wraiths" have laid out for me.

I'll walk with you.

And no one will be able
to stand against us.

Those who dare to try -
the Federation and its Vedek puppets,

the false gods
and their precious Emissary -

they'll all be swept aside
like dead leaves before an angry wind.