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01x01 - Hantise 1

Posted: 01/17/23 18:31
by bunniefuu
Hey, how’s it going?

- Hi.
- Hi, Nico!

It’s : .

Yes, I'm a bit late
but it’s alright, there’s no rush.

- But it's Monday.
-Right, it’s Monday.

- Debriefing Raph!
Everybody’s waiting for you.
- Shit, the debrief!

It's Karlishian, call me back.
I know you're behind all this.

It's easy playing dead right now.


Mr. Karlishian.

Don't be stupid, Max.
Call me back.

Any statement before the trial?

No, no comment.

I’ll hold a press conference at the end.
Thank you.

Mr. Tarquin is accused of embezzling
€ million of public funds.

The only question
you need to ask yourself is:

Can I trust this elected official?

- May I remind you...
- If this gets out, we're dead.

- It won't. Trust me.
- I don’t trust you, Will.

- It’s gonna blow up in our faces.
- Stop, Ludo.

We have a case to win.
That's what I pay you for.

Mr. Karlishian,

can we have you attention, please?

It’s your turn.

Ladies and gentlemen,

your honor.

Don't be a fool, here.

It's all a political trial.


What is he doing, now?

- Ludo! Ludo!
- What’s going on?

Call an ambulance!
- Everybody stay calm, please!

Sir... sir...

Call an ambulance!

Astrid, are you sure you want to do this?

I volunteered.

According to Article
of the Criminal Procedure Code,

a police officer
can call upon any qualified person.

I am qualified.

No, you understood me,
are you certain you’re capable of it?

I am qualified.


Have a nice day, Astrid.

Be careful.

I am qualified.

Wait, I don’t understand.
She's not a criminologist?

No, she’s a documentalist.
She works at the Criminal Documentation.

- So, you need a documentalist?
- No, a criminologist.

And there wasn't
a single criminologist available?

She is both, Arthur.
Criminologist and documentalist.

Ah, there she is.

- Good morning, Commander Coste.
- Hello, Astrid.

- Good morning, Lieutenant Arthur Enguien.
- Hello.

- Do we know each other?
- No, but I know who you are.

I saw your results
at the Police Academy.

- They are excellent, well done.
- Why, Thank you.

We were waiting for you
to visit the crime scene.

- Technically, this isn't one.
- No, not yet.

it’s just a death in a public place.

but the victim is a public figure
and the death

was quite the spectacle.
We don’t want to miss anything.

I have a map of the neighborhood and
I also bought a victim’s biography.

Never be caught off guard.
It is very important.

You know, for the investigation,
we could improvise. Go at it bit by bit.

This is not for the investigation,
this is for me.

Criminologist and documentalist.

Let's go.

Well, you came for nothing.

- That's your perspective.
- No, that’s his.

He died of a sudden death
caused by acute coronary syndrome.

A good old heart attack.

That's weird.
I read his medical file, he seemed in shape.

Nothing weird, Commander, trust me.

I see cases like his
everyday on my table.

Guy doesn't smoke,
eats organic, works out,

then bites the dust on a tennis court.

Your job makes you optimistic!

- Do we have any footage?
- Yes, a journalist

who came in with an hidden camera.

They're all on edge with this trial.
Do you know the penalty?

A € fine and
confiscation of his equipment.

Photography, radio,
and television broadcasts

of legal debates
is regulated by article

of the law of December th, ,

which officially forbids them.

Seeing the price
he could have sold them at, I get it.

Wait, is it me or does the guy
seems terrified all of a sudden?

I don't know, but you have to be scared
when your heart stops, I assure you.


- Did you think of something?’
- Absolutely.

- And would you mind sharing with us?
- Absolutely not.

You say that heart failure
could cause the victim's fright.

But fright could also
cause the victim's heart failure.

It is known as Takotsubo syndrome.

There are multiples cases registered for this

syndrome at
the Criminal Documentation.

Takotsubo? What is that?

Takotsubo syndrome is a cardiopathy

defined by a contractile dysfunction
located at the apex of the ventricle

with an ultrasound profile
of a ventricular ballooning

and hypercontractility of basal segments

generally manifest itself due to stress.

Linked to major fright

or excessive joy.

This guy would have died of fright.

Or joy.

Hold your horses with the Takotsubo syndrome.

Firstly, it's extremely rare
and it generally happens to old ladies.

Anyways, it's unverifiable.

Oh, careful there Fournier.
Last time you told her that,

it did not agree with you, remember?

It is absolutely verifiable.

You just have to check
if there is an apical ballooning

and if
the coronary artery structure is normal.

- Yeah, well you'd need to cut him open for that.
- Exactly.

You would need to cut him open.

You will have to do an autopsy, Dr. Fournier.

- Yes, thanks.
- You are welcome.

Well, autopsy away, Fournier!

If this guy died of fright, I want to know.

Then let's cut!

You can take him.

Let's cut...

Isn't the Commander Coste's
documentalist a little weird?

- She's autistic, Arthur.
- You're kidding.

- No.
- Autistic like Rain Man?

Rain Man is a movie, Arthur.

There are people with autism in France
and this one doesn’t count toothpick.

I need the victim's
last communications and locations.

Wait Raph, Karlishian is not a victim.

Until proven otherwise,
there's no crime.

Something's fishy here,
I can feel it.

You know damn well
the Commissioner gets mad

when you start playing the Oracle of Delphi.

That's why I want you to ask him.

Oh no, Raph. Don't ask me that.

- No, not this look.
- Please Nico.

- It's unfair.
- I swear, you won't regret it.


She says that every time.

Which media do you work for?

I do not work for any media.
I work at the Criminal Documentation.

What are you doing here?

I am part of the investigation as an expert.

- I am qualified.
- Wait, an investigation?

I can not say anything.
Nothing proves that this is a Takotsubo.

An autopsy is in order to establish
a valid post mortem diagnosis.

- Can you make a statement?
-I do not want to say anything.

- You can't or you won't?
- I do not want to say anything because I-

I cannot say anything.

As an expert, I am not authorized
to make any statement without

- the police officer in charge-
- What is-

- I am not done talking.
- An investigation? Is it a crime?

What is that Takotsubo?
Is that poison?

I do not want to say anything
because I cannot say anything

(Miss? Miss!
Please, an answer?)

Leave her alone!

Leave her alone!

Astrid, you okay?
Astrid, come on.

Come with me, Astrid.

Coste, I'm not gonna spend my entire career
trying get you out of trouble!

I'm not interrupting you, am I?

You're unbelievable, Coste. I send you
on a routine case, simple thing.

A lawyer who had a small cardiac arrest.

And hours later, France is in turmoil!

Well, yes, it didn't exactly go according to plan.

It's gone totally off the rails,
yes you can say that.

A little.

But Fournier confirmed
what Astrid saw at the crime scene.

Karlishian didn't have an ordinary heart attack.

- His heart burst due to a strong emotion
- Yes, I know, I know.

Every channel is on repeat,
saying he died of fright.

- I can show you if you'd like?
- I'm good, I heard, thanks.

I just hung up with
the Secretary of the Interior.

Do you realize the mess you made?

Astrid found herself with journalists and
was overwhelmed by the situation, that’s true.

Maybe because it wasn't her place.

Okay, I'm going to make photocopies.

I’ll leave you alone for a minute,
I trust you to keep quiet.

When I'll back, we'll continue the lesson
with a practice exercise,

- Alright?
- When I am back.

You must always use the present tense after "when".

As you wish, Astrid.

I'm counting on you!

What a weirdo!

After the present, you use nd base.

To the board, Rain Man!

[chanting] TO THE BOARD, RAIN MAN!

Guys, come on!
How old are you, seriously?!


I take responsibility for Astrid.

And you think that appeases me?

Trust me.

And if I fail, you can always put it on me,
tell them I’m the one who screwed up.

You can count on me for that!

I know what I’m doing.

There's something behind this lawyer's death.

You're always looking around for bigger cases

when there aren’t any.

But not this time.
There's not enough evidence to call the judge,

death by fright or not!

Be clear with the guys: no press.

lock down the perimeter.

- Now we need to know if there any injuries.
- Something wrong, Gabrielle?

No, I'm okay.

Ok, thanks.

So luckily, the impound guy
was spared by the expl*si*n.

- No injuries.
- Are we sure the car was booby-trapped?

We found traces of plastic and
a gyroscopic detonator under the rear deck.

Apparently it was a homemade b*mb.

An exploding car.
Is that enough to call the judge?

Change your tone, Coste.
I got him minutes ago.

We have the victim's cell phone’s
last communications and location you asked for.


But we just got the warrant.

Uh, we may have gotten a small
head start on the judge, Commissioner.

- It's not like you, Nicolas.

What matters is that
we're making progress, isn't it?

And now we have a warrant.

Well, what do the records show?

The lawyer made one phone call
at the courthouse,

before the trial.

Ok. Do we know the recipient?

Not yet.
I'm calling the provider now.

Excuse me, Wilfried Tarquin just arrived.
He's waiting in the interview room.

Go easy on him, Coste.

Tarquin is an elected official.

Don't worry,
I'm not gonna break him, your elected official.


- And... Sorry Commissioner.
- Yeah yeah, well done, Nicolas.

Ludovic was not only my lawyer,
he was also my best friend.

We’ve known each other since college.

Do you know anyone
who would go after him?

Aren't you watching TV?
This trial wasn’t making him very popular.

To the point of k*lling him?

Do you really think the bombing
and Ludovic's death are linked?

We don't know for now.

Because I could have been
the target of that expl*si*n.

I was supposed to get in this car.

Ludovic would always
bring me back home after hearings.


Come with me Astrid.
We're going to the victim's lawyers office.

That's funny!

I doubt it is.

At least, it never made me laugh.

What is it?

It's a -piece burr.

Also called Carpenter's Cross.
Or Chinese Cross.

Crazy that such a small thing
can have so many names.

It is not a thing.

- It is a mechanical puzzle.
- A jigsaw.

If you want to but I prefer the term
mechanical puzzle because the expression-

Is a little too aggressive
for your visual thinking, that's right,

you told me, I'm sorry.

Don't you want to tell me more?

I did not know you were
interested in puzzles.

I could give you a book references
on the subject if you want.

It’s not the puzzles I’m interested in, Astrid.
It’s you.

And talking about puzzles with you

you is a way to get to know you better.

Speaking about puzzles is a way
to know more about puzzles.

Try to understand,
this is an extremely sensitive matter.

I'm not sure you understood me right.

I am a police commander.

I’m acting on a warrant
given by a judge.

to investigate your associate's m*rder.

I think you're the one
who misunderstood.

The right of confidentiality
prevails your warrant.

He is right, Commander Coste.
Article , paragraph

- of criminal procedure-
- You’re not helping, Astrid!

I am not finished.

Do you realize this bombing
could have been targeting his client?

By refusing to give me this file,

you may be putting a man’s life at risk.

Listen Commander,
I'm not gonna teach you your own job

but you're going at it the wrong way.

We're talking about tax fraud,
nothing serious.


- Nothing what?
- He's right. No one died.

You don't k*ll for those things, ma'am.

You know what?

Go f*ck yourself!

Goodbye sirs.

It does not seem
very professional to tell a witness

"go f*ck yourself".

Not punching him
in the face was professional.

Did you hear the way he talked to me?
With his arrogance!

- That's why I hate those lawyers.
- Commander!

Oh, what now?

Want to relish in your victory?

I may be able to tell you something.

But not as a firm associate.

I must stand with my colleagues.

What I'm about to tell is off the record.
You can't use it officially.

In that case, it is useless.

- Thank you sir.
- Astrid.

According to the penal procedure code,
every testimony

must be written down in a report,
which can be re-read by the witness

before signed and
commented if necessary.

Come on! Make an effort.
- Making an effort?

If that's too hard for you,
I won't hold you back. You can leave.


She's not kidding, your colleague!

So, what was so important to tell me?

Ludovic confided in me.

Heart-to-heart confidences,

you see?

He had received death threats,

numerous e-mails.

But nothing related to Tarquin’s case.
Something personal.

- Why didn't he file a complaint?
- I don't know.

Since then,
he had become a shadow of himself.

overcome with anxiety.

To the point of dying of fright?

Excuse me.

Karlishian's last call identified:
Max Ribaud, rue Frochot, Paris.

Do you know Max Ribaud?

Never heard of him.

Ok, thanks, stay around.

Nice house, Mr. Ribaud!

Mrs. Ribaud?

- Commander Coste, Criminal police.
- Commander!

Honestly, I wasn't sure I
would be taken seriously when I gave my statement.

What statement?

You’re not here for
my husband's disappearance?

Come in.

My husband has been missing
for at least two days.

I went to the police station in district ,

but I'm not even sure
the agent registered my statement.

He seemed to find it ridiculous.

There, that's him.

Why do you think your husband's disappearance
merits investigation?

He literally vanished.

Come with me.

I went to visit my mother
outside of town for a few days.

I came home because

I couldn't reach Max.

Does he usually do that?

No, not at all.

He's never disappeared like that before.

I didn't touch a thing since I came home.

Not Even this turntable here.

The vinyl disc is playing for no one.

Look, he even left his phone.

There was a voicemail on it.

May I?

It's Karlishian, call me back.
I know you're behind all this.

It's easy playing dead right now.


Don't be stupid, Max, call me back.

It was a few minutes
before the trial began.

You can have the phone if you want.

Thank you.

Can I go, now?

Why are you so eager
to leave this house?

To stay here one more night,
even an hour, that's unbearable.

I beg of you.

Does your husband's absence stress you?


It's something else.

- Is there someone other than you here?
- No.

I'm alone.

There's nothing.

That's what I'm trying to tell you.

It's the house.

There are weird things happening.

How "weird"?

It started a few months ago.



maybe more.

TV turning itself on at am at full volume.

Heaters burning hot when they're not on.

The doorbell ringing

when no one's on the street.


maybe an electrical problem?

How about the footsteps above,
when no one else is here?

Is that an electrical problem too?

There must be a rational explanation.

Last night,

the house...

it started moaning.

It was like it was alive.

it seems like it wants to hurt me.


It's alright.

These are my colleagues.
I asked them to join me.

You okay?


Wait until you hear Carole Ribaud's statement.

- Remember the Goosebumps collection?
- Yeah.

You're in for a treat!

And listen to this voicemail.

There's no doubt:

Max Ribaud threatened Karlishian.

Our cases are connected,
but I don't know how.

I do.

We found a chip in the homemade b*mb.
Guess where it comes from?

- Where?
- The serial number brought us back to the buyer.

It was bought by a certain Max Ribaud.

-piece burr

This Max Ribaud is looking pretty guilty,
doesn’t he?

What does that mean?
That he's on the run?

Anyway, the voicemail seems to confirm

he was the one threatening Karlishian.

At least,
that's what Karlishian thought.

Listen, we put a BOLO out everywhere, now...

At this hour, we'll get nothing new.

So everyone stay sharp
and get back home, ok?

Well, not everyone.

Carole Ribaud gave me access
to her husband's bank accounts.

And it’s one hell of a mess!

- Can you check?

Am I looking for something strange?

I had nothing else to do tonight.

- That's what I thought.
- Perfect!

- Want to grab a drink at Michel's?
- No, I'll pass for tonight Nico.

You have Théo?

Yes but that's not it.

I was a little harsh with Astrid earlier,

and I'm not sure she took it well.
I want

- to go see her at the Documentation.
- OK.



- Commander Coste is still baby-sitting?
- I don't know, it's...

You'd rather she babysat you,
wouldn't you?

Don't you have
bank accounts to search through?

Excuse me, Captain.
Far be it for me to hurt your feelings.

Raphaëlle's been my partner for many years.

But ever since Astrid came along, well...

there's Astrid.

Want to grab a drink at Michel's?

Good evening, Astrid.

I noticed that,

among the pieces
forming the -piece burr,

only one is intact, without a notch.

- You did research on the -piece burr?
- It interests me.

The Dutch mathematician
Jan Hendrik De Boer

looked for every combination possible
to put the pieces together.

He built more than pieces

and looked for every combinations.

After years of work,
he found combinations.

years on that?

Maybe don't bore your friend
with all those details, Ms. Nielsen.

No, no,
I can assure you, I'm interested.

I can assure you, I'm interested.

Can you show me?

Pieces are locked into each other
by their shape

fitted by a unique combination.

But you only need one piece to place first,
or remove last

for the puzzle to be usable.

It's called the "lock".

Are you still mad at me about earlier?

Why would I be mad?

You left pretty abruptly.

You asked me to leave.

You said
"I won't keep you, you can leave".

- They were just empty words.
- Ah...

Next time, you should make an effort
to be more precise, Commander Coste.

Ok. Sorry.

Come have a drink at my place tonight.

We could talk about what's new with the case.
Come on, say yes.

This was not planned.

I'm sorry, I...

I didn't want to rush you.

I must decline because
I already have something to do.

Which was already planned.

I have to go.

I am going to be late.
One cannot be late.

I had brought you my reports,
to keep you updated.

I'm sure it's full of mistakes
but if it's not too much of a pain...

Yes, yes, I swear!

A haunted house?

- No way!
- Yes way!

- With weird footsteps, and everything!
- Cool!

What else did she tell you?

She disclosed the secret of her house.

As Mrs. Ribaud,

her worn-out face due to a night of

battling the dark forces
living in her house,

was about to tell me
that the house was built

on top of an old indian cemetery,

- boo!
- Ah!

You're crazy!

By the way,
I'm working with Astrid Nielsen.

The D.A. agreed to let her
join the investigation as a criminal expert.

- Cool!
- Yep.

I invited her over tonight
but she totally blew me off.

Too bad.

I think she'd rather be alone.

Are you making fries?

I so want fries!

Welcome everyone to
this so-called "social skills" group.

The aim is to compare our experiences

and, most of all,
help each other

understand the
social situations surrounding us.


Who wants to start?

When I'm in, it's all in.
I don't know how to do it by halves.

I can't see the world in grey,
it's black or white.

I expect other people to do the same
and I'm often disappointed.

It's because of words.

Words are important for us.

They describe a reality and
send us back to an image.

When we say something,
it's the real deal

whereas for neurotypicals,
it seems words are blurry.

They use empty words.

What's the point of using empty words?

How are we supposed to know
when they're empty words?


it doesn't mean anything "empty words",

so how are we supposed to trust them?

- Yes, Guillaume? Go ahead.
- I...

I realize how bad I am...

at perceiving people's intentions.

So, I live in anxiety

of getting scammed,

of being too naive.

I've been tricked so many times.

Ah yes. Trust.

It's a -piece gizmo.

There are more than
combinations possible.

It took him over years to make it
because he had nothing better to do.

You're wrong, Margot.
Professor De Boer found combinations.

This is my seat.

How many toothpicks were there?

Rain Woman!



Trust is really important.

Without trust, there is no tie.

No absolute law
can tell us when to trust.

Of course,
we have to be careful. But,

trusting somebody

is taking a risk.

For better or for worse.

Ah, that's nice.

- You okay? Not too tired?
- No.

- So, did you find anything?
- Yes.

Ribaud had over bank accounts.

- That many?
- His parents died years ago.

He's the only son and
he inherited quite a fortune

allowing him to live a wealthy lifestyle
while staying a middle manager.

- Nothing abnormal so far.
- But?

But by digging deeper,
I found something shady.

There’s one bank account
his wife never knew about.

I found it by
going through his financial assets.

More than € per month
sent to an unknown recipient.

Esperito Santo.

Esperito Santo, you say?

I came as soon as I got your message.

So, is what you found
about Karlishian or Ribaud?

About the house.

In the file you left me yesterday,
I read Max Ribaud’s address.

I know that address.
It appears in multiple cases.

I even went back up to the archives.

The archives?

The place where we stock case
more than years old, right?


The house was built in
by a rich baker: Emilien Faucon.

years later, in ,
a first m*rder occurred.

The baker's maid is found dead,

her body pierced stabbed
by a fireplace poker.


No, I do not think so.

It must have been a slow, agonizing,
very painful death.

Of course, obviously.

The case was never solved.

years later,
on September st ,

it is the baker who died
of unknown circumstances.

In , the new owner
died in his sleep.

at only years old.
There was an investigation

as his death was suspicious.

But forensic concluded to
a sudden death,

without any explanations.


You're not saying the house is cursed,
are you?

Not at all.

I am only telling you about
all the cases that I gathered

and whose common trait is that
they took place at Rue Frochot.

Then there was is the familicide case,
the case of November th .

Laure Gana, years old at the time

stabbed her parents and her
years old brother in their sleep.

The investigation found her guilty

but justice pleaded criminal irresponsibility.

- No, no touching. No saliva on the files.
- Sorry.

- It damages them.
- Yes.

Then the house was vacant
until July th ,

when Mr. Ribaud bought it.

And do we know
what happened to Laure Gana?

At the end of her trial, Laure Gana
was put in a psychiatric hospital

in which she still lives.

The hospital's name is Esperito Santo.

Come, Astrid.

It is a psychiatric hospital.
I do not like psychiatric hospitals.

It's gonna be okay.


- Hello.
- Hello.

Commander Coste, Criminal Police.

Hello. Astrid Nielsen,
Criminal Documentation.

We came to see Laure Gana.

- There is no Laure, here.
- Yes, there is.

I know everybody here.

I've been working here for years.

I'm gonna take a look .

Ah, of course.

Follow me.


Thanks for agreeing to talk to us, Laure.

My name is Constance.

Obviously, you're making a mistake.

Please be brief
because I have much to do.

I have to take the coal upstairs,

light up the stove, and

bring the water pitchers to the toilet

and polish mister's shoes.

You said your name was Constance.

- Are you Constance Queniaud?
- Surely.


Who is that Constance, now?

Constance Queniaud, the baker's maid

who was k*lled by a poker in .


That's good...

Rook in G .

A haunted house, a guy scared to death,

all that was missing
was a possessed woman.

No, she is not possessed.

She suffers from
what we call a fugue state.

It's a rare psychiatric disorder

characterized by
a personal identity amnesia,

an inability to remember one's past,

and the assumption of a new identity.

Her mind would rather dupe her

than face the guilt of what she's done.

Do you know Laure well,
I mean Constance?

Let's say, we got closer.

May I contact you later?
I may need more information.

Call here.
Simply ask for Mathilde.



a fugue state. Aren’t we lucky?

Yet, there is a connection
between her and Ribaud.

But aside from Esperito Santo and
the fact he bought her house,

we've got nothing.

Are we sure his wife
doesn’t know anything?

That's what she told me,
and I believe her.

- Where are we on Max Ribaud?
- Not one single trace.

We put his description up in train stations,
police stations,


It's like he vanished.


As if he had found the kuneēn.

The what?

The kuneēn, it's the cap of Hades,

which makes its wearer invisible.

Of course, Arthur! Hades.

You know?
The guy working in the basement.


You're such jerks.

- Oh, come on.
- No, what I mean is,

his disappearance is hard to grasp.

He prepared his escape well, Nico.
That's all.

But he's not a pro.
It costs an arm to disappear.

Damn right.
And I scoured through his bank accounts,

he didn't make
any big withdrawal.

I'll go back to his company,
see what I can find.

And we'll try to find a connection

between him and Laure Gana.

There has to be something, right?

Let's go!

I can't picture Max planting a b*mb.

He's a good guy, you know?

Sometimes you think
you know someone but

you're wrong.

Are you close to Mr. Ribaud?

He's like a father to me.

If it wasn't for him, I don't know
where I would be today.

He's far more than a boss.

Aren't you associates?

We are,
but I still haven't fully realized.

It's recent.

I was working for him before.

He helped me climb up the ladder
at our old company,

and he trusted me.

And now, we have our own.

Did he ever talk to you about Karlishian?

No, never.

I told you, he didn't do that.

Booby-trapping a car,
it's not like him!

Mr. Ansatte...

You aren't helping him
by hiding information.

He told me once that
they had studied together.

But he just said that as an anecdote.

He went to college with a celebrity.

And I don't think they knew each other.

He didn't do it.

Who do you wanna convince?


Or you?

Thank you for coming, Mr. Nielsen.

I needed to talk to you.

It's too difficult,
we can't keep Astrid any longer.


My daughter has been bullied

and you're expelling her?
I don’t get it.

I'm not expelling her.

Mr. Nielsen...

I realize that Astrid is not
to be held accountable.

We are not equipped
to handle children like her.

Do you realize the situation
you are putting us in?

What am I gonna do?

she belongs in a specialized institution.

It's for her own good, Mr. Nielsen.

My daughter will never go in an institution,
do you hear me?


Come on, sweetie.

This is why mommy left.
Because I am not like the others.

Do not let anyone tell you what
you are supposed to be, Astrid.

It's a rare gift to not be like any others.

Your talent is in there, somewhere.

All you gotta do is find it.

Listen, there's someone
you must always trust.



You, Astrid.

You must trust yourself.

Very well.

Thank you.

Yes, thank you.

Anything new?

Karlishian, Ribaud and Tarquin
all went to the same college.

It’s not a lot, but I want
to know everything about that time.


- Astrid?
- Good evening.

What are you doing here?

I think I know how Max Ribaud
disappeared from the house.


He never left it.

I was with forensics when they

turned the place upside down.
There was no Ribaud.

You are right, Captain Perran.

He is not between
downstairs and the attic.

But, he may be in the basement.

But there's no basement.

There was one, in .

We cannot put anything on your desk.

Of course you can.
Look. Here.

Careful, the crumbs.


- She's right! There's a basement.
- May I?

Be careful.

Well done.

I'm damn glad everyone has their feet
firmly on the ground again.

With all of those stories

of vanishing men, ghosts,

and haunted house.
I was getting pissed.

There is no reason
to believe in ghosts.

But there is no reason
to believe they do not exist.

From a rational point of view,

there is no more reason to
believe in ghosts than to not believe.

- You always surprise me, Astrid.
- Ah...

Are we going?

I have a bad feeling about this house...


- Shit, they must have cut the power.
- Ah...

Best thing to do is to split up
to look for a basement entrance.

Why are you whispering?

Because Ribaud might still be here.

That is what we here for, Commander.

To find the basement and Max Ribaud.

That's right.

I go right, you go left.


You scared me!

There is nothing to be afraid of.

Commander Coste, there is
no reason to believe in ghosts.

Okay, okay!

But there is no reason

to not believe in them either.

Commander Coste?

This must be the basement.

She found the basement.

Commander Coste?

Is everything alright?

It is the Commander's light.



We found Max Ribaud.

He is dead.