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02x07 - The Essex College Food Workers Strike

Posted: 01/18/23 06:25
by bunniefuu
♪ My imagination... ♪

Oh, yeah, don't stop.

Oh, oh, oh, oh.

No, no, no.

Yes, yes, yes!

- Tell me how much you like it.
- I like it so much.

I'm so close!

Are you hearing this too?

I just scheduled an emergency
Zoom with my therapist.

Oh, my God, Jackson,
that feels so good.

Keep going!

What are we gonna do?

Should we pull the fire alarm?

No, haven't you
ever watched a rom-com?

Being rained on
only makes people hornier.

- Wowie-zowie!
- I'm gonna cut my ears off.

Yeah, let's get out of here
because if I hear

how this ends,
I'll never recover.

Keep thrusting your penis.
It's happening!

- Mm-mm, mm-mm.
- Go, go, go!

♪ Impossibility make you
lay down for stability ♪

♪ I birthed the game,
my fertility ♪

♪ Is up there,
match my agility ♪

♪ No weed, call me nobility ♪

Hey, Canaan.
I'm sorry I'm late.

I hit traffic on the way.


I refuse to interpret
that as a sex thing.

Sorry you hit traffic.

- Twice.
- Mm.

- Where's Lila?
- She's not here.

She's at some coffee bean
vendor in Brattleboro.

I'm really impressed
with how well she's adapted

to this whole manager thing.

Oh, yeah, so is she.

In fact, she actually made
herself employee of the month.

- Whoo.
- Mm-hmm.

Hey, can I talk
to you two for a minute?

I'm Jodi, your union rep.

- Oh, my God, hi.
- We're in a union?

Yeah, the Essex
Food Service Workers.

Did you not send away
for your union card?

It's one
of my prized possessions,

even though they spelled
my name Krimberly.

Well, we're going on strike.


I'm a union gal,
and I stand with you,

no questions asked.

I do have questions though.
What's the strike about?

Essex hasn't given us
a raise since 1988.

We're drastically underpaid
compared to other schools.

Oh, this is
about getting more money.

I'm in.

I would love to be able
to take a girl

anywhere other
than this coffee shop.


The dining hall workers
are walking out at noon today.

Just so you know,
the administration

isn't going to be happy with us.

Well, Jodi,
they fricking started it.

So can we start a strike now?

Because I would love not
to have to do inventory.

And while the strike
is going on,

none of us go to Sips,
the dining hall,

or any other campus eatery.

Sorry, but did we agree
to do this with you?

I'm not trying to be a bitch.
I'm just genuinely confused.

OK, I'll be the bitch.

What are we supposed to eat?

I have six soft boiling
in the egg cooker right now.

That's what that smell is.

Guys, can we pause
this egg talk for a minute?

I have something to tell you.

Are you good?
What's going on?

I don't know.
I think I might have f*cked up.

I cheated on Eric.

With that stand-up,
Dan O'Connell.

You hooked up
with Dan O'Connell?

- Was he drunk?
- Dude.

Well, he's famous.

I'm just trying
to understand all this.

Are you gonna tell Eric?

I don't think so.

He's gonna be so upset.

Well, I still think
you should tell him.

Honesty is the best policy,
even if it's hard.

I don't think so.

I think I'm gonna take
this one to the grave.

Or my one-woman show,
which ever one comes first.

Oh, yummy.

The eggs are ready.

Does anyone want
nature's protein bar?

Ah, hot, hot, hot!

I think we should wait.

♪ Try not to,
but I feel alone ♪

So what is the
least amount of time

I can spend
at Kimberly's protest

without seeming
like a bad friend?

Hopefully zero
because I can't go at all.

I have a hot date
with the second floor

of the Goldenberg
Science Building.

I say this
with love and respect,

but you've become a dork,
and I'm struggling

to be seen with you in public.

Okay, I'm not gonna apologize
for loving science.

It's the final lab
of the trimester,

and I need to k*ll it.

Oh, sh*t, Leighton.

Here comes your doppel-banger.

Leighton, hey.

Hey, Tatum.
Where are you coming from?

Oh, I just finished
the most amazing Pilates class.

You would have loved it.
Mm, reformer or mat?

- Both, babe.
- Hm.

Hey, do you want
to get dinner tonight?

Like, a restaurant...
Just to be clear,

I'm not a dining hall person.

I can't.
I have plans with Whitney.

But I can maybe meet up
for coffee between classes?



Hey, what was that?
We don't have plans.

I know.

I lied.

This might be hard to believe,

but I think
Tatum might be cooler than me.

She is.

She also has
a better energy than you.

Hm, and I've never
dated up before,

so I am trying to find ways
to maintain my high status.

Like walking away

Yes, and also not responding
to her Instagram stories,

making my schedule
seem crazy busy,

and taking at least four hours
to respond to a text,

24 hours if the text
is a question.

And you're not worried
all of that will push her away?

Well, I would be,
except she just texted,

"Nice bumping into you."


That's a slay.

She's right.
That was a slay.

- What do we want?
All: Fair wages!

- When do we want it?
All: Now!

I led the cheer.

Isn't this electrifying,
bringing about change?

Are we though?

Because people are walking

into the dining hall
right in front of us.

Why aren't people
listening to us?

History is watching!

I think it's that rich students

don't care about poor people.

Also it's cheesesteak day.

And Essex cheesesteaks slap.

They are really good.

Well, I'm not hungry.

I brought eggs.

You just pull that
out your pocket?

I came to play.
Do you want one?

I really don't.

I'll take one
to stop this conversation.

- Hey.
- Hey.

What's going on?

The food workers are on strike,

demanding better wages.

Whoa, that's badass.

Yeah, I wish
everyone felt that way.

We're trying to get the students

to boycott the dining hall.

But it's really hard
getting people to care.

That sucks.
Well, I really got to go.

But I hope
it gets better for you.



Did he just...
Pick a cheesesteak over you?

He did.
You saw that, right?

Yeah, I saw it.

♪ Oh, we're
in the thick of it ♪

I can't believe how many
good ideas I came up with.

40 pitches.
What am I, a comedy genius?

Can you pick your favorite two?

- No.
- Bela.

Cover the board.
He's gonna steal our ideas.

I'm not here
for your tampon jokes.

I'm just here to talk to Bela.

We're in the middle
of a pitch meeting.

Well, it's not gonna take long.

I just have one question.

Did you have sex
with Dan O'Connell?

- No.
- Don't lie to me.

My friend Matt works
on his show,

and he said Dan told
his entire staff

that he had sex
with a girl at Essex.

And you're just
assuming it's me?

That could be any girl.

- Yeah.
- Exactly.

He described her
as an insatiable Indian chick

who wouldn't stop quoting
"30 Rock."

All right,
that does sound like Bela.

Eric, I'm so sorry.

I can't f*cking believe you.

Okay, that's enough.

Bela's allowed to hook up
with whoever she wants.

It's not like
you were exclusive.

Actually, we were.

OK, well,
maybe she didn't want to be.

She asked me.

Oh, boy.

OK, I know I messed up,
but I can explain.

I don't want to hear it.
We're done.

What a jerk, right?
Yelling at a woman like that?


All right, I'm about
to call Senator Chase,

one of the most influential
women of our time,

and ask her for help.

Just remember, she's a senator,

but she's also a person.

So just try and keep it casual.

- Casual, got it.
- Yeah.


Senator Chase,
to say it is a pleasure

is clearly an understatement.

That is casual to you?

Honey, take it down a notch.

When you shout,
my security gets nervous.

It's OK, Derek.

It's just my daughter's
shrill roommate.

Now, why are you
calling me, Kimberly?

I wanted to talk to you
about the importance of unions.

In the fall of 1794,
William G. Tenner

and the Countryman
Cordwainers of Philadelphia

went on strike.

I'm going to pass this
call on to my assistant.

But she will take
thorough notes.

Senator Chase, wait.

The food service workers
at Essex are on strike

because we're getting paid less
than the other schools.

And we'd really appreciate
your help.

Sorry, have we met?

Yes, I'm Canaan.

I dated your daughter.

Didn't you dump her?


Pass me back to Kimberly.


Senator Chase,
we really need you

to come speak at our rally.

It would change everything.


You're such a hero
to the working class.

There are real people here
who need your help,

people who deserve

so much better
than what they're getting,

but who aren't strong enough
to fight for themselves.

They need someone like you,
specifically you

because we don't know
any other powerful people.

Kimberly, I'm in.

It worked?
My speech moved you?

It did.

But I also owe Whitney a visit,

so your timing is good.

I'll take it.
A win's a win.


She hung up.

- Hi.
- Hey, you look cute.

Thanks, so do you.

Surprised you made it.
You seemed so busy today.

Ugh, I still am.

My phone is blowing up.

53 notifications.

It's like Kappa, chill.

I just got into Kappa.

Yikes, I'm sorry.


Oh, Kappa tried
to tap me last year,

and the Greek scene
just isn't my thing.

It all feels
a little basic and fake,

at least to me.

Yeah, well...

Well, Kappa's, like,
not my entire social life.

I actually have
a few friend groups

that I am bouncing
around between.

Like tomorrow,
I am going out partying

with my crazy party friends.

And they are crazy.

Well, I'm free tomorrow.

Is it cool if I join?

Oh, like, come to the party?


I would literally love that.


♪ I think I might hit all ♪

♪ Can't lift my feet
off the floor ♪

- Hey.
- I'm screwed.

- You got chlamydia again?
- No, no.

I lied to impress Tatum,
and now I have

to take her to a cool party
that doesn't exist.

I know something that exists,
my rally.

No, I'm not bringing her
to that.

But it's gonna be epic.

I've arranged for five pallets
of Kirkland water,

a whole lot of solidarity,
and a very special guest.

Oh, she convinced
my mom to come.

None of us are happy about it.

This is gonna
be the biggest news

on campus since
the Divinity School orgy.

Hey, mama, could I yell
at you out here real quick?

Come out, string bean.
I don't have all day.

What the hell?

I leave for one day,
and you go on strike?

- Look, I know you're upset.
- Of course I'm upset.

I'm management.
I can't go on strike.

Sure, you can.

If we win, we all get paid more.

Don't you want
to make more money?

Of course I do.
I love money.

I'm saving up for a tattoo
that says just that.

Then stand with us.

Frankly, we could use
someone of your height.

I can't join you.
I could get fired.

So what are you gonna do?

You're gonna
cross the picket line

and run Sips all by yourself?

Maybe, I don't know.

You're putting me in a bad spot.

We're all in a bad spot.

I'm just trying
to do something about it.

Like, Jocelyn knows
what I'm talking about.

Don't drag me
into your public fight.

I fight in private like a lady.

I'm leaving before I
slap you in the titties.

♪ Baby,
let me be your waitress ♪

♪ I'm about to serve it up ♪
♪ I'm about to serve it up ♪

♪ Baby handing me
the blank checks ♪

You are the loudest typer
I've ever heard in my life.

I can't focus.

You're not even working.
You're playing on your phone.

I'm not playing on my phone.

I'm online shopping
for swim shoes.

I have very sensitive toes.


There she is,
my favorite daughter.

Never not funny, Mom.

So this is the place you've
been spending all your time.

I like it.

I love this cup.
It's a beaker.

Senator Chase,
it's an honor to meet you.

On behalf
of my entire generation,

thank you for believing
in climate change.

Well, aren't you nice?

And on behalf of my generation,

I'm sorry we caused it.

That's not my official position.

- Mm-hmm.
- This is Andrew.

And he's clearly
kissing up to you.

Do you want to see my lab bench?

Honey, I am so proud of you
for sticking with this.

In fact,
I have a surprise for you.

I called in a favor
and lined up an internship

for you this summer

at the National Institute
of Health, the NIH.

Wow, thank you.

That's so nice.

- Are you not excited?
- No, no, I am.

It's just, I was sort of
looking at some internships

and kind of wanted
to get one on my own.

So you don't want my help?

I appreciate it.

But when you get involved,

it changes the way
people see me.

Well, I guess I will tell
them you're not interested.


All right, I'm off
to see President Lacey.

Senator, before you go,
can I get a pic with you?

It's for my mom.

Thank you.
Whitney, here, you take it.


Should we do like a funny one?

I don't do funny ones.

Understood, OK.
Have a good day, ma'am.

- Here.
- Oh, thanks, Whit.

♪ I'm in the sky ♪

♪ Never thought
that I would get this high ♪

Senator Chase, despite
what you may have heard

from picketing workers,
the administration cares deeply

about the entire
Essex community,

which is why I wanted
to show you this.

What am I looking at?

This is our new
mental health bubble.

I'm sorry.

What in the white nonsense
are you talking about?

With mental health being
so important these days,

we wanted
to create a comfy place

where sad students could sit
on a West Elm chair

and reflect on their issues
until they're happy again.

This mid-century biodome

isn't a fix
for the mental health crisis.

This is even more proof of how
out of touch this college is.

Yes, exactly.

I'm so in agreement
with you that it's eerie.

It's just, with the money

the administration blew on this,

you'd think you could afford
to pay student workers more.

First off,
this wasn't that expensive.

The fuzzy chairs were donated.

And when it comes
to the union protest,

the board won't budge,

not matter
who's applying the pressure.

Well, President Lacey,
it seems we're at an impasse.

So the Senator
and I should get back

to prepping our rally,
which will continue as planned.

It's gonna be fun.

I hope you can make it.

The key is to not
look back at him,

no matter how badly you want to.

Oh, my God, yes.
I love this.

Damn, you OK?

Don't worry.
I didn't look back.

♪ Catch me if you can ♪

♪ Catch me if you can ♪

Hey, Jocelyn, can I
pick your brain for a sec?

Fine, but let's keep it quick.

I'm trying to learn Portuguese
before my date

with an exchange student.

Right, well, do you know
of any cool parties

on campus tonight,

maybe something
underground and elite?

Why are you asking
like you're a cop?

Hold up... are you trying to get
me busted for selling Adderall?

No, that's not it.

Look, I really need
to impress someone,

and I don't know
who else to ask.

Okay, so I really shouldn't
be telling anyone,

but I know an intern
at the Essex Art Gallery,

and apparently,
they're sneaking some people in

for a secret party
there tonight.

- Inside the gallery?
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, my God, that's perfect.

OK, can you get me in?

Well, aren't we thirsty today?

I'll see what I can do.


I know you're in there.

Obviously, you're upset,
and you should be,

but I'm not leaving
until you talk to me.

Eric's dads?

You must be Bela.
What do you want?

First, I know we haven't met,
but I just want to say

that you've raised
a tremendous son, and he...

Flattery is not going
to work on us, young lady.

You broke our boy's heart.

He's eaten three whole Sbarro
sized slices of pizza today.

And you know
that's a lot for him.

- Please just let me explain.
- Save it.

If you really cared about Eric,

you never would
have put him through this.

It was just one stupid mistake.

Babe, I can't.
You deal with her.

You toyed with his heart
for months.

He's better off without you.
Leave him alone.

Could I just talk to him,
just for a second?

Eric's busy.

And he wants his copy

of Steve Martin's
autobiography back.

♪ Love me or hate me ♪

Posting this is gonna get
so many more students

to come support us.

And when President Lacey
sees it,

he is gonna flip.

Good, because
he's a little sh*t.

Wait, you're not
recording, are you?

I did not say that.
She didn't say that.

Oh, I'm not recording yet.

But I took the liberty
of writing a little script.

It's eight pages single spaced.

But if you read fast, I think
we can get it under a minute.

- Yeah, I'm not saying this.
- Oh.

- Is this a poem at the end?
- It's a song.

Although, I do like this quote.

"Humankind's greatest strength
lies in its labor."

That's from one
of Essex's founders.

It's actually inscribed on
the plaque right next to you.


You know, you remind me
of myself when I was your age.


that means so much to me.

Would you write that
on my Linkedln?

Sure, Chelsea, can you do
that off your account?



Jackson, hey.

This is my friend,
Senator Evette Chase.

Hi, nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you.
- Yeah.

We're working
on getting the word out

about my big rally.

Wait, is that
from the dining hall?

Yeah, I needed some study fuel.

You will not believe how many
shrimp I fit in this puppy.


You know we're protesting
the dining hall

and not eating there
to make a point, right?

Yeah, I knew you were.

I didn't realize you
expected me to do the same.

Well, it would be nice
if you supported me.

All right.
I'll throw this away.

Thank you.

Damn, that's a wide young man.


♪ Better wash away ♪

Oh, this is chic.

I didn't know
they had parties in here.

Yeah, not a lot of people do.

How did you find out about this?

Just like knowing
the right people.

My friend is an intern here,
and they do this sometimes.


Well, I am impressed.

- Get used to it.
- Tatum?


What are you doing here?

This is my party.
Isn't she cute?

Wait, you're Leighton's
friend who planned this?


Didn't you say
your friend planned this?

Yeah, yeah, but not Laird.
I don't know Laird.

I was actually talking
about someone else.

Wait, I'm sorry.

Is someone else trying
to take credit for my party?

Who said they planned this?

Um, Jen.

Jen who?

You know, I can't recall
her last name right now,

but I will go find her.

Excuse me.

Kimberly, look at this turnout.

This is amazing.
I know.

Your mom's the best.

Working with her today
was incredible.

- Good.
- Hey, Whit.


It's good to see you.

I'm gonna go pass out water.

- OK.
- Sure.

- You been good?
- Yes.

- You?
- Yeah.

Do you want...

- Sure, I'll take a sign.
- You want a sign?


Lila, you came!

Oh, no, are you here
to counterprotest?

No, I overreacted yesterday.

You were right.
I don't want to be the man.

I hate the man.

Unless the man is 6'8"
with a British accent.

Well, I know it took
a lot for you to be here,

and I really appreciate
you coming.

Girl, I stand with you.

I don't care
if I get in trouble.

Did you just put on a disguise?

No, no, no, no.
This is just my new style.

But if anyone asks,
my name is not Lila.

It's Charmaine Raphael.

Are these free?

Oh, uh...

Thank you.
Out of my way.

Students of Essex!

Thank you so much for coming
out to show your support

for Essex food workers!

It is my honor to introduce
everybody's favorite girl boss,

Senator Evette Chase.

I thought we agreed not
to use the term girl boss.

But you are a girl boss.
You have to own it.

Ma'am, wait.

There's an issue
with the video you tweeted out.

Oh, no, did the sound not sync?

I sh*t it on my iPhone 6.

No, it's something else.

Apparently, that Essex founder
you spoke about owned slaves.

People are coming
at you pretty hard,

saying you're glorifying him.

To quote the illustrious
Winston Moore,

"Humankind's greatest strength
lies in its labor."

He got it right.

Kimberly, what the hell?

You had me quoting
a sl*ve owner?

Maybe no one will notice.

They already did.

♪ If you ever feel like
you're going to drown ♪


Hey, wait, stop.

OK, that's fair.
You don't need to stop.

Just listen.
What do you want?

Look, I'm sorry I f*cked up.

But I just...
I need you to forgive me

because I feel
really shitty right now.

You need me to forgive you?

I really do.
I feel terrible.

Well, you should.

And it shouldn't be
about what you need.

It's about what I need.
So leave me alone.

Eric, please.

I wish I could take it back.

You mean a lot to me.
Do I?

Because it seems like
you spend all your time

trying to get people
to like you,

but then when someone
like me actually does,

I'm not enough.

You immediately focus
on winning over someone else.

- Wow, I didn't...
- You know what?

I'm gonna delete your number
from my phone right now.

You want to watch?

There we go.
Goodbye, Bela.

Let's get you out of here

before you have
to make a comment.

Wait, don't go.
We still need you.

Senator, the car's waiting.

But isn't it better

to address this
right away, head on?

I will issue
a statement tomorrow.

But rather than let
the news cycle take hold

and spin this
into something bigger,

what if you got ahead of it

and took charge
of the narrative yourself?

Yes, I accidentally quoted
a problematic individual.

Let's be real.
He owned slaves.

I should have Googled him.

But do not let
my mistake distract

from why I'm really here,

to support the hardworking
employees of Essex College,

who deserve better treatment,

who deserve a living wage.

And rest assured,
we are gonna get that for them.

And once that's done,

I'm gonna get that sl*ve
owner's plaque removed too.

We will do this!

You're beautiful!

I am here to tell you!

We will do this!


This is awkward, but did you lie

about knowing
who planned this party?

Uh, yeah.

Yeah, I did,
lied right to your face.

I have never met anyone here,

and I barely knew
this museum existed.

Why would you do that?

Because I think
you maybe are cooler than me.

Oh, I am.

Leighton, I'm not secretly
calculating how cool you are

and deciding
if you're worth my time.

I asked you to hang out tonight

because I wanted
to spend time with you

because I already like you.

Wait, so you still
like me after this?

That speaks
really poorly of you.

What can I say?
I'm into damaged women.

- Ah.
- I'm kidding.

I like you because you're hot.

Oh, really?

♪ Wake up in the middle
of the room ♪

♪ And you don't know why ♪

always a pleasure to see you.

Always a pleasure.

How was that?

Oh, he's terrified.

They are going to agree
to the union's demands.

That's so great!

Mom, I want
to apologize for earlier.

I don't want to seem ungrateful.

Oh, honey, I get it.

It's just that I've worked
so hard to achieve my goals.

I just wanted to help.

But I respect you wanting
to do it on your own.

- Thank you.
- Well, make no mistake.

It feels dumb.

I set up your idiot cousin,
Adam, with a hedge fund.

And he now owns a yacht.

But you are so much
smarter than him.

So I know you can do it.

I really think I can.

I mean,
it's only been one class,

but kind of clicks for me.

Well, remember,
if it stops clicking,

I can text Meghan Markle
and get you a job

as her assistant like that.


♪ I heard
of all the sh*t before ♪

♪ Stories that were written
to ignore, like a... ♪

Not bad for a girl from Gilbert.

♪ I'm sure things
gonna be great ♪

♪ I hope
it won't be too late ♪

Hey, getting in
a late night workout?

Yeah, just a quick set
while I study.

That's how I study too.

I'm sorry if I was a little
sharp with you earlier.

No, no, I deserved it.

I was being inconsiderate,
which is why I got us this.

I figured you might be hungry.

Oh, my God, I'm starving.

You swear it's not
from the dining hall.

I swear.

It took an hour
to get delivered,

so it's cold,
and it won't be good.

Sounds perfect.

♪ Ooh, ooh ♪

♪ What am I supposed to do,
baby... ♪

Seriously, I need to eat first.


Oh, my brain is fried.

I mean, I k*lled this lab,
but not sure I could

spell my own name right now.

It was cool
meeting your mom earlier.

I mean, her policies are kind
of insane and not tenable,

but I did slide into her DMs

about that internship
you turned down.

Oh, my God, are you kidding me?

You are so opportunistic,
it's insane.

It's not insane.

I just know what I want.

Don't you?

♪ Honey, you're not alone ♪

♪ So you want to be in love ♪

♪ Don't ever want
to try again ♪

♪ I want to be in love, ah ♪

♪ Honey, you're not alone ♪

♪ So you want to be in love ♪

♪ I never want to try again ♪

♪ I want to be in love, ah ♪

Go to bed.