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04x01 - Charlotte

Posted: 01/18/23 06:52
by bunniefuu
I looked everywhere, I can't find it!

That's why you're calling me?

You know I'm busy driving my taxi.

- We have to think bigger.
- I don't know where the remote is.

- Living room under the ottomans?
- I'll call their P.R.

Did you check the garage?

- Why the garage?
- I don't know!

Hold on. I'm sorry,
it's a bit tough, I can't hear anything.

My wife lost the remote.

And Diane Kruger needs
a dress for the Césars.

Hold on! You have
Diane Kruger in your car?

Not really, no...

Déborah, I'll call you back.

- Yeah, you better.
- Of course, yeah.

I got that you wanted red.

I'll call you back, Diane,
my appointment's here.

I mean, I'm here. Sorry. Talk to you soon.

Camille! I've been calling you.

You need to read
Oscar Rondo's script for me.

Okay. For when?

Now! I'm picking up Charlotte.
She's going to ask me about it.

- You haven't read it.
- No.

It came in last night.
I wanted to read it overnight

but Flora drove us bonkers.
And now my phone is blowing up.

I need you to tear through it

while I buy us some time.
Then text me ASAP

- to tell me.
- Tough.

Yes! Hurry up, no time to waste.

- You done? Can I call my wife now?
- Yes. Fabrice.

Le Guay called me four times,
I don't know what to tell him.

On a plane for hrs. and still gorgeous.
Unbelievable! How do you do it?

I sleep.

When I turned on my phone,
I saw they'd sent

Oscar's script.

Hold on, look at me. Unbelievable.

When I sleep on a plane,
I look like bubble wrap.

- What's you secret?
- I don't know. Try jojoba oil.

- Yeah?
- It's a seborrheic regulator.

I agreed on principle
because he's my best friend

and I love his comics but...

I won't do it if it's no good.

You said it was a sebo...

"seborrheic regulator"?

Sorry, I have to write it down
otherwise I'll forget.

There's probably two "b" s in there.

Andréa. Have you read it?

Yes, I did.


And it's great. It's great.

I'm so relieved, you have no idea.


They depend on me,
it'd be horrible to say no.

Oscar is such a sensitive...


- What are you doing here?
- Picking up my actress.

I was worried cause

I was in the wrong terminal.

- How are you?
- Great! You?

- Andréa, my agent.
- Nice to meet you.

- Oscar Rondo, my best friend, my brother.
- Hello.

The first one to film me.

- Really? Before L'Effrontée.
- Yes.

- Before Paroles et musique?

My parents had an early camcorder.
We should find the tapes.

- Oh, please.
- Have you read it?

No, it was sent while I was in the air.

- Right.
- But...

- Andréa read it and she loved it.
- Yes?

Yes. Loved it. That's the word.

We're making a movie together!

I'm so happy!

- So am I!
- It's amazing.

I'm so happy!

"For Andréa Martel, the ASK shake-up is

a great opportunity to revamp the agency
while embracing mutations

in the industry." Nice way to say
we'll lose a third of our business.

What are you saying?

"As for Mathias Barneville,

while wanting to remain discreet
about his future,

he said he's in talks
for major projects." There.

He's joining StarMédia.
There's no doubt about it.

Stop. Anyway, we won't know
until he signs the separation agreement.

How do you "keep calm and carry on"?

I'm totally stressed out.

Rest assured,
I'm neither calm nor carrying on.

What's up?

Gainsbourg said yes to her friend's movie.

- So what?
- I said it was good before reading it.

What? You didn't read it?

- What's with you?
- What's with me?

I'm a chief executive, a mom

and an agent.
It gets complicated at times.

I've just finished reading it
and it's like...

There's no way.

She's BFF with Oscar Rondo?

I love his comics, they're great.

Maybe they are,
but the script is a disaster.

Practically shameful.

She can't star in this dud.

Have they sh*t it yet? No.


Call Charlotte,
do some groveling and tell the truth.

Fruit baskets? That's new.

And call Mimie Mathy.

She keeps calling
because in your interview

you didn't name

Joséphine among our hits.

Yes, well, you can't name everyone.

I'm sure, but...

Charlotte, it's Andréa,
call me back when you get this.

It's pretty urgent actually.

Talk to you soon.

She said it shows
your lack of respect for Joséphine

- and her fans.
- Okay. I'll deal with it later.

Let's go, it's time.

There are lychees!

Now you're the boss, it's Five a Second.

Arlette, meeting!

Let's make it quick.
I'm swamped this week.

Yes, boss. Any word from Mathias?

- No.
- Really? No one knows where he's going?

Whether he joins StarMédia or launches
an agency, the problem remains.

He'll take his actors.

- We need to react.
- What do you have in mind?

One, keeping face.

We're vulnerable.
They expect us to tighten our belt.

We'll do the opposite
to prove that we're stronger.

Hence the fruit baskets?

Very Roman orgy, I love it.

We're not withering away, we're expanding.

We'll hire new talent to compensate.

Big names, sure, but also newcomers
to prepare for the future.

Camille, Hervé, got it?

Okay, and we're going
to double down on TV shows.

Watch out with those.

Let's not k*ll film.

Arlette, projects that span
many seasons mean long-term revenue.

We should have the writers
write for our actors!

One deal should always lead
to another three or four.

ASK projects,
that's what's going to save us.

We all agree?

It's. All. Good.

Let's show our most confident smiles.

And give nothing away!

We're drifting in the Andreatic Sea.

It's scary.

- Pauline. Victor and Ernest, for sure.
- For sure.

- Daphné! She's an awesome dancer.
- Yes, totally!

How do we send the invites? Through
a Facebook event, or WhatsApp group?

Some people don't have WhatsApp.

Tough, you're not coming to our party.

Excuse me for butting in,

but is it ethical for an agent
to represents her roommate?

Remind who dated his actress.

Maybe I did.

Our golden rule: never talk shop at home.


I bet you're the only actress
nominated for a César

who works at her agency's front desk.

I need to pay rent.

Not the average girl, huh?

My lady is served.

It's gargantuan.


You took the nametag off our mailbox?

You're embarrassed
to see our names together?

We still have to hide, is that it?

- What is it?
- A gift.

From the super.

These bourgeois buildings
insist on engraved nameplates.

It's beautiful!

Can I go put it up?

- I'll meet you at ASK?
- Yes. Are you nervous?

A little. But I'm excited
about what lies ahead.

So am I, I can't wait to tell everyone.

About that, we may have to wait.


Say. What are you up to this time? Huh?

Is it for a birthday? A christening?

No, not really.

The César Awards Ceremony.

You've come to the right place.
I've dressed many actresses.

- Really?
- Come.

Chic, understated.


Yeah. But mostly boring.

No, and I'm not sure about this.

Gypsy King-ish.


May I ask you a personal question?

- Yes.
- Do you dress to impress or to seduce?

To seduce.
It's always about seduction with me.

Did your colleague leave?

No, she took the day off.

Oh, okay.

Flashy yet classy.

Simple and bold.

Yes, a woman
who embraces her contradictions,

for whom contrast is a philosophy.

That is so me!

Do you have anything else?

What are you doing here?

With Mathias coming to sign,
I thought I'd stop by.

- It's my agency too, right?
- Yes, but give us a heads up.

And shower after working out.

- How's Flora?
- Good.

Today is daycare orientation.

Have you read the book I sent you?

- On management? It's on my desk somewhere.
- Yeah.

It's here. I bet you didn't open it.

Hicham, stop playing with my bookshelf.
I don't have time for this.

We must talk about the books.

It looks bad and losing
Mathias's clients won't help.

- We've gone through worse.
- No, we haven't.

This time, I won't be able to fix it.
Buying out Mathias will drain me.

We have to make some cuts.

- What do you want? To take over?
- No.

You're the boss.

I didn't attend today's meeting.
It's your area and I respect that.

I'm still the main shareholder. Even
more so, once I buy Mathias's shares.

Okay, so you want ASK to make money?

- Yes.
- So do I.

We have to go on the offensive
or get eaten alive.

First, we have to stand on our own.
Otherwise we'll collapse.

We can cut back
our expenses, it won't hurt anyone.

Fine, no more fruit baskets.

It's not the fruit baskets.

We need to drop clients
who don't work enough.

- Excuse me?
- Yes.

Those who cost more in hours, legal fees,
than they bring in.

Lunches to discuss careers
that are going nowhere, etc.

You can't quantify that.

- What?
- Who's to say who's working enough or not?

You, in London, between
two ceviches with your banker pals?

Oh no, it's the balance sheets.

You would know what numbers can tell you
if you read the books I sent you.


Right. I see. So...

Okay. I'm off for a shower.

You just caved? This would never
have happened with Samuel.

With Samuel, you also sent faxes.
Things change, Arlette.

Yes, I'm not getting any younger.

- But I'm not getting any stupider.
- How do you fire an actor?

Have you ever broken up?
"It's not you, it's me.

But it's mostly you." You know.

Just another breakup.

Andréa? About your "TV show Plan."

Mimie Mathy, it's serious.

It'd be good if you came
with me to her set.

I can't. It's Flora's daycare orientation.

Then tonight, maybe dinner? pm?

- Yeah, okay. Great.
- Good.


Oh sh*t!

Yes? Excuse me.

You are?

- Sarah Santoni.
- From across the street.

Right. And what is this about?

My office looks directly onto yours.

All day long, I see you come and go,
talking on the phone.

Yes, and... What can I do for you?

I don't know.


You could stop coming
to work with that cute face of yours.

What's that? The character
from your new script?

Yes, a sex-obsessed woman
who harasses her neighbor.

Oh sh*t. I love thrillers.

Love them.

Hundred twelve. Interior, day.
Evana's secret lair.

Evana is with Xeno,
back from her failed mission.

She's devastated
and knows that with no word from Elias,

the operation is compromised.

A desert landscape steeped in green light

can be seen through the window.

Planet Xanta's
three green suns are setting.

"If this goes on,
the whole human race will become extinct.

And it will because of us.
Of our impotence..."

Hold on, I can't hear you.
Charlotte, I'm sorry, speak up.

Give me more. Louder, please.

"If this keeps up...

the whole human race will become extinct."

And it will be because of us.
Of our impotence."

Elias walks through the main door.

"I have good news! Elias is back!"

"Good evening."

"You must be exhausted from your trip."

Wait. Stop!

Charlotte, what are you doing?

It says here that we "embrace"
so I thought I would kiss him...

But no.
They embrace, I mean... platonically!

Why? We're in love.

You're not, he's your grandson!

Are you serious?
Thibault and I are the same age!

Exactly! He's come
from the future to meet you in the past.

His past which is your present.

You can't get that
from the script, you know.

Yes, you can. Thibault got it.

Yeah. Totally.

Yeah? And yet you were ready to kiss me.

On the cheek, maybe.
Cause I'm traveling to the future

to find my grandmother, obviously.

No, you're traveling to the past.

- Not to the future. He just said that.
- Wait, hold on.

No, I'm sorry, he's right, no.

Elias is traveling to your future.
No. What am I saying? No.


Did I say something funny?

No, I was thinking
about something from this morning.

Sure you were.

Now you've got me all confused.

Let's skip to another scene
or we'll just waste two more hours.

Can someone help me push aside the table?

You've just survived an ambush
by the Green Star,

and your best friend joins you.
But you're hurt.

Why are you holding your arm?
You have a belly wound!


- Who's the best friend?
- Not me.

- I think it's you. Go. Me?
- It's him.

- It's you, yeah.
- Go ahead.

No. It's not you!
Her best friend is Patrick!

I mean, it's Hugo in the script.
Before he turns into Barnabé.

- Patrick, that's you.
- That must be me.

Yes, there were some hiccups
but it's promising, right?

Yes. You can really feel the essence.

- What is it? Something wrong?
- It's just my back. You know, I...

I have this pain that won't go away.

But it's fine. I'm being extra careful,
I have a support belt.

- Oscar?
- Yeah?

Sorry, the DP is waiting for you.

Yes, be right there.

Why doesn't he come to introduce himself?

This is what you call a good script?

Charlotte, I'll be honest.

I didn't have the time to read it.

- What?
- Because of my daughter's ear infection

or that producers don't know scripts
should be sent in advance.

Anyway, the truth is, I hadn't read it.

There's no excuse, I'm sorry.

Are you out of your mind?

Some people fire their agents for less.

I know.

- Bye!
- Hey, Charlotte.

- See you soon, bye.
- Yeah, bye.

Do you trust me?

- We'll get you out of here.
- How?

I'll take the fall.

I'll say I gave you poor advice
in accepting the script,

that you realized it's not up
to your standards.

And that you won't do the part
unless there's a full rewrite.

No, you misunderstand.
There's no way I'm falling out with Oscar.

We've known each other
since we were three.

He's super fragile,

I don't want to be the one
to shatter his cinema dream.

So officially, I love the script.

And I want to do the film. Okay?

I want to do the film, but...

There's no way I'm doing it.
Is that clear?

Oh yes, it's clear.

Crystal clear.

I'll play the double-money card.

The what?

I'll ask twice your usual fee.

There. It's a failproof way
to convince producers to...


- You have a moment?
- ...hire another actor.

I'd like you to meet Antoine, the DP.

Yes. I'm all yours.

Yes, hello. Thomas?
Yes, hello, it's Gabriel.

Sarda, your agent.

It's been a while since we talked and I...

It's a chance for me to tell you that...

How can I explain? We have to...

Bring our partnership to an end.


Oh, no, Bastien, don't cry.

Don't get yourself so worked up.
It's not worth it.

You should rather see it as a...

a fresh start.

Hello, Marie, it's Hervé.
I hope you are well.

So unfortunately, I'm calling
to give you some bad news.

What do you mean, he's gone?
On holiday or shopping?

Oh, sh*t. Gone, gone.

That's good...

Please accept my sincerest condolences.

He stayed at ASK until the end.

So, I'm a crappy agent?
Very well, then it's good news for you.

Your career can finally take off
without me!

Listen, I can't wait to see you
at the Oscars.

That's it. If you have
any questions feel free to call.

I will always be there for you.

Take care.

You're doing it over voicemail.

Yes, I'm using that infamous code
that sends you direct to voicemail,

then I block them
so they go directly to my voicemail.

Because it's too heartbreaking
to break up in person.

I'm not a monster.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Is something wrong?

I didn't tell the others I was here.

- Do you think that's weird?
- No, I understand.

We're going through some pretty...

turbulent times.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Sorry I haven't been more present lately,
but I had important decisions to take.

That's what you want to talk about?
Where you're going next?

No. I'm not talking about it
till it's official.

This is more...

More personal.

I'd like...

to acknowledge paternity, Camille.

I'd like to officially become your father.

Why now? Are you...

Sick? No, don't worry, everything's fine.

I realized it's an important step for us.

Starting a new chapter.

It means a lot to me.

But uh...

How do Catherine and Hippolyte
feel about it?

I wanted us to discuss it together first.
It's our story.

I need some time to think about it.

And to talk to Mom about it.

I understand.

Take your time.

Shall we order?

- All right, sh**t.
- Hold on, Eric, have a seat.

- Is that your daughter?
- Yes.

She has a funny face.

Look, I just flew in from Marrakech.
I have a meeting with a network in min,

I'm sorry,
but I really have other sh*t to do.

I just wanted to go
over Charlotte's fee on Oscar's film.

- Yeah.
- You received my offer,

I guess you're going
to have to consider someone else.

Oh, so that's it. No, your offer is fine.

- You're ready to pay that price?
- Charlotte is worth it, isn't she?

Hold on, are you screwing with me?
I don't get it.

You badger me into coming
here to know if I agree,

although I agree. It's simple,
I won't even discuss the fee.

Send me the f*cking contract
and we'll sign it.

Wait, Eric, there's more.

- What?
- Oscar's script isn't ready.

- You have to launch a rewrite.
- What?

The script's fine. Wait, what is this?
Is it Charlotte? She changed her mind?

No, she has nothing to do with it.

- It's all me.
- Hold on,

I have a world-famous actress
who wants to make it.

I have a brilliant director
who wants to make it.

But I should drop everything because...

you, Andréa from AS... f*cking K,
have a doubt, is that it?

First of all, let's stay civil.

We both know
that Oscar's script isn't good.

You're just concerned about the cost
of delaying production.

- Let me stop you right there.
- Yes.

Since we've had Charlotte Gainsbourg
onboard, everybody loves us, okay?

Funding's just magically pouring in.
You're going to make some dough.

She's going to make some dough. Me too.

Everybody's happy.
We're sh**ting this, end of story.

I didn't know you'd turned so cynical.

You must accept making
a little less money to make a good movie.

- A good movie?
- Yeah.

You're cute.

Right. All that's left to sign is
the shareholder's agreement.

Everything was approved by your lawyers.
I don't think there's much to add.

Thank you, Hicham, May I say a few words?

Okay, as you wish.

I know that my leaving has taken place
amidst a rather hostile atmosphere.

I'm in a good position to know
it's often the case during a divorce.

And this was inevitable.

This agency has been
such a big part of me that...

it was a heartbreak.

It was more of a relief,
as far as I'm concerned.

It's a wound that will never heal,
as far as I am concerned.

But it will not keep me from wishing
all the best to the Samuel Kerr Agency.

To which I've devoted so much energy,
and which has deeply inspired me.

And that's it?

- That's it.
- Where are you going next?

Are you starting an agency?

Are you joining StarMédia?
That's what we want to know!

You'll know in due time.

I'm not surprised.

He always wants to make a statement.

You can rest assured
that my decision was the most...

appropriate for ASK's future.

Yeah, we totally believe that.

- I want that so bad.
- "That" is my father.

I meant the office, not Mathias.

Don't take your Oedipus for reality.

Are you okay?


Should I call you a cab?

No, we're fine, thank you.

Oh, Hervé!

I put the bonsai on your desk.

I think that you'll take good care of it.

And huh...

Well I couldn't leave
without saying goodbye, right?

We're not savages after all.

I hope you'll be bored without me.

You can count on us.

Right, so...

Maybe we could get a drink later?

Oh yes. That'd be great.

Like a going away party just between us.

Right. Without any bad stuff.


Right, so... Bye, see you later.

Doors closing.

Doors closing.

I'm sorry, Mathias.

Noémie handed her key,
but you didn't if I'm not mistaken.

We'd like not to have to change the locks.

Goodbye. Seriously, I can't believe it.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- I'm sorry.
- Hi there, darling.

Sorry, I got held up at work.

That's all right, I'll start again.

As I was telling Colette,

Ladybugs Daycare Center is
all about cooperation.

Not only the children play together,
but the parents do as well.

I'm a mom and in charge of enrollment.

Two full-time jobs.
Sometimes I don't know how I do it.

But then looking at the kids
makes it all go away.

- Come in, Capu.
- Sorry.

- How did it go?
- Great. They loved it.


Here we go.

- Have a good evening.
- Thanks.

Muah muah.

So everyone here puts in some time:

that's half a day each week
to take care of a group of to .

We work in pairs because it's more fun
and helps us get to know each other.

"Take care" of...?

Meals, changing them, organizing

nature awareness sessions, music, cooking.

Cooking? For six -months-olds?

What do they do?
Chop up onions and heat pans?

It basically consists in kneading
some dough and playing in flour.

Do we have to clean too?

You're funny, that's nice.

You're late, criticize everything
condescendingly, you're a pain.

Sorry, I hadn't realized we put her
in day care to keep caring for her.

We didn't want a conventional education,
well there you go. It's different.

Remember that we're here
because we found nothing else.

I'll finally be able
to go back to work. I'm going crazy here.

Hold on, I didn't ask you to stop working.

We could have hired a nanny.

I wanted at least one of us
to be there in the beginning.

I don't regret it
but I need to go back to a normal life.

Okay, I'm going to dig deep inside to find

a tiny bit of love for the children
of others, I'm sure it's there.

And we can have some time for us.

I love that idea.

Thanks. Can you take her home?
I want to go to the store.

No, I can't.

I'm late, my cab's outside.
I'm meeting Charlotte.

I have to run, I'm probably at bucks.

Love you. See you tonight.

First off. The suspense is k*lling me.

Who's getting Mathias' office?

Wait, no, are you?

Stop it!

No way, come on, in his dreams.

Let's get down to business.
Who's sleeping with whom?

Well, I'm not sleeping with anyone.

But Gabriel is dating Sarah,

a writer I represent.
I think it's serious.

Honestly, they're cute together.

- Yeah.
- A writer is what Gabriel needs.

He's cerebral.

Right, you were too superficial for him.

What about you and Matthias, quiet one?

I think it's the first time,

but I might suffer from premature orgasm.

No way. Stop.

- Wait.
- This is a nightmare. Stop.

- This is years of therapy. Stop!
- Sorry.

I remember that time
when you thought Camille was

Christophe Lambert's daughter?

Remember when you thought Noémie
was sleeping with her neighbor Philippe?

We did lie a lot to each other...

Maybe it's good that you're leaving,

we can all stop lying.

No, he who loves, lies.

Speaking from experience,

you have to hate someone
to tell them the whole truth.

Then we can still see each other.

- And lie to each other.
- But reasonably.

- Like true friends.
- Yes.


I love it.

That's it. Very nice.

It's bright. Perfect.
Suzanne, can you hand it over?

For the third arm...

- What? There's a third arm?
- Of course.

I'd like to ask Oscar
whether he likes front or back.

Hold on. I'm sorry. Just a sec.

Front is better, right?


I spoke with the distributor,
but same as the producer:

if Charlotte Gainsbourg is in it,
he doesn't care about the script.

I know it's hard,
but only you can do something.

Truth can salvage a relationship.

I'll talk to him.

- Can you come with me?
- Of course.

- And does it hurt here?
- Come in.

What's going on?

I threw my back, I can't move.

I'm giving you a sh*t of Valium,

it should relax those muscles.

In the meantime, no stress, okay?

You wanted to speak to me?

Go ahead.

I wanted to tell you that I won't be able
to do the movie because it's...

I've decided I can't...

What? Charlotte,
I've told you a thousand times.

I can't hear you when you talk that way.

Speak up.

No, I... I wanted to tell you that I...

am with you all the way...

If you also want me to do the music
for your movie, it would be an honor.

Thanks, Charlotte.

What did you want me to do?
Paralyze him for life?

He's vulnerable. You saw.

Darn. Voicemail.

She's must be on her way here.

An hour and a half late is a bit much.
Did she move to Lille?

No, of course not.

Let's order, she'll show up.

It's funny, I'm not hungry.
Disrespect ruins my appetite.

It's the opposite for me.
When I'm upset, I eat a lot...

Don't waste your breath.

No, Mimie.

She must have had a problem,
this is not like her.

If you don't do movies,
she doesn't care about you.

I'm a popular actress and proud of it.

Speaking of which, I'm have to go.

I have pages to learn for my hit show.

It's a misunderstanding. She loves you.

She can't love me,
my ratings are too high.

I'll let you pay for the drinks.

Hello, Mimie.

Can I get a selfie?

- I'd be glad to.
- Thanks.

Xavier Beauvois said yes.

No way! That's amazing.

Of course it is.

I'll see you at home
or should we meet someplace?

No, at home. It's easier.

Well done.

Wow. Kisses...

- All over.
- See you in a bit.


Where were we?

- You okay?
- The housewarming party!

Ah! I'm sorry.

You scared me.

I didn't see you there.

Oh, no. I'm sorry. No way.

I'm sorry. Here.

Come here.

There, there. Mommy's here.

Did you see that?

She stops crying when I hold her.

Release crying happens
when the baby feels safe.

Release crying?

The baby needs to feel safe
to release stress

so it's not necessarily a good sign.
Quite the opposite.

Isn't the book on your desk?

It is. It's great.

I'm going to bed.

And you... You don't trust me?

- Hello.
- Hello.

You're supposed to just pass
through the kitchen.

Hicham! No, I'm busy.

How's the talent f*ring?

- Underway.
- No, nothing's changed.

Excuse me. Thank you.

I have enough on my plate.
Everyone's working hard.

I'm not joking around, Andréa.

I have a lot of money at stake in ASK,

- these cutbacks are necessary.
- Andréa?

Mimie Mathy wants to see you.

- No, I don't have time. I'm not here.
- Hello.

- Mimie, sorry. It's not what you think.
- Stop.

Twenty-two years of Joséphine

and no recognition
for her or her fans. Right?

One billion viewers and nobody cares.

Mimie, don't take it like that.

No, I'm not offended, Joséphine is.

Let's see. Here...

Let's take the little lamp.

You can thank her for the speaker too.

The vase, meh. I'll take it anyway.

It's a gift from Léa Seydoux.

Good, it's hideous.

Boys, get me the big TV, not the...
The big one.

The coffee machine
and we'll be okay.

It's a misunderstanding, Mrs. Mathy.

- It's "miss" for an actress.
- Sorry. Miss.

I almost forgot.

- No, Mimie.
- Save it.

- Miss Mimie.
- You, get out of the way.

Miss Mimie.

Mimie, please, can't we talk?

Let's be grown-ups about this.

Mimie, what's going on?

- I'm settling the score.
- What score?

Did you take coffee pods?

Gentlemen? Mimie?
What are they doing with the flat screen?

Please, let's talk this out in my office.

No, it's too late. Mimie's out.

Great! Awesome!

What does this make us look like?

Is that your TV plan? Bravo.
You, go after her, do something.

Forget it, it's over.

Ever since she stood us up at dinner.
And I did warn her.

Excuse me! I had stuff to deal with.

If an agent-talent relationship breaks
over a drink, there are bigger issues.

You want cuts, you'll get them.
Just you wait.

That's bull.

Excuse me.


What the hell are you doing?

See for yourself, I'm moving in.


You're never around anyway.

Who are you calling?

The legal department.

Yes. I have good news.

I'm promoting you.

You're moving up.

No, not in pay. Floor.

Four days at the Beaune
Crime Film Festival?

Camille, that's too much.

One of my actors is going
to be anointed Chevalière du Tastevin.

Chevalière du Tastevin?

An honorary prize awarded
by the city, I have be there.

All right, but only on the day
of the ceremony then.

What's going on?

They're moving in with us
so we can sublet their floor.

Then you can, you know...

That was my office.

- Excuse me?
- That was my office.

Hold on, it's not my fault
you can't do what you've been told.

How am I supposed to pacify Hicham?

- Have you fired any of your actors?
- Mine work!

I'll calm down.

I don't want to see them anymore.

We need to find
some kind of room divider, something.

That's great. Glasses.

Glasses. So either on your eyes...

Right, mono. Okay. And?

- Or a headband.
- Perfect.

- Elbow pads?
- Oscar.

White, white... I love it.

Yes, Charlotte?

I'm at the preproduction office.
Oscar seems much better.

You can talk to him now.

No, I've thought it over.

I won't tell him anything.
I will do the film.

- What?
- After all, it might turn out okay.

Do you think I got it
when I first read Antichrist?

No, but Charlotte,
this is going to be a total dud.

So what? Everybody makes duds!

Some make them to pay their taxes,
I'll make one out of friendship.

I can't let you do this.
I'll call you back.


- Hey! Andréa, how's it going?
- Good. I mean...

I'm okay. But Charlotte...

What Charlotte? What's wrong?

She can no longer do the film, Oscar.



Because she uh...

She's in the hospital. She broke her leg.

It's broken?

Why did you have to tell him that?

You get to protect your career
without a fight with your best friend.


And a broken leg is
minimum months without stunts.

For a space action movie,
this is the perfect excuse.

He won't stop texting me.

- What do we do? Do I need a cast?
- Not quite!

Just watch, I have everything planned out.

Can you come here, please?

Charlotte, this is Paco.

- Paco. Charlotte.
- Hello.

Hello, it's an honor.

- Hello.
- I loved you in Nymphomaniac.

- Thanks.
- So Paco is a very good friend

and, coincidentally,
he's also a prop master.

- I'll let you do your presentation?
- Yes. Right.

So... We have...

A first articulated model.

Very RoboCopesque.

A second slip-on model, more comfortable.

But I'm afraid it's too Josiane Balasko
in Les Bronzés , no?

Yeah. Not great.

And my favorite. Classic.

Elegant. Timeless. The cast.

Oh, I like the cast.

I'll have to wear it
tomorrow to the César Awards?

I hadn't thought about the Césars.

sh*t, the Césars.

- Yes?
- Hey, Charlotte?

You can walk to the intercom,
that's a relief.

Andréa will come down.

- The intercom button is...
- Nothing simpler?

...broken. Just a second.

- Come on, hurry.
- Sit down, right here.

Come on, hurry.

Here, let me pull up your pant leg.

No. There's no time. It's like a boot.

- Right, a boot.
- It's super quick.

- Okay. Hurry.
- Here.

- It's amazing.
- Right?

Oscar, how are you? Yeah, I know.

It sucks.

Let me introduce to Paco, my tour manager.

- Hello.
- Hey.

So? How are you?

What happened?

- I was walking down the stairs and...
- You didn't fall off a sidewalk?

No, hold on, just let me finish...

I was walking down the stairs,

I was going down step by step

without a hitch.

And once I got to the sidewalk, I slipped.

Just like that? You slipped.

On a banana peel.

On a banana peel?

But that only happens in cartoons.

Exactly! That's what I thought.
That's just why...

I wasn't wary.
I thought: "We're not in a cartoon!"

A real nuisance, these banana peels.

Let me tell you, they insist on fining you
if you park your scooter wrong.

"Not on the sidewalk!"
It's a scandal, but banana peels,

nobody cares.

That's why I like New York so much.
Fewer banana peels.

I'm really sorry about your film.

Yes, it's not great timing, for sure,
but Eric and I had an idea.

We'll drop the fight scenes

and give you a superpower.

- A superpower?
- Yes. Like telekinesis.

- Are you sure?
- Yes, look at the X-Men:

the strongest one is Professor X
and he's in a wheelchair.

It'll be fine. I'll show you.

Put your fingers like this.

Hold on.

Put your hand out.

Put your hand out.

Right. Toward the ashtray. Focusing hard.

Obviously, no one will be holding it,
it'll be special effects.

That's not very believable.

Listen, uh...

We need to talk.

Oh okay, I see.

I bet you had a good laugh.

A banana peel.

No! Wait. Oscar!


Oh no!


Oh my God!

It's unbelievable, even with the crutches,
you move around so gracefully.

I'm mainly trying to keep my balance.

Can you help me lock the door, please?

What about your back, Oscar,
it seems much better.

You know, it's weird. The pain's gone
since the sh**t got canceled.


Good for you. I'm sorry, in any case,
about the way things happened.

No, don't be sorry. It was a whim.

Plus, I'm bouncing back.

You're working on a new project?

Yes, an animated film.
It's closer to who I am.

And guess who'll be voicing my heroine?

- You'll read.
- Careful.

You'll read the script this time?

Of course.

And if I think the script is bad,
I'll just say you broke your voice.

Thanks for your trust.

There. Thanks, Oscar.

- Mimie, can you wait here.
- Thanks.

Oh, Andréa! What a surprise.

No need to introduce Élise Formain,
from StarMédia.

No, we've met. How are you, Élise?

I guess she's your new agent, then?

That's right!
It makes quite a change from ASK!

In twenty-four hours,
a limousine, the red carpet uh...

an invitation to the Césars.

It's a funny feeling,
I'm not used to people believing in me.

Mimie! Right here!

- Am I up?
- Yes.

- Thanks.
- Charlotte.

Come with me. I want to be seen
together for the photo-call.

Of course.

- Hi, Charlotte.
- Hi, Mimie.

I'll leave you to it.

Right, so D . This way, right? Yes.

Wait, hold on, Mathias,
my dress is a disaster.

No, your dress is stunning, trust me.

- It's too flashy.
- Hello.

- How are you?
- Hello, Mathilde! You remember Noémie?

Yes, your little assistant!
See you around!

Sorry, I wasn't able to correct her.

Well, it's over here.

These two seats here.

It's this way. Yes, right here.

- Hello.
- Hello.

Okay, that's it. I won't win.

- Why?
- Because we're in the middle.

I'd have to disturb the whole row.

Everyone knows they seat the winners
at the end of the row.

Stop stressing. Just enjoy.


The first newcomer in French cinema

in the s was Danielle Darrieux.

She was .

- Later were revealed on the big screen...
- Good night.

...Michèle Morgan,

Micheline Presle, Viviane Romance,

Mireille Balin,

Arletty, Madeleine Robinson,

François Arnoul,

Dany Carrel, Brigitte Bardot,

Martine Carol, Jeanne Moreau,

Annie Girardot, Anna Karina,

Catherine Deneuve, Françoise Dorléac,

Marlène Jobert,

Véronique Vendell, Dany Saval,

Andréa Parisy,

Brigitte Lahaie...

All of them were once rising stars.


Thank you. If you would now please
open the envelope.

And the César for best Female Newcomer

goes to...

I'm sorry,
you can't just leave the ceremony.

- I didn't win, so...
- Thank you.

- You can't just leave.
- She didn't win.

I would also like to thank...

It's time I quit.

Yes. You're right.

I don't belong, it's not for me.

We can't keep you at ASK.
You don't belong at the front desk.

- What did you say?
- What are you talking about?

Are you nuts?

How do I pay rent?

You act.

It's my job to find you parts,
you have to trust me.

Your job must be hell.

You were nominated for a César.
People want to see you.

I blew my audition for the Luchini movie.

You don't know that.
If it's not no, it might be yes.

From now on,

you'll focus on your career.
And your career is...

- Acting.
- I didn't hear you.


Would you sign my cast?

Me? Signing your cast?

I saw you in Julien's film. I'm a fan.

You're just being nice.

Film is a serious business.
We're not nice.

Excuse me. Could you lower your voices?

Hello, Miss Gainsbourg.

Sorry, but I couldn't stay inside.

With my cast and all.
The ceremony is too long.

It's not a problem.

Do you have a pen?

It's not for me.

Thanks. Thank you.

It's not very original.

It's great. Thanks a lot. Bye.

- Thanks. Bye.
- Bye.

What was that?

The César for best director

goes to...

Xavier Dolan... Sorry! Not Xavier Dolan.

Xavier Beauvois. I'm sorry.

- Thanks.
- You're welcome.

I got carried away.

Dang it, bless your heart. No biggie

Well... Thanks. This means a lot.

I'd first like to share this
with my wonderful crew. This is for you.

This is my second César,

but this one is particularly
meaningful because

I hope it will help me launch
my next project which is a...

a crazy film,
the kind they don't make anymore.

That's why I will be working
with a producer who's...

crazy, like they don't make them anymore.

Mathias Barneville! Where is he?

My friend, I can't wait for us
to start working together!

What did he say?

Thanks again, good night everyone.
Thank you so much.

Didn't Noémie tell you anything?

She's not like me. She's all about
professional confidentiality. You see.

- Yeah.
- Did you see all the tweets?

Mathias Barneville is becoming
a producer for Mediawan!

Yes, but this is great news!

I'm not looking forward
to negotiating with him.

Would you prefer
he left with all of his clients?

Now our mission is clear:
convince them to stay with us.

Oh dear. A StarMédia confab.

- Should we be worried?
- No, we should strike.

Tomorrow, am, meeting at the agency.
This is good. Very, very good.

You sure you want to go the Fouquet's?

Everybody's going to be all over you,
I won't have a minute with you.

We can do whatever you want, darling.

What I want is to get out
of this dress right now.

It's so itchy, this thing is a nightmare.

You're completely mad!

Yes. Mad about you!