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03x21 - E²

Posted: 01/18/23 08:05
by bunniefuu
(Male narrator)
previously on enterprise:

we're in bad shape.
I can't deny that.

Perhaps my crew can help.

My emotions are growing
more difficult to control.

you used trellium
for 3 months.

You may have to learn to live
with these emotions.

These are the coordinates
for the council chamber.

It'll take us weeks
to get there.

There's a shorter route,
a subspace corridor.

I'll meet you at
the far end in 3 days.

See you in 3 days.

[Doorbell beeps]

(Old t'pol)
come in.

The probe?

We couldn't stop it
from entering the vortex.

It's on its way to earth.

7 Million people.

Everything is happening
as it did before.

Then you have no choice,

You must find
jonathan archer.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Gettin' from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time
is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got
faith of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going
where my heart will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got
strength of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart ♪

[Doorbell beeps]

Come in.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I'm having a little trouble
falling asleep.

I think my insomnia's
come back.

You're here for

It's been weeks
since our last session.

We've been under
a lot of stress lately.

Thought it might
do us both some good.

I think we should discontinue
these treatments.


You've become
quite skilled with
the postures I've shown you.

You told me it takes years
to master neuro-pressure.

I'm not that quick a study.

I've taught you all I can.


Truth is,

I'm sleeping fine.

I didn't come
for neuro-pressure.

I came because
I'm worried about you.


You've been keeping
to yourself a lot lately,
even more than usual.

You spend every free moment
in your quarters,

You even asked chef
to bring your meals here.

The mess hall's
heavily damaged.

Where do you suggest I eat?

Come on,

You've got to admit,

You've been avoiding me
ever since the two of us,

You know, when we...

Had sexual relations.

That's real romantic
when you put it that way.

I told you,

What happened
was an exploration,

Not the prelude to
an intimate relationship.

I never said
I wanted a relationship.

Neither did i.

You helped me get through
a rough patch,
and I'm grateful.

I just stopped by to see
if I could return the favor.

I appreciate your concern.

But I'm fine.


Degra said these
kovaalans had

Only one or 2 ships
inside the nebula.

It would appear
that his information
is out of date.

there are at least
half a dozen ships.

According to degra,
they're not very tolerant
of trespassers.

How close are they
to the corridor?

[Computer beeping]

Within 60,000 kilometers.

We'll ionize the hull.

That should mask our approach
for a while.

I suggest we enter here,

Above this layer
of metreon gas.

It should reflect
our engine signature

Create multiple sensor ghosts,
false readings.

If we're lucky,
they won't know
which one to fire at.

you gave them
the coordinates?

They could launch
an attack on the council.

Archer's ship was
heavily damaged.

They wouldn't stand a chance
against one of our cruisers.

There may be
other human ships
in the expanse.

Those readings
were never confirmed.

This discussion
is pointless.

You won't be allowed
to bring archer
before the council.

Then we won't ask
their permission.

He'll be k*lled the moment
he steps into
the council chamber.

They have to listen.

His allegations
are too important
to simply dismiss.

Do you believe
archer's being truthful?

I don't think
he's told us everything,

But I can't explain
the evidence that we saw.

The humans could
have manufactured
this evidence.

They'd do anything
to save their planet.

If archer is
telling the truth,

Then all
the council's efforts
will be for nothing.

The reptilians patrol
this side of the corridor.

They'll destroy
the human vessel
as soon as it comes through.

I've already considered that.

We can protect them.

What makes you think
the reptilians
won't fire on us?

tactical alert.

Take us in.

Aye, sir.


A ship is dropping
out of warp.

Can you identify it?

This can't be right.


It's starfleet, nx-class.

Are you sure it's not
a sensor reflection?

We haven't entered
the nebula yet.

Whoever they are,
they're on
an intercept course.

We're within visual range.

Must be the nx-02 columbia.

It's still
under construction.

I don't think
that's columbia.

[Sensors beeping]

We're being hailed.

Captain archer,

You must reverse course

Who are you?

There's no time to explain.

Alter your heading.

Come about, ensign.

Would you tell me
what the hell is going on?

Your weapons
won't be necessary.

I'd like some answers first.

I'm lorian,
commander of enterprise.

Karyn archer,
my first officer.

We should find
a place to talk,

Perhaps the conference room.

You'll want t'pol to join us.

You can't take your ship
into the subspace corridor.

If you do,
it'll be thrown back
in time 117 years.

How would you know that?

it's already happened.

We're here to make certain
that history
doesn't repeat itself.

The kovaalans
att*cked enterprise

As soon as it
entered the nebula.


Phase-cannons are offline.

Torpedoes, full spread!

How long until we reach
the corridor?

18 Seconds.

Aft plating's gone.

We're losing speed.

Hold your course!

the trip through the corridor
took only a few seconds.

It didn't take
long before your crew
realized something was wrong.

No sign of pursuit.

Where are we?

We've traveled
11.6 light-years.


Nothing on
long-range sensors.

Captain, the stars

They're not where
they're supposed to be.

Are you sure we're at
the right coordinates?


enterprise was
in the right place,

But it was over
100 years early.

We're not entirely
sure why this happened,

But we have a theory.

We think your impulse wake
destabilized the corridor

Causing it to shift in time.

Why didn't you...

Didn't we

Go back through it?

T'pol eventually determined

That ships can only travel
through this corridor
in one direction.

I'll notify the crew.

Let travis know
we'll be getting under way.

What course should we set?

Even if we found a way
out of the expanse,
we can't go back to earth.

We'd be

our own culture,
our own history.

Cochrane's warp flight
won't happen for
another 26 years.

Maybe there's a way
we can use this

To our advantage.


We know the date

When earth is att*cked
by the first xindi probe.

We may be able to
figure out a way

To warn them
or even prevent the attack.

The probe won't be deployed
for more than 100 years.

your crew realized
it would be their descendants

Who'd have to
complete this mission.

It was only a matter of time
before the first
child was born.

Enterprise became
a generational ship.

You showed your children
how to operate and
maintain its systems,

And they did the same
for their children.

You've been flying
around the expanse

For over a century?

That's unlikely.

Enterprise doesn't have fuel
or provisions for
such a long journey.

You've hardly changed,

I beg your pardon.

You made alliances
with other species,

Traded technology
for food and supplies.

You even acquired
a few alien crew members.

We did our best to carry out
the mission you
gave us, captain.

To destroy
the first xindi probe

But you failed.

We had years to prepare

But in the end,
we were only one starship.

Our weapons were no match
for the xindi.

We couldn't stop
the first attack,

But we can help you
stop the second.

We can make certain you reach
the rendezvous
with degra this time.

You said we couldn't travel
through the corridor.

You won't need to.

We've encountered
dozens of species.

Some of them shared
their propulsion
technology with us.

We got these schematics
from haradin traders.

We can use them to modify
your injector assembly.

You'll be able to travel
at warp 6.9 for
brief intervals.

The hull wasn't designed
for that speed.

We'll show you
how to reinforce
structural integrity.

You'll be able to reach degra
in less than 2 days.

You've made
these modifications
on your own ship?

Our plasma injectors
are too old.

They can't handle the stress.

But your injectors
are practically new.

You're still not convinced.

You've got to admit,
it's a lot to accept.

We don't have a lot of time.

You need to start
these modifications.

I'm not comfortable
doing that just yet.

Perhaps we should go
to sickbay.

Phlox can confirm
our identity.

They are who they claim to be.

Most of the young woman's

Were human,
but there are also

Chromosomes from 3 species
I've never seen before.

These genetic markers
belong to you, captain.

She would appear to be
your great-granddaughter.

I've compared
your genetic profile
with lorian's.

These base-pair sequences
could only have come
from you.

These chromosomes are human.

That's correct.
They, uh, came
from his father.

That's impossible.

Humans and vulcans have never
been able to reproduce.

According to lorian,
I discovered,

Or rather, I will discover

A method of
successfully combining
human and vulcan genomes.

Who's the father?

Commander tucker.

captain's starlog,

I've decided to proceed
with lorian's plan

To modify our warp engines.

Both ships have moved
a safe distance
from the nebula

To avoid conflict
with the kovaalans.

It's the strangest thing.

I, uh, I look at you
and I see my father.

Right here, around the eyes.

Now the ears,
those are your mother's.

Wait a minute,
you... You smiled.

I wasn't raised with
the same inhibitions
most vulcans have.

My human side has
allowed me to

Find a balance between
emotion and logic.

I've even been known
to tell a joke on occasion.

Would you hand me
the coil spanner?

I learned almost
everything I know

By studying your
engineering logs.

Pretty dry reading.

I hope I gave you
some hands-on training
as well.

I'm sure you would have.

You should reinitialize
the start-up routine

Before going to warp 6.

There's something
you're not telling me.

You died

When I was 14.

What happened?

I'm not sure we should be
discussing your future.

It couldn't have
been easy growing up
without the old man around.

Sorry I wasn't there.

You were a good father.

It's strange being able
to tell you that.

We've doubled the efficiency
of our atmosphere processors.

We can give you
those specs, too.


Starfleet will
be glad to hear
enterprise was built to last.

come on. Uh-oh!


[Kids chuckling]

Wasn't that boy denobulan?

Many of our crew are
descendants of phlox.

He and amanda
had 9 children.

You're not
entirely human yourself.

My great-grandmother
was ikaaran.

Was that...

Your wife.

Her name was esilia.

You rescued her ship
from an anomaly field.

You know, finding your ship
explains a few things.

When the xindi
took me prisoner...

They asked me one question
over and over.

They wanted to
know how many ships
starfleet had in the expanse.

I'm sure they've picked us up
on their sensors
more than once.

I thought we were
going to the bridge.

There's someone
who'd like to see you first.

Hello, jonathan.


It's good to see you.

Living with humans
for so long has changed you.

They didn't tell me
you were still aboard.

You mean "still alive."

You look well.

How's trip?

He's fine.

If you'd like, I'll have him
come by and say hello.

That might be awkward.

There's so much
I want to ask you.

I don't know where to start.

I wish we had time
to get reacquainted.

You must give this
to your science officer.

She'll know what it means.

2. A boy and a girl

Toru and yoshiko.

Who's the father?

I don't know.

It was probably
in their database,
but I didn't look it up.

Why not?
You've got to be curious.

Some things are
better left a mystery.

How about you?
Did you get married?

Corporal mckenzie.

A maco.

How well do you know her?

We talked after
a training session once.

Yeah? You should
ask her out.

Is this taken?


So, lieutenant,
who'd you end up with?

On the other enterprise.

Did you get married,
have kids?


Actually, I didn't.

the reed family line
came to a rather

Unceremonious end.

You'd think on
a ship quite this size,

I would have been
able to find someone.

Women only make up
a third of the crew.

There were bound to be
a few bachelors left over.


And it would appear
I'm going to be one of them.

I'm on duty in a few minutes.

Me, too.

See you later, sir.

[People chattering]

This seat's available.

She thinks that
lorian's plan won't work.

T'pol found a discrepancy
in his calculations.

If we exceed warp 5.6,

The injectors could
start to overload.

We'd be destroyed.

Have you shown that
to trip?

He agrees with the assessment.

We'll have to contact degra.

Tell him we won't be able
to make the rendezvous.

There is an alternative.

The subspace corridor.

We'll be thrown back in time.

Not necessarily.

T'pol spent many years

Their sensor logs
from the incident.

She believes it's possible
to reconfigure
our impulse manifolds.

It should prevent
the corridor
from destabilizing.

How long will it take?

About 12 hours.

You should have told me.

My ship could be destroyed.

There's only a 22% chance
of an overload.

I'd call that
a damn big risk.

There's no alternative.

You'll be thrown
into the past

If you try to
use the corridor.

I've got 2 t'pols
who disagree with you.

The kovaalans will
attack enterprise

The moment it enters
the nebula.

If they damage
your manifolds,

The corridor will
destabilize again.

It's our best option.

You have to listen to me.

This is my mission
and my decision!

Saving earth is my mission
as much as yours.

I didn't come over here
for a debate.

I've already given the order.

Trip's short-handed
in engineering.

If you could
spare a few people,

He could get
the work done faster.

You're the captain.

You shouldn't have
spoken to archer.

He had a right
to know the risks.

Why didn't you tell him?

If they use that corridor,
their mission will fail.

Earth will be destroyed.

You're allowing
your human side
to get the better of you.

You know nothing
about being human.

I know that for them,

Guilt can be
a powerful motivator.

Don't let it
cloud your judgment.

Maybe you'd be
a little more concerned

If vulcan was in danger,
and not earth.

We'll meet with degra.

I'll speak to
the xindi council.

But degra's not expecting us.

Archer's following
the same course of action
he did before.

He's not going to
be at the rendezvous.

But their plan
could work.

We can't just sit here
and hope he succeeds.

Billions of lives
are at stake.

H-how are we
supposed to reach degra?

We can't sustain warp 6.

Our injectors are too old.

We're going
to use the injectors
from archer's ship.

Do you expect him
to simply give them to us?


You're going to steal them?

Their warp drive
will be disabled.

My father's
a resourceful engineer.

He'll be able to
fabricate new injectors.

You're asking me
to betray jonathan archer.

I know this won't be easy,

But we've had to make
difficult choices before.

Our parents and grandparents
lived and died
aboard this ship

To ensure that someday
we would be able
to stop the xindi.

This is our time.

If earth is going to survive,
we have to act.

Have you spent any time
talking to lorian?

Not really.

You should.
He seems like a good kid.

He's hardly a kid.

He's more than
100 years old.

Only in the expanse
could I have a son
who's nearly 3 times my age.

[Computers bleeping]

Who would have thought,
you and me, huh?

Lorian says
we're going to be married

In a traditional
vulcan ceremony.

It's gonna take me weeks
to learn to
pronounce the vows.

You know where
we're going to
have our honeymoon?

Cargo bay 3.

He says I'll fill it up
with sand

That we dug up
from a passing asteroid.

I'm even supposed to...


I'm even supposed
to manufacture a palm tree.

It's ridiculous
to assume those events
are going to happen.

Hand me the flux coupler.

Aren't you at all curious

About how you and I
are supposed to
end up together?

The fact that
our counterparts married

Doesn't mean
we'll do the same.

You're afraid to admit
that under
the right circumstances,

You could have
feelings for me.

No, maybe you have them

I should have known
this was a mistake.


Exploring human
sexuality with you.

You're obviously
unable to have
a physical relationship

Without developing
an emotional attachment.

You know, all the other women
on board must have been taken,

'Cause I can't imagine
any other reason

I would have married
someone as stubborn as you.

I'll go help rostov
with the port manifold.

You seem to have
everything under control.

Injectors are still online.

Greer, how much longer?

It's taking more time
than we thought
to reroute the plasma.

stand by.

hold off on it for now.

I want those
starboard modules
recalibrated first.


Hold your fire.

What the hell are you doing?

greer to lorian.

The flow's been diverted.

Get back to the ship.


We won't be
able to go to warp
without those injectors!

Archer gave me
no other option.

Take some advice
from your old man.

You don't want to do this.

He'll alert the others.

I'm sorry.

What's wrong?

Warp engines
just went off-line.

Our plasma injectors
are disengaged.

Archer to engineering.

Trip, respond.

Send a security team.

They've undocked.

Hail them.


No response.

They're preparing
to go to warp.

Disable their engines.

[Computer beeping]

They're targeting
our nacelles.

Take us to warp.

I can't. They've knocked out
the starboard power couplings.

Get us out of here,
full impulse.

Return fire.


Hull plating at 61%!

They're making a run for it.

Stay with them.

They have the same
complement of weapons
as we do.

We would appear
to be evenly matched.

Get down to the transporter,
and stand by.

Bring us in low,
underneath them.

Target their
hull plating relays.

We've lost hull plating!


I can't establish a lock.

we need to get closer.

You heard her.

We've lost power
on c-deck!

[Explosions continue]

Weapons are gone.

2,000 Meters.


Sir, our weapons
are losing power.

Archer's using
the transporter.

They've taken one of
our e.p.s. Manifolds.

Now lock onto
their primary relays.

They're on c-deck,
junction 12.


[Power shutting off]

We're losing main power.

this is captain archer.

Looks like we've
got some things
that belong to each other.

Why don't we call a truce

And return
our respective property.


They still have one torpedo
in the forward tube.

It's locked onto
our starboard engine.

I know you've got your finger
on the trigger.

If you fire that torpedo,

You're going to hurt
a lot of people over here.


Answer me.

We can't do this.

There's too much at stake.

These people are family.

I'm not going to
let you k*ll them.


It's over.

Stand down weapons.

Tell archer I want to talk.

[Doorbell beeps]

You were lucky.

Phlox says the injuries
on both ships were minor.

You almost crippled us.

My mission would
have been over.

Your mission is over,

You just won't accept it.

I took the only
logical course of action.

Attacking your ancestors
doesn't sound
very logical to me.

You wouldn't understand.

You can't.

You don't know what it's like

Living with
the responsibility.

Millions of people
are dead because of me.

I'm sure your crew
did everything they could
to stop the probe.

I could have destroyed it!

Years ago,
I swore to my captain
on his deathbed,

I'd save those
7 million lives.

You were the man
I made that promise to.

I devoted my life
to that mission.

We knew the coordinates
of the launch platform,

The exact minute the w*apon
was going to be deployed.

But our plan didn't work.

I had one last chance.

Use enterprise itself,
set a collision course
with the probe.

But I hesitated,

My emotions took over.

I couldn't give an order
that would k*ll my crew.

By the time
I realized my mistake,

It was too late.
The probe was gone.

I won't let my emotions
get in the way again.

I will not let earth
be destroyed.

I could keep you
locked up in here.

But that wouldn't do
either of us any good.

All that matters

Is what we're going
to do next.

Whether you
agree with it or not,

I'm taking my ship
into that corridor.

And I'll stand
a much better chance
of completing this mission,

Our mission,

If we work together.

[Doorbell beeps]

(Old t'pol)
come in.

Am I disturbing you?

Not at all.




Of course.

We had trouble with
your modifications.

We were only able to reduce
our particle wake by 86%.

The corridor could
destabilize again.

If you place
an isomagnetic collector here,

It should absorb
any residual particles.

I'm not familiar
with that type of device.

It's something we picked up
from the ikaarans.

[Computer bleeping]

I should be able to
find the schematics.

Are you feeling better?

What do you mean?

Your trellium addiction.

Have the symptoms diminished?

To a degree.

But I haven't
fully recovered.

You'll never fully recover.

The emotions you've accessed

Will be with you
the rest of your life.

Here we are.

Don't forget your tea.

You're going to have to learn
to embrace them,

Live with them as I have.

There's someone on your ship
who can help.

Phlox has already given me
a neural suppressant.

I don't mean phlox.

Trip can be an outlet
for these feelings

If you'll trust him.

The emotions he stirred in me
were powerful

And frightening.

I tried to push him away.

If enterprise
hadn't been stranded
in the past,

It's possible I never
would have married trip.

But I can't imagine
what my life

Would have been like
without him.

What do you suggest I do?

There's a human expression:

"Follow your heart."

What if my heart doesn't know
what it wants?

It will,

In time.

It will.

Weapons are standing by.

Take us in.

Are the signatures
being reflected?

I'm reading multiple images.

How long until
we reach the corridor?

6 Minutes.

They've detected us.

3 Ships are on
an intercept course.


Return fire!

The nebula's interfering
with our targeting scanners.

We'll have to wait
until they get closer.

They don't seem to be having
the same problem.

Aft plating's at 42%.


Just a few more seconds, sir.

We have a lock.

Archer to lorian.


The lead ship's disabled.

The other 2 are falling back.

Well done, captain.

They must have
been surprised

When your reflection
turned and att*cked them.

[Signal beeping]

Sir, we're losing speed.

tucker to the bridge!

Go ahead.

That last torpedo took out
the primary drive coil!

I've got to shut down
the port engine!



It looks like we're not

Going to be able
to keep up with you.

The aliens are regrouping,
4 ships.

Bring us 100 meters
off archer's bow.

Power the tractor emitters.

Captain, tell your crew
to brace themselves.

We're increasing speed.

They've engaged
a tractor beam.

Thanks for the lift.

We'll see you on
the other side.


The kovaalans will
be in weapons range
in less than 20 seconds.

The aliens are closing.

12,000 Meters. 10,000.

Target their weapons!

Hull plating's holding.

What about archer?

Their aft plating's
almost gone.

See if we can get
the aliens' attention.

Torpedoes, full spread.

We've lost aft plating.

45 Seconds to the corridor.

Weapons are down.

They're targeting
archer's reactor.

Disengage the tractor beam.

New course: 1-8-0 mark 0.

we'll keep them
off your back.

Your momentum will carry you
into the corridor.

We'll follow
as soon as we can.

Tell my parents
that I'll see them soon.

[Signal beeps]

12 Seconds to the corridor.

[All grunting]

Direct hit! The pylons
are starting to buckle!

Reserve power
to hull plating.

[Alarm beeping]

Hull integrity's failing.

Forward launchers are gone!

Divert everything
to the phase-cannons!

Continue firing!

No sign of pursuit.

Where are we?

We've traveled
11.6 light-years.

Are we still in
the right century?

Stars are where
they're supposed to be.

What about lorian?

No sign of him yet, sir.

captain's starlog,

It's been 5 hours,

And the other enterprise
still hasn't arrived.

Repairs to our impulse drive
are underway.

One ship against 4.

It's unlikely they survived.

Lorian has years of
command experience.

Something tells me
we shouldn't
write him off yet.

I suppose there's
another possibility.

Since we weren't
thrown into the past,

Maybe history
somehow corrected itself.

Are you
suggesting that the other
enterprise never existed?

If you're right,

Then why would
we remember them?

[Intercom beeps]

bridge to captain archer.

Go ahead.

Could you come out here, sir?

A ship's
dropping out of warp.

It's degra.

He's hailing us.

Put him up.

Captain, you're early.
