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04x07 - Missing

Posted: 01/18/23 08:48
by bunniefuu
You ready?
They're preparing to dial the gate.

Yeah, almost finished.

I know, I'm terrible at packing.
I never know how much to bring.

We are only going overnight.
I'm sure you have enough.

Well, you'd think so, but...

You seem nervous.

Oh, no, I'm fine.

Well, maybe a little.

Going offworld is still kind of new to me.

A whole other galaxy,
and meeting new civilizations...

My people are very welcoming
and they're eager to meet you.

Well, I'm eager to meet them, too,
learn about their culture and their history.

A gesture for which
they will be most grateful.

It's just...
I know they were very fond of Carson.

I only hope to make
half the impression he did.

- What are those?
- Oh, lollipops.

For the kids.
Makes the check-ups go easier.

You will make a wonderful impression.

Ooh, look at you. Got a date?

Please. You will contact us if you need us?

Oh, we'll be fine, you kids have fun.

You're going to love the Athosians.

I'm going to experience
my first Tandul feast.

Oh, those are good, but watch out for the...

- What do you call it?
- Roos wine.

Roos wine. Tasty stuff, but a hell of a kick.

We really should be going.

Have fun, kids.

- The settlement is through the woods.
- Lead the way.

It is some distance.
Let me help you with those.

Oh, no, no, it's okay.
I'm the idiot who over-packed,

I should be the idiot carrying them.

So, Sheppard was right, huh?

About that hot date tonight.

I didn't think it would be this far.

- Is it always this quiet?
- Something is wrong.



- Is anybody here?
- Where is everyone?

I do not know,

but they did not leave of their own accord.

Are you saying they were att*cked?

Or culled.

I thought the Wraith
didn't know about this planet.

That was my understanding as well.

Well, then how could they just...

What is it?

You know them?

- We must leave.
- Okay.

Over here.

The weapons cache is too far.

- What?
- Better to make a run for the gate.

What are you looking for?

Did you bring a w*apon?

No, that's just medical supplies.
Don't you have a w*apon?

Just a knife.

I was coming to visit my people.
I did not believe I would need a g*n.

- Who are those men?
- Bola Kai.

- You know them?
- I know of them.

The markings on their faces
are distinctive to their tribe,

but I have never crossed paths
with them, until now.

Are they dangerous?

Beyond dangerous.

Let's go.

- You all right?
- I twisted my ankle.

- We have to keep moving.
- Just hang on a sec.

Is it broken?

No, I don't think so.
It's probably just sprained.

Leave the bag. It's too heavy.

Oh, God, what do we do?

It is too risky to return
to the weapons cache.

What weapons cache?

We gave my people g*ns

to protect themselves
in the event they were raided.

What makes you think
that the g*ns would still be there?

Wouldn't that be the first thing
those guys would steal?

If the Bola Kai stole them,
they would be using them.

But the weapons cache is too far,
especially in your condition.

And we have no idea
how many more Bola Kai are out there.

Our best option is to take out
these guards by ourselves.

Take them out? What are you talking
about? How are we going to do that?

I don't know yet.

Hey, listen, I am not like you.
I don't know anything about fighting.

Just do what I say.

I want to, believe me,
but I don't think I can.

You must think otherwise.
What we first need to do is create...

They're gone.

Are you all right?

I'm sorry.

I know this is something
for which you are unprepared.

I should be prepared, I know.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid things
may get worse before they get better.

Those guards will alert
the others to our situation.

They will hunt us.

The longer we avoid capture,
the better our chances.

They will continue to guard the gate, yes,

but in time, Atlantis will realize we are late

and they will send a rescue team.

But we're not due back till tomorrow.

It is therefore critical
that we elude capture until then.

What do you need to help your injury?

Well, I should probably wrap it, but
the Ace bandages are in the medical kit.

The kit is on the way
to the weapons cache.

Hopefully, it'll still be where we...

What is that?

They are summoning the others,
gathering them.

The hunt is beginning.

Oh, thank God.

- You must move quickly.
- I will.

Helps with the pain and swelling.

Yes. Dr. McKay uses them frequently,

along with antihistamines,
antacids, motion-sickness pills...

You forgot the prescription
I just wrote him for restless leg syndrome.

I've always been a wimp.
I've a low threshold for pain.

People often underestimate the level
of discomfort they are capable of enduring.

When I was a child, several of us were sent
into the woods for 10 days alone.

10 days alone?

It is a rite of passage among my people.

No food, no water,
forced to survive on our own.

None of us believed we could endure it,
but all of us did.

I went to summer camp.

There were other kids.

We had cabins, with beds,

and electricity and food.

I see.

I didn't even make it three days.

Got homesick,
called my parents to come and get me.

The weapons cache?

Well, where are the weapons? I mean,
obviously the Bola Kai don't have them.

My people must have needed them
to fight off the attack.

But then why were they not successful?

The Bola Kai's weapons would have
been no match against these.

- Over there.
- What?

There is a blind across the river.

- A blind?
- For hunting. It is well hidden.

It will provide shelter for the night.

We're going to cross that?

It is the quickest way across.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.

My people built it, it is quite safe.

Oh, I'm...

I'm sure it is. It's just...

Well, my ankle, and...

I've also got this inner ear thing,

we call it "vertigo", and...

Oh, God, look at it.

There comes a point in adversity
when fear disappears,

leaving only the will to survive.

I know, it's just, I don't think I'm even

remotely close to that point.

Fine. Stay here then.

Oh, well... Well, wait! I mean, I...

I'm sure I could climb down and find

a shallow spot in the river to cross.

I mean, it might take me a little longer,
but... Teyla?


Oh, God.

Here we go.

It's perfectly safe. Perfectly safe.

Wobbly. Too wobbly.

Almost there.

Thank you.

Come on.

Maybe your people managed
to make it to the gate and escape.

- All of them?
- Well, I don't know, maybe.

I mean, we haven't found any bodies, right?

From what you said,
I doubt the Bola Kai would

take the time to bury their victims.

No, they do not,

because when they are done
with their victims,

usually very little remains.

What are you telling me, they're cannibals?


- Are you all right?
- Yeah.

- Stay here.
- What? Teyla, Teyla!

That's one's dead, but he's still alive.

We cannot afford to take prisoners.

Well, we could have tied him up
and left him in the woods.

Then the others would've found him
and released him to rejoin the hunt.

I know it is difficult to accept,
but the fewer of them,

the better our chances at survival.

His hands are tied.
He must have been a prisoner.

He's got a s*ab wound to his abdomen.
Will you get me my medical kit?

- We have to leave him.
- What are you talking about?

- He's one of your people.
- He is not Athosian.

But his clothes.

I have never seen him before.

Well, he's obviously not one of them,
and if I don't suture his wound,

he's going to bleed to death.

More Bola Kai will be here very soon.

I know, but this won't take long,
okay, please?


I got the bleeding under control.

If the wound doesn't get infected,
he should be okay.

It will be dark soon.
Stay here with him, I will find the blind.

- Uh, is it far?
- No.

- Did you find it?
- Yes.

- How is he?
- Unconscious, but stable.

- Can he be moved?
- Oh, I don't know, he shouldn't be.

His condition is precarious,
I would hate to...

Yes, he can be moved.

- Water from the river.
- Thank you.

I have laid traps around the perimeter.

If any Bola Kai come near, hopefully
we will hear them before they discover us.


How's your ankle?

The swelling's not too bad.

The pain's eased up,
thanks to the painkillers.

If you wish to sleep, I can...


What is that?


They are attracted to the warmth
of our bodies.

The taste leaves much to be desired,
but it will sustain you.

Oh, um...

No, thanks, I'm not hungry.

You should eat.

This was my least favorite part of Survivor.

He's regaining consciousness.

It's okay. You're safe now.

Who are you?

Nabel Golan

of the Genii.

The Genii? What are you doing here?

I was planted to work inside
the Athosian community,

to gather intel.

What happened to them?

Dead. All of them.

Who k*lled my people?


A culling. Entire settlement.

Not the Bola Kai?

Bola Kai were the ones
who told the Wraith about them.

The Bola Kai are Wraith worshipers?

I was able to escape during the attack,

but I was cut off from the gate.

Bola Kai were guarding it.

They captured me.

I have never seen you before. How long
have you lived among my people?

I only arrived a few days ago.

Where are you from?

She is a friend of mine from another world.

Your equipment, it looks ancestral.

We discovered it in our travels.
We have been away for some time, trading.


With who?

If you are still seeking intel,

then you are wasting what few breaths
you have remaining.

So, say, "Thank you for saving me,"
and be done with this discussion.

Thank you

for saving me.

You have not slept all night.

With people trying to k*ll us

and creatures crawling around
under the ground?

Not to mention I'm starving.

Not that starving.

- It will give you strength.
- It'll make me puke.

You do not believe you are capable
of eating it, and so you do not.

No, I think it's disgusting and so I do not.

I have a friend like you,
afraid to challenge himself.

I'm not afraid of challenges.

I signed up to be chief of medicine
on an expedition in a whole other galaxy.

That's about as challenging as it gets.

But eating gross food?

Sorry, but that's where I draw the line.

Fair enough.


No puking.


So, this friend of yours,

one of your team members?

A certain uptight astrophysicist, maybe?



His name is Kanaan.

A natural leader, but he is unaware of it,

burdened by an overly cautious nature.

He's more than a friend, isn't he?

He's the one you were coming to see.

The hot date.

I'm sorry. It's none of my business.
I should just learn to shut up.

We have known each other since childhood,

but only recently kindled
more than a friendship.

I have not told anyone yet.

I'm so sorry.

We need more water.

We have to leave.

- What happened?
- Can you walk?

I don't even think he can stand.

Very soon, many more
Bola Kai will be here.

It's all right. I can walk.

- Mr. Freeze, no, King Tut.
- Wrong on both.

Otto Preminger was Mr. Freeze.
Victor Buono was King Tut.

- Vincent Price was Egghead.
- Egghead, right.

- Okay, so, Cliff Robertson?
- Oh, I know this one.

- Played the cowboy, right?

Teyla and Keller get back?

- I haven't heard from them yet.
- They're late.

- Doesn't sound like Teyla.
- No, it doesn't.

Well, she had that big feast last night.

Maybe she did too much celebrating
and needs to sleep it off.

Yeah, that sounds like Teyla.

Let's give her a call.

- Shame.
- What is?

Cliff Robertson.
The villain he played, Shame.

Very good. Shelley Winters.

What the hell are you talking about?

I need to rest.

He is slowing us down,
and he is making your ankle injury worse.

Well, if we leave him behind,
the Bola Kai are going to capture him.

If we continue this way,
we will all be captured.

Look, I'm the first to admit

I'm not very good at certain things.

I'm not athletic,

I can't cook,

you don't even want to hear me
try to play the piano.

But I do think I'm a pretty good judge
of character,

and I know that you would never sacrifice
an innocent man,

not even if he was a complete stranger,
to save yourself.

Which means, the only reason you would
even suggest it, would be because of me.

I brought you here.
This is my responsibility.

- Lf anything should happen to you...
- I signed up for this, all right?

All of it.

I may not have had any idea
what I was getting into,

but that makes me no different
from anybody else on Atlantis.

- I'm glad you feel that way.
- Oh, yeah, I know, I know.

Before this is all over, I'm going to have
to find all the courage I can muster.


you're going to need to find it right now.

Oh, God.


Teyla, this is Atlantis,
do you read?

Teyla, this is Sheppard, come in.

- She wouldn't turn off her radio.
- No, she wouldn't.

Calling anyone in the Athosian settlement,
this is Lieutenant Colonel John Sheppard.

Do you copy?

Teyla, this is Sheppard, please respond.

What are they going to do to us?

They will try to extricate information.

We must tell them nothing.

Dr. Keller, the lives of everyone
in Atlantis are at stake.

I know.

I'm sorry.

Where are you from?


Your home?

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin.

A little town.

- Do you have any family?
- Just my dad.

- My mom died a few years back.
- I'm sorry.

You must miss him.

I'm all he's got left.

Then you must do everything
you can to survive,

to return home.

You must...

You will survive.

You will return home. Do you understand?

Who are you?

I am Athosian.

I don't believe you.

I do not care what you believe.

The longer you are silent,
the worse it will be for you.

I told you, we are Athosian,

and you will suffer for what you have done
to our people.

- What we've done?
- You m*rder*d them, an entire village.

That village was deserted when we arrived.

Deserted because it was culled
by the Wraith,

Wraith who were brought here by you.

- Do you know who we are?
- You are Bola Kai.

Then you know we are hunted
by the Wraith, like everyone else.

Unless you are Wraith worshipers.

Get her out of here!

I'm willing to spare her life

if you tell me who you are.

- Did you tell them anything?
- They said they would k*ll you.

You told them about Atlantis?



I gave them a gate address, an uninhabited
planet, just to throw them off,

buy us more time, like you said.

I don't think they're Wraith worshipers.

That guy in there, he seemed genuinely
surprised when you accused him

of working with the Wraith.
Why would he deny it if it was true?

I would think that would provide an even
more effective threat to get us to talk.

So, they just happened to arrive here
moments after the settlement was culled?

I find that a coincidence.

Something just came through the portal,
a flying ship of some kind,

but it disappeared before
we could do anything.

You two, watch them.

The rest of you,
get your weapons and come with me!

Not much longer.

Those guys guarding the gates
certainly don't look Athosian.

- They're Bola Kai.
- What?

It's a warrior tribe. Ruthless.

They like picking fights,
especially with tribes who are peaceful.

Great, just what we need, another bad guy.

Don't worry.

- They're primitive. We can handle them.
- Define "primitive. "

- Clubs and arrows.
- Hey, arrows can hurt.

Only if you're stupid enough
to get hit in the ass with one.

Life signs?

All over the place, but mostly in the woods.

It's hard to get a visual from up here.

We'll have to go on foot, then.
Gear up, boys.

If these guys want a fight,
happy to give it to them.



Move back.

Where did you get the g*n?

The Athosians were not the only ones
with a hidden cache of weapons.

The Bola Kai captured me
before I could get to mine.

We need to get moving.
They no doubt heard the g*nf*re.

- They coming?
- It does not appear so.

I believe it is safe to rest.

Thank you for coming for us.

You saved my life.
I figured I'd return the favor.

- I thought you were dead.
- Well, I can't die yet.

I have far too many questions
I need answers to first.

We could start with you giving me
the gate address to Atlantis.

I got life signs, there, there,
there, and there.

- Oh, that really narrows it down.
- That way.

- Really, why?
- No reason.

Good enough for me. Let's go.

Why are you doing this?

Just give me the address and I'll let you go.
I promise.

I see you're not
as badly wounded as I thought.

Oh, it's bad.

I just have a high tolerance for pain.

The address, and I'll let you go, both of you.

You're lying.

You're not Genii, are you?

We have an understanding with them.

They wouldn't need to resort
to these tactics in order to contact us.

All right, so that part wasn't true,

but I was captured by the Bola Kai.

You're the Wraith worshiper.

You're the one responsible
for the death of the Athosians.

- Unless I lied about that as well.
- What do you mean, they're not dead?

Give me the gate address
and I'll gladly tell you everything.

Don't move.

Untie me.

Get out of the way.

Give me the g*n.

I'll sh**t you.

No, you won't.

You don't have it in you.

You're a doctor, a healer,

not a k*ller.

You're right, I am a healer,

but first I need something to heal.

What happened to my people?

What happened to them?

- You okay?
- Yeah.

What happened?

My people, they are gone.

What are you talking about?
All of them? What happened?


- Where did he go?
- I didn't see.

Who are you talking about?

McKAY: Not arrows!
We need to move! Come on!



How you feeling?

I am fine.

Dr. Keller insists I remain in bed.
She fears I have a concussion.

Well, you should listen to her.

We just got back from New Athos.

The Bola Kai are all gone.

Must have scared them off.

Rodney's got teams going out there

to collect clues about
what happened to your people.

Did you find Nabel?

Searched the entire planet, no life signs.

He must have escaped through the gate.

Or more likely, he's lying dead somewhere.

He knows what happened to my people.

- I will find them.
- I know you will.

And we're going to help you, but you got
to rest and get your strength back.

Whoever did this will pay.

I will make certain of it.

Hey, Doc, how you feeling?

Oh, it's just a sprain. I'll be fine.

Why is it that you are allowed
to resume working and I am not?

Because I didn't take
half the beating you did.

- I have suffered worse.
- Yeah, well, I believe you,

but you're on my turf now,
so you have to listen to me.

I'll check in on you later.


I got permission to go home
for a few days of R&R.

God bless that Intergalactic Gate Bridge,


I get to see my dad,

and I have you to thank for that.

How long must I stay here?

About another day or so.

I told you, I feel fine.
I do not have a concussion.

You're right.

You don't.

Teyla, I've looked over your test results.

There's something we need to talk about.