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04x19 - The Kindred: Part 2

Posted: 01/18/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
Previously on Stargate Atlantis.

Who are you?

Nabel Golan.

You're the one responsible
for the death of the Athosians.

Unless I lied about that as well.

I believe I had a vision last night.

I saw Kanaan,

the father of my son.

- Where are you?
- Dart!

Do not destroy the enemy ship.
Teyla may be on board.

Bad news, Sheppard.

The cruiser made the jump
to hyperspace. It's gone.


I came for you, just like you asked.

Like I asked.


- Any sign of her, Sir?
- She's not here.

Finally. It's about bloody time.
What took you so long?

It's just weird.

I'm sorry about all this, Doctor.

All right. I realize there's
a protocol when dealing with someone

who's been a prisoner for a long time.

In fact, I wrote it.

Although, if you take much more blood,
I think I might faint.

That's the last batch.

You should also check
for trace narcotics.

Michael was giving me regular injections
of some sort of drug cocktail

- mostly sedatives, I think.
- All right.

You sure he's not a Replicator?

No, scans would have
picked it up right away.

- Then who the hell is he?
- I don't know.

I'm as freaked out
about this as you are.

You don't really think it's him.

No. Well, I mean... maybe.

We've ruled out advanced robotics.

That still leaves us half a dozen
possible other explanations.


Well, like alternate timeline,
parallel universe, cloning,

- you know, take your pick.
- Just another day in outer space.



we've completed the preliminary exam.


Every test we've run confirms it.

That man down there
is Dr. Carson beckett.

- Rodney.
- Carson.

So sorry I haven't come by before now.
It's been pretty hectic here

- the last few days.
- That's all right. I understand.

Any word on when I can get out of here?

That might take a little time.


God, it's good to see you.

Think about how I feel.

I'm the one that's been a prisoner
for almost two years.

Two years?

Aye. Since M8G-352.

The planet where we left Michael
and the other converted Wraith.

- Right.
- That's where you were captured.

Well, yes.

You do remember, Rodney?
- Yes. Yeah, I just...

Well, we need you to fill in
some of the details.

Well, all right.

Well, as you may have already guessed,

the treatment was less
than 100% effective.

Despite the daily injections,
some of them began to revert,

including Michael.

They may have used
their telepathic abilities

to summon a hive ship,
but I can't be certain.

All I know is I was being
interrogated by Michael,

then he must have given me
an injection of some kind,

because the next thing I remember,
I woke up on another planet.

Why did he take you prisoner?

He wanted me to help with his research,

combining Wraith and human DNA.

Of course, I refused at first,

but then, one day,

he brought another
prisoner into my cell.

A young lady.

Couldn't have been
more than 20 years of age.

And he k*lled her in cold blood
right in front of my eyes.

He said every day I refused to help,
he'd k*ll another just like her.

From that moment on, I cooperated.

Carson, I'm so sorry.

It wasn't easy.

I'll admit, at times,
I almost gave up hope.

But that's when I thought about you,
Colonel Sheppard, Teyla,

and the rest of the team.

I knew you'd be out there
somewhere looking for me.


See, the thing is, we weren't.

- Weren't what?
- We weren't looking for you.

- We didn't know you were missing.
- Excuse me?

We went back to M8G-352.
We rescued you from Michael.

He got away, but we got you back
to Atlantis safe and sound.

- What the hell are you talking about?
- Obviously, not you, but another you,

another Carson Beckett.

Is this a joke?

I wish it was.

You're telling me there's another
Carson Beckett walking around this base?

- Well, no.
- Rodney!

He came back from the planet.
He resumed his duties.

Everything went back to normal.

And then about six months later,

he was k*lled in an expl*si*n.

To us, you weren't missing, Carson,

you were dead.

Have you spoken to your Wraith contact?

He claims he's given us everything
he knows about Michael, but

I assume he's lying.

Until we can come up with something that
he can use, he's not much good to us.

So we need to find
our intel somewhere else.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

You mean Beckett.

He has been inside Michael's operation
and he may know something.

Or he could have been
planted there for us to find.

For all we know, this whole thing
could be a set-up.

Sure, anything's possible.

John, the Carson Beckett
you knew was k*lled.

You were there.
You all were.

I'm sorry to say it,
but you need to remember that.

I know this is a lot
for you to take in...

Aye, you're damn right it is.

First, you tell me
I'm not the only Carson Beckett,

and then you tell me the other one
died in a horrible expl*si*n.

Oh, my God.

My mother!
You didn't tell her, did you?

Well, yeah.

Good Lord.

You were dead.

I'm sorry, but we buried you.

There was a memorial service.

This can't be happening.

- I have to talk to her.
- You can't.

What kind of effect that could have?
What do you have to say to her?

I'll say the Air Force
made a bloody mistake!

- Carson...
- This is too much.

Get Dr. Weir in here.
I need to speak to her.


- I can't do that.
- Why not?

She's dead, Carson.

She was k*lled by the Replicators.

Sacrificed herself
to save the rest of us.

I'm sorry, I...

I don't know what else to say.

You know,
for the better part of two years

I imagined what it would be like
the day I finally got back to Atlantis.

This isn't exactly
how I pictured it.

What is this place?

Just another dead world.

Destroyed by the Wraith,
abandoned by the survivors,

forgotten by both.

A perfect place to conduct my work.

Open it.

I'll leave you to get


What have you got for me, Doctor?

I think I've solved the mystery.

You know what
a telomere is, Colonel?

It's part of
a human chromosome, right?

Yeah, that's right.

Each time a cell divides, the chromosome
is torn apart and rebuilt,

and in the process, a small amount
of the telomere gets used up.

As a result,
telomeres become shorter over time.

The more we age,
the shorter they get.

And this is Dr. Beckett's?


According to the scan,

his telomeres are 30% shorter

than they should be
for a man of his age.

The only explanation
is that the original DNA

came from an adult cell.

One where the telomeres
had already started to degrade.

- So...
- You can forget parallel universes.

He's a clone.

I did not ever think
I would see you again.

Nor did we.

I just wish it were under
happier circumstances.

Where are the rest of our people?

They were taken.

- Taken?
- To be experimented upon,

converted into one of those...
Those things.

How long has this been going on?

For months.
Since the day of our arrival.

Kanaan was one of the first.

I know.

I saw him on Michael's ship,

but I did not realize
it had happened to so many.

I am so sorry.

I should have been at the village
the day you were captured.

There was nothing
you could have done.

50 men armed with stunners infiltrated
our village under the cover of night.

We were taken
completely by surprise.

These four walls have been
our prison ever since.

You must not abandon hope.

The people of Atlantis
know of my disappearance

and they are looking for me.

It will not be long
before they come to our rescue.

That is a very pleasant thought.

But until today, we held out
the same hope about you.

I knew you would want
to see the results for yourself.

And you're certain
it's from my sample?

I ran the test myself, twice.

There's no mistake.

I'm sorry.

It doesn't matter.

That's easy for you to say,

but you're not the one
who was made in a test-tube.

One of the best friends I ever had
just came back from the dead.

I'm not gonna quibble
over a couple of telomeres.

Thank you,
but it doesn't change the fact

that I'm not
the real Carson Beckett.

No you're not, because the real one
wouldn't feeling sorry for himself.

- He'd figure out how to help us.
- I'm willing to do whatever I can,

but I'm not so sure
that my help will be wanted.

Why wouldn't it be?

We're talking about someone who was,
for all intents and purposes,

manufactured by one of
the most dangerous individuals

we've ever come across.

Fundamentally, he's not
that different from those hybrids,

and I doubt very much we'd be arguing
about whether we can trust them.

But there's no denying the fact
that he's no ordinary clone.

Michael has managed to reproduce
his memories, his thought processes,

and even his personality.

I've spent some time with him,
and I'm telling you, he's Carson.

It doesn't mean it's safe to act
on any information he might give us.

Look, he may genuinely believe
that he's helping us

and still be playing
right into michael's hand.

She's got a point, Rodney.

What exactly is he offering?

He knows the layouts of at least
four facilities that Michael has.

He likes to move around a lot,

- stay one step ahead of the Wraith.
- What about Gate addresses?

They blindfolded him every time they
moved him, so he couldn't see the DHD.

Although, he did catch an address
dialed by one of Michael's mercenaries.

That could be a place to start.

Go ahead, Rodney.
I'll catch up.

Is he ever going to say
a word to me?

You gotta give him a break. He's not
good dealing with this sort of thing.

- What sort of thing?
- You know, clones, duplicates,

people coming back from the dead.

We went through this with Elizabeth.

Rodney told me.
It must have been difficult.

- He'll come around.
- Aye.

Thank you.
I must be a wee bit rusty.

You're not rusty, Doc.
You were just never very good at this.

Fair enough.

I just want to say,

thank you. For trusting me.

You'll have no regrets.



Forgot your radio.

No regrets.

Just in time for happy hour.

I was hoping maybe you could help us.
We're looking for a friend of ours

who's been known
to stop in now and then.

You've come to the wrong place.

We haven't even told you
what he looks like.

You misunderstand me.

No one here cares what he looks like.

You've come to the wrong place
if you're looking for information.


I know you're trying to keep up
appearances here for your friends, but

I think we can make it worth your while.

I think it would be best

if you turn around and be on your way.

That's P-90 fire!

Is he dead?

No, but we need to get back
to Atlantis as soon as possible.

What is it?

Colonel Sheppard's team's coming back.
They've got injuries.

What happened?

This guy took a shot at us with a P-90.

We're okay, but,

you know, he took a little
header off the balcony.

- A P-90? Where'd he get it?
- That's the question.

On 3. 1, 2, 3, up.

GSC 6, respiration 16, pulse 150,
blood pressure 70 over 50.

I applied pressure
bandages at the scene.

What is it?

I know this man.

His name's Nabel. When Teyla and
I went to New Athos, he was there.

He tried to k*ll us.

That's all right, love. He's unconscious
now, and, for the time being,

in desperate need of our attention.
You can confront him later.

Right now we need to save his life.
Let's go, lads.

Blood pressure?

50 over 40.

It's dropping. We need to stop
this bleeding. I need suction.

Let's prep for a C-spine X-ray.

- What can I do?
- Grab some clamps and get busy.


I'm guessing some pretty
severe lacerations...

Get him to a bed, now!

It was Dr. Beckett's idea to go there.

If we hadn't have gone, we wouldn't have
captured one of Michael's operatives.

You also wouldn't have been
nearly k*lled in an ambush.

It wasn't that bad.

It was one guy.

Firing at you with one
of our own weapons.

He was Michael's spy
in the Athosian village.

He got the P-90 from
the weapons cache we left there.

It doesn't change the fact
that you were led into an ambush,

intentionally or not.

Colonel Carter, this is Dr. Keller.

You'd better come down to the infirmary.
There's a problem with Dr. Beckett.

After he collapsed, I did a scan
and found evidence of necrosis

in several of his internal organs.

His cells aren't renewing fast enough
to sustain tissue function.

Any idea why?

I can only assume it's a complication
due to the fact he's a clone.

I've given him a course of treatment
to try to stimulate cell growth,

but it's a bit like trying
to find a cure for old age.

What are you saying?

On the outside, he looks fine,
but on the inside,

well, he's...

he's dying.

My Lord.

No wonder I've felt like
a dog's breakfast ever since I got here.

I'm sorry, Carson. I wish
there was something we could do.

Why is this happening now?

What do you mean?

You survived for almost
two years with Michael.

Shouldn't you have felt some kind of
effects from this condition before now?

That's a good point.

Don't take this the wrong way, but at
the rate your cells are deteriorating,

you should have died a long time ago.

The weekly injection he gave me.

He said it was a sedative meant
to keep me from trying to escape,

but it must have been some kind of drug
to keep my cells from deteriorating.

You obviously don't have
any of it with you.

No. Michael administered it himself,
one dose at a time,

but when Colonel Sheppard's team
rescued me,

it had only been four days
since my last injection.

Assuming it takes a full
seven days to break down...

We scanned you when you got here.


And if the scanner was able to pick it
up, we might be able to isolate it

and create more.
We need to get started right now.

- Where do you think you're doing?
- We have work to do.

No, I have work to do.

You need to stay in bed.
The less you exert yourself, the better.

You don't seriously expect me
to lie here and be useless

when my own life hangs
in the balance, do you?

Kanaan, look at me.

You know who I am.

I do not know
what Michael has done to you,

but I do know that, deep down,

a part of you is still
the man I remember.

I need your help.

We need your help.

If we do not find a way
out of here quickly,

Michael will force on us

what he has forced on you.

Our child will be born soon,

and when he is,

Michael will take him to use
for some terrible purpose.

You must not let that happen.

Kanaan, wait!

I'm going cross-eyed.

It's gotta be in here somewhere.
We must be missing something.

We've been over everything twice.
Maybe the drug breaks down

- faster than we thought.
- Wait a minute.


Unidentified polypeptide chain.

The scan found it
in one of your kidney cells.

Try screening it
for traces of Wraith DNA.

My God.

Must be a Wraith enzyme of some sort.

But it's enormously complex.

It's not gonna be easy to duplicate.

Right, then.

Do not incite them!

- Her.
- No. You will take me instead.





Just let me know when you have
test results on those. Thanks.

Damn it.

- What is it?
- See for yourself.

The primer's not annealing
to the DNA template.

There's too many contaminants.
We're back to square one.

I'm sorry, Carson, but...

we've only been at this
for a little while.

You knew it wasn't gonna be easy.

I was hoping for
a breakthrough by now.


It's all right. I'm okay.

No, you're not.
Your condition's getting worse.

I'll be fine.
It was just a wee bit of a dizzy spell.

Now, get me some
of those PCR tubes, will you?


You can't just ignore this.

What else can I do?

We could halt the deterioration
of your cells in a stasis pod.

- Don't put me in one of those things.
- But it makes sense.

- When I figure out how to fix this...
- What if you can't?

I'll be stuck in that bloody machine
for God knows how long.

Isn't that better
than trying in vain to solve this

while the clock's ticking away
on your own life?



Is that you?



You must release me.

Michael will be here soon.

He will do to me
what he has done to you. Please.

I can help you escape.

All of you.



It's me.


that's it.


what is it?

Leave us.


let's get started.

I see you've once again
opted to save my life.

It wasn't an easy decision,
let me tell you.

The only reason she did it
is because we need information.

About Michael.

Yes, I know.

Too bad you wasted your effort.

You should have just let me die.

Why's that?

Because once Michael finds out
I was captured,

I'm as good as dead anyway.

Yeah, well, maybe.

Or maybe not,
if you help us find him.

He has spies everywhere.

There's nowhere in this galaxy
he can't find me.

Who said anything about this galaxy?

I had to modify this technology
for use with humans.

It's crude,

but it works remarkably well.


Whatever has happened between us
in the past,

I beg you,

do not harm my child.

I wouldn't dream of it.

Now, just relax.

This won't hurt a bit.


Your child is healthy.


Why are you doing this?

On the ship,

Kanaan said

our son would serve the cause.

What did he mean by that?

You have the gift.

So does Kanaan.

Have you stopped to think
what that might mean for your son?

He is genetically unique.

And while I've made a lot
of progress with my hybrids,

there are still some details
that need to be worked out.

This child...

will help me do that.

You've taken good care of him.
You should be very proud.

Even so...

He could probably use a little help.

Michael, what are you doing?


I need this child.

I can't afford to let anything...

happen to him.

How'd it go?

Nabel gave up the address.
We know where she is.

It's one of Michael's bigger facilities.

The lab is in the center of the main
building, but it's difficult to find,

not to mention the fact that, if he is
there, he'll be heavily guarded.

- Great.
- You're sure this is the right place?

I definitely recognize
the description Nabel gave.

Trust me, this is the place.

You should bring me with you.

This is just a small part
of the complex.

The place is like a maze, and once
inside, it's easy to get turned around.

All right. Thank you, Doctor.

So, what do you think?

Well, if he's leading us into a trap,

it's not gonna make much difference
whether he's there or not.

But if he isn't,
he could be pretty useful.

Wait a second.

If he goes on this mission, it could
k*ll him. We can't ask him to do this.

- We didn't ask him. He volunteered.
- Oh, gimme a break.

- Easy, Rodney.
- I'm sorry, i'm just a little concerned

we're so cavalier with his life

because we think of him
as some kind of a cheap copy.

He's doing it for Teyla.

Don't stand there

and pretend that you wouldn't do
the same thing if you were in his place.

It's okay. I'm all right.
Thank you. Okay.


Rodney, I was just heading down
to get geared up.

You can barely stand.
You don't have to do this.

You said yourself
the real Carson wouldn't sit around

worrying about himself
when he could help.

The real Carson also
never listened to my advice.

Look, you don't have to prove anything,
certainly not to me.

I know that.

Don't worry. I'll be fine.
Let's go.

I'm reading a bunch
of life signs up ahead.

Maybe it's the Athosians.

Yeah. Or maybe it's a herd
of those Frankensteins.


It's this way, I think.

No, no, I'm certain. It's this way.

What is happening?

There is a connection
between us, Michael,

and right now,

I can sense your fear.

I wouldn't go that far.

Let's call it...


What did you do?

I shut them down.

You mean you k*lled them.

I can't afford to leave
any loose ends behind.

Anyway, there's always more
where they came from.

Take her to the ship.

We're leaving.

I'm tired of getting shot at
with our own g*ns.

I'm not generally fond of it
regardless of the w*apon.


Is anyone there?

You must help us!

- You hear that?
- Was that Halling?


Colonel, through here!

- It's very good to see you.
- Likewise, my friend.

- Are you all right?
- We're fine, those of us that are left.

- Teyla said you would come.
- Where is she?

Michael has taken her.
You must go after her.

Take your people.
We'll meet you in a little while.

Everyone, it's the time.
Come. Gather your strength.

Come through.

My God.

They're dead.

- You think Teyla.
- No, I don't think so,

and you don't think so.

I don't mean to rush things,
but I'm picking up an energy reading.

Someone's firing up the ship.

Carson! Carson!

I know. I'm the last person
you expected to see.

- It's all right. I'm here to help you.
- It's not possible.

I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain.
The others are waiting back at the lab.

- We have to go, now.
- I can't.

Kanaan, the father of my son,
he is still here.

I am not leaving without him.

- There's no time.
- Quite correct.

You should've run
when you had the chance,

but you let your feelings
get in the way.

Stay back.
I'm warning you.

sh**t him, Carson.

sh**t him now!

He doesn't want to sh**t me.

Or to be more precise,
he'd like nothing more,

but, like all my creations,

he is open to my influence.

I'm sorry, Teyla.


You don't look well.

You should have stayed with me.

I'd give you an injection,
but I don't have any with me.


you've served your purpose.

Time to go.

Take a look, east wall.

Those look like gas containers?


Worth a shot.

- Where's Beckett?
- This way.

It's Carson.

- What happened?
- You ran off, that's what happened.

- Did you see her?
- Oh, no.

- What the hell is that?
- It's the ship.

- Help him.
- Yeah.

Come on.

We searched the place top to bottom.
No sign of her.

Well, for now, we'll have to assume
she's still alive, and Michael has her.

We've got prisoners.
They'll talk.

We'll find her.

How is he?

His body's shutting down.

There's nothing more
I can do for him.

We can't wait any longer.

Zelenka's prepping
the stasis pod.

I had him in my sights.

- All I need to do was pull the trigger.
- It's not your fault.

He made you receptive to the mind link.
It's how he controls all of them...

The hybrids.

Would have been nice
to make a difference.

You make it.
We've got Michael on the run.

It's just a matter of time
before we catch up to him.

- Rodney...
- Look, don't say anything, okay?

It's no big deal. You're gonna go
into the stasis pod until we

figure out how to fix you.

I'm a doctor.

I know my own prognosis.

Once I go into that pod,

there's a good chance
I won't come out.

Right. All set.


we're gonna keep working

until we find a cure
for this thing.

I've got a whole team on it.
Best people we have.

- Thank you.
- Either way, we're gonna get the cure,

soon as we capture Michael.


there's a letter in my quarters
addressed to my mother.

Don't worry, I was careful
not to give anything away.

Tell her you found it
after you shipped my things.

It's just some thoughts,

things I should have said
a long time ago.

I'll make sure she gets it.

Thank you.

Don't you worry, Doc.
We're gonna have you out of there.


you bring her home now,
you understand?

Count on it.

This is exactly
what I was afraid of.

I know, big man.

I'm sorry.

Right, well,
you won't feel a thing,

aside from a cool burst
when the pod first activates.

Your life signs will be monitored on

this machine here 24/7.

Thank you, Rodney.

I want you all to know

that seeing you again,

these last few days.

It was all worth it,

no matter what happens.

You know, I was toying with the idea
of programming dreams into these things.


I could have you
fishing in the highlands...

With a couple of tall,
blonde massage therapists.


I'll be fine.

That's right. You will be.

Because this is not goodbye,
this is

see you later.

That's what we agreed.

Did we?

That's how I remember it.

All right, then.

See you all later.