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02x01 - Episode 1

Posted: 01/18/23 11:04
by bunniefuu
Did you receive the documents I mentioned yesterday? Yes, I've sent it by email.

- Right.

But it was only a draft.

I had asked for a revised draft, let's see what they come up with.

Halla! I'll see you inside.

What is it? I've asked you to leave me alone.

Gisli! Let me go.

Here, outside the Parliament, the Minister of Industries, Halla Thorisdottir, was att*cked just moments ago.

But who was this man? Why this vicious attack? The reason is still unclear.

Will the Danish Royal Navy be asked to assist.

Did you know this man, Halla? Is he dead? -Yes, he is.

Did you know him? He always felt I owed him something.

Would you move, please? What do you mean? Owed him what? This is not the place for interrogation.

We found his car.

It's over there.

We also found a gas canister under the bench over there.

We have identified the body.

Gisli Thorisson, Miklaberg 2.

It's somewhere up north.

Apparantly he's her brother.

Twin brother.

The minister's? - Yes.

What a mess.

Was this a political act? No comment.

- What's this? I don't know.

Check this out.


Is this Iceland's first t*rror1st attack? Hammer of Thor.

Andri Olafsson? The Prime Minister wants to see you.

ICELANDERS UNITE! Andri is here.

Does this concern politics or is it a family affair? It's too soon to tell.

You probably know about this planned protest up north? Yes, in connection with the power plant project.

We also found this in the dead man's car.

Hammer of Thor.

Sounds extreme right wing.

It might be connected.

Could this Hammer of Thor be going after the minister.

Because of the plant construction? And her brother a member of the movement? That the man set his sister on fire for a cause? Did she ever mention this twin brother? -No.

Nor any other family member.

We did look into possible conflict of interest on the project but there were none.

The truth is that she hadn't been in touch with her family for 20 years.

Do you know why? - No.

Could it have something to do with politics? I don't think so.

You should know that place up north quiet well, Andri.

Vikingur! - What? Come talk to me! What's up? - Sit down.

Did you hear what happened in front of Parliament? To my aunt Halla? Yes.

I'm sorry to have to tell you that your father is dead.

He was the one who att*cked her.

Your mum called.

You should call her.

Mum, Dad's here.

Hi honey.

- Hi Dad.

How are you doing? Hi.


I wasn't expecting you until this afternoon.

Well, Perla dear will you let me talk to your mum.


- Thanks.

Is this connected to what happened in front of Parliament.


I have to go up north and meet the family of the deceased.

Alright, when are you leaving? Right away.

- Well.

Hopefully you'll get to see our daughter.

Yes, I'm going to meet Thorhildur.

I hope she wants to see me.

She doesn't answer my calls anymore.

Same with me.

I don't understand.

My sister Laufey is telling me not to worry.

I know she is a teenager and she is rebelling but she wanted to move up north to be with her friends.

Yes, but there more to it.

Is she still stealing? Laufey has not said anything about that.

Do you think she'd tell you if she was? Yeah, I think so.

I'll talk to her.

You have one new message.

Hi, Thorhildur, it's Dad.

I hope everything is good with you and Aunt Laufey.

I'm coming to town.

Hope to see you soon.

Call me.


Is something wrong? - How can you stand it here? Why? -Everyone is watching your uncle set himself on fire.

And? - I couldn't just ignore it.

I get it, though.

For them it's entertainment.

But for you it's real.

It's your family.

Are you some kind of an expert? I'm no expert but I've been there.

My aunt died in the fire at the fish factory ten years ago.

Weren't you just a kid? Do you remember it? Do I remember? Duh yes! Later it turned out that the Mayor was responsible and my granddad set fire to him in his shed.

Locked him in and let him roast.

I remember, A cool guy! And your dad sent him to jail? - Yes, totally screwed.

Your family is more f*cked up than mine.


What are you listening to? Ladies and gentlemen, we'll soon be landing in Akureyri.

Please fasten your seatbelts.


- Hi, Andri.

Good to see you.

- Thank you.

Welcome to the North.

- Thanks.

How was the flight? - Well I guess the power plant project is in full swing.

It has top priority.

When will it be ready? In two years, they say.

-Hi, it's Thorhildur, don't leave a message.

No word from Thorhildur? - She won't answer.

Isn't this just a phase? After all she's only fifteen.

She can't avoid me forever.

Has she been in trouble since she was sent here? No, not really.

Where are you staying? - At the hotel.

Stay with us.

There is plenty of space in the yellow house Naw thanks anyway.

Of course you stay with us.

I won't take no for an answer.

What's the police chief's name again? Her name is It's Heidrun Þorsteinsdottir.

Right, Heidrun.

Prime Minister, what's happening? Hello Heidrun, what have you got? We have no evidence that suggests he had an accomplice.

Until we know more we have issued an alert.

Andri Olafsson went up north to investigate the man's background.

Trausti, sergeant with the SWA team will meet you inside.

Trausti? - Trausti Einarsson.

He's with the SWAT team now? - Yes.

An old classmate.

Halla is quarantined to prevent infection so no visits are allowed.

Is her life at risk? No, but she needs complete rest.

Hi, Trausti.

- Hi You know Andri quite well.

- Yes.

Can we trust him with this case? We must presume we can.


The reporters are eager to get an interview with you.

What do I tell them? Let's keep the media away until we know more.

What do you know about this Hammer of Thor? Just some racists but I don't know who they are.

Did Gisli seem unstable when you met him yesterday? He was devastated, of course.

Just imagine watching your belongings carted off.

Now try.

You've never dealt with him before? -No.

He was just an ordinary farmer trying to survive.

And then went bankrupt.

That's Olafur, Gisli's brother.

And his wife, Steinunn.

Hi, Steinunn.

My condolences.

- Thank you.



Good to see you, mate.

- Do you know what happened? We don't know much yet but we must seal the farm off.

This is now a scene of investigation.

How do you do.

I'm detective Andri Ólafsson.

Was there any indication that Gisli could do such a thing? No, of course not.

The confiscation certainly didn't help.

Who feeds his sheep? Who feeds his sheep? Had he rounded up? He had the sheep in pasture.

Dispute with other farmers.

We'll take care of it.

Let's talk later.

Have you talked to my son, Vikingur? No, not yet.

- If you talk to him Let the people to do their job.

Come on.

How are you, mate? Thriving in the city? It's not bad.

You haven't changed.

One doesn't age in the countryside.

Have you beaten the chess computer? - It happens.

Please wait here, Asgeir.

- No problem.

So this was Steinunn.

She was Gisli's wife.

Then left him and married his brother.

This bloke.

- Yes, Olafur.

She has a son with Gisli, Vikingur.

He wasn't too pleased.

What did the bailiffs take? Anything of value.

Machines, tractors All except the cooker and fridge.

The wife runs off with his brother and the farm goes down the drain.

No wonder he was upset.

No electricity? - He couldn't pay the bill.

This is his son, Vikingur.

Were they close? - I don't know.

Vikingur being gay might have bothered the old man.

Earthquake? -Happens a lot since they started drilling at the plant Awful.

Bloody hell.

Did he use a bolt p*stol? It's called a priest.

Moli! Moli! - I have to secure Are you denying me access to my own property? Calm down.

- This was his father's house.

You have to leave.

What's going on there? - I know this isn't easy.

They were feeding the sheep.

- Easy, Vikingur.

Stop, Vikingur - You heard me! It's ok, Asgeir.

This is your fault, you bastards.

You evicted him.

Was Dad's dog in the house? - We haven't seen a dog.

Moli! You can't be here, this is a crime scene.

Come on out.

He must be here somewhere.

Can I ask you a few questions? - Yes.

When did you last see your aunt? - Halla? Don't know.

Maybe at my nan's funeral.

Ages ago.

You haven't kept in touch with her? -No.

What about your dad and Halla? No.

Halla's just some politician in Reykjavik who lies to people and hides her money.

What about you and your father? He was my dad.

I knew he cared about me.

No matter what.

Maybe I should go and finish all this damn paperwork.

I don't even know if the funeral will be here or There's no rush.

The autopsy is still pending.


- Yes hi.

Come in.

You've met my wife.

This is Elin, my sister.

How do you do.

I'm Andri Olafsson.


Finnur is your husband, right? - He is at work at the plant.

Along with Steinunn's son.

- We met Vikingur earlier.

They both work at the plant Gisli protested? -Yes.

Gisli got involved in that nonsense Along with a group of locals.


They insist the project will unleash poisoned gas that will wipe out all the sheep in the area.

And create holes that the sheep will fall into.

These men think that hidden people live in every single rock.


I'm really getting fed up with the frequent earthquakes.

That's just while they're drilling.

Do you know if your brother was involved with Hammer of Thor? We haven't been in touch with him for years.

I understand you've had your differences.

Yes, he's been cranky and enraged for many years.

Did your relationship change him? - He's always been like that.

We're not here to judge.

We're just trying to understand what happened.

Don't make trouble, Ketill.

This is my friend's farm, not yours.

What are you going to do? Arrest us all? No trouble.

Guys! Take his radio and mobile phone, Torfi.

Skuli, get the keys.

You're way out of line, Ketill.

It's obvious Gisli wasn't feeling well, but why hurt his sister? No.

She told me he felt she owed him something.

Do you know what that could be? Hinrika! Hinrika! What happened? What happened, Asgeir? Ketill and his sons att*cked me.

Come in.

No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! What are you doing? No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! These are Gisli Thorisson's sheep, Madam Mayor.

You can't dump a load of dead sheep on the square.

It's a health violation.

Gisli fought for all of us.

But he was pushed to the edge by authorities that don't give a damn about us.

Authorities that sell our land to foreign corporations like it's a cheap whore.

They say the plant, it's enlargement and a smelter will bring us billions.

Jobs and prosperity while history tells us that it's bullshit and lies! Easy now.

Have you finished? I'll tell you what this brings us.

I will tell you what this brings us! Mark my words! It will poison our soil, our sheep will die off as we can see already with all these earthquakes that make rocks fall down the mountain.

Our farms will be deserted.

This project will turn our beautiful countryside into a wasteland.

It's already a wasteland! Gisli, my friend and neighbour, knew this.

Gisli died for all of us.

No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! You've had something to do with the police, right? Well, yes.

I've been in prison.

You know Andri Olafsson? Yes.

su1c1de and attempted m*rder.

Of course they had to send him.

He probably wants to talk to me, since I'm Gisli's brother-in-law.

Hjortur! What do you think he'll be asking? I don't know.

Routine stuff.

"How well you knew Gisli", stuff like that.

Hi, Oli.

What? The square? Hinrika.

You can use this one.

Are you all right? I'll live.

Bloody scoundrels.

What? We're on our way.

They've dumped a load of dead sheep on the square.

Gisli's sheep we just saw? - Probably.

No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! No to heavy industry! No to poisoned land! Dear me! Things are heating up.

What shall we do? - Nothing, unless we need to.

What the hell is Bardur doing here? I'll talk to him.

Isn't that your dad? Disgusting.

Did you do that? I'm taking part in this as you can see.

You're not just anybody.

You're the Chief of Police's husband.

I'm still allowed my opinions.

Should I also give up my right to vote? Ketill is a fanatic.

- This is not about him, it's about the environment.

Our countryside.

What the f*ck are you doing, Ketill? -Shut up, you bastard.

These are Gisli's sheep.

- He wouldn't have wanted this.

As if you would know.

- He was my brother.

Some brother you were! - What do you think you know.

Are you going to k*ll me? Hey, hey, hey.

Move away.


Enough, you're under arrest.

Take Finnur.

What about those idiots? - No, let them be.

You can go home now.

This went too far.

The party is over.

Everybody go home.

You should resign.

Do you know this dog? It's Moli, my uncle Gísli's dog.

Come on.

Let's check up on your dad at the police station.

You and Gisli were brothers-in-law.

It's been a tough day.

I'd like to go home to my wife.

No one asked you to start a fight.

Gisli and I were no friends if that's what you mean.

Why not? He resented everything.

Like the world owed him something.

Your wife was Gisli's sister.

- Yes.

How did she react when Steinunn left him? He forced her to choose between her brothers.

But Steinunn left Gisli for a good reason.

Was he violent? I can't imagine living with him was much joy.

Endless self-pity.

A total bloody looser.

I don't know who will miss him.

Maybe his son.

He's such a delicate flower.

Can I go now? - Yes.

This is like in the old days.

Let's hope not.

So you let Finnur go.

If there was justice in the world, if you were interested in justice, you'd have let me go as well.

Will I be charged? If so, what for? Assaulting a policeman.

- Indecent behaviour.

Dumping a load of dead sheepin public.

That violates the health and safety laws.

We'll find something.

But, we're all for reconciliation - So am I.

You and Gisli were close, right? My condolences.

He didn't have many friends.

- We were all his friends.

Yet he k*lled himself.

He was a martyr.

- Do you really think so? What did it say in the Saga of Gisli? -Sursson? Brothers, brothers-in-law, blood brothers k*ll each other.

And then Gisli fell, but he fought to the bitter end.

All in the name of justice.

Was there any justice in taking his sister with him? Who happens to be the Minister of Industries.

You're not stupid, are you? Had he been in touch with her? - No.

What can you tell us about Hammer of Thor? So that's your strategy, is it? - Are you a member? What is Iceland? It's the soil, the earth and the fire seething below.

Here's a man who, is everything that can be considered Icelandic.

Bred by the motherland.

He's deprived his possessions, humiliated, disrespected.

What does he do? He takes up arms.

The only arms he's got.

Will others take up arms? Oh, yes.

Are you making progress, up north? We're working on it.

What about this Hammer of Thor? - It might be related.

But even though the farmers are angry they're no extremists.

What do I tell the Prime Minister? He's calling every half hour and I'm short of answers.

He wants to know if Hammer of Thor is behind the attack and if more is yet coming.

It's just too soon to tell.

Where's his dad? Where's Finnur, Arons dad? - Can I call you later? We released him.

He's gone home.

You should stay with your mum, Aron.

She's had a tough day.


Hello, Thorhildur.

So you are Aron Finnsson? - Yes.

How old are you? - I'm seventeen.

So, you two know each other? See you, I'm off.

Thorhildur Talk to me, Thorhildur.

- What do you want me to say? Dad has come to visit me! - Why don't you answer the phone? We don't have anything to talk about.

I don't want to talk to you.

Come on, Thorhildur.

- I'm doing just fine.

Just you take care of your business and go home.

I can't be bothered with you.


You don't want to talk to me.

What about your mum? What has she done? - Since when do you care about her? Of course I care about your mum.

Thorhildur, dear Thorhildur.

Do you think they What? - You know.

How old were you when you started having sex? If you say it was different because you were a boy I'll lock you up with Ketill.

Hi, Laufey.

- Hi, Andri.

Is Thorhildur at home? - Yes.


She might have the earphones in.

Your dad is here.


Let's just leave her alone.

Do you know this guy she's seeing, Aron Finnsson? No.

You have to give her more space.


I mean you and Agnes were dating at their age.

Having a teenage daughter is tough for a while but then it will pass it's going to be alright.

Sorry about the incident.

They should be charging me with smashing your phone and stealing your keys.


You are a policeman after all.

But they won't do it, will they? The big guy only does what the politicians tell him to do.

Like all the other cops.

I don't give a shit what they do.

They know it's not a good idea to piss me off.

-Shut up.

I need to make a call.

To tell the boys I won't be coming home tonight.

Shit ICELAND FOR ICELANDERS! This looks good.

- I think it tastes good too.

I had a leg of lamb in the fridge and I decided to improvise.


- Help yourselves.

I made your bed in the living room.

- Thank you, Bardur.

We can't have you in an impersonal hotel.

Right, we can't have that.

Good night.

- Good night.

I know I should have come straight home.

But Oli asked me to come to check out the protest.

If it hadn't been for the bastard, Ketill -Finnur.

I know.

I'm sorry.

I know I shouldn't have been there.

It won't happen again.


Finnur! Aron dear.

Hello? Finnur?