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02x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 01/18/23 11:06
by bunniefuu
Finnur was k*lled between eleven pm and one am.

This was filmed between half ten pm and two am.

So the brothers have an alibi.

Which means the m*rder*r tried to frame them.

He was threatening, so I reacted before he could fire a shot and I shot him.

Was that necessary? I think the k*ller is a local and that he will attend the funeral.

Don't you tell me how to behave at my dad's funeral.

Everyone in here knows what kind of a man you are.

- You don't know everything.

- I know you didn't want me! You left me with a man who could barely manage himself.

I was only a child! There is something in his gut but we don't quite know what it is.

Any ideas? -Possibly some kind of poisoning.

Look at that.

I think they're Euros? It's a fortune.

Asgeir is going to let Bardur stay with him for awhile.

It's over for us.

"Weren't you supposed to be dead?" Did he see who they were? No, he just said he saw someone around the house last night.

Listen, Andri I didn't mean to involve you in my divorce.

Don't worry about me.

But I can move to the hotel if you like.

-Not at all.

I like having you around.

Too bad I'm such a lousy cook.

You have to excuse that.

The seal is broken.

We'll just be careful.

What a mess.

I hope forensics have examined the premises.

I hope so.

There's no one here.

- Probably just some kids.

- I think we can guess which kids.



How is Steinunn doing? She won't get up.

That stupid boy.

You can't imagine how much his mother worries about him.

That's Vikingur.

Totally self absorbed.

At his fathers funeral.

Where's Halla? Did she leave? Yes, she had to go.

She didn't want to stay a bit? She hasn't been here for 18 years.

Stay and catch up with her siblings? I knew Vikingur and Dad weren't the best of friends but I didn't realize how much Vikingur hated the whole family.

I think this just happens when you lose someone.

Then you're angry at everyone.

Yeah, I guess.

I actually think it was cool how he let it all out.

But then, he was totally wasted.

- We're in here.

- Thanks.

What are you looking for? What has Aron done this time? Andri.

What's this? You have to come with us to the station.

You'd better come along too, Elin.

Aron What's going on? Good morning.

Hung over? Bummer about yesterday? No, I just said what I had to say.

And you decided to drive here home, drunk? Do you think that was smart? I went to see Ebo.

Did you drive up to the plant? His brother-in-law saw us.

What? He was threatening Okay.

He'd better not follow through, otherwise -Vikingur, please.

The police knows you broke Finnur's arm.

They were asking Hjortur about it yesterday.

Don't you think you should slow down a bit? Please take a seat.


Asgeir, come on.

You have to tell me what's going on, Aron.

- We found money at his house.

- Aron.

- Talk to me! - Give me the phone.

- What's going on? - Give it to me! - Who are you texting? - Why are you doing this? Who are you texting? What's this? I'll go with him.

We won't be long.

Can you take their statements? Will do.

Text message: Hide the [[[ Thorhildur.

Tell me what's going on.

Where does the money come from? Aron! Am I a criminal all of a sudden just because I found some money at home.

Then you gave them to Thorhildur.

Well if it's my money, can't I give them to whoever I want? How much is it? Aron! - Maybe ten million kronas.

- Ten million? Yes, something like 80.

000 euros Didn't it cross you're mind that this hidden money.

Might somehow be connected to how your father died? Let's go through this one step at a time.

Where exactly did you find the money? I didn't steal it.

It's Aron's.

You found loads of money in a house of a man who was m*rder*d.

And thought it was a good idea to take it home with you! What were you doing over there? Andri.

Here's something.

A map of a region from the Ministry of Industries.

- A purchase agreement.

- Any names? No, it's blank.

We'll check whether the money can be traced.

Hinrika You have to take her down to the station.

I can't interrogate my own daughter.

Are you arresting me? - Come with me.

- I'm coming too.

How can it be that a couple of teenagers find tens of thousands of Euros, that a whole forensics team overlooked? We concentrated on the barn, not the victim's house.

So you didn't search there.

I told you.

We had to prioritize.

Then the focus shifted to Hafdis's abduction.

What a mess.

f*cking mess.

Very unprofessional.

Come on, Andri.

Back already!? Shouldn't you be home resting? It's not easy to keep me away.

- Would you like some coffee? - Yes, please.

I FORGIVE I'll talk to them in there.

I'll be there in a minute.

Hi, it's Agnes.

I can't your call.

Please leave a message.

Hi, Agnes.

Can you please call me.

It has to do with our daughter.


Where did the money come from? - We found it.

- Where? At Aron's.

Did Aron know about it? No.

- What were you looking for? - Alcohol.

What did you plan to do with all this money? - Go away.

- Where to? Far away from here.

You may find it hard to believe, but your dad only wants what's best for you.

Did you find something else? Anything you want to tell me? - No.

- Are you quite sure? Yes.

So now you think money could have been the motive.

You don't hide ten million in cash if you've got nothing to hide.

Did you find anything else? These sketches and a blank purchase agreement.

Have you talked to the family? Hinrika and Asgeir are talking to them at the station.

Could this have something to do with Gisli and his arson attack? Well.

It's not unlikely.

- She's still up north.

- Is Halla still here? Yes.

Excuse the mess.

I heard you were questioning people yesterday.

Do you think that's appropriate? Questioning mourners, at a wake? I am just trying to get a clear picture of your family.

And Finnur.

Is this about the broken arm? Am I a prime suspect now? Finnur was said to have been a bully.

Harassing people and openly resenting gays.

Who could have done it? Someone who wanted revenge? Someone who he betrayed in a deal? I didn't make deals with that man.

- So you worked as a cook? - Yes, in Copenhagen.

And now you're working here.

Up on a heath.

Yes, now I'm working here.

Finnur had a bag full of money at his house.

Over ten million.

I know nothing about that.

There are many secrets in this family.

Don't all families have secrets? I don't understand what you were thinking.

Leave it, I'll finish up.

Take out the trash.

Is he telling the truth? He got pretty scared when he realized the money could relate to his dad's m*rder.

So yes, I think so.

How is Bardur doing? Not bad, considering.

- Just look at us.

- Glamorous, aren't we? I'm sorry, I couldn't show up at the funeral.

I understand, dear.

What about tomorrow? Will you join me to meet up with Jamal? -Yes, I'm fine.


It's important for both of us to be there, - after all that's been going on.

- Aha.

The Kodak moment.

All three of us together.

No Prime Minister? If it were up to him, the factory wouldn't be built.

He's too focused on Reykjavik.

Less interested in the countryside.


Why did you let Aron and his mum go home? We couldn't hold them all day.

- We got what we needed.

- Oh? So Elin didn't know about the money? -No, she didn't.

I have the transcript if you want to see it.

Did you let Thorhildur go as well? Let's step outside.

- What was I to do? - You could have talked to me.

This was my decision.

Right now, Finnur's m*rder*r is playing us like fools.

And all the whole Icelandic police force.

I understand your concern about your daughter growing up but you can't just stomp around like a bear in crisis.

Did you find out about the sketch? -Yes.

It's a map of Gisli's farmland marked the Ministry of Industries.

"Can we meet up?" "Where?" "In 10 minutes at the old cemetery.

Bring the cash.

" Geothermal area.

Maybe plans to drill there some day.


Then we have a blank purchase agreement.

Could Finnur have meant to buy Gisli's farmland? Gisli was flat broke.

Yes, you confiscated all his assets.

Ten million kronas, a map from the Ministry, a purchase agreement All in a bag at Finnur's.

Finnur knew Gisli was in debt.

Was he going to buy the land cheap and sell it with a profit? Take advantage of Gisli's desperation? Instead of selling Finnur his farmland, slaughters his sheep, goes to Reykjavik and sets himself on fire.

Tries to take his sister with him.

A sister he hasn't seen for years and who's the Minister of Industries.

- Then Finnur is k*lled.

- Finnur is k*lled.

- Hi, Andri.

- Hi.

Are you staying at the hotel? No, I'm staying in a house in town.

- Hi, Halla.

- Hi.

I didn't mean to disturb, but I heard you were still here.

I decided to use the trip and meet old friends.

It's been a long time since you moved away.

We don't hold on to people that well.

You should know.

Everything is so much better down south.

Could I talk to you in private? I have nothing to hide from Kolbrun.

- Can we get you something? - No, thanks.

I couldn't help noticing yesterday that there's a rift in your family.

Rift? I can see how you became a detective.

You told me your brother felt you owed him something.

What did you mean? Hinrika also mentioned this but I don't really know.

I was nearly practially unconscious when I said it.

Did you know he had money problems? -Yes.

We hadn't talked for years but he called a few a days ago and asked for money.

I told him it was out of the question.

Why did you lose contact? Let's just say that you choose your friends but not your family.

You know Gisli's farmland is in a geothermal area.

Yes, that's been clear for a long time.

Has your ministry permitted drilling on the land? No, not that I know.

Here's a map of Gisli's land from the Ministry of Industries.

This is news to me.

I haven't heard about any such plans and in any case they would never be greenlit.

He's totally stressed out.

But he's right.

We should have examined the house.

Of course he's right.

He's always right.

I almost wish something would come up, so I could come visit.

- Yeah, well, I must go now.


- Bye.

I found these on the mountain, lying by the lake.

Weren't they just shot? Do you see evidence of that? There are no g*nsh*t wounds.

- What do you think it is? - The water, it's polluted.

My son, Skuli, drank water from the lake.

I've said this for months.

The power plant project pollutes the area.

Everyone laughed at me.

Soon they'll be finding dead sheep.

And look at those birds.

I'll inform the Mayor.

She will send a team to investigate.

What are you doing? I'm confiscating your laptop - and your phone.

- You must be joking.

Thorhildur, you are now a part of an investigation.

It's best that you go back to Reykjavik.

You can't just send me there.

I don't have a choice.

- Are you trying to ruin my life? - You'll get over this.

I know this feeling, Andri.

When your little girl isn't a little girl anymore.

All parents experience this.

I don't think you realize how serious this is.

- They found money - I know.


In a house of a man who was brutally m*rder*d.

And I mean brutally.

They saw the body.

And yet they took the money.

What kind of a father would I be if I didn't take it seriously? I know what you mean but is this the right decision? Please drive her to the airport tomorrow.

Her mum will pick her up.

And don't let her out tonight.

You sisters may not agree with me but this is my decision.

Ok? - What's going on? - He had a fight with the Polish guys at the plant.

That's all I know.

- I thought you'd be gone.

- I thought so, too.

I have become the Minister's chauffeur.

You're completely lost, aren't you? You don't have a single clue.

I know the feeling when everybody's waiting for a miracle.

When did you become so understanding? I always have been.


No, you haven't.

Maybe when I k*lled a man.

You were saving a life.

He had her at gunpoint.

I'm not talking about that.

I'm talking about the first time.

What do you mean? You saw when he jumped out of the helicopter over there.

I think about it every single day.

Some days are better than others but then I come here and relive it.

I had to change rooms that night, because my window had a view of the square.

You can imagine how I slept that night.

- You didn't k*ll him.

- No? I forced him to confess, he lost the will to live and threw himself out of a helicopter in plain sight.

I completely realize that I was responsible.

You will solve this case and be the hero again that everyone loves.

Don't worry.

"You didn't bring the money!" "No, I wanted to see you first.

" "Yes but now I have seen you.

Nice dress you wore at the funeral Thorhildur ;)" Hi, it's Stefan.

I can't take your call.

Please leave a message.

Did you cook? I found it in the freezer.

It's delicious.

Bardur made it.

I just couldn't take it anymore.

- Take what? - The endless crap.

"I'm not a part of the system.

Everyone's a fascist but me.

" Like it's his constitutional right to smoke grass and behave like a prick.

He was no longer supportive.

- Am I incoherent? - Do you think you are? I don't know.

I have no idea what I want.

I know that feeling.

I can't sleep in there.

Blackout in the east wing.

Will you send someone? Thanks.
