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05x02 - The Seed

Posted: 01/19/23 08:42
by bunniefuu
Previously on stargate atlantis...

The weekly injection you gave me,

that must have been some kind of drug
to keep my cells from deteriorating.

Listen, we're going to keep working

till we find a cure for this thing.



It's a booby trap. We got
to get out of here now!

Have the combat engineers gear up,
and have dr.Keller ready her away team.


it's michael's database.

There's a large chunk of
it, maybe the whole thing.

We'd have him on the
run. He'd be finished.

Effective immediately,

you are being removed from command.

Who-who's replacing me?

I am.

Good afternoon, dr.Keller.

How's my newest patient?

Today, he's decided that he will
only sleep as long as I hold him

and keep moving.

I've already walked half
the city and back again.

My parents used to
put me in the car.

My dad would have to drive around and around
and around the block 00 in the morning.

That would be lovely. At
least I'd be sitting down.

I wanted to thank you.

For what?

I saw kanaan today.

How's he doing?

Much better.

He is himself once
again, in every way.

In fact, I'm going to request that he and many
of the others be allowed to return to the city,

as soon as mr.Woolsey
arrives in the daedalus.

I still can't believe
sam's not coming back.

It is difficult.

Well, anyway,

it wasn't me that cured kanaan and the other
hybrids. It was dr.Beckett's retrovirus,

and you could thank him
in person if I could just

get my head around all
this wraith medical data.

You believe the answer's
in there somewhere?

We know he was giving carson a serum to
keep his internal organs from deteriorating,

and I think I might have found the
formula, I just need to be sure.

Well, at least we know
he's safe for the moment.

Technically, yeah.

I just hate the thought of
him being stuck in that box.

You know rodney goes to visit him?

He stands in front of the stasis pod
and tells him all the latest news.


I walked in on him
once by accident,

and he pretended like he was
checking the system or something.

He surprises me sometimes.

Well, this is me once again
being recalled to duty.

Have a nice walk.

Don't worry, jennifer. I'm sure
you'll find what you're looking for.

Sir, daedalus just
dropped out of hyperspace.

We're receiving a signal.

He's coming down.

Mr. Woolsey, welcome back.

Thank you, colonel.

Well, then...

I think I'll start by going over
copies of all your latest reports.

Yours as well, doctor.

What, right now?

I've been out of touch on
the daedalus for three weeks.

I'd like to be brought up to
speed as quickly as possible.

We can have a full
briefing in the morning.

Please have the rest of my things
sent directly to my quarters.

Yes, sir.

Nice speech.

Very inspiring.

All right,

let's do one more series, see if we can
get the results to normalize a little.

Doctor, you're still here.

Oh, yeah, I fell asleep at my desk.

Well, if you don't mind me saying,

I think you're pushing
yourself a little hard.

You should take it easy.

I know, I'M...
going to turn in now.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm fine.

Okay, 'night.


did you get any sleep last night?

Do I really look that bad?

No, no, of course not.
That's not what I meant.

Uh, it's really... it's a lovely...


Wow, new table, huh?

Woolsey brought it with him.

He said he wanted a
little piece of home.

A 12-foot-long mahogany
conference table, hmm...

I don't get it.

I thought colonel carter
was doing a good job.

I agree.

We defeated the replicators,
we thwarted michael's plans,

the wraith are in
a state of disarray.

All this happened while
she was leader of atlantis.

That's the problem.

I don't understand.

She's a victim of her own success.

Now that the threat level is down, the ioa's going to
jump at the chance to put a civilian back in command.

Well, it's not just that. I mean,
sam didn't exactly stick to protocol.

Neither did weir.

Right, so for four years, they've been waiting to get
someone in there who'll finally do things their way.

I still don't get it.

Colonel, when you were in the future, and you
learned all those things that were going to happen,

wasn't this one of them,
woolsey taking over?

Well, the circumstances
were different.

Still, it is a little unsettling.

I mean, maybe it's harder to change
the course of events than we thought.

Well, I wouldn't worry about it.

I mean, the fact that sheppard's
here makes all the difference, right?

Woolsey wasn't the weirdest
thing about that timeline.

What do you mean?

Never mind.


I see everyone's here.

Let's get started.

first of all, I'd like
to congratulate all of you

on the success you've had dismantling
what's left of michael's organization.

Except one thing. We
haven't found him yet.

Well, he was on the cruiser you
destroyed in orbit around m2s 445.

There's a chance he may
have made it off the ship.

Right, you're referring to this statement given by one of
michael's ex-mercenaries, claiming to have seen him alive recently.

That's what he said.

This is one unsubstantiated report
from a highly unreliable source.

Well, someone stole our
jumper off that ship.

I thought you needed ancient
dna to pilot one of those.

Not necessarily. We developed
a gene therapy that works...

some of the time.

He is responsible for the deaths
of hundreds of thousands of people.

If there is even a chance that he is
still alive, we must continue the search.

I'm sorry,

but I can't devote the resources of this base to the never-ending
pursuit of a single individual across an entire galaxy.

Even if I knew for a fact he were still
alive, I still wouldn't authorize it,

unless you have some new, credible
evidence as to his whereabouts.

Do you?


Then, for the time being,

I shall consider the matter closed.

As to these prisoner hybrids. I understand
they're being held in a camp on the mainland?

That's right.

And how is their
rehabilitation progressing?


right, uh...

well, um, we've had some success

using a slightly modified version of the original
retrovirus that created michael in the first place.

It weeds out the wraith dna,

and allows them to resume their
original human form, over time.

Without any lasting ill effects?

None that we've detected so far.

Many have already completed the treatment.
They're wondering when they might be released.

Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

These people are
victims, mr. Woolsey.

Maybe so, but until very recently,
they were also enemy combatants.

Fine. We'll just keep
them there forever.


We'll keep them there until I'm
satisfied that they can be trusted.


regarding the situation with
our friend in the stasis pod.

You seem to have been giving a significant
amount of attention to this lately.

Well, once we got our hands
on michael's medical research,

I thought I should make it a
priority to look for a solution.

And have you found one?


We found a serum that,

in lab tests at least, seems to be
capable of stabilizing the clone cells.

So, what's the problem?

Carson was near death when
we put him in that chamber.

I don't want to take him
out until I know for sure,

but lab tests can only do so much.

But that problem's never
going to go away, is it?

If you've reached the limit of what your research
can tell you, then you need to make a decision.

Either proceed, or put the matter
aside and get back to your regular duty.


You sure about this?

No, but we're never going to be
sure unless we give it a shot.

If we don't take a chance now,
he could be in there forever.

All right, then.

Get him on the gurney.



Now what?

Now we take him to the infirmary and watch
for signs for more cellular degradation.

We should know soon enough.

Hey there.

How you doing?


What happened?

Well, what do you think?

We thawed you out.

It's nice to see you again, carson.

Yeah, what's up, doc?
It's been a while.


How long was I in there?

Two months, give or take.

Did I miss anything?

You know, just the usual.

Well, I've got good news.

At the moment, you're showing
no signs of cellular degradation.

You were able to
recreate the treatment.

That's right.

I'll let them tell
you all about it.

Hey, doc... um, nice work.

Well, it's not a
permanent solution.

It's good enough for now.

Go get some rest.

Yeah, I think that
might be a good idea.

There you are.

Gorgeous, isn't it?

I suppose so.

You know, I really
did miss this place.

Yeah, well, don't get used to it.

What's that supposed to mean?

Look, I just found out they're
sending you back to earth.

There's a scheduled
dial-out this afternoon.

Oh, well, I suppose
it's to be expected.

I mean, even with these injections,

I imagine it'd still be months before I'm
in any sort of decent physical condition.

Rodney, this is
teyla, come in, please.

Go ahead.

I'm sorry to bother you,
but I need your help.

What is it?

It's dr.Keller. She was supposed join me for
breakfast this morning but did not show up.

So maybe she's sleeping in.

I assumed as much as well, and decided not to
disturb her. However, that was four hours ago.

She's now late for her shift, and
she's not responding to radio calls.

What do you want me to do about it?

Override the door controlS.

I'm not breaking into her room.

Rodney, there might
be something wrong.

Fine, but if she's
just in there sleeping,

or naked or something, you
guys are taking the blame.

oh, for god's sake,
rodney, hurry up.

Jennifer, are you all right?


She must be unconscious.

Pupils dilated.

Carson, step away from the bed.


Step away now!

What is it?

Dear lord.

Colonel sheppard, this is teyla.

Go ahead.

John, we have a problem.

What the hell's going on?

We're not sure. This
is how we found her.

It must've happened last night.

I've seen something
like this before.


One of michael's labs.

He was conducting some
kind of experiment.

Well, we've got to
get it off of her.

I'm not so certain
that's such a good idea.

From what I can tell, the tendrils
are attached to her and the bedframe.

If we just start ripping them off,

we could cause her serious injury.

Well, we can't just
leave her like this.

We need to get her into an isolation
chamber, and take the whole bed as well.

That way we can run a full examination
and see what we're dealing with here.

These things are actually
growing out of her body?

That's what it looks like.

Is she conscious?

Beckett says her brain activity is
consistent with somebody in a coma.

Dr. Beckett is not on active duty.

He was the first one there. He says
he's seen something like this before.

While he was a prisoner.

He was forced to work for michael for two years.
Nobody knows this stuff better than he does.

I'm going to try to cut
some of the thinner strands.


Thank you.

There we go.


No change.

Get that analyzed right away.

Doctor, blood pressure's
dropping. Pulse as well.

That's what I was afraid
of. She's crashing.

Administer five
milligrams of atropine.

My god...

come on...

there she is.

I'm sorry, I don't dare
make another incision.

So much for cutting her loose.

Dr. Beckett, I'd like a word.

Don't worry, I'll get her out.
Once I get back to the lab--

doctor, I appreciate what you're trying to
do, but our earth dial-out is in one hour.

I'll take a pass on this
one, if you don't mind.

If it wasn't for dr. Keller,

I'd still be locked in that
stasis chamber, possibly forever.

Dr. Keller's own report
is abundantly clear.

While your condition has stabilized, you've still
suffered severe damage to your internal organs.

You need to be in a hospital bed yourself,
not running a medical investigation.

I'll be fine.

At the first sign of trouble,
I'll step aside, I promise.

You're convinced this has
something to do with michael?

Well, it's not a case
of the hives, is it?

How's she doing?

Vitals have stabilized, still
showing minimal brain function.

We did manage to get
blood and tissue samples.

All right, then we've
got some work to do.

You're not sending him back, huh?

He is the closest thing
to an expert we have.

It's not exactly by the book.

Don't get used to it.

How's it coming?


but I did find something
in jennifer's blood sample.



It's some kind of alien
pathogen, so far unidentified.

I'm checking it
against the database.

Is it possible she's
turning into a hybrid?

No, I don't think so.

I've seen several variations of the conversion
process, but never anything like this.

Well, it's got to be
something to do with michael.

I mean, she hasn't been offworld since
she helped rescue us from that lab.

That's what I was thinking.

Of course, if that's where she
came in contact with the pathogen...

you think the rest of us may
have been exposed as well.

Well, aye, it's a possibility.

I'll need blood samples from everyone
who was on that planet, including you.

Oh, great.




She's awake.

Thank you. Right.

Oh, my god...

rodney, what's happening to me?

We're not entirely sure.

It looks like some
kind of a cocoon.

Does it hurt?

I can't feel
anything. I can't move.

Okay, look...

don't you worry, okay?
We're going to get you out.

Who else is here?

What do you mean? There's no one.

I don't want to go to sleep.
I'm afraid I won't wake up.


It's not my fault.

Of course it's not.
It's an alien organism.


Carson found it in
your blood sample.

He's going to figure
out what it is, and then

we're going to figure
out how to k*ll it.

My hand.

What about it?

That's where it started.

I saw it a few nights ago.

So why didn't you say anything?

I was going to run
a scan. I don'T...

I don't know.

It doesn't matter, okay?
We're going to fix this.

I promise.

It appears to be
affecting her mind.

Aye, she claims to
be hearing voices,

like there's someone
else in the room with her.

How fast is it growing?

Currently, it's doubling its
mass every couple of hours.

Thank you.

This isn't just about
dr. Keller anymore.

I need to know if this thing is
going to be a threat to the base.

I'd say that's a definite yes.

What do you mean?

Colonel sheppard, ronon, rodney,

everyone who was on m2s 445,

they all tested positive.

Whatever this is,

they've all got it.

Right now we're working
under the assumption

that this alien pathogen was
present somewhere in that lab,

possibly as part of one
of michael's experiments.

When the building was
destroyed, it was released.

We've been back for a month now.

It was going to spread to the general
population, it would've already happened.

I know.

Dr. Beckett is now fairly
confident that it's not contagious.

Right, then, why confine
us to our quarters?

You've seen what's
happening to dr. Keller.

- Yeah, but it's not happening to me.
- Not yet.

There could be any number of random physiological
reasons why it's starting with dr. Keller,

but that's no guarantee that it's not
going to happen to the rest of you.

It could be a matter of days,
it could be a matter of hours.

Even colonel carter's been
quarantined back at stargate command.

Look, I know it's hard for you
to stay on the sidelines, colonel,

but it's the right call.

In the meantime, what are
we going to do about keller?

We're still assessing
the situation.

We still don't know how the pathogen
causes the physiological changes,

but we've managed to complete our
analysis of the sample I extracted.

Essentially it's a biopolymer,

similar to a polysaccharide, but with
organo-metallic compounds mixed in.

For the uninitiated,
please, doctor.

It's like the material an insect or
a crustacean uses to form its shell.

At first, it's soft and pliable, and
then it becomes tough and leathery,

and eventually it hardens
into an incredible density,

resistant to heat, pressure, and even
radiation. Yes, it's like the hull of a ship.


What are you saying?

Look, we always knew that the wraith ships were organic in design,
right, that they were essentially grown instead of constructed.

We've just never
witnessed it before.

Are you telling me that a hive ship
is growing inside that isolation room?

Actually, it's no longer just
inside the isolation room.

It doesn't register on
our life-signs detector,

but once we knew what
we were looking for,

we calibrated our internal
sensors to pick it up.

It has penetrated the
walls and the floors,

consuming and converting
the material as it goes.

How far has it spread?

It's gone down...
three levels already,

and it has attached itself
to the electrical system.

It's siphoning off
power as it goes.

This seems to have accelerated
its growth significantly.

How do we stop it?

That's the part we're
still trying to figure out.

We could cut off the power. That
should slow it down quite a bit.

What's happening?

Marie, what's going on?

Doctor, we've been ordered
to evacuate the building.

I'm sorry.

They just left her there?

I don't think they
had much of a choice.

Carson is searching michael's database to
see if there is anything that can help us.

I suppose it was zelenka's
idea to shut off the power?

I don't know. Why?

This is ridiculous.

They got us stuck in our quarters while
the new guy takes advice from the b team?

What is it, rodney?

They are assuming that it tapped into the electric grid
by randomly spreading out through the walls and floors.

What if it actually grows
towards electromagnetic fields,

like a plant growing
toward the sun?

It's going to head directly for
the next available power source.


One of the city's main power
conduits runs beneath the building.

So shut the power down
in that section as well.

No, we already did, right,

but this runs
directly into the zpm.

It's like an express lane.

We've already shut off the
rest of the traffic, but

this one keeps moving along.

The only way to stop it would be to pull the
zpm and shut off power to the entire city.

I had no idea you were so familiar
with the power distribution grid.

I'm not. I spoke to rodney.

Is there a problem?

The pathogen seems to have a
psychological effect on the host.

At the very least, we know
it can affect their judgment,

possibly well before any
physical symptoms appear.

Yes, but he's not wrong about this.

If it reaches the conduit, it will have
access to virtually unlimited power.

And what would happen?

The growth would
increase exponentially.

And since we've shut this section
down, we have no sensors in the area,

so the only way to know how far it's
penetrated is to do a visual inspection.

All right, assemble a team.

I need some answers, doctor.

How do we k*ll this thing?

Well, we're working on a
genetically engineered virus

that might be capable of destroying
the pathogen that's infecting dr. Keller

but that wouldn't eliminate
the biopolymer itself.

What would?

At this time, mr.
Woolsey, I have no idea.

So the main conduit runs
behind this wall here.

Here, we can access
it through this panel.

Sergeant, take your men, split up,
and search the surrounding corridors.

Look for anything
that seems unusual.

All right?


Right, I'll go this way.

Stay in radio contact.

I think I have something.

Looks like rodney was right.

Oh my.

What is it?

Looks like it's attached
itself to the power conduit.

I'm coming to you.

I'm going to see if I can determine
how much power it's draining.

Let's go, let's go.

Come on.

Are you all right?

I think so.

- I had no idea it could move like that.
- Nor did I.

This is much worse than we thought.

looks like it's just a minor
concussion. He should be fine.

So it wasn't bad enough that this
thing was slowly taking over the base.

Now it's attacking people?

We need to put a stop to this, now.

It won't be easy.

It's already siphoned off
a massive amount of power.

We should pull the zpm.

That might not be enough.

We could sit here in the dark for
weeks while it just keeps on growing.

We need to get
jennifer out of there.

I want to save dr. Keller
as much as anyone else,

but we have additional
concerns now.

Why did it attack radek?

Because it perceived him
as a threat and took action.

That indicates intelligence, but as far
as we know, it has no brain of its own.

So you're saying it's using her.

I'm saying it needs her,

to plan, to coordinate, to
identify threats and deal with them.

That could explain why
she was hearing voices.

The organism takes over
a portion of the brain,

and sets up a
separate consciousness.

Like multiple personalities.

Otherwise, why have
a human host at all?

So if we separate her
from the main body...

I'd wager the rest of it becomes
as lifeless as a dead tree trunk.

Now, this is the virus
I was telling you about.

It's called a phage,

and it should, at least theoretically, be able to attack and
eliminate the pathogen that's inside jennifer's bloodstream,

and if I'm right about this,

it should sever the connection.

What's the catch?

Well, it's never been tested.

We turned the power back on briefly
to get a look inside the building.

This is the ground floor,

five floors below
the isolation room.

As you can see, access is
almost completely choked off,

but for this to work, I need someone to step
right up to dr. Keller's bed and inject her.

Well, we can use the transporter
to get them close, but--

but you'd still have to run
a gauntlet of over 50 meters.

And after what happened
to dr. Zelenka...

well, you understand my dilemma.



If dr. Keller really is
the key to this thing,

there is an easier way.

We'd only need a couple of well-aimed
sh*ts at the isolation room.

Wait a second, you're
talking about drones?

You're going to fire drones
at one of our own people?

I didn't come to atlantis with the intention of
k*lling one of my senior staff inside of a week,

but my only other option is to risk
someone else's life on a solution...

that hasn't even been tested yet.

Not exactly by the book.

So test it.

I've got the same bug.

I'll take a shot right now.

No, no, no...

I'll do it.

Restraints, huh?

I'm sorry, but I'm
anticipating a severe reaction.

Oh, great.

Now, you're absolutely
sure about this?

Remember, the formula comes from
michael, so as far all we know, it could-

turn me into a bug?

Been there, done that.

No, actually, I was going to say

it could k*ll you.

Just... give me the shot.


Now, it should take a few
minutes to kick in, so just...

- try to relax.
- Oh, okay, I'll just...

I'll relax.

Carson, is it true that lorne and some of
the others are beginning to show symptoms?

Aye, I'm afraid so.

Oh, god...


Have you noticed
something yourself?

Well, my palms are very sweaty, and my mouth
is very dry, I'm having heart palpitations.

Okay, so, nothing out
of the ordinary, then?

How do you feel?

I don't feel anything.

I don't even think that...


Hey, doc...

I think these restraints
were a good idea.

It's working.

What's our status?

Well, the infirmary, and a few other essential
systems have been switched to emergency generators.

We're ready.

All right, pull the plug.

For god's sake, carson, how
long's this going to go on for?

I'm sorry, rodney, I have no idea.


his heart stopped. Bag him.

Get a crash cart in here!

Prepare to intubate.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

Come on.

One, two, three.

One, two, three.

He's back.

How'd I do?

Are you sure it worked?

Well, the blood screen
came up negative.

As far as I can tell, the alien
pathogen has been eliminated.

Well done.

Now we just need someone
to go to the isolation room.

- I'll do it--
- I'll do it.

I assume no special medical skill
is required to administer the drug.

Well, no, not really. It's
just a simple injection.

Well, then, given your condition,
I wouldn't make you my first choice.

That's why I said I'd do it.

He doesn't trust us,

because we're still infected.

Actually, that might
not be a bad thing.

When colonel sheppard was
infected with iratus bug dna,

he was able to walk right into
that nest without being att*cked.

You think someone infected with the
pathogen would be more likely to get through?

Well, it's possible.

All right, I'm in.

Cut power to the transporter.

How does it look?

Not so good.

The stuff's everywhere.

Is it reacting to your
presence in any way?

Not really.

All right, just...

be careful.

What happened?

It worked. They just sent
ronon to give her the shot.


He just got there. Look,
I'm tapped into the intercom.

Ronon, what's your status?

Well, it's getting harder to
move. There's too much of it.

Just... try not to make
any sudden moves, or...

threatening gestures.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind.

All right,

that's it.

I don't think I can go any further.

The corridor is completely blocked.

All right, so what
do you want me to do?

- Screw it, I'm going to make a hole.
- Ronon, wait!

The only reason you made it this far is because
it senses the pathogen in your bloodstream.

It thinks you're a friend.

- If you start sh**ting-- - does
anyone have any better ideas?

What are you doing?

If I'm right,

this is about to
go very, very wrong.

You can'T.

- We're quarantined--
- I'm cured, remember?

There's no other way through.

Once you start sh**ting,
you'll have to move quickly.

Thanks for the advice.


Ronon, what's your status?

Ronon, come in!

Oh, my god...

What's happening?

We've lost contact.

Turn the power back on. Open up
a channel to the isolation room.

What? Why?

Just do it.

All right, you have a channel.

Dr. Keller, this is colonel
sheppard, do you read?

I hear you, colonel, but
I'm not dr. Keller anymore.

Well, who are you?

I have no designation yet. I'll
be given one when I'm complete.

What about ronon?

You mean the intruder?

He's alive, for the moment.

He's been neutralized.

I can feel his pulse.

It's weak.

It would only take
the slightest squeeze.

Yeah, but you don't want to do that
because he's one of you, remember?

Keep her talking.

Where are you going?

I'm going to go finish this.

Jennifer, this is carson.

Dr. Beckett, I already told you,
I'm not jennifer keller anymore.

You're the voice she was hearing,

the part of her mind
that was taking over.

You can't stop me.

I will become as I was meant to be.

Colonel sheppard is
powering up a jumper.

Get me a secure channel.

Sheppard, what are you doing?

I'm taking a little short-cut.

Sorry I didn't have time
to fill out the paperwork.

Okay, I see it now.

That stuff is growing
all over the place.

This may hurt.

Colonel sheppard, report.

Colonel sheppard?

Colonel sheppard,
what's your status?

Colonel sheppard...

I've been better.

What happened?

You'd better come get us.

How's ronon?

He has a bruised larynx.

Apparently he won't be able
to speak for several days.

I wonder if anyone will
notice the difference.

Colonel sheppard?

Look who's finally
out of isolation.

Oh, it's good to see you, doc.

How you feeling?

It only hurts when I breathe.

I feel really bad.

It looks like my recovery's going
to be a lot easier than yours.

That's all right.

I've got two doctors
looking after me now.

Well, no, I'm afraid not.

I'm scheduled to
leave this afternoon.

That is, unless of course there's a
major crisis in the next hour or so.

It wouldn't surprise me.

Well, listen, you keep
yourself out of trouble,

and I'll see you real soon.

Good luck, carson.

Thanks, john.

Welcome back, dr. Keller,

and dr. Beckett...

thank you.

My pleasure, mr. Woolsey.

Before I came down here, I was on a
call with my superiors back on earth.

They were going over
my preliminary report.

What did you tell them?

The truth.

That in my first three
days as commander,

I violated at least half a
dozen basic security protocols.

That many, huh?

I let beckett run
the investigation,

in spite of his condition and the fact that he's
technically no longer a member of this expedition.

I sent ronon to
deliver the antidote

even though he was infected.

I compromised the
safety of this base

to rescue someone who may well
have been beyond our help anyway.

But she wasn't,

and we got her out.

And if you had played by the
rules, she'd be dead right now.

The ioa would seem
to agree with you.

Apparently, they're willing
to let the matter drop.

So, what's the problem?

The rules are there
for a reason, colonel.

If I can't trust them, then...

I'm not sure I can do this job.

Welcome to the pegasus galaxy.