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05x07 - Whispers

Posted: 01/19/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
I told you we should have
started back sooner.

Well, if we left when you had said,

we'd have been
returning home empty-handed.

Why are we stopping?

I saw someone.

- Hello?
- There's nobody there.


Are you all right, friend?

Are you lost?

Signal's getting stronger.

Hey. What's this?

It's freaking creepy, is what it is.

We found something!

I think we'd better contact Atlantis.

McKAY: I can't believe you're leaving.

I mean, you know,
you're sick, we cure you,

you go away for six months to recover,
you finally come back,

and now, what, you're here a week,
you're leaving again?

I'm sorry, Rodney, but for the time being,
I've realized that my place isn't here.

What? Of course it is.
What, are you kidding me?

As a doctor, I can't just
sit by and do nothing

while people in this galaxy are suffering,

especially when I know I've had a hand
in what's happened to them.

You cannot blame yourself, all right?

Michael forced you to help him.
He was the one disseminating the drug.

Aye, and I'm the one
who helped the Hoffans perfect it.

Colonel. Just in time to give us a hand.

Actually, Doc, you're going to have to
delay your travel plans.

Just got word from Major Teldy.
They found another one of Michael's labs.

I wish you'd told me
we'd be doing so much walking.

Did I forget to mention that?

Aye, you did.
You also forgot to mention the fact

that we'd be rappelling
down the side of a mountain.

My legs are seizing up.

Well, that's what happens when you do
nothing for six months of R&R.

Not to mention two months
in a stasis pod, thank you.

Two months? Try 800 years.
That'll give you rubber legs.


Major Teldy, Dr. Beckett.
Dr. Beckett, Major.

This is Sergeant Mehra, Dr. Porter,

and of course,
you've already met Captain Vega.

I didn't realize you...

That my team was a bunch of girls, sir?

- That's not what I was going to say.
- No.

But, you know, now that you mention it...

Well, I was told to pick
the best and the brightest.

Funny how that worked out.


Shall we?

Aye. Yes.

We were passing through the area

when we picked up
a low-level energy signature.

We were able to triangulate
and get a lock on the signal,

and then follow it down
into these catacombs.

It's a bit of a walk.

The signal finally led us to this.

Stasis pods.

I spent some time in a number
of Michael's labs when I was his prisoner,

but this is one I'm not familiar with.

Well, looks like the cleaning crew
hasn't been around in a while.

Hey, Sarge.

Sorry, Colonel.

And can we hold off touching stuff here?

Last thing I need is another three tons
of rubble falling on my head, all right?

It's all right.
I've disabled the security protocols.

- You can do that?
- Oh, yeah.

Why the hell didn't McKay think of that?

There was no way for him to have known.

But thanks to the information
that he gathered from that experience,

I'm able to bypass
the security protocols this time.

What have you got?

Well, data related
to Michael's experiments in this lab.

This could prove to be very valuable.

Going through all of this information
may take a while, though.


Maybe we should go check out the village.

What village?

We spotted it this morning.
It's just a few clicks south of here.

The locals might have some information.

I guess that beats sitting around here
watching these guys read.

Sergeant, you're with them.

Make sure they don't geek out
too much, all right?

Nice work, Doctor.

- Thank you.
- Very nice.

You know what I'd love right
about now?

Let me guess. A beer?

A Puddle Jumper.

That could've been arranged
had I known we'd be walking for so long.

Yeah, well, the area's too
heavily forested. There's nowhere to land.

Besides, this is good exercise.
It firms up your glutes and calves.

Great. Couple of more hours of this,
I can skip my cardio-funk workout.

Are they alive?

They're in stasis.

Their physical and chemical processes
have been suspended,

but yes, they're alive.

So can you wake them up?

Well, without the proper understanding
of their respective conditions,

I'm afraid that might k*ll them.

Just going to keep them on ice
until you figure something out, huh?

I guess it doesn't matter
to them or their families,

who've probably written them off.

But, boy, that would make for
one hell of a reunion, huh?

Think I'm gonna check the perimeter.
Holler if you need me.

I'm sorry.

You have no need to apologize,
and, frankly, neither does she.

She's right. Resurrections make
for very interesting reunions,

especially when the dead man
had no idea he was dead to begin with.

I'm sorry. How about you, Dr. Porter?

- Alison.
- Alison.

Any interesting experiences
you'd like to share?

Encountered any dangerous predators?
Been cloned lately?

No, but in all fairness,
I am new to the Pegasus Galaxy.

And I hear that cloning
is more of a second-year thing.

- Third, actually.
- Oh.

- Oh, hang on.
- What is it?

It appears to be Michael's earliest version
of a Human-Iratus Hybrid.


Anyone here?

All right, let's split up. Take a look around.
Maintain radio contact.

Yes, sir.

- Vega, you got anything?
Nothing on this end.

It looks like the locals
cleared out a while ago.

Yeah. The question's why.

Incredible. According to this,
these earliest test subjects

weren't technically Human-Iratus Hybrids.

They were a combination
of several other life forms.

Maybe that's why he discontinued
this line of research.

It proved overly ambitious.

Well, no. According to this,
the experiment was a success.

So... What does that mean?

Well, that means
there's nothing we can do for them,

because these things in here

aren't people anymore.


Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.

I just wanted to let you know
it's going to get dark soon.

So, are we going to
make this thing an all-nighter, or...

No, Sergeant.

- Hey.
- Easy.

Who are you?

Where do you come from?

Well, we came through
that big round thing.

We're explorers. Who are you?

My name is Mirellus.

Well, Mirellus, why don't you tell us
what happened here? Where is everyone?

- Gone.
- Why?

It began about a year and a half ago.
Locals started disappearing.

From the surrounding forest at first,
and then from within the village itself.

Day, night, they vanished without a trace.

There was no reason
for what was happening,

no explanation except one.

This village was cursed,
and so we abandoned it.

Then why are you still here?

I now live in the next village.

I spotted you exiting the caves.

I followed you to find out
what you were doing here

and, if necessary, to warn you.

Well, what can you tell us
about those caves?

They're also rumored
to be a dangerous place,

although the fact that you survived
the visit would suggest otherwise.

What did you find there?

Colonel Sheppard, do you copy?

Don't tell me you're already done, Beckett.

No, far from it. We've downloaded some
information to our tablets.

We'd like to go over it this evening.
Ideally, we'd like to stick around,

possibly bed down in the village
if there's room for us.

Yeah, well, I think
there's a little room here, yeah.

Great. So we'll head your way, then.

Sorry about that.

I wish you luck if you're planning to stay.

Whoa, we're not finished
with this conversation.

Night is falling and this isn't a safe place.

I must go.

All right, suit yourself.

So, Sergeant,
I hear you served with Stargate Command

before transferring over.

Yeah, but Pegasus had more
of what I was looking for.

And what was that?

Bad guys who need k*lling.

The Milky Way just hasn't been the same
since the Ori got their butts kicked.

Well, some would argue
that the situation has actually improved...

What is it?

I thought I heard something.


- It's probably nothing.
- Jeez.

All right, we're going over
to the next village to talk to some locals.

You guys need anything? Want anything?

Yeah, if you happen to pass a Starbucks,

I'll take a grande triple
sugar-free vanilla latte.

No problem. Sarge?

I'm babysitting. Yes, sir.

Be back in a couple of hours.

I feel like I'm back in college
studying for my midterms.

I know what you mean.

- Where was that, then?
- Caltech.

- Go Beavers!
- Aye.

- What year did you graduate?

So you're just a youngster.

Thank you.

I just read something funny.

And really obvious.

Anyway, what brings you here
to the Pegasus Galaxy?

Well, you can just chalk that up
to my sense of adventure,

a desire to visit strange,
unexplored worlds,

meet new and interesting people.

Okay, I'm going to go check the perimeter.

Be back in 20.

Unless there's a sock on the doorknob.

- She's a character, that one.
- Yeah.

This fog sure rolled in quickly.

Vega, are you sure
we're heading in the right direction?

More or less.

Damn it!

Great. Mine too.

So, the fog's messing with the lights.

Makes you wonder
what we're walking through.

Or breathing.

- What's the matter?
- I think I saw something.


Okay. I definitely
saw something that time.



It's probably just some animal.

Just some animal that seems
to be stalking us? What a relief.

Quiet. I heard something.

- Easy, Mirellus.
- What's going on?

- Demons!
- What are you talking about?

They're out there, in the mist.

Demons. Right.

They're after me. All of us are in danger.

Take it easy.

With all due respect,
we're not buying any of this, are we?

Stay sharp, Vega.

Well, let's get back to Atlantis before...




Fall back!

I'm really glad that we got this
opportunity to work together, Carson.

So am I, Alison.

- What was that?
- I don't know.

Colonel, is everything all right?
Colonel, do you read? Colonel!

I'm getting nothing on the radio.

Get back inside. I'll check it out.

- I'm coming with you.
- Like hell you are.

I'm not going to let you
go out there by yourself!

The Colonel told me to take care of you.
That is exactly what I'm doing.

You two are staying here,
as far away from that g*nf*re as possible.

Now you get back inside
and you lock that door.

- You can't tell me...
- That is an order.

Carson, come on.

Come on.

I'm sorry. I didn't know.

What are you talking about?

Oh, my God.

The pods have been opened.

It was me.

- I released them.
- Why?

When you asked about the caves,
I knew you had found something.

- I came to see for myself.
- Why?

Because my wife was among the missing.

When I saw the bodies sealed
in those things,

I thought that maybe...

I didn't know.
I thought that I could save her.

Twelve pods,

that means there's 12 of those things
running around out there.

Minus the one you took out,
that leaves us with 11.

Beckett? Dr. Porter?

It must be the mist.

I mean, it's messing with our flashlights,
probably radios, too.

How're your Wraith language skills?

I'm guessing about as good as yours are.

All right, we need Beckett
and Dr. Porter here.

Let's go get them.

But the demons are still out there.

We'll be back for you.


It's getting pretty foggy out there.

I shouldn't have let her
go out there by herself.

You were under orders.

I should have insisted.

And she probably would've decked you.
You don't know Dusty.

What the hell was that?

Maybe she's back.


Sergeant, is that you?

Damn it.

- What are you doing?
- I'm going out there.

Dusty told us to stay inside.

Look, it's probably nothing,
but just in case it's someone,

I'd like to surprise them
instead of the other way around.

Look, Alison. I'll be fine.
You just stay put. Okay?

All right.


Sergeant Mehra?

Dear Lord.

- Come on!
- Jeez, Sergeant.

Move it, move it, go!

What the hell was that?

Where's Alison?

What were those things?

Lower your voice.
I think those creatures hunt by sound.

Oh, God.

Judging from that,
I guess you already know what's going on.

Where's the Captain?

She's gone.

- Where's Porter?
- We don't know.

Oh, that's great.

All we need now is for the prom queen
and the kid in the wheelchair

to wander off, and we're all set.

We have to find her.
She has no idea what's out there.

What the hell is out there?

Michael's experiments.

Yeah, I think we figured that one out.

It's an early version of the Hybrid

that's been genetically
altered to incorporate

the predatory characteristics
of several other creatures.

- What other creatures?
- I'm not sure.

All I know for certain is that they're blind
and they hunt by sound.

And that fog out there
is not a natural weather phenomenon.

I saw one of them exude the mist
from the gills in its neck.

What, like a squid releasing its ink?

Except that's a defensive mechanism.

These creatures clearly use the fog
as a predatory device.

Which I'm guessing explains
the gas masks back at the lab.

God knows what the prolonged exposure
to this mist could do to us.

I got a great idea. Let's not find out.

We should wait here until dawn.
Then it will be safe.

Those things out there are not nocturnal.
Day or night, it doesn't matter.

Besides, we can't sit around.
We gotta find Porter.

You can't be serious?
You're going out there?

Get back to work on that data.

Try to figure out a way
to deal with these things.

That might be a problem, Colonel.

There's a reason Michael
abandoned that research.

Even he couldn't control those creatures.


All right, you sure
you're gonna be okay here?

As long as we're quiet, we'll be safer
in here than you are out there.

All right, we're going to split up
to cover more ground.

Back in 20.

Good luck.

Whatever you do, be quiet.

- This was a mistake.
- Keep your voice down.

I told them it was too dangerous!

- Shh! Quiet.
- Instead of coming back here,

we should have gone to the next village.
We'd be safe there!

- Shut it!
- Now we could all...

- Ali, you okay?
- Yeah.

Let's head out.

Colonel. It's Major Teldy.

She doesn't see us.

- Take the six.
- All right.

I thought you were dead.

Yeah, for a while there, so did I.

What about the others?
You think they made it out?

Well, I'm guessing
at least one of them didn't.

We got blood.


No way to know.

One of those things came crawling
right up out of the well.

It got me thinking.

Those catacombs,
they run for miles in every direction.

So I'm guessing that one of them
runs right to that well

and into the center of town.

That would explain how Michael could
snag his test subjects without being seen.

All right, well, we saw 12
of those pods in the lab.

I k*lled one back in the forest, so...

I tagged two which, incidentally,
puts me in the lead.

All right, well, that brings us down to nine.

Okay, so, now what?

Any ideas?

Well, those creatures possess
a heightened auditory system

that allows them to hunt blind.

- We could try exploiting it.
- How?

I don't know, maybe luring them
into an ambush?

What the hell do you plan
on using as bait?


All right,
here's how it's going to work.

While you three are taking up
high-ground positions,

Teldy and Porter here, Mehra over here,

I'm going to be on the ground,
setting charges.

You're going to blow the well?

Yeah, that's the plan.

Okay, well, you better use a timer.

If the fog is messing
with our radios and flashlights,

chances are a remote detonator
won't work either.

All right, once I get to the well,
I'll turn on the computer.

Okay. Well, I've programed it
to emit an ultrasonic burst

so that'll draw them right to you.
But remember, if it gets near the fog...

I'll put it halfway down.

That should keep it out of reach and
working long enough to attract all nine.

You three, just take a position,
sit tight until you hear a signal,

then open up on anything that moves.

And what's the signal?

That would be the well blowing sky high.

And where will you be?

Well, hopefully as far away as possible.

What if this goes sideways?

- Don't be so negative, Teldy.
- I'm serious, Colonel.

You take up positions, you sit tight,
and wait for the signal,

you don't move, you don't make a noise
until the well blows.

Colonel, what...
- I think I've made myself clear, Sergeant.

Yes, sir.

Do we all know what we're doing?

- Yes, sir.
- Sir.

Let's go.

What the hell's going on down there?

Not yet.

Damn it.

Just wait for it.

You all right?



- She's... She's safe.
- Thank God.

- What, did you lose something?
- Yeah, my C-4.

Colonel, I think it's best
that we get moving.

- Yeah, I do too.
- All right.

Come on, come on.

- I see them!
- If you sh**t now,

you risk hitting the Colonel.
Just wait for the signal.


Is that all of them?

Eight... Nine...
Plus the other three, that makes 12.

Sorry, that's nine.

- Plus the three, makes 12.
- Right.


Colonel, where are you?

Down the well, in the catacombs.
I've got Beckett.

I need the three of you
to rappel down here and join us.

On our way.

I just want to get back
to Atlantis and sleep for a week.

Aye, I know what you mean.
I promise this won't take long.

Alison, are you okay?

Um, yeah.

Hey, guys, do you mind
if I just hang back here?

I've had enough mad science for one day.

Yeah, sure.

I'll keep her company.

We'll be quick.

I want to make sure
I get all the data on these creatures,

save a return trip.

- What was that?
- What?

I thought I heard something.

Relax, okay? There were 12 pods.
We counted 12 kills.

- We got them all.
- Yeah.

What is it?

Oh, crap.

We didn't get them all.

It's nothing.

Porter? Mehra?

All right. If they overtake our position,
I want you two to fall back.

Take the second tunnel up,
go to the surface, dial the gate.

Now who's being negative?

All clear?
- All clear.

I can't believe you're leaving already.

You've been here, like,
less than two weeks.

Well, I've completed my research
into Michael's test subjects

and passed my findings on
to Dr. Lynch and his team.

And now it's time to move on to
the more important work of saving lives.

- Hey, Doc.
- Maybe I spoke too soon.

Another offworld situation
require my expertise?

Actually, I just came to see
if you needed some help.

Oh. Much appreciated.

By the way, how's Porter?

- Who?
- She's fine,

finding a couple weeks of R&R,

then she'll be back in the Pegasus Galaxy.

You know, Colonel, someone like her
could be of real benefit

to the type of work I'll be doing.

- I'll bet.
- Who's Porter?

Something you might want
to mention to Mr. Woolsey.

- Consider it done.
- Thank you.

Fine, you know what?
I don't even want to know. Don't tell me.

Okay, come on, tell me!