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01x01 - (UK VERSION) Episode 1

Posted: 01/22/23 13:19
by bunniefuu
This programme contains
some strong language

This game is so stressful.
I cannot trust anyone.

My absolute worst nightmare.

complete strangers from
all across the UK are about to enter

this beautiful castle
in the Scottish Highlands

to play the game of a lifetime
and to hopefully win up to £,.

They'll work together as a team...

Oh, my God!

SCREAMING build up that prize pot
by completing epic missions.

We're buried alive.



But hidden amongst them
are the Traitors,

who will secretly m*rder
their fellow players at night,

eliminating them from the game.

It's up to the others to work out
who the Traitors are and banish them

before they become
their next victim.

Yeah, I knew she was a Faithful
all along.

But is that because
you're a Traitor?

I'm not a Traitor.
I swear on everything!

Will you let me speak?

You're a liar and YOU'RE a liar.

Oh, my God!

We are never going to find them
if we keep arguing.

It's exhausting.

This is the ultimate game
of deception, skill, and trust.

This is The Traitors.

I'm Amanda. I'm an estate agent from
Swansea and a grandma.

Having five children
and five grandchildren,

I can spot a liar a mile away.

Let's have a little cwtch.

I'm so nervous right now.

I'm Aaron. I'm years old.

Have you ever been here before?
No. Never been to Scotland.


I'm quite like an open book.
Like, I'm quite easy to read.

Like, I'm a salesman's dream.

What do you study?
International human rights.

Basically just a posh
politics degree.

Very boring.

Oh, number four. Here we go.


Sunny in Scotland.

Yeah, it's crazy.
Makes a change.

My name is Andrea.

I'm years old.

I can't tell you how much
I'm looking forward to this.

At my age,
to have this chance in life.

Oh, my God.
I just can't believe it.

It's wonderful to be
on a steam train again.

I haven't been on one
for years and years.

This is already like
an Agatha Christie novel.



I'm Alex. I'm .

I'm a presenter, actress,
and social media content creator.

Oh, careful.

I got a first in psychology
from UCL,

but no-one here needs to know that.

Hello, mate, you all right?
Hey, how's it going?

Got another one.

Oh, another one. Yeah.
Can I join you?

He's got pink hair.

Nice to meet you. Tom.
Tom. Nice to meet you.

What is it that you do?

I'm a magician. It's a weird one.

Magician?! No way!
That's going to be so good!

The art of magic - there is some
manipulation, you know,

deception, which, of course
I'm going to bring into this game,

but I'm going to be keeping my cards
close to my chest.

I'm going to be honest,
I don't like magic

because I don't like
not knowing how things are done.

Oh, my God! There it is!
Oh, my God!

It's the Hogwarts Express.

So good.

Thank you.

Oh, it's moving.

Do you believe in
the Loch Ness Monster?

That's a very good question.

It is, isn't it?

I'm a motor mouth.
I don't have a filter.

I tell everybody everything.


I'm a very Marmite person.

Like, you either love me
or you hate me when you meet me.

What's your name?
Alex. What's your name?

Matt. Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

Alex is very pretty. Let's say that.

You've got really good teeth.

Thanks. You've got nice teeth
as well. Thanks.

Hi, guys.

Hey, you all right?
Lovely to meet you.

How nice to meet you.


This is amazing!

It's so nice, isn't it?
Oh, my God.

I keep thinking it's really low
cloud, but it's not,

it's the steam off the train.

It's got that m*rder mystery
vibe, though, innit?

You think where we are now...

I already don't know who to trust.
No. Yeah.

I'm ready to get cracking.

I've obviously got to mingle
with people,

start building my alliances.

Let the games begin.

Everyone's sizing each other up,
and that's the scary part. Yeah.

Are you good at sussing people out?
I'm just really accepting.

Just don't judge people.

I'm Amos, I'm years old,
and I'm a doctor from London.

Amongst my friendship group,

I'm probably the one that people
rely on the most.

I'm quite dependable
and I give good advice.

Everybody, come on, cheers.
Cheers. Let's do this.

From a train to a Jeep.

Look how beautiful that is.
Yes, yes.


We look like the Mafia. I'm loving
it. I'm loving it. I feel hard.

Eyes peeled for castles, right?

This is going to be a wild ride,
whatever happens.

I just don't want to be out first!

No, you won't.

My name's Wilfred. I'm .

I work for one of
the biggest UK charities.

I'm amazing at positive persuasion.

I'm good at ethical manipulation.

I think what we need to do
when we're in the castle,

we need to break off into other
groups and make friends with them

so they don't want to vote us off,
but we stick together.

Like a puppet master.

Is that a good plan or not?
It's a good plan.

Andrea's Angels.


Oh, this looks like the entrance
to a castle.

Oh, my God!


Oh, no, that ain't small.
That ain't small.

Oh, my God.


That is insane.

Oh, I just got really nervous.

Andrea's Angels. Andrea's Angels!
Andrea's Angels! Andrea's Angels!


Here we go.
Thank you.

I'm so excited!

Oh, it's lovely. It's lovely.

Hello, everyone.


That's my crush!
That's my celebrity crush!

So a huge welcome
to the Scottish Highlands.

Did you enjoy the train?


Oh, well, we're going to have
such a great time together.

If you win this game,
you could win up to £,.


This is a game,

and I just want you to know
that the game started

when you got on the train.

I would like to start
with a little exercise.

Why not? Sun's shining,
we're by The Traitors castle.

What I would like you
to really think about

is how far you're going to make it
in this game.

You've sussed each other out.

Do you secretly think,
"I'm the smartest one here"?

Maybe now you've met, you think,

"Do you know what?
I'm in over my head."

Then I would like you
to get in a line, please.

Show me how well you're going to do,

with most likely to win there...
Oh, my God!

..least likely to win there.

I know I'm going to go down
this bottom end.

I'm just walking up there.

I'm going to win.
I know I'm going to win.

I'm Imran. I'm years of age
from West Sussex.

I know I'm going to win.

I achieved my PhD at the age of ,

which for the discipline
is the youngest in the world.

Certainly here to win
this competition.

I can pull this off.

I'm fine. I love it.

I just wanted to blend in.

I was like, I don't really
want to stand out here.

I spent so much time with Andrea
and the train,

and I knew she was just amazing
energy and she could do anything.

I walked her straight to the front.

I'm not going to go at the end.
Something's going to happen.

Does anybody want to
change their mind?

I think... I think just one up.
Just one.

I don't want to be the cocky,
confident one at the end,

thinking you've got this,
you're going to win hands down.

So I thought, I'm just going to
rock up at the end space.

Well, you've gone
from the top to bottom.

I'm coming to the end.

Are you all absolutely sure of this?

This is the most likely,
and this is the least likely.

So Andrea and Imran,
did you suss everyone out?

Did you think, "Do you know what?
We'll take them?"

%, definitely.

I go with whatever Imran says.

OK, so let's go to the other end,
and we have Kieran and Amos.

Why do you think
you're going to come last?

No expectations.

I'm going to take it day by day
and we'll see how we go.

Maybe you're also showing
your fellow players,

"Don't worry about us, we're just
going to go under the radar."

I feel like the people in the middle
are probably doing that.

OK. The extremes are where
you stick out.

The people that want to fade into
the background are in the middle.

Every decision you make,
every single one, has a consequence.

So you two,
you think you're going to lose?

I am going to take you at your word.

So I'm afraid it's goodbye.

I'd like you to leave the grounds


No, what?

No, that's not...
No, no, no, no, no.

It's called The Traitors.


Complete and utter devastation.

Honestly, Claudia is a savage!

I know she's an icon and all,
but she is not playing.


I was furious.

My immediate wish was to

get hold of Claudia
and throw her over the balustrade.


No cuddling, guys.
That's a different show.

Say goodbye.

That was difficult.

I think Amos and Kieran were
trying to be chivalrous,

but that's not
what the game is about.

It's about being ruthless,
and it's backfired.

Backfired massively.


The rest of you... as you can see,
every decision has a consequence.

Nothing is just for fun.

Let me explain
what's going to happen soon.

I am going to choose my Traitors.

You, under the cover of darkness,

can m*rder one of your fellow
players every single night,

therefore removing them
from the game.

The rest of you
will be my Faithfuls.

Now, you have to work out
who the Traitors are amongst you

and banish them from the game.

Get them before they get you.

Remember, there is £, to win.

There are of you now.

But at the end, if there are
any Traitors left in your midst,

they take all the money.

Not going to happen.

Welcome, then, to The Traitors.

Who's ready for a cup of tea
and a magical scone?


In you come. Come in. Come in.


Nice. Nice. Nice.

I'm shaking!

The castle is stunning.

Oh, my God!

It was just absolutely beautiful.

I've never seen anything
like it before.

Oh, my God! Let's go everywhere!
Let's go explore everywhere!

It's really cool. I think
I'm going to get lost, though.

I'm following you!

It's going to be...

Whoa! It's a snooker table!


Go on, let's be nosy. Let's be nosy.

Oh, this is very, like...

Banging! They've got a bar!
Oh, we've got a bar!

Very stately homey. It was
giving me, like, Bridgerton vibes.

I would have this sofa in my room.

Could you fit this in your room?

That's the problem, you see.

But with grand...
I could fit it in my room.

You can fit it in your room.

This is the library.

This is where I am. I love

This is like Cluedo, guys.

Colonel Mustard in the library
with the dagger.


Ooh! Look at this!

This looks nice. Feels like having
dinner with the Queen.

Oh, my God!

Guys. That's us!

Guys, get in here. Look at this.
This is sick.

That's us!


Oh, amazing.

Oh! You're really good.
Come on. Come on.

Kieran and Amos, yeah?

Did you bond with them?

Yes, and I feel sad.

But I was on the train, I was
literally on the train with Amos,

and then the guy didn't even get to
see the castle.

So before we even walk in...

All of a sudden,
two people are gone.

I can't explain how much
it's messed with everyone's mind.

I'm going to go outside
and get some air.

They must have been gutted.

I'm devastated.

I was nearly crying out loud.

I think that fundamentally changed
the way that I was thinking.

I thought, "I need to be here
and I need to play the game."

You just meet complete strangers and
you bond with them really quickly,

and then all of a sudden that's
taken away. Just gone. I don't know

if I'm going to be able to cope
with that. I don't think I will.

Oh, my God. I love peacocks.

If it splays its tail,
does that mean it's threatening us?

No, I think that means
it's showing off, no?

I'm going to call him Gary.

Gary the peacock? Oh!

Go on, Gary.

So pretty.

Having Kieran and Amos ripped away
so quickly today, I'm like,

"Oh, my gosh," it's going to be so
painful having, like,

people who you make friends with
just ripped away just like that.

I've just come in here
and I want to be myself.

I think I'm a fun, nice person.

I love to get involved.

Someone you got really close with
suddenly is not going to be there

any more, or you might even,
I might even,

just be sent home
for whatever reason.

I'd be gutted.

I kind of want to be everyone's
friend and I don't want to

get too close to anyone in
particular because not only am I

keeping the acting a secret,
the psychology a secret,

another big secret I'm keeping

is that my boyfriend is also
in this game.


Yeah, we're keeping that
to ourselves.

Who do you think's one to watch?

Matt and Aaron?

They're very close.
I'm kind of jealous.

I'm just jealous.

Matt's got a massive crush on Alex,
but he can't ever see that photo.

Really?! They're going to be
running off together.

Oh, God, that's my girlfriend.

It's fine.

Alex is playing the game, though.
She's good. Trust me.

We need to keep that top secret,

because if anyone sees us
having an alliance,

that would be awful.

So I flirt a bit with Matt,

so it's kind of
throwing the bait somewhere else.

It's hard, though, cos I want to,
like, make sure he's OK,

tell him I love him, but I'm just
kind of distancing myself

and acting like I've just met him
for the first-ever time.

The view is insane.

So far, I think, so good.

I haven't properly met you yet.
Yeah, I'm Theo. Nice to meet you.

I'm Maddy. Nice to meet you.
What do you do for work?

So, I work in a care home. I used to
do Scrabble and stuff like that,

but now I'm just on reception, like
doing receptionist. Yeah.

But my grandad is coming
to the care home in a few weeks. Aw!

My name's Maddy, and I'm ,
and I'm...

I'm an actress, right, but I've...

I've not said anything downstairs.
I just haven't...

I haven't lied about it.
I just haven't mentioned it.

At least you can be close contact
with him now. I know.

That'll be quite good. I'll see him
every day. That's quite good.

I do work in a care home.

Just didn't want them to think
I was dodgy.

No way!

Oh, that's amazing.

Being an actor, I think it will
help me

because I did play Lady Macbeth
and we're in a castle.

I don't know. Maybe I should've
just said from the beginning

cos honesty's the best
policy probably.

It'll be like we're having
a constant surprise party.

Like, "Surprise!" Surprise!
Surprise, you're going home!

Every two minutes, another two
people go home. That's it.

People think I'm quite,
like, silly sometimes

or, like, say stupid things,

but, um... I did get a B at AS Maths,

so, hello!

I'm joking!

They might all be friendly now,

but shortly there will be two sides
- the Traitors and the Faithful.


But who are the Traitors?

We're about to find out.


What would it mean to you?

I see there my hand.

I see my bionic hand
that costs an awful lot of money,

and that will help me achieve that.

It'll change my life, but I think
it'll change, like, my mum's life

as well cos I try and help her
out as much as possible.

We're all in it for the money.


Oh, wow! Oh, wow!

Aah! Oh, my God.

Look at that.

I have my house, I have a lot
of animals,

so, yeah, it'd be bloody useful.

It's really nice being an author
and I chose that path... Yeah.

..but I don't earn very much money.

Whoa! Oh, my gosh.
Look at the gold!



We're all here to play a game.

As much as people are nice, there is
a lot of money on the table,

so if a backstabbing needs to
happen, it needs to happen.

It'd make a huge difference to me.

But it's what you've got
to do to get it, isn't it?

Especially when there's a prize on
the line, it's dog eat dog,

and, Claudia, I'm starving.

Welcome to the Round Table,

the beating heart of this show.

Take a look into the eyes
of those around you.

Because right now,
you are equals.

You're on the same footing.

Maybe you've become friends.

Have a good look at each other.

This is the last time you can take
each other at face value.


In just a few minutes,
that will no longer be the case.

Which suits your personality
the most?

A Traitor. Why?

The mundane scares me.
I want to feel that adrenaline.

Could you be a Traitor?

Yes. Could you be a Faithful?


That makes my job very difficult.

I think I'd make a good Traitor.
Go on.

So I'd be the mum role...

..and then m*rder them at night.

I'm a Faithful.

Do you know, like, in your morals?

But I don't want to get
k*lled at night. That's the thing.

I watch a lot of crime drama,
and I feel like

so at least if you're a Traitor,
you're in control of that.

Everybody I spoke to wants
to be a Faithful.

- Yeah, OK, then!

Everyone I've spoke to -
"Oh, I'm here for the experience."

Yeah. All right, then. So am I!

I would love to be a Traitor.

I think a lot of people
underestimate me, and people see me

as being, you know, the five-foot,
little Asian girl,

and that's their first mistake.

How good are you at lying?

Pretty OK. Yeah?

Yes. I've worked for the
British Government. I ought to be
quite good!


You used to be in the police.

I did, yeah.
So you know when people are lying.


I'm very good at sniffing out liars.

The moment has come for the Traitors
to be selected.

Everyone, please
put on your blindfolds.

If I touch you on the shoulder,
then you are a Traitor.


Bloody hell.

You know, when Claudia's circling,

it's like a shark circling her prey.

But the whole time, I was trying to
manifest that touch on my shoulder.

And then she did it.

Oh! To be honest, it was relief.

Not going to lie -
it's very intense in there.

Suddenly your friends
can become your enemies.

I could feel people
around me panting.

Honestly, I could hear them
breathing heavily.

I'm smiling and I'm thinking,

"I can't believe it.
I can't believe it."

Oh! When she tapped me
on the shoulder, I thought,

"Oh, God, I'm so excited.

"It's in arm's reach.

"I've got to hold my hands out
like that and grab it."

I have selected my Traitors.

The rest of you will be known
as the Faithfuls.

The course of the game has now
been set.

You may now remove your blindfolds.

Traitors, you will discover each
other's identities later tonight.

Your job -

to m*rder the Faithful.

Faithfuls, your job is to work out
who the Traitors are

and then banish them from the game.

If a Traitor is banished,
those remaining might get the chance

to convert a Faithful and recruit
them into their clan.


Shortly, you'll all go on
your first mission

to start building the prize fund.

Definitely wear warm clothes.
I'll see you out the front.


Tiny thing, forgot to mention -

tonight one of you will be m*rder*d
by the Traitors.

Good luck, all.

It was quite intense.

Yes, my adrenaline started going.
I was so excited.

I thought, "I'm in the game to play,

"and play it well."

I was blind. Like, I literally was
blind in that moment

because I was so busy

trying to not attract any attention

that I really didn't read
anybody else.

Immediately what's going on
in my head is like,

"OK, what's not suspicious?
What can I do?

"Like, I need to think
like a Faithful."

Gosh. I'm literally like... Yeah.

It's the amount of laps she did.
Yeah, same.

Every time... Every time, I could
literally feel the hairs at the back

of my neck being like... I know.

I was just thinking,
"WWFD - what would a Faithful do?"

You were exactly like me.
I could hear your breathing, like.


I'm looking at the people
that are looking a bit sus...

Yeah, like I'm trying to find out
who's, like, sheepish.

Well, I can tell who's sheepish.


I mean, imagine... Could I ask
everyone a favour?

Can we all take... Can we all
drink water so we don't...


C-Can we all drink some water?

Cheers! Cheers!

Cheers! Cheers!

To the Faithful. To the Faithfuls!

To the Faithfuls.


Nicky didn't raise her glass.

All I saw was just, that's an
opportunity for me.

I don't know is she? Isn't she?

But it doesn't matter because
she's not me.

You know, all I see is that's me
lasting another night.

That's me at the Round Table clear,

so I think I had to plant
the seed about Nicky.

Cheers to you. Cheers.

Just to know that you're
actively manipulating

and lying to these people and they
have no idea,

and there is adrenaline. There is
a thrill about that, for sure.

I'm just so excited.

I just want to get out there
and start doing things now

and getting these murders done.




I was trying really hard to look
for anything, something, but...

I know, like there was... Yeah,
I couldn't see anything.

The thing is... I think everyone
looked the same.

I know, everyone was just cheery!

I was looking around. I'm trying to
think, you know,

"Who's on my team now?"

But I wasn't sure what I was even
looking for.

I cannot wait to find out
who the other Traitors are.

I'm still just as clueless as I was
minutes ago, to be honest!

Nothing's changed.

You have to keep undercover.

I just take myself out of that zone.

I'm a Faithful
when I'm with everybody.

I don't really know how
to investigate properly, though.

Well, I think we'll have to all
be very careful.

You have to be careful what you
share at all times. To others.

To others. Cos you never
know who you're talking to.

We know that someone's going
to be m*rder*d,

and obviously we don't know
how many Traitors there are.

There's six of us here, so the
chances... I'm not being rude.

Yeah. But one of us could be a
Traitor. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly.

And it ain't me! Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

It could.

But they could be sat
together in there, couldn't they?

This is confusing me already.


Matt, I feel like he's not as slack
as he lets on.

It's an easy card, innit?

Just play completely dumb and nobody
will suspect.

How are you feeling after that?
We're just saying that...

I was disappointed. I actually
wanted to be a Traitor.



So I was going, "Go on, Claudia!"
At least you're honest!

Yeah, I'm very honest about this.

It's game time. It's game time.
It is game time. Get strapped in.

I feel shook. I'm vulnerable.


I'm panicking!

My heart's going, "Pitter-patter,
pitter-patter, pitter-patter!"

My main objective was to try
and figure out

who I can make friends with
that are outgoing that everybody's

going to see me making friends with,
cos then when I m*rder them,

people would never think it was me.

It's just so early to guess
that I think I might just...

I'm just going to keep trusting...
You're going to drive yourself
f*cking mad.

..until they give me a reason
not to. I'm the opposite.

I'm going to trust no-one
until... they give me a reason
to trust them.

You kind of... You obviously want
to figure out who it is,

but you don't want to be
too strategic

that they get threatened by you
and then you're done here.

For sure. Alyssa seems like
a really honest person,

which could be really helpful
to help us find the Traitors.

I think we've just got to accept
that we have...

Unless one of you's a Traitor,
we have no power over what happens

when they meet. We just have to...
We just have to take it in.

That's the scary part.

I'm in my role now.
It's method acting.

I was just sat in Mothers Meeting
with all the rest of them

and they're talking really serious
stuff... I know. It's too much?

Is she the black lady called Fay?

Who was sat next to you? Yes. I saw
her, like, proper scanning
the room and looking at everyone.

And then I saw her talking... Oh!
And I thought,

"Oh, my God, just have a day off,
love," like...

Amanda was there.
I'm not going to...

I know it's not Amanda.

Yeah. It's not Amanda.

I look her dead
in the eyes and it was not her.

I was like, "It's not her."
I don't think it's her.

No way.

I mean, if it is, I'll be gutted.

Yeah, I'll be very surprised.

All right, everyone, gather round.

Very, very good outfits.

It is time for your first mission.

Your prize fund currently
is at zero.

But remember, it's up to you all
collectively to build that prize pot

and win up to £,.


Sounds good.


And all the drama, quietly
weeping inside, that is gone,

because it doesn't matter
whether you're a Traitor

or a Faithful. On the missions,

you work as a team and you build
up that prize fund.

Are you ready?


OK. Go and get in the cars
and I'll meet you there.


I'm terrified. The drama, the drama.


OK, we're off. OK, let's go!

I'm so excited to see what Claudia's
got in store for us.

Big question - who do we think's
going to go out first?

I mean, I think people are going
to target the people who do

the worst on challenges.

Who do you think is...? If we keep
the price money of zero, anybody

could be Traitors or Faithful,
it really doesn't matter.

You need to bring the money home.

I see a boat, guys. We're not going
out in that, are we?

Oh, I don't know.
It's not canoeing or something?

What are these two things?
Look, look, look.

They look like giant deers.

What are they?

Shit's just got real.

Oh, my God.

I'm so scared!

I'm looking at water and fire.

Oh, my God!

Are you ready for your first


Now, the aim of the game is ignite
these magnificent beasts -

you've got minutes - and put
£, into your prize fund.


But you are racing
against the clock.

In order to get your beast
lit on time, you're going

to have to split into two
teams of ten.

Six of you from each team
will remain here.

You have to find and collect
all the pieces of rope, dip them

into flammable liquid, and tie them
together to make a long fuse

The minute you've done
that sound, your foghorn,

and your fellow team-mates,
who are further down the loch,

will row back with a flaming torch.

And you will light the beast.

But if you don't do it in time,
you get nothing.

As you can see, it is windy,
it is choppy.

Really think about your four that
you're going to put in the boat.

Oh, my God!

Please, players, get into two

Can I be on this team, mate?

Who's rowing? Is there four rowers

Yeah. You go that side. We'll go
this side. You row on that side.

It's a big group of people
and you have to pool your resources

together to get the biggest
amount of money,

and I noticed the young alpha male
boys all congregating together.

Have we got ten?

You try not to take it personally,
but you kind of go

Maybe they think you can't do
the things that they can do.

One, two, three, four, five.
Yeah, ten. Right.

Good. I like it.
You're decisive.

You are blue and you are green.

The first team that lights the beast
gets £, in the prize fund.

The team that comes second gets

But the Traitors are watching,

and they need any excuse to m*rder
somebody tonight.

So pull your weight.

I'm with you in spirit.

Obviously, I'll be having a massage
and eating shortbread,

but I'm with you.

Good luck.

Your time...


Guys, we need one dipper.

Fine. Get the rope, set it on fire,
throw it over there.

Let's just go, let's just go.

So six people had to be on land,

find rope, dip them in this fluid
to make it ignite and connect

to this massive wicker statue.

And once the land team did that,
then we had the flame on the other

side to be able to go
across and light the fuse

to light the wicker man.

Go on, greens! Come on!

Go on, guys!

Right, there's one here.
There's one here already.

Let's go! Yeah, yeah.
Come on.

It was crazy.
I mean, it was all go, go, go.

It was a lot of pressure to untie
everything, and using your fingers.

So it was all really, you know,

Hey, guys? Guys? There's one there.
One there.

Come on, guys!
We've f*cking got this!

Oh... Remember, the fuse
won't be ready until it's primed

with that flammable liquid.

What the f*ck is going on?

We can't open it.

Why can't we open it?

We need to be looking for a Key
for the flammable liquid. What?!

We didn't realise that in order
to open the barrels,

we had to find a key.

Guys! They key! Key!

How many are left?

So we found the chain, which weighed
probably three times as much as me.

And then we had to go through
the keys to get the lid off.

Twist it. Twist it. No, it's not
the right one, then,

because there's other keys. Right...

The green team got the first key
that they tried,

opened it and we were there still
ten minutes later trying keys.

Right, let's make a note of what
ones we've tried, right?

So we lost a little bit
of time there.

Yes! Yes, we've got it. We've got

OK, right.

Teams, a third of your time has

Come on!
Just everyone get tying.

The green team are so far ahead.

Come on, blues!

Come on, Andrea!
Come on, Nicky!

Someone with two hands needs to tie

I know a lot of people were quite
impressed with Nicky

and how she was pulling
the team together.

Get out there, get tying them,

But a mission isn't just all
about the screaming and the leading.

We need people up there with two
hands tying. Right, I'll go.

You can do more than one at
one time.

Go, go get tying!

I was just sort of directing

just shouting, basically, at
everyone, loudly.

Come on, just everyone get tying!

I'll probably get m*rder*d now.

Shit, we're so close!

Come on, guys, we're doing so well.

The green team are nearly
finished with their fuse.

I've got one more!

Come on, you low.
We only need a couple more!

Shit! We're there, we're there.

Smashed it.

I'm really proud of us,
because it happened really fast.

We... I don't know how we managed
to do it so quickly.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.

Sound it. Sound it!
That's why I'm here!



Green team, go!
Yes, come on!

Right, OK. Seriously?
Blues are taking a while. Come on!

So the green team have blown
the foghorn, so their team-mates

can start rowing, holding the torch.

Ready? You guys good?

Get in, get in, get in, get in.

And pull! Right hand in. Pull them
both in. There we go, yeah.

And pull! Yeah?

And pull! Very good, let's get a
rhythm. And pull!

Bring it home, baby!

In! Yep.

Hold it. That's it.
There we go.

Just calm. And in.

I didn't want to stand out
as much as I did.

In. Both of you at the same time,

I really want to be middle
of the pack.

That was part of my strategy
from the beginning.

Never be the loudest guy
in the room.

And the first chance I'm given...

..I take the lead.

Oh, come on, blues!
What are you doing?

Be honest, Will.
Everyone who's old is on our team.

Yeah, but that's the brain side,

But clearly brain side doesn't
equate to results, though, does it?

It's always a little annoying
being on the losing team,

but it's important to remember the
teams weren't fair to begin with.

The green team were younger,
they're more vibrant,

so we were disadvantaged in many

But, yeah. Annoying.

Use your eyes!

Seriously, man!

I'm try to stretch the cords we

Yeah? OK.

We put all these knots together
and then we realised

we're still short to light the fuse.
What are we going to do?

And we started just stretching
the knots a little.

I think... You know what?

What? Just keep going.

Guys, half your time has gone.

That's it. And both. In, that's it,
brilliant! In...

I can see the boat.

I can see the flame.

The green boat is here.

Keep rowing, guys! You're doing

Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes!




Watch out!

So the green team have burnt their

The clock is still ticking.

They don't have long.

We're nearly there, come on.
Keep going, keep going.

Keep going! We're nearly there. No,
we're not, we're not.

Yes, we are.

Wait a minute... Tie a knot!

Tie a knot!


You can go! Go on, John!

Come on, Johnny boy!

Mission itself, the green team
definitely did better.

We were just waiting
on the blue team.

I wasn't sure what the error
was there, but they took a bloody

long time, that's for sure.

Push. Forward!

Come on!

They don't have long. Come on!


Why are they going that way?

Wait, wait, wait. We're going the
wrong way.

Shit, shit. Shit!
Wait, wait, wait, wait.

Wait, wait, wait. You're pushing the
paddle away from you.

You've got three minutes. COME ON!

Keep going, you're doing well, guys.
You're doing really well.

Keep going.

Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!

Keep it steady.

I don't know if it was the intensity
of the mission, but it made me gag.

And as soon as I gagged, I was gone.
It wasn't my brightest hour.

I'm hoping the other players
won't hold it against me.

John, run! John, run!

You've got seconds remaining.
Move, John!



So both beasts are lit within the

They've banked £,.

Absolutely buzzing.

I want the money, money, money!


Well done. Green, you came first.

Blue team, well done.
You did it just in the nick of time.

Very well done. What you want now is
a pina colada... Pina colada!

..and a ready salted crisp.

I can provide everything
we need for a party.

I will see you at the castle.
Off you go, off you go.

It was a once in a lifetime
experience. It was, yeah.

It's not every day you burn
a wicker man, is it?


I think that everyone worked
together really...
I mean, because we got grand.

Well, I seen a little bit of a
different side to Imran. Did you?

Even when we were waiting
for the other people, he was getting
really, really frustrated.

There's something about him that's
just off.

I think everyone played to their
strengths, though.

Like you shouting at everyone
worked, know what I mean?

Sometimes you just need direction.

Ivan's probably more calm
and collected.

I'm like, "Do this!"
Drill Sergeant.

But who do we think's going
to be m*rder*d?

There's Traitors in a couple
of these cars. Mm.

I did see something suspicious.
Oh? Go on.

So, you know, when we raised our
glasses? One person didn't raise
their glass.

Who was that? It was Nicky.

Nicky didn't do this? She didn't
raise her glass, and she...

That could be an unconscious
thing, yeah.

I don't like the idea of thinking...
Like I have...

I have a few people who I think
are more likely

to be Traitor than Faithful

and, like, Nicky, really isn't
one of them.

It's a natural instinct
when everybody says,

"Cheese!" even with a camera,
you smile.

It means her brain
was somewhere else.

I don't want to think about it
is my thing.

We just have to find out who
the Traitors are add get them out.

We've all just won that money

And they've k*lled...
Now they've got to k*ll somebody.

They've now got to take
that guilt on.

So that's going to eat away at them

Tonight's going to be hard for them.

Oh, guys, let's just get glammed
up and enjoy this cocktail party!

Get your bosoms out, ladies,
we're going to get down tonight!

Ha-ha! Whee!

Ooh-hoo-hoo! Oh, it's nice,
actually. It's nice.


Faithful Fancy, Traitors Tipple.

Oh, no, because I want that
one, but I'm not a Traitor.

There's an easy way of fixing this.

No, I don't... Oh... Are we
allowed to do that?

Oh, lovely!

Well, cheers, guys. Well
done to winning £,.

K! K.


Oh, I could m*rder a cocktail.

A party's going to be great.

It's so nice to get dressed
up as well.

Cheers. Did you try my drink? Yeah,
I tried to see how strong it was.

Alex is great.

She's lovely.

You've got your beanie on. I know,
I'm happy. Over the moon.

I just want to tell the lovely

She's got good teeth, good eyes,
good face.

She's easy to talk to.

It's just all good.

I think you look better without

No, it's a rumour.

I already know what Matt's
weakness is going to be.

He really fancies Alex.

No comment, Officer!

Yay! The party can finally start.

Now it can. Go, girls.

And boys!

This is going down really well.

Cheers. Thank you, cheers.


Players? Claudia's coming.

I swear to God, Claudia's
is about to drop a ball.

Here they come!

Gather in.

Are you enjoying your cocktails?


You did brilliantly today.

You deserve a great night.

So drink, bond, have fun.

I don't want to get all Cinderella
about it, but when that grandfather

clock chimes at the end of the

you have to leave immediately

because it means the murdering hour
has begun.

Tonight, the Traitors will
commit their first m*rder.

If you are m*rder*d tonight,
you will never be seen again,

and you'll be out of the game

So, on that delightful note...

..enjoy your drinks, enjoy each

and I will see most of you at
breakfast tomorrow.



That k*lled the mood.

m*rder on the dance floor?
Once your clock strikes,

someone's going to lose their
slipper for good.


Like, if you were a Traitor right
now, from their perspective,

what are they looking at? Like,
probably who's going to be most

Like, even for the Traitors, it's
going to be, like, really, like,

just reverse psychology,
isn't it?

I think we're all really
apprehensive about the first m*rder.

Nobody wants to be the first.

And, yeah, I would be very

I'll see you guys soon. See you in a
bit. Bye!

She's adorable.
Really genuine people.

I don't think that about everybody,
but I do think

that about her. Who do you feel is
being disingenuous, then?

Fay's not genuine. She does
my f*cking head in.

Fay, she's, like, a bit too, like,
aware of what's going on.

Like, her eyes were darting,
like, left and right,

constantly watching everyone.

And I'm just like, "Love, give you
eyeballs a rest.

"you're going
to give them whiplash."

We all want to be tactical,

I mean, we want to get them
out at the same time,

but you have to think how tactical
can you go

that you don't want to seem like a

The only way we can...
I'm saying "we" like we're all...


What?! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa. That's below the belt.

Theo called out Imran.

And I don't think Imran's a Traitor,
but I have nothing

wrong with Theo calling out other
players at this time,

so I'll support him with that
because it makes me a bit safer.

Well, I've just been calling people
out left, right and centre, me.
Have you?!

I've literally just been in the
billiards room

and called out Imran. Yeah. Fully...

Fully called him out. No?! He
literally crumbled in himself.

I think I think the quote was,

"Well, that was just below the

They're all nervous.

It's gone from a quick drink
to business, but there's names

being mentioned and thrown around,

so it's starting to get a bit tense
down there.

I'm a gay man.
I'm used to calling people out!

You need to be careful. You don't
want to... Like, you don't want to

I don't want you dying tonight.
I don't want you to die, Theo.

If I'm not here for breakfast
tomorrow, I had a nice time. Same.

Yeah, me too.
I really enjoyed it. Me too.

Everyone's, like, done something...

- I just knew that we've got.

Oh! Shit!


There we go.

All right, guys.

Let's not sit here. Cheers, girls.
It was a really lovely experience.
What will be, will be.


See you, guys. Much love, you guys
have all been amazing.

I hope to see you tomorrow.
Much love, much love. I love you.
Much love.

For everyone else, it's just a
normal gong, let's go home.

But for us, it's time to m*rder.

I'm quite excited to meet the other

and get the m*rder done,
and get one out.

Just feel like it's my game now.

I have that power to kind
of k*ll off who I want.

To be honest, it's thrilling.


As the clocks have chimed,
it can only mean one thing.

The Traitors are ready to m*rder.

Now, to keep the Traitors'
identity a secret,

all the players are taken
to their individual lodgings

where they're not allowed
to see or talk to anyone.

But for the Traitors, the night
has only just begun.

You are about to enter the
Traitors' Turret.

Before I hand you your cloak
and the identity of your fellow

Traitors are revealed,

I'm going to ask you to take
the Traitor's oath.

Do you promise to lie and deceive
throughout the game?

Totally, I do.

Are you willing to m*rder
a fellow player every night?

I do.

And do you vow to keep your identity
and the identity

of your fellow Traitors a secret?

I promise. OK.
This is yours.

You are now officially a Traitor.

Happy murdering.

Thank you.

Off you go. I hope you're happy.

I was standing there, I was
obviously the first person there.

So I'm like, "Who's coming
through this door?"

It was just knowing that the person
stood across from me is a fellow

Traitor, and they have been lying
to me all day, and I to them.

Oh, my God! No?!

Alyssa, the, like,

the fake vulnerable person.

She's, like, been acting.

She's playing the game massively

You are, like, off the radar.

I think we're in a really sick

Like, nobody knows.

I haven't heard your name once.
I haven't heard your name.

Once, I swear on my life.

I think we can win, man, I... We
have to.

He's playing the happy chappy that
we all know and love.

He doesn't really care about the
game, and he's in it for a laugh.

Wow, I was surprised.

We sat there and blamed Imran!


We played them! I'm so glad I
can talk to someone about this,

because the amount of shit
I've said...



Amanda! LAUGHING: Amanda!


Oh, my God!

When we all looked at each other, I

"Great, we've got a good team here."

In terms of Intel, we're covering a
lot of bases between
the three of us.


You've got your little group,
you've got your group

and I've got my little group.

It's like we're invisible.

The Traitors' job is to m*rder.

I know tonight is just going
to be so tricky, but at the same

time, we have to do
what we have to do.

Listen, these are the suspects
at the moment, right? Fay...

Nicky. ..Nicky.

And... ALL: Imran.

They're the
three everyone's going for,

we can't k*ll any of them today
because they're going to get
banished tomorrow anyway. Yeah.

All I'm seeing is that's
three nights we're safe from
the Round Table.

Yes, yes. Yes. Yep, yep, yep, yep.

We need to figure out who they hate
for them to think,

"Oh, they've definitely k*lled

Yeah. We need to be a step ahead
each time, though. Yeah.

We may need to make a statement
tonight. I know.

A big one, like, "Rah."

I love Theo, but he would be
a really great ploy in this,

I'm sorry.

Theo is the popular kid around here.

That's the truth.

He actually confronted Imran today.

If we took out Theo, people are
going to go to Imran. Yeah.

This is what you've got
to think, right?

We're going to k*ll Theo,

they're going to banish Imran.

Imran is going to stand
up and say, "Faithful."

They're going to be like,
"Well, who k*lled Theo?" Mm-hm.

They have no ties to us, though.

Imran was like, "Yeah, we was at a
disadvantage because we had all the
older people."

You're right. So I was going to
delete an older person thinking

that they'll be like, "Oh, my God,
it's definitely him because he only

"cares about the strong,
for the... To make the money."


A lot of people had said
that Andrea

wasn't the strongest competitor.

She'd be a good one to take out
because... Everyone loves...

Everyone loves her.
Yeah. I also find her a threat.


And also I was thinking cliques.

The young lot. Matt and Aaron.

Are they a threat, do you think?

I don't think Aaron is...

But I think cliques are a threat.

I don't think they're a threat
individually, a clique is a threat.

We've got Aisha and we've got Alex,
who's very close to them as well.

Herd mentality. That's four votes.

Yes. Yeah.

Cliques are so dangerous at this
point in time.

You need to break them up.

And Aisha, right?

I promise you, I can tell she wanted
to be a Traitor. She did.

She'll do anything to just to find
out who that is. Yeah.

Do we take Aisha out...

..or do we take Theo out?

Or Andrea?

It's got to be, I think.

Yeah. God...

I thought it'd be easier
saying that, than it is.

So how are you going to feel
about it, committing

that first m*rder?

Do you know what...?
Absolutely fine.

It's them or us.

It's them.

It's them.

Who's going to sign the death

You can make the first one.


I was actually shaking.

My heart is just like...

♪ With a taste of your lips,
I'm on a ride

♪ You're toxic, I'm slippin' under

♪ With a taste of a poison
paradise... ♪

How do you feel?

There's just so much power
in our hands, isn't there?

There's so much power.
And it feels so great.

It does feel great.

We have to do what we have to do
to survive.

We've committed our first m*rder,

and I think we've made the right

They're not going to catch
up with us. No, not at all.

Good luck. Good luck, guys.

The person we've chosen to m*rder
is going to cause a ripple effect

of people voting for each other,

and take the eyes completely off us.

I really love this person,

but the Traitor's job is to m*rder.

Tomorrow's breakfast?

Ooh, it's going to kick off.

♪ With a taste of your lips,
I'm on a ride

♪ You're toxic

♪ Taste of a poison paradise... ♪

This m*rder is going to absolutely
throw this castle into chaos.

Next time on The Traitors...

This game is insane.

I'm not a Traitor.

We need to channel this upset.

There are Traitors in your midst...

Do you actually still think
I'm a Traitor? Yes or no?

We all think everyone's Traitors.

..and now is your chance to kick
them out.

It's w*r. %.