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03x04 - It Hurts to Wait With Love If Love Is Somewhere Else

Posted: 02/05/14 04:30
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Switched at Birth"...


Ty said "I love you" and I didn't say "I love you" back.

Is that why he cheated?

You're gonna be okay.

I'm here for community service. I'm supposed to ask for Jorge.

I'll be your direct supervisor. Pretty much the general guy in charge here.

I'm Campbell.

You're a volunteer too?

Are you asking, am I a convicted felon like you?

Sounds like you looked me up.

I want to buy K&D.

I cannot think of a better investment than you.

I just got out of a meeting with the builder for the restaurant.

It will be another 350k each.

Are you kidding?!

I'm smart, I pay well and I know talent when I see it.

I'd like to find something for you to work on.

I did see a trailer for this snowboarding documentary.

We should totally go see it when it comes out.

Hey, baby.


What's going on?

Not much. How are you doing?

Are we bad people for not carpooling?

Oh, I have the clinic after school.

Ooh, community service.

At least one of us is righting the scales.

I wish I didn't have to go.

That bad, huh?

I mean, the job's fine.

It's just some of the people...

Campbell's working today.

Ah, Mr. Hot Wheels.

I'm trying so hard not to like him, but he is smart, and cool and he has the most amazing eyelashes...


Sounds like a complete loser.

He has a girlfriend.


Wow. Did not see that one coming.

Well, as someone who has been cheated on twice... maybe three times...

I support your decision.

I just wish he wasn't so hot.

Resist. You'll only get burned.

Resist the hotness? Right.



What's their problem?

That's crazy!

They should be mad at him, not you.

You did the right thing.

I don't want you to think I said that just so I could ask you a favor, but...

Okay, so I'm putting together my portfolio for art school applications, and I really need pictures of my work.

I could use your help.

Astronomy, me? You sure you want my help?

Like a moon... like falling stars...

Oh, like the lunar meteor shower thing!

I don't know, sounds pretty nerdy.

Plus you know that I don't speak Klingon?

Sure, yeah, I'll go.

(Phone chimes)

No, everything's fine.

(Door closes)



Oh, good morning.

Okay, I could use an honest opinion.

Does this say professional, without looking uptight?

It says professional and stylish.

What's the occasion?

Oh, new client.

He's very demanding.

And very impressive. Oh here, let me help.

Well, you know what?

You are very impressive too.

He was a multi-millionaire by the time he was 27.

He owns his own jet.


He could work with anybody that he wants, but he's taking a chance on me... despite my best efforts to blow it up.

So you're playing hard to get?

Well, obviously he thinks you're talented.

Yeah, but am I talented enough?

I really need the business.

If it doesn't work out, it's only one client.

It's not like all your eggs are in one basket.

Eggs! I'd love some.

On that note, I'm off to finish a freebie in East Riverside. See you.



Egg whites for you, mister.

I know. A boy can dream, can't he?

Hey, what would you say about going to Nashville, just the two of us?



I've got this G.O.P. thing for elected state reps.

It'll only take a couple of hours and after that we could enjoy the city, take a tour.

Go see the Grand Ole Opry?

Whatever you want.

Well, it sounds like fun.

Great! It's the last weekend of the month, so...

Wait, this month?



That's when Renzo and I are going to go to New York to pitch my new book idea.

Wait, whoa whoa, wait a second.

You are going to New York with Renzo?

Yeah, I was waiting for Renzo to confirm the dates before I told you.

He has this friend at a publishing house, an editor.

Okay fine, fly into New York, do your pitch, then come join your husband in Nashville.

But I'll already be there. You know how much I love New York.

Wait a second, so this is a vacation now?


This could jump-start my writing career.

Renzo helped me find a new angle on an old idea, and before I knew it he planned this whole trip.

Please, I'm sorry, honey. This... this is important to me.

No, I get it. You want to fly solo.

Well, you know what?

I can fly solo too.


Daphne: Have a seat. It shouldn't be too long.



How was your weekend?

Good. You?


Uh, you and your girlfriend went to some lake, right?


Blue Springs.

Her folks have a place there.

Sounds fun.

Hey, sorry to interrupt.

You're not interrupting.

Yeah, I need to finish this.

So someone told me you made those vegan brownies in the kitchen?

Oh yeah, help yourself.

I'm not the vegan type.

But my future brother-in-law is and we're having this engagement party for him and my sister... tomorrow. Kinda wondering if I can get the recipe?

Well, I could just make you a batch, if you want.



That'd be a huge help.



You should come.

It'll be super casual.

Kinda figured you haven't had authentic Mexican food in a while.


I'd love to.

Cool. I'll give you the address.


What I love the most... the way you split the living room into two rooms.

Now Harry can watch TV while I read in bed.

You're a genius. It's going to feel like we moved.

I am so glad you're happy.

Now if you could do something about that eyesore across the street.

Yeah, I saw the "for sale" sign.

Didn't it use to be an auditorium?

It's been empty going on two years now.

It's such a shame.

Back in the day, it was such a pretty building.


Wes: It's a pit.

Regina: It's a diamond in the rough.

A forgotten piece of art deco architecture designed by Kansas City's own Barrett & Powers.

Is that true?

I stopped by the housing services office before coming over here.

I figure why go all the way to Denver when we have potential like this in our own backyard?

East Riverside is nowhere near my backyard.


I grew up there. It was a beautiful neighborhood.

People took care of their homes, had pride in their community.

What kind of trees are there?


Uh, sycamores mostly.

Big ones?

Yeah. Why?


It means the original developers wanted the neighborhood to be elegant.


Okay, tell me more.


You see that?

Maybe. I have to get in first.

That'd be awesome.

You don't need to take a picture of that.

I made it for Ty the first time he went to Afghanistan.

See? This is why I'm so ready to move to New York.

I won't be reminded of things that I just don't want to be reminded of.


You'd be surprised. With the Internet, no...

(phone vibrating)

You have a text from Mandy.

With the Internet, no one is more than a click away.



Mandy again.

She must have the world's fastest thumbs.

Who's Mandy? Does she go to Carlton?


So are you two like... together?




Yes, hot off the lot, my friend.

And they threw in the jacket too.

Bad ass. Yes, thank you.

Handles amazing. You should see the way it carves the corners.

Those tires, they grip the road like claws.

No. No, I'm afraid this would be too much for you to handle.

But I'm getting the hang of it myself right now.

But you know what? Later, down the road, you and I, I will put you on the back and I'll take you out.

She is gonna love it!

A motorcycle?!

Do you remember the fuss we made over Daphne riding with Emmett?

You're gonna look like a hypocrite!

Daphne is a teenager. I am a grown-up.

A grown-up with a death wish.

Actually I have never felt more alive than when I'm riding that thing.

And now I know what tap dancing must feel like for you.

Tap dancing doesn't k*ll anyone.

(Door opens)

Uh, whose bike is that in the driveway?

Don't tell me it's another one of Angelo's toys?

No, it's your father's.



Hmm, well-played, parental unit.

I didn't know you were into motorcycles.

Neither did I.

It's a recent passion.

Isn't riding awesome?


You should show it to Emmett. You two could go riding together.

No, he should not.

I am not okay with this, John.


I would appreciate you getting rid of it before Toby sees it and gets some crazy ideas of his own.

Get rid of it? No way.

Are you doing this because I'm going to New York with Renzo?

You know what, Kathryn? I am sorry that you don't like it, but this is really important to me.

The bike stays.

(Phone rings)


Woman: We have a problem.


Your check bounced.

What are you talking about?

For the down payment on the restaurant?

But that's impossible.

Oh well, I'm looking right at it.

Obviously there must be a mistake.

Yeah, my mother should've never gone into business with you.

Hey, I'm a partner...

Not if you miss a payment.

Then you're in breach of contract and you're out.

Look, I have the money.

Let me call the bank and figure out what happened.

Okay, I get a new check by end of business today or the next call will be from my lawyer.

Don't worry, I'll fix this.

Hope so.

Wait, how can you be upset by an email that you haven't even read?

What if it says something that I don't want to hear?

I'm not gonna lie: Part of me is hoping that he will just say he feels bad for what he did to me.


And then another part of me is hoping that he'll ask to get back together.

But if he says neither of those things, then I'm just gonna feel mad and sad all over again.


And then what if he's totally unclear about what he's saying?

Then I'm just gonna reread the email over and over again a thousand times until I go crazy.

Sounds like a lose-lose.


You know, you're the only person that I've told.

I tried to tell Emmett, but then got totally sucker-punched when he told me about his new girlfriend... Mandy.

Why should that matter?

It doesn't.

I mean, we've been broken up for a year, so obviously I have no right to feel jealous or possessive.

Unless you like him.

Which I don't.


I'm just curious.

Is she hot?

I don't know. She lives in Seattle. They met online.

Ha! Wait a minute, online?

No no no, that's not dating.

No, it's serious.

Trust me, I know Emmett.

Have they met?

I don't think so.

She probably has buckteeth and bad breath.

Or maybe she's a dude, like what happened to Manti Te'o.

I don't know who that is, but I doubt it.

Emmett's not stupid.

Look, you don't need to sweat an online girlfriend, okay?

Just trust me, she's just pixels on a screen.

You're right.

(Salsa music playing)

Hey... hey, you made it okay.


Yeah, used to live six blocks away, remember?

You look really nice.


Hey, everyone, this is Daphne Vasquez.

Um, that's my family. That's Mario, Angelica, Nadia, Tia Gema, Alfredo, Homero, where's Tio Beto at?

Tio Beto! Beto right there.

And oh... (Speaking Spanish)

Okay, come on.

So are you all... ?


Oh! (Laughs)

And cousins.

Jorge hardly ever brings girls around. You must be pretty special.

Okay, Tina, please.

I made vegan brownies and vegan Mexican wedding cookies. Couldn't resist.

Oh my God, my fiancé is gonna be in heaven.




Oh, mija, what's up? ¿Que Paso?

Does it hurt right here? Yeah?

I'll make it feel better. Okay? You ready?

(Reciting rhyme in Spanish)


Better? Okay. Get out of here.

Go play with your friends.





Come on.

Regina: The plumbing is all copper and the floors are wide-plank walnut.

They really knew how to build 'em back then.

A building this old, the whole thing has to be brought up to code and there's nothing cheap about that.

The realtor is an old high school classmate of mine.

(Phone chimes)

She says that the owner is very motivated to sell.

You didn't mention my name, I hope.

No, of course not.

I just told her I knew a potential buyer.

Good, 'cause prices tend to get jacked up when people hear my name.

She agrees, East Riverside is not there yet, but it's next to Parkville, which is very up-and-coming.

Okay, if we do this, we need to be strategic about it.

So you are interested?

Well, I know these guys... some tech start-up, some new twist on a dating app... looking for a headquarters.

If you want I can take you there today.

Okay. Make it happen.

(Bell rings)

That is so exciting!

What is?

Oh, Wes is considering a restoration project in East Riverside.


This is my husband Angelo. This is Wes Gable.

Nice to meet you, West.

It's Wes.

Sorry, West.

He's Italian.


Well, it was nice to meet you.

And we'll talk later.


(Bell rings)

(Regina exhales)

So what's up?

Did you take money out of the joint account to pay Whitney?

Yeah. Why?

I also wrote a check for the restaurant.

Christy just called and said...

Who's Christy?

Barbara Salz's daughter. The check bounced.

What? Why?

I need you...

I need you to get that money back in the account.

Tell Whitney you'll send her another check in a week, maybe two, okay?

I can't do that.

I need that money for the restaurant... now.

It's only 50 grand. Can't you just pull it from another account?

No, I cannot.

Why not?

Angelo, what's going on?

What's left of the money is all tied up.

What do you mean "what's left"?

You won $5 million in a lawsuit. Where did it all go?

A third to my attorney, another third to taxes, nearly half a million dollars on the house.

I mean I...

All right, all right.

I had no idea.

We're in this together.

You could've told me.

I kept thinking I'd turn it around.

And I will, with this restaurant.

You don't know that. Restaurants are a huge gamble.

No, these people have opened three already, and they're all turning huge profits.

I've done my homework. You've got to trust me on this.


So where does that leave us?

Well... we don't have the money for both.

Something has to give.

And that something is me.

"When I look at your photos, it's like I'm reading a line from my favorite poem twice."

Wow, Mandy, you are so deep.

Maybe you are a dude.

"Mandy starling, 17, hoping to attend Gallaudet University... "


"In a relationship."

Look at you, Mandy, thinking your very deep thoughts.

Definitely not a dude.

Thanks, Sophie. Enjoy Cabo.

Hey, Frank, sorry to keep you hanging.

We lost him.


So find him.


Do you have an appointment?

No, I...

Can we talk? It's personal.

Yeah. Give us a minute, then go find Frank.

I'll get right to the point.

I need to ask for an advance on my billings.

For how much?


What's it for?

I need to buy out the rest of K&D.

You agreed to buy a business you can't afford?

At the time I thought I could.

Things have changed.

I took a gamble, just like you're taking a gamble on me.

You're not exactly shoring up my confidence.

Okay. The money's yours.


Under one condition.

You work for me exclusively.

I need other clients to keep my business afloat.

That's okay, I'll keep you busy.


I'll have my accountant cut you a check.

I have Frank on the line.


Frank, dude! Sorry about that.


(Softly) Okay.

You're right, I have missed this.

And these tamales are so good!

I made 'em myself.


I mean, it's my mom's recipe, so.

Oh, did I miss her? Is she here?

No. Uh, she, uh... she passed away five years ago. Breast cancer.

Oh. I'm sorry.

I mean... it's actually what led me to nursing.

'Cause the doctors, they put her through hell trying to fix her, but the nurses, they treated her like a person, you know?

They took care of her... mind, body, her spirit. It made all the difference.

Well, I've watched you with patients.

You have the same gift.

Oscar loves those cookies.

Good, I'm glad.

Jorge: He deserves them,
for making an honest woman out of the family republican.

Hey, and you're clearly not the family comedian.

(Laughs) For what it's worth, my dad's the republican state senator.

Not a Kansas senator.

I'd know a Senator Vasquez.

My dad's John Kennish.


Are you the daughter who blackmailed Chip Coto?

Whoa, hey, Tina, what are you... what are you talking about?

Coto resigned last summer, remember?

An intern blackmailed him.

Was that you?

Yeah, it was, but...

Do you have any idea
how hard it is for a Latino to get elected in Kansas?

Hey, Tina, right now's not the time.

I campaigned door to door for Chip Coto.

He could've been our first Latino governor.

How could you do that, bring down one of your own?

Coto brought himself down.

He was cheating on his wife with an intern and...

And you blackmailed him.

That's a felony!

How could you bring her here?

I'm gonna go.

No no no, please.

Yeah no.

Come on.

Hey, look, I'm sorry about my sister, all right?

She can get a little carried away.

She has a right to her opinion.

No, look... it was starting to feel like a date, right?

I'll see you back at the clinic.

(Daphne sighs)

(Phone vibrates)

So you don't think there's strings attached to that money?

It's business.

I know guys like West.

To him, you're just another piece of ass.

Do you know how insulting that is?

Do you even hear yourself?

You're just jealous because he can give me what you can't... the money to fix your mistakes.

I don't want you to work for that man.

I don't get to approve of your business partners, why should you get to approve of mine? For all I know Christy Salz could be some 25-year-old floozy.

So now who's jealous?

I want K&D. I need Wes to make that happen. End of story.

(Door opens)


Off to the gay pride parade?

Very funny.

I'm going for a ride. Get out of the city, find a country road where the leaves are turning.

I'm sorry, who are you again?

Kathryn, care to join me? I bought you an extra helmet.

Yeah, mom, you could borrow my leather jacket.

No, thank you. I'd rather not end up as roadkill.

Suit yourself.

Hey, be home before dark, honey.

Yes, mom!

I should get going too.

Where are you off to?

Oh, just someplace dark and cold to look at stars. Hence the hot chocolate.

Sounds romantic.

No, not really. It's just a school project.

Wait, would romance be such a bad thing?

You haven't dated anyone since Ty.

Mom, I'm going with Emmett and he is seeing someone, so...

Oh. Who?

Don't know.

Don't care. Her name's Mandy.

Well, I'm glad you two can be friends.

It's really fun to have a male companion without any romantic complications.

Right. Me and Emmett are just friends.

No romantic complications. I should go.

Have fun.

Why is it red?

When you said "star party,"

I was kinda picturing, you know, a party.

Okay, you are totally earning your nerd cred right now.

Oh no! You know that I don't dance.

(Phone vibrating)


You know, I don't mind.

So what's that like, the whole online thing? I mean have you guys met in person?

Oooh... oh.



You okay?

Kind of a crappy day.

Want to talk about it?

Not really.

All right.

Let's play then.

Well, I kind of have an unfair advantage.



I do.

Oh, game on.

Come on.

Daphne: Oh!

Come on!




♪ Keep it away ♪
♪ get it away... ♪


You gotta move with your wheels.

♪ What you gonna do... ? ♪



You want it that badly? Here.

Make your sh*ts.

(Cheers) It's a tie game.

Yeah? Not for long.

What are you doing?


I'm sorry, I...

You have a girlfriend.

I know.

I... it's complicated.

No, it's not.

Just... let me explain.

I've been with Gretchen, well, since before the accident.

I wouldn't have been able to make it without her.

Then why are you trying to kiss me?

It's not the same between us anymore.

And I can't just break up with her.

I'm not asking you to.

I like you.

I just have to figure some things out.

Everything you do... every single thing... has a ripple effect. So you can't just go around doing what you want to do, because it will come back to you somehow.

I know. I'm...

I'm just confused.

Well, I'm not.

Not anymore.

I gotta go.

You wanted to see me?

You hungry?


Thanks. I already ate.

It's late. Didn't you say you had kids?

They're with their mother tonight.

Two boys, ten and six.


That's nice.

I made an offer on the East Riverside property.


Contingent on inspections, of course.

Wow, that was fast.

When I want something I make it happen.

Come on, have a look.

I ran the metrics on East Riverside.

The area's more promising than I thought.

As you mentioned.

This is our property right here.

Down the street there's an empty lot, so I'm thinking mixed-use development: Apartments for the tech hipsters, organic coffeehouses, juice bars.

That is so cool.

It'll bring back a sense of community, make it feel like a neighborhood again.

Yeah, we can get rid of these storefronts right here and put in a green space.

Well, those are mom-and-pop shops.

A barber and a shoe repair.

Most of those have been there since I was a kid. Where would they go?

We'll give them first dibs on the mixed-use space.

At double or triple the rents they're paying now?

Then I'll buy them out. Don't worry, they'll be more than okay.

John: Oh hey, honey.

Yeah, I'm on Route Seven, just south of Atchison.

Yeah, you know, I just... time flies on the open road, babe.

(Horn honks)

Okay well, I'll turn around now.


All-righty. Bye-bye.

(Laughs) Yeah.

Yeah, I know what you're saying.

Don't go there, just get me home.


Angelo Sorrento.

Of course.


(Laughs) You are so my mom's type.

It's nice to finally meet you.


Yes, scotch on the rocks, please.


Cashier check, good as gold.

Smart move.

Again, I'm so sorry.

It turns out my wife wrote a check on the same account and didn't tell me.

Well, the next installment is due in two weeks.

A mistake was made.

I fixed it, I said I was sorry.

Where I come from, you graciously accept an apology and move on.

And I don't appreciate being yelled at or threatened or having assumptions made about my looks.

I... I'm sorry.

A woman in this world, sometimes I have to...

Overcompensate. (Chuckles)


You remind me of Barbara.


In a good way.


Look, we're partners, we have the same goals.

It's in both our best interests to get along.


The next drink's on you.

Uh, I think it's gonna start pretty soon.

Hmmm. Don't worry.

Seattle is two hours behind us, so you can text Mandy when you get home and she will still be awake.

So do you guys plan on living together when you go to Gallaudet?

What? It's just a question.

Well, she's deaf, right?

Okay, it's not that hard to find someone on the Internet.

I just don't understand why you're keeping it a secret.

Why? We're just friends, right?

Okay, that is not the same thing.

This girl lives on the other side of the country

____ and you haven't even met her yet.

She's just pixels on a computer screen!

So you'll cheat on me, but not her?

I do not.

Okay, just wait a second... oh my God.

Emmett, I...

(Door shuts)


How was "the ride"?


Not great actually.

I wiped out.

What? Are you okay?

Oh yeah, fine. Travis came and picked me up.

(Chuckles) The bike's ruined.

It's just a bike. Are you sure you're all right, honey?

I am not running for re-election.

Wait, is that what this is about?

I mean, what a disaster.

(Sighs) So you got off to a rocky start.

I mean, just give it time.

Come on, come on.

I am not cut out for politics.

The whole Daphne thing made that very clear.

I just... it's not a good fit.

I never should have encouraged you to run.

Stop, stop. It's not your fault.

You know, I thought it would be my new thing, my second act.

My... third act. Ahem.

I'm like a midlife-crisis cliche.

I'm sorry. You'll find something else.


Remember that hot chocolate that we didn't get to drink at the star party?

Well, I traded it to some astro-nerds for pictures of the lunar meteor shower.

They're like NASA quality.

They were that nerdy.

And I'm sorry about starting a fight with you... and kissing you. That was wrong.

Hey, wait a second. Uh...

You were right about the Simone cheating thing.

If we're gonna ever have a chance...

I need to let it go and...

I promise not to bring it up again, ever.


I can't read Dr. Jackson's handwriting.

What does this say?


(Guitar music playing)


No problem.

Hey, Daphne, can I talk to you?


♪ Been there before ♪
♪ can't remember when... ♪

I read your blog about Coto.

Oh God.

What you wrote was amazing.


It was.

It took a lot of courage.

I did do something awful though. Your sister's right.

Yeah well, we all make mistakes.

And mine yesterday was not standing up to my sister. I'm really sorry about that.

It's okay.


I should've defended you.


♪ The one who really loves you ♪
♪ the one who really loves you ♪
♪ the one who really loves you... ♪

I can definitely do more of that.


But I kinda have to...



Should one of us go out first?

♪ So alive ♪
♪ she made me feel so much... ♪

After you.

Hey, I wanted to tell you...

I broke up with Gretchen.

♪ The one who really loves you ♪
♪ the one who really loves you ♪
♪ I told myself you'd better hang on to ♪
♪ the one who really loves you ♪
♪ the one who really loves you ♪
♪ the one who really loves you. ♪

(Music fades)