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02x02 - Free Radicals, Part 2

Posted: 01/23/23 08:24
by bunniefuu
[Lilith scoffs]

Can't remember doing this much cleaning
the last time I was in this stupid group.

There better be some kind of
Mr. Miyagi-style lesson behind all this.

There's not, it's just cleaning.

Look on the bright side.

We can always sanitize them to death.

I vote we take their memories away,
see how they like it.

Ah, but then they wouldn't know
they were being punished.


What's wrong with gutting them like pigs
and leaving them to rot in the sun?



Even I'm appalled.

Yeah, Midnight is not patient.
He wants revenge, and blood.

Mostly revenge.

Well, Midnight's gonna have to wait.

I told him that, but he keeps
pressing to be released.

You need to keep him under control.

We've lost our greatest asset.

Our youthful optimism?

-Our anonymity.
-Our anonymity.

Once we retaliate, the Order is gonna know
we have our memories back.

So let's just k*ll them all.

Are you sure that's really
just Midnight talking?



I was gonna say we need an exit strategy.

So until then, what?

Wax on,

wax off.

[woman] I'm so glad this week is over.

It's been so crazy around here.

There were, like,
two deaths on campus this week.

Yeah, some guy choked to death
in his ethics class,

and another guy had a heart att*ck
on the concourse.

Oh, free kombucha.


I'm sorry, last one.


-It's not that great.
-I'm on the phone.

-Now I can't even get a free kombucha.

If I get home and I find out...

[crackling sound]

[man groans]


Hey, is he okay?
I don't know, some guy just collapsed.


[people shouting]

-[man] What?
-[woman] Oh, my God.

[man] What the hell?

[woman ] Holy sh*t!


[ringing sound]


Man, I would love to hunt down
whoever's doing that.

[Jack] Just be patient.

I am being patient.

Still talking to Midnight.

I have an out-of-the-box idea.

Let's stay a while.

You cannot be serious.

It's obvious that, as far as our training
to be Knights goes, we dropped the ball.

Maybe a little.

[Hamish] Our predecessors were
werewolves and practitioners.

The more magic we learn,
the more formidable we become.

[Lilith] It's not the worst idea on Earth.

That would be Jack's.

Maybe there's some kind of enchantment

-to protect our memories.

The only thing remotely good about
that idea is that we'd be w*r-wolves.

Warlock werewolves.

See, I was thinking were-locks.

They're both sexist.

-Guys, shut up.
-[loud noise]

-That altar should be clean already.
-We're almost done.

I don't have time for "almost done."

A physics student just mummified
on the main concourse.

Step away from the altar.


Hey, when do we learn that spell?

[music playing]

Okay. How about this?

We don't k*ll everyone,

just everyone in charge.

[Lilith] Great.

That should create a power vacuum
that lasts for a whole minutes.

Lilith's right.

Coventry was barely gone
before Vera went all Order on us.

[Lilith] Even if we wipe out
everyone here,

we still have the other chapters
to worry about.

Wait, other chapters?

Yep. Four other temples in the US alone.

God... Washington DC, California, Oregon,

New Orleans.

Then international ones.

Brazil, France, Germany.

[Lilith] Each temple averages people.

That's people,

not to mention the adepti.

Of course, the "adepti".

They're like the field agents
for the Order.

God knows how many of those there are.

Check out the big brain on Ham sandwich.

Absolutely not.

[Jack] All right.
Maybe there's too many of them to k*ll.

That's another thing.

Nobody is k*lling anyone until
we track down this rogue practitioner.

[Randall sighs]

And k*ll them.



She's a she?

Are you sure?

Pretty sure I saw her when that guy in
my ethics class went all jack-o'-lantern.

She was in the hallway,
chanting some incantation.

What'd she look like?

I didn't get a good look at her.

But she was filming the magic
on her cellphone.

That's not very helpful.

I was in the middle of transforming,
so you get what you get.

We could start with the videos.

The Order probably scrubbed
the internet clean by now.

I'm saying it's a start.

You do realize if we go hunting
without permission,

the Order will realize
we have our memories back.

We can't do nothing.

We're the Knights of Saint Christopher.

We fight bad magic.

Our priority has to be
to protect ourselves,

and I found a potion that'll do that.

It protects the mind
from any form of manipulation.

It's complex,

but if we can get our hands
on an Acheron's cauldron,

I think I can brew it.



[chuckles] Cute.

You look very cute together.

[clears throat]

I asked her out before my memory returned.

Of course she waits until I get it back
before she says yes,

so now I have to keep up this facade.

[Hamish] Could be worse.

Listen, it could be Gabrielle.

[mock gasping]


We'll track down this magic tourist.

Lilith, brew the potion.

[Nicole] Potion?

You acolytes better not be practicing
unsupervised magic.

Me? No. Well, no, see,

what I was saying is
my tutor wants me to brew a potion,

and I'm just a little nervous.

And now's a good time to go.


-[Nicole chuckles]

[Randall] So...

Um... Nicole-- Right.

I think that Randall has a crush on you.

Who wouldn't? I'm pretty damn awesome.

Yeah, you are.

And... also, I'm not interested in him.

You're sure?

Of course.


Am I breathing?


"Ask not... [pops lips]

what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country."

What did Kennedy mean
by this little bon mot?

He was talking about sacrifice.

About putting the needs of your country
before yourself,

even if it's something you don't wanna do.

[Foley] That's one way to look at it.

Wasn't he encouraging people
to contribute to the public good?

Where did you get that from?

His biography.

Ooh. Another textbook definition.

[whistles] Anyone else?

Hm? Anyone?

I think Kennedy was saying...

Wake up.



To give a sh*t.

Not be complacent,
challenge the status quo.

I don't think he was saying that.

Of course you don't, you've accepted
the pablum they've spoon-fed to you.

-They, them.

The people in charge.

-You mean elected officials?
-[Foley chuckles]

You don't honestly think
this is a democracy?

You actually don't elect anyone.

Sure, they hold their elections
and you play along,

but what happens after you vote?

Hm? For all you know,
they toss your ballot,

flip a coin to see who wins.

And you'll never know,

because you wake up, you turn on CNN
and you just accept the results,

and continue on your slow march
towards death,

just another one
of their complacent drones.

So you're saying
we should challenge the status quo.

[Foley] Whoa, hey.

[clears throat] I'm not saying anything.

I'm sure as hell not inciting anyone,

and, guys, listen to me right now.

I swear to God,

if any of you go to the chancellor
and say otherwise,

I will bury your academic standing so fast
you'll need a dowsing rod to find it.


Make a path, pardon me. Thank you.

[Jack] Thanks, Professor.

Oh, don't thank me.
I'm contractually obligated to lecture.


What does she want?

Beats me.

Hey, Alyssa.
Can I help you with something?

You can leave. Now.

Yes, Magistratus.

So you're just gonna ignore me?

I'm not supposed to know you, remember?

You can acknowledge my existence.

Listen, we need to talk
somewhere a little more private.

Not a good idea.

I can handle Gabrielle.

Not that.

Look, Midnight is still pissed at you.

Better to stay out in public.
It's a little easier to rein him in.


I need a favor.

You want a favor after what you did?

What I did was save your life.

Twice by my count. Are going to help me,

or would you rather
I pull rank on you, too, acolyte?

All right, what's the favor?

Vera wants me to find the...

The fluff-bunny
who's been murdering students.

So you want us to use our werewolf powers,

the ones we're not
supposed to know we have,

to find her, for you?

Yeah, that's right.



On one condition.

You've got to be kidding me.


I need an Acheron's cauldron.

What for?

Nothing dangerous.

Right, because
when do you do anything dangerous?

Look, just get me the cauldron,

and I will find you
the magic tourist. Deal?

Meet me at the temple
after the next class.

-That was easy.

[door opens and closes]

I thought you were out hunting.

Yeah, Jack's description
wasn't much help, so,

-I thought I'd see if you needed anything.
-[ball bounces on floor]


Probably not a good idea,

in case the Order finds us together here.

I made sure I wasn't followed.

But if someone comes to check on us...

We'd hear them long before they got here.

Randall, I know why you came here.

-To help you with that potion.
-To pick up where things left off.

Okay, yes,
but only if you're cool with it.

This sounds totally cliché,

but it's not you.

It's these damn memories
that were put in my f*cking head.

I know they're false, but...

my feelings for Nicole still feel real.


totally clichéd.

I think that's the plot
of a Katherine Heigl film.

You're mad.

Yeah, I am.

But not at you.

The Order came in here
and tore us all apart.

They took our stuff, our home, our lives.

And now Hamish wants to stay?

Staying to take from them.

And Hamish is right.

There's a lot we can learn.

Magic saved his life, remember?

After it almost k*lled him,

and Jack,

and you,

and me.

This situation isn't permanent.

What if it is?

The Order took our memories
to try and change us.

It kind of feels like they're succeeding.

Nicole is not the Order.

I hope you're right.


Help me with the potion.

I can't. I have to find
a woman with a cell phone.

[door shuts loudly]


It's the only way
to get you past the security.

Vera calls this the fear corridor.


Are there secret traps or...

-do those corpses come to life?
-Hey! Come on.

You can tell me.

I actually can't.

The enchantment prevents me
from answering stupid questions.

You're making that up.

Shut up.

We're here.

Holy sh*t.

What is all this stuff?

This is the b*ating heart of the Order.

The culmination of centuries of study
and exploration.

It's the single largest collection
of magic grimoires and artifacts

ever amassed.

This room holds the stuff of legends.

It practically resonates with pure magic.

Whoa, that's a Zoltar fortune teller.

[Alyssa] Not just any Zoltar.

It's an enchanted Zoltar.

He makes your wishes come true.

I wish I knew my major.

Uh... [chuckles] Careful.

This one's a bit of a trickster.

He grants your wishes ironically.


Uh, now wait here.

Don't move, and just don't touch anything.

-[clatters on floor]
-I said don't touch anything!

I didn't.

You got to be kidding me.



[sighs] Silverback.

You all right, buddy?

Whatever you're doing, stop it.

I'm rescuing Silverback.

I said stop it!
That's not part of the deal.

Well, the deal has changed.

If Vera finds out that hide is missing,
we'll be in a lot of trouble.

Then make sure she doesn't find out,

because I'm not leaving him
behind enemy lines.

Enemy lines?

God, you are such a hypocrite!

I have no right to be mad
after you lie about being a werewolf,

but God forbid I use pulveris memoria
to save your life.

You weren't saving my life.

You were buying your way
back into Vera's good books.

Look, if you would just pick a side
instead of flip-flopping between

-the Knights and the Order--
-I was always on the Order's side.

Then why save Randall?

Why stop Edward?

I did that for you!

What do you mean?



[man] I have to tell you,

as far as internal struggle goes,

I've seen subtler metaphors.

-Professor Clarke.
-In the flesh.

Well, not the flesh.


Yeah, I'm sorry about that.

You're in a place where
dreams and memories collide.

A realm where the past,
present, and future coexist.

The collective unconscious.

I know, I have been here before.

Why am I here this time?

So you don't have all the answers.

Jack, you got a big life decision
ahead of you.

[exhales deeply] This again?

No, I've done this already.

I do not want to die.

Yeah, yeah, you're still here.

So I'm not dying?

You're dying, but whether or not
you want to live doesn't matter.

This is because of Silverback?

Two werewolf spirits, one body.

Nobody can survive that for very long.

So I have to choose.

Sure, try that.


Okay, then. Midnight!

Not as easy as you thought
it was gonna be, huh?

If I can figure out my major,
I can figure this out.

Please, you just asked
the Enchanted Zoltar for help.

I mean, Amir and I have a bet going
that you'll never figure it out.

-Okay, I get it.
-'Cause last year, it was philosophy

or engineering.

This year it's political science
or communications.

You know what? I'm gonna figure it out.


Are you okay?

Yeah. Uh...

How long was I out?

Um, a couple of seconds.

Okay, whoa, don't move. You should rest.

No time.

Thanks for this.

Find that tourist.

[Jack] Guys,

something's happened.

Ooh, shiny.

Hey, you got the cauldron already.

Yeah, I made a deal with Alyssa.

She gives us the cauldron,
and we hunt down the tourist.

[Hamish] Smart.

Now we have an alibi.

Yeah, great. Uh, look,
I got to tell you guys something.

What's so great about
an Acheron's cauldron anyway?

-According to legend,

it's been carried to the afterlife
and sterilized in the river Acheron,

making it the purest surface possible

-for creating potions.
-Yeah, guys, look. I--

Somebody's been studying.

What did I tell you? We have
to take advantage of this opportunity.

[shouting] Guys, will you shut up
and listen to me?


Midnight's extra bitchy today.

[Jack] No, it's not Midnight, not anymore.

All right, Alyssa took me down
to this giant vault.

All of our sh*t is down there,
including our lockers.

Silverback was there,
and I tried to take him.

So now you have two hides in you?

Yeah, I do.

Oh, sh*t, I was kidding.

Dude, you totally have to transform.

What if you become some kick-ass,
two-headed w*r-wolf?


They're both sexist.

I don't know.

I don't know.
I was back in the collective unconscious,

and Professor Clarke said
that these two hides are k*lling me.

Did he say transforming was a bad idea?


So give it a sh*t.

-Do it.
-Do it.

-Do it.
-Do it.

-Do it.
-Do it.

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Do it! Do it! Do it!

Aw, damn it.

By the way, I totally forgot to tell you.

Don't transform.
It'll only accelerate your death.

Thanks for the intel.

As soon as you answer the question,
you can take care of this little problem.

Yeah, still trying to figure out
what that question is.

You know the question.
You just don't know you know it yet.

Cryptic. That's great.

If I know it, can't you just tell me?

There's a difference between knowing
and understanding, Jack.

So are all of our conversations
gonna be annoyingly elliptical riddles?

Don't come back until you're ready.

At least you figured out how to get here.

[Hamish] See? Told you.

He's not dead.

[Randall] But no transformation.

Too bad. A two-headed werewolf
would have been sick.

Guys, I gotta figure out a way
to ditch one of these hides.


Without actually dying.

Well, if you want to be finicky about it.

We'll figure something out.

In the meantime...

we hunt.

[music playing]

Remind me, was the job I gave you
to drink beer and review history notes?

No, you wanted me to find
your fluff-bunny for you.

You know, technically, I paid for you
to find that fluff-bunny.

Oh, go ahead, help yourself.

Oh, I'm sorry, I thought it was
Do Whatever You Want Day.


So, this magic tourist of yours...

She have a name?



You know what she looks like?


So, where do you propose we start?


That's your job.

We don't know the answer
to those questions, either.

Guess we'll just wait for her
to strike again.

That's a terrible plan.

Someone else is gonna get hurt.

Possibly k*lled.

Yeah. That is the downside
to being a magic cop.

Anything else I can help you with?

When am I getting the other thing back?

As soon as we're done with it.
Should be soon.

And the other...

other thing?

That's a little more complex.

But you...

You're working on it?

Look, you should leave, okay?

We're not supposed to know each other,

Because I do, finally.

You know, this whole
"pretending I don't know you" thing...

It just keeps getting easier and easier.

[ringing sound]


Basc chun báis.

Third time's the charm.

Basc chun báis.

-[rat squeals]
-[crackling sound]



She was right here.

Maybe she knows how to teleport.


Warn your friends,

and I'll end you.

Look, I just want to talk.

I don't.

If I don't reply, they're gonna know
there's a problem.

Type it and show it to me.

Send it.

[cell phone bleeps]

Drop it.

"Eleanor Taylor." Now we have a name.

And her magic.

[Randall] Hamish, take a look at this.


[people shouting on video]

The spells you're learning
are very dangerous.

That's why I'm learning them.

You're hurting people.

Then you better not mess with me.

I get it.

Magic can be intoxicating,
but in the wrong hands--

The wrong hands?

So who gets to decide?


-Actually, yeah.

What gives you that right?


just the way things shook out.

Some people become dentists,
others become magic cops.

Don't make fun of me.

I'm not.

[Randall] She recorded everything.

Magic snuff films.


I have as much right to learn magic
as you do.

I'm smarter than you.

I'm more qualified than you.

You're right, you do.

But you also have a responsibility
to learn it properly.

Maybe not k*ll so many people.


Too late for that.

If you hurry,
you might be able to save them.

-[rattling sound]
-[Jack] Guys!

Guys, get out!



It's a trap!

You're back.

Aw, damn it.

But not because
you figured out the question.

All right. Professor, I'm a little busy
for metaphysical Jeopardy! right now.

Well, then you better answer the question.




I gave you an answer.

To the wrong question.

Oh, my God, I'm so glad that I k*lled you.

-[werewolf growls]
-No, you're not.

You know how I know that?
You leave flowers at my grave.

What kind of an idiot leaves flowers
at an unmarked grave?

Jack, you're practically begging
to get caught.

Why are you mocking me for that?
It's your grave.


Don't worry about me.

I'm already dead.

Worry about the living.

Wait, is that a hint?


You guys okay?



I'd be a lot happier if I just caught her.

At least now we know
who we're looking for.

This would all be a non-issue
if I could've just wolfed out.

[approaching siren]

Even if you could, you shouldn't. We can't
risk anyone on campus seeing a werewolf.

The Order would be all over us.

Werewolf on Campus.
I'd totally watch that show.

Come on.

Okay. It seems like Ellie Taylor was
a rising star in the theology department,

and then all of a sudden she's expelled.

There are insinuations that she "borrowed"
some book without permission.

Ten bucks says that missing book
is this grimoire.

So Ellie finds an actual grimoire
and decides to give magic a whirl.

Explains how she's doing magic,
but not why.

What about her victims?

Any connections there?

Uh, nope, it doesn't look like
she knew any of them.

So we have a magic serial k*ller
on our hands.

I will give her props
for changing the narrative on her victims.

It's refreshing not to be the target
for a change.

And there's more to it,
the way she was talking.

She's not just a straight-up psycho.
She has an agenda.

How can you tell?


she sounded like me.

I'm with Ham radio.

Don't ever say that again.

She's a magic serial k*ller.

There's even a video scrapbook
of her greatest hits.

I guess we should tell Alyssa
what we found out.

And let the Order catch her? Hell, no.

How about we take this potion,

say, "f*ck the Order,"
and keep this hunt to ourselves?

-I like that idea more.
-[Hamish] Me, too.


[exhales deeply]

Conserventur cogitationes meae.

[bubbling sound]

[exhales quickly]

So, how does this work anyway?

It helps you remember everything,

even things you've forgotten naturally,
and locks them in place.

And the false memories the Order gave us?

What happens to them?

I don't know.


And drink it all at once, or your brain
will shrivel up to the size of a raisin.

-It'll what?
-Bottoms up.

[all groan]

My high school locker combination
was - - !

I was afraid of turtles when I was two!

I lost my retainer
at Darryl Hornby's house! Darryl!

Gabrielle made me get a tattoo!


[Hamish] "Prime beef"? What is this?

[Jack groans]

At least it's accurate.

[all breathing fast]


That was intense.


But worth it.

I never want to forget you guys.

-Me neither, buddy.


You're joking.

He says that, and you're all over him.

I give one toast about family
and I'm an after-school special.

Well, yeah, he's Randall.

That's true.

-[ringing sound]
-[all groan]

[Hamish] That could be Ellie.

It could also be the Order.

That's a good point.

Look, we assumed
Ellie's first magic att*ck

was that day in my Ethics class,

but maybe there was
more att*cks before that.

And that day we almost transformed...

I was over there.

The ringing sound came from...

that direction.


Let's go.

Ellie's scent is weak, but it's here.

Smells like blood.

Making me hungry.

What? I skipped lunch.


Trevor Burstyn?

[scoffs] Come on, "Burstyn"?


-I know.

I know.

He was a neophyte with Alyssa and me,

but he got washed out.

[Trevor groans]

Am I in the wall?


it's Lilith.

Remember me?

I am...

in the wall.

Did Ellie Taylor do this to?

I haven't seen her since...

freshman year.

She said I stole her blue rose.

-[crackling sound]


The pain.

Make it stop.

I don't know any magic that'll cure this.

Well, we've gotta do something.

-Sanetur! Reparetur! Restituatur!

-It's not working.
-Yeah, you think?

[Trevor] Stop!

[Tremor screams in agony]


Poor guy.

Didn't get in,

and magic still k*lled him.

Why att*ck a wash-out?

Because she didn't know he was a wash-out.

Neither did he. They powdered him
after they sent him packing.

Ellie doesn't know that, either.

Any denial would have
sounded like a cover-up.

She att*cks someone
she thinks is in the Order,

and then goes after
a bunch of random civilians?

It doesn't make sense.

Actually, it does.

Her videos... You could see
Order members in each sh*t.

So she's trying to flush out
Order members?

But why does she want to identify us?

She doesn't, she wants the Order.

Yeah, that's us.

-Ah, right.
-[Hamish] Guys,


She said she accused him
of stealing her blue rose.

She knows the Order exists
and she blames them for not getting in.

She's out for revenge.

Okay, now we need to warn Alyssa.

[Jack] Alyssa, it's Jack.

No, I'm not calling to argue.

[people chattering]

Thank you.

[music playing]



Try and look a little more disappointed.


I was hoping for someone else.

Your werewolf.

She's not my wolf.

She's... She's her own person.



How long have you slept with the enemy?

We're not sleeping together.

We're dating,
but we didn't want anyone to know.

I'm a psychology major.

Do you want to be a psychologist?


Who wants to sit around
and listen to people whine all day?

I'm learning how to identify
my opponents' weaknesses.

Your opponents?

Which opponents?

All of them.

All of them.

And trust me,

you'll want to get over
your Stockholm syndrome

sooner rather than later.

If Lilith finds out what you did to her,

she'll rip your throat out.

I love that top.


[Alyssa] She's a disgruntled wannabe
with an axe to grind

against the secret society
that rejected her?

[Jack] Yeah, and she's been using magic
to identify members.

She sounds like a female you.

I know.

That was a joke.

It's kind of true.

Kind of.

Okay. So now what?

Now we find Ellie Taylor before
she blasts anyone else through a wall.

And we will, but you...

You need to stand down.

You look terrible.

It's that other hide, isn't it?

They're fighting for dominance.

You're in no condition to keep going.

I don't have a choice.

The others are scouring campus,
and I'm gonna go join them.

That's an order, acolyte.

Hold that thought, Magistratus.

That's her behind Gabrielle.

She's leading her right to the temple.

Come on!

Get the others.

Did you really think you could sneak up on

Gabrielle Dupres?

I thought you said
she was right behind me.

She was right behind you.

Then why did she bail?

'Cause you're not the target.

I am.

Basc chun báis!

That's bad.

Where are the Knights?

Somewhere in the forest...

looking about as good as you right now.

You need to hurry...

unless you want to spend
the rest of eternity

debating ethical theories with me.

Oh, God, no.


And the question?

What kind of person do I want to be?

Why Silverback?

'Cause I want the strength
of a wolf and...

the mercy of a human.


I got it right.

There was no wrong answer, Jack.

-You got to be kidding me.
-But there's also no quick fix.

There are only informed
and uninformed decisions.

Your urge for revenge,

that isn't all Midnight.


I know.

Is that why you're here instead of Pete?


I am here to guide you
on your spiritual journey

-towards self-enlightenment.
-You are?


God, get over yourself. Go live a little.

You've got the rest of eternity
for navel-gazing.

What am I telling you for?
You'll find out soon enough.

Hey, look me up when you're back.

We'll go check out the dinosaurs.

What do you mean, when I'm back?

Oh, sh*t.



-Desiste quod facias!

[Ellie grunts]


you're back in Silverback.

I am.

How Jack got his Silverback.


I have to admit, I half expected
Midnight to take you with him.

That reminds me, you owe me $ .

Silverback by popular demand.

[Jack] Okay.

Whoa, you guys bet
on whether I would live or die?

I bet you'd live because I believe in you.

Johann Sebastian Silver-Bach.


And I bet against you 'cause I'm a cynic.

Silverback to the Future.

You are such an idiot.

How do you do it?

How do you k*ll someone and not...


We care.

[Alyssa] No, I...

I want your advice.

[door opens]

[Vera] Well.

I certainly hope that was the last
respondeo I have to do for a while.

Miss Drake.

Congratulations are in order.

It was unfortunate you were forced
to dispatch with our suspect

before we could question her motives,

but the situation is resolved.

Thank you, Grand Magus.

And as for you four...

Well, you can clean that up.

[door shuts]

-[Randall groans]
-[Lilith chuckles]

Alyssa, wait.

I just wanted to let you know
that we are

done with the cauldron.

And that other, other thing
is taken care of, too.

Yeah. Great.

Hey, wait.

I also wanted to thank you...

for saving my life.

I owe you one.

By my count, you owe me three.

You're right.

And if I hadn't been so busy...

trying to be angry at everyone,

I would have realized that a lot sooner.

So thank you. Thank you.

I'm sorry.

For what?

Your irrational anger
or your pious indignation?

After what you did to Ellie, both.

Oh, sh*t. My-- Too soon?

I just didn't expect you
to do something like that...

for me, especially how I've been acting.

I didn't do that for you.

Okay, I deserve that.

No, I--

I didn't plan to m*rder anyone.

That spell...


Like every other spell or incantation
or potion I've tried lately.

There's something really wrong
with my magic.

There's something wrong with me.

-No. No.