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04x06 - Legacy

Posted: 01/23/23 11:28
by bunniefuu

Are you trying to fill
another inside straight, Worf?

Don't say I didn't warn you.


I fold.

I will raise you three.

No cards?

The best poker face I've ever seen.

Dealer takes two.

Your three and ten more.

I will see your ten

and raise you 20.

Data, have you got a flush
or a full house?

It will cost you 20
to make that determination, sir.

Dealer folds.

You two have successfully divided
the evening between you.

I suspect conspiracy.

But far be it for me
to accuse my superior officers.

You're getting harder
and harder to bluff, Data.

You've learned this game very well.

Yes, sir. I believe I have.

I'll tell you what.

I'll bet that I can find any card
that you hide in this deck.

And furthermore,
I will make you help me find it.

Careful, Data.

Your guidance is much valued,


Pick a card.

Don't let me see it.

Now lose it in the deck.

Cut the deck into two even piles.


One more time.

And again.

- How may cards?
- Eleven.

Pick five.

Throw them away.

Pick three more.

Okay, now, pick one of those.

That your card?

- Incredible.
DATA: Not at all, counselor.

You surreptitiously placed the edge
of your left thumb against the card.

When you divided the deck
to reshuffle,

you kept that card on top.

You thus were able to have me
either save or discard,

depending upon the location
of the card,

which you followed at each step.

Until we were left with just one,
the card I originally chose.

Sir, I believe
under the circumstances...


Picard to Riker.

- Captain?
PICARD: We received a distress call.

We're changing course to intercept.

Captain's log stardate 44215.2.

The Enterprise has bypassed

it's scheduled archaeological survey
of Camus Il

in response to a distress call
from the Federation freighter Arcos,

which has assumed an emergency
orbit around Turkana IV,

birthplace of our late comrade,
Tasha Yar.


We will be entering the Turkana
System in 11 minutes, captain.

PICARD: Engine status?
- Stable.

But we have maintained warp factor 9
for longer than is recommended, sir.

Subspace message from the Arcos.

Their transmitter is failing.

- Audio only.
- Let's hear it.

This is Tan Tsu,

Arcos engineer. Estimate five minutes
till warp drive containment breach.

[expl*si*n ON RECORDING]

Make that three minutes.
Thanks for trying, Enterprise.

Ensign, warp factor 9.3.

How much time?

Seven minutes, 15 seconds will put us
within transporter range, captain.


prepare to lock on to the crewmen.

Aye, captain.

DATA: We are now entering
the Turkana system, sir.

Slow to impulse.

Visual contact, sir.

Get them out of there, O'Brien.


Status, O'Brien!

There's nothing to lock on to.

I am reading an ion trail characteristic
of a freighter escape pod.

Unable to establish contact.

It could have been damaged
by the expl*si*n.

They may have been able
to maintain orbit.

Let's hope they stay clear
of the colony.

That is exactly where
the ion trail is leading, commander.

Hail the colony.

I've been trying to, captain.
No response.

They haven't been able to maintain
reliable communications

since their government fell apart.

The last Federation vessel
to make contact

was the Potemkin six years ago.

They were warned that anyone
transporting down to the colony

would be k*lled.

Number One, ready an away team.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission:
to explore strange new worlds,

to seek out new life
and new civilizations.

To boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Captain's log, supplemental.

We are in orbit above Turkana 1V,
a colony that severed relations

with the Federation
nearly 15 years ago.

I'm concerned
about sending an away team,

but if we are to discover the fate
of two missing Federation crewmen,

I see no alternative.

The surface settlement
appears to be all but destroyed.

Sensors show that the colonists
now live in structures

that extend nearly three kilometers
beneath the city.

Have you located the escape pod's
landing point, chief?

Yes, sir, 300 meters
beyond the colony perimeter.

Sir, we can anticipate
a violent response to our presence.

Perhaps the doctor should wait here
until we signal.

I appreciate your concern.
I think it's exaggerated.

the colony is completely lawless.

- Lieutenant Yar spoke of r*pe gangs--
CRUSHER: Mr. Worf.

I can handle myself.

She's coming. The Arcos crewmen
may need immediate medical attention.

Set phasers on maximum stun.


DATA: The dispersion trail continues
in this direction.

The concentration gradient
definitely increases along this vector.

The escape pod was apparently moved
into the tunnels ahead of us.


MAN 1:
Pardon me. Excuse me.

- Hardly the response we expected.
MAN 2: Pardon me.

Maybe things have changed here.


Over here. Freeze!

Identify yourselves!

We're from
the Federation starship Enterprise.

We've tracked two of our crewmen
to this area.

- Do you know anything about them?
- Possibly.

What do you mean?

- They found us.
- Proximity detectors.

I've seen them used on Manu lll.

Follow me.

The Alliance is holding your men
hostage, Commander Riker, not us.

- You can expect a ransom demand.
- The Alliance?

Our good friends.


Our good friends
are gonna be upset

when they realize we took
their last crate of Telluridian synthale.

Maybe I should take this
to the authorities.

We are the authorities.

The Coalition, our cadre,
runs this side of the city.

The Alliance controls the other side.

- Take your choice.
- Are you offering to help us?

In return for some consideration.

Phasers are in short supply
down here.

A starship isn't going to miss a few.

That is no better
than a ransom demand.

HAYNE: No matter what you give
the Alliance,

they'll eventually k*ll
your crewmen anyway.

With our help,
at least there's a chance

you'll get your men back alive.

All I'm asking for is help
in maintaining our defense.

We are trying to keep the peace.

Everything we've seen
would indicate otherwise.

Heh. A prank.

Proximity implants prevent either side
from doing any serious damage.

They warn us
when an enemy is approaching.

Then why do you need
more phasers?

The Alliance just discovered
a large cache of weapons.

I'm just trying to make things even,
to preserve the peace.

You keep using the word peace.

We've heard a different version of life
on Turkana IV.

Ancient history.

- Where did you hear that?
- A former crewman was born here.

Where is he now?

She was k*lled in the line of duty.

Well, that's as good a way
to die as any.

As I said, ancient history.

This is now.
And your men are in trouble.

We'll return to the Enterprise
and consider your proposal.

A gift for your captain.

Riker to Enterprise.


I want everything there is to know
about the starship Enterprise.

According to Hayne,
the Coalition and the Alliance

raid each other for supplies,
much of it nonessential.

- Why?
- A battle exercise.

Their defenses apparently prevent
deep strikes into each other's territory.

Minor skirmishes are all that's left.

Coalition, Alliance.
It all sounds so reasonable.

But what you've described
is the behavior of urban street thugs.

We certainly won't trade weapons
for crewmen.

How do you suggest
we deal with them?

We have to tell them something.

No promises, no denials.

For now, Hayne's Coalition
is our only safe access to the colony.

We'll keep the door open,
see where it leads us.


transmission coming in
from Turkana IV

on a secure channel.


Hello, Enterprise.

Commander Riker, would you
introduce me to your captain?

I'm Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

I have someone here
you might like to meet.

This is Ishara.

Ishara Yar.

Tasha was my sister.

There's an old saying:

The enemy of my enemy
is my friend.

I've decided it's in my best interest
to help you get your crewmen back.

With nothing from us in return?

You could be forced into paying
my adversary a ransom in weapons.

I'll do anything I can
to avoid that possibility.

What do you propose?

Ishara will be our liaison.

I know Alliance territory.
I can help you with a rescue plan.

One moment.


- Mute.
PICARD: Reactions?

- I do not trust him.
RIKER: She could be a fake.

We told them a member of our crew
was from the colony.

All Hayne had to do was to search
through their database on Starfleet

to find Tasha's name.


He's deceiving us

and he's clearly hoping
to manipulate us.

As for the identity
of the young woman,

I can't really tell.

Nevertheless, this is an option
we cannot neglect.

We'll continue on other fronts
as they present themselves.

For now,
let's see what she has to say.


I have decided to accept
your proposal.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Welcome to the Enterprise, Ishara.
I am Commander Data.

You're not human.

I am an android.

Built for fighting?

On what do you base
that assumption?

A cybernetic device
serving on a starship.

The Enterprise is not a ship of w*r.
It is a ship of exploration.

The first thing to do
is to help you map the colony.

This is a general grid
of the tunnel system.

I can fill in the specific details
from memory.

My orders are to escort you
to the observation lounge.

Please come with me.

Your sister never spoke of you.

That's not surprising.

It is surprising to me.

Tasha and I
spent much time together.

We had a number of conversations.

Did she talk at all about the colony?

Only to say that she was lucky
to have escaped.

It wasn't luck, it was cowardice.

Cowardice is a term
I have never heard applied to Tasha.

Is something wrong?


It is just that for a moment,

the expression on your face
reminded me of her.

It's been 15 years.

I don't even remember
what she looked like.

You don't believe I'm Tasha's sister.

We have considered the possibility.

I'm not surprised.

You can sample my DNA
if you'd like.

Yes, I will.

Please sit down.

Thank you.

Perhaps it would help
if you gave us some idea

of what we're dealing with
on Turkana IV.

The last information describes a colony
in almost complete disarray.

It started falling apart
almost 30 years ago.

There were dozens of factions.

They fought until the city above ground
was in ruins.

The Coalition and the Alliance
are all that's left?

We were the two strongest factions.

When the government
couldn't stop the v*olence,

they gave us police powers.

Their proximity detectors

were originally designed
by the government

to keep us under control.

Apparently, that part of the plan
didn't work very well.

No. After a few months,

we didn't need the government

Tasha left you
in the middle of all that?

She didn't abandon me,
if that's what you mean.

Tasha asked me to go with her,
but I had already joined the Coalition.

They were my family.

Captain, we don't have a lot of time.
Maybe we should get started.

WORF [OVER COM]: Incoming
transmission from the colony, captain.


Enterprise, I'm being held
by Turkana IV Alliance.

I've been instructed to say

that you have 20 hours
to make reparations

for Federation intrusions
into this colony,

or my pilot and I will be k*lled.

Ask them if we can at least
send some medical--

Take that thr*at seriously, captain.

They'll t*rture them
and then they'll k*ll them.

My cadre has never recovered
a hostage alive from the Alliance.

Your crewmen could be held
in any number of places.

The Alliance
has two main headquarters

and 13 ancillary bases of operation.

All underground, all heavily guarded.

Captain, if I could get
to the myographic scanner...

- What's that?
- Sensing device from the escape pod.

It monitors the bioelectric signatures
of the crew

in the event they get separated
from the pod.

I could install a booster
on the device

that would relay its signals
to the Enterprise.

Then we could track the men
from up here.

Unfortunately, we don't know
where the escape pod is.

Level 3C, Section 547.

We have our sources.

Access tunnels are here and here.

We could transfer the away team
right into the center section.

Don't underestimate them,

They'll be ready for that.

I've seen them
use this kind of strategy before.

I know it looks isolated
and easily accessible,

but my guess is they have hundreds
on the levels above and below

just waiting for you
to make your move.

We will need a diversion.

Transport a couple of photon grenades
into the adjoining chamber.

At minimum intensity,
it wouldn't k*ll anybody,

but it would shake them up a bit.

That won't give us enough time.

We need to occupy them long enough
for you to install the relay.

Transport me into this corridor.

My magnetic implant
will set off the defense alarms.

They'll think it's a raid
by the Coalition.

Too dangerous. We've seen
what those tunnels look like.

You could be easily cut off
from the rest of us. Worf--

Commander Riker, I was ordered
to assist you in any way possible.

That doesn't mean
as long as it's safe or convenient.

If you had the time, we could come up
with another plan, but you don't.

Right now, I'm your best option.

She would have to be armed, sir.

I'd like to discuss this
with the captain.

Take Ishara down
to see Dr. Crusher.

You have Tasha's DNA on file?

The ship's computer does.

There's always some differentiation
between sonomic chromosomes,

but not enough to affect results.

It should take me a few hours
to run the sonomic comparison.

That wasn't too bad.

So all that's left of my sister
is a file in a computer.

Tasha exists
in our memories as well.

How did she die?

Lieutenant Yar was k*lled on Vagra Il
by a malevolent entity.

- In battle?
- No.

She was k*lled as a demonstration
of the creature's power.

Without provocation.


That's not how I intend to die.

The captain approves.
You're with us.


Enterprise, we're in position.

Mr. O'Brien, energize.

Aye, captain.


MAN 1:
They're at Level 2.

- Tunnel 16.
- Come on.

WOMAN: You're with us.
MAN 2: Spread out.

Here, I'm here.


MAN 1:
I think it's 11.

MAN 2: Let's check five.
MAN 1: Yes, sir.

MAN 3:
Here comes three.

MAN 4: Checking.
MAN 5: Nobody.

MAN 6: Nothing in ten.
MAN 7: Look again.

MAN 8: Watch our time.
MAN 9: Seven clear.

MAN 10: There itis.
MAN 11: It's alert.

MAN 12: Somebody's here.
MAN 13: Watch your back.

MAN 14: I'm right behind you.
MAN 15: Follow him. This way.

MAN 16: We had a movement.
MAN 17: Which way?

MAN 18:
Go, go!


- Geordi, what is taking so long?
- There's a lot of damage here.

Myographic scanner is operational,
but power source keeps fluctuating.

Can you fix it?

I can probably run a shunt
from the converter.

- How long will it take?
- Ten minutes.

Do it.

O'Brien, lock on to Ishara
and get her out of here.

There's a transformer substation

directly above the chamber
she just entered.

It's masking her signal.

Stand by.

- Stay here and cover La Forge.
WORF: Commander.

It's an order. Return to the ship
when you're done.

I'll signal for transport
as soon as I can.



Get us out of here.




How is she?

A couple of cracked ribs.
She'll be all right.

Dr. Crusher just called me with
the results of the DNA comparison.

Ishara is Tasha's sister.

After what she did for us down there,
that doesn't surprise me one bit.

You took some unnecessary
personal risks, Number One.

We lost Tasha on an away team
under my command.

The thought of the same thing
happening to her sister...

It's an emotional response, Will.
We can't afford it.



Well done.

I've fused the bone tissue
along both fractures.

The muscles around the area
will be weak for a day or two

but you shouldn't feel any pain.

Thank you, doctor.

I wanted to thank you personally

for what you did for us
down on the colony.

It was more than I expected.

I don't run away
when things get tough

like some people.

Like my sister did.

Let me tell you about your sister.

The first time I saw Tasha Yar,

she was making her way
through a Carnelian minefield

to reach a wounded colonist.

Her ship had responded
to their distress call, as had mine.

When it was all over,

I requested that she be assigned
to the Enterprise.

Her ship's captain owed me a favor.

In the months that followed,

she never once failed to put the safety
of the crew before her own.

And she d*ed doing the same.

I'm sorry you never knew
the woman Tasha became.

I think you would have been
proud of her.

And she of you.

What is this structure?

A main fusion source.

There's one next to each
of the Alliance headquarters.

It powers
all of their defensive systems.

This chamber is accessed
from the level below.

Entry points are evenly spaced
along this wall every 25 meters.

Data, where was Tasha's post?

Tactical station.
Where Lieutenant Worf is now.

Did Tasha have many friends here?


She was especially close to
Commander Riker and Lieutenant Worf.

And to myself.

Are you able to have friends?


But you don't have feelings, do you?

Not as such.

However, even among humans,

friendship is sometimes less
an emotional response

and more a sense of familiarity.

So you can
become used to someone.


As I experience
certain sensory input patterns,

my mental pathways
become accustomed to them.

The input is eventually anticipated
and even missed when absent.

Like my sister.

Yes. Like your sister.

They've been moved
so far underground

it's been difficult
to pinpoint their signatures.

But the men are here. Next to one
of the Alliance headquarters.

That's about two kilometers
of solid granite above their heads.

- So much for the transporters.
- Not necessarily.

We could use the ship's phasers
to cut a shaft through the bedrock

to this storage tunnel here.

With a clear path through the rock,

we'd be able to transport
down through the tunnel.

That'll put us close enough
to get to the crewmen.

But I'll need two hours
to refit the ship's phasers for drilling.

It's a real maze down there.

ISHARA: I spent a lot of time
in that section before they took it over.

There are blind tunnels and dead ends
that don't even show up on this map.

We do not have much choice.

If it wasn't for my implant
setting off all the alarms,

I could guide you to your men.

We could remove the implant.

No. It has a micro-expl*sive inside
that detonates on contact with air.

When you join a cadre,
you join for life.

A small forcefield containing xenon
or another inert gas

could be placed
over the incision site.

The expl*sive
could possibly be disarmed

at the same time it is removed.

This is something you're going to have
to decide for yourself, Ishara.

Think about it
while we're waiting for Geordi.


Our parents were k*lled
in some crossfire, just after I was born.

Some people took care of us
for a few months,

but then one day, we came home
and they were gone.

So Tasha took care of me.

And when I was old enough,
I joined the Coalition.

DATA: Tasha did not?

My sister hated the cadres.

She blamed them
for our parents' death.

For everything.

She refused to join and she left
as soon as she had the chance.

I always thought
she was weak for doing that.


Maybe I was wrong, maybe--

Maybe she made the right choice.

To work together for something
besides k*lling.

To be close to someone

without always having to protect
your back.

Very appealing.

You're the perfect example.

I hardly even know you, Data,
but already, I completely trust you.

I even consider you a friend.

Thank you.

I would like to consider you
my friend as well.

If I had known about this place
15 years ago,

things might have been different.

Maybe it's not too late.

Ishara is willing
to have the implant removed, sir.

Good. Inform Dr. Crusher.

She has also expressed a desire
to leave the colony.

She hopes to apply to the Academy
and eventually join Starfleet.

Does she understand the magnitude
of these decisions?

She claims to, captain.

I get a sense of ambiguity from her.

Her loyalties are clearly divided,

Are you suggesting we should deny
her an escape from this environment?


I'm just not sure
she wants to escape.

It's the only way of life
she's ever known.

Ultimately, it is her decision to make,
not ours.

Mr. Data, proceed with the mission
as planned.

TROI: Data?
- Yes, counselor.

You seem so strong in your support.

I'm curious.

We must free the crewmen.

She appears to be our best hope
of doing so.

In addition...

I have become used to her.


- Thank you, Data.
- You are welcome.

Dr. Crusher is expecting you
in Sickbay.

It's all so different.

To what are you referring?

On the colony,
nobody does anything for anyone else

unless they have something
to gain from it.

But I do have something
to gain from it.

Your continued presence
on the ship.

Is something wrong?

I have to tell Hayne and the others.

I owe it to them.

Guess I ought to get it over with.

If you desire privacy,
you may use the observation lounge.

That would probably make things
a little easier.



It's working.

Captain's log, stardate 44225.3.

Dr. Crusher has successfully removed
Ishara's magnetic implant

enabling the young woman
to guide our rescue attempt.

Without my intending it,

she has virtually become
an active member of the crew.

Cardiovascular functions, normal.

Metabolism, immunity,
all other vital signs, excellent.

How do you feel?

Better than I've ever felt.

Thanks for staying with me.

You might wanna keep this.
It's been with you a long time.

You keep it, Data.

So you won't forget me.

Have you reconsidered your decision
to stay with us?


Just in case
something goes wrong down there.

I understand
you wish to join Starfleet.

Someday. If I'm lucky.

On that day,
it is we who will be lucky.

Riker, is your away team ready?

Waiting for your signal, sir.

Status, Mr. La Forge?

Phasers in alignment
and ready to fire.

How far must we penetrate
to safely allow transport function?

One-point-six kilometers.

- Fire phasers.
- Aye, sir.

One-point-three kilometers.


One-point-five kilometers.

One-point-six kilometers.
Deep enough for transport, sir.

Cease fire.

Mr. O'Brien, energize.

This way.

Caution is indicated.

We're near the heart of the Alliance.

Security is minimal here.

They aren't expecting anybody
this far in.


Follow me.

Are you certain?

No, I'm not.

I'm trying to remember.
I was here, but it was a long time ago.

There have been changes.

It's through here.

Your men are behind that door.


Hold out your hands.



Let's get moving.

- Where is she?
- Commander, look.

What the hell happened here?

She probably tried to draw their fire.
It triggered the alarm.

- Get these men back to Enterprise.
- Come on.

Data, you're with me.



What are you doing?

The fusion generator is overloading.

You are attempting to disable
the defense system.

For what reason?

- We have rescued the crewmen.
- I don't care about your crewmen.

We have 3000 troops waiting
at the perimeter.

When the defenses go down,
they'll come in.

The Alliance will fall.

The Federation will be responsible
for the resulting deaths.

I cannot allow that.

You don't have a choice.

That is not so.

I don't wanna k*ll you, Data.

But I will.

We will both be destroyed
by the expl*si*n.

The Coalition has been all I've had
for 15 years.

They've given me a life.
I don't mind dying for them.

But you won't have to
if you just get out of here now.

Was this your intention
from the beginning?

We never could've gotten this deep
into Alliance territory without your help.

Our help was not deliberate.

- You deceived us.
- What's the difference?

You got what you came for!
Why do you care about what we do?

Your friendship with me
was part of the deception, was it not?

You misled me at each step,
and yet I was completely unaware.

It doesn't matter now.
None of it does.

Not get out of here, Data, please!

My duty requires me to intercede.



What was she doing?

Disabling the detection system
so her forces could att*ck.

Set to k*ll.

Your strategy failed.

It was a calculated risk.

You gave us an opportunity
we couldn't ignore.

Ishara, are you hurt?


I want her returned immediately.

You're in no position to dictate
to anybody.

She att*cked
two Federation officers.

- You have no jurisdiction here.
- Don't talk about legal rights.

Your jurisdiction is based entirely
on the thr*at of v*olence.

You have your crewmen back.

- Isn't that enough?
RIKER: What do you know about--?

Commander Data, escort Ishara
to the transporter room.

Thank you.

- I'm just trying to preserve the pea--
- Close the channel.

You're far more charitable
than I would have been, captain.

I understand your feelings,
Number One.

I share them.

But perhaps the fault lies in ourselves.
We were so eager to accept her.

Each of us, myself included,

wanted to see something of Tasha
in this woman.

We saw more than was there.

You haven't said one word to me.

What do you wish to talk about?

I did what I had to do.

I'm sorry if I hurt you in the process.

I am an android.

It is not possible
for me to be injured in that fashion.

Whenever you're ready.

You know, Data,
I wasn't always lying to you.

That time we spent talking,

that was the closest thing to friendship
I've ever had.

If that means anything to you.



Come in.

Data, what's on your mind?

Recent events
have left me puzzled, sir.

It has been days since Ishara left

and yet my thoughts
seem to dwell on her.

Almost as if I were experiencing
a feedback loop

in my mnemonic network.

I know what you mean.

It is curious
that I was so easily misled.

- Make that we.
- Yes, sir.

Data, sit down.

Thank you, sir.

In all trust,
there is the possibility of betrayal.

I'm not sure
you were prepared for that.

Were you prepared, sir?

I don't think anybody ever is.


Then it is better not to trust?

Without trust, there's no friendship,
no closeness.

None of the emotional bonds
that make us who we are.

And yet you put yourself at risk.

Every single time.

Perhaps I am fortunate, sir,

to be spared
the emotional consequences.
