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08x15 - Alpha Dog

Posted: 01/23/23 12:11
by bunniefuu
(Male announcer)
In New York City's
w*r on crime,

the worst criminal offenders
are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

[Overlapping dialogue]

[Women screaming]

[Screaming continues]

He's everywhere.

Don't let it ruin our night.

No, no.

I'm fine.

[Electronic dance music]

* *

b*tches can't believe it.

[Laughs smugly]

Page six
will have us reconciled

and me pregnant
by the morning.

Let's try for it.

Didn't take long.

At least he's consistent.

Amy, come on.


Lean on me.
We'll go through the kitchen.

No, I'm not sneaking out,
I can hide it.


[Both panting]

What is this,
the third time we've hooked up?

When do I get to know
who you are?

I'm pleasure.

What am I getting myself
into here?


You have drained me
of all of my free will.

Crowd: No demolition!
No demolition!

No demolition!

Let's get the hell
out of here.

Crowd: No demolition!
No demolition!

The krill's out early today.

Yeah, in a week.
These idiots are history.

Crowd: No demolition!
No demolition!

No demolition!
No demolition!

Albert, move it!

No demolition!
No demolition!


Hamp, it's Teru.

Yo dude, it's 9:30.

Come on, man, get up.

Time to work those moneymakers.

Dude, your billboards
are everywhere, man,

even Philly.

My mom called this morning,

oh, my god.

I show up with coffee,
same time every day.

Hamp loved to work out,
even if he hadn't slept.

He loved his Pilates.

He'd hurt his back
doing weights.

It was, um, his color.

That's how I knew.

He was dead.

Yeah. I called 911
and they got here in minutes.

Oh, my god.

It was less than two hours ago
that I walked in,

thinking he was alive.

Oh, hey.
Uh, no dr*gs.

I already checked.

When you found
the door open,

you didn't think anything
was wrong?

No, no.

Uh, Hamp bought this building
not too long ago.

Um, he's got offices
on the floors below.

People, they come and go
all the time.

What kind of offices?

His film projects.

Music business,
charity works.

Any thoughts on
his cause of death?

Well, barring
a medical anomaly,

I guess it's an overdose.

I guess you--

you noticed the petechial
hemorrhaging there.

Suffocation could have
resulted from

a reflux caused
by the drug ingestion.

Well, I didn't smell vomit.

I'll hold off judgment
until after I crack his chest.

This is memory foam.

The Pilates instructor
mentioned he had a bad back.

Do you notice
the big indentations there?

Maybe made from the knees,
and smaller ones here, see?

So he wasn't alone,
and apparently,

he was living up
to his reputation.

We'll bag everything
for semen and fluids.

Can you light that indentation
on the pillow?

Well, that's no shroud
of Turin, but--

it's definitely his face.

So either he slept face down,

or someone pushed him
into the pillow.

Maybe forced him down
hard enough...

To suffocate him.

You, uh--
maybe finish your coffee?

Thank you.

It was hot when
you arrived here?

Yeah, uh, I never bring Hamp
cold coffee.

Just seems to be
room temperature now.

How long have you been here?

It's been more than two hours
since I got here.

Maybe four hours ago?

So before you called 911--

I called Amy,
his ex-wife.

I didn't want her to see it
on the news.

And then Amy cleaned out
the dr*gs.


[Overlapping chatter, siren]

I did it to protect him
from a feeding frenzy.

Do you have to do this now?

She's just lost her husband.

Wasn't there a bitter divorce?

I loved Hamp.

We were trying
for reconciliation.

Why did Hamp
live at his loft?

They were giving each other
some space.

I see you played Venefica.

You pronounced it right.

Producers wanted to change it.


Ancient Roman women
that were sorceresses,

they k*lled men
by the act of love.

If the audience has
your erudition,

I'll have a hit.

This one here,
you're an Olympic skier.

When was that?

Extreme measures, um...

Three years ago?

Oh, that's around the same
time you split with Hamp.


But our feelings
were very strong.

We wanted it to work.

The news said
you left the club early.

You weren't having fun?

My hip was bothering me,
so I couldn't dance.

Yeah, I noticed that,

you know,
you have a slight limp.

Making extreme measures,
I...Fell doing my own stunts.

Sometimes stress
causes it to hurt.

Mm. What was stressful
last night?

What's between them
is very personal.

So's homicide.
And I asked her.

Someone m*rder*d Hamp?

We're trying
to determine that.

But removing evidence
doesn't help us.

In fact, it's a felony.

I told you
why I did it.

A man that I loved is dead.

So I don't have
to tolerate this.

It's enough.

The color of passion,
that's you, baby.

With her hair
and complexion, fabulous.

You're sweet.


I'm now in the private sector.

I am so curious about
Hamp Trotter.

There's a rumor
he might have been m*rder*d.

Yeah, I don't--

such a great guy.

He came in here
a number of times.

What a shame.

He would come
with all these women.


Real tragedy.

You wouldn't believe
the gifts he buys for women.

Or he used to, rather.

What a great guy.
Can you just--

just...hold on.

Galla! Galla!

So there's talk, baby.
You can't let it get to you.

It's not what I wanted,

Stuff happens.

The evidence that they had,

it's not where they can find it,
you know why?

Because I'm looking out
for you.

I hope you can
appreciate that.

Yeah? Good.

'Cause when I look across
that table,

I wanna see you wearing
those little rubies.

[Growls playfully]

We'll be back.
Come on.

It's still not officially
a homicide,

but I had to put on extra people
to handle the calls.

We ran a paparazzi blockade
at Amy's apartment.

Relative to that,
her manager called

complaining that my detectives

were aggressive
with a grieving widow.

Does widow apply
if they were divorced?

I think they started rumors
of reconciliation

to promote her new film.

Three years ago,
she was a rising star,

he was the unknown male model
who married her.

Amazing how a set of abs
and some luck

can turn things around.

I would imagine some enemies
come with sudden fame.

Who did Hamp climb over
on his way to the top?

You know, Hamp actually
had a reputation for being a--

a decent guy.

He was generous,
he embraced good causes.

He also embraced any woman
who got close enough

for a smell test.

Opens some doors for motive.

We'll be right down.

We've already had
security issues.

Caught one of our transfer
people trying to take photos

of that which made him

They could definitely ignite
a bidding frenzy on eBay.

Very tastefully stated,

Now, cause of death.

Detective Goren once again

has an irritating way
of being right.

He suffocated.

No internal bruising on his
throat, no ligature marks,

but fingertip bruises
on his neck and lower scalp

within the hairline.

His face was forced
into the pillow.

He's a big strong guy.

There were no signs
of a struggle.

Well, with what he had
in his system,

he could best be described
as totally malleable.

Sinuses had residue of cocaine

and substantial amounts
of Oxycontin.

Well, Oxycontin is
a time release pill

and it's ground and inhaled.

It has an immediate effect.

Somnolence, Bradychardia.

Drug alone could have
k*lled him.

It's usually used for
long-term pain management.

So it could have been
a woman with a limp.

I see your hip
must be feeling better.

You're not limping.

Yeah. It's fine.

I'm curious.

What medications do you use
for the pain?

Uh, without immunity,
my client won't respond to that.

Well, I don't think
immunity's in her best interest.

I'll decide
if it's her best interest.

She's not risking a, uh,
narcotics charge.

She'll be risking
more than that

if word of immunity
gets to the tabloids.

The media will try her
for Hamp's m*rder.

Wait, you don't think
that I k*lled Hamp.

You went to his loft
and removed evidence.

That's an odd reaction

when you hear somebody
you supposedly love is dead.

Well, I also cried.

It tore my heart out
to see him like that.

I never would have k*lled him.
I loved him.

We hear that
every day, Amy.

If I had k*lled Hamp,

I would have taken the dr*gs
at the time.

There's no way
I would have gone back.

That's a good point.

Yeah well,
I've played a murderess.

I know how they think.


We're not after, uh,
narcotics charges here.

We're just--

we just want to know

if Oxycontin was one
of the dr*gs you removed.

Yeah, along with coke
and some hash.

The oxy bottle
was my prescription.

I gave it to Hamp
along with the lecture.

I think he heard me.

Why do you say that?

Well, the bottle
had its full pill count.

If he overdosed on oxy,

it was someone else
that gave it to him.

Your hip began hurting you
at the party.

What caused that?

I had seen her before
at pastiche.

She was with Hamp.

I...knew he had her,
and that he wanted her again.

So it was time
to limp on home.

Who is she?

Dark hair, beautiful...

They're always beautiful.

One notices details
about the other woman.

Clothes, hairstyle...

Black dress
to accentuate white skin

and a...Great body.

She had...Canary diamonds.

You know, at pastiche,
she was wearing emerald studs.

An earring whore.

Beautiful, big diamonds,
and hot for the Hamp?

At that party, the only woman
not coming onto him

was that corner bed.

All lesbians.

You talk like you knew him.

Since back when
Amy paid his bar bills.

He didn't come here for a while
after the thing with the Duke.

Duke Deguerin?

You don't read page six.

They nearly had a punch up.

I escorted Hamp out.

What started the fight?

I don't know.

I saw Tommy Morgan
talking with the Duke.

He might know.

Whatever it was,
he settled it down.

Tommy Morgan.

Theater director.

He and Hamp were tight.

I'm in shock.
You know?

The guy had it all.
It's unbelievable.

You spent a lot of time
with him.


Hamp loved sharing the wealth,
you know?

He'd take us all to Iceland
for some wild party

on a Cologne company jet.

You were with him
at Laxos when he got in a fight

with Duke Deguerin?

The post called it a fight.

It was more like
a shoving match.

Hamp wasn't a fighter.

What started it?

I think it goes back
to that bike race in the park.

We're getting ready to ride,
and Duke Deguerin,

he comes walking up
wearing Lycra shorts

and a Lycra t-shirt.

And--and some people
shouldn't be wearing Lycra,

and Hamp loved busting balls.

So he yells, "hey. Hey,
remind me to never get old."

And Deguerin went ballistic.

I mean, his wife and security
people had to hold him back.

And then Hamp saw him again
at Laxos.


Deguerin claimed that Hamp
made some remark to his wife.

He swung, Hamp shoved,
and then it was over.

I told Hamp he was lucky.

Why lucky?

This actor I worked with,

he was at Duke Deguerin's table
one night.

All these women were walking up
to him saying,

"hey, great teeth,
beautiful smile."

Later that night,
this guy gets jumped.

He doesn't get robbed,
just, you know?

No more beautiful smile.

Alex. How are you doing?
Hey, stash.

[Laughs] Stash Bardem,
my partner Robert Goren.

Stash and I used to work
out of the one nine.

Yeah, yeah. I taught her
everything she knows.

So she moves to major case,
my arteries get clogged in vice.

Oh, as I recall,
you loved it.

Ah well,
everything gets old.

So, I'm out.

I'm heading up security
for Duke Deguerin.

She's the best, Robert.
The best.

Yeah, sure I remember.
Filled tabloids for a week.

What started it?

His profanity within earshot
of my wife.

I asked him to knock it off,
he didn't,

so we crossed swords.

You haven't seen him since?

Only if I look out here.

He espouses concern
for the beauty of our city.

Then spreads pornography
with those billboards.

Enough ill of the dead.

So, is this arena
now gonna move ahead?

At today's memorial service,
protesters will praise Hamp

and beat up on me.

So now is probably not
the time.

"No one does it
like the Duke."

It's Hamp's wife.

You two ever cross swords
over this?

Yeah, friends said,
"let's put money in the film

so we can party at Sundance."

She just happened
to be in it.

I have no real interest
in films.

As opposed to developing
the isle of mull?

No, not mull.
But close.

The isle of Islay.

Oh, right.
Islay, yeah.

World famous for scotch.

I bought that distillery.

Glen Kennebragh.
The stuff is--

this is $1,000 a bottle.


But, uh, now it's
my private stock.

No longer for sale.

Hamp Trotter's
on your Christmas list?

We, we found two of those
bottles in his loft.

We give 200 bottles a year
to employees.

Maybe someone regifted them.


My darling wife, Avia.


These are detectives, um,
goblin and, uh, sorry.

Detective Goren
and I'm detective Eames.

Could we get a list
of the people who received it?

Yes, find out
who regifted my scotch.

And then I'll fire them.

There's almost 200 names.

We know who gave it
to Hamp.

The Duke's wife cheats?

That would make
the visit worthwhile.

[Cell phone rings]

He wants to talk.

I think it's about
this city controller

whose signature we need.

A city controller.

All right,
a little reality check.

What we've got with Duke
is a good thing.

Be more appreciative.

I didn't sign on
for what was done to Hamp.

And we know nothing ab--

and we know
nothing about that.

Enough said.

Now you get whatever feelings
you have under control.


Tell Deguerin I want out.

For your sake,

that's the one thing
I'll never tell him.

Order me a creme brulee.

Hamp Trotter's loft.
I need entry.

That's a crime scene.
That's not easy.

I said, I need entry.



I'm ready.


I'm filth.

Where's the fear,
the submission?

I need to see that.

I swear, Duke.
I'm afraid.

The memorial rally for Hamp
by the people trying to save

the colonial neighborhood.

I think we should attend.

To hear local celebrities
eulogize him?

I'm thinking someone special
might show up.

Our beautiful mystery woman.

Problem is,
how would we know her?

We take someone who does.

Hamp knew that Alexander
Hamilton walked these cobbles.

Crowd: Yeah.

He knew Dr. Benjamin rush
stayed with his cousins

in this house behind me.
Crowd: Yeah.

Hamp knew this
because he loved,

and wanted to preserve
what we love.

Crowd: Yeah!

Get back.

This has k*lled any thoughts
I've had

about doing personal security.


No to the Duke!

All: No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

That's her.
Hey hey hey!

Filthy stupid little bitch!

She k*lled Hamp!
Get her!

She k*lled him!
This is the one--

[overlapping shouting]

Break it up.
She k*lled Hamp!

Take her out.
Take her over there.

Get off of me!

Let me through.
Police! Let me through.

Crowd: No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!
No to the Duke!

No to the Duke!

Major case squad.

The name implies
competence and judgment.

In what universe does
serving Amy Townsend up

to the ravenous media
fit into either category?

Well, she served herself up
for publicity.

More importantly,

it got us the identity
of a person of interest.

So tabloids now
do our work for us.

Gotta say,
they're effective.

"Gallina Ilyanova Richter,
25, born in Brighton beach."

All right, an I.D.
Where is she?

No current address,
but we'll find her.

She's been in the system.

She was booked but never
indicted for forgery,

theft, prostitution.
Working name is Galla.

You remember Jamie Witzger?

King of the high-end
call girls,

billed himself
as god's own pimp?

He's currently in Rikers
awaiting trial

on over a hundred counts
of pandering and extortion.

Well, Galla is one of his.

Let's see if Jamie
stays in touch.

I'm way ahead of you.
Way ahead.


Galla called me about
the situation with Hamp.

She was terrified.

Terrified of what?

Well, to start with,

she forgot business
is always business.

She got hung up.

Hung up on Hamp Trotter?

Come on.
Thing was legendary.

Galla told me
it rivals my own.

You're living up
to our expectations, Jamie.

Just rockin'
with the truth, babe.

Anyway, back to Galla.

She was terrified,
was afraid of--

the deal was, set up
Hamp Trotter for a drug bust.

You know, just set him up.

Set him up for who?


I'll talk events,
but names could get her k*lled.

Galla was supposed
to bang the Hamp,

leave him stoned in the zone
with a bunch of dr*gs,

and someone calls the tabloids,
ruins his career.

Instead, he ends up dead.
Go figure.

And you actually
believe that.

She doesn't lie.

If she calls,
have her get in touch

before she's grabbed up
on m*rder charges.

She mourns him publicly,
cat fights with his ex.

That's not good, stash.

Well, she was
caught off guard.

We were all
caught off guard.

I mean, who knew that Hamp
was gonna end up dead?

People obviously had
a reason to hate him.

Well, there's always gonna be
guys like Hamp.

Warren Beatty in his heyday,
Clooney, Brad Pitt.

Time was, you could have been
on that list.

Time was?

Yeah, I mean,
uh, you know,

I mean,
everybody has their day.

And, uh, you're settled
and married now.

Galla disobeyed you
because she loved Hamp.

She said it was just
a crush.

You see the statue here?

It's called the dying Gaul.

He's a warrior,
he's been stabbed.

He's dying.

But even in death,
his physical perfection

brings tears from women
who loved him.

Don't you think
that's a bit unfair?

Not sure I follow.

Like him.

Oh, 'cause he looks
like a statue.

Well, you know, there's always
gonna be somebody

who's a little better looking
or a hotter lay...

Than [scoffs] me.

That goes without saying.

Galla's very special.

In her heyday,
I spent a lot of money

to find out
just how special.

She said I was the best
she ever had.

She ever say that about you?

She said
that you gave her

emerald earrings
and a sable coat.

She was a hooker.
That is what they do.

Whatever it takes,

gotta get Galla under control.

[Dialing cell phone]

Are you at your apartment?

All right, get over there
and stay there,

I'm coming right over.

What's this about?


There is nothing
in these people's lives

that is not noteworthy.

Anything that brings us
closer to having

an actual suspect.

This helps confirm a motive
for Duke Deguerin.

Australian tabloid.

Yeah, we're thinking that

Deguerin was able to stifle
the coverage in the local press.

What were they doing
in Melbourne?

A meeting of
the world wildlife fund.

Duke's wife and Hamp Trotter
were both major supporters.

We need to talk to her
on her own,

without her husband.

He keeps her
pretty close to home.

She's beautiful,
very beautiful.

That kind of beauty
requires high maintenance.

[Inhales and exhales deeply]

Mrs. Deguerin.

Detective Eames.

We met at your husband's


I feel this
is inappropriate.

Because we didn't
bring you downtown

on a witness warrant?

All right,
what do you want?

Maybe what you want.

Justice for Hamp Trotter.

Of course I want that.

Everyone does.

But you knew him.

Shared interests.

World wildlife fund.


Your husband is
a very proud man.

Was he jealous?

There was nothing
to be jealous about.

Your tears say
that's not true.

It's sweat.

You continued seeing Hamp,
gave him gifts.

Knowing how your husband felt,

we know in the past
your husband

physically punished people
who threatened--

you want me to tell you
I think my husband k*lled Hamp?

I have to think of myself.

Where would I be
if I said that?

You're afraid.

Don't you understand
the power he has?

It's just money.


It's what comes with money.

Little people like you
don't understand it.

Once, I didn't understand it.

We can protect you.

If I let myself
believe that,

I'd be risking my life.

Then you know
what he's done.

She suspects him,
maybe even knows he did it.

But she's too afraid to talk.

The evidence we could have
used to pressure her,

the Kennebragh scotch
from Hamp's loft,

it's missing.

Maybe the bottles
weren't brought in.

I listed it myself.

Well, it's not
a perfect world.

Some scotch loving cop
obviously drank it.

But we still have these.

Deguerin's gift bottles
had handwritten numbered labels.

The numbers tie to avia's
Christmas list

and that ties her to Hamp.

It doesn't tie anything
to anything without the scotch.

Well, those bottles
came in cases,

and the cases
were also numbered.

They could be still
at Hamp's loft.

Look, somebody's
been here before.

They put a seal
over the previous seal.

Yeah, they're numbered.

There's another one.

It wasn't csu
who broke the seal.

Profound bruising.

I'd say from thumbs
pressed into her throat.

I'd almost bet we'll find
a broken hyoid bone.

Up close and very personal.

He wanted to see her face,
to see her fear.

Pulled her jeans down,
left her underwear on.

So he never consummated?

I think his rage was greater
than his desire.

I don't agree.
I did a vaginal swab.

I'm pretty sure we have semen.

So we'll have DNA.

She's carrying her jewelry.

Yellow diamond earrings,
Ruby studs.

She's wearing emeralds.

She was packed for travel.

Passport, ticket printout...


Wonder who was waiting
for her at the plane.

An appraisal slip
for the Ruby earrings.

Purchased by Stanislav Bardem.

Soon as I saw the uniforms
at the airport, I knew.

I'm sure you knew
before that.

What, that Galla was dead?
No, no, no.

No, I actually hoped
that we were gonna make it

out of the woods.

Your prints are on the seal
at the crime scene.

We also have semen.

And I'll be a match.

We made love at her place.

After I begged her,

begged her to get
out of the country.

Well, there's--

Galla was savvy about men.

Oh, she had that down.

I guess you would have
dressed like that

for any man that
she was waiting for.

You gave her these, right?


I'd have given her the world.

Well, when we found her,
she wasn't wearing those.

She was wearing
these emeralds.

I guess she was wearing them
for the man that k*lled her.

You have any thoughts?

Well, I can tell you
who gave her the emeralds,

but that's not
gonna acquit me.

We want the man
who's guilty, stash.

Duke deguerin.

He gave 'em to her
as a bonus,

for saying
he was a great lay.

Why'd he k*ll her?

I don't know.

That goes into some
sick kind of thing

that relates
to Hamp Trotter.

You mean he was jealous.

Well, more than that.

It was weirder.

Like when, uh, the tabloids
had photos of Galla

at Hamp's protest...

It drove deguerin crazy.

It was, uh, one of those "mine's
bigger than yours" thing.

Only I doubt that Hamp knew
he was in the game.

Funny how my memo
about coming in on time

got an obsessive-compulsive

It is 3:00 A.M.

We could be very close
on Galla's m*rder.

What's the rush?

That'll take weeks
to process.

Actually, we're moving
in a different direction.

Okay, I'll have someone
get back to them.

It was Jamie Witzger.

He gave me the names
of three women.

We'll bring them in.

The pimp, Jamie Witzger?
What are we doing with him?

Look, I need to tell you
I sent two officers

to Duke Deguerin's penthouse.

They're gonna bring him in.
He'll be here within the hour.

We're also bringing his wife
as a material witness.

Please tell me we have
unassailable evidence.

You realize that
arresting deguerin

with all his connections--

we have a shot
at getting his confession,

but we have to move
before Galla's death

hits the morning news.


Deguerin speaks through
$1,000 an hour attorneys.

He can't be entrapped
into admitting anything.

Why did you call me?

You should have acted
on your own.

I could have claimed immunity.

We need you.
You're part of the plan.

I'm taking the names
of everyone.

Your dismissal,
loss of pension benefits.

And you're gonna
head this list.

We're sorry
for the inconvenience.

Being dragged from my home
in the middle of the night

is beyond inconvenience.

You'll see we have
good reason.

Mrs. Deguerin, can I make you
more comfortable

while we talk
to your husband?

Yeah, let's all k*ll time

till my lawyer arrives
to k*ll you.

We can talk in here.


You can sit.

It's amazing how uncertainty
plays a role in our life.

I don't know,
you leave your keys by the door,

you go back, you look,
they're gone.

You leave a person,
you think they're--

in--in truth,
you just never know.

That woman's a whore.



Whatever lies
she's told you--

the woman you saw
with the emerald earrings.


It's like this with whores.

You pay for their services,

sometimes things get
a little rough.

The sex gets rough.

Everything was done
with her consent.


So the bruises
on Galla's throat?

You choked her as part
of a sex game?

but not illegal.

You can't believe
whatever lies she's told you.

So you choked her
and you left her for dead.

It's a game.
She acts it.

Interesting that
you're volunteering all this.

She hasn't accused you
of anything.

Then why am I here?

You wanted Galla to expose
Hamp Trotter

as a drug addict.


Oh, that's what she alleges.

Actually, we have testimony
from an employee of yours.

Yeah, stash Bardem.

He was Galla's lover.

He wanted to ruin Hamp
out of jealousy.

And now he's trying
to blame me.

Jealousy works as a motive.

Jealousy is a manifestation
of profound feelings.

That's hardly what I felt
for that whore.

It's also evidence
of weakness and fear.

Pathological low self-esteem.

It's not part
of my carriage.

That's true.

Yours is masked
by an inflated ego.

But you still look
through that window,

you see Hamp
flexing his abs,

the city buzzes
about his sexual prowess...

He's penetrated deep
into your life.

Watch it.

Your wife slept with him.
Gave him gifts.

Didn't that bother you?

And I had his wife.

You saw the inscription
on that poster.

I was the best.

Yeah, but to get it,
you had to finance his film.

He never had to pay for it.

Hamp, well, he was penniless
when he was married to her.

You know,
women still wanted him.

They desired him.

I think they even wept
for him.

These are things
they never did for you.

I'm here
on the word of a whore

and a disgruntled employee.

I don't need this!

You don't have a choice.

You already admitted
to choking her.

She's dead.




You strangled Galla
on Hamp's bed...

To remind her
the power you took over him.

Did you feel that strength
when you saw him

after Galla
had done her job?


I thanked her
for a job well done.

And drugging him
wasn't enough.

It couldn't get rid
of that weakness.

The weakness that you felt--

when I most needed
to be a man.

When I was a child,
my aunt gave me a kitten.

It scratched me.

The scratch became infected
and wouldn't heal.

Then I just held the little
animal a certain way.

So easy.

not really a struggle.

Within a week,
the scratch was gone.

I was fine.

And Galla,
what was her offense?

She cried.

Like they all cried.

For him.

So now,
the theatrics of a trial?

Cheap-suited prosecutors

against the finest defense team
money can assemble.

I've said nothing
under oath.

The charade won't wash.

Don't forget me, Duke.

They brought me
as a material witness.

Odd, seeing fear on you.

I think I like it.

I hope to see more of it.