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05x37 - The Nuisance

Posted: 01/23/23 16:59
by bunniefuu
[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[Slurps] Oh, hi, Anais.

[ Grunts ]

Aah! Ugh!
[Grunts] Help.

[ Groans ]

At least I finally got
that flat stomach. [Grunts]

[ Both growl ]

Oh, hi, guys!

[ Both growl ]

[ Gurgles ]

[ Both growl ]

[ Groans ]

[ Buzz! ]

[ Handbrake cranks ]

[ Breathing heavily, groans ]

[ Screams ]

[ Horn honks ]
[ Panting ]

[ Dramatic music stops ]

[ Dramatic music continues ]

[ Slam! ]

Dinner is served!


Thanks, Mr. Dad!

Being slapped in the face
with wet spaghetti

was the nicest thing
that happened to us all day!

Yeah, being a guy
these days is the worst.

[ Smack! ]

What is that?
Your words...

And you're gonna eat them
right now!

Because being a woman
is the worst!

It's like playing
one of your video games

without the... t-the...
the stick of happiness!

Do you mean
"the joystick"?

No, I meant...


Yeah, I think
she meant "joystick."

You guys can complain
all you want,

but you know who really
has it the worst? Kids!

No matter how right
you are, everyone is
just so condescending!

[Chuckles] Oh, sweetie,
"condabending" isn't a word.

Anyway you should try
being a grown-up.

Responsibility, fatherhood,
full-time employment...

Avoiding those things is
so hard for an adult/

Really? Then let me tell you
about my day.

[ Grunting ]

And that's
how you bench press, right?

[ Sighs ]

[ Sniffs]
Uh, what do I smell?

Is it cinnamon?
No, citrus.

[Sniffs] No, wait.
Wait, wait, no.


Nope! It's called
Roses of the Meadow.

We thought we'd try
Mom's shower gel for a change.

That's it.
It's weakness I smelt.

[ Screeches ]

They don't smell
like the chemicals

we've been taught to associate
with manliness!

Quick, everyone...

Question their masculinity
in a sarcastic way!

[ Laughter ]

You know what would go well
with your perfume?

Admitting you're insecure
instead of just punching
someone in the face!

Yeah, what next?
Going to see a doctor

instead of suffering in silence
until it's too late?

Yeah, and then what... admitting
you sometimes wear makeup

to hide your blemishes
and your mom is all like,

"Tobias, if you like makeup
so much, I'll buy you some,

but stop stealing mine"?

[ Laughs nervously ]

Uh, uhh...
[ Clears throat ]

I meant, you pungent
potpourri punks!

[ Laughter ]

And it went like that
the whole day...

A whole day where we had
to hold in our tears, too,

because boys don't cry.

So, if you'll excuse us...

Oh, so you think
your day was hard?

My day was harder

than your father's
crusty big toenail!

Children: Huh?!
[ Sighs ]

Mom, please hurry up
and tell us about your day

so we can get that image
out of our heads.

[ Telephone ringing
in distance ]

Uh, Mr. Yoshida,
how come we've never had

a female employee
of the month?

[Laughs] We can't have
a picture of a woman.

It would distract
all the men.

Then, who would be
employee of the month?

Well, maybe it's time
for a change?

That reminds me... Seeing
as you've been here five years,

it's about time
you had a promotion

and your own office.


Let's see if we can't
pick you out a company car.

[ Grumbles angrily ]

Uh, Nicole, do you have
that report I asked for?

[ Sighs ]
I put it on the boss' desk.

That reminds me...

Jim, I read your report.
Great work.

Let's see if we can't get you
an office of your own.
[ Chatters ]

[ Growls ]

Oh, that reminds me...

You should smile more,

[ Dramatic tone plays ]

[ All humming rhythmically ]

So not only am I getting
paid % less for my work
than the men,

I also have to let them take
all the credit!
You're right.

That's a very good point,

I still think being
a kid is worse.
Sure, sweetie.

How do you cope with all those
short days and long holidays?

It must be so tough.

Well, at least my
generation didn't ruin
the economy and the planet.

The house that I'll never
be able to afford will
be underwater anyway.

Oh, pumpkin, an underwater house
is called a submarine...

Because it's shaped
like a sandwich.

Don't be grumpy.

Oh, this is
really satisfying.

Ooh, let me try!

Oh, yeah! That is nice.
Mom, come try this.

Mom: Oh, your right.

It's like a massage
for my fingers.

Darwin: Oh, yeah!
It's like a gummy peach.

Is it really that nice?

Oh, yeah.

Get your hands
off my face!
[ Groans ]

I'm supposed to be angry.

I was completely humiliated
at the mall today.

Well, aren't you going
to ask why?

Oh, sorry, we assume
that happens every day.

Good morning, Larry.
The usual please.

Are you serious?

I said "the usual."

[ Sighs ]

Fishy, fishy,
with no nostrils,

can you smell
your fishy gills?

Fishy, fishy, in the sea,
do you notice when you pee?

Fishy, fishy... Okay, sorry,
but I'm not doing this anymore.

I'm not leaving before
I've seen it drop the bass.

[ Sighs ]

[ Imitating
electronic bass music ]

[ Laughs ]

It's funny because bass is spelt
the same as bass!

Mr. Watterson, do you intend
to purchase the fish this time?



Then I'm going to have to ask
you to leave the store.

[ Gasps ]
Am I being banned?

No, if we banned you,
our sales of adult bibs
would drop by %/

But could you
please just...

...grow up!"
What's the point?!

Being an adult is
the worst!

You think it would
open doors for you,

but as soon as you actually
try to open one,

everyone on the plane
starts wigging out!
Oh, yeah?

I'd like to see you try
and walk in my shoes for a day.

Well, I'd like "to"
see you walk in mine!

You're not even
wearing shoes!

And that is not
how air quotes work!

None of you would last a day
in my shoes.

You guys make me laugh.

Try smiling first.

Can everyone please stop
telling women to smile!

How about we swap roles?

Mom, you'll be a guy,
we'll be women,

Anais, you'll be
a grown-up,

and, Dad, you'll be
a little kid.

And then we'll see
who rea has it the worst.

Challenge accepted.

Challenge accepted!

Chald ensemptechenge.

[ Alarm beeping ]
[ Yawns ]

[ Bones cr*ck ]

My back!
What is wrong with it?!

After turning ...

[ Grunts ]

random parts of your body
start to hurt horribly

for no reason,
and there's no cure.

Have a nice grown-up day!

[ Grunting ]


[ Engine starts, revs ]

Oh, yeah...
Kids can't drive.

[ Sobbing loudly ]

What are you doing?!


We're just giving in to the
extreme pressure to conform

to completely unattainable
standards of beauty.

Mom: [ Laughs ]

[ Zipper clicks ]
I didn't even shave today.

I washed three parts of my body
with damp face cloth,

and I'm good to go!


[ Dramatic tone plays ]
Wow, I never realized

how little time guys spend
looking after themselves.

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Middle-aged metabolism.

Anything that enters my body now
makes me fat.

[ Inhales deeply ]
What? Air, as well?!

Oh, allow me,

No, allow me!
No, allow me.

I said it first.

[ Both grunting ]

We're here about the job.
Here's our résumé.

Oh, oh, oh!
Allow me to carry that for you.

It looks heavy.
[ Both sigh ]

Okay, the interviews are
on the top floor.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!
Allow me!

[Scoffs] We are more
than capable of doing
things for ourselves!

[ Grunting ]

Actually, could you push
that button for us?

Oh, hi, Billy, Mrs. Param.

How's it going?

[ All screaming ]
Mother, make it stop!

Make it go away!
It's hideous... hideous!

Miss Simian: Study! Exam!
[ School bell rings ]

Study! Another exam!
[ School bell rings ]

Study some more! Exam!
[ School bell rings ]

[ Calmly ] Break time.
[ Sighs ]

Break time's over!
[ Gasps ]
[ School bell rings ]

Study! Exam!
[ School bell rings ]

Another exam! A final exam!
[ School bell rings rapidly ]

[ Groans ]
Grown-up life is so boring!

Wait! I'll just use
my imagination to make
it more interesting.

[ Grunts ]

[ Paff! ]
[ Groans ]

Come on, grown-up imagination,
give me everything you've got.

[ Grunts ]

[ Bloomp! ]
Ugh, forget it!

I'll just file this along
with all the other hopes
and dreams adults have.

[ Paff! ]

[ Sighs ]

[ Elevator bell dings ]
Okay, we're going
straight to the to top...

Where all the executives
hang out.
[ Elevator chimes ]

[ Elevator whirring ]

[ Pang! ]
[ Both grunting ]
What's happening?!

[ Grunting ] It's the glass
ceiling Mom was talking about.

What's that?
The invisible barrier
that stops anyone

who's not an old rich dude
from getting the best jobs!

[ Echoing ] Aaaaaaaaaah!
[ Echoing ] Aaaaaaaah!

[ Thump!
Elevator bell dings ]

Okay, buddy, you can start by
shifting that stuff over there.

Good to have you with us!

[ Zoop! Crunch! ]

[Groans] Oh, my goodness!
My legs! My legs!

[ Wheezing loudly ]

Please, I need hughh!

You okay, big guy?

Yeah, can't complain.

No, wait,
why did I say that?!

I need to get
to the hospital.

Which wa...
Which w-wa...

Oh, yeah, I can't ask
for directions, either.

[ Slam! ]

[ Slam! ]

[ Slam! ]

[ Clatter! ]

All: [ Sigh ]
Worst day ever!

And I'm so glad
I'll never be a man.

And I'm so glad
we'll never be women.

I'm so glad
I'll never be a child again.

And I'm so glad
I'll never be a grown-up.

[ Smack! ]

So I guess we're agreed...
Everyone has it equally bad.

Well, no, actually, there are
some real imbalances that...

Exactly... turns out
everyone has it the worst.

No, no, that's tem!
Men don't listen.

Women always get cut off
in the middle of their s...