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06x19 - Rocket Man

Posted: 01/23/23 17:55
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Headquarters will have your car here in fifteen, honey.


Blue shirt for TV and no striped ties.

They go fuzzy on camera.

You call me when you get to New York.

Copy that.

Commander Nelson, lieutenant Hart, with six tapings today, we will need to stay on schedule.

Well, you know me, Barbara.

Built for speed.


Hart! Ms.

Hart! Picture! Hey, Jess.

Jess! - Step back.

- Oh, no.

It's okay.

I know him.

Thank you, commander.

Now, lieutenant Hart, when you take off next month, you'll be the youngest astronaut ever to go up in space.

I'm grateful to women like Sally Ride who paved the way.

Now the world will be watching and your first space flight, nervous?

I'm in good hands.

We have an 0600 pickup right before the conference starts.

Ten, that's me.

And me.

So breakfast, 0500?


See you both there.

Good night, commander.

Yeah, hon, I'm exhausted.

Nonstop since we landed.

Gotta get to bed.

I love you too.

Lieutenant Hart?

- It's Barbara Lee.

- This isn't like her.

- She's not answering her cell.

- Open the door.

Law & Order CI We have a national space agency conference here this weekend.

Lieutenant Hart and commander Nelson checked in a day early to do media appearances.

When was the last time you saw her?

Last night in the elevator around 11.

Commander Nelson and I got off, said good night Jessica had two floors to go.

I'll need to speak with commander Nelson.


A lot of rage.

We have multiple s*ab wounds.

Neck chest area, stomach.

Crime of passion?


Silk nightgown.

Her face is swollen.

Irritation around the eyes.

Pepper spray.

It's an unusual m*rder w*apon.

It's a diver's Kn*fe.

You can see it underwater.

No forced entry.

Her wallet's here.

Her jewelry, her laptop.

She answered the door in her lingerie.

She may've known her k*ller.

Late night date?


She, uh, Jessica is disciplined.

- Would she have gone out alone?

- Absolutely not.

She knew we had a full day today.

And what did you do last night?

I was wiped, I hit my room.

Called my wife.

Sacked out.

Jessica may have known her k*ller.

Do you know if she had a boyfriend or if she was seeing anyone in New York?

I have no idea.

We keep things professional.

And so did Jessica.

Once she found out she was on the short list for this mission, - she was all work.

- How about before that?

She was engaged a few years back to a civilian.

He came by the TV studio yesterday.


Do you have a name?

Matthew Shaw.

He gave her flowers.

Any idea where we can find him?

Well, before yesterday, I'd say about three years.

But I just stopped by to say hello.

I don't know about you, but when someone breaks up with me, I don't make an effort to see them again.

Who says she broke up with me?

Come on, Matt.

Not many guys would walk away from a woman like Jessica.

- Even before she was famous.

- Well, I didn't want to.

But when she got accepted into the program, she changed.

No, you mean she chose Houston over you.

I guess you don't realize what a woman has to give up to become an astronaut.

If you get listed for a mission and become pregnant, you're out.

Now, you could be listed for two or three years before the mission even takes place.

It's a real pressure cooker.

You were bringing flowers to your ex.

Were you hoping to rekindle?

Look, detective Eames turns out I'm not her type anymore, okay?

I don't fit her image.

Sounds calculating.

Focused about everything.

Career, friends, and even sex.

Let me ask you something.

Where were you last night?

I flew to Memphis at 9 P.


, my nightly cargo route.

Just got back.

There's my van.

Time of death, midnight to 2 A.


No defense wounds.

Whoever did this caught her by surprise.

Yeah, I smelled pepper spray.

We found capsicum in her eyes.

More than enough to temporarily blind her.

And give the k*ller his opportunity.

And we also found semen in her vaginal cavity.

Some of the sperm is still motile, so she had sex some time in the last 24 hours.

Detectives, this is Mark Schaeffer, director of public communications for the national space agency.

My God, who would do this?

We thought about extra security, but she was with the commander, the publicist.

Wait, you were concerned with her safety?

There were threats against her?

She gets a lot of attention.

Hundreds of letters a week.

The fresh face of the space program.

Who knows what crazies are out there.

We're thinking she may have been k*lled by someone she was intimate with.


Your agency keeps a DNA database, doesn't it?

Yes, to identify remains in the event of a tragedy.

We're going to need access to that.

I can assure you none of our astronauts had anything to do with this.

It's a homicide investigation, Mr.


Then investigate.

When you have actual suspects, we can revisit DNA access.

It just seems like you're more worried about Houston's reputation than who k*lled lieutenant Hart.

That's not true.

We're a family.

We look after each other.

This has been a terrible loss for all of us.

So in this family of yours, would she have confided in anyone?

Her flight trainer, Sandy Delgado.

She's like a big sister to Jessica.

Is Sandy Delgado in Houston?

No, she arrived here today for our conference.

Well, it's possible she made a date for that night given the pressure she was under.

I wouldn't blame her for wanting to blow off a little steam and unwind.

You're the second person to mention pressure to us.

It's a competitive environment?

When I got my chance, there were a few pilots who were jealous.

And Jessica moved up a lot faster than I did.

Well, she's young and she's pretty.

I guess that would cause a lot of resentment.

She ever mention any problems?

Well, I guess it's not really a secret.

One of our astronauts did write a complaint to the astronaut selection board.

'cause Jessica was chosen over him?

Yes, but you have to understand the disappointment.

Only five to ten pilots are chosen every two years.

He was convinced he was the victim of reverse discrimination.

Is he in town for the conference?

Who is he?

Major Craig Hurley.

Craig Hurley flew in yesterday morning, checked into the hotel.

He's not there now and we can't locate him.

He made several calls to Jessica's cell phone yesterday.

- And he didn't leave any messages.

- Nope.

Maybe he lost patience.

Decided to confront her in person.

What else do we know about major Hurley?

We know what his life-long dream is.

My lifelong dream?

To go on a shuttle mission and someday walk in space.

That's original.

Odds-on favorite to go on the next shuttle mission until Jessica took his slot.

But astronauts go through extensive psychological testing.

I would think major Hurley could withstand being passed over.

I wish that he would've cracked up in space 'cause they have a procedure for that.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

"In the event of in-flight psychological breakdown," "astronauts should bind their crewmate's wrists and ankles with duct tape," "tie him down with a bungee cord and inject him with tranquilizers.

" Yeah.

Sounds enlightened.

I take it no one ever voluntarily admits to needing psychological help.

Craig didn't.

But he does have his favorite pastime.

It helps him relax.

My favorite hobby when I'm not dreaming of going up in space?

Deep sea diving.

Deep sea diving.

Just him, the deep blue sea, and his diving Kn*fe.

He gave you access to the DNA of every astronaut who's here for the conference?

How did that happen?

I had a reporter friend call Mr.

Schaeffer and ask him if it was true the agency was unwilling to cooperate with a m*rder investigation.

Ten minutes later, Houston called.

They handed everything over to the ME.

And when do we get the results?

Some time today.

Until then, I have Mr.

Schaeffer's assurance that none of his astronauts will be leaving the city.

For now, find out where major Hurley's been in the last 24 hours.

Where was I last night?

Same place I was today.

Walking around Manhattan.

- All night?

- Got back to my hotel around 4.

You stop anywhere?

Bought a hot dog near Central park.

You have a receipt?

Did you use a credit card?

- For a hot dog?

- Here, I can prove it.

I walked approximately That's some alibi.

Detective, he doesn't need an alibi.

He hasn't done anything.

Well, he did write a letter of complaint to the agency that Jessica leap-frogged over him to get on the mission.

No, I was concerned about her lack of experience.

Safety of the flight crew.

Oh, right.

But you did tell your colleagues that the only reason why she got the job is 'cause houston needed a pretty face.

Well, if I did, that was just venting.

You've never vented to a coworker about your boss, detective?

Did you vent to Jessica too?

You called her three times yesterday.

I just wanted to clear the air about the letter I filed.

Mmm, was that before or after she blocked your emails?

We have her laptop.

Okay, so I may have written her a few times.

for the mission.

She didn't answer! I thought there was a server problem.

You're not very good at taking a hint, are you?

I guess you thought that Jessica ignoring your calls meant that you should talk to her in person in her room.

No, I told you I was out walking.

Helps me relax.

You have other hobbies that help you relax.

Deep sea diving.

Yes, I'm certified.

It's dangerous stuff.

Carry a Kn*fe?

Yes, two.

Either of them look like this?

This interview's over, detective.

That didn't go well for him.

Well, he's in a ultra-competitive environment filled with type As.

He's angry and obsessive.

So am I, so are you.

Does he have enough anger to r*pe and k*ll a colleague?

He didn't r*pe her.

You think it was consensual.

No, the DNA is back.

Craig Hurley did not have sex with Jessica Hart.

It was her shuttle commander.

Luke Nelson.

Go pay a visit to the commander.

If these guys are as toe to toe as you say, let him think you're asking about Craig.


Do you think I'm angry?

The police just kept asking questions.

I had to give them Craig's name.

I know.

You did the right thing.

It's a m*rder investigation.

I just can't believe that Jess is dead.

I know.

I know.

It's my wife.

I've got to get that.

Hi, honey, how are you?

What's the hardest part about space travel?

Hmm, well, going back to Earth.

When you're up here, you're in perfect harmony with your environment, your colleagues, yourself.

From the moment I touch down, it's hard not to think of anything else but "when can I get back up?

" It's always a waiting game.

We just have to cope with that.

Still, Craig has a lot more experience than Jessica.

It must've been hard.

Craig knows the politics.

There's not a chance he'd k*ll her over that.

Well, he certainly has strong feelings towards Jessica.

Do you think that they were romantically involved?

Absolutely not.

The way Jessica was dressed, she may have been expecting someone.

Did she mention that to you when when did you say you last saw her?

No, she didn't, and it was 2300 hours.

In the elevator.

You told us you went back to your room.

And went straight to bed.


Whose bed?

The thing is we checked your card key activity.

You entered your room at 11:02.

But then you must've left, 'cause then you re-entered at 12:14.

Midnight booty call?

That, that is not it at all.

You know, one more thing, um we found your semen at the crime scene.

I swear to God I did not k*ll Jessica.

Luke, you okay?

Uh, yeah, hi, honey.


I'm Edie, the commander's wife.

You're detectives?

The holster bulge, plain clothes, tired eyes.

You, what?

You were a detective?

Or No, just a mom.

I'm gonna go down to the precinct with them, - help with the investigation.

- I'll come too.

Honey, I don't think the detectives need your help.

No, I insist.

You don't mind, do you?

Absolutely not.

Where's Edie?

My partner is making her tea.

Look, you're gonna have to trust me.

I'm gonna trust you.

Do I need a lawyer here?

Well, you've gotten off to a bad start.

We know that Jessica asked for two room keys.

We know that you were involved with her.

If you want to wait for a lawyer, fine.

Or if you haven't done anything wrong, start fresh.

After I spoke to my wife, I took the stairs up to Jessica's room.

Opened the door and, uh there she was in a pool of blood.

Yeah, but you didn't call 911.

- You didn't alert the hotel.

- I checked her vitals.

Believe me, if she were alive, I would've moved heaven and Earth to try to save her.

But since she was already dead, you figured, why jeopardize your career?

Detective, I was trying to spare my wife.

Yeah, commander that was very thoughtful of you.

It's impossible to be spared in my position.

Even astronauts like to gossip.

What kind of gossip?

There were rumors that Jessica and my Luke were a little more than just co-pilots.

That must be hard.

People see the beautiful pilot, the handsome commander.

They jump to conclusions.

I'm an astronaut's wife.

Women are always slipping him their phone numbers and hotel room keys.

But I know deep down the commander would never cheat on me.

Jessica and I had sex right after we checked in.

We did our TV interview and got dinner.

And you went to separate rooms.

There were no phone calls between the two of you?

No messages.

Yeah, we prearranged.

She gave me her extra room key.

That's smart.

Didn't want to leave a trail.

I'm gonna need her key.

That, I have it in my room.

I just, you know, I went straight back and I was, I was in I was in shock.

And then you pretended to find her dead the next morning.

You're a very good actor for an astronaut.

Look, I had no reason to k*ll Jessica.

Great wife.

My son's the captain of the high school football team.

Great job Jessica, great co-pilot.


Yeah, it was the perfect, uh, NSA relationship.

Uh, meaning?


No strings attached.

Just sex.

And your wife had no idea.

No one did.

We heard Jessica was capable of using sex as career currency.

Oh, you've been speaking to Sandy.

Now, honestly, you'd think Luke was her husband.

Sandy Delgado, the lieutenant?

Yes, she went on my husband's last mission.

When Sandy's marriage went sour, she started leaning on the commander.

So I befriended her myself.

Keep your friends close.

Something like that.

She volunteered to keep an eye on Luke and Jessica Thursday night.

Oh, I thought all the other astronauts arrived Friday.

No, she was here.

She saw them arrive, she saw them eat dinner.

She told me I had nothing to worry about.


Weren't they talking to Craig?

They may know about the affair.


Luke and Jessica were discreet.

We had to turn over our DNA database.

Luke didn't use protection.

No matter who asks you, you had no idea Jessica and Luke were involved.

New York Thursday night?

No, I was in Annapolis.



The agency needed a speaker at the naval academy.

I flew to New York Friday morning.

- Oh, here's my itinerary.

- Oh, great.

The thing is, Edie Nelson told us you called her from New York Thursday night.

Why would she think that?

'cause that's what I told her.

See, Edie heard some cruel rumors.

And I knew that they weren't true.

So I told her a little white lie.

That you were here keeping an eye on them.

It seemed to reassure her.

I know that's what I'd wanna hear.

And you're sure that they weren't having an affair?

Jessica's not his type.

Young, smart, beautiful.

I get that.

Not every man has his mind in the gutter, detective.

Luke is an honorable man.

You can ask anyone.

Then how would a rumor like this get started?


He was trying to smear Jessica.

To get her replaced on the mission.

He's not above using a plausible lie.

Sandy, Mr.

Schaeffer needs to speak to you.

Excuse me.

That's twice she has pointed us towards Craig.

Maybe she's protecting Luke.

Well, if Craig knew Jessica was sleeping with Luke, why didn't he tell us?

Maybe he's protecting Luke too.

What do you got?

What does that do?

Level 14.

Wow, you're in training.

I like to be prepared.

Is that in case a position opens up, you know?

I guess Jessica's death is working out for you.

Of course, being a m*rder suspect might put a damper on that.

I didn't k*ll Jessica.

We believe you.

We think it was your commander.



You tell us.

Eames, we are giving this guy such a chance to tell us about the affair.

I mean, why won't he help himself?

Luke had nothing to do with Jessica's m*rder.

But he was sleeping with her.


Why didn't you put that in your complaint?

If I blow the whistle on those two, who looks good?

Not the agency, not Luke, and least of all, me.

- You didn't mind hurting Luke's wife.

- What?

We know that you told her about Jessica.

I did no such thing.

I could care less about who's sleeping with whom.

- All you care about is the mission.

- Exactly.

Oh, I'm surprised you even knew about the affair.

Sandy told me.

She wanted me to put it in the report.

Why didn't she just blow the whistle herself?

She gets her head set on how she wants to do something, that's it.

You don't deviate.

She doesn't follow impulse.

I how so?

Last time we were on orbiter training, we had to improvise a procedure.

She just kept saying, "that's not how we practiced.

" I mean, she couldn't adjust.

So she's rigid.

As far as I'm concerned, she's nutcase.

Sometimes I wish they never allowed women into the program.

Just screws everything up! How do I cope with the physical and psychological stress of training?

I keep 100% focus on my mission.

And I let nothing interfere with that.

Space travel can bring unimaginable benefits to mankind.

Whatever toll it takes on astronauts pales in comparison.

Sandy told Craig about the affair.

Told Edie there was no affair.

Told us she wasn't in New York, told Edie she was in New York.

Is she a people pleaser or a liar?

I checked Sandy's flight itineraries over the past week.

She did fly from Maryland to New York on Friday, the morning after Jessica's m*rder.

And when did she fly to Annapolis?

Well, she checked into her Annapolis hotel on Tuesday.

But there's no record of a flight from Houston to Maryland in her itinerary.

Maybe she left it off.

No, no.

Sandy's too meticulous.

Maybe she didn't fly.

She drove.

She had her car in Annapolis.

She would have driven three hours to New York, been here Thursday, like Edie said.

And driven down to Annapolis in time to be back here on Friday.

And if she paid tolls by cash, no one would be able to place her here.

Perfect cover story.

Sandy's grounded.

She flew twice under commander Nelson, but on her last flight, she had an unusually high heart rate.

Well, what happens to an astronaut when they get grounded?

They work in mission control or they help train new candidates.

Is that what Sandy was doing in Annapolis, training?

No, she volunteered to give a speech at the naval academy.

She volunteered?

Compared to being in orbit, it's not exciting, but then, what is?

We'll need to look at all the footage from her last space flight.

I'll see what I can do.

Oh, good.

Well, you can also let us see her medical data.

This morning, instead of a beautiful sunrise, I was awakened by a collision with a runaway air filter.

That's why I don't wear jewelry in space.

Not even an earring.

'cause things fly loose.

I think she looks fine just the way she is, don't you agree, Houston?

Let me guess, this is when her heart rate went up.

/ Yep.

Any indication Sandy was also romantically involved with Luke?

Well, when her husband left her, she turned to Luke for comfort.

Enough for his wife to take notice.

And it was confirmed, Sandy drove from Houston to Maryland.


Then she could have driven to New York in time to m*rder Jessica.

Call Annapolis.

Get a warrant for the car.

Oh, no, excuse me, sergeant.

Can I just please.

I've got rolls of quarters and Mapquested directions from Annapolis to their hotel in Manhattan.

Well, so far, I've got astronaut diapers.

I've got a wig here.

Sunglasses gloves pepper spray.

Houston, we have a problem.

What is this, a prop kit for m*rder?

You don't know me.

I'm, I'm really a decent person.

Oh, you're a decent person.

I don't do things like this.

What is this?

A diaper.

What is this for?

oh, that's to travel to New York without having to stop.

And I guess the wig so that nobody would recognize you.

And the pepper spray so that you could blind her.

Oh, yes, there's the Kn*fe.

So everybody would think that Craig stabbed her.

I just wanted to scare her.

No, you wanted to scare her away from Luke.

'cause you were jealous of their relationship.

What relationship?

They didn't have a relationship.

He was using Jessica for sex.

He didn't have feelings for her.

He loved me.

Did he tell you that?

I just knew.

I knew.


/ That's enough, Sandy.

You don't have to say any more.

They're gonna find out when they read the emails.

She's right, counselor.

Luke sent me 214 just this month.

I saved all of them.

- He even bought me these earrings.

- When?

For Valentine's day.

Aren't you and his wife good friends?

Yes, but it's difficult because of Luke's feelings for me.

He has to stay with Edie 'cause they have a son.

And he is a good, honorable man.

So what was he doing with Jessica?

He tried to get out of that, but she wouldn't let him.

- She threatened to ruin him.

- And you needed to stop her.


I completed the mission.

Uh, the mission to k*ll Jessica.

That's enough, Sandy.

I'm gonna have to stop you.

¢Ü How I wonder what you are ¢Ü ¢Ü up above the world so high ¢Ü - ¢Ü like a diamond ¢Ü - Is she singing in there?

Maybe laying the groundwork for an insanity defense.

So Sandy k*lled Jessica.

Said she did it for Luke.

Is it possible they were acting in concert with each other?

I don't think she acts in concert with anyone.

But it's hard to believe that she has a relationship with Luke.

Well, I guess we'll learn more when we get his 214 emails.

"The idea of going into space with Jessica instead of you" "is so wrong on so many levels.

" "I know it may sound terrible, but I wish she were dead.

" "Then we could be together.

" I did not write a word of that.

They were sent from your Hotmail account from internet cafes in Houston.

I don't, I don't have a hotmail account.

And I don't have time to sit in internet cafes.

Oh, but you do have time to have an affair.

Everybody at the agency tells us how discreet you and Jessica were.

My client told you he did not send these.

End of story.

Did he send Sandy emerald earrings?

No, that was Jessica.

For her birthday a few months ago.

- From where?

- Blue Nile.

You can check my credit card.

Matter of fact, they double-billed me.

I called them and they credited my account.

My client has been as cooperative as he can - from the beginning.

- No, actually, he's lied a lot.

And I'm still waiting on that key to Jessica's room.

Uh, that card key has it's disappeared.

I don't know, I don't know what's going on here.

But someone is trying to frame me.

Can I have a moment?

We just got word that Sandy has tested positive for steroids.

Don't tell me her lawyer's claiming 'roid rage as a defense?

Get this.

Sandy won't let her.

I never, never took steroids.

- You're itchy?

- They won't give me my moisturizer.

I really need my moisturizer.

Hey, do you think you could do something about that?

You suffer from dry skin?

They wouldn't let me have it and I need it.

Space travel dries your skin.

We can arrange to get you some lotion.

No! I need my lotion.

Your lotion is special?

Luke gave it to me.

He sent it to me for Christmas.

'cause he loves me.

'cause he loves me and he knows that I need it for my dry skin.

The lotion tested positive for nandrolone decanoate.

That's a fancy term for anabolic steroids.

- Gym candy.

- Yeah, that's the street name.

It's easy to bring in from Mexico where you don't even need a prescription for it.

And side effects include aggression.

Extreme mood swings, paranoid jealousy, irritability, delusions.

The drug can trigger manic-like levels of v*olence in someone who wouldn't harm a fly.

So you're saying if Sandy's lotion hadn't been spiked with steroids, - she wouldn't have m*rder*d Jessica?

- Could be the steroids, could be 'cause her husband left her and the agency grounded her.

You know, she's obsessed with being a good girl.

Following protocol.

This act of v*olence was completely out of character.

Or she's delusional.

At the very least, she's an intensely competitive type-A personality under enormous pressure.

Yeah, so am I, so are you.

Anyway, someone could have noticed her emotional state and stirred her up.



He wrote her the letters, he gave her the earrings, the lotion.

Luke swears he didn't send any of it.

Does anyone believe him?

I've always hungered to explore the unknown.

To find out if there really is life beyond ours.

I'm thrilled to begin my quest.

Jessica Hart's dream was cut short.

But she touched all who got to know her and work with her.

Commander Nelson will share a few words about Jessica.


Sorry to interrupt you.

We're gonna have to talk to you.


/ Unless you want us to arrest you here in front of everyone.

Let's jump ahead to our next speaker.

Her training partner Mike Dolan.

I can't believe you're taking Sandy's word on any of this.

What are you doing?

We're arresting your husband for the m*rder of Jessica Hart.

No, that's impossible.

Stop them.

You already arrested Sandy.

How much damage do you intend to cause?

We don't think Sandy acted alone.

We can place Luke in Jessica's room the night of the m*rder.

I told you, she was gone already when I got there.

Yes, but you also told us that you weren't involved with Sandy.

And yet you wrote her hundreds of emails.

I told you, I never wrote any of those.

She's crazy.

Sandy probably sent those emails to herself.

From Luke's email account?

He works with rocket scientists.

I think they could set up a fake email account in his name.

Who would do that?


Somebody's jealous.

Somebody's trying to smear my husband.

No, no.

He was having affairs with Jessica and Sandy.

We have dozens of calls from his cell phone to both of them.

They're lying.

Don't believe them.

- I know they are.

- Yeah, you do, don't you?

'Cause you check his phone calls at night.


She check your collar for lipstick stains?

You check his credit card bills.

- I do not.

- You don't?

Then you don't know about the earrings he sent to Jessica and Sandy.

I never sent anything to Sandy.

Someone did.

From your account.

Fake email account's one thing, but someone used your credit card only once to send a gift to Sandy.

Now, if you weren't in love with Sandy, someone spent an awful lot of time to make Sandy think that you were.

Now, who would do something like that?

I can't imagine.

You also sent lotion to Sandy that was laced with steroids.

Enough to cause her violent att*ck.

- Steroids?

- Yeah, anabolic, you know?

The kind that that high school athletes use.

Your son was a linebacker.

Did he ever use steroids?

My wife caught him with them once, but I read him the riot act.

I never sent Sandy cream.

Then someone's setting you up.

Someone who wanted both of these women out of your life.

Think about it, Luke.

Anyone come to mind?

It must have been Craig.

He probably gave Sandy the diver's Kn*fe.

Luke, you know me.

Not in a million years.

He was jealous of Jessica.

She took his slot.

You know how obsessive he is.

Excuse me, Mrs.


Now, you would have made a really good detective.

But Craig is not the guy.

Do you have any other theories?

I have one.

You knew that Jessica and Luke were having an affair, right?

You knew that Sandy had a crush on him?

You brought her into your home.

She was lonely.

I felt for her.

And you weren't trying to manipulate her?

Oh, well, whoever wrote the emails knew an awful lot about Luke's life.

Craig's the letter writer.

He wrote to Jessica and he wrote to the complaint board.


Those emails, they were written in in Luke's voice.

I don't mean to insult you, but Craig's not really observant about emotional life.

But you You knew that you were losing Luke to Jessica.

I wasn't worried.

These women, they all throw themselves at my husband.

And they all want what's mine.

Maybe that's why you've always been so vigilant.

It's tough being a wife and mother.

Going through your son's drawers, your husband's phone records, emails, bills everything I've ever done, I've done for my family.

Luke, was I just supposed to just sit back and let us be destroyed?

What do you think you did?

He's lost his career.

That's over.

He's under arrest for m*rder.

You drove Sandy to a psychotic break.

You know that she played with her mind.

You drugged her.

You convinced Sandy to k*ll Jessica so that she could be with Luke.

These women underestimated me.

They thought I was just some Texas housewife who had no idea they're trying to steal my husband.

Arrest her.

The commander had nothing to do with this.

It's all me.


No, don't, don't worry.

Luke, as long as there's a jury with wives and mothers on it, I'll be okay.

They'll understand.

They'll understand I was just protecting what's mine.