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06x22 - Renewal

Posted: 01/23/23 17:57
by bunniefuu
The following story is fictional and does not depict any actual person or event.

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

Hand it over! The money now! Faster! Don't look at me, stupid papa.

The money now! The 20s, the 100s.

Faster now! Wait, you think I'm playing?


Move, man.

Come on.

Hey! - Let the lady go.

- Back off! Hey, let the lady go.

Just take me instead, all right?

Don't come in.

No, don't come in.

No! Get down! Get down! Down! Hey.

¢Ü 'Empty' by Ray LaMontagne ¢Ü I'm not special.

I did what any recruit would have done.

Kenny Li, a police recruit and a hero.

Soon to be one of New York's Finest.

Back to the studio.

You're terrific, man.

- Nice work.

- Good for me to meet you.


¢Ü She lifts her skirt up to her knees, ¢Ü Wait, no, Marvin.

Oh, gosh, Marvin.

- Sorry.

- Here, let me - wait a minute, no.

- There you go.

/ Wait, oh.

Okay, all right.

- Okay, you okay?

- I'll live.

- Okay.


- Okay.

Marvin, I'm supposed to be walking you.

¢Ü I walk on down a hill, through grass, grown tall and brown ¢Ü ¢Ü and still its hard somehow to let go of my pain ¢Ü ¢Ü on past the busted back of that old and rusted cadillac ¢Ü ¢Ü that sinks into this field, collecting rain ¢Ü ¢Ü Will I always feel this way?

¢Ü HARRY CAMPBELL APT #5J ¢Ü so empty, so estranged ¢Ü Oh, you scared me.

Marvin, stay.

You don't look like Harry Campbell.

Are you friends with the landlord?

Hate him.

Then I'm Holly.

Illegally subletting, huh?

Yeah, you and half the building.

I'm Mike.

I'm not really a Times kinda guy.

Oh, see you.


I didn't put that on your car.

Must have dripped from up there.

Law & Order CI Kenny Li.

Not the hero?

Wasn't the mayor about to honor him at Gracie mansion?

His blood dripped down through one of the holes the manufacturer puts in so you don't suffocate in your trunk.

They found him inside his own car.

You know who drove that in?

No, no, it was during rush hour.

A lot of faces, cars.

They paid cash for a month.

A b*llet to the temple.

How about that black eye?

He had that from the bodega fight.

Maybe this is revenge for that.

They cuffed him with his own cuffs.

Kid didn't even get a chance to wear his blues.

You been here three days, they already knocked your teeth out?

That's not what happened.

I fell in the shower.

No one's looking out for you?

I know how to take care of myself.

Is that why you used a g*n without b*ll*ts to rob the bodega?

I had b*ll*ts.

They were the wrong kind.

Off the record, Carl, was this your first robbery?

It was my g*ng initiation, all right?

Yeah, well, you flunked.

I'd have been fine if that cop hadn't have been there.

He wasn't a cop.

He was a recruit.

And now he's dead.


I had nothing to do with that.

The night you were arrested, an officer saw someone from your crew thr*aten Kenny.


It might have been my brother.

But he doesn't have a g*n.

What g*ng is he in?

We're not really in a g*ng.

We're new to the Projects.

We wanted some respect.

Can you get me out of here?

Please don't send me back.


There's nothing we can do, kid.

I don't think Carl has the guts to plan an execution.

Or the g*ng connections.

If he did, kid would still have his front teeth.

What did Ross want?

You know that joint task force I was on?

The one where you played the money honey?

One of the investigations may have been compromised.

So they've reopened it, want me to supervise.


Oh, and that's it, I don't have a partner?

It's just temporary.

Come on.

Can we talk about it after work?

I have to meet with the task force, but then later I'll buy you a drink.

Your bar.

You gonna see this case through?

If I can.

Turns out, for that Gracie mansion ceremony, Kenny had to supply the mayor's office with a list of his four guests.

Alvin Li, Kenny's brother and roommate.

Lives in Queens.

Sells cell phone gadgets.


and Mrs.

Li, his parents.

Flew in from Hong Kong for the awards ceremony.

Now here for his funeral.

Yeah, and a mystery guest.

A miss Belle Duffy.

Belle Duffy?

He lists her at his address.

His girlfriend?

Well, that would be my guess.

Except, why haven't we heard from her?

Maybe because she doesn't want to be found.

Belle Duffy's been missing since she was 15.

I never even met her.

My brother told me she worked as a live-in nanny, so she came here only on the weekends.

They don't know, but I go to poker tournaments.

Did she keep anything here?

A toothbrush?


He told me he gave her that drawer in that dresser.

That's when I knew they were getting serious.

Did she leave anything?


She was a good cook.

On Mondays, I'd eat the leftovers.

- And how long had they gone out?

- Maybe a few months.

I don't see any pictures of her.


And I asked him.

All he said was she was a fox with long blond hair.

Uh, this bread's been here a while.

- You buy it?

- Nah, it's from the weekend.

She liked that place.

Bakery's in Tribeca.

Could be she was a nanny there.


There's only one playground down there.

Thank you.

Yeah, I'm here.

Well, don't worry about it, Wheeler.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, no worries.




I saw you through the window.

You left your paper this morning.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I was distracted.

Look, uh, let me, let me get you a drink for your trouble.

- Scotch?

- Okay.

Pete, give her a scotch and you can freshen mine up.


So, well here's to you, Harry Campbell.

It's Holly.



Well, you're not dressed in all black yet.

You been in the city about, what, two months?

Must be from a small town in the midwest.


I'm impressed.

In case you didn't make me, I'm a cop.

I know.

Mike Logan, Major case.

I looked you up.

So I'd know who was down the hall.

I feel safe already.

There was this kid in prison today.

He was begging me to help him.

That must take something from you.

I don't know.

You try to help and if you can't, you can't.

The victims, the dead, they don't haunt you?

- Not anymore.

- Do you ever dream about them?


I used to dream about Lenny.

He was my old partner.

It's funny, in the dream he'd say, "I'm not dead, Mike.

" "I'm not dead.

" Then I'd wake up.

He was still dead.

Maybe not, if you dreamt about him.

My mother taught me that the world was bound to break your heart.

Well yeah, eventually.

She must have been Irish.

Like yours?

The funny thing was, she'd always ask me if I was happy.

- Yeah, that's a tough one.

- I know.

I still have no idea what happiness is.

- I know what it is.

- What?

When I was 12, my cousin Dave had a GTO convertible.

- They call them goats.

- Yeah, he had a '69 goat.

And one night in the middle of January, he picked me up, we went riding through Times square with the top down, and the snow was falling.

We were drinking beer, covered in blankets.

We didn't have a care in the world.

- Happiness.

- Happiness.

I swear to God, I'll get the elevator fixed.

All right, there's one more.

First I'm putting the landlord in jail.

My first major case.

Can I walk you home?


So Well I gotta work at 7.

Good night then.



Can I see you again tomorrow night?

At Peter J's at 8.

I'm happy to know you, Mike Logan.




Two moms here say that woman had a nanny named Belle Duffy.


Ma'am, I need to talk to you about your nanny.

Look, we pay Belle on the books, okay.

We only said light cleaning.

And maybe she's working extra hours, but she should have talked to me.

We don't care about that, ma'am.

Is this her?

Uh, maybe.

This girl looks younger.

Why, is she missing?

I thought one of the evil moms out here poached her.

- She lived with you during the week?

- Until this week.

She came home late Sunday.

By morning, she was gone.

Well, was she flaky or is that out of character for her?

Flaky, no.

She cooked, she cleaned.

The boys loved her.

Okay, maybe she filed her nails a lot.

Her nails?

Did she leave anything, like maybe a toothbrush or a hairbrush?

No, no, no.

Axel, stop.

Did Belle touch any of these?

Yeah, I haven't cleaned it out.

I'm behind.


We'll need to take them with us, if you don't mind.

Just one more question.

Do you have a photograph of her?

She was kind of weird about that.

Oh, I have a candid on the cell.

Belle's parents are here.

They drove in from Ohio.



and Mrs.


Detectives, where is she?

We've been praying for six years.

Maybe I wasn't clear, Mr.

Duffy, but we haven't found your daughter.

Someone from the police academy called us over the weekend.

Said he might have a lead.

Is this your daughter?

- It's kinda hard to tell.

- Oh, it could be.

If she lost weight and changed her hair.

Girls do that.

Excuse me.


It'll just be one minute.

The ME's ready when you are.

Meanwhile, we have the lab report on the sippy cups.

Whoever your nanny is, she's been disfiguring her fingerprints.

That explains her nail file obsession.

She doesn't want anyone to know she's Belle.

She isn't.

The partials rule Belle out.

Well, whoever she really is, she found out their daughter was missing and stole her identity.

I'm afraid so.

Before you go see Rodgers, you need to tell them.

Kenny Li d*ed of the g*nsh*t wound.



Saturday night special.

No surprise there.

But we did find a low but detectable level of haldol on the tox screen.


That's for schizophrenia.

And tourette's syndrome, psychosis.

Well, I'm guessing that Kenny didn't have any of those.

But haldol also turns you into a zombie if you take enough.

Doped and drooling.

And the trunk carpeting was drenched in blood and urine.

So what's the scenario, the k*ller drugged Kenny then walked him to the trunk handcuffed?

Kept him there long enough to throw off the tox screen.

Then came back and sh*t him.

We're not dealing with an amateur here.


Or a missing nanny who may be a lot more than an identity thief.

The Tribeca family pay her in cash?

No, they wrote checks to Belle Duffy.

Husband's faxing over the cancelled ones now.

It looks like she signed them over to someone else's account.

Signature looks like "Lance Morain.

" We can track it with a bank routing number.

See if you can do it tonight.

This girl's a pro.

Be lucky if she hasn't left town and stolen one of our names.

Well, banks are all closed.

We're not gonna find a live person till tomorrow.

Well, that's the beauty of outsourcing.

Someone in India's waiting for our call.


I gotta meet somebody.


Or scotch?

Pete, you see that lady I was with last night?

No, wish I had.


Excuse me.

Excuse me.

I'm a police officer.

Excuse me.

This can't be happening.

Oh, Holly, Holly.

Hey, Logan, you all right?

Hey, you know this guy?

Yeah, he's with Major case.


You with us?

Major case, you know the drill, help us out.

My neighbor.

Holly Lauren.

When did you see her last?

Last night.

Had a drink around the corner.

Next night she jumps, huh?

You must be a terrific date.

She wouldn't have jumped, I know her.

Okay, Mike, we got this.

Why don't you go home?

Barry, you don't have this.

How do you know she wasn't pushed?

No sign or sounds of a struggle.

No forced entry into her apartment.

She wasn't depressed.

I would have noticed.

Yeah, but you didn't.

Where were you tonight?


Where were you tonight?

Around the corner at Peter J's waiting for her.

You can ask Pete.

Yeah, so I was right.

She'd rather jump than go on a second date with you.

Get your hands off her! - You think this is a joke?

- Come on, Mike, let's go.

You're upset.

Just let us do our job, all right?

Hey, I'm her neighbor.

I'll take care of it until the family comes.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

The courage to change the things I can.

And the wisdom to know the difference.


Oh, Casper.

Thank you for your share.

It meant a lot.

My sister's just like yours.

Alcohol, dr*gs, and I was taking care of her and her boyfriend kicked me out this morning.

And changed the locks?

Where are you staying?

I deposited Belle's checks in my account and then cashed them for her.

She defaulted on some student loans.

I was trying to help.

By laundering her paychecks?

- How'd you meet her?

- I don't think I can say.

Okay, lock up the van, geek.

We're taking you down for questioning.

Let's go.

Hey, she's the one who ripped me off.

Look, I don't want to press charges.

I don't even want the money back.

- How much cash did she take?

- It was online.

She cleaned me out.

I have no idea how.

I'm kinda known for my triple firewall protection.


Did she ever give you a kiss while you logged on?

Um yeah, she was a really good kisser.

Besides the kissing and the stealing, what else did she do?

She watched a lot of TV crime shows.

Said it helped her in her classes at NYSOC.

New York school of criminology?

That's where she studies?


Night and day.

I haven't had a student like Belle Duffy in years.

Too bad she stopped coming to class.

You teach forensic psychology?

Yeah, and most of my students are morons.

But Belle, she understands what makes people tick.

You brought her papers?

Yeah, and I have her latest one.

- Another A+.

- What's it on?

All year, she's been studying female serial K*llers.

This one's an Australian case study.

Um, Nicole Wallace.

Do us a favor, keep this on the QT for a while.


She's up for a job, right?

I tried to hire her as a TA, and between her nanny job and her Al-Anon meetings, it was just too hard to schedule.



Why not?

It's the perfect place to fish for caretaking men.

I can pull up a schedule of tonight's meetings.

We'll divvy them up.

Look, uh, start without me, okay?

I gotta meet Rodgers.

All right, I don't understand.

What does this Holly Lauren have to do with your recruit's m*rder?


It's not officially major case.

She lived in my building.

I had the feeling that the local precinct was a little, uh, overwhelmed.


You mind giving me a second opinion?

Take a look at the body.

It's important to me.

Any idea who the next of kin is?

Never met her family.

Just her dog.

Thanks, Rodgers.

Hey, who's walking who?

I think this dog has a route.

Marvin, oh, there's my boy.


How you doing?

- How you doing?

- Hey.

I'm actually, uh, house-sitting for Marvin's owner.

She, uh, wanted me to get her mail.

Um, I can't.

kathleen's bill is due.

Oh, yeah, she told me to pay for that.

Here you go.

kathleen Shaw Box #329 - What's this?

- My neighbor.

Turns out her real name wasn't Holly Lauren.

It was kathleen Shaw.

She was from Chicago.

She was a singer.

I talked to her father.

He thought she was on tour in Europe.

She went through a nightmare divorce, okay?

Moved here, gave up her career.

Her ex-husband's name is Julian.

She was running away from him, Barry.

I think we got to find this guy.

Did she file a report with the Chicago police?


Well, thanks for your due diligence, major case.

- We'll look into it.

- When?

Mike, we did two double shifts this week.

We're dead on our feet.

We'll follow up on Monday.

Barry, I'm telling you, this girl was pushed.

Yeah, well, I'm telling you.

I am going home to my wife and kids.

If you had a family, you'd understand.

What do you think, the guy's just gonna hang around?

Logan, what is it with you and this girl?

What, were you banging her or something?

/ Shut up! Hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

The initial report was accurate.

She did have semen in her vaginal vault and rectum.

And she did die from falling off the roof.

So that's it?


She had a tear in the arch of her aorta.

Interestingly, she also had a tear in the distal aorta further down.

Plus petechial hemorrhages in her kidneys and eyes.

Which aren't from a fall.

Try malignant hypertension.

Extremely high blood pressure.

Unusual in a young, healthy woman.

- Caused by extreme stress.

- Right.

Is there any sign of forced sex?

No, but there's no way to prove the difference between consensual and forced consensual.

Either way, her blood pressure went so high, it ripped a hole in her aorta and her kidneys.

- Would that have knocked her out?

- No.

She might have felt nauseated, like something was wrong.

So she has sex, her blood pressure spikes, and, um then she goes off the roof.

And we're talking about separate events.


That's what it looks like.

I just have one more favor to ask of you, Rodgers.

I'm wondering if you could I want you to call those detectives that caught this case.

I already did.

Just before they got off their shift.

They thanked me for my due diligence.


Yeah, Charlotte.

I met her at a meeting, but she had short brown hair.

Lots of family issues.

We met for coffee.

She was sweet, but she was scared 'cause she didn't have anywhere to stay.

So you offered her your place?

Yeah, and the next morning, she went back to some hostel in Chelsea.

Yeah, I know her.


Really cute chick.

I gave her a break.

She said her dad d*ed.

Stepmom threw her out.

- Rough.

- Is she still here?

No, had to give the room to someone else.

But her bag's still here.

She hasn't come back for it.

Well, whoever she is, I think we just got her DNA.

Kenny's girlfriend's real name is Patty Trebay, 22.

She grew up wealthy with her mother and stepfather in Dallas.

Five years ago, she was arrested for k*lling and dismembering a homeless man.

With the help of her 16-year-old boyfriend, who she blamed.

Then out on bail, she bailed.

Since then, she's been assuming the identities of different girls.

Including Belle Duffy.

I wonder how much of her past Kenny found out.

Enough to call the Duffys and probably enough to get himself k*lled.

She's been on the run for five years.

Is her family helping her out?

The Trebays claim that Patty hasn't been in touch, but her stepfather runs an international resort chain.

So he knows how to transfer money offshore and back.

If she's an addict who's lost her job and her boyfriend, she'll probably be reaching out to them now.

As far as we know, she hasn't left town yet.

That means they haven't sent the money.

Well, you need to get to them before they do.

Logan, can you give me a minute?

I just got a call from the captain of your neighborhood precinct, checking your alibi for the night your neighbor fell off your roof.

Something you want to tell me?

Come on, give me a break.

I'm not doubting your alibi.

I want to know what you did to make them bust your chops.

I told them I didn't think she fell.

I think she was pushed.

They didn't want to hear it.

- So you kept pushing?

- Yeah.

Logan, I don't like being blindsided.

Neither do I.

How about Wheeler?

When were you gonna tell me about that?

- How come you didn't?

- I didn't know for sure.

And you have a tendency to overreact.

I'm not overreacting! Look, my neighbor was m*rder*d.

Make this major case, put me on it, and I'll prove it to you.

You know that can't happen.

Well, what if I unofficially assisted the assigned detectives?

I don't get the sense they want to partner up with you.

Do they even have to know?

Okay, but you're off the Kenny Li case.

Well, I can handle both.

You don't have to.

Eames is free.

Wheeler can bring her up to speed on Patty Trebay while you look into what happened with your neighbor.


I owe you.

It's Holly, tell me something good.

How many times do I have to call before you're gonna take the phone?

You took that damn phone tag to me.

You have five messages.

kathleen, it's me.

Are you there?

I know you are there.

Pick up the phone.

It's me again.

Um, I've been thinking, um We can work this out.

I wanna talk to you.

I know you are there.

Message playback paused.

Open the door.

What's with the door, Boyd?

It sticks.

All right, step back.

I'll do it.


Don't get out much, huh, Boyd?

I have everything I need.

Well, I got a newsflash for you.

If you can see out people can see in.

Please, the, the light hurts my eyes.

The apartment across the way there, there's a pretty woman who lives in it, isn't there?

Um, which apartment do you mean?

Come on.

That one right there.

Second one down.

Please, don't.

Tell me about the woman.

Did you know that she took a fall off the roof?

What'd you see that night?

I wasn't home that night.

Okay, Boyd, you know what I'm gonna do?

I'm gonna take you down to Police Plaza with me.

I'm gonna put you in a big room, and it's crawling with people.

- Let's go.

- Okay, okay.



The, uh, pretty lady, she opened her door, and the big guy was waiting for her, calm, in the tan chair.

She was upset to see him.

He'd already tied up the dog and muzzled it.

Go on.

They had, uh, intercourse.

He left.

She cried.

She put the sheets in a garbage bag and went out.

And then I saw her on the roof.

The guy, was he with her?

I didn't see anyone else.

She walked to the other side, and that's all I know.



It turns out, our hero recruit gave Patty access to police files for her term papers.

And when she chose him, it wasn't just to help her GPA.

She was thinking long-term.

If you're a fugitive, having a cop for a boyfriend could come in handy.

It's too bad for Kenny he caught on to her.

Any luck with the Trebay finances?

I found a web of offshore accounts.

Patty's been receiving a*t*matic quarterly checks for $15,000.

So the parents are behind it.

I spoke with the stepfather.

He swears he had no knowledge of it and that he gave up on Patty years ago.

Stepfather, okay.

But a mother never stops loving her daughter.

Talk to her alone.

Julian, want to c u.

Where's my Patty?

Is she all right?

I grabbed the first flight I could.

We don't know where she is, Mrs.


But she's not all right.

What happened?

This was her boyfriend, Kenny Li.

She would never.

Her boyfriend was an NYPD recruit.

That makes your daughter a cop k*ller.

She's also a crank addict.

The money you've been sending has been paying for her habit.


That was for rent and school.

Is this your daughter?


That's her.


Trebay, your daughter k*lled one of our own.

She's out on the street.

Every cop in the city is out to get her.

It'd be better for Patty if we're the ones who find her.



- Oh, are you all right?

- Oh, I miss you so much.

And you look beautiful.

I miss you, sweetie.

Oh, mommy, take me home.

I need you, mommy.

What is it?

Is someone else here?

Patty, stop! Police! Patty Trebay, you're under arrest.

Don't hurt her, please.

Shut up, mom.

Look what you've done to me.

Hey, Julian.

Who are you?

Don't tell me she called the police.


I got a witness who says he saw what you did to kathleen last week.

Get out of our apartment.

Her apartment.

My witness says that you forced her to have sex with you?

Listen, I would never hurt my wife.

I've devoted my entire life to her.

I've read her phone records after your divorce.

You were calling her I don't call that devotion.

I call that stalking.

If she was so afraid of me, why hasn't she taken out one of those protection orders?

She didn't want to provoke you.

Oh, I get it.

You're sleeping with kathleen.


That's right.

Every chance we get.

That whore! Wait.


- Okay?

- Okay.

She feels safe living next to a cop.

And now you're under arrest.

For what?

For throwing a punch at you, huh?

For k*lling kathleen.

- For what?

- You heard me.


Where is she?

She's gone.

What did you think would happen?

You got your girl?

Yeah, she tried to claim she was a victim.

Until we brought the garage attendant in.

Once he picked her out of a lineup, she broke down.

- Did you get your guy?

- Oh, he's not talking.

Oh, I'm sorry.

So you're on the run, too, huh?

Flight leaves in an hour.


You're coming back, right?

Logan, I'll see you soon.

Where's Julian?

He's not in the holding cell.

We had to release him.


The DA's called.

There was no evidence of anything.

He took a swing at me.

Or what about the ME's report?

The DA said an episode of hypertension is not proof of m*rder.

And your voyeur confirmed that she was alone on the roof.

This woman gave up her whole life to get away from that prick.

I understand.

/ Yeah, well, he tracked her down and r*ped her.

Then he left.

Well she must have thought that she could never get away.


That's why she jumped.

How well did you know her?

We took a ride in an old convertible once.


- Holly?

- I'm not dead, Mike.

I'm not dead.