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07x22 - Frame

Posted: 01/23/23 18:10
by bunniefuu
(Male announcer) in new york city's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

No, see, your brother knew all along that you stole your mother's life savings.

Don't listen to her.

And you let julie think that your mother k*lled herself because of the money.

Your mother didn't commit su1c1de.

We checked the prescriptions.

It's in your doctor's name, but it's your handwriting.

See, it's your dyslexia.

How could you do this to me?

How could you?

[Julie screams, breathes heavily]

Nice job, you two.

When you're done with the paperwork, take a day.


Are you sure?

My mom died last year.

And there are things I never got to say to her.

And, um today's her birthday.

And a big part of me wants to pick up and forget.

You know.

But I'm not gonna do that.

I'm gonna sit with my feelings and go to my meetings and trust in my higher power.

Thank you, frank.


Happy birthday, ma.

(Evelyn) can your brother help?

Bobby's got a lot of anger, you know?

At dad.

And it's really transferred to me.

So no, I've tried.

Evelyn, I never should have let you go.

Just have donny call me.


I will.

Thank you.

I got this.

Oh, sir, the woman who was just here, she left this for you.


(Frank) the last time, you were 4, 'cause I was 7 was when we had that cooperstown disaster.

Who took care of us?

I did.

The whole weekend.

[Dialing number]

[Cell phone vibrating]

[Knock at door]

[Knocking continues]

[Police radio chatter]

What's going on here?

Dead junkie.

Got high.

Took a header out his window.

[Police radio chatter continues]


Major case.

Major case.

[Police radio chatter]

We found 800 bucks in his pocket.

Think there's more to the story?

Brother had enemies?

I don't know.

He was a gambler and a junkie for, you know, I'm sure he had some enemies.

(Fontanella) any names?

I don't know.

I didn't keep in touch.

So, what, you just decided to show up this morning?

Uh yesterday was my mom's birthday.

She passed away last year.

So you're the only family?

He's got a son, donny, sorry.

But the kid ran away from him.

Look, I don't know where the kid is.


Frankie never blamed himself for anything.

He directed his anger out, not in.

Where did he get the $800 from?

Could he have won it at the track or gambling?


Yeah, he could have.

I'll talk to the captain.

We'll make sure they do a real investigation.

You'll be at arms length.

But I'll keep you posted.

No food in the fridge.

Nothing in the cupboards.

Not even roaches.

Captain, I can handle it if you have to get back.

No, I want to.

First, his mother, then his brother.

It's a lot to lose.

Well, I've got an n.


Meeting schedule.

Looks like frank had a meeting yesterday.

Guess it didn't take.


"Evelyn, coffee, maybe a program date.

Maybe more than that.

Csu's bagging some effects.

Frank's n.



He might have set up coffee with someone after the meeting.


It could be evelyn carson, donny's mother.

(Evelyn) I came to the city because frank called me.

He told me my son needed money for a lawyer.

I was hoping I haven't seen donny in almost a year.

I wish that you had taken more of an interest in your nephew.

An interest?

Frank said he reached out to you for help, but you couldn't.

Or wouldn't.

How much money did you give frank?


Frank always knew what to say when he wanted something.


Sometimes he didn't even have to speak.

There was this woman at the coffee shop.

She left him her number.

He didn't even speak to her.

He could still pull after all these years.

A woman?

Can you describe her?


Average height.

I didn't get a great look at her.

After you had coffee oh, he walked me to the bus.

Said he was going home.

I guess he never figured out what to do for your mother.

He left a picture at her grave.


So he did get in touch with you?

He said he didn't even know where she was buried.

Coffee shop remembered the blonde.

Ordered tea.

Paid cash.

Cashier's working with the sketch artist.

And latent didn't find any prints other than yours.

This, uh, frame it honors the picture the memory.

My brother, he's not thoughtful.

He tacks his photos to the wall with pushpins.

(Eames) the autopsy's back.

(Rodgers) lacerations are from the fall.

We found sperm in his urethra and trace saliva.

We're running the dna on that.

Good luck.

And on the blonde hair from his bed.

So he wasn't alone when he fell out the window?

He didn't fall.

Your brother was m*rder*d.

Besides crack cocaine, there was succinylcholine in his system, a paralytic.

Right, which makes you stop breathing.

There's an injection point in his side.

Frank never used needles.

He was afraid of them.



Blonde at the coffee shop.

Nicole wallace.

She came after my brother.

All righty.

One like this'll be in phoenix tomorrow.

Now this other bouquet is for a police station?

Uh, yes.

With this card.

For tuesday delivery.

I can't thank you enough for all your help.

It's just been so hard.

You didn't sign your card.

Don't think for one second that this is the end of us, bobby.


Bobby will know who it's from.

(Ross) nicole wallace.

I'm told she's your white whale?

(Goren) when she was a literature professor, she lectured on melville.

Either way, what makes you think she k*lled your brother?

It's what she does, captain.

She seduces, then kills.

Usually with poison.

(Eames) she k*lled mark bayley, a grad student, by spiking his gum.

Larry chapel, a health inspector, injected under his tongue with potassium chloride.

And zack thayler, a diamond thief, succinylcholine injected in his side.

And she used the same method on my brother.

She knew that I would remember.

But the last time you saw her was what?

Two years ago?

Three years ago.

I convinced her to give up the only person that she ever loved.

It was a little, sick girl named gwen chapel.

Gwen was all that she had.

She thinks that frank is all I have.

I'm not doubting you, detective, but now that your brother's death has been ruled a m*rder, it doesn't matter if nicole was involved.

Neither of you can go near this.

Then forget this case.

Nicole jumped bail on a m*rder charge three years ago.


Try to track her down before the m.


Matches her dna to your brother's room.


What was that?

Captain wanted to make sure you weren't being paranoid.

Show him that.

"Oh, this is the poison of deep grief"?


(Jeffries) hey, goren.

The nephew.

Belvedere hospital called.

You're listed as someone's next of kin.

They wouldn't tell me who.


It's my nephew.

It's donny.

She found him.

(Declan) bobby?

Ah, my old friend.

Easy, easy, easy.

It's okay, it's okay.

[Breathing heavily]

Forgive me.

I didn't I didn't know who else to put down.

Someone bumped me.

He's out.

Declan was at john jay.

He just finished a presentation on serial K*llers.

His colleagues found him collapsed in a stairwell.

A witness saw a blonde woman leaving the scene.

That was beside him.

Okay, we're gonna need a round-the-clock guard on him.

When will we be able to talk to him?

We need to flush the poison out of his system first.

Some kind of paralytic?


He was found quickly, but given his age and his poor health his health was bad?

Well, he never fully recovered from those stomach parasites he picked up last winter.

I'm sorry.

I thought, next of kin, you knew about it.


Never eat month-old christmas goose.

Ooh, excuse me.

This syringe, it's only half-compressed.

Nicole was interrupted.

She couldn't give him the full dose.

May i?

Who else knows declan's here?

This one she signed.

(Michael) yeah, that's her.

So sad.

She must be going through quite a lot.

Why do you say that?

First she purchased two sympathy bouquets, practically in tears the whole time.

Then she emails an order for another sympathy bouquet to your friend at the hospital.

At belvedere?


And do you know where the other two were sent?

One to police plaza.

The other to phoenix.

Excuse me.

Phoenix, that's where nicole took gwen chapel.

The girl was at high risk for cancer.

I love you.

(Goren) gwen chapel.

The only person that she ever loved.

If she's dying, that might be what set nicole off.

I remember you.

The new york detectives.

Nicole said you might stop by.

She came to see you.

No, but she sent these.

Well, they're very pretty.

And she sent you something else?

She sent me a get well card.

There's a note for you inside.

She told me not to tell aunt susan.

(Eames) "tit for tat.

Blood for blood.

" How did nicole find donny?

She didn't.

Nicole doesn't have donny.

[Cell phone beeps]

If she did, she would have sent a new picture of him.

Dna from the hair.

It's nicole's.

Of course.

She left one strand of hair there on purpose.

This is just a game to her.

It's the world cup.

This letter is postmarked pittsfield, massachusetts.

Nicole's sending us on a scavenger hunt.

What's in pittsfield?

A white whale.

That's where melville wrote moby d*ck.

The descent into madness is usually preceded by obsession.

Moby d*ck.

What characterizes ahab's obsession?

I always fancied it was man's unrelenting pursuit of his own potency.

Welcome to our inn.

I'm detective eames.

I'm detective goren.

Oh, mr.

Goren, wonderful.

We have the honeymoon suite ready for you.

And your package arrived.

I left it in the room.

We were expecting you earlier, but no worries.

You're just in time for wine and cheese.

Could you excuse us for a minute?

It's addressed to me from donny.

Uh, why don't we wait oh, my god.

It's donny's heart.

Why don't we wait for the m.


To she k*lled my brother.

She went after declan.

And now my nephew.


Look nicole survived by having no emotions.

All right.

I made her feel.

Self-doubt, self-loathing.

She never forgave me.

It's not donny's heart.

The dna wasn't a match.

But you found a match?


Who did nicole k*ll?

No one.

The heart belonged to nicole wallace.

No, that's not hers.

I ran the tests three times.

You don't know her like I do.

I mean, if anyone could fake this it's her dna.

She can't have a twin?

She doesn't.

I checked her birth certificate with melbourne.

She's playing us.

(Ross) or someone's playing you, detective, and they k*lled nicole wallace.

And k*lled nicole?

She's got nine lives.

She ran out.

Don't take that side.

These tests, they can have false results.

You know, nicole is still out there.

She's got donny.

All right, you're wrong.

You're all wrong.

(Ross) I am sorry.

He's been under I know.

Eames, can you give us the room?

Oh, I'll be upstairs.

My detective's in trouble.

What do you know?

I'm not threatening you, elizabeth.

I'm trying to warn you.

Goren's vulnerable.

He has a target on his back.

So does anyone who helps him.

All right, two months ago, goren asked me to run a dna test.

He had me check his dna against mark ford brady's.


The serial k*ller.

What were the results?

Oh, you'll have to ask him.

This is the first I'm hearing about it.

Your partner actually believes brady could be his father.

Well, he knows brady's relationship with his mom continued after her marriage.

And he's lived with that for a year.

Now he gets paternity results.

Suddenly, this spree begins.

What are you saying?

The victims: his estranged brother, his former mentor you and I both know he had nothing to do with these murders.

Then rule him out.

So she led you to her own heart.

That's what the m.


Wants me to believe.

Yeah, but you don't.

Or maybe you just can't accept it.

Your greatest nemesis brought down by someone else.

Working theory: nicole had a partner who turned on her.

You mean someone who knows her history with me?



You're being set up.

They're probably already investigating you.

Like I was.

When eames was kidnapped.

I never blamed you.

Come on, move, move.

My daughter was very clever.

Come on.

How's jo?

She's very well.


The irony is we spend more time together now than ever before.

She's an intriguing case.

All right.

Go through your case files.

It's someone from your past.

Don't rule anyone out.

You have to ask yourself, bobby, who benefits from all this?

Goren's iuds and cell records.

No calls to phoenix or pittsfield.

He's smart enough to use a no-name cell, someone else's e-mail, just a theory.

Based on nothing.

Captain, I've gone through these accounts you gave simmons is taking a look at goren's family finances.

(Eames) ask me.

Goren had medical bills.

He went six months without a paycheck.

He's not flush.

She's right.

He's got credit union loans.

He's got charge card debt.

He pays the minimums.

You look at life insurance?

Uh, not yet.

Uh, just take one second to run the check.

Start with frank goren.


He lived hand-to-mouth.

He didn't have a job or credit.

How could he have life insurance?

Well, this just popped up.

A gen life policy in frank goren's name.

It's for $500,000.

Who's the beneficiary?

William brady.

There's an explanation.

William brady is the name goren used when he went undercover at tate's.

Why is there a policy on frank's life in that name?

Someone went to a lot of trouble to set goren up.

I have to go upstairs with this.

Get him a psych consultation.

Someone checked my iuds.

My credit union account.

My e-mails.

You think that I'm a suspect?

Bobby, right now, you are a suspect, but do you think I'm capable of something like that?

You called frank the night he was m*rder*d, detective.

Did you go over to his apartment when he didn't answer?

You think that I would k*ll my own brother?

You're a detective.

What should I think?

You're under sustained stress.

Your mother's death.

Your suspension.

Your father.

My father! Your girlfriend tell you that?


You don't have the guts to ask me yourself?

I'm asking you now.

You guys want to pry?

Knock yourselves out.

That is not what this is about.

Yeah, my father, he was a k*ller.


So I'm that too, is that it?

Yeah, I'm a k*ller.

Are you happy, captain?

That work for you?

The question had to be asked.

And here's our answer.

Mark ford brady is robert goren's biological father.

So that means goren is suddenly capable of m*rder?


You have a better suspect?

No, but I have a witness.

My partner would tell you with serial K*llers, the most important interview is with someone who survives.

So I just finished my lecture.

I was going down the staircase.

Someone bumped me, and, um, I woke up in the hospital.

Before, you said it was a woman.

Did i?

It happened so fast.

While you were gmng your talk, did you notice anyone or anything out of the ordinary?

I do not look at my audience.

I lecture from notes now.

I stay glued to my cards or I go off on tangents, you see.


Gage, before all of this, were you in touch with detective goren?

Didn't I see you at his mother's funeral?

You've moved off nicole wallace as a suspect why?

The postmark on nicole's heart.

The heart was removed before you were poisoned.

It's not bobby.

It's not possible.

You sure?

He certainly wasn't the one who bumped into me.

That I would have noticed.

He is caught in a trap, set up by someone close to him.

Maybe even you.

Excuse me?

You care about your partner deeply.

You know more about him than almost I don't need to listen to this.

You can have the room.



That was uncalled for.

You have to look at all the options, captain.

Now we're back to bobby.

Now why would he snap now?


In midlife?

Any psychopathology would have manifested itself earlier.

Or or doctor?

Or lain dormant until some sort of inciting incident.

It would have to be something major, something that shakes his foundation to the core.

But this looks like revenge.

And everyone in bobby's life, including you, me, eames even, [cell phone beeping]

Has to be a suspect.

It doesn't surprise me, actually.

Genius can be very difficult to work with.

Are you even listening to me, captain?

(Ross) morgue.


This is my life! And you promised that this would be confidential! You promised me! Detective! Are you all right?


I dropped my tray.

Nothing broken.

No damage.

Let's go for a walk.

I was trying to clear you.

Good, detective.

But there's an insurance policy on your brother.

Payable to a swiss bank account in the name of william brady.

There's an insurance policy on frank?

Someone's gaslighting you.

That's what declan said.

(Wen) detective goren.

You're here to see jo gage?


You should have called.

Well, I was afraid that she'd tell her father that I was gonna come for a visit.

That's highly unlikely.

She's still in a coma.

Extreme blood loss deprived her brain of oxygen.

Psych had just cleared jo for visitation.

On the morning of her father's visit, we found her in her cell.

She'd bitten her tongue off.

I appreciate your coming.

Does does bobby know I'm here?

He asked for you.


Oh, your partner's here, huh?

Yeah, I was just telling him how you think I'm responsible for k*lling his brother.


Well, that's one working theory.

But why would I do that now?

Wouldn't I need what did you tell the captain?

Some terrible trauma?

Oh, you've had those, haven't you?

In spades.


Pent-up anger.


It's all there.

It's there, all right.

But not toward my partner.

If you think he can help you, you're both out of your minds.

Does she remind you of your mother?

Come on.

Knock it off.

Or nicole.


No, I wouldn't think so.

I mean those two women, jeez, you never knew quite what to expect.

But that's what made 'em so exciting, isn't it?

It's tough, you know, staying engaged when you're always two steps ahead of everyone else in the room.

It's not eames.


She lacks the nerve.


The imagination then.

What did reagan call it?

Um, whatcha the vision thing.

Um that was bush.

Was it?

Talk about your father issues.


Were we talking about father issues?

[Sucking candy]

Isn't that what this is all about?

Come on, bobby.

You waited a year to check, uh, brady's dna.


You knew about my paternity test.

How come you didn't say something to the captain?

You told me that in confidence.

You and don't change the subject.

I get lost when you do that.

I wasn't afraid of the test.

That's right.

Because you always knew.

I mean, the minute you met mr.

Brady, you you didn't it all make sense?

Your whole life.

Your mother's husband never showed you love.

And your mother, despite everything you did for her, she preferred that cankerous brother of yours to you.

Why would that be?

She knew that I could take care of myself.

She worried about him.

Well, she did, didn't she?

So you did what you could for him.

You put him back in touch with your mom at the end, and what did he do, hmm?


He betrayed you.

He tricked you into putting your career on the line for a nephew you never even knew existed.

All right, all right.

[Clears throat]

There's a theme here, bobby.

Did you ever ask yourself why why nobody ever came through for you?

You think it was your fault?


I've thought that.

It isn't, you know.

They failed you.

You did everything you could for 'em.

And more.


Just like I did for jo.

You think you did everything you could for jo?

I did the best I could.

I'm a single parent.

You told me that your relationship with her had never been better.

And she's in a coma.


I didn't want to upset you.

I know you two are close in your way.

And you had enough going on.

You're good.

For a man with diminishing capacity you can still hold your own.

Diminishing capacity?

What are you talking about?

Jo's refusal to see you, is that what pushed your mind over the edge?

What, you think I've lost it?

I am a tenured professor now.

I lecture.

I write books.

And you forget to wash your hands.

You eat candy without the wrapper.

Well, am I a bad boy, huh?

You ate month-old christmas dinner.

What's the matter?

The thought that the food had turned never came to you?

I get busy with my work.

That's all.

Executive function.

Oh, you wanna do the wisconsin card test?

The stroop?

I don't need to.

Your frontal lobe's been blown out, okay?

It's too much formaldehyde.

Drug abuse.

Genetic roulette.

That can be a factor.

Man with your knowledge, must have been excruciating to know what your future was, you know?

Your loss of judgment.

Your lack of inhibition.

There's no meds for that.

There's occupational therapy.

I'll make um uh [sighs]

Uh collages.



You did that already.

You f cut and pasted the pieces of my life together.

Very good, bobby.

You may be on to something.

You did this, didn't you?

You k*lled my brother.

No, no.

That was nicole.

How did you find her?


My latest book.

I wrote about women serial K*llers like jo, like her.

I knew she'd find it then find me.


She tried to seduce me, bobby.

I think you and I may be the only two men who ever said no to her.

It's the only way to engage her.


And then once once you engaged her?

I convinced her that I was furious with you about jo.

She said she missed having a partner.

And my brother?

That was her idea?

I let her think so.

I knew she could get at him.

She said it didn't take much.

You know, a little smile, a little shove.

Declan, you son of a bitch.

He was going down anyway.

Bobby, I didn't want him taking you with him.

You did this for me?


For both of us.

After jo, I had no one.

And you you're the son I never had.

When I saw you at your mother's funeral, you broke my heart.

I wanted you to engage again.

So I gave you a puzzle.

To solve.

To play.

A puzzle?

You think that I needed her to get me back in the game?



And after she'd accomplished that, naturally she turned on me, but I was waiting.

You should have seen her, bobby.

When she realized it was finally her time, he looked up at me with those big doe-eyes of hers, and she said, "you tell bobby he's the only man I ever loved.

" As if a monster like that were capable of love.

You know, I what else?

I'm curious now.

Who who are you gonna miss more?

Nicole or your brother?

Tell me who else.

Who else did you k*ll?


Your nephew?


No, I wouldn't have done that even if I found him.

That wouldn't have helped you.

Helped me.

Helped me.

You still don't see, do you?

[Sighing through his teeth]

You're younger than you know.

You frank, nicole, me we're dead weight.

I wanted you to have a clean slate.

You're free now.

Bobby you're free.