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04x05 - Find Polpo's Fortune! / Let's Find Polpo's Fortune!

Posted: 01/24/23 09:15
by bunniefuu
Bruno: Passione is a pretty big g*ng organization.

Bruno: First, there are groups made up of six to ten underlings, like my team.

Bruno: Then there are capos like Polpo who command those teams.

Bruno: They reign over a particular region, making it their turf.

Bruno: These teams include specialty teams, such as an assassination team and a drug team.

Bruno: Despite being from the same g*ng,

JoJo-main: ,I really don't want to involve myself with those teams or their capos.

Bruno: And the one who stands at the top is the boss.

Bruno: The boss only has contact with the trusted subordinate he considers his right hand,

Bruno: and we have no way of knowing who or where he is.

Bruno: g*ng members in this city hate standing out,

Bruno: as it can quickly lead to their assassination.

Bruno: So even the capos will dress normally to blend in with the crowd,

Bruno: and some even have cover jobs.

Bruno: That goes double for our boss.He won't reveal his identity to anyone.

Bruno: If we go snooping around, we're detected immediately.

Bruno: I know plenty of guys this has happened to.

Bruno: So, Giorno, in order for us to get close to our mysterious boss,

JoJo-main: ,we need to be acknowledged.

Bruno: We can't defeat the boss unless we earn the acknowledgement

JoJo-main: ,and trust of someone close to the boss.

Bruno: So first, we're going to get stronger.

Bruno: We have to climb up to the position of capo.

Bruno: Of course, the two of us can't do that alone.

Bruno: A team we can trust...

Bruno: That's what we'll need to defeat the boss.

JoJo-EpTitle,Sign: Episodio Find Polpo's Fortune!

Nar: The news of the incarcerated Polpo's death spread among the other capos.

Guy: According to our intelligence team, it might've been su1c1de.

Guy : That's not his style.

Guy : Polpo was in a special cell. m*rder isn't possible.

Guy : Maybe he was plotting to betray the boss.

Guy : There aren't many capos as trustworthy as him.

Guy : That's even less believable.

Guy: More importantly...

Guy: Yeah... The problem is his successor.

Girl: How do I look?

Sign: Rome : a.m.

Sale: I just heard that the capos are freaking out.

Sale: Apparently, Polpo committed su1c1de.

Mario: Huh?

Sale: Hey, watch where you're going!

Mario: I'm fine.

Mario: su1c1de? That fatso?

Sale: I told you to watch where you're going!

Sale: So I dunno if Polpo was sad because he was in prison or if his obesity made him depressed,

Sale: but he apparently wasn't very strong mentally.

Sale: He put his own g*n in his mouth and blew his brains out.

Mario: You sure it was su1c1de and not m*rder?

Sale: It was su1c1de, for sure. From the... autopsy, they call it?

Sale: Any expert can tell if it was a su1c1de or m*rder.

Sale: Hey, there's a light up ahead.

Sale: More importantly, have you heard the rumors about Polpo's fortune?

Mario: Rumors?

JoJo-main: ,I don't know where the end of the universe is, and I don't know jack about that, either.

Sale: Before Polpo went to prison,

JoJo-main: ,he converted some of his fortune into jewels and gold

Sale: and hid them somewhere.

Sale: He has a hidden fortune.

Sale: It's too much to even deposit in the bank, and he kept it secret from the organization.

Sale: No one was stupid enough to look for it while Polpo was alive.

Sale: But now that he's dead, that fortune doesn't belong to anyone.

Sale: It's free money.

Sale: It's said to be worth about five billion lire.

Mario: Five billion?

Mario: If I had that much money,

JoJo-main: ,I'd be heading to Monaco or Japan with a girl on each arm.

Sale: Nah, I'd rather work my way up.

Sale: If I can climb up to capo with that money, I can taste honey that's even sweeter.

Sale: But who knows where it's hidden...

Mario: No one knows?

Sale: Nah, and this is just what I'm thinking...

Sale: But Polpo was such a fatty, he couldn't even go outside on his own.

Sale: Do you think he could hide a fortune worth five billion on his own?

Sale: He must've had someone do it for him.

Sale: Someone who's good at keeping their mouth shut...

Sale: Though I'm not sure anyone like that actually exists.

Sale: But Polpo liked Bucciarati.

Mario: Bucciarati? That's one of the thugs from Naples, right?

Sale: Yeah. If anyone could've hidden it, it's him.

Sale: And now that Polpo's dead, Bucciarati should be making his move...

Sale: to get the five billion lire that's just been freed up.

Sale: I'm sure that even Bucciarati wants money.

Sale: Hey, Zucchero!

Sale: That bastard Zucchero actually left!

JoJo-main: ,Did he seriously believe that?

Sale: If you're actually going to trail Bucciarati, I'd be careful.

Sale: Apparently, he and his subordinates are Stand users.

Rome___a_m_,Sign: Naples : a.m.

Nara: Hey, Fugo.

Nara: It's such a nice day outside.

JoJo-main: ,It wouldn't hurt to skip out on studying for one day.

Nara: I'm just not feeling it today.

Waiter: Thank you for waiting. Here's your strawberry cake.

Fugo: Listen, Narancia.

Mista: Set it there.

Waiter: Yes, sir.

Fugo: You're amazing.

Fugo: It's hard to ask someone to teach you something

JoJo-main: ,when you haven't really even been to grade school.

Fugo: But you even learned your multiplication tables!

Fugo: You can do this. Just do as I've taught you.

Fugo: You've got a good head on your shoulders.

Fugo: Okay, ready? What's six times five?

Nara: Six times five... Six and five...

Nara: Thirty?

Fugo: Correct! See? I knew you could do it!

Fugo: You're basically halfway there!

Nara: I see! Six times five is thirty! Okay!

Mista: Hey, what's the deal with this?!

Fugo: What do you mean? It's strawberry cake.

Mista: Yeah, I can see that by looking at it!

Mista: It's obviously not chocolate cake or cheesecake!

Mista: That's not the point here!

Mista: There are four slices of cake!

Mista: Do they want me to die?!

Fugo: Again with this, Mista?

Mista: You moron!

JoJo-main: ,It's bad luck to choose one from four!

Mista: Choosing from five is fine.

Mista: Choosing from three is fine.

Mista: But when you choose from four, something bad will happen!

Mista: When I was a kid, another kid adopted a kitten from

JoJo-main: ,a litter of four that was born in our neighborhood,

Mista: and then the cat scratched his eye right out of his head!

Mista: Of course, he b*at the cat to death later.

Fugo: That's just an old wives' tale.

Fugo: If you think about it rationally,

Fugo: when people eat a cake one slice at a time,

JoJo-main: ,someone's going to have to take one of the last four slices.

Mista: That's the thing, though!

Mista: This is when the restaurant should be more considerate and just bring us three slices!

Mista: Talk about shitty service!

Fugo: Jeez... Don't eat it, then.

Mista: But I want some strawberry cake!

Nara: I did it!

Nara: I did it, Fugo! How's it look?

Fugo: You're finished? Let's have a look.

Fugo: What is this?

Nara: Am I right?

Crunch,Sfx: Crunch

Fugo: You stupid delinquent! Are you messing with me?!

Fugo: How many times do I have to teach you this before you learn?!

Fugo: You sh*t-for-brains!

Mista: Oh, boy. He's lost it now.

Bg fugo: You just said six times five was thirty, so why the hell is your answer even less?!

Mista: Hey, Abbacchio, are you gonna eat that cake?

Nara: What?

Nara: Did you just call me sh*t-for-brains?

Nara: It's not good to look down on others.

Nara: I'll k*ll you. I'll k*ll you, Fugo.

Fugo: You bastard...

Bruno: What the hell are you guys doing?!

Bruno: I could hear you all the way from the entrance!

Bruno: You're bothering the other customers!

Bruno: This is the new member I told you about yesterday.

Bruno: Let me introduce you. This is Giorno Giovanna.

Gio: I'm Giorno Giovanna.

Gio: It's a pleasure to meet you.

Nara: I'm sorry, Fugo.

Fugo: No, I should apologize.

Fugo: Please forgive me, Narancia.

Nara: I'll study even harder, so teach me again.

Bruno: Hey!

Bruno: I'm the one who brought him here, so be respectful!

Guy: Mr. Bucciarati.

Bruno: What is it?

Guy: There's a phone call for you.

Bruno: All right, thanks.

Bruno: Make sure you guys properly greet Giorno! Got it?

Bruno: Giorno, I'll be right back.

Bruno: Take some time to get to know these guys.

Gio: All right.

Abba: Giorno, was it?

Abba: Why don't you have a seat?

Abba: Let's have some tea and chat.

Guy bg: Here you go, Mr. Bucciarati.

Bruno: Thanks.

Bruno: This is Bucciarati.

Bruno: All right.

Guy: Is something wrong?

Bruno: No.

Menini: Bucciarati! Bucciarati, do you have a second?

Bruno: Oh, hello, Ms. Menini.

Bruno: What's the matter?

Menini: I'd like to ask a favor. Could we talk outside?

Bruno: Of course.

Abba: Well, drink up.

Abba: How old are you?

Gio: Fifteen.

Nara: Fifteen? Ha, you're two years younger than me.

Gio: Thank you for the tea.

Abba: What's wrong?

JoJo-main: ,You just thanked me for the tea that I so generously poured for you.

Abba: Since you already thanked me for it, you'll just have to drink it.

Abba: Or do you not want to drink it since it's not very hot?

Mista: Maybe he doesn't want to drink it because he doesn't want to be one of us.

Bruno: What the hell are you guys doing?!

Gio: It's nothing.

Gio: He went to the trouble of pouring this tea for me.

Nara: No freakin' way!

Bruno: What did you guys do?

Nara: Gross! He actually drank it!

Mista: D-Dude, you're hilarious! Did you seriously drink it?

Fugo: No, there's no way he could have!

Fugo: Hey, how'd you do it? Where'd you hide it?

Msita: Hey, come on. Just tell me! Okay?

Gio: Who knows?

JoJo-main: ,You're all keeping your abilities secret, too, aren't you?

Abba: So he's a Stand user?

Gio: What I did with the liquid in the cup is...

Gio: I used my ability to change one of my teeth into a jellyfish,

JoJo-internal/narrator: ,which is percent liquid, to suck it up.

Fugo: Is it, like, some ability to move things?

Mista: Open your mouth. There's no hole in there, is there?

Nara: You actually drank it for real?

Bruno: I'm not sure what it is,

JoJo-main: ,Was that your favorite or something?

Bruno: but there's something about Giorno Giovanna that makes him hard to dislike.

Fugo: If you guys tell me about your powers, I might tell you mine.

Giorno: You're cautious. I respect that.

Mista: Does Bucciarati know?

Giorno: Yeah.

Bruno: They're not exactly a team yet, but we don't have any time to wait.

Bruno: This has to be decided now.

Bruno: Quit screwing around. We're going out.

Nara: Huh? Where?

Bruno: Follow me and you'll find out. Hurry it up.

Lady: Bucciarati! How are you?

Guy: Oh, Mr. Bucciarati!

Scooter: Hey, Bucciarati.

Scooter: Come by my shop again sometime!

Bruno: I will!

Mista: Hey, what are we going to do about a car?

Abba: We got a loaner.

Fugo: Since a certain someone destroyed our last one.

Giorno: As I suspected, the citizens trust him.

Mista: Hey, I told you that wasn't my fault!

Menini: Bucciarati, this is my friend,

Menini: and she's in a bit of trouble because her son is b*ating her.

Menini: Right?

Bruno: I see. That's rough.

Bruno: I'll give him a talking-to.

JoJo-flashback: ,What's your son's name?

Lady: Thank you.

Lady: He's usually such a sweet boy.

JoJo-flashback: ,But lately, he's been getting into dr*gs...

Menini: Bucciarati, I've been living in this neighborhood for fifty years.

Menini: But lately, I've been so anxious.

Menini: Who's making them sell those dr*gs?

Menini: I'm so scared.

Menini: Hey, you're going to protect us, aren't you, Bucciarati?

Menini: You're on our side, right?

Bruno: Yeah... I'll take care of it.

Bruno: I'll figure it out.

Nara: We're going cruising on a yacht?

JoJo-main: ,That's awesome!

Abba: When did you get a yacht?

Bruno: We're going to rent one.

Abba: Huh?

Nara: Aw, it's just a rental.

Mista: Say, Bucciarati...

Mista: Whatever you do, please don't rent that one with the number .

Mista: It'll sink. I know it.

Fugo: Oh, come on... If that were the case, it wouldn't be floating there now.

Mista: Shut up!

Mista: Then you can ride on that one!

Bruno: We'd like to rent a yacht.

Guy: Of course! You can use whichever one you like.

Mista: Other than !

Bruno: All right. Sir, I'd like the one on the far left.

Guy: All right. Let me get you the key.

Bruno: For now, I'd like to rent it for three days. How much will that cost?

Guy: Oh, I could never ask you for money, Mr. Bucciarati!

Guy: Use it as long as you'd like.

Bruno: Thanks.

Nar: Ring me up, pops!

Fugo: This feels nice.

Mista: Hey, Narancia... Hey!

Naran: Huh?

Mista: Well, uh, you know...

Mista: You bought drinks, didn't you? Would you sell me one?

Nara: What? You always say that, but you never pay!

Mista: Oh, who cares? Gimme one! Come on, hurry! Gimme!

Nara: You're so helpless.

naraa: You want a cola or Sparite?

Mista: I'll take a co— Actually, a Sparite, since it's clear.

Nara: Here you go.

Mista: Thanks. Could you hold this magazine for me?

Mista: Thanks, and thanks again...

Nara: Huh? What's wrong with this thing?It just stopped working!

JoJo-main: ,Why'd it stop?

Nara: I just bought it!

Nara: Damn it! How dare he sell me something like this?!

Nara: That stupid old guy from the electronics store is gonna regret this!

Mista: Hey!

Mista: Come on, Bucciarati! Hurry up and tell us where this boat's headed!

Bruno: Fine. We're far enough away from the shore now.

Bruno: We're headed to Capri.

Abba: Capri?

Fugo: We're not going there as tourists, are we?

Bruno: Correct.

Mista: Then why are we going there?

Bruno: This morning, the capo Polpo committed su1c1de.

Mista: What? su1c1de?! Polpo did?

Nara: No way!

Fugo: But why?

Bruno: It doesn't matter why he d*ed.

Bruno: Polpo was a capo who did things that'd get him k*lled.

Fugo: But what does he have to do with why we're going to Capri?

Bruno: Polpo actually has a secret fortune.

Bruno: It's worth...

Bruno: ten billion lire!

Abba: T-Ten billion?

Bruno: I'm the only person who knows where it's hidden.

Bruno: I'm the one he ordered to hide it.

Bruno: That ten billion now belongs to us!

Bruno: With that money, we can claim the rank of capo!

Nara: A-Awesome!

Fugo: He's definitely a man who's going to the top.

Fugo: Just like I thought, he's going to become a capo!

Abba: He earned this opportunity

Abba: by working diligently enough to be acknowledged and liked by a capo.

Abba: Amazing.

Mista: Seriously? This took a sudden turn for the awesome.

Nara: Where is it?

Nara: Where'd you hide that kind of fortune on Capri, Bucciarati?

Bruno: I can't tell you that yet.

Bruno: Rumors of his hidden fortune have made the rounds in the organization.

Bruno: No one can find out before we secure the money.

Nara: B-Bucciarati!

Bruno: Hey! Something's wrong!

Bruno: Did something happen, Narancia?

Mista: Narancia!

Mista: What the heck are you doing?

Mista: H-Hey, come look at this!

Gio: There's only one shoe left...

Abba: Give that here, Giorno!

Fugo: I don't quite understand what's going on.

Fugo: Where did Narancia go?

Bruno: You guys didn't see it?

Bruno: To me, it looked like Narancia got pulled into this box.

Fugo: What?

Mista: That's impossible!

JoJo-main: ,He didn't randomly fall into the ocean, did he?

Abba: Narancia, where are you?

Mista: Hey, Narancia! If you're just fooling around and hiding... Hup!

Mista: Hurry up and answer us!

Bruno: Narancia, where are you?

Giorno: Narancia! Answer us!

Fugo: Mista?

Fugo: What are you doing, Mista?

Fugo: Mista?

Fugo: Where did you go, Mista?

Bruno: It can't be...

Fugo: Come on, Mista!

Fugo: Why are you messing around now—

Bruno: Fugo?

Bruno: Hey, Fugo!

Abba: What?

Giorno: What's going on?

Bruno: Abbacchio, Giorno, stay close to each other!

Bruno: We're being att*cked!

Bruno: There's someone hiding somewhere on this boat!

Bruno: This is a Stand att*ck!

Abba: But why now?

Bruno: The money.

Bruno: Someone found out that I knew where the money was,

Bruno: and they're trying to steal it.

Bruno: Which means they're from the organization.

Abba: Does that mean they've been quietly tracking us ever since we were on the shore?

Bruno: Looks that way.

Bruno: They probably grew impatient because I wouldn't just say where the money is.

Bruno: They intend to get rid of everyone but me, then make me cough up the location.

Bruno: And they can take their time, since we're on the ocean with nowhere to run.

Abba: Are you saying Narancia and the others are dead?

Bruno: I didn't say that.

Bruno: But it's for ten billion.

JoJo-main: ,They'd even k*ll someone from their own organization for that.

Giorno: No, Narancia and the others are alive.

Giorno: They're somewhere on this boat.

Giorno: I don't know if this person is trying to use them as hostages,

Giorno: but they're alive.

Abba: Giorno Giovanna,

Abba: how the hell can you be so sure about that?

Giorno: I used my Stand to turn Narancia's shoe into a fly.

Giorno: The fly is trying to return to its owner, Narancia.

Giorno: If Narancia was truly dead, it wouldn't be flying around searching like that.

Bruno: Can you locate him?

Giorno: He's alive... He's alive, but...

Giorno: It's not going down into the cabin or in the locker.

Giorno: The fly's not trying to stop...

Giorno: It keeps flying around that area looking for Narancia.

Abba: What the hell is his ability?

Bruno: Just shut up and listen.

Giorno: Narancia is somewhere near the entrance to the cabin.

Giorno: That's a fact.

Giorno: But for some reason, the fly can't find him, so it's lost.

Giorno: I think it's safe to assume that we'll find the enemy wherever Narancia is.

Giorno: Which means the enemy isn't just randomly hiding behind something.

Bruno: I see.

JoJo-main: ,So if we don't figure out the mystery behind the enemy's ability,

Bruno: getting too close without knowing could get us k*lled.

Giorno: Correct.

JoJo-main: ,But the fact that their ability requires them to att*ck while hidden is a shortcoming.

Giorno: If we can figure out the mystery behind it, we'll be able to defeat them.

Bruno: Abbacchio, your Stand...

Bruno: might be perfect to defeat such an enemy.

Giorno: Defeat?

Giorno: Can you solve this mystery with your ability?

Abba: Hard to say...

Bruno: Damn it, Abbacchio!

Bruno: You'd better not be hung up on stupid sh*t at a time like this!

Abba: Stupid sh*t?

JoJo-main: ,No.

Abba: This has to do with my safety.

Abba: I can't just carelessly reveal my Stand ability

Abba: in front of a stranger that I can't trust.

Abba: Bucciarati,

Abba: I don't know what made you trust this guy,

Abba: but I don't consider him a part of the team.

Bruno: If we don't figure out the enemy's location, we're going to be k*lled!

Abba: And I'm saying that's just this untrustworthy brat's hypothesis.

Abba: He just came up with it out of fear. He didn't see anything.

Bruno: Abbacchio!

Abba: The enemy is just hiding somewhere in the cabin.

Abba: I'll find them and take care of them.

Giorno: If we get close without figuring out the mystery, we're going to get kil—

Abba: Shut your mouth!

Abba: You stupid little brat...

Giorno: I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream.

Abba: What are you talking about?

Giorno: You can solve the mystery, right?

Giorno: I'm counting on you!

Bruno: Giorno!

Bruno: What the hell are you doing?!

Crunch,Sfx: Roar

Bruno: G-Giorno!

Bruno: There's an enemy over there!

Bruno: sh*t!

Bruno: Giorno's in trouble!

Bruno: Abbacchio...

Abba: Giorno Giovanna... You're one crazy bastard.

Abba: All this to prove yourself...

Abba: What the hell is wrong with you?