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10x01 - Rispetto

Posted: 01/24/23 11:21
by bunniefuu
In New York City's w*r on crime

the worst criminal
offenders are pursued

by the detectives
of the major case squad.

These are their stories.

- Where is he? Where is he?
Nyle, Nyle!

Can you spell genius?

- Well, I can spell
Nyle Brite, right?

- Buddy, you k*lled it.
You absolutely k*lled it.

Again, huh?

Take a bow. Take a bow.
Get out there. Get out there.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Nyle Brite!

- I can't believe
you're blowing me off tonight.

- I got invited
to a girlfriend's party.

It's no big deal.

- Come on, who is he-
a banker,

hedge fund douche bag?

- Nathan, come on,
jealousy's a turnoff.

- Finals are next week.

- And I'll ace them
just like I did midterms.

And I'll call you tomorrow.

- If you're dating other guys,

I swear to God
I'll k*ll you.

- sh**t for Mars,
settle for Venus.

That's what I say
all the time, all right?

To hell with the moon.
- The moon is for losers.

- The moon is for losers.
The moon is a loser.

Oh, God, you are
a very bad girl.

- Oh, you have no idea.
- I'd like to.

- Uh, she's been ridden
more than the "a" train.

I got a newbie.

- You, my man,
are the Houdini of hedonism.

Come on, give it up.

I love him.
I love him.

- Ooh!

Pink Peruvian.

- Ah.

You look amazing.

- Oh, thanks.

What kind of party is this?

- The kind guys don't mention
to their wives.

Sara, say hi to my friend-

the most brilliant
fashion designer on earth.

- You're supposed to say,
"in the universe."

Get everybody
out of my house right now.

The party's over.
Get everyone out of my house.

Get off of me.

Get everybody
out of my house. Move.

Hey, what are you deaf?
Get everyone out.

get out of my house!

Get out!

- Okay, everybody,
party's over!

- Get out.

- Sorry, guys.

- Go away, Nathan.
I'm not the mood.


- Hey.

Hey, we need-
we need to talk.

No anger, no judgment,
just raw, honest truth, okay?

- You're high.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Losing you was the worst thing
that ever happened to me, ever.

- Go home to your wife.
- Come on, let me in.

Come on!
- No, please! Stop! Aah!

- Thank you.

Honey, hey.
We have to talk.

I screwed up.
- No.

- Hey, I'm being
serious here.

- Let me guess-

one of your gal pals
wants to talk to page six?

- Worse, okay?

Much worse.

- Get ready
for school, sweetie.

Mom and dad
need some privacy.

It's okay.
I promise.

- Sara!



Oh, my God!

Criminal Intent S10E01


Apartment was
rented to Sara bell.

Neighbors heard a shot
about 9:15 A.M.

Her boyfriend
found her about 10:00.

Why'd you call us?

College kid gets popped,
parents get freaked.

Welcome back, detectives.

First responders
left her in the carpet.

Paramedics took her pulse,
knew she was gone.

They left her for you.

All right, let's just
clear this area out, please.

Uh, photos?

Okay, looks like
one in the chest-

22-caliber, close range.

Looks like she might have known
who shot her.

The k*ller wrapped
her in the carpet,

then leaves her body.

Haven't seen that before.

Maybe he was trying to bring
the body somewhere

and got spooked.

Fancy clothes for a student.

At least we know
who her favorite designer is.

Nyle Brite.

Not cheap either.

Plenty of trust-fund babies
at Hudson.

Bag that.

at least $5,000 here.

I didn't have that kind
of spending money in college.

It's more
than I have now.


She's an actress...

Or maybe something else?

Nice clarinet.

The Reed's still on it-
dusty, though.

I don't think she played
the clarinet.

She has admirers too.

"You're a lying,
selfish bitch.

I pray to God
you burn in hell."

She was fantastic.

Not according
to the text you sent last night.

My favorite is...

"You used your beauty
as a w*apon

to m*rder the souls
of innocent men."

- I went overboard.
I'm sorry.

- You found the body, Nathan.
That's ground zero.

Jealous boyfriend?

- If I did it,
why would I call 911?

To make us think
you didn't do it?


How long
were you dating Sara?

Two weeks.

And you were
already texting

about the m*rder
of innocent souls?

She was brilliant.

She could quote
Byron and shelley-

did you ever give her
any gifts,


I paid her rent this month.

- That's love.

After only two weeks?

Do you think
that anybody else

might have been paying
her rent

for the occasional...

You know, pay for play?

- What?

No way.

That's ridiculous.

She-she liked to party
with her girlfriends.

- Okay.

You're gonna come
downtown with us,

and we're gonna check
your alibi.

There you go.

- Her I.D. Was fake.

Turns out Sara
wasn't enrolled at Hudson.

She was pretending
to be a student.

- Rich, old guys
love college girls.

"Generous gentlemen only."

- I'm sure she found a few.

How are we doing with the idiot
who sent the crazy texts?

- Nathan's alibi is clean.

He was at the gym
from 8:40 to 10:05.

- If she used him
to pay her rent,

she was using
other people too.

There's another pissed-off
boyfriend out there somewhere.

- Ran Sara's prints-
no records in the database.

Two days before the m*rder,

someone from Nyle Brite
called Sara five times,

three times the next day.

- That's one happy customer.
- Or unhappy customer.

- Nyle Brite's
the "bad boy" of fashion.

His little soirees
are legendary.

Sara had over a dozen
of his dresses in her closet.

- I'm guessing
she didn't pay retail.

Problem is...

Is that all the calls
came from the main office.

The company has
over 300 employees.

- Yeah, but only one who brags
about how he pays to play.

- You like it?
- No.

- I love it!

- It's gonna be bigger
than the plunge dress.

- It's already bigger
than the plunge dress!

Oh, my gosh!

Nyle Brite is gonna make
Marc Jacobs his prison bitch!

- Nyle, come here.
Let me see you.

Let me see your eyes.

For God's sake, man, bankers
are gonna be here in an hour.

- Good. That's great!
That's great!

They should be
here in an hour.

I never felt more present
or intuitive.

- Or more wired.
- Wi-

well, Paul, come on, man.

- You're a mess, Nyle.
You need to see a doctor.

Oh, there it is again-
the "j" word.

I thought we agreed,
there's no room for judgment

in a creative workplace.

- There's also no room
for psychotic behavior

and gross stupidity, okay?

I got six Goldman sachs bankers

coming over here in an hour
to sign off on this thing-

- are you under the impression
that you're my boss?

- We're talking
about $300 million, okay?

- I've never been
more in control.

I'm at one
with the cosmos.

I got it together.

You're the one-
you don't have it together.

I'm square. You're square.

We're squares.
- Come here.

If you blow this deal...

I will bury you.

I swear to God.

Get straight, now.

- Bye, Paul.

- Someone hit her.

It was hard to spot,
because it's above the hairline.

It's a star-shaped cut,
black and blue-

some type
of blunt-force trauma.

- Any idea what caused it?

- A fist, most likely.

Indentation's unusual.

Doer may have been wearing
a ring.

- It's still black and blue,

which means she was injured,
what, a day before she was shot?

- Yeah, give or take.
Happened prior to the sh**ting.

- So college boy Nathan
alibies for her m*rder,

but maybe he clocked her
out of jealousy.

- The guy is a wuss.
He got conned into paying rent.

He's a whiner, not a hitter.

So she got hit
while turning away.

Someone was swinging at her.

So it plays out
like an argument

that amped out of control.

Can you tell us
where Nyle Brite is?

Nyle Brite?

- Uh, sorry.
He doesn't talk to people.

- We're not people.

- Uh, yeah,
he's right here.

Hi, can I help you?

- Do you recognize
this young woman?

- No.

- Her name's Sara bell.
She's a call girl.

She never attended any
of your parties?

- Uh, well, I didn't say
I'd never seen her.

I said I didn't recognize
her, okay?

And I don't really remember her
being at any of my parties.

- Her closet was full
of Nyle Brite clothing.

- You just went
from present tense to past.

- That's because she died.

- How?

- She was m*rder*d.

You ever give her any clothes,
maybe as a gift?

- No.

I don't shower escorts
with gifts.

I don't serenade them
with sonnets.

It kind of defeats
the purpose.

Besides, I don't know
who that is, so...

- Maybe you could take
one last look?

- Oh, my God!
What is wrong with you?

I have a press junket
in an hour,

and you shove a picture
of a dead hooker in my face?

Bad vibes, man!

Bad mojo!
- I'm apologizing.

- Where were you this morning?

- I-I was
at my shrink at 8:00.

And then I had breakfast
with my wife, Debra,

and my friend Teddy.

He's there.

Now, if you have
any more questions,

you can talk
to my army of lawyers.

- Yeah, we had breakfast
at the peninsula

around, uh, 9:30 or 10:00.

- Ever seen her before?

- That's Sara, of course.

Oh, my God, she's dead?


- She was shot
with a.22.

- Did you two "date"?

- Well, we, um...

Several times.

Sweet kid,
beautiful too.

I can't believe she's dead.
That's terrible.

- When's the last time
you saw her?

- A couple days ago...

At the party
after Nyle's runway show.

I got her and some other girls
to show up at his after-party.

- Did she and Nyle
hook up that night?

- No, no, no.

He was, uh,
otherwise engaged.


Did you ever call Sara
from your office phone?

No, I text.

"Special consultant
to Nyle Brite."

Special consultant,
that's, uh...

Uh, fancy.

- I'm a sounding board.
- You're a sounding board.


So you do whatever's
necessary for Nyle,

like keeping him in a positive
psychological state.

- Correct.
- Right.

- Like buying him
cocaine and hookers?

- Much more than that.

Trust me, we grew up
on the same block

in teaneck, new Jersey,

back when he was
Norman Briteling.


- Right.



- Let's see Nyle's shrink.

Maybe she can give us a window
into the cesspool of his mind.

- I met with Nyle
at 8:00 this morning.

- Look, I-I know
you can't violate

doctor-patient privilege,

but is there anything
you can tell us that might help?

- I can tell you
that in session,

he said he'd received flowers
from a girl-

an ex, I suppose.

He was very upset.

- Was her name Sara bell?
- He didn't say.

Uh, now, if you'll excuse me,
I have a patient.

- I'm just noticing,
palm beach real estate.

Business must be good,
especially in this economy.

You know,
I just thought

that pricey therapists
would be something

that people were
cutting back on,

you know, like-I don't know-
white truffles.

- Well, there's, uh,
only one reason

it's better to have wealthy
clients than poor ones.

- What's that?

- Well, the wealthy ones know

that money doesn't solve
your problems.

- Her credit card
indicates Sara bell

spent $145 on flowers
last Sunday.

- Yes, here it is.

She sent a bouquet
to Mr. Nyle Brite for $145.

- She include a note?

- "You said I was
your one and only.

Now reap what you've sown."

That's it-

no sign-off, no signature,
no smiley face.

- Okay.

- "Now reap what you've sown."

- It's a threat.

Maybe she had something
that could blow him up.

It would have
to be pretty big.

The whole world knows
he shags hookers.

You saw the skull ring
on his right hand?

He's the one
that hit her.

And she tried to blackmail him
the day before she died.

Today's business section
just announced

Nyle Brite going public
in three weeks.

- Not a great time
for him to clobber

a 100-pound escort,

or k*ll her,
for thatatter.

- Anything else on this guy-
fingerprints, blood evidence?

- No, but it's pretty clear

he lied
about knowing the victim.

- What about his alibi?

We have the surveillance
from the peninsula yet?

- Nyle showed up at 9:37.

His pal Teddy
showed up at 9:41.

- Well, TOD. Was 9:15.

That means either one of them
had time to k*ll this girl

and go out for a Danish.

Any other suspects?

- There's Paul Keller,
ceo of Nyle Brite,

and also Nyle's wife, Debra.

We tried to reach her.

She went to Florida
right after the breakfast.

She's back now.

- A lot of people stand
to get very rich on this I.P.O.

That means a lot of people
had a damn good motive

for m*rder.

- I'm sorry, but what does
a h**ker's m*rder

have to do with me
or my company?

- We believe she was trying
to blackmail Nyle Brite.

- You know,
I checked your resume.

You've had three companies
that have gone belly-up.

Are you texting us
right now?

Because we're
the ones talking to you.

This I.P.O.
Is a big deal for you.

You're looking
at $50 million if it closes?

- Where were you
Monday morning?

- I was at home
with my wife till 9:00.

I went to the office
about 9:30.

Look, I know absolutely nothing
about this woman.

- We'd like to see
the registration statement.

You know, we'd like to know who
your major stockholders are.

- Well, you feel free to contact
our attorneys, all right?

- How about I call Goldman?

Let me see.

"Goldman," here it is.

Let's see. We'll just tell them
that you're involved

in a m*rder investigation-

- okay, all right, all right.

I'll, uh-I'll have my assistant
send everything over today.

- Oh, good.

Just one more thing-

does it bother you that the star
of your fashion house

has a serious
addiction problem?

- My brother died ten years ago
of a drug overdose.

He was 28.

So, yeah, I take addiction
very seriously.

- I'm sorry
about your brother.

I lost my brother
in the same way.

It just seems to me
like you need to focus more

on getting him into rehab
than on your I.P.O. Closing.

- Yeah, well,
I'm a businessman,

not a Saint.

- Obviously.

- I got to the peninsula
at 9:45.

Teddy and Nyle
were already there.

- The m*rder was at 9:15,

which makes all three of you
persons of interest.

- You went to Florida
immediately after breakfast.

You came back
nine hours later.

- Nyle and I are looking
at condos down there.

- Did you know Sara bell?

- No.
Never met her.

Go to your room, sweetie.

It's okay.

The police are just asking
a few questions.

- That's your and Nyle's son.

- Yes.
That's Tyler.

- Doesn't it bother you

that Nyle dates
porn stars and prostitutes?

- I've been with Nyle
for 20 years.

We're best friends.

He suffers
from multiple addictions.

But I can assure you
he didn't hit,

much less k*ll,
a call girl.

Nyle gets upset
when he steps on a spider.

- I have some of these
"livestrong" bands at home.

- Hmm.

It's kind of amazing
how much money Lance Armstrong

raised with those bracelets.

- Yeah.

- She must know

"livestrong" bracelets
are yellow.

- Well, you know
they wear the purple ones

to raise awareness
for domestic v*olence.

- Debra's a victim.

- Did you see the-the way
her son was watching us?

That's typical behavior
for someone

who was raised
around v*olence.

- Let's see the man
who knew Norman Briteling

way back when.

Did Nyle ever tell you

he was being blackmailed
by someone?

- Nope.

- We scrubbed Sara's texts.

She sent you one
the day before she died.

"I can't do this anymore.
I'm done."

- She didn't want
to see me anymore.

- A hooker ditching the John-

- She wanted out,

and I figured maybe
we'd start hanging-

kind of thing.

It was delusional.

Not the first time
I've been dumped.

- Anyone else
ever blackmail Nyle?

- About six months ago,
a woman named, um,

yasmin had this video.

It was pretty ugly.

- Nyle didn't care
about the group-sex stuff,

just the heroin.

ass good, smack bad.

- And then some guy in a suit
gave you a check for 20 grand?

- Mm-hmm.
- Was his name Paul Keller-

white, 5'10", 40s?

That's him.

Told me if I ever whispered
that Nyle shot heroin,

he would ruin my life.

- Did you ever meet a woman-
Sara bell?

- I saw her at Nyle's party.

She's the reason
why it ended so fast.

And totally fr,
Nyle saw her

told everyone
to get the hell out.

- Because he saw Sara?
- Mm-hmm.

- They knew each other?

- Knew each other?

Hell, it looked like
they were married.

- It's possible
she was at my party.

Every beautiful woman
in Manhattan was there,

except for you, of course.

- Yasmin told us
you shut the party down

the second you saw Sara.


You lied to us
about knowing her.

Is that because
you k*lled her

after she tried to blackmail you
for hitting her?

- Are you a crazy person?

Are you not right?

Because I will sue
your asses for slander!

- You ever play
a musical instrument?

- What?
- No, I'm just saying

that, you know, a lot
of great artists-

they express themselves
in more than one way,

you know, like a great actor
will paint.

- I play clarinet.
I took it up when I was 12.

- Really?


- Yeah.

- Did you ever give Sara
a clarinet as a gift?

- I'm late for a meeting uptown.
I just...

- You have.

Why would you give
a call girl

a clarinet that you played
when you were 12?

Unless you gave it to her
when she was 12.

You're crazy, man.

- Yeah.

That's why you called off
the party that night...

'Cause the hooker
that Teddy brought

was your daughter.

- Reap what you sow.

Chloe Miller...

Born 1991...

Changed her name
to Sara bell in 2005.

Your daughter.

Father's name isn't on the
birth certificate, of course.

But the mother's is-
susannah Miller.


Uh, old girlfriend?

She was a Ford model.

We dated for a few weeks,
and then she got pregnant.

She still live in the area?

- No.

she moved to Paris

when my daughter,
Chloe, was 12.

- I'd married Debra by then,
and we had Tyler,

but I never told Debra or Tyler
about Chloe.

I never-
I never told anybody.

- She was
your first-born child,

your one and only.

I mean, that's what
you told her, right?

She was
your one-and-only girl?

- I read her poetry-

shelley, Byron, keats.

She was an angel.
I loved her.

- Until you found out
she was a call girl.

- I wanted to pretend that
the whole thing never happened.

I wanted to pretend that she
never showed up at my party,

that she wasn't
a prost*tute.

I wanted to pretend
that I didn't-

- you didn't what?

- That I-that I didn't-
that I didn't judge her.

- So you recognized her
at the party.

I guess Teddy
gave you her address.

You went to the apartment.

And you started arguing.

- Yeah.

She started to cry.

She said she wanted to get
out of the business.

- And then you punched her
in the head.

- Oh, okay.

That was the ring.

She slapped me first.
I lost it.

I had been
on a three-day bender,

and I was totally nervous
about the show and the I.P.O.

- All legitimate reasons to beat
the crap out of your daughter.

- I know what
you're doing, okay?

You want to book me
for as*ault, that's fine!

But you can't book me
for m*rder,

'cause I didn't k*ll Chloe-
she's my daughter!

I'll have my team
of lawyers in here.

They'll bail me out
in five minutes!

And then I'm gonna go public
on the offense with my truth!

- You're a train wreck.

- We have to do whatever
is necessary to protect Nyle.

as*ault charges against
a hooker we can brush away.

But it's a little difficult
to go public

when the face of your company's
in jail for m*rder.

- Everything will be fine.

- Really?
Tell me something, doctor.

Did the idiot do it?

- I can't breach
my confidentiality.

Do me a favor-
save your sanctimonious speech

for somebody else, honey.

I know the little game
you and your pal are playing.

- So in the past six months,

Nyle's transferred $70 million
in stock to a family trust.

- That's pretty typical,
isn't it?

- Yeah, when you're
the beneficiary.

But Nyle's not involved
at all.

It's like he gave
$70 million in cash away.

Guess who gets the money.

- I knew there was a reason
the wife was still around.

- Nyle wanted to provide
a nest egg

for me and Tyler in the event
something happened to him.

Right, so he just,
you know, woke up one day

and decided he was gonna
transfer 80% of his assets

to the family trust.

I don't know-seems like
a pretty elaborate plan

for someone like Nyle.

- Nyle's brilliant.
- I'm sure he is.

He just doesn't seem
like a detail-oriented,

you know, "plan for the future"
kind of guy.

- Well, luckily for him,
he has lots of advisers

who are detail-oriented
"plan for the future" types.

- Like who?

- Like his lawyer,
his accountant,

his psychiatrist.

- Dr. Harper
your shrink too?

- Yes.

I've been with her for years.

- Since Nyle started
abusing you?

- Excuse me?

- He might not k*ll spiders,

but he's pretty good
at beating up women.

- This is very elegant.

This part
of his new collection?

- Yes.

- Mom, dad's on tv.
Just turn it on.

I'm done, okay?

I'm done pretending
that decadence, hedonism,

and self-love
are all negative concepts.

I mean, what's more beautiful
than loving yourself, huh,

taking care of yourself,
pampering yourself,

indulging your wild impulses?

W- what's better than that?

The pursuit of joy,
the pursuit of happiness-

that's in our constitution.

Are you along
for the ride, my brother?

- I'm along for the ride.
- You're along for the ride!

He's along for the ride!
You're along for the ride!

Let me-let me tell you

I work fast-
you got to buckle up,

'cause that's the key
to success, is speed.

The key to success is speed.

A synapse comes, it hits, pow!

You got to ride
that thing out, man.

That's how
the big dogs do it, man-

instinct, instinct!

You got it!
- Way to go, dad.

- That's how we do it,
not-not people like you.

I'm talking to you,
you son of a bitch.

You know exactly who you are.
I'm Mick Jagger.

You're the talentless,
faceless zero backstage

making sure I have enough
water to drink,

so deal with it.

- Must be tough having
Nyle Brite as a role model.

- Did you know that Nyle had
a daughter named Chloe Miller?

- If you have more questions,
talk to my lawyer.

- Does your father
know you're a whore?

I'm just curious.

- No.

- Do me a favor.

Tomorrow-tomorrow morning,
right, right when you wake up,

call him.

Call your father
and tell him that you love him.

Do it...

For me.

- Okay.
- Okay.

- So this nut job goes on tv.
It goes viral.

He's all over the news.

All right, he bailed
on the as*ault charge,

so let's step into him.

Look for outstanding warrants,

parking tickets,
hell, jaywalking.

Let's bring him in so we can get
another run at him.

- We checked his office.
He's not there.

He's not at his
wife's apartment either.

There's a town house registered
to his company on Hudson street.

- I'm guessing that's
his home away from home.

- Well, let's see if we can move
him into a studio at sing-sing.

- If you heard
that "poof" today,

that was Nyle Brite's I.P.O.
Going up in smoke.

Goldman sachs announced today

that it is terminating...

Its relationship
with Nyle Brite.

- It's open.

- Brite's
early-morning interview

is being cited as the cause.

- Nyle?

- He's along for the ride!
You're along for the ride!

- Anyone home?

'Cause that's the key
to success, is speed.

The key to success is speed.
A synapse comes, it hits, pow!

You got to ride
that thing out, man.

That's how
the big dogs do it, man

instinct, instinct!

You got it.
That's right!

That's how we do it,
not-not people like you.

I'm Mick Jagger-
you're the talentless,

faceless zero backstage
making sure I have enough water

to drink,
so deal with it.

Hey, psst.

- Show me your hands!
- Don't sh**t, please!

I was upstairs listening to music
when I heard these loud bangs.

I'd been partying
pretty hard,

so I didn't know
if I was dreaming or...

- Did you call 911?

- I was too scared.

I thought that the k*ller
might still be here,

so I just hid
in the closet and prayed.

- She didn't see anything.

- Big surprise.
- Full-on circus-

paparazzi, news vans,

- Page one,
tomorrow's post-

Tsunami kills thousands,

or Nyle Brite gets shot
in the heart?

I wonder which it will be?

That matches the sketch

that was back
at Debra's apartment.

- Say what you want,
but Nyle Brite

knew how to design clothes.

- So this is what we have...

Five.22 shells,
all in the chest.

Our k*ller was pissed.

- Hey, just got word
from ballistics-it's a match.

Same g*n used
in the Sara bell m*rder.

- We're looking
at the same sh**t.

- Besides our girl
in the closet,

two other escorts
saw nothing,

but one remembers
an angry phone call around 2:30,

in which Nyle called
someone "a selfish bitch."

- Debra?

- Know anyone else
who matches that description?

- You drag me
in here at night-

my husband is dead.

My son has to wait
in a police station.

You better have
something good.

- Here, have a seat.

- We'll make this simple.

Did you k*ll your husband
and his daughter?

- Our company died

the minute he went on tv.

I wanted to k*ll him...

But I didn't.

- We left your apartment
at 2:00.

Where were you
between then and 4:00?

- At home with Tyler.

- And Dr. Harper.

- Excuse me?

- You told us
th Nyle discussed

his financial matters
with his psychiatrist,

and I just find that odd.

I mean, isn't it?

- I have no idea.

- No?

Okay, well-all right,
maybe it's not for us to judge

what people discuss
with their therapist.

Dr. Harper's your girlfriend.

- My private life
is irrelevant.

- Sure.
You-you went to Florida

right after Sara was k*lled.

You were there
for nine hours.

- We spoke
to a broker down there.

Apparently you and Dr. Harper
are in negotiations

for a $15 million house.

- We found
this real-estate magazine

in Dr. Harper's office.

The two of you...

You and Dr. Harper,
teamed up

to exploit
Nyle's mental state

and get rich...

Move to Florida,
palm beach,

live happily ever after.

- It's not a crime to live
happily ever after, detective,

especially after
20 years of abuse.

I didn't k*ll
that young woman,

and I didn't k*ll Nyle.

I've let go of my anger.

- Excuse me, please.

Not bad.
You have talent.

- Had a good teacher.

- I'm sorry about your dad.

- I'm not.

- I-I saw one of his sketches
at-at your house.

It was of a-a-a nice dress.

He-he did have talent.

- It wasn't his sketch.

My mom covered for him,

just like everybody else
covered for him all these years.

- Well, if it wasn't his,
then whose was it?

- Teddy!

Teddy, it's the police.
Open up!

- Looks like Teddy took
his work home from the office.

- He's been designing
his own line.

- He was set to make three mil
off the I.P.O.

It costs a lot more than that
to launch a line.

No one would finance
the rest.

- Has he shown up
at his office yet?

- I tried the receptionist.

Ten minutes ago, she said
she still hadn't seen him.

- Let's lie.


Hi, I'm looking
for Teddy scola.

Yes, this is
Martin flom from Armani.


Debra Brite told me about the
new line he's trying to launch.


Yes, I'm only in town
for one day.

Can I-

I'll be there in 20.

Thank you.

- What the hell
are you doing here?

- I have a meeting.

- A meeting?
With who?

- An investor.

- An investor?
For this company?

What the hell
are you talking about?

- Remember that new line
I was telling you about?

I finally finished
the samples.

- Terrific.

- Teddy?

We need to talk.

- Sorry, I have
an important meeting.

- I know.

Martin flom told me
all about it.

You are the bad boy
of fashion.

You are a-a-a genius.

Teddy scola.

A- ask me, this should
be your office, your chair.

This is, uh, Nyle Brite's
famous plunge dress.

- So simple-

the draping in front,

that elegant, daring plunge
in the back.

- No wonder
he was a fashion icon.

But he didn't design it.

You did.

It's right here
in your sketchbook.

Famous plunge dress,
dated march 19, 2005.

That's six months before
Nyle unveiled it in Milan.

- Paris.

- Sorry.


And your new design...


Teddy, that's beautiful.

- Nyle had charisma.

I- I was just a schlep
from Jersey.

He was the star. I was the-
- what?

You were the...


Part of the entourage,
you know, dumb friend?


Uh, pimp?

You know what gets me
is that-

that the two of you were-
you were real friends

back in the day.

You know, Norman Briteling
and Teddy scola.

I- I looked it up-
the two of you went

to the fashion institute
together after high school.

- Yeah.

- He loved you.
He trusted you.

Took your advice.

And you got perks-
sex, dr*gs, rock and roll.

- How many times
did you ask Nyle

to finance your own line?

You were gonna make
$3 million from the I.P.O...

Net after taxes, 1.5-
not chump change,

but not enough
to launch a line.

- Nyle didn't think
we were ready.

He said my sample
was derivative.

You believed that?

Nyle telling me...

That I'm derivative?

- That prick.

The guy
didn't appreciate anything.

You know, you brought him Sara,
as a present,

to the party,
a college girl.

How were you gonna know

that that was his daughter?

- We didn't recognize
each other.

I hadn't seen her
in nine years.

- Nine years.

He freaked out, you know?

Later, they go to the apartment.
They fight.

- What did she do
after he beat her?

- She came to my place,
told me what he'd done.

I never would have brought her
there if I knew who she was.

- Was it her idea to blackmail
him, or was it yours,

you know, to ensure
that he sponsor

your own fashion line,

you know, after the I.P.O.
Went through?

- I busted hump
for this company.

- Yes.
Yes, you did.

- Every year, Nyle said,

"you'll get your line, Teddy...

Next year."

And the next year
and then the next year

and the year after that!

- She sent him flowers...

And then the note.

But-but then what happened?

I mean,
despite her anger,

she couldn't blackmail
her father.

She loved him, right?

Blood's thicker.

- That's why
she sent those texts-

"I can't do this anymore.
I'm done."

- As long
as you were number two,

it was all good.

He loved you.

But he wasn't gonna let you
step into the sun...


He was the Mick Jagger,

and you were, you know,
the faceless, silly, little guy,

you know, backstage-
the one who brings you water.

- I was more than that.

- Is that how you came up
with the name "spetto"?

Because you just shorten
the Italian word rispetto...


- I love the sound of it.

It's mysterious,
but it's strong.

And it motivated me, too,

knowing what the word
really meant.

It helped me, you know,
fight through obstacles.

- Like Sara.

- I had no choice.

She was gonna tell Nyle that
I was trying to blackmail him.

He would've dumped me
in a heartbeat.

- So you k*lled her
to keep your dream alive.

And you k*lled him in anger,

because he went
on national television

and destroyed the company.

- I-I didn't want to!
- No.

- But I just-I...

I just wanted my moment.

- Well, you earned it.

- I don't care
what anybody says.

I was good.

I really was.

- Yeah, Teddy.

You were better
than good.

You were brilliant.

But you had to k*ll...

A father and a daughter

for anyone to notice.

- No.

Come on!

Come on, no!

Come on!

It was me!
I was great!

- On the bright side, he'll
have his moment in the sun...

in the yard, an hour a day.