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01x01 - Red, White, Black, Yellow

Posted: 01/24/23 16:27
by bunniefuu

Stories scattered through time.

Man, born from dust, was strong,

wise, and resourceful.

But an inevitable darkness-creatures of

destruction, the creatures of Grimm-

set their sights on man

and all of his creations.

When all seemed lost,

and it seemed man's brief

existence might return to dust,

the smallest spark of hope

brought forth a great light.

Once born of dust, man used

his passion and ingenuity

to discover a new power,

appropriately called Dust.

Man thus lit their way through

the darkness and restored civilization.

Hey, listen Mom!

Yang graduated from Signal Academy

and got accepted to Beacon Academy!

Isn't that great?

Sis always said she

wanted to be a Huntress,

and it's really happening!

Which is a little frustrating, too.

Of course I'm happy for her,

but I want to be a Huntress too,

and my grades at Signal aren't good.

What can I do to be more like her?

Anyway, when it comes to handling weapons,

I know I'm as good as anyone else.

I just gotta work harder!

Someday, I'll fight to protect people

from the Grimm just like you did, Mom!

Oh? Yang!

What were you talking to Mom about?

About your acceptance. I'm so happy!

Is that right? Thanks!

The arrangements have

been made, Mistress Weiss.

Shall we go, Klein?


You're drinking

in the daytime again, Mother?

Are you ready, Weiss?

Whitley. Do you think

you're the one testing me?

I'm worried about you.

A test this dangerous isn't normal.

I'm sure you would agree, Sister.

No. This is hardly enough to intimidate me.

Shut up and watch.

I've always watched you,

my fearless, foolish sisters.

I am very pleased to see you,

Father. Elder Sister.

This is the final test, right?

This is utterly pointless.

Wasn't this your choice, Father?

Weiss is prepared to do it.

Well, then, please unleash the Grimm.

Fine. But the instant I decide

you can't do this, you fail.

And that will be the end

of your selfish behavior.



Now you understand, correct?

We're finished here.

No. It isn't over.

Adam, are we really doing this alone?

The only guards will be Atlas toys.

The humans fear the White Fang

too much to face us.

But you are you scared?

Do you think I'm the type to scare easily?

I'm very aware of your bravery.

That's the Company's train.

The entire cargo of Dust is ours.

Well, this is going to get messy.

Try not to have too much fun.

Your Aura can only take a direct attack

once or twice at most.

The moment you're hit, you're finished.

The powerless return to dust.

That is the law of this world.

Mistress Weiss, you did it!

You will accept my enrollment

in Beacon Academy now, won't you?


Have it your way!

Perfect. We'll run the train

into the ravine.

It isn't on autopilot.

There are human workers riding, too.

Just humans. They aren't Faunus like us.



Farewell, Adam.


Are you betraying me

betraying the White Fang?

I have to find my own path.

Should we follow Blake?

Leave her be.

Once she learns more about the world,

she'll know we're in the right.

I forgot the city was so big!

It's so much more fun than Patch Island.

I can listen to music at scroll shops,

visit cafés and w*apon stores,

and the time just flies by!

Oh, what should I do about Yang's present?

The Dust shop is still open!

The latest issue of w*apon Magazine!


You can't get it on

Patch Island until next week.

The city of Vale is so advanced!

"We are delighted to accept you

into Beacon Academy."

Dad, did Ruby come home?

No, not yet.

She said she'd be back in a minute.

I wonder what happened.

She's secretly buying a present

to celebrate your acceptance, Yang.

Oh, why did you tell me?

I was trying so hard to play dumb.

Sorry, sorry.

We won't have as many chances

to go out as a family now.

I wonder if Ruby will do okay with me gone.

When she gets excited,

she loses sight of everything around her.

It's about time Ruby became independent.

It's great that you support each other,

but it's not good for Ruby

if she's always depending on you.

Fine, fine, I know.

She certainly is late, though.


Do you have any idea how hard it is

to find a dust shop open this late?

You can take my money.

We're not here for your money.

Help yourselves.

"The first stage of a

w*apon's transformation

should combine both offensive

and defensive capabilities."

Yeah, totally!


Hey kid, put your hands in the air.


What is it?

Put your hands up!

Are you robbing me?


You punk!

A Semblance?

A Beacon Academy student?

You were worth every cent. Truly, you were.

Well, Red, I think we can all say

it's been an eventful evening.

And as much as I'd love to stick around,

I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

You won't get away!

You thief!


She's nearby.

Ruby, you're all over the place!

What's going on?

Ruby, what did you do?

We got a Huntress. Let's beat it!

Wow! You're a Huntress?

Miss, did you not stop to think about how

your actions put others in great danger?

Is your Aura strong enough

to stop every b*llet they fired?

But they

Oh, Professor Ozpin!

Just stopping by for a quick visit.

Good evening, Tai.

Professor! I

Don't worry.

I just want to speak

with your daughter a bit.

Hey, was that


The head of Beacon Academy.

There's someone here

who would like to meet you.

Ruby Rose.

You have silver eyes.

Um, you are?

Do you know who I am?

Yes, probably.

Professor Ozpin.

You're the headmaster at Beacon Academy.

Nice to meet you. Now, a question.

Do you want to attend my school?


Unbelievable! Really?

Yeah. He said he'd let me

skip two grades to get in.

Amazing! Now we can enroll together!

She's gifted. She reminds me

of your Team STRQ.

Ruby is still a child.

Children eventually leave the nest.

I never dreamed they'd both leave together.

"Notice of acceptance"

Now I can take a different path.

Your remaining luggage

has been sent to Beacon.

Thanks. I'd better go.

Why don't you wait a little longer?

Winter was too busy to come.

Father and Whitley couldn't

be bothered to see me off.

Isn't that right?

But I'm happy that you came, Klein.

Please be well.

You too, Mistress.

Please take care of yourself.

I am certain you will

become a fine Huntress

and will carry on the legacy

of Master Nicholas,

as a descendant of the great Schnee family.

I believe in you.

I'm going, Mom.

Phew! I made it.

Phew I made it in time.

Thanks, Dad!

For you and Mom and Uncle

and my teachers

And I'll be as good

as the best Huntsmen!

I'll become a super awesome Huntress,

and I'll make tons of friends, too!

That's the spirit.

But you don't need to

overdo it trying to be the best.

You two should just stay

the way you are. Got it?

All right, Dad! We should get going.

Write to me, okay?


See you later!

Through battle, man won life.

But even the most brilliant lights

eventually flicker and die.

And then

darkness will return.

So stay vigilant, guardians

of the light, but take heed.

There will be no victory in strength.

But perhaps victory is

in the simpler things.

Things that are long forgotten

Things that require a

smaller, more honest soul.