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01x04 - Ice Queendom

Posted: 01/24/23 16:29
by bunniefuu
There's nothing here.

Is this?

That's pretty cool!

What's this?

It's telling me to do a

bunch of things at once.

How am I supposed to know what to do?

That's just like Weiss.


It's me.

Ah, this is Ruby. Can you hear me?

Yes, I can hear you.

Have you found the gate?

There's snow everywhere.

I don't see anything.

But I did find a weird

road sign and train tracks.

Did anything appear on the tracks?


A train is coming!

It's from Weiss's family's company.

Oh no, the train is under attack!

They have Grimm no, White Fang markings.

I've got to help!

You mustn't, Ruby.


You must not intervene in things there yet.


They derailed the train.

Are the train tracks all right?


Try following the tracks.

Remember to set markers along the way.


The enemy will be hiding

in unexpected places.

Be careful not to overlook any signs.


Is this a maze?

Just let me in already!

Where are you, Weiss?

It's me.

Ruby here.

I found a really big city.

Did you pass through the gate?

Um, I think so.

There was a door and a maze,

and I kinda just jumped over it all.

Keep setting markers,

and proceed very carefully.

If you get caught trespassing,

reconnaissance will become difficult.


Also, be careful to not waste the coins.

Each one consumes some of my Aura. If you

run out, I won't be able to help you.


Oh Also, my clothes and w*apon

and stuff have changed.

Why is that?

What you're seeing is how Weiss views you.

Which means that there's

another you in her dream.

There's another me in here?

It's gone for the time being.

If you replace one

of the dream's characters,

it's harder for the Nightmare

controlling the dream to spot you.

If you were someone like me

who isn't close to Weiss,

you wouldn't have a character in the dream,

and you'd be recognized as alien.

So Weiss actually thinks we're close

Understood, Professor.

All right, I'd better keep moving.

How does it look?

She's trapped more deeply than I expected.

This may prove troublesome.


Um, what if we all fight the Grimm

together like we did with Jaune?

It's not time yet.

The Nightmare has spent time burrowing

into Weiss's heart, and has hidden itself.

We have to find it within the dream first.

I can't believe I didn't even notice.

I've only been thinking about myself.

Jeez, I'm the one who needs to think

about what being a good teammate means.

Stop blaming yourselves.

Instead, focus on your dangerous

and terrifying opponent, the Grimm.

Now is when Weiss needs her

loyal friends. She needs your help.

If we tried to enter her dream,

we would be rejected.

You are the ones Weiss believes in.

For now, prepare for battle.


We're the ones who'll save Weiss.

It isn't too late.



I have a bunch left. I should be fine.


Um, the train tracks from before.

Wow! That's so easy!

Are those things on the lookout?

And now, today's news. Another Company

train has been att*cked.

There appear to be no survivors.

What an unspeakable act.

We must exact retribution

from the hated White Fang!

Big Nicholas!

What kind of salute is that?

Intruder detected!

Sorry, I didn't mean to!

Intruder detected!

I said I was sorry!


Weiss, this is backwards!

I said I was sorry! I said

I was sorry! I said I was sorry!

Intruder detected!

Ugh I'll have to explain it

to Weiss when she wakes up.

Weiss and the Grimm must

be over there

It's all thorny, just like Weiss!

Why can't you just let me through?

Unauthorized Semblance use is prohibited.

Loyal citizens of the Empire

must travel the true path.

But what true path?

I don't see a way in.

There was supposed to be a map too, right?

What? It only covers the

places I've walked?!

That doesn't give me any idea where to go.

I wasted that coin.

Oh, wait!

A big building Is this it?

Professor Shion did say

that the path in the dream

would go through places

important to Weiss.

The Company provides the people

with a place to work.

Dust mining, refinement,

transport, and sale.

Just how many jobs do you

think I've created for you?

My father-in-law Lord Nicholas

was indeed a great man.

He risked his life searching for

Dust mines, and brought peace to Atlas.

But the one who brought wealth

and expanded the Company

was I, Jacques Schnee.

Schnee Is that Weiss's dad?

He doesn't seem very nice.

Hmm? The heck is that?

Well isn't that cute. A decoy.

Someone must be wandering

around without permission.

Track them down and capture them.

Heigh heigh heigh, ho ho ho,

making Dust is fun, you know!

It's a noble job, makes your head bob!

Just come down and see the Dust factory!

Your hard work and Dust

will bring peace to the world.

You are all the true pride of the Company.

This is boring me to death.

They all feel like slaves.

Big Nicholas!

Wha-?! I'm sorry!

I'm not here to cause trouble!

I just want to find a way through.

You aren't a worker, are you, miss?

You want to go to

the other side of the wall?

Uh, yes. And you are?

I'm Happy Klein, one of the

Seven Butlers, and the director here.

Oh that's right. The Dust shop next

to the Sillies' jail is still open.

The Sillies' jail?

Master Jacques told us how

fortunate the Company workers are.


Master Jacques told us that the best

way for the company to grow

is to make workers perform cheap labor.

Is that the Dust shop he meant?

Hello, hello, hello!

What? The door is talking?

Tee hee hee. I'm Dopey Klein.

I'm one of the Seven Butlers!

I'm guarding the Sillies here

to make sure they don't escape.


I'm talking about real, certified dummies.

If they get out, um, something

really bad will happen!


Aren't these the guys from Team JNPR?

Is this what Weiss thinks of them?

Miss, if you're a dummy too,

you'd better get inside!

Ah, I'm not. Probably.

Inside is warm and safe

and fun and, um, warm!

I'm sure it is, but I gotta go.

You can't act like a dummy, you know.

That's the Empire's number-one law!

Got it. Totally!

Bye, then.

Because dummies lose the

right to be Schnees!

I heard another train was att*cked.

How awful! I get chills thinking

about the Faunus being so close.

Big Nicholas!

There was a way inside that wall, right?

I'd better make these count.

Welcome home, Mistress.

Thank you, Klein.


Yet another train has been att*cked.

The White Fang inhabiting the valley

grow stronger by the day.

- How long will it be before we are able to safely receive trains again?

- Ha ha ha ha!

Thankfully, there isn't

a single Faunus in the Empire.

But the girl in the black garments

keeps appearing again and again.

It's quite worrying.

True. I can't get my mind

off her for a moment.

Monitor her very closely.

There's a problem, Sister.

Whitley! You were flying around

without permission again?

I was flying patrols to make sure nothing

happened that you would get blamed for.

I don't want my dear sister

to be punished for anything.

State your business.

I saw a dummy wandering around outside.

What did you say?

After breaking a soldier

in the factory town,

she used a weird decoy to escape.

A dummy's behavior indeed!

Big Nicholas.

Big Nicholas.

Big Nicholas.

Weiss, you carry a heavy responsibility.

Tee hee hee.

Ruby! Why is she here?

Are you not a proper daughter

of the Schnee family, Weiss?

That isn't at all

Sneaking outside without permission, talking

to a commoner who is likely a thief

Is that behavior worthy

of the Schnee family name?

Dummies aren't needed

in this Empire, Sister.


- Hee he he he he.

- Aha ha ha ha ha.

I will make them aware that I,

more than anyone,

am a suitable heir to the Schnee family

and descendant of Big Nicholas.

Loyal Imperial subjects honor their duties.

Do not engage in unauthorized travel.

Do not desire things that

are unsuitable to the Empire.

Respect your family.

I still can't find Weiss yet.

Maybe she doesn't want to see me.

Why wouldn't she?

I don't know. It feels like she hates me.

You mustn't let your heart

be swayed by the dream.

Have you ever swum in a fast current?

Um, when I was a child.

Dad got mad at me and

said I could've drowned.

The river isn't deliberately

trying to drown you as it flows.

When you enter the river,

the flow of the water changes.

Um, what does that mean?

A dream is a large river where

many different souls assemble.

If some are evil, others are good.

Lies and truth are

but small parts of a dream.

Don't let it swallow you up.

You must face it head on.

Face it head on?

I would like to explain in more detail,

but if we keep talking, you'll

use up the rest of your coins.

Is there anything else?

No. Thank you very much.

I think it was this way.

That's the girl.

That's the girl.

There she is! Insolent scoundrel!

Surround her! Surround her!

A dummy wandering around on her own!

You will return with me to the tower.

Return to the tower?

Weiss! I've finally found you!

Be silent!


Who gave you permission to speak?

An immature, rowdy child without

even the most basic manners,

wandering around without permission.

What an embarrassment you are.

I knew it.

You're embarrassed to be around me!

I told you to be silent.

All right, Sister Winter, your verdict.

The wicked will wander the void.

Punish the traitor to the Empire,

and imprison them for eternity.

You have been judged.

Prepare yourself, Ruby.

It was all a lie, wasn't it?

About wanting a bunk bed,

about accepting me as leader.

Even about Blake!

We're doing this for you, Weiss!

But I don't care anymore.

I'll snap you out of it,

and then I'll never talk to you again!

You won't get away!

Was Weiss always this tough?

The last coin I'll use it to escape.

But I can't run yet. I have to

do something about Weiss.

No, we're going to do something about you.

Isn't that right,
