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07x12 - The Pegasus

Posted: 01/26/23 08:27
by bunniefuu
I don't see why we have
to do this every year.

I thought that last year
the teachers had agreed

that they wouldn't
do this anymore.

"Captain Picard Day"

is one of the children's
favorite school activities.

They look forward
to it all year.

Why does it have to be me?

Because you're the Captain
and they look up to you.

You're a role model for them.


they seem to have

a somewhat exaggerated
impression of me.

I don't know.

I think the resemblance
is rather striking.

Wouldn't you agree, Number One?

Isn't there something
else you have to do?

I'll be on the Bridge.


The finalists will be
here in half an hour.

You have to pick a first,
second and third place

and four honorable mentions.

Worf to Captain.

Incoming transmission
from Admiral Blackwell.

It is coded priority one.

Put it through, Mr. Worf.

Excuse me, Counselor.

Yes, Admiral?

Captain, what is your status?

We are conducting
energy output studies

of the Merkoria Quasar.

All systems normal.

The ship is fully operational.

Good. I'm postponing
the quasar study for the moment.

The Enterprise is to rendezvous
with the Starship Crazy Horse

in Sector 1607 immediately.

You're authorized to exceed
warp speed limitations

for the duration
of this assignment.

I understand.
What is our assignment?

I prefer not to discuss it
over subspace channels.

The Crazy Horse
will be carrying someone

from Starfleet Intelligence.

He'll brief you when he arrives.

Very well.

"Captain Picard Day"?

Oh, uh...

yes, it's, uh...
it's for the children.

I'm a... I'm a role model.

I'm sure you are.

Starfleet out.

So who won the contest?

Oh. Paul Menegay,
a seven year old.

He did a most interesting
clay sculpture of my head.

Was that the orange one
with the lumpy skin?

- Yes.
- Mm-hmm.

Oh, you'll be interested
to know that I've arranged

for a "Commander Riker Day"
next month.

I'm even considering
making an entry myself.



Aye, sir.


I'll bet you never thought
you'd see me again.

It's good to see you, sir.

Yeah, sure it is.

You look like you're
about to faint.

No. It's... it's just
that it's been a long time.

Uh, Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Admiral Eric Pressman.

Pressman... yes, of course.

You were Will's first
commanding officer.

On the... the Pegasus.

That's right.

As a matter of fact, the Pegasus
is the reason I'm here.


She's still out there, Will

and the Romulans have found her.

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission...

to explore strange new worlds

to seek out new life
and new civilizations

to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

As you know,
the Starship Pegasus

was lost in this sector
some 12 years ago

along with most of her crew.

I was her Captain

and Commander Riker
here was my helmsman.

I remember hearing about it.

The ship was destroyed

by a warp core breach,
as I recall.

The Captain and I
along with seven others

managed to make it
to the escape pod

before the breach
became critical.

From space, we observed
what appeared to be

a matter/antimatter expl*si*n
which vaporized the ship.

No wreckage was found

so Starfleet officially
declared the ship destroyed.

all that changed three days ago.

Starfleet Intelligence
has an operative

in Romulan High Command.

He sent us a message
that a Romulan warbird

had located a piece of debris
in the Devolin system

which was positively identified
as being from the Pegasus.

The warbird was then ordered

to locate the rest of the ship
if possible and retrieve it.

What would the Romulans want

with pieces
of a 12-year-old starship?

The Pegasus was a prototype...

experimental engine,
new weapons systems.

In fact, some of our designs

were used in constructing
the Enterprise.

There are a lot
of things on board

the Romulans would love
to get their hands on.

What are our orders?

To find the ship
before the Romulans do.

Salvage it if possible,
destroy it if necessary.

You command the Enterprise

while I remain in command
of the overall mission.

We'll need metallurgical
and chromographic specs

on the Pegasus in order to set
up the proper search parameters.

I'll make the appropriate
information available to you.

Very well.
Lay in a course

for the Devolin system.

Aye, sir.

Captain, we are approaching
the Devolin system.

Any sign of the Romulans?

No, sir.

Oh, they're out there.

They're just waiting to see
what you're going to do.

Mr. La Forge?

The an awful lot
of ionizing radiation

in this system, Captain.

That and the amount
of sheer rock

is going to slow down
our search a little.

- How slow?
- I'd say at least...

Sir, Romulan warbird
decloaking directly ahead.

They are powering weapons.

Shields up.
Red Alert.

Prepare phasers.

Sir, they are hailing us.

On screen.

I am Commander Sirol
of the Romulan vessel Terix.

To whom do I have
the honor of speaking?

I am Captain Jean-Luc Picard

of the Federation
Starship Enterprise.

Captain Picard,
I've heard so much about you.

A pleasure to make
your acquaintance.

I hope our sudden appearance
didn't startle you.

Not at all.

But your unannounced appearance

might have
unfortunate consequences.

It would be an awful shame
if your ship were damaged

due to some misunderstanding.

I am touched by your concern
for my ship

but I doubt we were ever
in any danger.

May I ask what you are doing
in this system?

I might ask you
the same question.

We are conducting a survey
of gaseous anomalies.

How interesting.

So are we.

Perhaps we could combine
our efforts

and share our findings.

I doubt our objectives
are compatible.

Perhaps you're right.

This has been
a most pleasant conversation

but we must return
to our research.

Then I won't keep you.

Sir, they are moving off

resuming their tachyon scans
of the system.

Stand down Red Alert

but keep tracking
their movement, Lieutenant.

Aye, sir.

Commander, how long
will it take us

to search this system?

At least seven days, sir.

And the Romulans have
a two-day head start.

Then let's get to it.

Mr. Data?

Initiating sensor sweep
of grid 01.

So how long have
you had that beard?

About four years.

I got tired of hearing
how young I looked.

What was it that...

Lieutenant Boylen
used to call you?

"Ensign Baby Face."

You never did have much
of a sense of humor.

I like to think

that I've lightened up
a little in my old age.


I've been known
to tell a joke or two.

Well, it's about time.

You were always so
serious on the Pegasus.


We went through
some serious times.

Do you really think we're going
to find the Pegasus again?

I wouldn't have come all the way
out here if I didn't.

What about the experiment?

Do you think we're going
to find that, too?


You know, I think a lot
about what happened...

especially on that last day.

So do I.

It's not the kind of thing
you just forget.

Do you ever wonder
if we did the right thing?


What happened was
a tragedy, yes

but it wasn't your fault
and it wasn't mine.

What we were doing was for
the good of the Federation

and we can't blame ourselves
if the others couldn't see that.

I know, but...

maybe we went about it
the wrong way.

Well, this time
we may have a chance

to do it the right way.

If this mission is successful

if we find the Pegasus
and the experiment

we can finish what we started
12 years ago.

You want to try again?

It's not just me, Will.

The Chief of Starfleet Security
has personally given me

her assurance
of complete support.

Admiral Ranar!

How many other people
know about this?

Not many, and it's up to us
to make sure it stays that way.

Ranar has given me
written orders for you.

You'll find them coded
in the Enterprise computer.

You've been instructed
not to reveal

the true nature of our mission
to anyone else

not even Captain Picard.

Will... don't worry.

It won't be like it was
12 years ago

and this time,
no one's going to stop us.

As a matter of fact,
I never met Will

until he reported on board
at Farpoint Station.

You chose your First Officer
without ever meeting him?

I was looking
through the records

of about 50 candidates

and Will's was very much
like all the others...

filled with lots
of dry statistics

and glowing letters
of recommendation

that tell you nothing.

I was about to put it aside

and look at another file,
and then...

something caught my eye.

There was an incident
on Altair III

when Will was First
Officer of the Hood.

He refused to let
Captain DeSoto beam down

during a crisis.

He disobeyed a direct order

and he risked
a general court-martial

because he thought he was right.

And when I read that,
I knew that I had found

my Number One.

You wanted someone
with a history of disobedience?

I wanted someone
who would stand up to me

someone who was more concerned

with the safety of the ship
and accomplishing the mission

than with how it might look
on his record.

To me, that's one of the marks
of a good officer.

Frankly, I've always felt
it was more important

for an officer
to trust his Captain's judgment.

In a crisis, there's no time
for explanations.

Orders have to be
obeyed without question

or lives may be lost.

I am aware of that, Admiral.

Of course you are.

I guess this mission
has brought up

some old ghosts for me.

You know what it's like
to lose a ship?

You're always wondering

if there's something else
you should have done.

Something you missed.

Admiral, the record regarding
the loss of the Pegasus is...

a bit vague

from the moment
just before you abandoned ship.

Is there anything
that you can add

to the official account?

I'm afraid not.

But I can tell you this...

12 years ago,
I needed an officer

that I could count on
in a crisis

someone who would support

and obey my decisions
without question

someone who was willing
to trust my judgment

and that someone was Will Riker.

Without his Ioyalty,
none of us would have survived.

What's wrong?

I think I busted a rib.

Excuse me.

What were you doing?

I was doing bat'leth
moves with Mr. Worf.

I jabbed when I
should have blocked.

He caught me right in the side.

It's a good thing
we were using the sticks

instead of the real blades.

It's broken, all right.

Give him ten cc's of terakine
for the pain.

I can't believe
how stupid I was.

You both must have gotten

a little carried away,
that's all.

No, it was my fault.

I got distracted
at a crucial moment.

It can happen to anyone.

I knew what I was supposed
to do and I didn't do it.

If those had been real bat'leths

I might be dead right now.

There, all better.

Will, it's all right.

You made a mistake.
No harm done.

You'll be better next time.

Yeah. Maybe.

Scan of grid 157 is complete.

I am moving to grid 158.

The Romulan warship is
still searching grid 270.

They're sure spending
a lot of time over there.

I wonder if they...?

Commander, I think we might
have just struck pay dirt.

There's a subspace
resonance signature

coming from that asteroid.

From the frequency variances

it looks like the pattern
of a Federation warp core.

Captain Picard to the Bridge.

Take us to within ten kilometers
of asteroid gamma 601.

Geordi's found something.

There's a subspace
resonance signature

coming from that asteroid.

It could be the warp core
of the Pegasus.

I think he's right.

I recognize
some of the variance patterns.

Put the asteroid
on the main viewscreen.

I have confirmed
Geordi's readings.

The resonance signature
is originating

from somewhere beneath
the asteroid's surface.

Beneath the surface?
How is that possible?

The asteroid contains
several deep chasms

large enough
for a starship to enter.

It is possible
the Pegasus drifted

into the asteroid's
gravitational field

and was pulled down
into one of the fissures.

Sir, the Romulan warbird
has altered course once again.

They are heading
toward our position.

They probably want to see

what we're so interested
in over here.

Mr. Data, how long will it take

to determine the location
of the Pegasus?

At least another six hours, sir.

That's too long.

If the Romulans start
searching the asteroid

they could find the ship
before we do.

I recommend we destroy
the asteroid.

It would take most
of our photon torpedoes

but it would preclude
any possibility

of the Pegasus falling
into Romulan hands.

Our top priority is to salvage
the ship, Commander.

I'll consider destroying
it only as a last resort.

Yes, sir.


could you give me
a third alternative?

Mr. Data, would it be possible

to saturate the asteroid
with verteron particles?

That would mask
the resonance signature

and prevent the Romulans
from detecting it.

In order for the deception
to succeed

it would have to appear
to be a natural phenomenon.

Verteron particles
are artificial in nature.

Wait a minute.
We can blanket the asteroid

with high levels
of ionizing radiation.

There's so much of it
in the system already

the Romulans won't know
the difference.

Mr. Data?

Theoretically, sir,
it should work.

If we do this,
we have to do it fast.

The Romulans will be
within sensor range

in less than a minute.

Make it so, Mr. Data.

Aye, sir.

Initiating ionization
field pulse.

When he's finished,
we'll have to move away

and make it look as if we've
scanned the asteroid

but haven't found anything.

Lay in a course
for the next search grid.

Stand by to engage.

If it works, the Romulans
won't find anything

and we can return later.

If it doesn't...

If it doesn't work

we'll have handed them
the Pegasus.

Ionization pulse complete.

Helm, one quarter impulse.


The Romulans are initiating
a tachyon scan of the asteroid.

They have switched
to their lateral sensor array.

Beginning another scan.

They're certainly
being thorough.

The warbird has completed
its sensor sweep.

If they found
the resonance signature

they should be sending
away teams any second.

They are moving out.

Mr. Data, we must convince
the Romulans

that we're still looking
for the Pegasus.

I want you to continue
scanning this system.

Aye, sir.

I want to be back at this
asteroid at 0800 hours tomorrow.

Plan your search
pattern accordingly.

Aye, sir.

Admiral, would you care
to join me for some late dinner?

Please excuse me, Captain

but I think I'd better
turn in early.

You have the Bridge, Number One.

Oh, and will you bring
the scan analysis

to my quarters
when you're off watch?

Aye, sir.

Initiate search of grid 163.

Beginning sensor sweeps.

Commander, I want to see you
in the Captain's ready room.

Mr. Data, you have the Bridge.

Aye, sir.

What the hell is
the matter with you?

Destroy the Pegasus before
we've even taken a look at it?

I thought it was more important
that the Romulans...

Well, you were wrong!

We have a chance here

to change the balance
of power in this quadrant

but we can't very well do that

if we destroy the Pegasus,
now, can we?

No, sir.

It hasn't been easy for you,
I'm sure

keeping your Captain and friends
in the dark like this.

I haven't enjoyed it,
if that's what you mean.

I hope you understand
that it's necessary.

I understand that you
think it's necessary.

You have changed.


Something the Captain
and I were talking about.

To be honest, I'm glad to see

this kind of change
in you, Will.

State your opinion
and stand by it.

It's a far cry
from the young man

who used to sit at my helm

and worry about pressing
the wrong button.

A lot of things can change
in 12 years, Admiral.

Yes, they can.

But it's important
that a man changes

the right things in his life...

not his sense of duty,
not his sense of Ioyalty.

I'd like to think that I haven't
changed those things, sir.

I would like to think that, too

because those things
say more about a man

than the rank on his collar
or the uniform he wears.

They define him.

12 years ago, a lot of older
and more seasoned officers

turned away from their duty

but you stood up
for what was right.

I'm sorry, Will.

I know the kind of man you are.

I know that I can
count on you again.


The scan analysis you asked for.

Thank you.

Is there something else, sir?

Yes, there is.

"Judge Advocate General's
Report, Stardate 36764.

"Subject: Inquiry into mutiny
aboard USS Pegasus.

"Based on testimony

"from Captain Pressman
and other surviving officers

"the Judge Advocate believes
there is sufficient evidence

"to conclude
that certain members of the crew

"did mutiny against the Captain

just prior to the destruction
of the Pegasus. "


On a Federation starship?

That's... shocking,
it's unthinkable.

And yet you've never
mentioned it.

No, sir.

You know, it wasn't easy
to get this report.

I had to pull in
quite a few favors at Starfleet

just to get a look at it.

It seems that it was classified
by Starfleet Intelligence.


not only was the Pegasus
carrying sensitive equipment

which must not be allowed
to fall into Romulan hands

not only was there
a mysterious expl*si*n

which seemed to destroy
the ship, but didn't

but it seems that there was
a mutiny on board.

Now, I've read
the official report

of the inquiry on that mutiny

but I want to know
your version of what happened.

I was on the Bridge.

The ship was at Yellow Alert.

We were running some tests
on the engines.

Something went wrong.

There was an expl*si*n
in Engineering.

Heavy casualties.

In the midst of this crisis

the First Officer,
the Chief of Engineering

and most of the Bridge crew

against Captain Pressman.


They thought he was jeopardizing
the ship.

And you?

I was seven months
out of the Academy

my head still ringing with words
like "duty" and "honor."

When they turned on him

I thought they were a bunch of
self-serving, disloyal officers

so I grabbed a phaser
and I defended my Captain.

Two or three others joined us,
but it was clear by then

that the mutineers had
most of the crew behind them.

We felt a need
to get off the ship.

There was a running firefight
all the way to the escape pod.

About five minutes
after we left the ship

there was an expl*si*n.

"The Judge Advocate
also believes

"that the surviving officers
are deliberately

"withholding vital information
from this inquiry.

Further investigation
is recommended."

Will, there was
no further investigation.

This report was classified,
and then it was quietly buried.


Sir, may I suggest
you take this up with Admiral...

I'm taking this up
with you, Will!

The Judge Advocate thought

that you were participating
in a conspiracy

to cover up the truth.

Now, what the hell
is going on here, Will?

Why did that mutiny happen?

Why is Pressman so determined

to find your ship
12 years later?

I've said all I can.

I'm under direct orders
from Admiral Pressman

not to discuss this, sir.

Very well.

He's an Admiral.
I'm a Captain.

I cannot force you
to disobey his orders.

Therefore, I will have to remain
in the dark on this mission.

And I will just have to trust

that you will not let Pressman
put this ship

at unnecessary risk.

And If I find that that trust

has been misplaced,
then I will have to reevaluate

the command structure
of this ship.


Captain, Starfleet places
the highest priority

on the success of this mission.

Your request for a delay
is denied.

something's very wrong here.

Do you know what's going on?

I know that the Chief

of Starfleet Intelligence

is watching this one, Jean-Luc.

So, you'd be well advised
to follow Pressman's orders

and leave it at that.

Starfleet out.

Worf to Captain Picard.

We are approaching
asteroid gamma 601, sir.

On my way.

Mr. Worf,
where are the Romulans?

They're out of sensor range
on the far side of the system.

Take us to within 15 kilometers

of the asteroid
and hold that position.

Aye, sir.

Mr. Data, report.

For the past several hours

I have been scanning the area

where we detected the resonance
signature of the Pegasus.

From the strength and polarity
of the signature

it would appear that most of
the warp core is still intact.

If we're lucky, the entire
engineering section

could be down there.

But how do we get to it?

I wouldn't want to try
to transport

through that much solid rock.


What about a shuttle?

We could send it down
through one of those fissures.

I would recommend
against it, sir.

There may be gravimetric
or magnetic fluctuations

inside the asteroid

which would overpower
the engines of a shuttlecraft.

Sounds like the best solution
is to take the Enterprise in.

Into the asteroid?

That's right.

Put this fissure
on the main viewer.

This chasm is large enough
for us to maneuver in.

Besides, if we ever hope
to salvage the Pegasus

we're going to need
a starship to do it.

Mr. Data?

It is theoretically possible,
sir, but I am unaware

of any prior situations
where a starship

was taken so deeply
inside a planetary body.

There may be
unforeseen difficulties.

Admiral, I don't think
that we can risk...

I've made my decision.

Prepare to take
the Enterprise in, Captain.

That's an order.

Mr. Data, will you please note
in the Ship's Log

that this action is being taken
over my explicit objection?

It is so noted, sir.

Yellow Alert.

Shields up.
Inertial dampers at maximum.

Ensign Gates,
plot a course into the chasm

maneuvering thrusters only.

Course plotted, sir.

Take us in.

We are now two kilometers
beneath the surface.

Captain, we are
encountering shifts

in the magnetic field density.

Admiral, if this passage
narrows to less than 500 meters

I will abort the mission.

You can charge me with
insubordination if you wish

but I'm not going
to risk the Enterprise

for a salvage operation.

Captain, I am reading

a large resonance signature
directly ahead.


What the hell happened?

Sensors show the ship
is still intact.

However, 65% of it is
contained within the asteroid.

It looks as if half the ship
materialized inside solid rock.

Yes, sir. I do not understand
how this could have happened.

Let's keep the speculation
to a minimum.

We have to begin
the salvage operation.

The equipment we need
was in Main Engineering.

Can you scan that section
of the Pegasus?

The starboard bulkhead
of Main Engineering

is contained
within the rock face

but most of its compartment
is still intact.

There is a hull breach
in that section.

If we begin a power transfer

can we restore
life-support systems

to that compartment?

I believe so, sir.

The breach can be
temporarily sealed

by extending our shields.

See to it.

Once you've restored

Commander Riker and I

will then beam directly
into Engineering.

Admiral, I would like to send
down a complete away team.

There's some very sensitive
equipment over there.

I don't want
anyone else near it.

Yes, sir.

This room was open
to space for 12 years.

The vacuum preserved everything.

I wonder how many of the crew
are buried back there.

We're not here
for a memorial service.

It's still intact.

What's the matter, Will?

Don't you understand?
We found it!

I know.

I kept hoping
it wouldn't be here...

that it had been destroyed...

that it was buried
in that rock back there.

What the hell is that
supposed to mean?

It means that I can't
put this off any longer.

Right up to this moment,
I had the luxury of time

but now I've got
to make a choice.

And, Admiral, I'm afraid
my choice is this...

I can't let you start
these experiments again.

It was wrong 12 years ago,
and it is wrong today.

You had better reconsider
that position, Commander.

We have a mission to accomplish

and you're going
to carry it out.

That's all you care about...

starting these
damn experiments again.

Look around... this room
is filled with dead bodies.

These people d*ed
because of this thing.

Keep your self-righteous
comments to yourself.

I knew most of these people
a lot longer than you did.

Yes, it was tragic,
but it was their fault.

You don't know that.

Neither of us knows
what happened after we left.

Well, it's not hard to guess.

They tried to shut down
an experiment

they didn't understand.

Something went wrong,
and it k*lled them.

No, we k*lled them.

Now, that doesn't sound like
the same man

who grabbed a phaser

and defended his Captain
12 years ago.

I've had 12 years
to think about it.

And if I had it
to do over again

I would have grabbed the phaser

and pointed it at you,
instead of them.

So, on reflection

you'd rather be a traitor
than a hero.

I wasn't a hero,
and neither were you.

What you did was wrong,
and I was wrong to support you

but I was too young
and too stupid to realize it.

You were the Captain,
I was the Ensign.

I was just following orders.

And if you hadn't,
you'd be dead right now

along with all the rest of them.

Dead because you listened
to a bunch of mutinous cowards

who were too blinded by fear
to see what I was trying to do.

They were brave enough
to risk their lives

to stop you
from violating a treaty

the Federation signed
in good faith.

That treaty has bound our hands
and given the Romulans

a tactical advantage
for the last 60 years.

I was simply trying
to level the playing field.

And now you want
to try it again.

How many people will die
this time... 50, 100, 1,000?

All right, you don't want
to help me, fine.

But you are still
under my direct orders

not to talk about what you know

and I expect you to follow
those orders to the letter.

I made you, Mister

and I can break you
just as easily.

Do you understand me,

Picard to away team.

Prepare to return
to the ship immediately.

Stand by, Enterprise.

Pressman to Enterprise.

Two people and one piece
of equipment to beam up.


The Romulans have destroyed
the entrance to the chasm

with their disruptors.

They've sealed us in.

Sir, there is
an incoming message.

It is from the warbird.

On screen.

Aye, sir.

Captain, you seem to be in
a very unfortunate circumstance.

How can we help?

Are you responsible for this?

I'm not sure.

We were conducting
some geological experiments

on the surface of the asteroid.

It is entirely possible

that we accidentally
sealed you in.

If only we had known
you were beneath the surface...

if you had shared
your plans with us...

this might have been avoided.

What do you want, Sirol?

I don't want anything, Captain,
but I will offer to help you.


By transporting your crew
aboard my ship.

We'll take you back to Romulus

where, after a short stay
as our guests

you will be returned
to the Federation.

Thank you
for your generous offer.

I will take it under advisement.

As you wish.

We will be continuing
our research in this system

for a while longer.

I await your decision.

We can't do it.

If we abandon the Enterprise

they'll come back here
and get their hands

on both ships.

Agreed. Options?

Captain, I believe we could use
the phasers to cut our way out.

The asteroid's internal
structure is highly unstable.

Any attempt to cut
through the rock could cause

the entire chasm to collapse.

Captain, I have a suggestion.

There's a piece of equipment
in Admiral Pressman's quarters

under guard
that might get us out of here.

It's a prototype for
a Federation cloaking device.

You just ended your career,

That's what it's about.

A cloaking device.

In the Treaty of Algeron

the Federation
specifically agreed

not to develop
cloaking technology.

And that treaty is the biggest
mistake we ever made.

It's kept us from exploiting
a vital area of defense.

That treaty has kept us
in peace for 60 years...

and, as a Starfleet officer,
you're supposed to uphold it.

Now, that's enough!

I'm taking command
of this vessel.

Mr. Worf, escort the Captain
to his quarters.

I don't think anyone's

going to come to your defense
this time.

How do we use the cloak
to escape from the asteroid?

It's more than just a cloak.

It changes the structure
of matter.

In theory,
a ship using this device

could pass
through normal matter.

I see why you were so eager
to find it.

Then, can't you see
the potential here?

The phasing cloak could be
the greatest breakthrough

in weapons research
in the last 50 years.

Except that it's illegal.

It's in violation
of an agreement

that the Federation signed
in good faith.

Captain, I think we could adapt
the cloak for the Enterprise.

Mr. Data?

it is possible, sir

but it would take several hours
to study the device

and determine how to link it
to our systems.

Make it so.