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07x16 - Thine Own Self

Posted: 01/26/23 08:32
by bunniefuu
Bridge Officer's log,
stardate 47611.2.

Dr Beverly Crusher reporting.

We have rendezvoused
with Troi's shuttlecraft.

She has just returned from
a class reunion on Starbase 231.

Send a message to Cmdr Data
and inform him of our delay.

Aye, sir.

- Deanna, welcome back.
- Thank you.

I was just reporting in. I didn't
expect anyone to be up but Data.

Data's away on assignment.

A Federation deep-space probe went
off course and crashed on Barkon IV.

Some of the material was radioactive,

so Data was sent to recover it
before contamination spread.

- Isn't Barkon IV inhabited?
- Yes. It's a pre-industrial society.

But the probe crashed 100 kilometres
from any settlement,

so Data shouldn't have any contact
with the Barkonians.

- So, how was the reunion?
- Fine.

It was good to see some old friends.
I'd lost touch with most of them.

It's interesting to see the different
paths some of their lives have taken.

Beverly, you don't usually watch the
bridge, even when Data's not here.

I volunteered tonight.

I like to put in a little bridge time
now and then,

stay on top of operations,
technical procedures.

The truth is, I like it.

Not every doctor gets to command a
starship, even if it is night shift.

May I ask you a personal question?

Why did you decide
to become Commander?

I mean, you don't need the rank in
order to be Chief Medical Officer.

So, why put yourself through
all the extra work?

I don't know.

I never used to think about rank.

It seemed trivial
compared to being a doctor.

But then, about eight years ago,

I started to feel like I wanted
to stretch myself a little.

Commander, there's no response
from Cmdr Data.

Continue sending him updates
on our schedule.

- Aye, sir.
- Is something wrong?

No. I wanted to tell Data there's
a few days' delay in picking him up.

We have orders to take some medical
supplies to the Taranko colony.

But he's not responding?

Geordi said the probe's radiation
might interfere with communications.

I just thought I'd try anyway.

So when you return from school,
I'll be with the village elders.

- Again?
- Gia.

I know, you're the town magistrate
and you have a lot of work to do,

but it seems
you're always in some meeting or...

Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds... seek out new life
and new civilisations... boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Gia, go home. Now!

Who are you?

What do you want?

Who are you? Wha...

What do you want?

What's wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

There's nothing wrong with me.
Who are you?

What is your name?

Can you understand me?

My name is Garvin.

My name... Garvin.

I thought I told you to go home.

I know.

I... not know my name.


You asked if I knew my name.

I do not.

At least you seem
to be understanding a little more.


It is becoming easier.

Ask him where he's from, Father.

Gia, go on to school.
I'll deal with the stranger.

Yes, Father.



Your eyes and skin look so strange.

Your clothes, you look like you've
been in some kind of accident.

I do not remember
being in an accident.

What do you remember?

I walked here. From the mountains.

The mountains? The mountains
are over 200 seltons from here.

I have a clear memory
of my journey.

What do you remember before that?

I have no prior memory.

Do you know what that is?


May I?

- May I have it?
- Yes.

There might be something in here
that can tell us who you are.

I wonder what these markings mean.

- Radioactive.
- What?

- It is written on the container.
- You can read this language?


Radioactive. What does that mean?

I do not know.

Perhaps it is my name.

I never heard a name like that.

You must come from
a very distant place.

Is that supposed to be a question?

Because if you're asking me
if I like it, then yes.

This is a better way
of communicating for you.

It's less confusing
than the way you speak.

I knew I could count on the ship's
Counsellor to boost my self-image!

I'm glad to be of service.

Did you want something,
or just general Riker-bashing?

I wanted to ask your opinion
about something.

I'm thinking of taking the bridge
officer's test, becoming a commander.

What brought this up?

A lot of things. Working on
the personnel review last month,

talking to Beverly
about her experiences,

going to my class reunion.

The class reunion. You saw a few
old friends who had taken the test?

Alright, I admit it was a catalyst.

But I've been thinking about this
off and on for the past two years.

Why two years?

when we hit that quantum filament

and I was in command on the bridge?

I do.

When that happened,
I was overwhelmed.

But when it was over, I realised
that a part of me missed it.

Not the actual disaster, but
the experience of being in command.

I felt like I was exploring
a whole new side of myself.

I don't want to give up counselling,
but just stretch myself a little.

Deanna, if you take
the bridge officer's test,

you'll have my full support.

But as First Officer, I'll be the one
judging you, and I'm a tough judge.

And I'm a good student.

We'll start tomorrow morning.
0800 hours.

Remarkable set of teeth.

Breath smells like...
It doesn't have any smell actually.

You can close your mouth.

Let's see. Heartbeat sounds
a little odd, but seems very regular.

Skin feels... clammy,
but you say you feel fine?

That is correct.

Headaches, palpitations,
sluggishness, indigestion?

No. But I cannot have indigestion
since I have not eaten.

Malnutrition. You should eat
something to build your strength

and return your vitality. Lots of
meat, butter, cheese for a start.

What about his eyes and his skin?
They're so odd.

Quite so. My grandmother would have
called our friend a demon

or a spirit or some sort of monster.

But current scientific methodology
allows us to dismiss superstitions

and concentrate
on scientific reality.

- Then what do you believe I am?
- You are an ice man.

Ice man?

Yes. You probably come from a race

who lived in the ice
of the Vellorian mountains.

Your skin and eye colour

are a result of prolonged exposure
to harsh winter conditions.

Then I am not ill?

Aside from your memory loss,

you do not seem to have symptoms
of any illness I am familiar with.

No. You are an ice man.

Now, get something to eat
and a good night's rest,

and I'll come back tomorrow and see
if your memory has begun to return.

Thank you.

- Hello, Gia.
- Hello.

What did Talar say about him?
Is he sick?

Not exactly. She said he's lost
his memory but seems fine otherwise.

Talar thinks he's from a race
in the mountains.

I am an ice man.

We'll have to call you something else
until your memory returns.

What was the word on the container?


Mr Radioactive.

I don't like that name.
Let's call him... Jayden.

What do you think of that?

Jayden. That is acceptable.

Now, we need to clean him
and get him something to wear.

Run upstairs
and get some of my old clothes.

Yes, Father.

I wonder if Skoran can tell us
something about this metal of yours.

You, ice man!
Where'd you find this?

- I do not know.
- I told you, he's lost his memory.

- We're calling him Jayden for now.
- Jayden, huh?

- The metal is slightly warm.
- All the fragments are like that.

It's obviously been tempered
and milled.

The lustrous quality of the metal
is so pure.

This wasn't made in any forge
that I've ever seen.

- Will you sell them?
- Do you want them?

It's malleable enough
to make jewellery.

They belong to Jayden. Do you want
to sell them? You will need money.

You may be right. But I do not wish
to sell all the fragments.

They may provide
a clue to my identity.

I'll give you 20 doraks
for half the lot.


My leg! Get it off!

- Get it off!
- We need a lever!

It'll be alright. Don't struggle.

Jayden. Put it down.

I believe the support structure
on the anvil collapsed

because some of the wood had rotted.

Did I do something wrong, Garvin?

No. Just unexpected.

It's perfectly understandable.

Your people probably all
have great strength,

to fight off the ferocious creatures
that live in the Vellorian mountains.

You told me that no one from the
village has been to the mountains.

How do you know
there are ferocious creatures there?

It's a well-known fact.

But no one has actually seen one?

Well, not to my knowledge, but...

Father, are you alright?

I've been tired since this afternoon.
I'm sure it's nothing.

You feel slightly warm. Fresh air
and a brisk walk will do you good.

That sounds like a good idea.

I'll be back soon.

You didn't like it?

I neither liked it nor disliked it.
I simply had no appetite.

Father's cooking isn't as good
as Mother's. He tries, though.

Where is your mother?

She d*ed about a year ago.
Father said she...

...she went to a beautiful place...

...where everything is peaceful
and everyone loves each other...

...and no one ever gets sick.

Do you think
there is a place like that?


I do.

We lost contact with everything
above deck 21, including the bridge.

There's something wrong with one
of the antimatter-containment units.

- Switch to auxiliary control.
- Auxiliary control is not on line.

We are losing containment
on the antimatter unit three.


Switch the EM power inverter
to the lateral... No, wait!

Use the neodyne relay.

Commander, the relay isn't holding.
Containment failure in ten seconds.

Computer, emergency procedure.

Eject antimatter unit three.
Authorisation Troi Omega Omega 31.

Unable to comply. Power to
ejection systems has been terminated.

Commander, the unit's...

You just destroyed the Enterprise.

- Thank you for the encouragement!
- Don't feel bad.

You passed the rest,

diplomatic law, first contact
procedure, bridge operations.

the toughest part of the test.

- So, what did I do wrong?
- I'm afraid I can't tell you that.

Why not? What kind of test is this?

The kind you have to take again
if you want to be a bridge officer!

Only next time,
the problem won't be so easy.

So I suggest you study
your emergency procedures.

How can I, if you won't tell me
what I did wrong?

I don't know.

I'm afraid
I can't tell you that either.

Rock, fire, sky and water are
the basic elements of the universe.

They can be found in every object,
animal, person, everything.

The rock in this wood can be felt
by its weight and hardness.

If we expose the wood to flame,

we can encourage the fire
within the wood to show itself.

We can also see smoke...

...which is a part of the sky.

The water in wood
is difficult to see.

Sometimes the elements
are buried deep within objects,

but the four elements
are always there.

Yes, Jayden?

I do not believe that is correct.


I believe you are reasoning
by analogy,

classifying things according
to superficial observation

rather than empirical evidence.

Wood, for example, does not contain
fire because it is combustible,

nor does it contain rock
because it is heavy.

Wood, like any complex organic form,

is composed of thousands of chemical
compounds, none of which is fire.

That will be enough, Jayden.

As I told you, our friend Jayden
has lost much of his memory,

so I wouldn't put too much faith
in any of his ideas.

That is all for today.
I will see you tomorrow.

Practise your spelling
and arithmetic tonight.

Are you alright?

Yes. But I do not agree
with Talar's assessment.

Although I do have gaps
in my memory,

I know that fire is not an element.

That is not what you promised me!

You're getting old. I offered you 15
for the metal and I gave it to you.

We agreed on 20.

Garvin is correct. You agreed on 20.

Stay out of this, ice man!
Your memory is not reliable.

Father! Father, what's wrong?

I don't know.
I feel very weak suddenly.

You have a fever.
We should get him home.

- What's wrong with him?
- I suspect he...

I don't know. I've never encountered
anything like this before.

These lesions look like burn marks.

The fluids of his body
have overheated.

That would explain
the fever and burning skin.

Keep him cool, let plenty
of fresh air into the house,

and I want you to give him
these herbs.

That will bring his
fluidic temperature down

and allow this to pass.

I understand.

With an increased focal length

and an achromatic objective lens,

this instrument will have
a higher effective magnification.

I will come back tomorrow
and check on you.

Thank you.

Garvin, with your permission,

I would like to begin my own
investigation into your illness.

Go ahead.

Gia, would you accompany me
to the village?

I will need some supplies.

What are you going to do
with all this?

Make the laboratory equipment
to research your father's illness.

- Do you think you can help him?
- I do not know.

I must isolate the cause
of the illness...

There he is!

It's his fault! No one was sick
before he came to the village.

- Has Garvin's illness spread?
- That's right. And you're the cause.

- That's not true!
- Gia, I think we should leave.

That's it. Leave. Get out of here.
Go back to where you came from!

Jayden, what are you doing?

I'm studying skin samples
from Gia and Garvin

in an attempt to isolate
the cause of the illness.


Yes. She is also beginning
to show signs of the illness.

What is that?

It is a magnifying device
based on your handheld instrument.

I have refined the design
to increase magnification.

- May I?
- Of course.

How strong is the magnification?

Objects appear approximately
500 times their normal size.

As you can see, the cellular damage
is quite extensive.

Based on interstitial transparency
and membrane integrity,

I do not believe it is an infection
or a communicable disease.

I see.

At the moment, I am looking
for a common event or experience

that Gia, Garvin and Skoran
may have shared

that could have a causal
relationship to their illness.

They've lived here many years
and have many common experiences.

Yes. But since the illness struck
all three in a short period of time,

we must assume the experience
is recent and unusual.

Actually, Jayden, encountering you

has been the most unusual experience
they've shared recently.

I am aware of that. Excuse me.

I am also open to the possibility
that I may be the causal factor.

However, since you have had much
contact with me

and show no sign of sickness,
I tend to discount myself.

Still, it has to be more
than just a coincidence

that shortly after you arrived,
people started to become ill.

I agree.

Jayden, I tried to give Father
his broth, but he won't eat.

You have a fever.
You should be in bed.

No, I'm alright. Father needs me.

Talar is correct. You should rest.
I will attend to your father.

Gia, when did you begin
wearing that pendant?

Two days ago.
Father bought it from Skoran. Why?

May I see it?

This is one of the metal fragments
I sold to Skoran.

The secondary plasma vent...

...has a triple redundant bypass.

Which means
that the primary access junction... routed through...

Come in.

...would be routed through
the port transducer matrix.

Come to give me more

No. I'm here to tell you that
I've decided to cancel your test.


- I'm cancelling the test.
- May I ask why?

You've taken engineering three times.
You're no closer to passing.

Then I'll take it four times.
Or 14 times.

Or however many times it's necessary
for me to get it right!

Deanna... this is nothing personal.

Not everyone
is cut out to be a bridge officer.

- I don't think this is for you.
- Why?

Because I'm not the most technically
minded person on the ship?

I may have trouble telling a plasma
conduit from a phase inducer,

but there's more to being a bridge
officer than memorising manuals.

There is. You could memorise
all the manuals in the computer.

I still don't think you'd pass.

Tell me one thing,
is there a solution?

Or is this simply a test of my
ability to handle a no-win situation?

- There is a solution.
- Then give me time to find it.

I can't.

As much as I care about you,
my first duty is to the ship.

I cannot let any bridge officer
serve who's not qualified. I'm sorry.

"My first duty is to the ship."

The ship!

Computer, load bridge officer's test,
engineering qualification.

- Computer ready.
- Run program.

The primary containment
control system is not functioning.

The conduit to the antimatter
storage deck is severed.


...could you repair the conduit
if you went into the crawlspace?

Sir, that crawlway
is in a warp-plasma shaft.

- He would not survive the radiation.
- I know that.

Geordi, could you
repair the conduit?

Yeah. I think I could.

Then do it. That's an order.

End simulation.

Something told me
you wouldn't let this go.

Congratulations. You passed.

That's what this was about, to see
if I'd order someone to their death.

That's right.

That was part of being in command
I thought I'd prepared for.

But when the moment came,
I hesitated.

Maybe you were right,
maybe I'm not cut out for this.

You did exactly what you had to do.

You considered all your options
and then you made the hard choice.

Come on.

Let's get out of here, Commander.

I have coated this piece of cloth
with the liquid used in lamps.

The cloth becomes luminescent when
it is exposed to an energy source.

This pendant also
appears to be an energy source.

But... where is this
pattern of light coming from?

I believe a stream of particles is
emanating from the metallic pendant

and hitting the cloth.

I don't see particles
coming from the pendant.

You will see there are.
I can even block them.

It would appear that this container
was constructed of a material

which blocks the particles
coming from the metal.

- It's a trick.
- No. It is empirical data.

I believe the fragments
were placed in this container

to protect people
from accidental exposure.

The word "radioactive" may be a
warning about the dangerous metal.

Alright. Let's say
for the moment you are right,

that there are particles coming
from the metal. What should we do?

I will continue my experiment.

I want you to gather all the pieces
of metal in the village

and place them in this container.

Alright. But when I return, I want
a thorough explanation of all this.

And I want to examine your data,
in detail.

Of course.

There you are!
You're the cause of this, ice man!

If you refer to the illness,
you are partially correct.

But it is more complex than that.

The metal fragment...

What... what are you?

I do not know.

I saw it with my own eyes.
He's some kind of creature.

It's not true, Father.

We must fight him.
And stop him before he kills us all.

I don't... Not Jayden.
He wouldn't try to hurt us.

Come on!

Let him rest for now.
You should rest as well.

Exerting yourself
will only make you sicker.

I'll be back.



Everyone's looking for you.

Skoran said...
you're some kind of... creature.

I do not know... what I am.

But I am not like you.

I know. You are an ice man.
We talked about that.


I am not.

why are you wearing that hood?

I do not wish to frighten you.

I won't be afraid. Take it off.
Please. I have to see.

I understand your reaction.

But I do not wish to harm you.

You or Garvin or anyone else.

I only wish to help,
to find a cure for the illness.

I was very close.

I must continue my work,
but it will take time.

How long until Skoran
and the others return?

I don't know.
They're looking for you now.

Then I must hurry.


I believe I have found the answer.

You think you've found a cure?

I believe so.

I tested this medicine
on skin samples from your father.

They showed improvement,
so I administered this to him.

He is now recovering.

What kind of medicine is it?

A compound which will neutralise the
particles that are making you ill.

Swallow this.

I must administer this
to everyone in the village,

but they do not trust me
after what happened to Skoran.

I could tell them.

I am afraid
they will not believe you, either.

Is the well in the town square the
only source of water in the town?

- Well?
- This is very important.

Are there any sources
of fresh water near the village?

No. The nearest river... two days away.

Then I will put this compound
into the well water.

It may be diluted, but it should
still have enough potency to work.


There he is!

You see? It's just as I said.

I only wish to help.

This is how you helped us,
by bringing this plague?

Trying to k*ll us all?

Well, you won't succeed!
I won't let you!

Excuse me.
We're looking for a friend of ours.

He might have wandered
into your village a few days ago.

You'd remember him.
He would have seemed strange.

Pale skin, gold eyes.

- He was your friend?
- Yes, do you know him?

Where is he?

I don't understand.

We didn't know his real name,
so we called him Jayden.

He's dead?

They k*lled him because
they were afraid of him,

but he saved us from sickness.

The sickness?

There were these pieces of metal.
They made everyone sick.

But Jayden put something in the water
and now everyone's better.

- What happened to the metal?
- We buried them in the forest.

What was his real name?



He was my friend, too.

It's Data, alright.
He's buried about two metres down.

He's been deactivated
so I can't assess the damage.

We could beam him and
the probe fragments onto the ship.

No one would know.

Positronic net on line.
Subprocessor relays in place.

Neuroelectrical systems enabled.

Data! Are you alright?

I do not know.

I am surprised to find myself here.
I thought I was on Barkon IV.

What's the last thing
you remember?

I had located the crashed
Federation probe

and collected
the radioactive fragments,

I was attempting to download the
sensor logs from the probe computer.

There was a power surge.

I believe the surge
overloaded my positronic matrix.

After that, I have no memory
until this moment.

It appears
I had an interesting time.

We don't know much either.

Apparently, you saved an entire
village from radiation poisoning.

And were a very special friend
to a little girl.

Well, if you'll excuse me,

I have the bridge this watch.

Counsellor, have you been promoted
in my absence?

That's right. Which means
from now on you can call me "sir."

Yes, sir.