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01x08 - Time Trouble

Posted: 01/26/23 19:09
by bunniefuu
When I go back to meet my father, I found
that script, you know, so compelling

and so emotional and sad.

I think it's one of
her toughest journeys to date.

But also, one of the most rewarding.

Go to him. Quick.

MAN: Let's stand by there, please.
For a take. Thank you.

WOMAN: ..., take , A camera.

B Camera.

Now, Rose, you're not going to bring
about the end of the world, are you?

We had always wanted
to tell the story of Rose's dad.

It's a perfect time-travel story.

And Russell set up very early on
that her dad had died

and that Jackie
had brought Rose up on her own.

And so, we wanted to explore
what it really would be like

to be able to go back in time
and see a parent who you'd lost.

Who's that? It's your daddy.

I think it's something we can all relate
to, going back and all the “what ifs“.

What if this happened? What if that happened?
What if they didn't say that or I didn't do that?

All those kind of questions that, you
know, imagine if you could change them.

, th November.

He would have loved
to have seen you now.

Could we go and see my dad
when he was still alive?

Where's this come from all of a sudden?

All right, if we can't, if it goes
against the laws of time or something,

then never mind,just leave it.

No, I can do anything.
Your wish is my command.

He's a Time Lord and he's got a Tardis

so you think if something's going wrong
with time, you just solve it like that.

It's funny,
out of all the science fiction series,

I think there's been
less time anomaly, time muddle,

time change stories in Doctor Who
than in any other science fiction series

because he's a Time Lord.

Oh, God, this is it.

Rose, no!

He has a respect for the natural order
of things and time is part of that.

And I think it all comes
from the same kind of well there.

He's saying, you know,

there has to be something
that's out of our control

so we can participate
and enjoy ourselves so much.

And we can't meddle in that.

No. Don't touch the baby.
You're both the same person.

I can't do anything right, can I?

Since you asked, no.
So, don't touch the baby.

- I'm not stupid.
- You could have fooled me.

I think the Doctor
is showing an alien quality here

in that he doesn't quite get how
attached humans get to their families.

On the other hand, as this episode reveals,
he was fairly attached to his family himself.

There used to be laws stopping
this kind of thing from happening.

My people would have stopped this.

But they're all gone.

And now I'm going the same way.

I didn't know.

If I'd realised...


tell me you're sorry.


I'm sorry.

SIMON PEGG: They may be back
on good terms,

but there's a wound in time
that still needs to be healed.

Because these creatures come from
the time vortex to enter...

this parallel Earth, it meant that we
had no constraints at all in the design.

Rather than it being so much
of a fish-like mouth,

it could actually open out into blades

which Paul Cornell, the author,
mentioned in his original script.

As you can see, the mouth folds out to
give it this quite menacing appearance.

And what you thought were jaws and
teeth, are actually full, separate arms

to try and give it this alien,
unique, appearance.

Adding the sickle scythe for the Reaper,
to have that reaper element.

When it swoops down to attack somebody,

the blades can come out
in this quite menacing pose.

So, that's where the wings come in,
this sort of enveloping cloak.

It also helps to cover up exactly what's
going on when it att*cks.

You can't have a lot of gory detail
for a tea-time sci-fi show.

This is the first scene
that you see the Reaper appear.

This was quite a challenge for us

because the original plate
really just had the actor, kind of,

erm, panicking on the floor.

This is one of those
very hard things for actors.

And with Doctor Who like sort of a
major effects movie with green screen,

the actors aren't really sure
what they're looking at.

We're all imagining
different things and...

But basically what you're seeing is

some bloke with a long pole
with a bit of gaffer tape stuck on it.


That's what you look at and you have
to react to, you know. And that's hard.

For a man to start reacting to monsters
that aren't there, it's quite strange.


COHEN: If you're trying to animate
the Reaper into a shot,

and you have an actor reacting to something
that isn't there, you have to make that work.


BOWMAN: We've tried
to recreate a lot of shadows

to really feel like he's on top of him.

We've created a little grass scuff here.

And using our environment lighting,

you can see that this Reaper
is a little bit more greener.

Feels that it's a little bit more like
in a sunlit environment.

And then we've got, you know,
really nice burning parts here

to show that he's really angry.

SIMO N: Sound effects are the final piece of
the jigsaw that make the Reapers complete.

You never really know until that final
picture's there, what you're gonna get.

I was thinking of birds of prey.


eagles, falcons.

In the end,
I came up with some vulture sounds.


But that's not nearly sophisticated
enough or frightening enough

so I added some reverb

and different types of noises
to get the final effect...

that will hopefully
scare the pants off people.


MAN: Standing by.

, take . A Camera.

It was brilliant doing, setting up
the 's because we were actually doing

a historical drama, a period drama

that feels like it was yesterday.

What are you looking at
with your mouth open?

- Your hair.
- What?

It's lovely, your hair is lovely.

The look for the 's

really is defined by huge hair,
I would say.

All our extras had very big,
heavily lacquered hair

and there were some
very dodgy perms as well.

Everybody brought
their old 's photographs in

and we copied styles and
make-up colours and make-up choices

from our own photograph albums, really.

Peach, peach. Peach was huge at
people's weddings in the 's, wasn't it?

Camille, the actress who plays
Rose's mum,

although she was apprehensive
about the whole look,

she carried it off amazingly well and
she actually looks quite stunning in it.

All right, nice and quiet in here now,
please, guys, thank you.

CODURI: Daesn 't seem like years ago
at all, it seems like yesterday.[/i]

It's been great looking at everybody
and going, “Look at you!“

And then you think,
“My God! Did we really look like that?“

I think they've done a beautiful job
because it's very, very s

but it doesn't really distract you.


I'm not taking this dress home, no.
I don't think it's me, do you?

No, I'll hang it up and say goodbye.
Closure with the 's.

SIMON". And someone else
looking for closure is Rose.

It's so weird.

The day my father died.

I thought it'd be all sort of grim
and stormy. It's just an ordinary day.

- You sure about this?
- Yeah.

She has one perception of her dad

and so it was really interesting
to blow that out of the water and say,

“Actually, he's not this big businessman
who was going to rule the world.“

I always thought if someone invented
a windowsill with special compartments,

you know, one for milk, one for yoghurt.

I do a bit of this,
bit of that. I scrape by.

And she comes back and sees him
and he's a bit of a wide boy, really,

and a bit useless.

And so it's a bit of a shock.

But then I think as the episode,
as the story moves on,

you kind of realise that
they're similar in a lot of ways.

I'll get it right, love. One day soon,
I promise you I'll get it right.

Come on.

She does certainly
really bond with her dad.

And by the end of the episode,

he is everything that she would hope
her dad would be.

Just for once,
this is a Doctor Who story

where the Doctor ends up
being incapable of doing anything.

Between you and me,
I haven't got a plan. No idea.

No way out.

And it's down to the guy who can make
a positive sacrifice to save everybody.

You're gonna get rid of me at last.

Don't say that.

For once in your life, trust me.

The fact that his life is saved, which
he kind of brushes off when Rose saves him...

He doesn't really
think anything of it...

until he sees the car again and again
and again, then he kind of twigs.

Nobody can do anything. The only way
is to heal the wound in time

which is for him to k*ll himself.

Who am I, love?

My daddy.

So Rose had a thought in her head
that her dad was really heroic.

And, of course, by the end
of the episode, it turns out that

in a little unheard of corner of time,
yes, he was. He was a great hero.

One man's action saves the entire world

but the unfortunate thing
is that nobody will realise it.

Nobody knows,
apart from people watching it.

Completely unsung, proper unsung hero.

You've got to get emotion
into this stuff.

I don't mean hearts and flowers, I just
mean good, honest, heartfelt emotion.

Oh, God.

SIMO N: And Rose has revealed a new side
to the Doctor, too.

I think Rose has helped the Doctor
to feel a whole lot more,

and think before, you know,
he makes these kind of...

rash decisions.

She teaches him how to be emotional,
how to feel

and how, you know,
to think a bit more, basically.

She's on a learning curve
and he is, to a certain extent.

Go to him. Quick.

She's learnt that she can really
trust him on an amazing level.

And he, I think, knows that
after having gone through that,

she appreciates his situation

a lot more than seeing each other
differently at the end of it.

They're much closer at the end, I hope.

ECCLESTON: It's quite a romantic idea
that Russell's got of togetherness.

We've had that throughout.

What does he have? He has one more heart
and he has years' more experience

of time travel.

But in many other areas, she's his equal,
if not better, which I think is fantastic.