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05x09 - What Goes on Tour ...

Posted: 01/26/23 19:14
by bunniefuu
Deep underground in the city of the
Silurians, things are really
starting to hot up for the Doctor.

And action!

If you're going to be in Doctor Who,

you want explosions and ray g*ns.

We follow actors Matt Smith and
Karen Gillan on a whistle-stop tour

of the UK and discover how much work
goes into promoting the new series.

We are on the Doctor Who tour bus.

- Woo! - We are on tour!

From the snowy Scottish Highlands,
to the stunning Silurian city,

Doctor Who Confidential takes you
deeper into the thick of the action.

Got to dash, hurry up!

Looking for heat signature anomalies.

But Doctor,
how can all this be here?

I mean, these plants?

Must be getting closer
to the centre of the city.

Episode eight is finished -

they've discovered the Silurian city.

We're looking for a small tribal
settlement, probably housing
around a dozen h*m* reptilia?

Maybe less.

- One small tribe? - Yes.

Maybe a dozen?


Maybe more than a dozen. Maybe
more like an entire civilisation.

Episode nine is very much journey
to the city of the Silurians.

Finding out more about that race.

Episode nine, I think is where the
story really kicks off into action.

Episode eight is all about the
building of tension, building up

and up to something and then episode
nine, it kind of explodes in a way.

Camera mark. Action!

Are you sure this
is the best way to enter?

Fire door approach, definitely.
Always the best way.

So, the Doctor has descended
into the spectacular Silurian city.

But for once,
his judgment seems a little clouded.

- Doctor...
- We're not hostile. We're not armed.

We're here in peace.

Filming being gassed by the
Silurians was another one of those
cool, fun Doctor Who moments, really.

Yes and cough down and stuff.


We specifically designed

these Silurian g*ns
that would fire the gas

and it was
a couple of effects guys behind them
with a tube, pumping CO through.

- How's that? Like it, OK? - Cool.

But of course it's just
four girls dressed as Silurians
coming along and going, "and now"!

And then we've got to pretend know...

Be gassed down to the floor,
as it were.

As they drop into the floor,
go with their bodies and waist
and just aim it on to the floor.

- NEVER at their face. - OK.

We've got control of it, so if we're
not happy, we'll turn it off.

, take one and mark.
There you go, Matt.


We're not hostile, we're not armed.
We're here in peace.

- Cut. - Hopefully it looks like we're
being crazily gassed by mad lizards.

Leaving behind the
doctor's Silurian adventures,

let's take a closer look at one of
the ambitious ways the Doctor Who
team promoted the new series.

We are going on the Doctor's maiden
voyage, the th Doctor's

maiden voyage.

We had a discussion with Piers
Wenger about how we were going to
launch the new series of Doctor Who.

We were sitting around and we were
going to do a London launch,

we're going to do something
in Cardiff and Piers
came up with the tour

where we go out
to different communities

and we reach places and people
that we wouldn't necessarily
normally go to.

We've got an amazing team.
We've got Edward Russell...

They're just grabbing coffee

and they'll be along
in about five minutes.

So...getting there.

We've got Ian Gruchfield who's
overall manager working with me on
this and you've got Luke and Kerry.

They're assigned to Matt and Karen
at all times and they're going
to deal with all the press.

We've got health and safety
officers, Les and Anne.

How are we?

I hope I haven't missed anybody out!

Morning, morning, morning!
There we are.

This is surreal.

- Yes. Closest we'll get
to rock star status. Right? - Yes.

We're starting here in Belfast.

Then going on to Inverness,
Sunderland, Salford and finish in
Northampton in Matt's old school.

- Woo! - I've accounted for every single
minute of every day.

My job in the next three days is
to get everyone at the right
place at the right time.

If we're not there,
we will have disappointed children.
We don't want that.

It's a logistical nightmare,

but I think we're going
to get there. We will get there!

- Woo! Doctor Who tour bus! - Doctor Who!

Is this where the cool kids hang out?

That toilet's going
to get awful, I know it is.

That's what happens, isn't it?

Oh, cool!

And they're off. It's the first
photo opportunity of the tour
at Belfast's historic town hall.

But before heading off
to the screening venue,

they stopped off at BBC Northern
Ireland for some radio interviews.

You're having a good impact
on the young people
of Northern Ireland already.

- Oh, really? - Matt, could you
do Good Morning Ulster

every day, please? 'We've never
seen Grace get up so quickly.'

No problem!
Well, good morning, Ulster.

Good morning, Grace.

Just did our first radio interview
the of the day. Went well. Woo!

I don't know how this has happened,
but we're minutes
ahead of schedule. Fantastic.

We can actually sit down
for five minutes. minutes.

Over at the Queen's Film Theatre,
the team are preparing
the venue for the screening.

I wonder what kind of reception
Matt and Karen will get?

ALL: Doctor Who!

Nice bow tie, man.

Wow, look at that.


Welcome to this edition
of Confidential.

We are at the first tour date of the
Doctor Who screenings in Belfast.

- Sure. You're quite good.
- She's quite good.

When Matt and Karen walked in,

hearing all the screaming and
the excited look on their faces.

It's just wonderful,
it's really magical.

- That's why we're doing it
really, isn't it? - Yes.

For us this is the first time round.

This is the first year
we've been involved in Doctor Who

and it's the first time
we can really see

the power that it has over
its audience and their love of it.

Will you please give
a massive Belfast welcome
for Karen Gillan and Matt Smith.


Thank you for making us so welcome,
Belfast. You've been very warming
and welcoming.

I hope you enjoy episode one
of the new Doctor Who.

We'll be back after you've watched
it, so think up some questions.

- Yes.
- And we'll see you after the episode.

- Yes. Enjoy! - Enjoy it.


While the audience are watching
the episode, Matt and Karen get on
with some press interviews.

- Wow! - The kids have just watched it.

We hope they like it, this is us
presenting on Doctor Who Television.

Yes. DWTV.

Are they going to like it?

No idea. Let's find out.


Thank you very much.

Did you have fun, guys?

Did you like it?

ALL: Yeah!

Whoa! Cool!
That's good. That's who it's for.

We were very nervous about
you guys seeing it because
you are the guys that matter.

This is Doctor Who Confidential,
Belfast. Say hello, right there.


This young man here, stand up and...

Give these guys a round
of applause for that.

- For the bow tie. - Yeah!
- What about that?!

There's a future Doctor.

- What's your name
and what's your question? - Charlie.

What do you want to ask?

Where's your sonic screwdriver?

- Ah! - Where's your sonic screwdriver?

It's on the bus, actually.
Outside, I've got it.

I should have brought
it in to show you.

Well, Charlie can show you his.

He's brought his with him.

Can I ask you once again to give
a massive round of applause, please

and thank Karen
and Matt for coming today.

Thanks, guys!

- All right, take care.
- Take care of yourself.

Ready to go!

Biscuits. Oh, it's very exciting.

En route to Inverness, the team get
a chance to try out their sea legs.

Come and look.

Bit of fresh air. Brrr!

I'm the captain.

- You are. Captain Karen.
- Captain Gillan. - Wow.

That's incredible.

There's not actually something
that actually steers the ship?

- I know that sounds stupid.
- Just where Dan's standing there.

- Wow. That's it? - That's the wheel?

You imagine it
to be so big...old school?

- It feels all quite TARDIS-like.
All these bits. - These items, like?

And this as well, look.

That's all...

That's for the bow thrusters.

We're headed to bonny Scotland!

I don't know where,
but somewhere on the west coast.



OK, that's us.

A seven-hour drive later
and the team finally arrive in
Karen's home town of Inverness.

- Back in Cardiff, the team had quite
a task on their hands to create a
convincing Silurian city. - OK, guys.

Nice and quiet, then, please.

Episode eight is set
in a small Welsh mining village

and now we go down

to the fabulous underground city
of the Silurians.

The crew brought together both sets
and unusual locations to create
the look of the stunning city.

The sets in episode nine
are just amazing.

It was important that we had
lots of different-looking sets.

We didn't just want a cave feel.

Back! Back!

You could believe
that was underground

and it has sophistication

and timelessness as well
which was very important.

They're tropical
and so perfectly suited to the story
and the characters and everything.

Depending on what you can
do lighting-wise, you know,

I think we could probably follow Matt
all the way round and then break here

and pick that up
as a separate on that sh*t.

With the Silurian city,
we didn't just want a cave feel.

We also wanted that sense that
they are a sophisticated race.

They are able to use the minerals
they have underground.

They are able to use granite
and rock and marble and crystals

and all the things that they
could find underground and utilise.

We worked at building
that into our sets.

I think the script originally said

that the city was bathed

in the orange glow
of the Earth's core,

the heat of the Earth's core.

We had to give that impression.
That ambient heat.

So I did various tests
with different colours.

I choose one that we felt was
the right kind of feel to it.

But it also had to be
the direction of the light as well.

Instead of lighting from above,
as you would do traditionally,

the lights were on the floor

or in different places
so it gave that different feel.

The ambient light came
from a different place.

We also needed the scale
of the Senate Room, for instance.

We went again
to the Temple of Peace in Cardiff.

Ooh, lovely place. Very gleaming.

This is our court!

It's amazing really, because
as soon as you step into that set
in the Temple of Peace

and we put in the seating

and whatever,
as soon as you step into that,

you're aware and you cannot escape
the magnitude of that set.

The importance of it
and of those scenes.

So directing those scenes, you're
almost % there before you even
begin because of what's around you.

- Execute the girl. - No, wait!

- Rory! - She's not speaking for us.

- There's no need for this.
- Name? - Don't do this! - Listen!

- Whatever you want, we'll do it. Amy!
- RORY! - Fire! - NO!

We've been in caves and stuff in the
studio for a while which are tiny

and then you walk
into this big, massive room.

It's,'s huge.


Swansea's Plantasia and its
array of tropical plants

help create
an underground Silurian jungle.

Plantasia, with the reptile
room, was brilliant!

Set them all free!

The chameleon was amazing.
I think I freaked him out a bit.

He was sort of looking
at me with his one eye.


That's my cousin.

I'm one of the family.

It was nice to be amongst all the
plants with the pond and everything.

It made it really feel like that's
where we live.

These creatures are surviving
down underground for millennia.

They're going to need plants,
they're going to need things growing
down there in order to survive.

It's very important for us to have a
sense of things growing
and greenery down there.

- That's the one. - No, that's the one.

If that goes further this way,
going back there,

we should
be able to hide it in there.

Plantasia was great because
it allowed us create the world
of the jungle going into the city.

But it did have a few challenges
in that we couldn't look out
and see the real world,

because it was a car park out there
and street lights and everything.

So we had to be very careful of
the angles we chose.

It was an ideal opportunity
to create

that under the ground lighting,
because we could hide small lamps

in amongst the plants and just give
that idea that the ambient light
was seeping through the ground.

- Action! - Doctor, I really do not
want to be ex*cuted down here.

I'm with you there.

Last time I was ex*cuted,
it put a real blight on the day.

But day two of the tour is about
to be anything but a downer.

It's an early start in Inverness
and another packed day ahead.

- Morning, Karen.
- Morning, Confidential.

- Hi. - Hi, Matt, how are you doing?

We've got a huge day today.

The guys, at the moment, are down
by the loch having a photo-sh**t
with Caitlin who plays Amelia Pond.

She's come along as well
because we are in Inverness,
her home town and Karen's home town.

You come in the middle, Caitlin.

Are we both covered up?

Hang on. Look at us here now.

That's great, thanks.


I was going to say,
can you stop looking cold.


Faces up, Karen. Yeah, that's great.

It's a massive day.

We start in Inverness, we go down
to Sunderland and finish in Salford.

Meanwhile, at the Eden Court Theatre
in Inverness, the team ensures
that everything goes to plan.

Line them up along both sides
there, like we did yesterday.

- Right, let's have a look at these.
You know the wristbands? - Yes.

Can we start stripping them up
now because they take
quite a while to do?

Excited fans soon begin
to fill the Eden Centre.

Anybody waiting?

A Cyberman!

Very exciting for Caitlin
because her class is here.

Caitlin Blackwood, the
new Doctor Who assistant,
is in our class at school.

On board the bus,
anticipation has built up, too.

- We're in Inverness. - The home
town of me. - Are you nervous?

Yeah, I'm really, really nervous.

Don't be. It's all right, it's
going to be great.

You should get off first.

No, no, you go.

Hey, Confidential.

- How are you doing?
- We're in Inverness! Woo!

♪ Trust me, trust me
I'm a doctor

♪ Trust me, trust me
I'm a doctor

♪ I know, I know
What I'm doing

♪ I know, I know
What I'm doing... ♪

It's very exciting for Karen,
because it's a homecoming for her

and she saw lots of familiar faces
in the crowd. That was really nice.

Hello. Long time no see. How are you?

It's really good to see you.

We're in the Easter holidays now, so
I know, if I were a kid, this would

be a pretty cool way to kick off
my Easter holidays.

Doctor Who!

We're about to go and say hello
and introduce the first episode.

And we'll probably do a
little dance like this.


That's basically it.

They are paying money
for you guys...

It's just so nice
that we're here and...

Can you not obscure my sh*t?

This is the money right here.

It is. It's the truth.

Let's count them down. , , , ,

, , , ,

, .

It's nice to be home. It's really
lovely to see so many familiar faces
- family, friends and old teachers.

Thanks for turning up.

And once again, the Doctor Who team
are off to meet the local press.

It's got to change completely.
It's completely different

in any practical terms,
a different programme.

And yet, he's also exactly the
same as he's ever been since .

The next stop is Sunderland.

Hopefully we'll get there
on time but, looking out

of the window right now, the snow is
teeming down so I hope we get there.

OK, thanks, guys.

Back on the bus,
the team settle down for
the -mile drive to Sunderland.

- We're on the Doctor Who tour bus.
- Woo!

We're on tour. How exciting is that?

Oh yes, well, that was a very
astute and detailed introduction
for everyone, Karen.

I'm sorry, I've just woken up.

Yeah, I know. We're on the Doctor
Who tour bus and we're travelling to
Sunderland for the next screening.

And we have a Beth Willis who...

We have a Beth Willis?

Yes, we have a Beth Willis
who is constantly working...

Can we pan to Beth?
That's the executive producer.

There she is.

It's completely non-stop.

Yeah, it's a hectic schedule,
but it's good fun. We're on tour.

How many times do you get
to do that in your life?

Six long hours later
they arrive for the next screening.


OK, we are now on to our,
is it third or fourth venue?

I forgotten. We're all getting a
bit tired and slightly delirious
so, to spice things up and make

things a bit more exciting, we've
given Matt and Karen a challenge.

When they are doing the Q&A, we've
given them both a word that they
have to sneak into their answers.

Matt's word is blueberries.

Karen's word is cats.

So now we're at Sunderland
University, just arrived.

And here we go again for
another showing of it.

Looking forward to
seeing the episode?

All right, OK, I'm going to go
behind the camera for a minute

and get some interviews.

What's been your favourite location
we've visited so far?

I thought the welcome we just got in
Sunderland was pretty exciting.

- And look, oh no. - Here she is.


- Here comes trouble.
- That's my Sunderland accent.

Karen, what's been your favourite...

No, actually,
it's just not as interesting a face.

Let's welcome the th Doctor
and his brand new assistant.

Ladies and gentlemen,
boys and girls, Matt and...

Come on, start the clapping.
Matt and Karen.

Hello, everyone.

ALL: Hi!

Looking forward to the new ep, so we
are going to show you Episode One.

- And we hope you enjoy it. - Yeah.

OK, bye, guys.


After the press
interviews, it's back inside
for a question and answer session.

Once more for Matt and for Karen.
Come on.

So will Matt and Karen be able
to slip in their secret words?

xFirst hand up, there we are.

- Let's go for it. - Do you like
fishfingers and custard?

James asked, does the Doctor like
fish fingers and custard?

Yeah, James, I love it, mate.
And it was really fish fingers and
custard as well. No, it wasn't.

Actually, it was custard, which
I love, and little coconut cakes

with blueberries in,
or something like that.

I had to eat about of them.
It was good fun.

Is your character that crazy?

Yeah, he is barmy, bonkers.

Mad as a box of cats.

And we'll all bid the Doctor
a good night and his assistant.

Thanks so much to Matt and Karen.
Thank you very much.

So, Karen forgot to say her word.

Not only did Matt say his word
but he said Karen's as well,
completely randomly.

Bye, everyone.

With day two behind them, the team
make their way down to Salford.

But how are things going for
the Doctor and his friends
back in the Silurian city?

Now, Mo, let's get your side.

If we work together,
this planet could achieve greatness.

They've almost reached a compromise
and then it's all just
kind of ruined.

Something's wrong.

Just at the moment where the
Doctor thinks that he's got a peace

between them, they can exchange
hostages, everything will be fine,

of course, they bring down
Alaya's body

- because she's already
been k*lled. - No.

We've got to face the truth
that we've actually k*lled one

of them, so we've got no
bargaining chips with them.

We've sh*t ourselves in the foot,
as it were, basically.

Don't do this.

Tell me you didn't do this.

And I carry the dead
Silurian to the rest of them,

which is quite nerve-racking.

What did you do?

I did it.

We always knew, Chris and I,
that Alaya was going to die
and she was going to be k*lled by

a human being and that was going
to be incendiary, that was going

to be the potential spark
that could ignite the w*r.

That was going to be what
went wrong.

I knew all through the story
that Alaya would die and what

I wanted to show, really, what
I wanted it to be was very much

a story about people making
mistakes under massive pressure.

Sorry, I didn't know.
You have to believe me,
they're better than this.

- This is our planet. - In future, when
you talk about this, you tell people

there was a chance, but you were so
much less than the best of humanity.

Alaya is obviously m*rder*d
and Restac comes in
to find that she's m*rder*d.

However, Restac does also come in
armed with a load of Silurian
warriors, so, you know,

it's an eye for an eye and all that.

My sister.

It doesn't aid the peace talks at
all. It then causes the Silurians,

and Restac particularly, to combust
and, effectively, declare w*r.

This is an accidental conflict

that is provoked by somebody
trying to protect their family.

I thought her portrayal was
actually heartbreaking.

This great moment where she looks
at her sister dead and she just
makes this sort of noise.


And it just really gets you there.

So Restac, all bets are off.

It's like, k*ll everyone.

Which he was going to do anyway,
but that is the final straw.

It's the third day of the Dr Who
tour and they arrive in Salford

where the crowds are going
to love what the team have in store.

♪ Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today

♪ Gonna love today, everybody's gonna
love today, gonna love today... ♪

Doctor Who!

This morning, we're doing Salford
and then this evening we are doing
Matt's school in Northampton.

Do you want
to stand over there were Simon is?

One thing that everybody's enjoyed
is the reception from the children.

Here we are.


♪ Everybody's gonna love today
Gonna love today

♪ Anyway you want to
Anyway you've got to

♪ Love love me
Love love me

♪ Love love... ♪

Here we go. Here we go.

- You've been pictured in that coat,
what, every day of the tour? - Yeah.

It's my Doctor Who coat.

Also, I have worn this jumper
twice, I realised this morning.

I'm sort of running out of clothes.

the fans are packing the auditorium
and getting ready for the screening.


We are going to show you
episode one. Enjoy it, g*ng.

Salford and Manchester
have never seen anything like it.

We are trying to think big on the
site. it's an enormous enterprise.

But this is kind of thinking
intergalactic big, so we are
thrilled. It's hysterical in there.

The kids are having a great time,
the legend of Doctor Who lives on.

The final screening venue
has a special significance
for one member of the team.

Hey, Confidential, we are
in my home town of Northampton.

I'm going to my old school, which is
quite nerve-racking, in a weird way.

All the other places, I just rocked
up because no-one really knows me.

But everyone knows me there.

And so, yeah...

But these things are here to be
enjoyed and we've had a great tour,

so hopefully we'll finish
with a flourish, as it were.

Today is going to be brilliant.
We are at Matt's school.

We have got children all
going to be here supporting Matt.

- His parents are here.
- It's Confidential, Mum.

Yes, this is the big one, and we
really want this one to go well.



Hey! How are you doing?
Nice to see you again, how are you?

As Matt and Karen make their way
to the school's central hall, they
receive the biggest reception yet.



Look at the school, it's changed!

Oh, wow!

And whilst the children
got ready for the screening, Matt
took a trip down memory lane.

- I've sat in this office.
- And not been told off. - Yeah!

This is where I started treading,
treading the boards.

Take it away, boys and girls.


- So clever, Confidential.
- You getting this, eh?

Ladies and gentlemen,
Matt Smith and Karen Gillan!

Hello, hello, hello!

Well, I need a deep breath.
That was incredible.

Well done, it was brilliant.

So, Northampton,
thank you for the wonderful welcome.

It was truly... I feel overwhelmed.

It is wonderful to be back in
this room, where I started.

I did the Pirates of Penzance.

I sang rather terribly, it was
quite awful, but there we are.

Anyway, today,
you're seeing episode one, it is not
quite finished, but I hope you enjoy,

we have worked very hard,
and it is all for people like you.

- So thank you for the wonderful
welcome, I truly feel overwhelmed.
- Enjoy it.

After the screening, Matt gets a
chance to show off other skills.

- So where are we doing this?
- Do it on the pitch?

I have not played football in ages.

You've still got it, Matt.

So, with the kickabout over, and
before leaving Northampton, it is
time for some more press interviews.

But Karen has her eye
on something else.

(Matt is doing an interview at the
moment, so I'm going to pap him.

(Here we go, wish me luck.

(I just got two pictures.

(That's two grand.

(And now you just act natural.)

♪ Today this could be
the greatest day of our lives... ♪

So, after three days and
miles travelled,

the Doctor Who tour
comes to an end.

For both the team on the bus,
and the children at each venue,

this will be an event to remember
for a very long time to come.

Meanwhile, back in the Silurian
city, things are about to
reach an expl*sive climax.

- Don't call their bluff. - You must go
back, and do you promise

to never come to the surface
ever again?

We will walk away, leave you alone.

Execute her!


Everybody back to the lab, run.

Execute all the apes.

This is a deadly w*apon, stay back!

Today is a big stand-off between the
Doctor and the Silurian creatures.

And so it's a big battle that

So the Doctor is sonicking and
blowing up the heat ray g*ns.

Did a lot of ducking and rolling
and choo-choo-choo.

And they were very keen
that the sonic was never a w*apon.

So I couldn't point it that way,
it had to be pointed that way,

so I was merely repelling the
weapons, as opposed to sort of...

It's always fun to see the sonic
blowing stuff up, I think.

Each one of the weapons has got
a concealed f*ring system inside,

with a very small little,
we call them zeds,

they create little sparks,
like ricochets.

A little button, that sparks.

What we do is treat it like a loaded
w*apon, so we speak to the artist,

make sure they know how to use it,
exactly where to press the button.

It is very, very important
that they do not fire it too
early or at the wrong time.

So I spent a few moments with
them, making sure that they
could fire it correctly.

The lights are still on, OK? Take
the position, as before, and it's...

It's like that.

It was good, I got to run around
and fire ray g*ns and explosions.

If you're going to be in Doctor Who,
you want explosions and ray g*ns.

- Action. - Execute all the apes!


Rory may have escaped
from Restac for now,
but that doesn't last for long.

- I've got something. - What is it?

At the end of the episode, the
Doctor just can't resist finding out
what is in the mysterious cr*ck.

I don't know.

Which has disastrous consequences
for Rory.


OK, get in the TARDIS, both of you.

- You did this! - Doctor!

- Rory! - Ah! Agh!

Rory, can you hear me?

So, er, so, I just d*ed.
Which, you know,

for me, was fairly tragic.

We needed a big sacrifice.
It has been fun.

The Doctor has had a great time

with Amy, they have
been running around the universe,

it is time for there to be
a casualty on that TARDIS.

- I can't die here. - Don't say that.

There's a confidence that Rory
and Amy have, that they are going

to get out of this,
they are going to survive,
because they have seen themselves

on a hill at the beginning,
in their future.

I don't understand.

Don't talk, the Doctor is here, OK?
We have to get him onto the TARDIS.

We were on the hill.

The scenes with Rory's death were
incredibly challenging scenes,

because she's seeing
the man she loves die,

which is so, so devastating.

And I just had to really think about
how I was going to pitch that,

and I wanted to make it
truthful and believable.

You're so beautiful.

I'm sorry.

Doctor, help him.

Rory dying is, erm,

a great source of remorse,
obviously, for the Doctor,

but even more so because
it comes out of his own...

his own doing, in a way,

because he could have got everyone
safely into the TARDIS,

but he has to look at the cr*ck, and
the cr*ck ends up devouring him.

I get sucked into a cr*ck in time,
and disappear from all existence.

So that's the end of me.

Planned from the outset is that
Rory not only dies in this episode,
but he is erased from time.

Once you're into the
cr*ck in time, that's it,
there is no getting you back.

It's a pretty cool way
to die, I suppose.

On TV, not in reality.

Move away now.

No, I am not leaving him.
We have to help him.

- The light is already around him, we
can't help him. - I'm not leaving him.

- We have to. - No! - I'm sorry.

- Get off me! - Sorry! - Get off me!

The cr*ck in time
is particularly disastrous,

because if you're sucked into it,

you completely cease to exist,
or have existed.

If his body is absorbed,
I will forget him,
he will never have existed.

At least if you die, you're
remembered and you're celebrated.

But if you die in the cr*ck in time,
you're forgotten.

Amy, please, keep concentrating,
you can do this.

- I can't. - You can, you can do it.

I can't help you unless you do.

Come on, we can still save his
memory, come on, Amy.



Come on, Amy. Come on.



Remember Rory.

Keep remembering him.
Rory is only alive in your memory.

You must keep hold of him,
don't let anything distract you.

Rory still lives in your mind.

What were you saying?

The Doctor knows he critically and
importantly and hugely let Amy down.

Amy will never even have known
that he existed, and I think that's
just even worse than death itself.

It's not just that
Amy can't remember him,

there is nothing to remember, he has
been subtracted from her life and
her past. He was never, ever born.

Are you OK?

I thought I saw someone else there
for a second.

To see her forget is even worse
for the Doctor,

because it all rests on
his shoulders, and it's his fault.

There is more blood on his hands.

You go in.

Just fix this lock, it keeps jamming.

You boys and your locksmithery.

That's a bit of a cliffhanger.

I do know what it means,
but I can't say that, can I?

He finds this chunk
of TARDIS, and we see him hold it up

to his bit of TARDIS, so he knows,
from finding that,

that the TARDIS, at some point,
has gone...