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04x13 & 04x14 - The Comic/The Romantic

Posted: 01/27/23 10:33
by bunniefuu
[ Up-tempo music plays ]



[ All screaming ]

[ Rip! ]

See? I told you
it wasn't his costume.

It's part of
his molecular structure

As shown in issue .

Like a what in what?

Save me! Like you saved
the president in issue !

[ Splat! ]

Of course.
If you did save me,

You'd reveal
your true identity.

Your secret is safe with me,


Hey, gumball.
What a "plaser" to see you.

[ Laughs ]


I'd love to "laser"
'round chatting,

But I have to get to
h-art class.

[ Chuckles ]

See you "laser"...

[ Laughs ]

♪ Dun, dun,
dun-dun-dun ♪

All: ♪ dun, dun,
dun-dun-dun ♪

♪ Dun, dun,
dun-dun-dun ♪

♪ Dun, dun, ba,
ba-ba-ba-ba-ba, ba ♪

♪ Ba, ba-ba-ba, ba-ba-ba-ba
bum-bum-bum-bum ♪

♪ Bum-bum-bum-bum

[ Panting ] dude!

Who the derp
is laserheart?
You are!

You're a superhero

Whose special power
is your optimistic heart.

You inflict justice

With bad dialogue
on the villains of villmore.

You're anatomically

And this is your costume.

But that's...that's...

Extremely revealing?

Profoundly disturbing?

Medically impossible?


I know, right?
I made it myself.

I learned
from this book.

"How to draw superheroes."

Draw muscles,
then more muscles!

[ Gasps ]

It's like
looking in the mirror.

And all the stories
are based on your life.

Yeah, like the time
you saved the school

From that plague
of giant insects.

[ Buzzing ]
[ grunts weakly ]

[ Grunts rapidly ]

[ Whimpers ]

Or that time you saved
the ice caps from melting.

[ Slurping ]

Or when you traveled
through time.

No need to flashback.

You were just sitting
in front of a ticking clock.

I remember all that,

And sarah's version
is pretty much how it went down.

Gumball. really?

Darwin, you can be anyone
you want in this world.

All you need is the power of...

[Echoing] optimism!

[ Squeaks ]


It looks super-heroic
in the comic,

But in reality,
it looks more like super-naked.

It's still not as weird
as sarah cosplaying as herself.

[ Sighs ]
this costume's too hot.

[ Grunts ]

And anyway,
it looks nothing like me.

But your costume
is perfecto!

[ Grunting ]

That girl's got issues.

You're right.
I've got every issue.

[ Sighs ]
this is super-pathetic.

[ Gasps ]
in spite of my super hearing,

All I'm picking up is
"eh, eh, eh, meow."

[ Scoffs ]
you're no superhero.

You're right. At the moment,
I'm just a regular hero.

But all that
is about to change.

[ Both gasp ]
he's gone!

[ muffled grunting ]

More or less.
[ Rip! ]

[ Pitter! Patter! ]

[ Heroic music plays ]

[ Deep voice ]
not so fast, punk.

I said...not so fast!

[ Normal voice ]
ow. Hang on.

It's really hard to project
in that voice.

[ Heroic music plays ]

[ Squeak! ]

What do you want?

[ Deep voice ]
do you have any idea

How easy it is
to choke a swan?


P-pretty easy, I guess.

Because one tiny piece
of plastic from your trash

Can end up in a lake

And get lodged
in a swan's beautiful throat.

I wasn't gonna throw it
in the lake.

I was gonna throw it
in the trash can.

[ Squeak! ]

Have you ever considered
how beautiful this world is

And what untold damage
your trash could do?

No, not recently.

Then let me show you.
Come. Take my arm.

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Thank you, laserheart.

Can you take me home now?

Wait. I am home.
And you can't fly.

[ Normal voice ] yeah, well,
that still doesn't mean

You shouldn't recycle.

[ Heroic music plays ]


[ Tires screech ]

[ Horses whinny
in distance ]

[ Gasps ]

♪ Bum-da-bum-da-bum
da-bum-da-bum ♪

Sussie: [ crying ]
where's my ball?

Sussie, I told you,
I know not of its whereabouts.

Gumball: [ deep voice ]
come over here.

Like, two more feet.

No, wait, back up a bit.

All right, cool.

Where is the ball!

I don't know.
Where is the ball!

Sussie lost it,
I swear!

Swear to me!
I just did. [ Sobbing ]

I found it.

Oh, my gosh.
I'm so sorry.

Please stop crying.
[ Crying ]

Hey, hey, let's play
monkey in the middle.

I'll be the monkey.

Play with me!

[ Laughter ]


[ Humming ]

Darwin: what?
Stopping an asteroid?

He can't even
catch a ball.

[ Normal voice ]
hey, this cover takes away
my peripheral vision, okay?

And what is wrong with you,

[ Deep voice ]
you're more of a downer

Than a depressed parachute,

Now you're even making
bad comic-book jokes.

So what?!
superheroes are lame.

They wear their underpants
on the outside,

They have stupid names
like manatee man,

And have pointless powers

Like a super-tongue
or an elastic butt.

The only people into them
are fedora-wearing neckbeards

And I want nothing
to do with it.

I should probably take you
out of the comic, then.

Wait, what?
I'm in it?

You're "the smooch",
laserheart's sidekick.

You kiss people
to make them feel better.

Holy pamper cream,

Enough bickering.
We've got stuff to do.

[ Squeak! ]

[ Energetic music plays ]

[ Drill whirrs ]

[ Farts dejectedly ]

[ Both karate chopping ]

Are you sure we should be
in the park at night?

[ Deep voice ]
fear not, young lady,

Laserheart can strike down
any foe!

He's here to force
the light of justice

Where the sun
doesn't shine.

[ Normal voice ]
eh, that came out a bit wrong.

[ Breathing shakily ]
give me my wallet.

[ Shakily ]
uh, sure, where is it?

In your pocket!

[ Smooches
intensely ]
[ smack! ]

Laserheart, do something.

[ Heroic music builds ]

[ Music stops ]

[ Rustle! Whiff! ]

[ Smack! Plop! ]

[ Violin resonates ]

Darwin: sarah?

[ Soft music plays ]

Should we call
the police?

[ Sighs ]
and tell them what?

That we were dressed up like
eastern european pop stars

And got mugged for $
by a shadow?

Sarah, please.
Just stop.

Just read it.
[ Sighs ]

"I'm so glad you guys
are still friends

Despite fighting
for my affections"?

It's fan fiction.

There's bound to be
a bit of shipping.

"Aah, what a pleasant evening
in the park.

Laserheart: [ roars ] onyx!
I should've known!

The smooch:
don't worry, laserheart,
I got this!

[ Punch! Punch! Punch! ]

The smooch!

now...for the girl!

[ Screams ]

Ha-ah! [ Grunts ]

[ Chuckles evilly ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

It was a trick?!

Yes. I only pretended
to attack your beautiful fiancée

To get to your
most important w*apon."

His bizarrely over-developed
nipple-less pecs?


"your optimistic heart!

Without its light,
my shadows can take
over the world!

And there is nothing you can do
without your superpower.

I'm still totally stacked!

I cannot compete
with your mighty bulk...

But I can run!"

[ Dramatic music plays ]

Yeah, I don't think a body
can make those shapes.

Onyx took his heart,
not his spine.
Just keep reading.

Onyx: [ laughs evilly ]
the fool will never find me!

I shall hide
in the shadows!

I hope I'm not...


Oh, come on.

Without your laser heart,
you cannot defeat me!

[ Punch! Punch! Punch! ]

[ Grunting ]"

Yeah, the issue
was running short,

So I photocopied those frames
to pad out the fight scene.

"[ Punching, grunting continue ]


Onyx: huh?


Why would you save me?!

Because I have hope.

Hope that even someone
as dark as you

Can see the light.

Well, you were wrong!

[ expl*si*n ]

[ Grunting,
breathing heavily ]

[ Laughs evilly ]

[ Screaming ]

Sorry, I got caught up
in the drama.

Please continue.

Where is your hope now,

The smooch: right here!

[ Smooches ] hup!

[ Smooches ]

My powers have returned!

I crushed your heart!

Anything is possible with...

The power of optimism!

[ Screams ]

[ Sizzle! ]

I guess he should've
put on some sunscreen.

[ Both laugh ]

[ Laughing ]

[ Sighs ] thanks, sarah.

You really taught me
something today.

That, even in
his darkest hour,

A true hero
always has hope.

Yeah. More importantly,
what goes around, comes around.

[ Clanking ]

[ Tap! Tap! ]

[ Up-tempo music plays ]

Gumball: [ groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Groans ]
anais: gumball.


What's wrong
with your face?

Of course.
Chatting with penny.

When did you guys learn
to speak egyptian?

These are emojis.

It's the new way
to communicate.

It's not that complicated.
Look, see this?

It means "hello, princess."

What about that?
It's pretty obvious.

"Want to have
a romantic dinner with me?"

[ Beep ]

Dinner is served.

You're having a virtual
romantic dinner by chat log?

Well, duh. If kids can't be
bothered to type words,

Do you really think
they'll make the effort

To find a job to pay for
an actual dinner?

I'm years old,
and you're making me feel .

[ Beeps ]


A toast to your beauty.

Oh, no! Dumb keyboard --
I spilled the drink.

I got to call the waiter.

[ Beeps ]
oh, man, I accidently
hailed a cab.

It's crashing
through the restaurant!

[ Beeps ]
no! It wrecked the restroom.
It's flooded!

People are swimming
in bathroom water!

It's attracting sharks!

This party's pooped.

"Sorry, I fell asleep with
ny face on the keyboard.

Better go to bed."

[ Sighs ]
wait. What the what!

What is the what?
Penny only signed off

With one emoji
with hearts for eyes

Instead of her usual three.

I think you might be

You don't understand.
I always get three.

She was just tired.

So, you're saying
I should make some --

Some grand gesture
to remind her of happier times?

Are you doing that thing
where you just hear
what you want to hear?

You're right --
make her remember all
the fun we've had.

No, gumball --
oh, what's that?

Do it in a clever way
with a treasure hunt?

No, lis--
it's a bit out of the box.

But I like it.
Gumball --

I don't know
what I'd do with out you.


I have no idea
what that means.

[ Snorts ]

[ Doorbell rings ]

Special delivery.

But tell your boyfriend
to use a stamp next time!

[ Grunts ]

"Go on a quest
and follow these clues

To find the thing
you must not lose

'Cause it would seem
that you forgot

A precious thing
that can't be bought.

There's no reason for this poem
to feature a mountain

Apart from the fact
it rhymes with fountain."

Brackets --
"go to the mall fountain."

[ gasps ] help!

All: penny fitzgerald.

How do you know my name?

What's going on?









[ Dance music plays ]

All: your next clue
is at the bus stop.

Okay...can anyone explain
what is going on?

All: now all I have to do
is send this video

To some attention hogs
who do flash mobs.

Is that a booger
or a piece of brain?

Better put it back.

What the what?
Is the camera still on?

[ Imitates click ]

[ Chuckles ] gumball.

come in, young lady.

[ Laughs ]
what's going on, rocky?

I will tell you
in the form of a poem.

[ Static ]
this rhyme is about
the two of us

'Cause we first spoke
on this school bus.

That's sweet and all,

But can you keep your eyes
on the road, please?

When you offered me a seat,

Twice as fast
my heart did beat.

Not as fast as mine's
beating right now!

[ Tires screeching ]
your smile filled me
with sheer delight,

And straight away
my heart took flight.

[ In slow motion ]

[ Tires screech ]

Most people think
I'm a nutty fruitcake,

But you, dear penny,
gave me a break.

Brake, brake, brake!
That's what I said.

[ Tires screech ]
your beauty reduces me
to tears.

Your voice is music
to my ears.


I hope you felt
as happy as I did

The moment
our two worlds collided.

The next clue
in the science lab.

[ Grunts ]

Oh, gumball.

Wait! Safety first.
[ Groans ]

"we had our first assignment
together in this class.

This experiment will remind you
of our special chemistry.

Mix the liquids,
and you will see...

[ Bubbling ]

...that chemistry is
as unpredictable as we are."

Probably should had read
the whole thing first.

[ Roars ]


[ Panting ]

[ Both grunting ]

"Joke -- we both know I can't be
trusted around chemicals.

Please got to
that desert place I love."

[ Roars ]

Penny: [ panting ]

Hey, penny,
don't want to drive you there?

[ Roars ]

[ Chuckles ]
hey, it tickles.

[ Eagle caws ]

Penny: ugggghhhhh.

I'm so tired.

[ Gasps ]

"Sorry, I actually meant
the dessert place

Where we shared
our first ice cream.

I made a spelling mistake
in the school lab.

I probably should have
corrected it on the blackboard

Instead of coming
all the way out here

Because that would have saved
you the journey and stuff.

I'm running out of bones.

See ya there."

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs maniacally ]


It's on the house,
miss fitzgerald.

[ Skin crackling ]

[ Munching ]
did you notice the message
on the plate?

[ Growls ]

No? Okay.
I'll read it for you.

"This is where we shared
our first ice cream.

I got you a special flavor
to celebrate.

It's peanut --
like you were

When I first realized
how much I liked you.

Surprise --
the second layer is blueberry

To remind you of me.

Oh, wait.
I just remembered

That you're allergic
to blueberry.

Why am I still writing this
instead of telling larry

To stop putting blueberry
in your bowl?

Oh, my gosh,
what have done?!

Oh, I know -- I'll put
one of your allergy pills

In the cherry on top.

That way it balances out.

[ Congested ]
did the pill work?

Doesn't look that bad.

Here's your next clue.
Thanks, larry.

[ Violin playing ]

aw, don't be nervous, gumball.

I'm not. It's just I've been
standing here

With a smile on my face
for about five hours now.

Ah -- face cramp.

Tell me about it --
I've played this tune times.

When is she coming?
I don't know.

The instructions
were pretty clear.

"I hope you've had fun
doing all this.

Now come find me
where we had our first kiss.

You've got this far,
so you must really care.

Now the last thing to do
is come meet me there."

Oh, I see. So you --
you kissed her
after the head-butt.

[ Smack! ]

Oh, good point.

But it wasn't a head-butt,
more of a blunt trauma.

So, where was
your first kiss?

[ Gasps ] the forest.


This place was
a lot more romantic

When we had our first kiss.

Wait a minute.
They're smaller than me.

I can take them.

What was all that about?

[ Growls ]


[ Panting ]

[ Barking ]

[ Whimpers ]

That's right.

Remember who you're messing with
next time.

[ Growls ]

[ Whimpers ] wait a minute.

I can take whatever shape
I want.

Penny powers!
Transform creature!

[ Roars ]


[ Hisses ]

[ Roars ]

[ Growling ]

[ Squeaking ]

Gumball: leave her alone!

[ Dramatic music plays ]

[ Growling, hissing ]

Ow! I twisted my ankle.

Quick, save us with
your power of transformation.

I can't control it.
It depends how I feel.

[ Growling ]

Aah. Aah.

One last kiss
before they eat us?

[ Hisses ]
oh, sorry.

That's it.
Make me angry.

I don't know.
I don't think you'll have time

To kick my butt
before they do.

[ Roars ]

[ Screams ]
come on!

Uh, your mom is so dense,

That when you said
your laptop was buggy,

She sprayed it
with insecticide.

[ Giggles ]

She is really bad
with computers.

When I told her
a mouse was broken,

She took it to the vet.

[ Laughter ]

Your sister --
not my sister.

Your sister's so short,

She has to roll up
her diapers.

[ Laughter ]

You want to hear
something else funny?

You know all that stuff
I put you through today?

It was because
you only used one heart emoji

Instead of three.
[ Laughs ]

[ Roars ]
are you insane?!

[ Growls ]

[ Whimpering ]

are you still angry?

[ Snorts ]

I'll take that
as a "maybe."

Look, you need to take things
a little easier, okay?

By which I mean
less terrifyingly intense.

Gotcha, no more marriage
proposals and stuff.

And no big gestures.
Of course. Of course.

Abort, abort.

Uh, too late.

What do you mean too --
[ fireworks whistle ]

Don't look behind you.

I mean, let's focus on
the future.

There's no point
in turning back.
[ Scoffs ]

Pbht. Nothing to do with me.
Must be a different penny.

[ Chuckles ]
must be a different gumball.

[ Chuckles nervously ]
what are the chances?


[ Sighs ] gumball.

[ Up-tempo music plays ]