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04x03 - Of Runaways and Stowaways

Posted: 01/27/23 21:01
by bunniefuu
♪ It used to feel like a fairy tale. ♪

♪ Now it seems we were just pretending. ♪

♪ We’d fix our world, then ♪
♪ on our way to a happy ending ♪

♪ Then it turned out life ♪
♪ was far less like a bedtime story ♪

♪ Than a tragedy with no big ♪
♪ reveal of the heroes' glory ♪

♪ And it seems we weren’t prepared ♪

♪ for a game that wasn’t fair ♪

♪ Do we just go home? ♪

♪ Can we follow through? ♪

♪ When all hope is gone, ♪

♪ there is one thing we can do ♪
♪ When all hope is gone, ♪

♪ there is one thing we can do ♪

♪ Let’s just live! ♪

♪ Day by day ♪

♪ And not be conquered by our sorrows! ♪

♪ The past can’t hold us down, ♪
♪ we must break free! ♪

♪ Inside we're torn apart ♪

♪ But time will mend our hearts ♪

♪ Move onward ♪

♪ Not there yet ♪

♪ So lets just live ♪

*Ocean sounds*

*childrens laughter and talking*

Captain: Travelling alone?

Captain: Now, now. No threat here.

Captain: Just here to chat.

Blake: And why is that?

Captain: Well *sighs* Not many people travel by boat on their own.

Captain: It can be quite a lonely voyage.
Captain: Well *sighs* Not many people travel by boat on their own.

Captain: It can be quite a lonely voyage.

Captain: But I found those that do, tend to have the more

*Captain pauses*

Captain: interesting stories.

Blake: Maybe it's just better

for some people to be alone.

*Blake is startled by kids running by*

*Captain laughing*

Captain: Maybe.

Captain: But with your paranoia I think a few friendly faces wouldn't hurt.

Blake: Who says I'm paranoid?!

*Captain laughing*

Captain: No one, dear.

Captain: No one.

Captain: I'll leave you be.

*Captain walks off*

Captain: But uh, fair warning:

Captain: these trips can be awfully boring.

Blake: Hm...

Blake: Won't be needing this.

*Blake walking off*

*Clock ticking in the background*

*Yang turns on TV*

Reporter : ...with no end in sight.

Reporter : Try as they might, the local Huntsman and Huntresses can't see to get a hold of the situation at Beacon Acadamy...

*Yang changes channel*

...though the failsafes have supported wireless communication within the kingdom, the loss of the CCT tower continues to prevent contact with the outside world.

Talks with Atlas officials regarding repairs have so far...

Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation.

The council has made it clear that they feel...
Vale council voted this week to continue to ban any air traffic that does not have a direct correlation with evacuation.

The council has made it clear that they feel...

Multiple rumors continue to circulate as to who was behind the attack at the Vytal festival tournament...

While no one knows for sure,

officials have confirmed that high ranking White Fang member Adam Taurus,

was present for the attack.

Any and all the attempts to bring him into custody have been met with brutal force...

I'm home !

Hey dad.

Guess what came in today !

What ?

I can't wait for you to try this...

Well ?

It's... for me ?

For you and you only.

Brand new, state of the art Atlas tech.

You know, I thought I was gonna have to pull some strings, call in a few favors

But you earned this one all on your own, kiddo.

Huh ?

Before I could even talk to him, general Ironwood already had one of his top scientists working on this... for you.

He wanted me to tell you that you fought admirably.

You should be proud of yourself.

Well ?

You're gonna try it on ?

I uh...

I'm not feeling too great right now.

Maybe later?

Well, alright.

Who's there !?

Red alert!!

By the gods...

All hands to battlestations!

Sir, we've never fought a Grimm this big!

We've never seen something this big.

But we'll give 'er a fight, nonetheless.

Hold steady men, it's not done with us yet.

Get the heavy cannon loaded!

Heavy cannon.. open fire!

Ah! Hey!


Not today, pal!

What are you doing?!


Uh... you know...


Hanging out...

My hero!

You're not supposed to be here!

Yeah? Well, it looks like you could use all the help you can get.

Just shut up and fight.

Yes, ma'am.

Starboard defences are down sir.

We still got the heavy cannon?
Starboard defences are down sir.

We still got the heavy cannon?

Aye, but it's moving too fast! We can't land a hit!

How about the engines ?

Fully functional, captain.

Well, alright then.


If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow

we can take it!
If you can clip its wings and draw it out towards the bow

we can take it!

I mean, you're the one with the swords...

Now or never!

This is the part where you say it.


Ok, maybe later.


Up top!

Seriously, it was no big deal.

Just enjoy the rest of your trip and everything will be cool.

We got this!

You'd think they'd never seen a fight before...

What are you doing here, Sun?

Diggin' the new outfit, by the way.

Never did like the bow.



Have you been following me?

I saw you run off.

The night Beacon tower fell.

Once we landed in Vale, you made sure everyone was okay

and then you just took off without saying anything.

I had to.

You wouldn't understand.

No, I get it.

The moment you left, I knew exactly what you were doing.

You're going on a one woman rampage against the White Fang!


You've always felt like the Fang was your fight.

They show up, trash your school, hurt your friends; it makes perfect sense!

I can't believe you.

But there's no way I'm letting you do this alone.

It's an honorable approach, for sure, but you're gonna need someone watching your back.

And that's where I come in!

Us Faunus got to stick together, after all!

You're wrong Sun.

You're so.. so wrong..

What are you.. ?

I'm not going anywhere near the White Fang.

Not yet.


I need to sort some things out.

Then why not do it with your team? Your friends?

You're one to talk!

Assuming Neptune, Sage and Scarlet aren't hiding below deck!

You really think I could get Neptune on the ocean!?

They flew back to Mistral, I told them I'd catch up.

Not the first time I left them to take a boat.


If you're not going against the White Fang, where are you going?


To Menagerie.

Well, I'm coming with you!

The Grimm are getting worse, you saw it yourself.

And just because you're not going after the Fang doesn't mean they won't be coming for you.

Besides, I'm..

Kinda already on the boat.

There's really no stopping you.


This is going to be great! Never been to Menagerie before. That will be a regular journey to the East.


I like the sound of that.

Do you feel it?

Don't fight it, girl.

It can sense your trepidation.

You must make it...

dread you.


I'm going to ask you this one more time and I expect a clear answer.

Did you k*ll Ozpin ?


I want to hear you say it.


Reinforce our numbers at Beacon.

The relic is there.

What are you planning?