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03x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 01/30/23 08:19
by bunniefuu
This isn't a joke. It isn't
a pre-retirement wind-up.

It's here in black and white -
bullying and racism.

So what are you going to do,
sack me?

You, with a straight face,
apparently told the entire team

the division was appointing
an alien life-form liaison officer.

Yeah. Knowing - knowing -
Tekeli would jump at it,

and then neither you
nor Acting Sergeant Shah -

cos apparently it was all
his big idea - neither of you

proceeded to make it clear
to him that it was a joke.

Well, what would have been the point
of that? As a result of which...

Everyone else realised it was a
joke. As a result of which...

Presumably you realised it was a
joke when you signed it,

when you put the application
form in,

otherwise it wouldn't have gone
any further.

Did you not realise it was a joke?
It's a formality.

I don't read every bit of paper
that just wants a signature.

Oh, do you not? I do.

As a result of... It had a little
alien face at the top

and "phone home" written underneath.

Did the penny not drop, Mike?

As a result of which he went out
and made a fool of himself

with a member of the public.

Did he? And now he's made
a complaint

through this Inspector
Suleyman Toprak at Wakefield,

which makes me look like I'm
not across

what's going on in my own division!


"Sergeant Cawood
has never liked me" -

never liked me -
"and takes every opportunity

"to undermine my credibility
with colleagues.

"Acting Sergeant Shah
now seems determined

"to continue this culture,

"and I am no longer prepared
to put up with it."

How old is he?

RADIO: Inspector Taylor,
location for a phone call?

In my office.

You know, this glib response

is a disappointment coming from
someone like you, Catherine.

Someone like me?

Just same as they used to say
in the s

about putting their hands up
female colleagues' skirts.

"Oh, why's she upset?

"It was only a bit of fun,
"what's up with her?"

Sorry. Seriously?

You think this is on a par
with sexual harassment?

It's... It's...

It's not dissimilar.

Mike Taylor.

Yeah. Fire away.

They've found a body.


OK, will do. Ta-ta.

Looks like it's that misper.

House up Holywell Green.
That's the address.

Yeah, I know the address.

Is it her? Joanna?

Go and secure the scene
till the SIO turns up.

I'll get two patrol units to meet
you there.

We'll deal with this later.
Yeah, we will.

I can't believe you said that.

No uniforms to enter the scene!



You rang.

Tommy Lee Royce jumped the dock.

What? He escaped.

He's on his toes...

..and it was organised, Catherine.

And, er, Ryan's here.


He knew nothing about it.
He's just as shocked as anyone.

But he saw these two lads.

There was a fracas
in the foyer,

and then everyone
got distracted

and that seems to be
when he went for it.

He just climbed out the dock,
this huge Perspex screen.

He's like Spider-Man.

Me and some others ran after him,

but he just, like, vanished into
thin air.


What is it?

What? What are we looking at?

No, there's too much heat now.
It's a dumb idea.

It's a brilliant idea.


We'd be stupid not to.

We've earned it.
I've...I've earned it.

Look, you're getting married
tomorrow. Let's do it after.

No, no, no, no, no.
It'll have gone.

Get in front of him...
Somebody will find it.

So we need to get it
back now. Today.

Soon as you get back.


I'll ring you back.

# There's a tower block overhead

# All you've got's your benefits
and you're barely scraping by

# In this trouble town

# Troubles are found

# Stuck in speedbump city

♪ Where the only thing that's pretty
is the thought of getting out. ♪

Where are you now?

CLARE: At work.
Right. Well, stay there.

Do not go back to Neil's flat.
He knows that address

because, oh, yeah, that's where he's
been sending his visiting orders to,

and who's to say he's not going
to make a beeline for it?

And where's Neil?

How did he jump the dock?

Are they not guarded?
Were he not handcuffed?

Clare, I wasn't there.
Ryan was.

Ryan, who you were so
convinced had gone to school.


Where's Neil?

He's at work, as far as I know.

Right. Well, does Tommy Lee
Royce know where he works?

Cos if he does, he's vulnerable.

He knows I work here.

He came in once years ago.

I think it's unlikely that...

Clare, what's likely is that he'll
try and use you and Neil

to get to Ryan.

Where's Ryan now?

He's with Richard.
Richard went to report on it.

You need to think about finding
somewhere else to live

till they've got the f*cking
idiot back in custody.

H-MET will sort us out
a hotel if necessary,

once they've got
the incident room set up.

But you must not go back
to the flat,

not even to fetch stuff.
If you make a list,

H-MET will collect anything
you need for you.

What about you?
He knows where you live.

Yeah. I can't go home
either, Clare.

Ring Neil and go and sit in a cafe

if you have to till I sort
something out.


I've got to go.


Mike, I've heard.

You hand that scene over
to the patrols

as soon as they get there,

then I want you off the streets
and back here.


I've been thinking,
if it is organised,

the organised crime unit
will be all over it.

It's organised, all right.

The way Richard's described
what happened.

Well, good. So they'll work
with the manhunt

and they'll have eyes on
Darius Knezevic,

well, already, I would think.

Yeah, it's a nice thought,

but Darius Knezevic'll avoid
the twat-faced bastard

like the plague
if he is behind it.

You need protection.

I'm not scared of him.

Yeah, well, you should be.

I don't want you going back
to your house.



Afternoon. Afternoon.

I didn't do this. Nobody's saying
that, Mr Hepworth.

Why am I not allowed
inside my own house, then?

You're distraught. You've had
a shock.

I need you to sit in the car
till the SIO gets here.

We can't risk any

as I've explained. Where's the body?

Someone's done this. Garage.

Is it Joanna? Yes!

I'll go and set up the
cordons, then.

She thinks I did it!

Mr Tekeli.



Outer cordon, wide as you like,
bit of access for residents.

We'll pull it in when the SIO
gets here.

Sledge. Inner cordon
round the whole house.

I'll need a tent in front of
the garage.

Do not enter.

SO, scene log.

Tommy Lee Royce has escaped
from Leeds Crown Court.

Did you know that? Chop chop.

You all right, Sarge?

Yeah. Move it. Come on.


Oh, I can't be arsed. Get on
with it.

Could I just say...
I'd rather you didn't.

With respect... You know, I'm out of
here Thursday.

Vast blue yonder.

But Shaf, he'll start his first
proper stint as a Sergeant

with some puerile complaint
hanging over his head

for bullying, for f*ck's sake.

That's the last thing
he's ever been.

And r*cist? On what planet?

When you started, he looked
after you.

You'd never have got through your
first three weeks without him,

you ... idiot. You see, you
shouldn't even be able

to speak to me like that.
Oh, OK.

Well, I tell you what,

Detective Superintendent
Shepherd's here now,

so why don't you tell him?


Go on.

Hey, sort this cordon out,
come on.

Sorry. Catherine.

You shouldn't be here.

Mary Whitaker's running
the manhunt.

I've just heard they've opened up
an incident room in Dewsbury,

and she'll want to talk to you.

You know more about this mad bastard
than anyone.

I'll phone ahead, tell them you're
on your way over there now.

Yeah, yeah, and take one of
these with you.

I don't want you on your own, OK?

Go on. Thank you, sir.

Oh. What do you know
about this? Anything?

Oh, er, dead woman,
Joanna Hepworth.

I arrested her last week for
possession of controlled dr*gs.

He reported her - the husband.

She had bruises up her arms.

I offered to put her
in a refuge,

but she wouldn't.
Two little kiddies,

two girls, one in the juniors,
one in the infants.

Do you know their names?

Yeah, it's Poppy and Florence.

What's his name?



He's our Ryan's PE teacher.
He's never liked him.

Rumours that he's having
an affair with a female member

of staff and that he's gay -
take your pick.

All right, well, you go.

I'll send someone over
to get an account off you

as soon as we're up and running.

I had an inkling it'd come to this.

Come on, Betty Bhuppal,
you're coming with me.






You did it!

You did it.

Change of plan, buddy.

I've got the police vexed over
a little mix-up in Elland,

and they've got eyes on
my place around the clock,

so I'm going to have to
drop you elsewhere.

It's safe.

There's everything you need.

Food, beer, tobacco,
a game console.

Anything else you need,
just say.

How'd you get out, with police
watching your house?

I hid in the boot of Mihaela's car.

They don't follow her.
They haven't the resources.

And I didn't want anyone else
to pick you up, yeah?

I wanted mine to be the first
friendly face you see.

Oh, it were hilarious, Darius.

All these patrol cars in Leeds

screaming past me
in t'opposite direction.

Then on foot, some of them,

straight past me, less than,
like, three feet away,

like I were invisible.

You are a f*cking genius, man.

There's a bottle of whisky
in one of those bags

if you want a little celebration.

Is everything sorted?

Sure. Passports -
one for you, one for the boy.

You'll go via Dover.

You'll be hid in a van,
we'll drive it to Brussels.

Then you're going to
fly from there to Malaga.

I'm nervous.

You'll have money, you'll have a
phone. You'll be fine.

You'll look like
you're interrailing.

Then this Felipe guy is going
to meet you in Marbella

and that's you done.

He's going to sort you out
with everything you need.

You and the boy.

I've never been abroad.

You're joking.


Show no fear.

You've come this far.


So I'm going to drop you
at this place,

and I'm going to pick you up
on Monday.

If you haven't got the boy
by then...'re going to have to
go without him.

I'll have him. I'll have him.

And you'll have sorted out
your little bit of business?


What is it?

It's not that policewoman,
is it?


Can you get me a g*n?

You go look at the CCTV.

I wouldn't be surprised if it was
them that kicked off this fight,

this distraction. And if it was
them, then this one...

I saw him in a car when we were
arresting a lad over the death

of that girl in them flats
up in Elland.

I'm fairly % sure
it was him.

I recognised him. I must have
arrested him for something

in the dim and distant past.

And if it is him, then there's
something to do with the Knezevics,

because that's who CID thinks
is behind that business

at the flat. I know someone
who's working on it.

Which means it is organised,

and Royce may well have access
to a firearm.

But the good news is...

..I took the registration number.

Little Honda they were driving.

Won't be registered to
the right address,

but it might trigger a couple
of ANPR sites.

You might be able to catch up
with them that way.

So, your grandson texted you these
images at . .

How long does it take to get
a train from Leeds to Halifax?


I'll drive.

We are not going picking
that f*cking money up.

We are.



It's the third one from the bottom.

Just knock on, and Hrvoje
will let you in.


Fella that lives there.
It's fine.

Anything you need,
he'll sort you out.

How do I contact you?
You don't.

Through him.

Hrvoje. If you need to.

But ideally you don't,
for your own sake.

A week from now,
you'll be in Marbella,

you and your boy,

laughing your socks off,
all right?

But Tommy...

This... with this policewoman.

I'm going to be honest,
I don't think it's a good idea.

You're going to get
this new life with your boy.

If you fix that policewoman,
all sorts of shit

is going to kick in, and it
makes me uncomfortable.

I think... should let it go.

We've been really clever
with all this.

You're out.

You do something crazy
like that...

..can't guarantee what happens.

Yeah, but...

..getting even with this bitch

is as important as getting
to Marbella.

Is it?


Is it really?



So what's the plan?
How are you going to do it?

I'm going to find her.

I'm going to follow her.

I'm going to bide my time.

I'm...going to look for
an opportunity.

But it'd sure as shit help
if I had a g*n.

I don't have g*ns. Yes, you do.

I use them as and when.
I don't keep them in stock.

So get me one.


We had a deal.

I saw to my side of things.


To the letter.

All that barefaced shit
about Chris Oxley.

Yeah, so have I.

But this? No.

You knew I had a bit of business
to sort out.

I didn't know that involved
fixing that policewoman.


Well, this in't good.


All right.


Well... do what you have to do.

I'm advising you not to.

I'm asking you not to.

But I'm not going to fall out
with you, Tommy.

You do what you have to do.
But there's no g*ns.

I need some cash.

Hrvoje will give you cash.
I don't carry it.

Thanks, buddy.

No problem, Tommy.

Monday, yeah?

I'll be ready.





Am I coming in?


Darius says I'm stopping here.


You want beer?


Where am I sleeping?





I need a phone.

I make food.


But I need you to get me
a telephone.



You get me telephone.


You watch telly, take a shower,
eat food.

Tomorrow, telephone.


Have you even got f*cking Wi-Fi?


I even got f*cking Wi-Fi.

All right, Grandad.


Tomorrow morning, first thing.


I'm just collecting Neil just now,
and then we're going to Nev's house.

Nev's house?
Yeah, I've just...

I've just rung him,
I've spoken to him,

and he said we can stay there,
all of us,

for as long as we need to.

What's up with that?


So can you tell Richard to take Ryan
up there, or do you want me to?

No, I'll do it. Right.

Er, it's just here, love.

I'll see you up there, then, yeah?

Right. Ros is here.

I'll explain to her what's going on.
I don't think you should go.


But on the other hand, it's not
every day a journalist like me

gets a face-to-face with a turn
like Darius Knezevic.

Yeah. What if he knifes you?
I'm meeting him in a public place.

He's not going to knife me.

He's not going to knife me.

Ryan's here.

Something's happened.

We need to be serious. all means, have a drink,
but try not to go crazy, huh?

Tommy Lee Royce escaped from court
and there's an abduction risk,

so I brought him here until
they sort out a safe house for him.

A hotel. You what? Why?

It's safe for him here.
Tommy Lee Royce...

..has no reason

to know anything about this house.
And you're telling me why?

Because I have to go out.
How the hell has he esca-...?

What do you mean,
you've got to go out?

Shan't be long. Two hours.

Oh, you're kidding me! It's work.
It's important.

It's on the other side
of Halifax, so...

So you're making me a target
for your...

Royce knows nothing about
this house.

I wouldn't leave him here
if I didn't think it was safe.

Right. I'm off. Shan't be long.

Can I come with you? No.
She's just going to get drunk.

Your granny said to just sit tight

until they've sorted out
a safe house. All right?

Yeah, and you told her
you were going to stay with me.

It's only Ros.

She's not going to bite you.


Hiya, mate.
Erm, I just live up there.

Is that all right? OK.



Have you seen what's going on
over the road?

Police everywhere.
We reckon he's m*rder*d her.

Who's m*rder*d who?
And the little girls.

That man.
The fella with the Audi.

He's done her in, that woman,
that little woman.

How do you know?
The little girls?

We don't. We're just guessing.
But it's something.

Something's going on,
the number of police there are.

How long have they been there?
No idea.

We got in just after half past three
and it was all cordoned off,

and it's just got busier.
Oh, my God, Oh, my God, Oh, my God!

What? That's a hearse.
That black van is a hearse.

One of them private hearses
are just going in.

One of THOSE private hearses.

Count how many body bags
they bring out. Ew, gross!

Oh, my God, you ought to tell them
about this morning, Dad!

Yeah! If he goes to prison,
his insurance might not cough up.

Oh, I don't think... What insurance?
Dad had a prang.

I didn't have a prang!
He went into the back of me.

He did? Yeah. HE did? Yeah,
only cos he speeded out so fast.

Sped. Spud.
When was this?

This morning. It was nothing.
It was his fault. Yeah.

Then he got all shirty Bertie.

Did he? Yeah.

We thought Dad was mincemeat.
You should tell the police that.

Why? If he was aggressive.


SCOFFS: Because it might
be relevant!

How? If he was angry or,
I don't know, distracted.

No, no, no, no, no.
We're not getting involved.

He was angry because
he went into the back of me.

Yeah, because he might have had
a lot more on his mind

than you realise. Yeah, go on, Dad.
Go tell 'em.

You might find something out.
She could have finished him off.

Bloody hell! His insurance
definitely won't cough up then!

You want to come away
from that window.

We're not getting involved
in anything tawdry like that.

If that is what it is.

And you don't know anyway,
you haven't a clue.

So come on, come away.

Oh, my God. Is that a news van?
Oh, where?

I bet this will be
on the news tonight. Yeah.

There's definitely something wrong.



CATHERINE: You've done what?

Left him with Ros.
Well, where are you?

Going to meet Darius Knezevic.

Tonight? You are kidding me.

He's part of this.

There's no way Darius Knezevic
in't part of this.

Tommy Lee Royce escaped on a bike.

He came out the back of that shop
in Leeds

just like Bradley f*cking Wiggins
on some £ , road bike.

Oh? I've seen the CCTV footage
in the incident room.

Officers on foot
blithely racing past him.

It's sickening. I haven't given him
my real name. All right?

He'll have checked you out,
whatever name you gave him.

And if he has, he could know
that you're Ryan's grandad,

and he could use you to help
that bastard get to him.

I think you're paranoid.

Get home, Richard.

I might learn something.

If he has helped the bastard,
I might learn something.

He's more likely to get intel
out of you, like where Ryan is.

He won't. Richard!

It'll be fine.

Right, tough guy.
You knock yourself out.


Oh, here she is.

How have you gone on?

What's happening with
Joanna Hepworth?

Have they charged him?
I don't know.

Not that I know of.
What are you doing now?

I'm going to pick Ryan up
from where Richard's dumped him.

Take your radio.
Take your PAVA spray.

Do not go back to your house
under any circumstances.

Hey. Where's the Waterhouse bar?

It's just down the stairs.

Turn right, then through
to the next room. Thanks.

Oh, you're not Richard Allan,
are you?

I am. Yeah.

We had a message for you

To say sorry,
but he's not going to make it.

He said to get in touch
so you can reschedule.

Does that make sense?

Yeah, that's, er...

Yeah. Thanks.

Thank you.


Now what?

He's cancelled. He's not here.

Right. Well, I'd get home
pretty damn fast if I was you

and pray Ryan's still there.

I think that's, er...


ON TV: The news headlines tonight...

Trying to get hold of our Ryan,
but he's not answering his phone.

Can you put him on?

..and a convicted m*rder*r...
Hold on.

...and sex offender escaped
from Greater Leeds Crown Court

this afternoon.

Hang on.




What's going on?

Oh, he must have gone.

Well, I locked this door,
and it's unlocked now, so...

Yeah, I don't know.

When I went up to get changed,
he must have gone.

I told him to stay put.
I asked you to keep an eye on him!

Jesus Christ!

I am not a baby-sitter.
You're not anything.

You're just a pissed-up,
lightweight, empty-headed...

Right. Get out. ..noo-noo.

Where is he?
You know as much as me.

Do you know how serious this is?

to Control.

, go ahead.

I've arrived at the location.

Ryan isn't here. Nobody seems
to know where he is.

Could everybody be on the lookout
for him?

He's in an Elm Wood Academy uniform
and a blue puffer jacket.

Last seen at a known address.

ON TV: This was a highly
organised escape.

Tommy Lee Royce has strong links
to Hebden Bridge

and the surrounding areas,

so I'd like to ask members of
the public to be on the lookout

and to report any sightings
to the incident room.

It's important not to approach
the suspect,

who we believe may be dangerous,
but to call the police immediately.

Shall I switch it off? If you have
any information about
Tommy Lee Royce...

Or do you want to see if
it's on t'local news? Leave it.

I'd also like to appeal directly
to Tommy Lee Royce...

KNOCKING ON DOOR surrender himself
to a police station

or call the incident room,
where Officer...




Who is it?


Can I come in?

Who have you got with you?


Does Catherine know where you are?

No-one's taken him.

He's left off his own bat

because he never wanted to be here
in t'first place. Yeah?

If you're looking for our Ryan,
he's here.

He just turned up on our doorstep.

False alarm. We've found him.
Where is he?

Pillock. He's at Daniel's.

Is he all right?

No-one else wants me.

I can sleep on the floor
in my sleeping bag.

Get my stuff from Clare and Neil's.

It won't take up much room.

You're staying at Nev's, apparently.

Am I? Is he?

Yeah. He's offered to put
you all up.

Oh, right.

But after? Cos she doesn't
want me living at home,

and you've got all this space,
so...can I?

What makes you think you'd be
any more welcome here

than you are at home,

if you're choosing to go
visiting that prick?

I get it's...complicated.

But he's me dad, so...
Yeah? Is it?

Shall I uncomplicate it for you?

Ann... No, he needs to hear stuff.

Shall I tell you what your dad did
to me?

No. Oh, do you not want
to hear that?

I know it was an abusive
relationship with me mum.

I get all that. We're not talking
about relationships, Ryan.

He's a psychopath.
He's incapable of relationships.

The only relationship
he's got is with himself

inside his crippled
little head.

What he did to your mum was no nicer
than what he did to me.

He r*ped her.

He violated her.

He traumatised her.

He probably said the same
imbecilic, degrading,

humiliating things to her
that he said to me.

He made her feel so wrong in herself

that ending her life
became a desirable option.

Can you even start to imagine
what that might feel like? Ann...

..he's . Yeah, well,
he says he loved her,

so it might be more complicated
than you think. He's a psychopath.

All love means to him
is a weakness in other people

that he can use
to exploit them with.

He forced her to have sex with him

when all she wanted to do
was go home.

He impregnated her to humiliate her,

to belittle her, to degrade her,
to terrify her.

You weren't wanted.

You were very big-time,
seriously not wanted.

You were a headfuck
for everyone concerned.

And that's exactly what
that piece of shit wanted.

Have you any idea
what Catherine did for you,

how massive that was?

Your grandad walked out
cos he couldn't stand it.

He wouldn't speak to her
cos he couldn't stand it either.

And they were all going,
"Oh, put it in care.

"Put it up for adoption.
Let social services have it."

Ann! She wouldn't. She refused.

She was the only one big enough,
decent enough, to take you on,

despite what that sub-human,
braindead moron

did to her daughter.

And now he's using you.
And you're letting him.

He's using you for no other reason
than to upset Catherine,

to twist the knife,
because it amuses him.

He can't help it.

But trust me,

he does not give one shiny,
tiny f*ck about you.

He's incapable of it.

All right, fine.

I'll go sleep in a ditch.

Yeah. Bye.

I'm not surprised everyone hated me.

Nobody hated you.

It was a situation we just...

None of us knew how to deal with it.

It in't like there's a blueprint for
something like that. You can't...

..look it up and get ten top tips
on how to cope.

I was only .

I didn't know the first thing
about anything. And my dad, he...

He went really weird,
taking himself off, and...

And Mum was off her head.

Was she?

She said some really shitty things
to me.

Did she? Yeah.

But she didn't mean it.

It was just...a bad time.

And, yeah, when it came to you,
she was adamant.

You know, "It's not his fault.
It's not his fault."

It wasn't my fault.
That's right.

It wasn't your fault.

And I'm sorry that
you've had to hear all this.

And I'm sorry that I wasn't... to be better and bigger
for me mum at the time.

I went to see him because...

...I wanted to make
my own mind up about him.

Then I didn't tell anyone because
I knew all this would kick off.

But I...

And I just wanted to work out
what I thought about him

without other people's opinions.

And what have you concluded?

I just... I feel sad for him,

that he was born like that...

..needing to be so nasty to people.

Is that your granny?


Right, I'd better get back to Ann.


Right, well, er, phone me
if...there's anything I can do.

Ta-ra. Ta, love. Bye.

Well, that was a bloody silly thing
to do,

going AWOL when you know everybody's
going to be worried sick

about where you are.

He shouldn'ta gone off.
Shouldn't of left me with Ros.

Shouldn't have, for f*ck's sake!



I love you.

What's brought that on?



Come on.

Come on! Come in.

Oh, your lot came
and dropped this off for you

from your house and the flat.
Is that my games console?

Yeah. We gave them a list of stuff
to fetch for us.

You hungry?


And a glass of wine?

No, thanks.

Clare and Neil are
in the sitting room.


All right?
Are you all right?


You sure?

Do you know anything?
Have they caught him?


They want to talk to us -
your lot.

We're on a list. Yeah.

Well, you will be.
You visited him.

For some unfathomable
f*cking reason.

Nev was talking about
flying us all out to Majorca,

paying for us flights and
letting us stop in his villa

for a couple of weeks.

Like a little holiday.

Just until they cop him.

You're the last person
I'd go on holiday with, Clare.

You and that moron
you spend your days with.

You and me have got nothing
in common. You bore me.

You have this idiotic,
dependent personality.

You let yourself be talked into
doing something... repugnant...

..and so offensive to me by him.

I mean, what is he, even?
He's nothing, he's nowt.

He's an empty vessel, a cipher.
But then... are you.

So I guess that works.

Just keep an eye on Ryan.
Or, well... Or not, whatever.

I've done me best for you,
all of you, so, you know, whatever.

I don't know.

Good luck.

I'm going back to work.
I don't want to be here.

That bastard's still out there,

and I'm not just going to sit on
me arse watching f*cking telly.


WHISPERS: What have they said?

It's just questions -
over and over and over.

I thought they must have
arrested you

when it got to half past nine.
I wish you'd rung.

Are the girls in bed?

No. They're in there.

I'm not...


I'm not going to ask you
if you did it.

I didn' it.

I've had her parents on the phone
saying all sorts,

and Poppy won't speak to me.



DC STEAD: He says the last time he
saw Joanna alive was Monday morning,

when he took her up
a cup of tea in bed.

Did the girls see her that morning?

The last time either of them saw her
was the night before.

They both separately said

that Daddy had taken Mummy
a cup of tea the next morning,

but he'd told them
not to disturb her

because she wasn't ready
to get up yet.

What activity was there
on her mobile that morning?

None. Last time she used her phone
were on Saturday.

But just to be clear,

this is like the cheapest phone
you can buy.

I mean, she has literally used it
for phone calls and texting.

She's not someone who first thing
she does in the morning

is check her Twitter feed
and her news apps.

The last text she sent
were last Friday, to him,

and the last phone call she made
were on Saturday, also to him.

Then nothing till Sergeant Cawood
left a voicemail

about her forensic results,

followed by the flurry
of phone calls from him, Rob,

on Monday tea-time, when he's
got back and found her missing.

We won't get the full report
off the pathologist till tomorrow.

Postmortem, well,
that's still going on, far it looks like
blunt-force trauma to the head

is the cause of death.

Then SOCO have found evidence
of blood all over the house.


..before we start jumping
to conclusions

about the husband having done it,

I want to know who was
supplying Joanna with diazepam.

Why did she lie to Sergeant Cawood

about finding diazepam behind
some toilets in a pub?




ANISHA: Faisal?

You all right? Yeah.








Hiya. Is it you?


Are you on your own?

Yeah. Where are you?

Where are you?


You're not telling me.

I can't. Where are you?

I'm all right.

Are you really on your own?


You wouldn't lie to me, would you?

How'd you know my gamer tag?

You told me.

Ages ago.

Do you not remember?
Well, kind of.

Yeah. I memorised it.

You were on t'news.

What did they say?

Only that you'd escaped on a bike
and they'd lost you.

What's the latest?

Not to approach you because
you might be armed and dangerous.

Are you?

I were very pleased to see you
in court.

I didn't know you were
going to do that.


Is that why you wanted me there?

Yeah. To see it?

Yeah. What do you think?

What are you going to do?

Were you not impressed, Ryan?

What are you going to do?

What's up?
I'm worried about you.

You don't need to worry about me.

What are you going to do?
Didn't you think it were...?

Are you armed and dangerous?

I were sh1tting my'sen.

Till I got out of that back door
and onto that bike,

I were all fingers and thumbs.

And then...nothing.

Just floated away.

Gearing on them new bikes
is like poetry.

Police running past me
in t'opposite direction.

And then when I got out past
Bradford, up onto t'tops...

Ah, it just...fed my soul.

All that light and oxygen and air.

What are...?

What are we going to do?


..I've got some ideas.

Are you in Halifax?

No matter where I am,
what matters is....

..the future.

Yeah. So what are we going to do?


..what I'd like... for you and me
to spend some time together.

Yeah, but if you're
armed and dangerous,

they're going to sh**t you.

I'm not armed. And I'm only
dangerous when I have to be,

when people start
behaving like wankers.

So what's t'plan?

Oh, I wish I could see ya.

Well, I'm not allowed out.
Who says?

The police.

Are you at home? No!

I'm not. I'm not allowed
anywhere near home.

Why do you think?

What do they think I'm going to do?
Do they think I'm going to hurt you?

No. They think you're going to
abduct me.

Why would they think that?

You visit me. We're mates.

Don't know, but they do.

What are you going to do?

Look, I've got this chance... get abroad.

And if you wanted...
You could come with me.

Yeah, but I can't.
I've got my GCSEs in May.

You don't need those.
Turns out I do.

If I want to get an apprenticeship,

I have to get me maths
and me English.

Well, I know a fella...

..who can set us up in Marbella.

House, car, money, job.

What do you think of that?

Ryan? Yeah.

So do you want to come wi' me?

Think about it.

But we have to be ready to go
on Monday. All right?

So I know right now, you might
be thinking it's mad,

but if you dwell on it, you might
start to see that it could be... opportunity, an adventure,
for us.

Yeah, OK.

OK, you'll do it?
No, no.

Yeah, OK, I'll think about it.


That's good.

I do love you, you know.

You're all I've got.

You're all I've ever had.

Didn't even know you
for long enough.

Shall we talk like this
again tomorrow?


Think about it.

Think about it.

And we'll talk like this
tomorrow, yeah?

# In this trouble town

# Troubles are found

# In this trouble town

# Words do get 'round

# Stuck in speed bump city

# Where the only thing that's pretty

♪ Is the thought of getting out. ♪