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01x18 - Sacrifice

Posted: 02/01/23 09:00
by bunniefuu
Cassie: Previously on the "Secret Circle"...

[Screams] Demons.

Evil entities. Possession.

Using snakes and insects as vessels for dark energy.

Demons need human form to be fully active.


John Blackwell knows more about

the hunters than any of us.

If Blackwell's such a huge force of dark magic,

why didn't he do anything to stop the witch hunters?

His power was stripped, like all our parents.

With or without power, your father can help us.

Eben will be back.

Blackwell: What you did unleashed a curse.

Birds are a harbinger.

A sign that the curse has been activated.

If you awaken the curse,

someone in your circle will die.

Found a recipe for an elixir.

When we drink this,

we'll forget how we feel about each other.

I still love him, but he doesn't love me.

The elixir really worked on Adam.

[Music playing]


All right. Here's for you.

And here's yours.

Aah! Heh.



So, you're like an old pro.

Well, I learned from the best.

You taught me how to hold the tray.

You still remember that, right?

Yeah, of course I do.

Yeah. It just

feels like the whole...

different time. Different us.

You know?

Um, I should-- I should go.

I'll see you later.

I can't look away. It's like an emotional car crash.

Except they both don't know they're the victims.

So big deal.

They loved each other.

And then, they drank one potion,

and now, it's like they never felt anything.

Don't you think that's tragic?

Tragic was the way Adam followed

her dark highness around like a puppy dog.

He's better off.

Faye, they sacrificed their love

so one of us wouldn't die.

Show a little gratitude.

I'm grateful...

That I never have to see Adam bat his oversized lashes

at her undersized head ever again.

Sorry for the wait.

Are you ok?

I just--the whole thing with Adam must be so horrible.

Oh, no, no. I'm fine.

Yeah. I mean, it's just kind of like

seeing your ex and forgetting why

you ever had feelings for for them.

I mean, it's more confusing than sad.

I forgot to ask you.

All of you, actually.

You want to earn some deep appreciation

and make a little money on the side?

You lost me at appreciation.

The hockey team is having their awards dinner

at the boathouse tomorrow, and I need extra servers.

What do you think?

I'd love to, but I'm a little waitressed out.

Thanks, though.

Come on.

What about you guys?

Seriously. My dad can't be there,

and I need some extra hands.

- Is he ok? - My dad?

Oh, I think so.

I don't know. He's just been...

kind of freaked out since Cassie's dad showed up.

Yeah, he's actually a mess.

And I lost a girlfriend, Jake almost died,

and the witch hunters are more excited about k*lling us than ever.

So it's real fun having Blackwell back from the dead.

I'll do it. Boys hockey team? That might be fun.

I'm not into sl*ve labor.

It's $10 an hour

plus a basket of chicken wings.

Eww. 15.

Done. Thank you.

I appreciate it.

That poor guy. Cassie can't even be around him.

It's tragic.

Tragic is not asking for 20.



There he is!

This way!

Hurry up! Get him!


Let him go.

He's heading into Chance Harbor.

We're just going to have to work faster.

Child: ♪ la da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da ♪

♪ la da da da da da ♪

[Indistinct talking]

[Music playing]

Hi. Uh, just--


Yeah. Yeah.

Uh, what--what-- what can I get you?



Excellent choice. [Beeping]

You checking up on me?

Making sure I haven't fallen apart?

Pretty much.

Did you tell Adam the elixir didn't work on you?


He'd feel terrible if he knew.

I haven't told anyone.

Do you want to talk about it?

No. Thanks, though.

You want to, uh...

Go mini-golfing sometime?

Excuse me?

There's a-- there's a course--

it's mini-course by my house I just rented.

And I was-- it looks like fun. I--


Never mind. It's a stupid idea.

I was just trying to think of things

that people did when I was here last, you know.

Father-daughter things?

Yeah. Yeah.

Mini-golf sounds nice. We should try it sometime.


Woman: Refill, please.

Oh, uh, yeah. Excuse me.

Hi. Refill?

[Music playing]

[Indistinct talking]

Oh. I'm coming through. Careful.


For you.

- What is that? - It's ginger ale.

Compliments of some guy I've never seen before

who insisted that if it couldn't be champagne,

it at least needed to be served in this glass.

Flute, actually.

Who is he?



And I think I should thank him.

You came back.

Told you I would.

Thank you for the bubbly.

Yeah. The waiter really wouldn't let me

buy you the real stuff.

Uh, yeah, the waiter.

He's stubborn like that.

Would you like to spend the afternoon with me?

I'm dying to hear how you've passed the time since I've been gone.

That sounds great.

You know what? Let me check something really quick.

Hey, I know I said I'd help tonight,

but would you be really mad at me if

I bailed on the banquet?


Because I have a date.

With that guy?

Yes. Grant.

You think that's smart?

Dating some random guy out of nowhere?

I'll be fine.

Thanks, dad.

Let's go.

She gets to leave? Not fair.

More chicken wings for you.

Jake. Jake! [Grunting]

You aren't listening!

[Both grunting]

Jake, listen!

He's a friend.

[Grunts] No, no, no. Wait. Wait. Wait. Oh.

So, what, he's a witch hunter?

Samuel. I've known him for a while.

Ah. Jeez.

So now witch hunters are hunting you?

How does that feel?

I didn't come to k*ll you.

You snuck into my room.

You jumped me before I could explain.

I need your help.

Help you?

I need to speak with John Blackwell.

What do you want with him?

You wouldn't believe me if I told you.

But he will.

No. No. He's using us to set up my father,

just like Eben tried to.

Jake knows better.

We were once friends. We served together.

Served? Really? That's what you call it?


You shouldn't have come here.

I had no choice. [Panting]

I'm running from Eben. He'll k*ll me

to keep me from telling Blackwell what I know.

What? You got something to say, say it.

He's resurrecting demons.

[Music playing]

[Indistinct talking and laughter]

Yo! Not only did we win our league...


But--but we have

two of the most beautiful girls in our school waiting on us.

[Cheering] Awesome!

You know, I think Diana's got the right idea,

dating outside the witchy world.

It would be nice to have a regular romance problems,

not the epic, tragic kind.

And Kyle is pretty cute.

You know, in a simple, magic-free guy way.

He's exactly what I could use.

And exactly what I could use.

Do want to have some fun? I know you could use it.

That's true. What?

How'd you like to help me steal Kyle's attention?

From what? His trophy?

No, from Faye. She's already doing her patented lean-in.

Look, see what I mean?

How would this be fun for me?

Well, because it would be a distraction.

And wouldn't it be fun to see the look of shock on her face?

All right.

You go and start talking to him.

Think hockey. You'll see.

Excuse you.

Hey, Kyle.

Melissa. How's it going?

Good. Really good.

I was just wondering if you caught

the Canucks game last night.

Uh, yes, I did. Why?

It's kind of crazy. When I watched Kedler,

it totally reminded me of your game.

And he caught the breakaway and deked the defenseman?

It was like your move in the third period of

the conference finals when you tried that

slapshot and scored from the blue line.


[Coughs] That was--

that was a nice shot.

It was a good goal.


What better way to top off a perfect day

than with some ice dancing?


Or wobbling, in my case.

So how'd you learn how to Jimmy a lock like that?

That's standard knowledge for Australian boys.

While little Diana was off braiding hair

and making friendship bracelets,

little Grant was learning to pick locks and fire potato g*ns.

What's a potato g*n?

I'm saving that for date number two.

And somewhere along the way, you learned to sail.

Yeah. My dad taught me.

Well, I can't believe your dad just gave you a yacht.

My dad barely lets me borrow the car.

Me and dad don't get along so well.

We're better suited with an ocean between us.

It must be incredible to be able to just pick up

and sail off whenever you want.

You can, too, you know.

Come with me.

Anywhere you want.

Second date.

Say the word.

You're all about adventure, are you?

Act now, think later?

No, I've been thinking about this for a while.


We'll pretend that didn't happen.

Yeah. Please?

Hot chocolate back at my boat?

Didn't I say no boat until the second date?

If only little Grant had learned about patience

instead of tomato g*ns.


Your point is well made.

Lucky for you, I'm a fast learner.

Too bad you're a slow skater.

Ahh! [Laughs] Yeah!

Where's the witch hunter?

In the kitchen, tied up.

How did he find me?

Jake. They served together.

She's right. I know him. And I don't think he'd come here on a lie.

I'm going to find out.

Stay here.

Using your history with Jake to draw me in, huh?

Is that your ploy?

Either Eben is grooming an army of idiots,

or you're telling the truth about demons.

And honestly, I'd prefer the former.

It's true, I swear. He wants demons.


To use their power.

So that he can finally destroy you

and all the other witches once and for all.


You're lying.

Eben can't use demons. He's human.

He's working with a witch.


You already knew that.

You're just testing me.

Who's the witch?

I don't know.

I'll know if you're lying.

Look, no one does.

Eben's keeping everything a secret.

He's gotten all paranoid and crazy, ok?

He's obsessed with magic and now demons.

He's become worse than what we're trying to stop.

Eben is going to summon the demons at Harbor Woods...

Just like you did 16 years ago.

We know that you tried to give the demons bodies

so that they could walk among us,

the bodies of witches so that they would be stronger.

Hell, you were going to use their power

against your enemies.

And in order to summon them,

you sacrificed a mortal

and buried them at the site of the ceremony.


He was going to sacrifice me, ok?

That's why I escaped.

That's why I'm here.

If you don't stop him,

Eben is going to get the demon power that you wanted.

[Music playing]

[Indistinct talking] Oh, so close!

No. Don't play innocent.

I know you did not help

Melissa magicflirt with Kyle instead of me.

I am just trying to get some work done here, Faye.

And how are you going to get work done

when I walk out of here in protest?

I don't negotiate with t*rrorists.

You're helping me.

I want to slapshot that smile right off Melissa's face.

[Cheering and applause]

I don't know how I could help you, Faye.

You're all stocked up in the charm department.


Watch. You'll figure it out.

Need some pointers?

Of course, yeah. I'm not very good at this game, so.

- Follow my lead. - Ok.

Melissa: Aw, come on!

Did you guys-- did you guys just see that?

[Cheering and applause] I can't believe I did that!

Whoa! Nice!

How did you do that?

Is it true? You summoned demons

and m*rder*d an innocent to do it?

Yes, I summoned demons.

But there was no sacrifice.

My Balcoin blood was all I needed.

How comforting.

I was trying to protect the circle.

I thought I could use demons to fight off the witch hunters.

But the demons wanted to possess the circle.

It was your mother.

Your mother stopped them.

She spelled the demons and trapped them

before they took over the circle.

That didn't help Heather Barnes.

I saw what the demons did to her, because of you.

Every death that day was a tragedy.

Can Eben do what Samuel says he can?

If he has a witch-- a traitor--yes.

Is there a way to stop him?

Got to seal the ground where the demons come up.

Then that's what we need to do.


How? You don't have magic anymore.

Gather the circle, all right? Every member.

I'll wait for you at the abandoned house.

There's tools there I need.

[Cheering and applause] [Music playing]

Hey. Have you seen Kyle?

Kyle. Right there.

[Cheering and applause]

Beat 'em again, bro. Beat 'em again.

Hi. I missed you.

I missed you, too.

What the hell?

You've been flirting with my friends all night,

and now, you have a girlfriend?

Uh, no.

I was not flirting with your friends, ok?

They were flirting with me.

Oh, please.

Listen to for a second.

My girlfriend is standing right there.

You have some respect.

- Me? - Yeah.

You're the one who has no respect.

You've been acting all night like

she didn't even exist. Like you didn't have her.

Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have what you have?

Ok. Ok. I think you're taking this a little personal, Conant.

You have a thing for one of those girls over there,

and you can't get what you want? Is that what this is?

[Crowd gasps] Don't you touch me.

Hey, hey! [Indistinct]

Come on. Come on. Come on.

Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!

[Grunts] Leave it!

You hit a hockey player for no reason.

That's not normal Adam behavior.

Seriously, what the hell is going on with you?

I'm on edge! That's all.

We get it. Losing someone you care about.

We do.

And it sucks big time.

The thing is, I...

for the blink of an eye, I feel like...

everything was perfect.

But I can't remember that feeling.

And I keep trying...

but I can't.

I know this is going to sound crazy,

but in some ways, you're lucky.

If you remembered it, you'd miss it.

And missing it is the worst part.

[Cell phone rings]




Speak of the devil-girl.


Adam, is everyone still with you?

Faye and Melissa are.

Ok. I need you to get to the abandoned house

as soon as you can.

I'll explain when you get there.


Oh, and do you know where Diana went?

I tried calling her first, but no answer.

I don't know. She was on a date

with some Australian guy.

Ok, all right. Thanks. [Beeps]

I have to find Diana.

I'll gather the circle, and I'll meet you at the house.

[Indistinct talking]


I've been looking for you.

What are you...

I thought you didn't want to come down tonight?

I changed my mind.

Ah. Well, I'm so glad.

Hi, I'm Diana.

I'm Pete. Ship's captain.

Captain? You have your own captain? Impressive.

How big is your boat?

Your boat?

Come on.

But your boat's that way.

Oh, unless you're taking her to see your private jet?

Right. I get it. That's where your chef is, whipping up

another 5-star meal for your flights to downtown Chance Harbor.

That's kind of weird for your Captain

to be talking to you like that.

I haven't been completely honest with you.

I might have exaggerated my position

in regards to the boat.

It's not mine. I'm just one of the crew.

That's not an exaggeration. That's a lie.

Wait, Diana.

Stay the hell away from me.

So, where's this house we're meeting them at?

It's a hell of a walk.

We're not going to the house.

What? Hey, aren't we meeting up with your daughter and her circle?

No. This is too dangerous for them.

But you don't have any power.

We need the circle, right?

We need to stop Eben before he hurts the circle.

Now, come on.

Let's go. [Grunts]


[Cell phone ringing] [Music playing]






Hey. Why haven't you been answering your phone?

Because I don't want to.

I've been looking for you everywhere. This is important.

Of course it is. It always is.

You know, Faye's right. You really are a drama queen.

This is not about me. This is about us.

Can't I have 5 minutes to myself?

I mean, obviously, there's no way to have an actual life,

but 5 minutes for a coffee?

I mean, it's even in a to-go cup,

just in case. The circle's in trouble.

What is going on? Really?

It doesn't matter.

All that's important is what's going on with you.

Ok. Ok.

Demons. The witch hunters are about to get some,

and my father is going to help us stop them.

When you say Cassie's dad brought demons to Chance Harbor,

you mean our demons

from the creepy, buried suitcase?

So we really have to deal with this again?

It's another fun Blackwell story.

It was a long time ago. He's just trying

to make up for his mistakes.

His mistakes k*lled your brother.


- Finally. - Hey.

- Where's my father? - Not here yet.

But he was coming here first.

He was supposed to be waiting for all of us.

Did we get stood up by your dad?

He didn't want us to go.

He was trying to protect us.

He's going to deal with the demons by himself?

I thought he doesn't have magic anymore.

He doesn't. He'll never walk away from this.

Is this the place?

This is where you called up demons 16 years ago?


They came up through there.

Hey. Hey.

I've got to do this before Eben gets here.

Do you want me to do something?

Just don't move.

What are you-- what are you doing?

The demons are strong,

but they can't cross over these symbols.

Really? So drawing some lines in the dirt,

that's--that's supposed to keep us safe?

Not us.


What the hell are you talking about?

Whoa! Oh!


What are you doing?

Why can't I cross the circle?

Because there's a demon inside you.

You've already been sacrificed.


Well, get it out of me!

I didn't know! I swear!

When Eben gave your body to the demons, he sacrificed you.


Now he can summon the rest of the demons.

But this circle will draw the demon out of you

and send it back to the abyss.

And prevent Eben from completing his ritual.

Why would you do that, John?

You're the one that brought the demons here to begin with.

That was a mistake.

So was coming here without magic.

Because of one of your witches, I have power, and you don't.

You should've gone back into hiding, John.


Once I control the demons,

I'll use them to slaughter every witch alive.

But you...

I'll k*ll right now.



Agite tenebrae abyssi.

Agite tenebrae abyssi.

Agite tenebrae abyssi. [Grunting]

Samuel. Samuel.

You ok? What's going on?



He's got a demon in him.

Don't get too close!

We can stop him together.

Focus on stopping his movements. Keep him where he is.

[Eben chanting indistinctly]

Why isn't it working? We're not stopping him.

Circle magic didn't stop the demon in Melissa, either.

That was Cassie's grandmother and her crystal.

All right. Everyone, stay back.

Let me try.

Agite tenebrae abyssi. Agite tenebrae abyssi.

Jake: He's still coming. Adam: Cassie!

[Screams] Cassie!


We'll all burn together.

[Eben chanting indistinctly]





Take me. I'm the one you want.

I want power, and...

You have nothing to offer me anymore.


[Eben chanting indistinctly]



[All scream]

[Eben continues chanting]



We have to stop him.

Blackwell: No! Stop! Stop!

[Grunts] Stop! No!

Let him go. [Panting] Let him go.

He took the demons inside of him.

He's too strong.

And you have magic.

You've had it the whole time.


Why did you lie to me?

How could I convince you to stop using your magic

if I was using mine?

I was just trying to protect you

from the dangers of dark magic.

Your magic is what saved me.


It wasn't enough to stop Eben.

Now that he's got what he was after...

He's more powerful than all of us.


It's hard to lose a battle.

But what's important is that you're still alive.

Everyone except for Samuel.

He was a demon, Jake.

They're even willing to sacrifice

their own people now to destroy us.

This w*r has to end.

It's been going on for far too long.

Hundreds of thousands of witches k*lled since the 14th century,

and we have just stayed in the shadows,

hiding who we are,

hoping that, you know, something would change,

that the goodness in people would prevail.

Nothing changed. They just found new reasons to hate us,

new ways to k*ll us. And now,

now, they've got demons.

This w*r has to end now.

We can't just sit back and be victims anymore.

We've got to rise up.

I just spent the last 16 years

trying to believe that witchcraft wasn't the answer.

But I was wrong.

It's the only answer.

You really think we can beat them?


Better than waiting around for Eben to come back.

We're not strong enough,

not if he has demons. You just said so.

No. Even a circle with as much power as yours

isn't enough against Eben now.

So what are you saying?


Yes. Crystals.

Each one of your families has its own crystal.

Separately, they wield tremendous power.

But bound together in their original form,

there is no stronger magic.

So they fit together?

It was just one crystal for a very long time,

brought over by the first settlers of Salem.

But the elders, they feared its power,

so they split the one into 6.

I have one.


Then all we need to do is find 5 more.

And they'll be enough to stop Eben and the witch hunters?

Your circle together with the power of 6 crystals

can destroy them once and for all.

And we can finally stop hiding.


[Music playing]

I can explain.

I get it. You're a liar.

It seems pretty simple.

Yes. It's just...

I wanted to impress you.

I know how lame that sounds.

I've never done anything like that before.

I've crewed that boat for the last year,

and never been anything but proud...

Until you turned around and smiled that smile at me.

I...I realized

if I let you walk out of my life,

I'd be the biggest idiot I know.

I panicked, and then, I lied.

And now, I'm an even bigger idiot.

What else is a lie?

Your name? Your accent?

Nothing. I swear.

I don't get along well with my dad,

I learned to pick locks as a kid,

and I'm a lousy ice skater.

Grant, in my world,

people who lie about who they are...

They're dangerous.

Your world? Are you a spy?

Which I'm--I'm totally cool with.

No, I'm not a spy.

I don't have room in my life for liars.

I'm done with it now.

I tried it, and I hated it.

I'm retired now.

I'm sorry.

Please. Forgive me.

Or don't. Wait one more day.

Let me have just one day to show you that I'm for real.

To prove to you

just how important your trust is to me.

Then we can reevaluate.

You got one day.

I was wrong about your father.


And I'm sorry. I know I've been hard on him.

Oh, I forgive you, if that helps.



He saved us tonight.

And what he said about the circle is right.

We can't just sit and wait.

We have to go after what we want,

we have to make it happen.

And we have history on our side.

Yeah. Oh, we do.

I feel like this is the purpose

behind every bad or stupid thing that's ever happened to us.

We need to be focused on our enemies right now.

Nothing else matters.

You're right.

You ok?

Yeah, of course.

Thanks for the ride.



I thought you were amazing...

Up against the witch hunters tonight.

Just amazing.


Good night, Adam.

Good night.

[Engine starts]

[Shovel clanking]

Child: ♪ la da da da da ♪

♪ da da da da da ♪

♪ la da da da da da ♪