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01x01 - Witchblade

Posted: 02/01/23 10:47
by bunniefuu
New York City, November 11, 2000.

Hey, Pezzini.

You know what today is?

It's November 11th: 11-11.

- Your horoscope says today's a special day.

- Every day above ground is a special day.

You got a point there.

As far as I know.

- I'm sorry.

- I know how pissed off you are.

- No, you don't.

- We'll stay on Gallo.

If he really did k*ll your friend Maria, sooner or later something will give.

- Yeah, his heart as a hollow point hits it.

- We don't know that it was him.

You know what?

You're right.

We don't.

I do.

We just gotta prove it somehow.

- How's the wife?

- That was a heck of a segue way.

Yeah, I'm good at those.

I'm getting better.

Must be a Gemini thing.

You know, mercurial and all.

Maria's birthday was the same day as mine.

We used to do everything together, including things we weren't supposed to.

I still don't understand how a 15-year-old could like menthols.


- Nothing.

You wearing your vest?

- Yeah, of course.

The Midtown Museum will be closing in 15 minutes.

Please begin to make your way to the exits.

And thank you for coming.

So little Mike thinks my job is driving a tractor.

He wants to come to work with me.

Man, Pez, I don't think I've seen you blink once in the past four hours.

You should do that once in a while, you know.

It lubricates your eyes.

- Where's the driver?

- Here we go.

Hey, Gallo.

- Hey, k*ller.

- Hey, how you doing?

- None of your business.

You got a warrant?

- A warrant?

For what?

Some people might say that this borders on harassment, detectives.

We got three witnesses that put you next to Maria only three hours before she was m*rder*d.

Well, who wasn't?


Don't I know you from somewhere?

I'm not going anywhere.

- Hey! - Call 911.

Magnificent, isn't it?

Sorry, sir.

You, uh You really shouldn't be here.

You should leave.

Drop it.

Any idea what happened?

Joe, I chased the guy in the building.

We exchanged a few rounds and, uh He really opened fire on me with some big bore pistols.

The next thing I know, uh There was this giant expl*si*n.


Talked to the caretaker.

Said the gas pipes are ancient.

- Thinks maybe a b*llet hit one.

- Thought it was a grenade.

No, the blast was too big for that.

Nobody can figure out how you weren't, um - Pulped, Jake?

- Yeah.

You realize who that was?

All I know is that he drew on Danny.

- That was Lorenzo Vespucci.

- Best hitman in the biz.

Gallo's protégé.

Then I guess that explains all the firepower.

We pulled a few of Vespucci's teeth out of some marble.

That's all we could find.

Security cameras that weren't blown up showed there was another person in there.

The only thing on tape were his shadows.

It was as if he knew cameras were there.

Did you see anyone else?

No, I I don't know.

I don't remember anyone.

Hey, Pezzini.

- You get your man?

- Not yet, Gallo.

Well, you got one of mine.

Your father would have been proud.

- Don't do it, Pez.

- Ha-ha-ha.

She's got it.

You won't be disappointed.

She's everything you said she'd be.


Um You sure you don't need, uh, me to stick around for a while?

Oh, no, no, thanks.

I can I can handle it from here.

Thanks for hanging at the hospital all night.

I knew I didn't have a concussion.

No problem.

Well, sleep well, Jake.

All right.

See you.

You know, I could make you some "calzonays" or something.

It's "calzone.

" Go home, Jake.

- Some pasta puttanesca?

- Good night.

Rock On.


You have one new message.

Hey, Pez.

Danny here.

You cool?

You know, uh, I'm really Give me a ring if you need anything.

What the hell?

Tough day.

I don't know why I keep pushing the envelope.

Something's gotta change.

I've gotta change.

Magnificent, isn't it?


Any idea what happened?

There was this giant expl*si*n.

Nobody can figure out how you weren't Pulped, Jake?

Every day above ground is a special day.

Every day above ground is a special day.

I don't remember.

I don't remember.

No! Bury this in the catacombs.

Look, normally I would handle this problem internally.

But in this situation I can't do that.

I'm under a little too much scrutiny.

So I'm gonna need your very best cleaner.

What you're requesting is very expensive.

No, no, no.

Look, I don't wanna negotiate, okay?

I just want the situation handled, and I want it handled soon.

I know.

You're probably gonna have to import the talent.

Who is the situation?

Detective Sara Pezzini.

What's up, Pez?


Hey, Pez.

Run into Vespucci, huh?

The butcher man.

- Gallo can't be too happy about that.

- How you doing, Smitty?

- Jealous.

- Don't be.

- Hey, you took out Vespucci.

That's - Blind luck?

Not from what I heard.

If you want to do that whole Pezzini-modesty thing, I'm cool with it.

Looking good, detective.

- Thanks.

- Come on in.

So, what's the deal, Sara?

- What do you mean, sir?

- Oh, don't give me that officious crap.

You know what I mean.

Your old man hated Gallo too.

With all due frigging respect, Joe, Gallo just k*lled one of my best friends.

- You can't prove that.

- Yes, I can.

Well, good.

Do it.

A few people are very angry about Vespucci.

So watch out.

Yes, sir.

He would be proud of you.


- What?

- What do you mean, "What"?

- What are you looking at?

- My curmudgeon of a partner.

Oh, and here I thought I was coming across as ebullient.

I don't think I'm caffeinated enough for the word thing this morning.

- Sire, but you started it.

- Hey, listen, you wench.

- I just want to say thanks for saving my life.

- Oh, yeah, that.

No big deal.

I think we're even now.

- No, we're not.

I still owe you one.

- Okay, I'll think of something.

- Like help taking down Gallo?

- Yep.

- Hey, not a problem.

- Good.

Legendary hitman.

Never been caught.

One of the smartest, hardest, bad guys in the city.

I guess we should get him off the street then.

- Pez, can I ask you a serious question?

- I'm bracing myself.


Hit me.

Maria was a party girl.

A high-end hooker, alcoholic, sex addict, pill-head coked-up, adrenaline-junkie hedonist.

- Your point being?

She was constantly putting herself in dangerous situations.

She liked dangerous situations.


So she deserved to get double tapped by a scumbag who thrives off the human waste he creates.

I didn't exactly say that.

I know.

I'm just pissed at myself.

I'm really pissed.

I hadn't even seen Maria for almost a year.

Then six days ago, she calls me.


A day later, before I get a chance to call her back, she gets her brains splattered What?

Did you think you could have saved her?

I don't know, Danny.

I, uh I just don't know.

- What would you have done differently?

- Called her back.

I guess I was just afraid that she was gonna hit me up for more money.

Don't beat yourself up.


I almost forgot.

The other night, this weird bracelet somehow found its way on my wrist.

A high-end hooker, alcoholic, sex addict, pill-head.

Maria was a party girl.

Adrenaline-junkie hedonist.

Maria was a party girl.

One of my best friends.


Do you think you could have saved her?

I just don't know, Danny.

L I just don't know.

You okay?

Sometimes I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Don't worry, pal.

You did that a long time ago.

Let's go back to the crime scene.

You serious?

What do you need, buddy?

That was pretty damn good.

- Who you work for?

- My client owns the old Rialto.

- Really?

- He's aware of your repeated inquiries regarding the Rialto and is now willing to sell.

Be there tomorrow at 11:00 sharp and you can take a look around.

I wish that guy worked for me.

I really don't see why this is necessary.

I was assured that you were done.

For over a week now, we've accommodated you.

Fingerprint dust everywhere.

Unsightly yellow tape.

Noises at all hours.

Sir, shut up.

Miss Buzanis rented this room?

I really don't see why we have to get in Yes.

Yes, uh, Miss Buzanis took this room on the evening in question.

But I have already told the police all this.

More than once, I might add.

Miss Buzanis was a frequent guest at our hotel.

- Nobody saw who she was with?

- Detective, we run a discreet operation.

- Nobody saw who she was with?

- We run a discreet operation.

But I have already told the police all this.

Nobody saw who she was with?

What's up?

- Nothing.

- Did you learn something in there?

I'm not quite sure.

L I wish I'd been here for the initial crime scene.

Let's get out of here.

- Oh.


Man, that's a good shot.

- Thanks.

Okay, who's got next game?

Uh, Jake.


Hey, Pez.

I mean, Sara.

Jake, I come here to try to forget about the job.

What do you want, man?

To sh**t pool.

Your break.

Heard that, uh, Tommy Gallo is thinking about opening up a club down at the old Rialto Theater.

I also heard he's gonna be there tomorrow to check it out in person.

- Yeah, says who?

- Guy named Drexler.


I busted him once.

He's a hard case, a punk.

Why would he tell you anything?

- Ha.

I have my ways.

- Really?


Since Gallo's done time, he can't get a liquor license which means he's gonna have to use a front.

I imagine that would be one of the smaller legal infractions Tommy's gonna commit when he opens his place up.




You wanna bring down Gallo Rialto Theater could be the place to start.

Gallo's going down for m*rder, nothing less.

- Right on.

What time you wanna go?

- Go where?

Come on, Sara.

I give you some scratch like this, the least you can do is share with me.

Some scratch?

Yeah, you know, uh, information, intel, data.

Tomorrow, when you stake out the Rialto, let me go with you.

You know what?

You're okay, Jake.

I'll give you that.

But I got a partner.

Eight ball, corner pocket.

Aw, man.

- Thank you.

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Tell me again.

Why are we here?

To keep an eye on Gallo.

I wanna know this guy's every move.

Well, how you know Gallo's gonna be here?

Because Jake McCartey has a contact that says so.

- Jake McCartey.

- Jake's a good kid, Danny.

If I wasn't aware of your preference for pierced, tattoo-covered drummers or other sorts of nocturnal, self-destructive bad boys I might think you liked him.

- You think he's hot, don't you?

- Actually, I think Ricky Martin's hot.

- Mm.

How about Tommy Lee?

- Him too.

I don't know.

I just don't quite trust the guy.

- Ricky Martin or Tommy Lee?

- Jake McCartey.

- You getting paranoid on me, Danny?

- No.

Do not tell me it's that East Coast-West Coast thing.

No, dude.


Why would anybody leave San Diego to come here?

- It's not like he's even got family here.

- Jake gave me some information.

That's all.

Some good scratch?

I understand.

Forewarned, forearmed, Grasshopper.


Over there.


Uh, uh Nothing.

Hey, Danny, remind me later.

I gotta check if this is from the display ca Gallo and his posse.

Here we go.

Let's do it.

- Wearing your vest?

- Yeah, of course.



Somebody hit the lights.

I got it, I got it.

Hey, lock up the doors, huh?

- This is perfect.

- Yeah, yeah.

You know what we do is, gut the inside, but you leave all the retro touches in place.

The woodworking, the molding, all this hand-carved stuff you can't get anymore.

We don't touch one bit of that.

Louie Stomp in Staten Island.

He's a silent partner at a construction firm, they do quality work.

Give the job to them.

See, this place is perfect, Mr.



This is going to be a legitimate enterprise.


In three months' time this is gonna be the hottest nightspot in New York.

Now, if the police were to know that I was involved phew, that'd be a problem.

And when I have a problem I take care of it.

Now, this was a problem.

Information leak.

Problem solved.


You're not one of Gallo's.

You've been following me ever since the museum.

What do you want?

- What was that?

- Karma.

Detective Woo, of the N.




Hey, Pezzini.

Help me.

- Please help me.

- No.

Come on out, or he'll be sorry.

Use the Witchblade.

I'm waiting.

I don't know Come on out, Pezzini.

Now! Dino.

Just search her.

Okay, Dino?

You have no idea how much money you just saved me.

These particular b*ll*ts, just in case you're interested they cut through Kevlar like butter.


- Aah! - Danny.


Tell my wife I'm sorry.



Just do it, Gallo.

Why don't you k*ll me and get it over with?

- Please help me.

- Use the Witchblade.

Use the Witchblade.

Please help me.


Here, here.


Gallo! Gallo! Your report was full of holes.

Is there something else you wanna tell me?

When we were at the theater, Joe I think that, uh This really weird thing I want you to have some time off.

Take a few days.

There's gonna be a lot more questioning.

You know how intense it gets when a When an officer goes down.

I know what it's like to lose a partner.

What do you do when you lose your very best friend?

When you wish that you could see them just one more time?

When you can't believe they're not there anymore?

Danny, I swear to God, I will avenge your death.

That's what got you into trouble in the first place, Sara.

What're you looking at?

Sara, relax.

It's me, Danny.

I'm here to tell you there's a lot more happening around you than you think.

Things are a lot more connected.

Open those doors of perception.

There's people knocking, you'll see.

Go away.

I'm already gone.

Let me ask you this.

How is it that you survived the Rialto?

L I don't know.

L I don't really know what happened.

I just sort of blanked out.

How could you, one cop, not only survive but k*ll all those guys?

Pez, here's the deal.

You don't even know who you are.

All I can say is you're from a line going back through time and forward into the future.

Part of a wave, a force.

A warrior bloodline.

You're the inheritor of something unique and powerful.

And I think that deep down, you know it.



Here's what I do know.

You are a damn hallucination.

And you're not the first one.

I'm having a meltdown.

My father.


And now you, gone.

I'm losing it, Danny.

Everybody I care about gets k*lled.

And I'm standing here, in the snow by myself, talking to myself.

Because I wish I was talking to you.

Pez, this is really happening.

You are special, you were chosen.


You're the one who said, "Every day above ground's a special day.

" Take it from me.

You were right.

Danny, why did things go down the way they did that day?


Like the man said, karma.

How do you know he said that?

I just do.

I also know that you're wearing the Witchblade.

That's the reason why you can see me.

Keep it on.

What do you know about this thing?

Not much, really.

Talk to Joe Siri.

He'll give you information that'll help you figure out who you are.

Or at least, who you aren't.

I don't under I don't understand.

Ask Joe Siri who you are.

Hey, miss?

Are you all right?


Since I don't have a partner yet and since Pezzini doesn't have one anymore, maybe we should team up.

Sara Pezzini does not make an easy partner.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.

She thinks she's 10 feet tall and bulletproof.

This might not be a bad time for her to have a little backup.

I don't know you're the one to give it to her.

So far, Danny was the only one who was really able to cover her back, you know.


Okay, I'll think about it.

Danny and Pezzini were very close and, uh, I am worried about her.


I'm having a meltdown.

Everybody I care about gets k*lled.

I'm having a meltdown.


Everybody I care about gets k*lled.

My father, Maria.

- Karma.

- Gone.

Like the man says, karma.

You have one saved message.

Hey, Pez, Danny here.

You cool?

You know, uh I really Give me a ring if you need anything.

Whoa, what do you mean, the job wasn't done?

The r*fle was up his?

And the top of his head was blown off?

There is nothing, short of a miracle that's gonna save her.

Pick me up at the corner.


This is a statement filed by Tommy Gallo's attorneys saying that you and Danny att*cked Tommy and his men and then Tommy k*lled Danny in self-defense.

That's bull.

Well, his lawyers, and he's got the best say that Tommy is so scared he's gone into hiding.

He doesn't trust police aren't gonna k*ll him the minute they take him to custody.

You don't believe that.

Do you?

Well, the fact that all of his men are dead gives a certain credence to Gallo's claim.

Don't you see, Sara?

No, of course I don't believe him.

However, you try to get him into a court right now you might have a lot of trouble convincing a judge or a jury otherwise.

He wasn't breaking any laws being in the Rialto and you did not have probable cause.

So are you ready to tell me what's going on?



Three of Gallo's men were k*lled with what Forensics said was a sword.

With traces of an unidentified metal.

I repeat: Are you ready to tell me what is going on?

Your badge and your g*n, detective.


We saw Gallo k*ll one of his own men right there.

There were so many b*ll*ts, from so many g*ns you will never be able to prove that.

Your badge and your g*n.

Ask Joe Siri who you are.

Who am I, Joe?

Talk to Joe Siri.

What kind of question's that?

A direct one.

Come on, Joe.

What is it?

What's the deal?

What is it that you're not ready to tell me?

I don't know what you're driving at.

Come on, Joe.

You've known me since I was born.

You knew my mother, who was nothing more than a photograph to me.

You were my father's partner and best friend.

And I ask you there must be something that you can tell me.

What did they want you to tell me?

You were adopted, Sara.

I know it's not supposed to be any big thing.

You're supposed tell the child when they're young but it was so hard on your mother, not being able to have a baby, you know?

She hurt for so long before she got you that she, uh You know, she probably believed that she gave birth to you herself.

You don't know who you are.

And then, when your mom died your dad got trapped in her story.

Started believing it as much as she did.

You don't know who you are.

And then he was m*rder*d.

I couldn't tell you then, not after that.

Still eats at me, we don't know who k*lled him.

Uh, I can't believe you kept this from me this entire time, Joe.

I'm sorry.

I need a week, Joe.

To check some things out.


I can't give it to you.


You tell me all of this and you just exp I need a week, Joe, to figure out what's going on.

One week before I can tell you anything.

And then we will talk.

All right.

One week.

But there is a condition.

What kind of condition?

Jake is your new partner.

Come on, Joe.

No, I'm gonna be direct.

You're on the edge Gallo's gone underground, and I'm worried about you.

Not to mention, I've taken all kinds of heat.

You seem different.

Off your game.

And I am not gonna send you out there solo.


Listen closely, young Nottingham.

It is written that no man has ever successfully won the Witchblade.

That only the chosen women can wear it.

And though I tried for all my force of will, I could not keep it on my hand.

The gauntlet burned me.

Seared my flesh until I had to rip it from my wrist.

But even my brief exposure was enough to bind me to it forever.

To make me a part of it.

To allow me to see some of what it sees, but not all.

That is my blessing and my curse.

I understand the way it thinks, I know what it wants.

And what does it want?

It wants something that cannot be explained in words.

To know what it wants, one must directly experience the Witchblade.

When will I learn to fight?

Soon enough.

Soon enough.

The gym will be closing in five minutes.

Oh, Cheetara.

I am sorry to wake you, but Jaga bids me to bring you to him.

Uh, sure, okay.

Hey, where are you going?

Lion-O needs his sleep.

All right, all right.

Oh, lay off the buzzer, would you?

Hey, Pez.

What's up?

Hey, Jake.

Can I come in?

Yeah, yeah.

No sweat.

Wow, how do you afford a place like this on a cop's salary?

- I, uh - Bedroom?



Damn it.

I didn't know you were the Jake McCartey.

Uh, yeah.

Jake McCartey, the surfing champ.

That explains the nice place.

- Coffee?

- Please.

Hey, I'd appreciate it if you didn't say anything about it at work.

About what, Jake?

Your late-night viewing habits?

Yeah, that either.

You all right this morning?


I will be, once I've had more of this.

Didn't you have a pretty bad spill in Hawaii before you retired?

Yeah, yeah.

Listen, I checked out a few things for you.

Like what?

The Rialto Theater.


Turns out the building is owned by a multinational corporation called Vorschlag Industries.

Check out that folder right there.

Vorschlag is the domain of one Kenneth Irons.

- Probably heard of him?

- Kenneth Irons, the billionaire?


He's at the top of the Fortune 500.

A major international player.

Supposedly owns more than 5 percent of the real estate in New York.

There's also speculation that he made his fortune years ago as an arms dealer.

- He owns a huge art collection, doesn't he?

- Oh, yeah.

Sometimes he donates stuff to museums like the Met and MOMA.

You know that Joan of Arc collection at the Midtown Museum?

That was his.

There's some newspaper photos of Irons in the file.

He gave this huge charity party for AIDS research.






Um, I'm N.




I'd like to speak to Mr.

Kenneth Irons, please.



Irons is expecting you.

His office is just down the hall.

Thank you.

Detective Pezzini?

- I'm Kenneth Irons.

- Hello, Mr.


- Do you know who this man is?

- Ian Nottingham.

He works for me.

He happens to be a material witness in the death of my partner.

If you're in any way involved, Mr.

Irons Ken, please, Detective Pezzini.

If you are involved, Mr.

Irons, I highly recommend you talk to me now.

I can assure you, detective, that whatever Mr.

Gallo might have done to your partner he was in no way working for me.

How would you know about Gallo?

I own the Old Rialto.

But I'm sure you know that already.


Gallo was considering it as a possible investment.

I also read the paper.

I own that too.

Do you happen to know where I might find Ian Nottingham?

At present, I have no idea where Ian is.

With regard to Mr.

Gallo, I've told you everything I know.

May I call you Sara?

I'd prefer if you didn't.

Is there anything else you want to ask me about, Ms.


Actually, yes.

Do you happen to know what this is?

The Witchblade.

The Witchblade.


Well, somehow, during a sh**t at the Midtown Museum the Witchblade happened to find its way onto my wrist.

Does this belong to you?

Does anything really belong to anybody, Sara?

That's quite an evasive answer, Mr.


If the Witchblade does belong to one person, it belongs to you, Sara.

Don't hesitate to call either number.


I'd like to show you some of my art.

I have a whole room devoted to the Witchblade.

And I will have Ian Nottingham pay you a visit.

Thank you.

There are no casual connections, Nottingham.

Sara Pezzini.

The Witchblade.


Call it what you will.




Napoleon used to say that fortune is like a woman.

She favors the bold.

Then what would he say of a bold woman?

I'll ask him sometime.


Do you not find her striking, Nottingham?


And willful.

A woman in full bloom of her beauty and power.

But there are so many of those.

What is it, do you think, about Sara Pezzini that has attracted the Witchblade?

Her courage.

Concealed vulnerability.


And now she is more vulnerable than ever.

Hey, it's Jake.

You know what to do.

See you.

Hey, Jake, it's Pezzini.


I was just, uh, wondering if you wanted to go sh**t some pool.

Give me a ring.

Hello, Sara.

How did you know it was me?

Caller ID.

Oh, right.

Sorry, I didn't figure you for the caller ID type.

- Hmm.

- Any word on Nottingham?

As a matter of fact, we were just speaking of you.

And he is aware of your desire to question him.

He said he would contact you tomorrow.

Would you like to come by this evening?


Yeah, I would.


It's written that Joan's sword seemingly came to life during her battles.

After her capture at Compiégne, a w*apon disappeared from her hand.

The Witchblade has a way of slipping from its wielder's grasp just when it is needed most.

You're wearing it now.

How do you know so much about the, um To name is to know.

To know is to control, Sara.

How do you know so much about the Witchblade?

I read a lot.

And this Witchblade is not yours?

There is only one.

But as you can see, only women can wear the Witchblade.

- Why?

- Women are more elemental.

They're closer to nature than men.

The Witchblade finds them superior.

Do you believe in destiny, Sara?

I believe that, uh things are a lot more connected than they appear.

They are.

What is this thing?

What is the Witchblade?

A mystery.

Wrapped in a riddle and cloaked in the conundrum.

That doesn't help very much.

Language is a labyrinth.

A hall of mirrors that we can easily get lost in.

I do want to help you, Sara.

I can help you solve the mystery.

The Witchblade has powers.

Many powers.

But only the person who wields it can truly know them all.

Haven't you felt different since it's found you?

That's an understatement.

Yes, in fact, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

And yet you can't tell anyone about your predicament.

Anyone but me.

Why do you think that is?

Look, Mr.

Irons, the bottom line is I don't want this thing.

You can have it back.

You loved your father very much, didn't you?

Yes, I did.

You can use the Witchblade to pierce the veil of the senses.

To see in an entirely new way.

To extract more information from the universe than the normal human sensorium allows.

You already have.

- What are you implying?

- Nothing.

I am simply stating a fact.

No offense, Mr.

Irons, but I don't want this thing.

My life is complicated enough.

Sara, you were destined to wear the Witchblade, as were all these women.

Embrace your destiny, Sara.

- What do you mean?

- The Witchblade.

The gauntlet has chosen you.

You must accept it.

Use it or lose it.

And if you don't deserve it, if you don't earn it, it will abandon you.

I don't believe in any of this.

This, uh This magic.




All different names for the same thing.

All ways to explore the natural, or rather the supernatural realm.

- Means of grasping the unknown.

- I don't agree.

Don't you want to avenge the death of Daniel Woo and Maria?

Don't you want to find your father's k*ller?

Don't you want justice?

Yeah, but I can do all of the above myself.

I see.

- I don't want this.

You can have it.

- Do you believe in destiny, Sara?

The Witchblade has powers.

- What is the Witchblade?

- A mystery.

Use it or lose it.

Wrapped in a riddle.

Things are a lot more connected than they appear.

I can't believe this damn thing won't come off.

- The Witchblade has many powers.

- I don't want this thing.

- The gauntlet has chosen you.

You must accept it.

Use it or lose it.

If you don't deserve it, if you don't earn it, it will abandon you.

You can't take it off, Sara.

It won't let you.

And if you search your heart and soul, you'll find you don't want to.

You were meant to wield it.

I can help you if you only let me.

Teach you to use it, to control it, to become one with it.

Don't you see?

Don't you understand?

This was meant to be.

You were meant to find the Witchblade and I was meant to find you.

Carpe diem, Sara.

Seize the day.

Choose the Witchblade.

It's already chosen you.

You've even got the mark.

The circles represent the light and dark powers of the Witchblade.

That mark is a scar from shrapnel during a SWAT team raid 11 months ago.

Nonetheless, it bears an uncanny resemblance to this mark, doesn't it?

Let go of me.

And how do you control the Witchblade?

In order to control the Witchblade I must control the woman who wields it.

And this woman must be tested.

Must be made to run a grueling gauntlet and in so doing, learn to wield the Witchblade.

Their will must be tested.

It must be measured.

Tell me what you know about will, Nottingham.

The will is the link between the soul and the universe.

Well-spoken, young Nottingham.

And now the time has finally come for you to go abroad to learn your vocation.

To explore your special gifts.

I knew it was Gallo.


Where we going?


- I'll drive, dude.

- No, I don't think so, dude.

Where's your boy Drexler usually hang out?

- Usually at the Underground Velvet.

- Oh.

Meet me there at 11, okay?


Must be a hell of a sale.


She gets in.

You don't.

- We're together, bro.

- I don't care, bro.

You know what, Jake?

It's cool.

Wait outside.

I'll be right back.


- All right.

- Thanks.

- Hey, stud.

- Hey.

Let's go someplace where we can talk a little more privately, eh?

- Hmm?

- Yeah.

Hey, Drexler, catch any shows at the Rialto lately?

- Aah.

What do you want?

- Tommy Gallo.

- What about him?

- Let's start with where he is.

I don't know.

- I don't believe you.

- I don't, all right?

Nobody does.

- Aah! - All right.

Then let's start with something easy.

How did Gallo get his hands on the Rialto Theater, huh?

I set him up with some really scary dude, all right?

- What was his name?

- I don't know.

- What was his name?

- I don't know.

- What was his name?

- He called himself Nottingham, all right?

Ian Nottingham.



He said he's working for Ken Irons, all right?

If I tell you any more, they're gonna k*ll me.

Hey, baby.

How about a hand?


Come on.

Come on.



All right.

What do you know about Ken Irons, and how is he connected to Gallo?

I don't know anything about Irons.

Nobody does.

Look, Pezzini, if you know what's good for you you'll back off before Nottingham comes to deal with you, all right?

And if you know what's good for you, Drexler I think you ought to worry about what I'm gonna do to you.

- Where's Gallo?

- Okay, okay, okay.

He's in a safe house in the Bronx, in the basement, all right?

It's good, it's good, it's good.

Come on.

Oh, come on.

Pezzini, what are you doing?

Come on, you can't.

You can't do this.

You're a cop.

Bloodlust is the power of the blade.

Desire for revenge.

The desire for control.

Can you control that desire?

Or is it better unleashed?

Are you having a hard time controlling the Witchblade, Sara?

Your little toy doesn't seem to work against me.

Is it because you really don't want it to?

What do you want?

We always want what we cannot have.

What is it with you and Irons and all this misterioso crap?

Don't compare me to Irons.

Get the hell away from me.

Why do you want to k*ll Gallo?

He k*lled two of my best friends.

If you hadn't been so intent on persecuting Mr.

Gallo your friend Danny would still be alive.

Was it worth it?

No, but that doesn't let Gallo off the hook, does it?

How do you know this whole thing isn't a trap?

A setup?

- What do you care?

- I don't, really.

Why did you set us up at the Rialto?

Or was that a coincidence?

There are no coincidences.

I've gotta go.

To go where?

To k*ll Gallo.

As you wish.

But remember, to fully grasp the Witchblade you must first spill some of your own blood.

Yeah, whatever, Nottingham.

Is it a setup?

Expect the unexpected.

Forewarned, forearmed.

I'll get back to you on that one.


Had any dreams lately, Sara?


How'd it go?

You didn't miss a thing.

You know, what, Jake?

I'm a little cold.

Would you grab us some coffees?

- My car's just around the corner.

- Sure.

Hi, k*ller.

Ooh, you know, I always liked that moniker.

Oh, watch the potholes, because I wanna talk to you for a minute before I snuff out your vapid, little martyr life.

I like the little peach-fuzz hairs standing up on the back of your neck.

You know, your holier-than-thou attitude used to really make me angry.

But now I just find it amusing.

You and me, we're not really all that different.

We both are hunters and we both like to k*ll.

Pull over there.

There's an alley around the corner that brings back memories.

Keep your hands up.

This is exactly where I k*lled your father.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on out, Pezzini.

I'll make it quick.

Two to the back of the head.

Just like your father.

And Maria.

Probably wondering why I did Maria, huh?

I mean, why bother with a junkie that's gonna be used up in a couple of years anyway, right?

Your friend had a date with an associate of mine.

A judge, no less.

Between the two of them, they managed to consume a pharmacy.

Your friend OD'd.

His Honor panicked, called Lorenzo.

You remember Lorenzo, right?

Well, he was busy doing another job so, uh, out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to fill in Double tapped by a scumbag.

do your friend.

You don't know that it was him.

Sooner or later something will give.

She was probably gonna die anyway but I believe in being proactive.

She was constantly putting herself in dangerous situations.

And what difference does it make anyway?

Right, Pezzini?

She was just a piece of meat like all the rest of us.

So get over it.

To fully grasp the Witchblade you must first spill some of your own blood.

Wanna hear about your father before I k*ll you, Pezzini?

It was like a bad B-movie cliché, but it's the truth.

I really did k*ll him, right back there in that alley.

He was tough, wouldn't beg.

You know, k*lling your father wasn't personal.

Neither was Maria.

And don't flatter yourself neither are you.

The Witchblade has a way of slipping from its wielder's grasp just when it is needed most.

Why have you abandoned me?

Bloodlust is a powerful thing.

- What the hell are you?

- Justice.

Do it, you freak.

Enjoy it.

I know I would if I were you.

- What do you want to do, Sara?

- k*ll Gallo.

Don't you want to avenge the death of Daniel Woo?

- We're not really that different.

- You don't know who you are.

The gauntlet has chosen you.

I can tell you you're part of a line going back through time - and forward to the future.

- k*lled two of my best friends.

Part of a wave, a force.

Kind of a warrior bloodline.

Things are more connected than they appear.

You don't even really know who you are.

Who am I?

You disappoint me, Sara.

Gallo, you're under arrest.

Hey, Pez.

Boss wants to see you in 10 minutes.

Something about new forensics reports from the Rialto.

Oh, and you got a call on 2.



Looked in the morning paper yet, Sara?


-The morning paper,Sara.

Take a look at it.

"Organized-crime figure Thomas Gallo committed su1c1de last night jumping from the balcony of his heavily-guarded apartment after screaming something about an avenging angel.

Gallo was out on bail on three pending charges of m*rder.

" It looks like Tommy Gallo had a crisis of conscience.

- Either that or he had help.

- Perhaps a bit of both.

- Hey, Nottingham.

- Hey, Sara.

Had any dreams lately?

And that's the story of how I came to have this strange thing on my hand called the Witchblade.

I still don't know exactly what the Witchblade is or how to use it.

Every day I gain a bit more control but this control requires will, and vigilance.

I think of Danny a lot.

He was right.

Everything and everyone is more connected than we realize.

So there is no pat ending, no neat finale, no single final image.