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01x07 - Maelstrom

Posted: 02/01/23 10:51
by bunniefuu
Previously on Witchblade: - Conka-what?

- Conchobar.

He's an alt-Irish rocker.

A poet.

You know what you need?

- Bet you're gonna tell me.

- Some long overdue penance.

- My apartment, tomorrow night.

- Good Lord.

I think I've seen the light.

What do you say we head over to Felipe's, hoist a brew?

Be normal cops for once.

I can't, Jake.

I, uh I have a date.

Sometimes I still feel like I'm split in half.

Do you ever feel that way?

Like you'll never know.

You're supposed to be my training officer, but you leave me out.

- I can't believe this.

Me and a cop.

- Cops aren't so bad.

Sara Pezzini, a New York City detective drawn into a chance encounter with a supernatural w*apon.

Each day, each mystery, each encounter, will ultimately reveal her true destiny.

Quit the force, Sara.

Become a degenerate like you?


You are a degenerate like me.

Sleep till noon, stay out late.

Drive the little boys wild.

You get right back in this bed.

Aw, Irish foreplay.

You know you can't resist.

Call in sick and save yourself the walk downstairs.

- You're a cocky bastard.

- That I am.

Seriously, you'll walk downstairs and think: "What in God's name am I doing?

" Then you'll have to race back, peel off all those clothes and climb back in here.

I gotta go.

Jake's picking me up.

Another man, then, is it?

Try to save yourself, would you?

Mm, mm.

I'm warning you, you're helpless.

You're completely in me thrall.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.


What did I tell you?

His arms.

His arms.

That's it.

Okay, let's go, let's go, let's go.

Go! Ah, thank you.

Somebody had a good night.

- Why do you say?

- Because you just bought me breakfast.

Hey, excuse me.

This is no ordinary breakfast, my friend.

This is a fine Vienna sausage served en croute with a tomato, mustard-seed reduction.

A hot dog with mustard and ketchup.

I'll make a New Yorker out of you yet.

Hey, isn't that Orlinsky?

- Who?

- Orlinsky, sergeant.

Dante just brought him over to our unit from Special Cases.

Routine hooker roust.

You think?

That's Two-Face Cheziray.

Runs all the corner girls from here to Second Ave.

Way to go, sarge.

Yeah, sarge is a gold shield.

He doesn't work Vice.

Working it today.

Excuse me?

Jake, he's taking a payoff.

How do you know?

How did you know that?

Get the van.

Get the van.

Get him in.


Move, move, move.

Go, go, go.

I'm sure there's an explanation.

Yeah, me too.

Maybe it was some kind of sting.

Oh, get back on the planet, Jake.

That was a payoff.

Well, what do we do?

Tell the captain?

Orlinsky's best friend?

I don't know.

Go to IA?

I hate to rat out a fellow officer.

You know what?

Run to the Quik Mart, buy me a roll of film.

Say what?

Thirty-five mil, any brand.

Rookie, go.


- What's going on?

- Shut up.

Sweet bleeding redeemer.

Paddy, smack him one, will you?

- Down, girl.

- Down, my ass.

Tell him to pipe down.

This is a mission.

Temper's got no place.

Get your hands off.

Easy, Pat, easy.

He's worthless dead.

In here.


This is good, smart.

With pictures, we have corroboration.

- We're not taking any pictures.

- But - Do you have a camera?

- No.

Well, me neither.

Hey, you just ruined it.

Yeah, well, stick with your training officer, you might learn something.


Hey, ease up, Fi.

We can't trade damaged goods.

Put that away.

I'm gonna cut him a wee hole so he can breathe better.


How soon is one of you rutters gonna tell me what this is all about?

- Have you seen your brother lately?

- Fi.


Use your brain, Fi.

Hey, top-oh, sarge.

- Aren't you off at 8?

Where's your relief?

- Probably stuck in traffic.

It's that new guy, right?

Uh, Linsky?



Pezzini, there's an apartment break-in I think you should know about.

Anybody die?

Not that I know of.

Then it's not my problem.

It's your apartment.

Holy Pez?


- What?

- I said, is anything missing?

I'm telling you, captain, he was kidnapped.

- That's my point exactly.

- What?

This is Homicide.

If he ain't dead, we don't come.

Besides, this guy's your boyfriend.

You're the last person I'd put on the case.

Fine, then give it to Helstrom or Lubin.

I can't commit resources without a dead body.

And we're not kidnapping.

That's federal.

Then treat it as a missing persons.

This guy is a Mick rock 'n' roller.

The surprise would be if he didn't get into a fight and turn up missing every now and then.

You're not gonna help me, are you?

I always said you were a quick study.


I'll help you.

How about I start by checking your case files see if anyone you've sent up has been released recently?

Yeah, go for it.

What are you gonna do?

Okay, fine.

Keep in touch.

- Enough of that.

- Oh, I'm a musician.

You want quiet, kidnap a mime.

Do not speak to the prisoner.

You folk are gonna be so disappointed when you try to sell me and nobody wants to buy.

You got the wrong guy.

Your real name, Mr.

Conchobar, is John Patrick Dougherty.

Born 6-25-73, County Down, Republic of Northern Ireland.

Fourth of four brothers born to Molly and Seamus Dougherty.

Your oldest brother was k*lled in a motorcycle accident.

Your second brother joined the priesthood.

But it's the third brother that interests us.

Edward, international warrant number wanted on charges of terrorism, m*rder, destruction of property kidnapping, extortion.

So you're a police squad, then?

- From the Northern government?

- That's right.

Your brother is known to have instigated a concerted attack in Belfast in June of '96.

Twenty car bombs detonated in a single day.

That was never proven.

Oh, we have the evidence.

But we could never hold a trial because your brother is a master of the fugitive arts.

You see, John Patrick, we do indeed have the right guy.


So I'm to be his retribution, then?

Not at all.

Sometime soon, I'll get a phone call.

And we'll all get aboard a Londonderry steamer take you back to the land of your roots.

There you'll be offered to your brother in a one-for-one exchange.

He shows up, you walk free.

He'll refuse.

Aye, he will at first.

But he'll get a couple of pints in him and turn sentimental for his little brother Johnny.

And when he shows up to claim you, you'll both die.

I'm telling you, boys and girls, this plan will never fly.

Edward never cared for me.

He thought me a mama's boy.

I wouldn't bleed on the football field.

I wouldn't join the IRA.

I was a great disappointment to him.


Tsk, tsk, so you ran away to America, hmm?

Thought you'd leave it all behind?

Well, it looks like you didn't run far enough, hmm?


Well, if your plan hinges on drunken foolery, you've made a grievous miscalculation.

Eddie took the pledge years ago.

He doesn't touch a drop.

You are now entering a secured federal site.

Please enter your security code.

- There you are.

- There you are.

Any luck?

No recent releases or paroles.

All your old customers are locked up safe and sound.

- Where you going?

- Hell's Kitchen.

What, is that where they've got him?

Hey, you want someone watching your six?

- I can't ask you to do that, Jake.

- You didn't ask, I'm offering.

Yeah, on that case, thanks.

Let's do it.

- Okay, what's the game plan?

- It's my play, you follow.

I recognize this plot.


I didn't ask you to come, Jake.

If you tell me what we're planning, I might actually be some help here.

Where's Connor Duryea?

Come on.

JAKE: Sara.



Jake, meet Connor Duryea.

He's a hit man for the Westies, the O'Cosa McNostra.

- You broke my freaking nose.

- Yeah?

- You're under arrest.

- For what?

For assaulting a police officer with a deadly w*apon.

You came at me.

She's crazy.

- You're my witness.

- No, he's my partner.

So you're gonna do everything I ask.

Jake, give me your cell.

- Pez, I'm not down with this.

- Fine, leave.

- I wanna help you but - Give me the damn cell phone! Now, you're gonna find someone for me.

His name is Conchobar, a.



John Patrick Dougherty.

- He's been kidnapped, you know who did it.

- No, I don't.

I swear.

You're gonna find out.

Otherwise, they'll find your corpse in that corner, now dial.

Dial! - Not now, Danny.

- Who?

You can't fight the devil with the devil's tools, Pez.

The hell I can't.

You can't what?

Not without becoming the devil or some version of him.

Come on, Pez.

Like Tommy Gallo?

Or the people who stole your beloved?

- Sara.

- Danny, get out of my What am I even saying?

You're not real.

I can walk right through you.

You are losing yourself here.

No, my self has been lost for some time now.

You're just getting around to noticing.

Hey, I think I got something for you.


Good for you.

Excuse me, I'm lost.

I'm looking for the Orpheum Theatre.

Spectacular move.

Where have I seen that before?

In your nightmares.

Nice bracelet.

It's one of a kind.

Your lad's this way, Sara Pezzini.


Nicely done, detective.

A bit noisy, though.

We did hear you coming.

Ah, that's close enough.

Hi, baby.

I want him back.

I didn't figure you came all this way just to say hello.

If this is political, you got the wrong guy.


That's what he said.

It's true.

You guys aren't Interpol.

So I'm guessing, what?

Sanctioned counterterrorists?

Belfast police?

Little of both.

Would you mind telling me how you got past Oliver?

I know he's no Derry docksman but he was the best local talent money could buy.

Does it bother you at all that this man is completely innocent?

Not in the least.

Every w*r has collateral damage.

And no man is completely innocent.

If you give him up before my backup arrives, I won't do the same to you.

Look, I know this is about his brother Edward.

But if this were a simple reprisal, you'd have k*lled him by now.


Just like if you had backup, they'd be here by now.

What do you want?

They want to take me back to Belfast offer me to Edward, then k*ll us both when they come to fetch me.

- Fiona! - Ease up, Sean, he'll live.

It's not the most deadly wound a man can suffer.

Just the most painful.

That was unsanctioned.

Screw your bloody sanctions.

The day your brother blew up all those cars?

My fiancé was in one of them.

So you see, I hate him as much as you hate me.

What will it take to set him free?

What is he worth?

A million?

A million-five?

Won't that help your cause more than one dead bomber?


Two million.


I'm a cop.

Where am I supposed to get $2 million?

Same place you get the million-five.

I'm sure you'll figure something out if you love him enough.

Anything else?


I want your pretty bracelet.


I'm sorry.




You want it?

Just take it.

The Witchblade is off Sara Pezzini.

Is it testing her?

Is it the Periculum?

Go and see.

Sashee, hello.

Where's your partner?

Stuck in traffic.

Huh, really?

How do you get stuck in traffic on a motorcycle?

McCartey, it's not your job to bend the rules for that slacker.

That's harsh, cap.

Sara works hard.

She may be unconventional, but she's very effective.


But consider this: She's doing a piss-poor job of training you.

And yet, I see big things for your future here.

Bright things.

So, what would be my reason for leaving you in the traces with that slug?

Two million dollars?

I've never asked you for anything.

You look somehow underdressed today, Sara.

Aren't you missing something?

The money means nothing to you, Mr.


It's a phone call, a stroke of a pen.

Who has the Witchblade now?

I figure you'd know.

Perhaps I do.

You were warned that the Witchblade abandons its wielder during her darkest hour.

Your need must have been very dire.

Why else would I be here?

Perhaps the blade was jealous of your recent involvements.

How can a hunk of metal and stone be jealous?

Or perhaps you were merely a courier for the blade sent to deliver it to its true bearer.


Irons, if everything goes as planned, you'll have your money back by nightfall.

I promise.

And if not?


I offered you the world once.

Travel, refinement, education companionship.

You refused me.

I'll accept it now, if that's what you want.

No, Sara, that's not what I want.

What I want is the pleasure of rejecting you as you once rejected me.



Kenneth, a man's life is at stake here.

Then stop wasting time.

Go save him.

Don't come home without the blade.


Listen very closely.

I saw you yesterday.

Yeah, I saw you too.


Not around here.

Before work.

I was late You were at Greenwich and Horatio with a streetwalker and Two-Face Cheziray.

You know, I heard you were full of crap, Pezzini.

I guess the rumors are true.

It looked like a payoff to me.

Two payoffs, actually.

One in cash and one in kind.

Ever wonder why people don't wanna work with you?

- You're a bitch.

- You know what?

I don't know if this should go to Internal Affairs or to your wife.

Orlinsky, maybe you know where I can get those double prints for a buck deal, huh?


What do you want?

I want the keys to this lockup.

You go to the head and amuse yourself for 10 minutes.

They'll be on your desk when you get back.

And that's it?

For now.

You should have told me.

Told you what?

About losing your fiancé to Edward Dougherty.

And let you scratch me from the trip?

Make me laugh, Sean.

Fiona, if your personal feelings jeopardize this mission, I swear You lost family members too.

Disqualify yourself, then.

Anything else, commander?


I got the impression you that thought I'd trade our prisoner to that cop for money.

- Well, that's the impression you gave.

- To her.

But you know better.

All the money in the world couldn't buy that man back.


So we're agreed, then?

And the money?

It goes to the cause.

To take down the next bleeding revolutionary.




We, uh We got a problem.

Pezzini saw me with Two-Face and Toy.

Her word against yours.

Well, she, uh She got pictures.

- How bad?

- I don't know.

I took the payoff and, um And the girl.

No, damn it.

It's not my fault.

She's not supposed to be anywhere near that She's a detective and a good one.

If she's anything like her old man, she'll gnaw on this like a dog with a bone.

This is a problem.

Get out of here.

So it's true what they say about American girls.

You just keep coming back for more.

Now, what makes you think I don't just take the money and the lad?

Because none of you wants to leave here as collateral damage.

I'm trembling.

Look, I did what you asked, okay?

You let me walk out of her with him, and everybody goes home in one piece.

Not just yet.

Well, well, well.


Ah There's only one problem.

You're a little short.

What's a few thousand when we're talking millions?


Pocket change.

But the problem is you're None of this is real.

Congratulations, Sara.

It was a test.

And you passed.

Here's the money.

The real money.

Take a look.

Are you gonna be doing the counting?

One-hundred-dollar bills.

One hundred to the bundle, Are you good at math?

Don't, Sara.

Save yourself.

Get out.

No, not without you.

- No! - Aah! Fiona! Hi, baby.

Don't leave.

No, no.



Sara, you gotta get out of here.

I'm sorry.

We gotta go.

Oh, no.

Come on, we gotta go.

How did you find me?

Visited your Irish snitch.

Then heard the sh*ts-fired report as I was driving in.

Why are you helping me?

The money is nothing.

Where is the Witchblade?

Back on Sara Pezzini, evidently where it belongs.

You should have had it.

That little Irish whore was an utter pretender.

I agree.

So evidently did the Witchblade.

It was back on Lady Sara's wrist by the time I got there.

Even when she was unconscious, it would not come off.

You should have cut off her hand.

Next time, I will.
