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01x12 - Out Of Bounds

Posted: 02/02/23 08:22
by bunniefuu
Exactly one centimeter taller.

A perfectly

- controlled growth spell.

Well done, Felicity.

Now, Mildred Hubble?

I'm sorry.

I must have accidentally reversed it.

And that's another mock exam you've failed.

Bottom of the class again, Mildred.

Don't look so smug, Ethel.

- You only scored 96 percent.

- Ouch.


- six?


You failed to focus, probably because of your increasingly ridiculous feud with Mildred Hubble.

Listen, girls, you cannot afford any distractions.

You have one week until the real end

- of

- term exams.

And anyone who fails those will be out for good.

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do better in the real exams.


I'm 11 years behind the rest of you.

I'll never catch up.

Yes, you will.

I made you a revision timetable.


Meet me in my room in ten minutes.

Come in.

Thank you, Nightstar.

Good cat.

I set her to keep watch outside Miss Cackle's office.

What for?

Mildred Hubble.

She's been having private meetings with Miss Cackle.

I bet you it's about the secret scroll.

What secret scroll?

I don't know, it's a secret.

But Mildred knows.

And we're going to find out.

If it became known that Agatha is the elder twin I would have to give up the school to her.

That seems a bit silly.

Maybe to you, but the Witches' Code is very strict on the subject of inheritance.

You're breaking the Witches' Code?

As it turns out, I've been breaking it all of my life.

I would never have chosen to cheat my sister.

But now I know what she's capable of.

- You can't tell her.

- No, I can't.

This knowledge could endanger the entire school.

And you cannot tell anyone, not even your best friends.

- Promise me.

- I promise.


Hi, Mildred.

What's wrong?

Uh You were supposed to revise together.

Oh, right, sorry.

I forgot.

I know it's boring but I was only trying to help you.

So Where were you?

With Miss Cackle.

Whatever were you talking about?

Oh, you know, it's just 'cause I failed my mocks.

If you don't want to tell me, you don't have to.


I still can't get my head around these levitation equations.

Can you help me?

No time for that.

We've got work to do.

Be very careful, Ada.

Show Agatha pity and she will take advantage.

I know but I must see her.

- At least let me come with you.

- No, Hecate.

I need you here in case anything happens.

Powdered chameleon skin.

Parrot's tongue.

Those are restricted ingredients.

Do you want to find out about this secret or not?

I want whatever you want.

- It's only me.


- Come in.

- Look, I'm revising.

- I can see that.

I want to talk.

- OK.

- As your best friend, I don't think it's fair that you are keeping secrets from me.

I'm not.

I'm not.

That is a lie, Mildred Hubble.

And you know it is.

Naughty Tabby.

Tell me what's going on or this friendship is over.


- Don't you ever knock?

- Nice to see you too, Maud.

We can't talk here.

I'll meet you by the broomstick shed in five minutes.

Um Yeah, OK.

- What's up with Maud?

- I don't know, she's not herself.

That's it! Tabby, you're a genius.

So Tabby just tried to scratch Maud, except he'd never do that.

So maybe that wasn't Maud.

- I know who it was.

- Ethel Hallow?

She's really crossed the line this time.

No, wait.

Don't you want to have some fun first?

Hello, Agatha?


Are you in here?

I don't think best friends should have secrets, do you?


OK, I'll tell you.

The truth is I am from a magical family.

A very magical family.

In fact, I'm Miss Cackle's niece.

- What?

- Yes.

Auntie Ada didn't want people to think she was giving special treatment to me.

So we decided to keep it a secret.

- Does Miss Hardbroom know about this?

- Oh, yeah.

Um, she even pretends to be extra mean to me just to make it look good.

I can trust you, can't I?

You won't tell anyone?

Of course.

Your secret's safe with me.

That's better.

It all makes sense now.

That's why they let her in.

I have to put this right.

- She's gone?

- Yes.

Somehow, Agatha managed to escape the enchantments that bound her to Darkwood Cottage.

But how?

She's got no magical powers.

Then another witch must have helped her.

But her punishment was decreed by the Great Wizard himself.

The code absolutely forbids it.

Clearly, Agatha has friends who are willing to break the code for her.

Your Greatness, I have some rather worrying news.

The Great Wizard will be here tomorrow, but until Agatha is caught, we must take extra precautions.

I have placed protective spells on the school buildings.

No outsider will be able to enter unless they are explicitly invited in by one of the staff or pupils.

Furthermore, any girl who leaves school grounds without permission will be instantly expelled.

Now, get on with your work.

Millie, over here.

What do you want?

I know you have trouble with your exams, so I made you a studying syrup to help you concentrate.

Why did you do that?

You don't even like her.

I want to be your best friend.

Don't touch that.

Please just try it.

Leave her alone! Using unauthorized spells again.

What is in this mixture really?

It was just a little friendship potion.

Totally harmless.

I just wanted to be better friends with your niece.

My niece?

Don't worry, your secret's safe with me.

I never really believed the whole "worst witch" thing anyway.

Mildred, did you tell Ethel that you were my niece?


But I told Maud, but it wasn't really Maud.

It was Ethel pretending to be Maud.

More unauthorized magic.

Well, yeah, but Mildred, I thought I could depend on you.

You can, I promise.

I didn't mean to.

I just didn't think.

That's your problem, isn't it?

You never do think.

But you must learn, Mildred Hubble.

You will learn.

Until the end of term, you are both confined to your rooms during all free periods.

This foolishness must stop before you bring great harm to this academy.

I've never seen Miss Cackle like that.

What if that isn't Miss Cackle?

What if Agatha came back from Darkwood Cottage instead?

This school is all she's ever wanted.

She's not going to stop trying until she gets it.

We have to warn everyone.

Calm down.

We have no evidence that that's Agatha.

- Then we need to get some.

- I'll do that.

You're grounded, remember?

But we've all known Ada for years.

Yes, someone would have noticed.

- They didn't last time.

- That's true.

So what do we do?

Come in.

What is it, dear?

It's Mr.

Rowan Webb.

He's turned into a frog again.

Well, it's hardly surprising after 30 years in amphibian form.


Can you help him?

You've been practicing reversal spells for your exams.

Why don't you help him?

I tried, but my magic isn't strong enough.


How disappointing.

So will you help him?


Oh, Mr.

Rowan Webb.

Of course.

Hmm! Thanks, Ada.

Hmm! It's a bit embarrassing.


You really must be more careful.

Yes Miss Cackle.

Could still be Agatha.

Maybe she got her powers back.

Shall I test you on your witch maps?

Look, I just can't think about exams at a time like this.

If Agatha really has taken Miss Cackle's place, then why hasn't Miss Cackle come back to stop her?

Agatha must have trapped her somewhere.

In the cottage.

Darkwood isn't too far away.

We could get there by broomstick in an hour.

No, you heard what HB said.

If we leave the school, we'll be expelled.

We'll never see each other again.

- Maybe we need to take a chance.

- Really?

That's how much you care about me?

I do.

You're my best friend.

But the whole school's in danger.

You're the one in danger.

You're about to fail your exams and get chucked out.

If I really am your best friend

- You are.

- Then prove it.

Stay here and do some revision.

I heard what happened.

Of course you did.

I bet you were straight on the mirror to Mum.

"Guess what Ethel's done this time! She's such a rubbish daughter.

Lucky I'm so perfect in every way.

" Don't have a go at me, I'm only trying to help.

I don't want your help! It's bad enough always being second best.

If you are, you only have yourself to blame.

The older sister gets everything.

Those are the rules.

How is that my fault?

It's not, but, Ethel, it's your life.

Only you can change it.

You're right.

I have to do this.


Sorry, Maud.

- Miss Cackle?

- Come in, dear.

Miss Cackle?

Mildred Hubble, is that you?

I can't see you without my glasses.

It's me, Miss Cackle.

- My dear child, you found me.

- I knew it, it's horrible.

Agatha's taken over the school but everyone thinks she's you and she's got her powers back.

I know.

She took mine when she imprisoned me here.

- But can't you get them back?

- Yes.


But it would involve a great sacrifice.

What do you mean?

I know you, Mildred.

You will do anything to help your friends.

You want me to give you my powers?

I'm so sorry, dear.

It's the only way.

But it must be your own free will.

What do I do?

Take my hand.

Repeat after me.

- I, Mildred Hubble

- I, Mildred Hubble

- freely gift my witch's powers

- freely gift my witch's powers to the one with whom I stand.

- To Ada Cackle.

- No, dear.

You must say it exactly as I did.


It's a very high

- level magic thing.

You wouldn't understand.

I do.

You're Agatha.

Looking for this?

- Miss Gullet.

- Tut

- tut.

No working safety spells.

No cat.

And now this.

What a shambles.

It's completely unsafe.

No! Gullet! Grab her! Help! Somebody! Witches don't beg for help, witches help themselves.

- But then you're not a witch.

- I am a witch.

By root, branch, and tree, let me flee.

Come on.

Bats! A clumsiness curse.

I didn't know the little slug had it in her.

We'll deal with her later, if she ever gets out of the woods.

For now, we've got bigger cauldrons to boil.

It's time I got my powers back.

I've already told you, we'll do anything to get our revenge, won't we, Flappy?

Except that.

I know.

You gave me my freedom and that's enough.

But Mildred's not the only gullible child at the academy.

I think I know where it will be, Nightstar.


Of course you followed me.

To stop you doing something foolish.

- What are you doing?

- The scroll.

It's here, it has to be.

"What is lost must now be found.

Let the secret be unbound.

" What's that?

They lied to her.

All her life.


Let me see.

Miss Gullet, what are you doing here?

It's all right.

She's with me.

Miss Cackle, what's going on?

The school is in danger and Miss Gullet has been helping me.

- Let us in.

- We'll need to invite you.

Of course.

Um, well met and welcome, Miss Gullet.

Well met, Esmerelda.

Sorry, well met and welcome, Miss Cackle.

A terrible thing has happened, my dear girls.

Agatha has stolen my powers.

Will one of you make a brave and noble sacrifice and give up your magic for your headmistress?

- I will.

- No, I won't let you.

I'll do it.

I'm sorry, Maud.

I should have listened.

You were right.

I'll trust you next time.

I, Esmerelda Hallow, freely gift my witch's powers to the one with whom I stand.

to the one with whom I stand.

Esmerelda! What have you done?

- Miss Cackle.

- We're both Miss Cackle.

But I'm Agatha.

You knew!

- Well met, Agatha.

- Well met.

I think you might want to see this.

It's your birth scroll.

They lied.

You lied.

You can't be headmistress.

You haven't even got magical powers.


Anyone else want to question my leadership?


- Mildred.

- I'm sorry.

You were right.

Please don't be mad at me.

Miss Hardbroom! Maud! Did you leave school grounds without permission?

She did, Miss Hardbroom.

- I

- I know, but

- You know the penalty.

I shall transfer you home immediately.

I'm sorry, I was wrong.

Maud! Oh! Mildred! Mum.

Oh You did the right thing, Maud.

I know.