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03x02 - The Price of Work

Posted: 02/02/23 09:09
by bunniefuu
Previously on Motherland.

They're using some twisted

version of our work.

Abigail Bellweather,

Raelle Collar, and Tally Craven,

who are all currently fugitives

from justice.

Keep looking.

Not just two moves ahead.

How about five moves ahead?

Well, they saw someone on the roof.

It was me. I was training on the roof.

Training to be stupid and careless?

Remember when we talked

about the lighthouse?

It's a good dream.

Are you worried about Abigail?

Are you starting to like her? Finally.

Raelle can get us into the Cession.

One of the Camarilla said

something about you and Adil,

and preventing the union

of Earth and Sky.

These craven mongrels

call this thing their Mother.

Our scholars believe it to be

the source of their power.

I'll be personally overseeing

the drilling operations

and the administration of the poison.

We have secured their end.

What is it you wanted to show me?

It chewed up that auger bit

like it was paper.

Grew some kind of shell,

looked like roots.

I don't know what this thing is but

it almost feels like it's fighting back.

Of course, it is.

We are trying the platinum bit now,

but if that doesn't work


Now, faith is confidence

in what we hope for

and assurance about what we do not see.

Let the other sites know

that we'll be sending them

the new bits as soon as possible.

Why don't you just let me dynamite it?

I think you underestimate

the size of this organism.


I need something that's gonna spread.

We just need a boat that's big enough.

Okay. What about this one?

That's too loud.

Why do I get the feeling

that you've done this before?

Really glad we volunteered

to stand lookout.

You actually want him

to wake up, don't you?


I'm just bored of running and hiding.

I never had to work

with so many couples before.

You'll get used to it.

If you say so.

I guess this is even harder

for you, huh?

Not having anyone else your same age.

That has been the case

for many years now.


that was one of the nice things

about being with the Dodgers.

Hey, I think this one's perfect.

Yeah. Just you and me?

That's right.

Yeah, straight to the lighthouse.

I'm gonna go see

what's taking them so long.

What if he wakes up?

Pretty sure you can take him.

Yeah, we're definitely

stealing this one.


Come here.

Someday soon we'll go away together.

Just the two of us, all right?

I promise.

Unlike Hearst, Kara Brandt

is very much a public figure.

She's on the board

of half a dozen multinationals,

same with the charities.

Nothing suggests

she's anything but legit.

She seems to be holding the

purse strings on the drilling operation.

Silver and Hearst definitely

deferred to her.

Okay. So we know she's highly placed.

But, none of that answers

the most important question,

is President Wade Camarilla?

Who is that?


He was at the meeting.

That's Wade's Chief of Staff.

I guess the odds of Wade being

Camarilla just went way up.

So what do we do?

Considering she's the President,

we're gonna have a hard time

planting a Fetch on her.

Do you think Sterling

could get someone new assigned

to Wade's detail?

All right. When the car goes,

they have to lift the wards

just long enough for it to drive

through. That's when we go.

Is that enough time for all of us?

It has to be, Tally,

because this time of night,

we don't know when another car

is gonna come along.

When we go, you stick close to me,

'cause the last thing we need

is for the Marshals

to catch wind of us being here,

'cause if they catch us, we'll

be extradited back to the States.

You really need to get over

this whole Marshal thing.

And you have no idea

what you're talking about

so why don't you keep

your opinions to yourself.

I've been in and out of

the Cession for years, decades.

I've never once seen them.

Yeah, well, you can be

sure they saw you.

The Marshals are the best

trackers in the planet.

They're the boogeyman.

Just something they tell you

to keep you in line.

Come on.

It's okay. It's okay. I've got you.

Where are you?

Then sings my soul ♪

My savior God to thee ♪

How great though art ♪

How great though art ♪

Then sings my soul ♪

My savior God to thee ♪

I think I'm lost.

Which way is Vocal Training?

- Hey, where's Raelle?

- Not feeling well.

I'm gonna let her sleep

for a few more hours.

Where are you going?

I'm gonna take the truck into town

and check in with Anacostia.

We can move on tonight.

Or we could put up some wards,

stay here a while,

sneak into town when we need supplies.

Raelle was adamant.

We're not staying in the Cession.

Why not? It's perfect.

The military and the government

can't come here

and people

mostly mind their own business.

I mean, maybe we should listen to her.

I mean, 30 years on the run

and in hiding has to count

for something, doesn't it?

Maybe you should stop listening to her.

Can we argue about this once I'm back?

Are you sure you're coming back?

You and Raelle

aren't just gonna take the truck

and run away?

Yeah, I heard you at the docks.

Ugh. More drama.

What a surprise.

Abigail, it was just a daydream.

Daydreaming while you're on the run

is a good way to get us all caught

or worse.

Yeah. And Rae never used to dream

about running away.

She dreamed about it

a lot more than you know.

I'm not sure we trust you

to take the truck.

For once, I find myself

agreeing with the Spree.

Okay. Knock it off. All of you.

- You're gonna wake Raelle up.

- All of you.

Scylla takes the truck,

and you go off and stew about it.

End of discussion.

- You doing all right, Red?

- I'm fine.

I just couldn't take

the bickering anymore.

- Yeah, I get that.

- Do you?

'Cause you usually seem to be

in the center of it.

Fair enough.

But now I'm trying to help.

You need to be careful.

You can change the world

with what you can do,

but Work like that comes at a price.

You're the one who's been

pushing me to develop it.

Sure. But just because you can see

- a few minutes into the future

- Try a few hours.

Then it's even more important

that you not use it irresponsibly.

Coming from the founder of the Spree?

Yes. Because no one else on Earth

understands this the way I do.

The price I paid was terrible.

You have to trust me.

Trust you? How?

Everything about you is a lie.

Even your face.

You want to see my real face?

You wanna see the real price of Work?

Is this what you want?

That's what 30 years

of using work without thinking

will get you.

Why are you smiling?

That is what I saw

up on the roof days ago.

It's not possible.

No one can see that far.

No one but me apparently.

Silver's bill could seriously

curtail witches rights,

and he's got a lot of support.

But he can't get it passed without Wade.

I was really hoping to know

that she was an ally.

Sterling was able to get M

placed on Wade's detail,

so we'll be able to step up

our surveillance.

It's a good idea

but it could take too long.

Wade and Silver will be at the dinner

I'm giving for the

Washington Historical Society.

I want a plan in place

to determine her loyalties

once and for all.

Yes, ma'am. I'll get to work.

You should let Izadora know

about the drills,

that they're targeting the Mycelium.

Already done. She's monitoring

the Mycelium's health

and will update us soon.

What about the chemical plant

in the Cession?

If the poison

is being manufactured there,

we need to act.

I can reach out to

the Council of the Great River,

see if they'll investigate,

but their principle relationship

was with Alder.

There are witches on that Council.

If you let them know

that Camarilla and Hearst

are doing business in the Cession

And that wherever Hearst shows up,

witches end up dead.

It's worth a shot.

There is another option.

Abigail and the others should

have made it to the Cession by now.

- We can put them on it.

- It's too risky.

If they get caught, it could spark

major conflict with the Cession,

not to mention what would happen

if the Camarilla

- got a hold of them.

- I know it's not ideal

but I don't think we can ignore

this intel.

- Are you all right?

- I don't know.

Between Raelle wanting to leave

and Tally being obsessed with Nicte,

there's not a lot of unity in this unit.

Your bond is stronger than you know.

Lately it doesn't feel that way.

Well, no matter what happens,

you have us.

We're family.


There's something

I need to ask you both.

Have you ever heard of something called

the Union of Earth and Sky?

No. What is it?

My mother heard about it

during the attack on Fort Salem.

Apparently, the Camarilla

are desperate to stop it.

She thinks it's why they went after

the Tarim and the Bellweathers.

So it's about us?

Yeah. Maybe.

Sounds like something they made

up to justify their hate.

You shouldn't worry about it.

If my life's light ceases to shine ♪

And they lead me to the other side ♪

I will have shown you

my memory to keep ♪

Don't you cry now, baby ♪

Don't you weep ♪

I need to keep this quick.

I just wanted to say

that we made it to the Cession

and we're gonna keep heading west.

There's been a change of plans.

- Raelle!

- What's happening?

I know why Raelle is sick.

- No!

- What's happening?

- What's going on?

- Don't let her go.

- Raelle, hold on.

- Help me!

- Raelle.

- Don't let me go!

Raelle, hold. Come on.

- Hold on.

- Scylla!

- Come on, come on.

- I love you.


Don't go.

- We shouldn't worry.

- Are you kidding me?


The Mycelium has taken her to heal.

- How do you know?

- Are you sure?

Yes, I'm sure. I know this world.

This is how the Mycelium works.

She's healed Raelle many times.

- That's all this is.

- Heal her from what?

You said you knew why Rae was sick.

The Mycelium is being poisoned

by the Camarilla.

Your mother wants us

to check out a chemical plant.

It's not far from here

and it might be connected.

How does that help us get her back?

Because that is our only priority.

If we can find out what

they're doing and stop it,

Raelle and the Mycelium

will be able to heal.

So we're backing to taking

orders from the military?

If it helps Raelle, yes.

What were the orders?

Anacostia said surveillance only.

No engaging with the enemy.

Nothing that could reveal

our presence in the Cession.

Well, I guess that all depends

on what we find.

- Agreed.

- What if Raelle comes back

- while we're gone?

- I can stay here.

I'll keep the wards up

and watch for her.

Thank you, Khalida.

Okay. We need to go.

It'll get dark soon.

Hey. We can handle the surveillance

if you wanna stay.

No. Thank you, but I need to do this.

I need to do something.

The receptacles have all been prepped

and will be placed strategically

throughout the house.

We'll need to capture some

sort of baseline statement to start.

Something we know to be true.

Then I'll use the tuning forks

to reduce her voice

to its essence and

I don't need to know how it works.

I just need to know that it's reliable.

It's infallible. But you need

to be close enough to her

that we can isolate her voice.

Don't try to do it

around the dinner table.

There will be too much chatter.


Fermin will show you where to set up.

I've got a room all ready to go for you.

I'm not Alder.

I don't wanna change Wade's mind.

I just want to know it.

That is a slippery slope.

It is.

And if I start to slip,

I'm counting on you to stop me.

Of course.

Anything else, General?

Yes. My mother.

There is some sort of bad blood

between her and Wade,

some incident from back

when mother was a general

and Wade was still a senator,

and neither of them will talk about it.

I've informed her

what we're doing but

it could be problematic

if they get into an argument.


I'll be sure to keep them apart.

Maybe Quartermain's intel was wrong?

It's gonna be okay.

This is how we help her.

- I know.

- You two need to focus.

If something is here

and you're distracted,

it could get us all k*lled.



You know the Vice President, of course.


Thank you for coming,

Mr. Vice President.

And this is Kara Brandt.

Your home is so beautiful.

And so are you.

Oh. Well, thank you very much,

Ms. Brandt.

If you'll excuse me.

Thank you so much

for showing us in, Fermin.

Anton. But you're welcome.

Right. Please enjoy the cocktails

and hors d'oeuvres,

but save some room for dinner.

Claude has outdone himself.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

Well, excuse me.

Thank you, Madam President.

All right.

Madam President.



You got a bit of a smudge there.

- Oh. Thank you.

- Uh-hmm.

I swear these events rattle me

more than actual combat.

Oh, that's lovely.

- Family heirloom?

- It is, yeah.

Can I get you a drink, Madam President?

I would love a martini.

Two olives, please.

I'll have the same.

I'll be right back.

All right.

- Let me show you the house.

- Oh. Wonderful.




I suppose we should talk.

Long overdue.

This way, please.

We're not to be disturbed.

That's gotta be what they're using

to poison the Mycelium.

And yet we're just supposed to sit here

on our hands and do nothing?

Those were your mother's orders.

That's before we knew about Raelle.

You guys.


Anyone else thinking what I'm thinking?


New orders.


Get the others!

Nicte, Scylla, get Hearst.

Hey. Um, girl to girl,

what is the deal with the three fathers?

Because I feel like

I could get behind it

but it's also a lot, you know?

- Well, in some parts of witch

- Oh.

Hold that thought.

I need to go rescue Blanton.

He hates that guy.

How is Ms. Brandt?

Laying on the ditzy a bit thick.

Good. That means she doesn't realize

that we know who she is.

What have you got for me?

Wade really wanted that martini.

- So we have our baseline.

- Uh-hmm.

Just hope my mother remembers

why we're here.

In a few seconds, a big group

of them will be coming out.

We got it. I've got the right,

you take the left.

Was that

Earth and Sky?

Nice of Hearst to leave a trail

for us to follow.

You ready to back me up, Ramshorn?

Glad to see you haven't gone

completely soft.

I didn't see Hearst in there.

Listen. He's trying to leave.

Is that one Claude?

Does it really matter?

They should just number them.

Make it easier on everyone.

I don't know how much more

of them I can take.

Can I please rip his face off now?

You're gonna have to get in line.

Will we be serving dinner soon?

Veal Prince Orlov

is unforgiving of delays.

Well, we can't have that.

Let me see if I can move things along.

Step aside, please.

I'm afraid I can't do that, General.

If I let you in there, ma'am,

I won't be on the President's

detail for long

and there goes our surveillance.

I see we chose the right soldier

for the job.

Carry on.

- Is Hearst on there?

- I can't tell.

We can't let him leave.

He's not going anywhere.

You're welcome.

I would like to propose a toast

to our lovely hostess.

Thank you for a truly enjoyable evening

in celebration of the Washington

Historical Society.



Thank you, all.

And thank you for taking time

out of your schedule to be here.

I know you've been very busy

with the new legislation.

- Part of the job.

- Oh, Blanton is being modest.

He's been working very hard on this bill

and it's gonna make

a world of difference.

I know it's controversial

with your people

and certainly not something that

could have happened during Alder's time,

but I just think

that we're all gonna

get along so much better

when we don't have to worry

about the voting.

Don't you?

There are voting restrictions

in this bill?

It's one of the things

that we're discussing, yes.

You think we should fight

and die for this country

but shouldn't have a say

in how it's being run?

What I think is that, for too long,

witches have lived as a separate society

within this nation

and it's time for that

to come to an end.

And for that to happen smoothly,

there needs to be a system of checks

and balances put in place.


I do hope you're playing nice.

I want to be perfectly clear

and it's fitting

that I should be saying this

in a room full of historians

because I believe this

is going to be one of the most

important moments

in the history of our nation.

- Madame President

- I will not be

signing the bill, Blanton.

And if that legislation

comes to my desk,

I will veto it.

As the 45th elected President

of this nation,

I will be working to ensure

that the rights of every US citizens,

witch and non-witch,

are legally protected.

It's been a long time coming

but the time is now.

Let's enjoy this dinner

I've been hearing so much about.

Shall we?


We need to get out of here.

- Now.

- We can pick up Khalida

and head straight

for the Western border.

We have to make sure the job

is done first.

Are there any of them left?

I can't see any.


If they take me, get to Miss Brandt.

Carry on with the drilling

and the hunt for the First Song.

It's Hearst. He's still alive.

I'm very sorry, everyone,

but a situation

has arisen that requires

my immediate attention.

Is it something

I should be concerned about?

No, Madam President.

All right then.

We will talk tomorrow.

Of course.

And, uh, General,

thank you very much

for a wonderful evening.

Thank you for coming,

Mr. Vice President.

Thank you.

Well, this is a pleasant surprise.

Hi, doc.

Remember me?

What do we know?

There was an incident

at the chemical plant in the Cession.

Nothing confirmed.

But there was a large expl*si*n.

Damn it.

Any word on Abigail?

There are no reports

of any US military personnel

having been captured or k*lled.

My sources are working to find out more.

Keep me posted.

The President made her position clear,

but just to be safe,

did Izadora finish her analysis?

She did. Wade was sincere.

She is not Camarilla.

Which I told you

from the very beginning.

Kelly and I might not see eye to eye,

but that woman has integrity to spare.

What happened in that room

tonight, Mother?

Please tell me you didn't push her.

Of course not.

Kelly and I were rising through

the ranks at the same time.

A witch and a civilian.

Both Black women

and both a little stubborn.

And at the time, neither of us could see

that we had far more in common than not.

But we've put that to bed tonight.

Just like that?

Think of it this way, Petti.

You didn't like Alder,

but imagine the conversation

you'd have with her now, hmm.

One can always find common ground

over a glass of bourbon.


Wade is on our side.

But that raises another problem.


She just became the Camarilla's

number one target.

We ready to go?

Would you rather talk about the drilling

or the First Song?

You have no idea what

you're talking about, do you?


I keep sending it to her

so that wherever she is, it'll reach her

and she'll know that I'm looking for her

and that I'll never give up.

None of us will.

I know it hasn't always felt like this

but we are in this together,

and we are gonna find her.

Thank you, Tally.

I noticed Blondie isn't with you.

Is she feeling all right?

Hello, Penelope.

Welcome back.

Thank you?

Where am I?

You're at Fort Salem.

You're home.


Where are the crickets?

The wards will hold him.

I don't see Khalida,

but there are people here.

A half dozen or more.

It's the Marshals.

How did they find us so fast?

I'll get Khalida.

They won't be able to see me.

Adil, wait

Goddess, they can see him.

We need to go. Now!

We're not leaving him alive.

No. We don't have time.

Come on!



You're sick.

You need your rest.

Sick? What are you talking about?

Never mind about that.

Mother is going to take care

of you from now on.