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02x08 - Miss Cackle's Birthday

Posted: 02/03/23 05:06
by bunniefuu
Next time I volunteer to be director, you should hit me with your broom.

There's still a few hours to go before Miss Cackle's show.

We haven't even practiced the final number yet.

- Look at me.

- And now I've lost my song sheet.

Has anyone seen my special folder? How am I supposed to do this when no one listens? It's a trick my mum taught me.

Okay, Gloria, you're up first.

- What if Miss Cackle hates it?

- She'll love it.

And if she doesn't, you've only ruined her birthday.

Okay, let's take it from the top.

Duck! She was the best act I had.

Cheer up.

I bet the first

-year rehearsals are going well.

One, two, three.

- You didn't say "go".

- That's because I was counting.

Let's try again.

- One, two

- Wait, do we go when you say three

- or do we wait until you say

- Just go! Oops.

Don't worry.

I'll go and fetch it.

Can't you do anything right?

- I'm sorry, Ethie.

- You will be when Mother finds out.

Don't you think she's got enough to worry about with Esme? I'm trying my best.

You should be concentrating on your studies, not embarrassing yourself with this silly show.

Happy Birthday, Agatha.

I'm sorry to do this on your birthday, but I thought you'd want to see this.

- "Crackles at Cackle's"?

- Not the most imaginative headline.

"Concerns have been raised about falling standards at Cackle's Academy.

" Nonsense.

Oh, dear.

It would seem Mr.

Hallow was true to his word.

Something tells me this is just the beginning.

Talk about two left feet.

Ribbit! How are the girls getting on? I couldn't resist a little peek.

"Urgent"? Oh, really, Mrs.

Hallow? I expect every witch and her cat will be sending birthday greetings today.

I wish that were the case.

How did I do?

- Uh, you were

- Unforgettable.

Thank you.

I knew you'd like it.

What am I gonna do, Mil? It's a disaster.

It would appear only Ethel deemed herself fit for class this morning.

That's because she's not taking part.

We thought there wouldn't be lessons, with it being Miss Cackle's birthday.

Such frivolities are not part of the Cackle's Academy curriculum.

- But, Miss Hardbroom!

- But nothing.

The potions lab this instant.

I trust you've all been revising the transference spell.

Perhaps you'd care to start us off with the first ingredient, Maud Spellbody?

- Uh

- She's been too busy working on her stupid show.


The first ingredient.

- Slither of bee sting, Miss Hardbroom.

- Thank you, Ethel.

Well, don't just stand there.

I'll sting her in a minute.

- I'm gonna have to resign as director.

- Why would you do that? You saw what happened.

I'm not good enough.

Of course you are.

You just need to stop worrying, that's all.

That's easy for you to say.

You're not the one who's ruined Miss Cackle's special day.

Poor Maud.

I wish we could help her.

- Maybe we can.

- How? She's got stage fright.

My parents get that all the time.

So, we just need to find a spell that stops her getting so stressed.

- How about the Happiness Spell?

- What's that? It stops all your worries and makes you happy again.

So Maud will be able to focus on Miss Cackle's show.


You keep her distracted, I'll sort out the potion.

- This isn't gonna go wrong, is it?

- When have I ever let you down? You need to show the broom who's in charge.

I'm trying.

Sybil Hallow, apologise this instant! Sorry, Miss Cackle.

No harm done.

Is everything okay, Miss Cackle? Is it ready? Just a dash more pond slime and the shell of a rotten egg.

Miss Hardbroom, can I borrow you for a moment? It's Miss Cackle.

I've just seen her wandering around the grounds.

She has a lot on her mind.

It's just that she got a message on her maglet.

Something tells me they weren't wishing her a happy birthday.

Girls, I need to run an errand.

Now's our chance.

Catch those tears, remove all trace Take Maud to her happy place

- Is it ready?

- I think so.

- I got you some dried nettles.

- Oh, we won't need those.

- The potion's ready.

- It is? Why don't you try it? Everything will seem better, I promise.

Where did she go? Look.

What is it? Don't you see? It's Maud.

- What's that noise?

- What noise? It sounds like a baby.

Now look what you've done.

You two are so weird.

I take it you haven't spoken to Mrs.


I'm not sure I can face her yet.

I wonder if the time has come for me to pack up my broom and move on.

It most certainly hasn't.

But when I think about everything that's happened the fire, the Founding Stone going missing.

- None of that was your fault.

- On the contrary.

The girls are in my care.

It's my job to protect them.

Which you do.

I'm not sure Mrs.

Hallow would agree with you.

Still today's all about celebrating everything that's special about Cackle's.

You tell Maud I can't wait to see what they have in store.

Why is Maud a baby? The spell must've taken her back to when she was happiest.

- So what do we do?

- We'll have to try and reverse it.

Where are you going?

- Spell Science, Miss Hardbroom.

- Not anymore.

The academic timetable is suspended for the rest of the day.

But why? It's imperative that we show Miss Cackle just how much she means to the school.

Now, where is Maud Spellbody? The

- The thing is The transference spell, it only went and worked.

She hasn't transferred back? She said something about sorting out some scenery.

Then can the rest of you please make your way to the Chanting classroom to resume rehearsals? This is my fault.

I should never have made her take the potion.

You cover for Maud, I'll fix this.

It would seem we are still missing a director.

Maud sent me in her place.

She's still doing important backstage stuff.

Chickened out!

- And you could do a better job?

- With my eyes closed.

- The job's yours.

- Please! I'll fill in for her.

I know the show.

It's time to put vanity to one side and concentrate on the task at hand.

Miss Cackle's expecting a lot from today.

And I for one am going to make sure we put on the best performance possible.

I look forward to significant progress on my return.

Don't take it to heart.

Everyone knows Maud's not a natural leader.

She's more of a hanger

- on.

Now, if you don't mind, I've got a show to direct.

Right! Will you stop pinching me? If HB finds you, we'll all get expelled.

Here it is.

Now, all I need to do is find the reversal spell.

Maud! Now you stay here while I clean up your mess.

Surely not.

What have we here? Oh! Oh! Have we met before? You look awfully familiar.

Let's get you some grasshoppers and milk, shall we? Maud! It doesn't matter if you get it wrong.

It's taking part that counts.

I'm a Hallow.

I have to be the best.

Maybe if you just talked to Ethel.

Ethel? She's in charge now.

Mil, why are you not in rehearsals? Because Miss Hardbroom let Ethel take over.

Where's Maud? Funny you mention that.

- The thing is I might've lost her.

- I'm not in the mood for jokes.

It wasn't my fault, I swear.

Why can't you be responsible for once? It's bad enough that I turned Maud into a baby.

Now you've lost her.

- Where are you going?

- We need to split up and find her.

Could you all take a copy of the revised line

- up, please? My number isn't on here.

Or our broom dance.

- That's because you're not good enough.

- I was told I was unforgettable.

I'm in charge now.

I think what Ethel means is that more time is needed to nurture your individual talents.

So we're going back to basics with a more traditional performance.

Such as? The instrument

- less orchestra will be performing the "Witches' Concerto in D minor".

You can moan all you like.

This is my chance to impress Miss Cackle, and I won't let anyone spoil it.


Maud! "Finding Spell.

" Maybe.

No more tricks, no more maybes Help me find our missing baby Two hundred baby frogs.

About to make their way into the pond of life.

Gets me quite emotional, actually.

Algy! Miss Bat.

How can I be of assistance?

- It's a baby!

- What is? What's more, it has the look of a young Maud Spellbody.

- Where is she now?

- In the Potions lab.

Turns out she's not a fan of grasshoppers.

Well, let me just help Enid

- and then we'll go and investigate.

- Yes! Felicity, you came in late again.

My mother says I'm musically gifted.

Then she needs to get her ears tested.

Perhaps Gloria could take the triangle.


Everything alright in here? Just a bit of fine

-tuning, Miss Hardbroom.

Very good.


Perhaps you need to work on motivating your team.

They just need to be better, that's all.

Once more from the top.

- Where are you going?

- I quit!

- Me, too!

- And me! Sybil, what do you think you're doing? I don't want to embarrass you.


We don't need you anyway.

So, where is this baby? Sleeping in that pram.

- Maud Spellbody, you say?

- She's the spitting image of her.

I can't quite see it myself.

It was Maud Spellbody.

I recognise that glint in her eyes.

I think you ought to have a little lie

- down, dear.

Oh! How are rehearsals going? Ethel wouldn't know talent if it bit her.

- But there is still gonna be a show?

- I wouldn't count on it.

Miss Drill, have you seen Miss Cackle? Not since this morning.

Is something wrong, Mildred? It's Maud.

She's a baby.

Aw, we'll toughen her up.

Tell her to come see me first thing.

Ah, Mildred.

How can I be of assistance?

- It's Maud, Miss Cackle.

- Has something happened? She was doing so well.

But then I had to go and spoil everything.

In my experience, the only way to deal with a problem is not to run away from it.

I'm sure whatever's happened, we can come up with a solution.

No more pinching or pulling my hair.

Or trying to clobber me with old broomsticks.

Do you understand me? Please, Maud, I don't know how to do this.

I've never had any brothers and sisters to look after.

Lullaby, say good night Go to bed now and take flight Race the stars, grab the moon Pleasant nights upon your broom And where is Maud now? Enid lost her.

And what do we have here? It's Maud, Miss Cackle.

I can see that.

I'd recognise that smile anywhere.

We're really sorry, Miss Cackle.

I'll think of an appropriate punishment another day.

It'd be a shame for Maud to have to miss out after all her hard work.

Welcome back, Maud.

What happened? You got me into all kinds of trouble.

Do you want to know what the most powerful spell of all is? Friendship.

Because when you girls work together, you can achieve anything you put your minds to.

Now, let's go and see all your good work in action, shall we? This is it.

Break a broom, girls.

Who's in charge? Ethel.

Oh, no.

- Do something!

- It's too late.

No, it's not.

Miss Cackle said we can do anything as long as we work together.

- Where's Enid going?

- To get your show back.

- How?

- You'll see.

Come on.

- I'm sorry we put a spell on you.

- That's alright.

- Can someone give me a hand?

- I'm coming.

But I don't know what to do.

You just got to believe in yourself, that's all.

Felicity, Gloria, you're on.

Get changed! Do you think you could still do your broomstick dance? Ethel says I'm not good enough.

- It doesn't matter if you get it wrong.

- But I don't have my broom.

Yes, you do.

Ahh! Ahh! Welcome to Cackle's Academy, girls.

I was wondering if any of you have seen my plate of cream cakes.

- Ha ha!

- But don't tell HB.

Where's Mildred Hubble? Oh, what's she done now? She appears to have blown up my Potions lab.


HB, Cackle, that's enough chatting from you two.

Get on the floor and give me five press

- ups.

Onward ever striving onward Proudly on our brooms we fly Straight and true Above the treetops Why are you always so hard on yourself? Because I'm Ethel Hallow.

Cast our spells and charms With zest Full of joy we mix our potions Working by each other's side When our days at school are over Let us think of them With pride I want to thank you all for making my birthday so special.

Seeing the effort you've all made today has reminded me just how special you girls are.

I think we're all guilty of running away from our problems from time to time.

But when we work together as a team, no problem is ever insurmountable.

Because at the end of the day, what matters is friendship.

And there are no greater friends than my girls at Cackle's.

And I look forward to leading you for as long as I am able.

Mildred Hubble.

It would seem you are quite the impressionist.

It takes a brave girl to ridicule me on stage.

The thing is, Miss Ha Well done.


I think it's time I talk to Mrs.

Hallow, don't you?

- Well met, Your Greatness.

- Well met It's just a flying visit.

I wanted to give you this in person.

What is it? You have been summoned by the Magic Council for an emergency meeting, seeing as you neglected to reply to our esteemed Head of Education's messages.


There's been a serious complaint made about your conduct.

I bid you good day, Miss Cackle.

- I'm not doing it.

- But Maud can't sleep.

Please, Enid.

For the last time.

Lullaby and good night Go to bed now and take flight Race the stars, grab the moon Precious nights upon your broom Hey!