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02x10 - A New Dawn

Posted: 02/03/23 05:07
by bunniefuu
What is it? What's going on? My room just dried itself out.

Miss Pentangle! Who's Miss Pentangle?

- The coolest head teacher.

- What do you think she's doing here? Isn't it obvious?

- She's here to take over.

- Miss Cackle hasn't even moved out yet.

Maybe there's a way to change the Great Wizard's mind.

I think you've done enough, Mildred Hubble.

Don't blame Mildred.

Your mother stirred up the trouble.

You went to the Magic Council to speak up for Miss Cackle.

And what happened? She got dismissed.

Great job, Mildred Hubble.

You always did like to make an entrance, Pippa.

Oh, Hecate, no harm in giving them a show! What about the time when you materialised in the middle of the School Leavers' Ball in that silver gown and hat? I'm quite sure that wasn't me.

Oh! To what do we owe the honour? The Magic Council just wanted me to pop by and put on some Modern Witching workshops.

"Modern"? So, here I am.

It is irregular.

I really should have been informed as acting headmistress.

Absolutely, dear Hecate, and believe me, the Council has every confidence in you.

They are well aware that your reputation as a strict disciplinarian, stuck firmly in the past, is complete fiction.

Sorry, Miss Hardbroom, some of the girls are wondering if if Miss Pentangle is going to be the new head? Nothing would make me leave Pentangle's.

Miss Pentangle is simply here to run some Modern Witching work

- Shops!

- shops.

Yes! Let's make a start, shall we, girls? So good! Modern Witching might be cool.

It's not that.

My parents are visiting Miss Amulet's Academy today.

Mum says Miss Cackle is the school.

Without her, they don't see the point of me staying.

But Amulet's is miles away.

And it's one of the places I got expelled from.

I bet they don't take people from non

- witching families.


We could all end up at different schools.

I do apologise, Ada.

No, no, it's your office now, by rights.

And you really don't need to squash yourself away up there.

Please stop tormenting yourself.

I just wish I'd realised how badly I was letting everyone down.

You weren't.

Eighty percent of the parents have signed a petition calling for my dismissal.

It doesn't make them right.

I do not understand this appetite for change.

Even now, we have Miss Pentangle in the building to teach "modern" magic.

Miss Pentangle? Here? Doesn't that worry you, Hecate? I know Pippa.

And she says she would never leave Pentangle's.

But maybe she wouldn't have to.

I know that here at Cackle's, you are well aware of the power of old chants, thanks to Miss Bat.

But there are new ideas in chanting that can also be fun to explore.

- For example

- Miss Pentangle, a word, if I may.

Well, we're right in the middle of some What about the modern chanting? You know I've always hated that.

Oh! Well met, Miss Cackle.

Well met, Miss Pentangle.

May I say, I'm sorry for how things have worked out.

That is very easy for you to say, Pippa.

And I'm sure you wouldn't dream of leaving Pentangle's.

But perhaps, in Modern Witching, you don't have to leave one school to run another.


I should have told you before I arrived, I I've heard the Council rumours.

A "super head"? It's a silly title, really.

It just means I'd be head teacher of both schools.

Is one not enough for you? I I really haven't made any decision yet, I Would you excuse me? I have packing to do.

You weren't hoping to take over yourself, were you? I am hoping that someone sees sense, and that Miss Cackle is reinstated.

You and Ada made a great team.

Maybe we could be, too.

Once more, girls, give it plenty of zip! Eye of toad, ear of bat Tooth of wolf, tail of cat Thank you, Miss Bat.

Now, girls, as I was saying, old chants can be wonderful, can't they? But they could use a little more colour.

To witching we bring This chant that we sing Moving along, together we're strong So all of us here have nothing to fear

- Wow.

- I could never do that!

- Thank you.

- Wow, so crafty!

- Now, over to you.

- Oh, I don't think You can make your chants about anything you want.

And don't worry yet about producing the harmonies by yourselves.

- Feel free to work in groups.

- But what if we can't, Miss Pentangle? "Can't" is old

-fashioned thinking.

Modern witches can.


Yes, yes.

If you could talk to your mum, and she could speak to the Council There's a petition.

Nearly all of the parents signed it.

Mine didn't.

- Uh, neither did mine!

- Or mine! Well, everyone else did.

So there's nothing we can do.

Why don't you stop interfering for once? Girls, enough bickering.

Miss Pentangle will be here any Ah.

I uh, wasn't sure whether to start or not.

Oh, Mr.


- Webb, I wouldn't dream of stepping on your toes.

Today is just about boosting morale and building confidence.

With my hand, I cast my spell And bid you now a fond farewell! Awesome!

- Oh, wow.

- Whoo


- And not a potion in sight.

- Oh.

An Arcadian Invisibility spell? Oh, you know your spells, Mr.


- Webb.

- I

- Now, girls.

In order for this to work, you need to focus on an object of your choice.

How about Mildred's cauldron? Fingers spark and fingers rise Cauldron, now materialise! We're meant to use potions.

Some girls aren't strong enough for this kind of magic.

Mildred Hubble.

Would you like to try? Oh, I'm not sure that's a good idea All about confidence, remember? With my hands, I cast this spell And bid you now a fond farewell! I did it! I really did it! I could never do that the old way! Flying east and flying west We are witches at our best

- Potions

- Potions, spells, smells One, two, three Yes, we are young But our chants can still be sung As we fly up on high Near and far across the sky Searching for our frogs and toads

- It's no good.

It's too much for me.

- Don't give up.

Let's give it another try.

One, two, three.

Yes, we are young But our chants can still be sung As we fly up on high Near and far across the sky

- Searching for our frogs and toads

- Bring us Oh! Oh Oh, dear.

I did try to tell Miss Pentangle.

Break time, girls.

And where is Miss Pentangle? Thanks for earlier.

Why did you do it? We all need a little boost sometimes, that's all.

I don't think Miss Hardbroom would approve of enhanced powers.

Well, Miss Hardbroom and I agree to disagree on many things.

It'll all wear off by tomorrow, anyway.

How come you two are sitting on your own? I need to think of a way to prove Miss Cackle should still be head teacher.

The Magic Council weren't listening.

And if she goes, Maud's parents are gonna send her to Miss Amulet's.

- I know it seems unfair.

- Because it is! Mrs.

Hallow's got it in for Miss Cackle.

Miss Cackle's the best.

I know.

I think the Council know, too.

But, well, they can't ignore the parents' petition.

Though giving it to her as a keepsake seemed cruel, even for Ursula Hallow.

I didn't just say that.

You should go to chanting.

And try not to be too gloomy.

Who knows what next year will bring? She is going to be the new head.

Two years studying the old ways, and now it's going to be this drivel forevermore.

Thank you, Mildred.

Um Your parents signed the petition against Miss Cackle, right? No way.

They love Miss Cackle.

Your parents signed it, though?

- No.

- No.

Mildred Hubble, will you please focus on Oh, never mind, do what you like.

I suppose that's the "modern" way.

I want to see this petition.

It must be in Miss Cackle's office.

Millie, I'm not sure that's a good id I'm being sent to another academy.

What do I care? Go for it.

With my hand, I cast this spell And bid you now a fond farewell! Uh Were you lacking confidence this time, Millie? No.

I don't want to faint again.

No one will notice if you sit this one out.

With my hand, I cast this spell And bid you now a fond farewell! It's not happening.

Here, try something smaller.

This is so unfair.

Don't worry.

Today's about having fun.

It's not much fun when you can't do it.

It has to be in here somewhere.

Come on, puss, where is it?

- Pippa.

- You look cross, Hecate.

I think.

Always was hard to tell.

Come on, where is it? Would you step into my office, please? Oh, no.

No! I expect you mean well, but the girls simply aren't strong enough.

There are some very talented witches in this school.

It can lead to all sorts of problems.

They should not be doing magic they aren't ready for.

Sybil Hallow fainted.

Oh! Poor Sybil.

Well, she didn't say anything.

- Where's she gone?

- Who? Don't treat me like a bat brain.

She's right here.

We're just messing around.

Fingers spark, fingers rise, Mildred Hubble, materialise.

Sybil has enough self

-confidence issues without you adding to them.

Well, well, what a surprise.

She's interfering again, isn't she? She's going to be in trouble when Miss Hardbroom finds out.

I appreciate some of the girls will need some support whilst they adjust, but my ways work, Hecate.

I know your ways of old.

All very well, me, turning up in a silver gown to the dance, you had to turn up in a gold one.


Did I? I don't remember.

Why was it always so important for you to be better than me, Pippa? Is that why you want to run this school as well as your own? Well, actually, I've come to a decision about that, Hecate

- What on Earth?

- Go, go, go.

Oh! Poor little thing was startled.

So would you be, if you suddenly had to look for a new home.

Enter! Sorry to interrupt Miss Hardbroom, but Mildred Hubble has disappeared.

She used the invisibility spell to get out of chanting.

This is exactly the sort of problem I was referring to.

Thank you, Ethel.

- You're a good witch, Sybil.

- It's not enough.

I'm a Hallow.

I should be able to do modern magic standing on my broomstick.

I realise I no longer teach here, but do you think I might be of assistance? We got your message.

Miss Pentangle is here to take over.

She's going to run both schools.

This'll be a Pentangle's too?

- I'll be expelled in a week.

- And I'll be at Miss Amulet's.

Yes, but it got me thinking.

Who stands to gain from all this? The petition.

You found it.

Right, so "Bella Twigg, Lucian Twigg

- Fenella Foxglove?"

- Felicity's mum.

But Felicity said her parents didn't sign it.

"Mavis Spellbody, Gordon Spellbody.

" My mum and dad! My mum and dad! That is full of signatures from people who never signed it.

Either they're all weasels, or something's very wrong.

Aha! I knew there was one.

True Author Spell.

"To uncover cheats and tricksters.

" It sounds perfect! But it's level seven.

And Miss Pentangle boosted my powers for the day.

So it's got to be worth a try.

I see.

So when you tried to do it, you couldn't make things vanish like you usually can? All right.

Let me show you how it's done.

What shall we vanish? Maglet, maglet on the table, let me vanish you if I'm able.

Oh, dear.

I don't seem to be very good at modern magic, do I? That makes two of us.

Try this instead.

But, Miss Cackle, we were supposed to do it without potions.

The old ways may not be stylish, Sybil, but they work.

Now remember your potion classes.

Thistle dull, lungwort bright hide this object from our sight.

Yes! Thank you, Miss Cackle.

For everything.

Thanks, Miss Cackle.

You're a wonderful teacher, Miss Cackle.

I think maybe you've taught me a thing or two.

A pity the parents do not share your feelings, Miss Pentangle.

And how precisely did you come by that petition? Please, just watch, Miss Hardbroom.

Write anew, make it true.

Mildred, wait! No! Put it out! What just happened? Mildred, you used powder with enhanced powers.

Whatever you were trying to do, it was way too much for it.

New magic, same old faces in detention.

I'll see you after school, Mildred Hubble.

Modern witching.

It certainly does bring change.

Mildred? I'm sorry.

Coming here has reminded me that newer isn't always better.

If I hadn't given you those extra magic powers We could have saved Miss Cackle.

We could have proved the petition was faked.

What? Are you sure? Yes.

And I think I know who by.


You're certain you know who faked that petition? How are you finding Cackle's? Much old

-fashioned thinking to overcome? Your Greatness, this is an academy that understands what witching is all about.

Remembering who we really are.

I'd officially like to take my hat out of the ring.

I cannot be considered when the true headmistress of this academy is Ada Cackle.

The Council have made their decision.

But what if new evidence had come to light? But, Miss Hardbroom, I really worry that with Miss Cackle gone, Mildred Hubble will be allowed to go unchecked.

Chaos will reign.

Great Wizard! Well met.

- This had better be good.

- Oh, it is.

You have been wrongly ousted, Miss Cackle.

Mildred Hubble has a theory.

I think somebody faked all the signatures on the petition.

You dragged me here because this girl We shall solve this the old way.

Bottled mists of time.

The petition.

It's going back in time.

Mildred was right! Only one person signed the petition.

Ursula Hallow? Sorry, Ethel.

Do you mind? Oh! How do you explain this? Uh, ahem.

The parents have made their feelings known and Mother, you're embarrassing yourself.

And me.

Well Well, Miss Cackle had to go for what she did to my Esmerelda.

Mother What about my education? Does that not matter to you one bit? I have a non

- magical daughter at home.

Do you think I have time to think about anything else? Your place on the Council is revoked.

What? No.


- And there will be further punishments.

- Your Greatness? Would you go easy on her? For the sake of Ethel and her sisters.

I'll take it into consideration.

You are owed an apology.

And a reinstatement.

Your Greatness? Will you resume headmistress duties? With immediate effect? Of course.

Nothing would please me more.

This is all your fault.

- Goodbye, girls.

- Bye.

I should get flying.

Miss Pentangle, I was hoping to get an interview.

You're such an inspiration.

Perhaps next time.

And your head teacher is a greater inspiration than I ever could be.

Hecate? I never wanted to be better than you.

I wanted to be like you.

You're the witchiest witch I ever knew, and you always will be.

Goodbye, Hecate.

Goodbye, Pippa.

Thank you.

What you did took real courage.

It's Mildred you should thank.

Thank you, Mildred.

Your instincts were spot

- on.

So you're definitely staying? Yes, Mildred, I am.

And for a long while yet.
