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02x11 - Love at First Sight

Posted: 02/03/23 05:08
by bunniefuu
- It's exactly midnight.

Happy Halloween!

- Shh!

- Sorry.

Happy Halloween!

- Are you ready? Shh.

You should see your faces.

I heard you planning your big midnight scare so I thought I'd get you instead.

Ha! Well, bad luck.

I wasn't in the least bit frightened.

Yeah? Then why are you still clinging onto Maud? That was an excellent warm

- up.

Now, who's ready for a real ghost story? But under the hood, there was nothing.

Not even a face.

Your turn, Sybil.

I've heard there's a ghostly ghoul who lives right here at Cackle's.

- Really?

- Ethel told me.

It's trapped in the top of the topmost turret, locked in a hideously haunted chest.


- oo whoo! Don't be a scaredy

- bat, Sybil.

It's only Solstice.

I knew that.

I just needed some air.

Maybe you should go to bed? Maybe.

It's late.

Come on, then.

We'll see you in the morning.

Night, night, sleep tight.

Don't let the vampires bite.

Now, time to get really scary.

But under the hood, there was nothing.

- You're not funny, Enid.

- That wasn't me.

- Cut it out, Maud.

- I didn't do anything, I swear.

Really and truly? Really and truly.

Then, who or what is making that noise? Take this warning and be wise Forget him who brought you sorrow Dry your sad and teary eyes How many times? I did not forget our anniversary! Please, just give me a chance to explain.

Woe, woe, woe We've got to do something.

Put this right.

A witch should never meddle in affairs of the heart.

Remember how happy Miss Bat was when Mr.


- Webb came out the pond? And remember how he'd forgotten everything except how important she was?

- I suppose.

- It's settled, then.

We'll do whatever we can to help Miss Bat.

- Wait, I never said

- It's okay, Maud.


Sometimes people need a little help getting the magic back.

Creepy crepes? Baked eyeball eggs? Slime

- ade? And that's just breakfast.

Tonight's feast is going to be epic.

Are you sure this is going to work, Enid? Absolutely.

Just pour a dash of this emotion potion into Miss Bat's porridge and she'll be hat over heels all over again.

Flying ever higher on the wings of a dove With the next wizard you see, You will fall in love Miss Bat, I got you some porridge.

Oh, thank you, dear, but I couldn't eat a thing.


Enid, take a seat.

Who's ready for some slime

- ade? Happy Halloween.

Happy Halloween.


- Oh, morning, Sybil.

Did you sleep okay?

- Yep.

We stayed up all night.

Making up stories about the hideously haunted chest.

Sounds great.

You are silly, Sybil.


Witches aren't afraid of ghosts.

Why isn't anything happening? Maybe the potion's past its spell

- by

- date? Or maybe I got the words mixed up? Well, sparks should be flying by now so something's definitely gone wrong.


- Esme!

- Ethel! Oh, I'm glad to see you.

But sad we'll be saying goodbye again after the feast.


Maybe not.

Oh, I know you're struggling, but it would mean a lot if I mean, maybe you won't have to leave and go to a non

- magical school.

What are you talking about? I've been trying to tell you for weeks and weeks but Mum and Dad were always there and I missed your last visit.

I can definitely, 100 percent, get you your powers back.

What? How? Halloween is such a wonderful time of year for witches.

That is why I have something rather smashing lined up.

Ahem! That must be our very special delivery.

- Wow!

- Great!

- Who's ready for some carving?

- Whoo! What a majestic creature.

I must capture your essence.

Don't move.

He's a walking, talking work of art.

Who? Me? Who else? Hmm! Mother always said a big nose never spoiled a handsome face.

I must choose the right shade for those beautiful brown eyes.

- What's happening?

- You don't think it's the potion? It can't be.

They drank the juice ages ago.

Maybe the magic took longer to work 'cause it got diluted.

Smoky topaz, it is.

And shell pink for those luscious lips.


- Why are you bringing me here?

- All that bother with the Magic Council means it's more important than ever that we restore the family name.


- da! Don't say I never do anything for you.

- What is it?

- It's the Founding Stone of the school.

It'll give you your powers back.

Might even make you more powerful than you were before.

Oh, no, Ethel.

What have you done? I need you to keep completely still while I paint you.

- Do you know what's going on?

- Where's Ethel? Esme's here so she's been excused from class this morning.

I may have accidentally given all the teachers a love potion.

So that's why.

"With the next wizard she saw, she fell in love.

" If the spell specifies "wizard.

" Of course! We've got to keep the school's only wizard away from the teachers until the magic wears off.

What about Miss Bat? Okay.

But you've got to bring her here quickly.

What we can contain, we can control.

Thing is, I'm actually waiting for an important delivery, so No! My muse! Follow her, Felice! Come on, Enid, we've got to find Mr.


- Webb before anyone else does.

It's totally against the Code to tamper with the Founding Stone.

I took the Stone ages ago and nothing's happened.

Ages ago? Then why isn't anyone looking for it? Because everything's fine.

I replaced it with a fake.

I finally perfected my cloning spell.

Here you are.

My first

- years are on decorating duty so I thought I'd take a break.

Are you all right? Not really, dear.

You see yesterday was a very important day for me.


I met Mr.


- Webb many moons ago.

Night before Hallows' Eve.

There was a party at my college.

We wore masks so you couldn't tell which witch was which.

But he only had eyes for me.

We are born with two legs, two arms, two ears, two eyes but only one heart.

Because we're supposed to find the other one.

Esme! It's so good to see you.

Well met, Beatrice.

Well met, Clarice.

Well met.

Your first Halloween at Cackle's.

You must be so excited.

It's the best time to be a witch.

I did it again, didn't I? It's okay.

You're right.

- We'd better get on.

- Yeah.

Where did you both come from? Nowhere.

You haven't been up in that turret, have you? Ethel says there's a ghostly ghoul who's trapped in a chest.

There was.


We were just checking if it was still trapped.

Oh, but you mustn't go up there.

It's not safe.

- Do you hear me, Sybil?

- Okay.

He said something about a delivery.

There he is! Ah.

Miss Hardbroom, stop!

- No shouting in the corridors.

- Pardon me, Miss Hardbroom.

- And categorically no running.

- Sorry, Miss Hardbroom.

Enid Nightshade! Have you taken leave of your senses? Hmm.

Sorry, I didn't see you there.

Probably because you lack personality, presence, charm.

Wha what is wrong with everyone today? It's okay.

I think the potion's worn off.

I'm not so sure.

I think this might be how Miss Hardbroom flirts.

All men are fools, but you are their king.

There you are! That's it.

I'm out of here.

- No! Not again!

- Come back this instant! What we can contain, we can control.

Algernon? What is going on? It it's hard to explain.

Try me.

Et tu, Dimity? Okay.

Let's start at the beginning.

How did you find the Stone? I took it from Sybil's room after the fire.

- Why did Sybil have it?

- That's not important.

I took it, cloned it, and put the copied one back where it belongs.

Let this Stone be where it wants.

Not this place, but two at once.

I cloned myself too so I could go and tell you, but that all went wrong.

It's really easy.

I found this old spell.

"My powers have gone, my powers have flown, Share with me your powers, oh, gracious Stone.

" I'm sorry, Ethel.

- It's not that I'm not grateful, but

- But what? My principles are more important than my powers.



In that case, I'm sorry I wasted your time and mine.


We'd better get a move on.

You've got a lot of people to say goodbye to.

A lot of people who care about you, who want you to do well.

Hey, look at this.

Please! Yeah, very good.

- Will you just leave me alone?

- On the shoulders.

- Oh! Back to my knees.

- Very good.

- You've never seen skills like this.

- Please, will you just On my nose.

Around the world.

Algy, darling! You've forgiven me? Of course, my love.

I'd forgive you anything.

Oh, Gwen, I

- Who's that?

- Who, dearest? Only the most gorgeous wizard in the whole wide Hello, you.

He's fallen in love with himself? He's the first wizard he saw, so Me and Millie will deal with Mr.



You distract the others.

How? Oh, my knee! I think it's broken! Oh! Don't move, Enid.

We think it's broken! Let's get him inside the classroom.

Oh, come back, you handsome devil, you.


-rr! Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back.

What do we do now? Leave and hope no one finds him before the potion wears off.

You think he'll stay? You.

Yes, you.

Could you please stop being quite so adorable? He's not going anywhere.

Esme! Oh.

Well met, Mildred.

Well met, Maud.

You haven't seen any of the teachers, have you?

- Nuh

- uh.

- Nope.

Just wanted to say a few goodbyes.

Esme's supposed to be starting her non

- magical school next week.

- Oh, no.

- It's not that bad, honest.

If there's anything you want to know Like she'd want advice from you.

Actually, I do have a few questions, if you don't mind.

'Course not.

I'll stay here, keep watch.

I've tried netball and catching a bus.

But everything else will be new.

You'll be a bit like me when I started at Cackle's.

Behind in every subject.

You've caught up now, though.

I don't know about that.

But I do know that friends are the most important thing, and you're bound to make plenty of those.


Why don't we meet up later? Fine.


Will you come to my room, then? I need to ask you a bit of a favor.

Beetles' breath and myrtle flower, keep my sister in this tower.

In this room, she must dwell, until her magic can break the spell.

What we can contain, we can control.

What we can contain, we can control Uh can I help you?

- I'm looking for Mr.


- Webb.

- As am I.

He's not here at the moment, but I can see you sneaking a peek at me.

I also need a quick word.

A rather pressing matter.

Stay back! All of you! What on earth is going on? Maud? I wonder what Miss Drill's got up to? You don't think the ghostly ghoul's got her? Don't worry, Esme told me it's still trapped.

You know they made that all up?

- Esme wouldn't lie.

- Really? Prove it.

How can I? Go up to the turret and see for yourself.

- Hmm?

- Okay.

I will.

You'll be all right.

Just remember, witches aren't afraid of ghosts.

No, Miss Cackle, don't! Thank you, Mildred.

But forewarned is forearmed.


-seven, 28 I know you like this technique.

- Oh, so magnificent!

- Twenty

-nine Thirty Such exquisite bone structure.

- Well, that was embarrassing.

- Is that the time? I really must fly.

Oh, Gwen, wait.

I have got you something.

It only arrived this morning.

I so wanted you to have it yesterday, but, well, you know what snail mail is like.

A bit sluggish.

You see, Mildred, a witch should never meddle in affairs of the heart.


-hh! It's the same butterfly mask that you wore to bewitch me all those years ago.

So you didn't forget? I couldn't.

I wouldn't.

Never mind butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I'm with you.


- hh! Looks like they didn't need your help, after all.

Witches aren't afraid of ghosts.

Witches aren't afraid of ghosts.

The hideously haunted chest.

It's fine.

I've left anyway.

It won't matter if I get caught taking the Stone back.

Thanks, sis.

Why are you being so nice? It's really not like you.

You never said why you took the Stone.

I wanted things to be normal again.

- What things?

- Everything.

Like the fact that Mother isn't talking to you right now? Can you believe she blames me for what happened to you? It's totally unfair.

So this was all about you getting back in Mother's good books? You saving the family name? Sorry to disappoint.

Help! Help me, I'm trapped! Please! Hello? Help! Please! Can anybody hear me? Mildred! We've been looking for you.

We're a bit worried Beatrice is.

I'm sure she's fine.

- Sorry, what are you talking about?

- It's Sybil.

She's gone missing.

They think Sybil's gone to the turret.

Looking for a "ghostly ghoul.

" They don't admit it, but they're too scared to look for her themselves.

I told them I'd handle it.

Ethel? What was all that about? You stay here.

I'll find out.

Ethel, I'm gonna k*ll you for making me do this.

Help! Please! Help!

- Hello? Please! Help!

- Sybil! What are you doing out there? No, no, stop! I said stop! Hold on! Hold on! Sybil! Esme, don't leave me! Help! Help! Esme! I can't hold on! Help! Help me, please! Esme! Hurry up! My powers have gone, my powers have flown.

Share with me your powers, O, gracious Stone.

I'm falling! Please, help! I heard a scream.

Is everyone okay? This is none of your business.

Why did you bring Sybil here? She was on the roof.

She fell.

Esme saved me.

You've got your magic back? I took it from the Stone.

I had no choice.