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22x13 - Mammon

Posted: 02/03/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented
by two separate,

yet equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Thanks, Professor.

I'll let my team know the good news

and we'll have a business plan
ready for you by next week.

Talk soon.

- [g*nshots]


DOA's a Hudson grad
student named Emily Wade.

- , two in the chest.
- Witnesses?

Just the classmate who found her.

Didn't see anything, but
she was pretty shaken up.

Said she was the most intelligent

and driven woman she'd ever met.

Where is this classmate now?

EMTs are treating her for shock.

Evidence of a break-in?

No, looks like it all went down outside.

- Cameras?
- Afraid not.

Off-campus housing.
Security's pretty lax.

All right, let's see
what footage we can find

from businesses and traffic cams, huh?

I'd ballpark time of death as : .

Any indication of as*ault?

No. But some blood splatter.

Means the sh**t was point blank.

I'll check inside.

Probably got hit with some droplets.


"Thinking of you."

Doesn't say who it's
from or where it's from.

Can you bag that? Thanks.

You already check this?

Cell phone still here.

Wallet, credit cards, money.

Doesn't look like
anyone tossed the place.

There's jewelry still
along the nightstand.

So it's not a robbery, not an as*ault.

Double tap to the chest.

Starting to feel like an execution.

- The question is why.
- Sad.

Seems like she was going places too.

Too bad she'll never get there now.


I was dropping off a statistics outline

Em had loaned me. Saw
this van speeding off.

What'd the van look like?

Uh, blue. Green stripe down the side.

You get a look at the
plates or the driver?

Sorry. No.

How well did you know the victim?

We were study partners.

Can you think of anybody
she had a problem with?


We'd get drinks at this place

in Dumbo on Wednesdays called Ewing's.

She didn't want to go last week.

Said she was fighting
with one of the bartenders.

You know what the issue was about?


But he apparently followed her
to the library the other day.


Sorry, guys, not open till five.

Nathan Brae.

Who's asking?

We're New York City detectives.

We need a word.




Give me your hands. Give me your hands.

I didn't do anything wrong.


I only ran because I had coke on me.

I didn't want to get in trouble.

Good instincts, so
unless you start talking,

we're gonna charge you with possession.

What's your beef with Emily Wade?

I was dating her friend, Alli.

It was going good, too,

until she dumped me out
of the blue last week.

Turns out Emily's been
dissing me all over the place.

- I was pissed.
- Is that why you followed her to the library?

Yeah. I told her to stay
the hell out of my life

and then some muscle-head
gets in between us

and tells me to back off, so I did.

And you didn't go back to
her place later that evening,

- try to finish the conversation?
- No.

There's no point, you know?

- So where were you?
- What do you mean?

- Why do you care?
- Because Emily Wade is dead.

Nathan Brae's alibi checks
out. Nothing on canvass either.

Any next of kin we can talk to?

Nobody even to notify.

Her parents died when she was five.

She was raised in foster care.

So what about this mysterious blue van?

- Snake eyes.

Got something here, Lieutenant.

This is last Wednesday afternoon

outside Drummond Library.

There's our boy,
giving her the what for.

The argument doesn't get very far.

Huh, looks like our Good
Samaritan's no random bystander.

Any chance we can get an ID?

I already sent the image to FIS.

This is what they just sent back.

Bobby Gorman, , ex-Marine.

Any recent contact with Emily?

Lot of romantic back and forth.


Punctuated by a nasty DM
he sent early yesterday

accusing her of cheating on him.

"I'm so angry, I could k*ll you."

We got an address on this charmer?

- Sheepshead Bay.
- All right, guys.

Dust off your E-ZPass.
You're going to Brooklyn.

I found out about Emily on Citizen.

I can't believe she's gone.

Were you two together?

For a few months.

- How was it going?
- Ups and downs.

But I saw a future there.

Let's talk about those downs then, huh?

Like you threatening to k*ll her.

What? You think I did this?

We think you need to explain why

you were sending her threatening texts.

I felt terrible about that.

- I was just venting.
- About what?

All she did was study.

Barely had any time for me.

So I showed up at her place on Thursday

to surprise her with Knicks tickets,

but she was on her way
out, all dressed up.

She claimed she had a
family issue to deal with.

You go by her place last
night for any reason?


Look, I didn't k*ll her.

I loved her.

Key card to Gorman's
loft confirms his alibi.

So where are we with

the unspecified family
issues that he alluded to?

Still looking for the family.

All right, so let's work back
from the time of the m*rder.

What was Emily doing
that day? Where was she?

- Who was she with?
- Already on it.

I pulled Emily's financials.

Found an Uber charge the day
of the m*rder at : p.m.

- Hmm.
- Where'd she go?

Yes, I met with the poor soul

- day before yesterday.
- About what?

Her foster brother,
Lonnie, is a member here.

She was worried about him.

What was she worried
about, Pastor Butler?

Uh, it's Pastor Mike, and
no offense, Detectives,

but I take my parishioners'
privacy very seriously.

We understand, but Emily
was m*rder*d shortly after

she left here, so you have to understand

that we need to know why she
was so concerned about him.


He'd been asking her for money.

She was worried about the
direction his life was taking.

What direction are we talking about?

She asked that I motivate
him to find a job.

I told her I would do
my best and she left.

Excuse me for a second.
Reverend Sherman.

Liturgy looks perfect, Henry. Thank you.

Lord's work is never done.

Speaking of the Lord's work...

it's been a minute
since I was an altar boy,

but why would Emily think career advice

is something that's in your portfolio?

The success of our flock glorifies God,

so part of our work is to
guide them to milk and honey.

As Jesus said, "I came
that they may have life

and have it abundantly."

And that's your thing? Abundance?

Yes. My congregation is very generous.

- Thank you for your time.
- Thank you.

We'll let you know if
there's any follow-up.

- Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
- Tell me how you really feel.

Don't tell me you didn't
see that fancy, schmancy suit

and $ , watch.

He's bleeding that congregation dry.

It's a little more
complicated than that.

A guy like that... he
takes, but he also gives.

How so?

Some of these folks are
having trouble finding a job,

paying rent, even harder
time staying positive.

No different from any church I know.

Yeah, but Pastor Mike

fills a void for people
who feel hopeless.

He's modeling success

so that his congregation
has something to aspire to.

- Not my idea of religion.
- Not mine either.

But religion is whatever
works for you, right?

So some people think
it's the body of Christ

being represented by a wafer.

Some people think it's
ponying up so the pastor

- can wear a Rolex.
- I am not buying it.

He's not selling it to you.

Prosperity means something different

when you grow up poor and Black, Frank.

Fair enough.

Let's check with Emily's foster brother.

See what he knows.

Emily and I spent five years
in this group home in Canarsie.

The only thing we got out
of that place was each other.

She was my big sis.

- Sorry for your loss, Lonnie.
- Yeah.

We're trying to piece together

Emily's movements two days ago.

When was the last time you saw her?

I went by her place about lunch.

Now, would you say that was a
social call or something else?

I needed her to float me rent.

Oh, you were having money problems?

I got laid off a month ago.

Savings are a little light.

I mean, I couldn't imagine
how that conversation might go

between me and my sister if I
was asking her to pay my rent.

You guys didn't fight or argue, did you?

No, she was happy to do it.

She even had the money
wired to my landlord.

How much money we talking about?

Two grand.

Yeah, well, the brother's
story checks out.

Then let's follow the money trail.

Communication just finished
the work up on her device.

GPS puts her at the
corner of th and Avenue C

right after eight on
the night of the m*rder.

The address is a match for a pawn shop

called Sid's Jewelry and Loans.

There ought to be security
cams on that street, right?

Searching now.

Pawn shop's got them on front and back.

This is at : .

That looks like Emily.

Hey, can you get in tighter on that guy?

Yes, but you never see his face.

All right, well, fast
forward on the tape.

- This is : .
- She hawks something,

and then an hour later, she's dead.

GPS confirms her next stop was home.


Freeze that.

Yeah, blue van, green pinstripe.

Got a shot of the driver too.

Can't make out details, but
it looks like a Black male

wearing the same New York logo
hat as the guy on the street.

Could fit the bill of the
van leaving the m*rder scene.

Can you pull up the registration?

Plate comes back to Ruben Grandy,


He's got priors for armed robbery.

All right, bring him in.



Police! Show me your hands.

- Show me your hands.
- Don't move!

Take it easy, fellas.

- Who else is here?
- Nobody, I swear to God.

- All rooms clear.
- Clear.

- Let's go.
- All right, keep your hands up

and stand up for me. Let's go.

All right, but I'ma need my crutches.

I got a broken leg.

I told you, I was playing
poker here with some friends.

- Where's your van?
- Gave it away a few weeks ago.

- To who?
- My church. First Harmony.

Cast won't come off till
summer, so I can't drive.

I was happy to send it their way too.

- And why's that?
- Guy that runs the church,

Pastor Mike, he's a good man.

Found me a job when I
got out of Sing Sing.

So Pastor Mike is the
one driving the van now.

No, he gave it to the vice pastor,

Reverend Sherman.

Yes, I was driving Ruben's van.

My car is in the shop.

Where'd you go after
you left the church?


You have any interaction with
Emily Wade couple nights ago?

- Who?
- Emily Wade.

Her brother's Lonnie
Ballard. He's a congregant.


Before I say anything else,

I need to know why you're asking that.

That van was used in the commission

of the m*rder of Emily Wade.

You accusing me of something?

You stop by a pawn shop
that night around : ,

- maybe one on th and Avenue C?
- No.

So you're saying you went straight home

from First Harmony and you never left.

- Is that right, Henry?
- It's Reverend Sherman.

You'd do well to remember
who you're talking to.


We know exactly who we're talking to.

An ex-con with a rap
sheet as long as my arm

and a seven-year stint in Fishkill.

And now, all of a sudden,
you're a man of the cloth?

- Meaning what?
- Meaning you're no bishop,

so you need to account for
your whereabouts two nights ago.

The only one I need
to account to is God.

And I won't stand
here and be insulted...

- Hey.
- For devoting my life to the almighty.

- Calm down.
- You can see yourselves out.

- You're on parole. You're not going anywhere.

- BOTH: Hey, hey. Wait.
- Yo, take your hands off of me.

- Hey, Henry.

We got a church too.

And putting hands on my partner,

that's a sin.

- Let's try this again.
- I already told you.

I was at the church until
six then I went home.

How do you explain the
fact that you were seen

in that van driving
away from the church?

That same van was
spotted a few hours later

fleeing the scene of Emily's sh**ting.

Someone else had to be driving it.

Somebody else is driving your van?

Yeah, I left the keys on the
front tire when I parked it.

And why would you do that?

So parishioners in need of
transportation can use it.

You got callers for
possession and burglary.

Maybe you're using again.
Maybe you're hard up for cash

and you saw Emily as an easy target.

- You're wrong.
- I don't think I am.

I'm searching your van.

- You okay with all this?
- With what?

End of the day,

you got to decide whose
side you're really on.

I've already decided, brother.

I'm on God's side.

Turns out, he doesn't like m*rder.

There's a baseball cap
with a New York logo on it

and there's blood on the armrest.


- You want to explain that?
- I'm not talking.

Well, maybe you'll talk to a jury.

You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Emily Wade.

Calling docket ending in .

People versus Henry Sherman

charged with m*rder
in the second degree.

How does the defendant plead?

Not guilty, Your Honor.

I'll hear the people on bail.

We're seeking remand.

The defendant stalked the victim,

followed her home, then shot her
to death during a botched robbery.

Evidence is substantial.

We found the victim's blood in a van

that the defendant had control over...

the same van seen leaving
the victim's apartment

- shortly after the m*rder.
- Mr. Gale.

My client is a highly
respected member of the clergy.

With a lengthy criminal record.

Who's lived an exemplary
life since finding God.

There's no eye witnesses, no g*n,

no evidence of motive.

No one can put my client
behind the wheel of that van

at the time of the m*rder.

An argument you're free
to make at trial, Mr. Gale.

Bail is set at $ million.

Case is solid, but our
motive is still weak.

Why on Earth would this
man k*ll Emily Wade?

Does it matter? If we
can prove he shot her,

his motive's irrelevant.

My mentor taught me that.

Yes, but he also taught you

juries hate cases that don't make sense.

You're right. He did.

So let's dig deeper.

Find a credible reason why
Sherman wanted to k*ll Emily.

Scour his texts, email,
phone records, financials.

- Mm-hmm.

- A V .
- Gentlemen.

Pastor Mike.

Nice ride. You got a minute?

I'd love to chat, but I'm late.

One of my oldest and dearest
congregants is quite ill.

I'm heading over to the
hospital to pray with him.

Help him find peace before he passes.

Oh, that's fantastic,
so this won't take long.

We just have a few questions.

Sorry, I can't. Not now.

Oh, you misunderstand my kindness here.

I'm not asking. I'm telling.

You're telling?

No, you don't get to
tell me a damn thing.

Sure I do. For starters, I'm telling you

that we know that vice Pastor Sherman

deposited a $ , check a
day after Emily Wade was shot.


So we want to know
what the check was for.

- It's a private matter.
- Private?

Sherman was charged with m*rder,

so anything he has said or
done is now a public matter.

I'm done talking, so
you can either arrest me

or step out of my way.

Good day.


Does your pastor drive a Bentley?

I don't go to church enough to know.

A superseding indictment
for first-degree m*rder.

- On what basis?
- m*rder for hire.

Pastor Mike paid your
client to k*ll Emily Wade.

Is this a joke?

Here are , reasons it's not.

So he makes a $ , deposit.

- Who cares?
- I'm guessing the jury might

since it was the day after the m*rder

from a First Harmony account.

And phone logs show Mr.
Sherman called Pastor Mike

just before and after Emily
Wade was shot to death.

Look, if we're right, and we are,

you would be wise to cooperate.

Tell us what really happened,
or there's a very good chance

you'll die in prison.

I've got nothing to say.

You feel obligation to Pastor Mike

because he took you in,

he gave you a job, a purpose.

But what he really did is use you.

That's why you're here
taking the rap and he's not.

m*rder two, years.

I'm not a rat.


Hold on. Wait.

How about man one, ten years flat?

We're listening.

Pastor Mike was nervous.

Said that Emily was a problem.

That we needed to shut her ass up.

What did he mean by that?

He wanted me to k*ll her.

Why would he want to do that?

She told Pastor Mike she
was gonna call the police

if he didn't return
her brother's donation.

Let them know what's really
going on in the church.

- Is that some sort of secret?
- No.

But Pastor Mike doesn't
like paying taxes

or going to jail, so he panicked.


Yeah, we got a deal,

assuming your story
checks out, of course.

Did you give or donate
money to Pastor Mike?


$ , .

- Did Emily know about this?
- Yes.

I told her that day I asked
her to help me pay the rent.

Well, when she heard about
the donation, was she upset?

Did she tell you she was going
to go get your money back?

She was upset. She
thought I was an idiot.

But she didn't think like I did.

She's not a believer like me.


You think Pastor Mike has
something to do with her m*rder?

That is correct.

When she found out you
gave him that money,

she stormed over to the church
and demanded he give it back.

Or she would inform the
police about his antics.

What do you mean antics?

Buying houses and boats with his
congregants' hard-earned cash.

You're wrong. The money we
give helps with prosperity.

It's part of the gospel.

I know this is hard for you to hear...

Pastor Mike would never hurt Emily.

He's a healer.

I mean, if it wasn't for
him, I'd probably be dead.

I mean, he got me off heroin.

And with all due respect,

that has nothing to do
with your sister's case.

I think I've had enough.

Please leave.


Let me get this straight.

You want to go after a
pillar of the community,

a clergyman,

on the word of a convicted felon

with every reason to trade up.

We believe Henry Sherman
is telling the truth.

The victim's brother confirmed
the crux of his story.

That's great, but
Sherman is still the felon

with a fantastic motive
to lie his ass off.

We're talking about a religious leader

who orchestrated someone's
m*rder to cover up his scheme.

If we don't at least try
to hold someone like that

accountable, we're in
the wrong line of work.

Put Pastor Mike on
trial, not his church.

If you lose religious jurors,
you won't have a prayer.

CHOIR: ♪ Gonna lay down my burden ♪

♪ Down by the riverside ♪

- ♪ Study w*r no more ♪
- Yes.

- Lord.

- They live.
- Yes.

- Praise the Lord.
- Yeah!

Thank you, choir, for
lifting our spirits

on the winds of your song. Amen?

- ALL: Amen.
- Amen?

ALL: Amen.

I want to talk about the importance
of your financial support.

What you give your church
will come back to you tenfold.

- ALL: Yes.
- Detectives.

You're interrupting our service.

Pastor, we need a word.

- You're gonna have to wait.
- Justice waits for no man.


You're under arrest for
the m*rder of Emily Wade.


Fear not, my children. God has a plan.

The righteous shall prevail.

This is ludicrous.

Do you seriously think

that I'm involved in
this young woman's death?

We do.

Because Reverend
Sherman made up a story.

He seemed pretty credible.

Evidence supports it too.

I suppose the darkness
from within was just

too much for him to overcome.

Yeah, that may be true, but right now,

you need to help yourself
and tell us what happened.

I'm done talking.

I want a lawyer.

Reverend Sherman can
say whatever he wants,

but the truth will prevail.

After Emily Wade left First Harmony,

did you have occasion to
confer with Pastor Mike?

- I did.
- And what did he tell you

about the conversation
that he'd had with her?

- We didn't talk about her.
We talked about his sermon.

He didn't tell you that Ms. Wade

wanted her brother's money back

or she was gonna go to the police?

- No.
- He didn't tell you

that she would destroy
everything you'd built,

- so you had to shut her up?
- No.


Mr. Sherman, did you
or did you not tell me

Pastor Mike paid you to k*ll Emily Wade.

I did tell you that,

and I was lying because I wanted a deal.


Quiet or I'll clear the gallery.

The truth is you're lying
now out of some misguided

sense of loyalty to
your boss, aren't you?

I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth.

Sir, I remind you that
if you violate the terms

- of your plea agreement...
- Objection.

- Asked and answered.
- I agree.

Mr. Price, the witness'
testimony is very clear.

Nothing further.

Mr. Dressler?

No questions, Your Honor.

The People request a brief recess.

We're adjourned until tomorrow.


Rikers' Visitor Log shows
Pastor Mike's attorney

went to visit Sherman in jail yesterday.

Less than hours later,
Sherman sandbags us.

It's witness tampering.

No doubt.

But that's too hard to prove.

We'll just have to make
the case without him.

We were looking at calls
coming into Pastor Mike

the day of the m*rder, right?

Yeah, I'm not following.

We know Sherman called Pastor Mike

right after he k*lled Emily.

But according to this call log,
Pastor Mike called someone else

as soon as that
conversation was finished.

Let's find out who he
called and what he said.

As Senior Pastor of First Harmony,

I don't have
day-to-day involvement.

I function strictly in
an advisory capacity now.

Yes, but that capacity includes

the provision of counsel
to Pastor Mike, doesn't it?

It does.

Does he typically call
you in the evening?

- He does not.
- But he did call you December th at night.

What did you two talk about?


I'm a preacher.

Conversations with my congregants are

meant to be confidential.

A woman was m*rder*d.

Doesn't that trump confidentiality?

He called me on that
night as his clergyman.

He wanted to unburden his soul,

which means the nature
of that conversation

is protected under the laws
of the State of New York.

So just so I'm clear...

you're okay if a m*rder*r walks free?

I'm not talking, fellas. Simple as that.

Bryant is the whole
ballgame. He has to testify.

But he's a clergyman. And
he's right about the law.

His conversation with the
defendant is privileged.

Unless that privilege is in
service of a crime or fraud.

You're on dangerous ground, Nolan.

To prove that, you have
to attack the church.

I thought we agreed

that we would make the case
about the man not the religion.

I'm not going after religion.

I'm going after a
single corrupt preacher.

It'll read as blasphemy.

Delegitimizing First Harmony

is the only way to convict Pastor Mike.

Otherwise, we may as
well drop the charges.

If we lose this case,
all people will remember

is an over-zealous prosecutor

who vilified a church
for no good reason.

And that's all I'm
going to remember too.


The mere suggestion this
trial should devolve into

a referendum on the legitimacy
of First Harmony is outrageous.

I take the point. Mr. Price?

The People are aware of the
sensitivities at play here.

But we're only
questioning that legitimacy

for the limited purposes
of a privilege inquiry.

The phone call between
Pastor Mike and Pastor Bryant

was obviously for the purpose
of seeking spiritual advice.

Presumptively for that purpose,

a presumption that can be overcome

if we establish that the
church is a corrupt enterprise.

I share your concerns, Mr. Dressler,

but this is a m*rder trial.

So I'm gonna grant the People

a limited opportunity
to demonstrate fraud.

And the defense will
have the chance to rebut.

Mr. Conley, how much did
you donate to First Harmony?

$ , over three years.

And during that time,

did you experience
any financial setbacks?

Yes. I lost my home, my car.

Couldn't even pay the storage facility,

so they sold my stuff.

And yet you continued donating
to First Harmony, right?

- Yes.
- Why?

Because Pastor Mike told
me if I stopped giving,

it could jeopardize my
relationship with God.

The money you donated...
do you know where it went?

Yeah. His Tesla.

His mansion in Armonk. His catamaran.

What Pastor needs a catamaran?

Nothing further.

Mr. Conley,

are you currently a member
of Gamblers Anonymous?


And how much money
have you lost gambling

the past three years?

I don't remember.

Nearly $ , . Is that right?

I guess.

So First Harmony isn't the real cause

of your financial woes, is it?

Doesn't matter.

That man over there stole from me.

Mr. Ballard, you're a
recovering heroin addict.

- Is that right?
- Recovered.

That's amazing.

And to what do you
attribute your recovery?

Pastor Mike.

He got me into a facility,
paid for the program.

Visited me every day for six weeks

to make sure I was doing the work.

Were you employed as a sales rep

for Shearing Pharmaceuticals?

Yes, for four years.

I just got laid off.

I'm sorry about that.
And who got you that job?

Pastor Mike.

There's been testimony about

Pastor Mike's extravagant lifestyle.

Are you familiar with how he lives?

Of course.

And it's a blessing to the congregation.

Do you believe First Harmony
defrauded you in any way?

No. As Pastor Mike likes to say,

"When we invest in the church,
we invest in ourselves."

And I'm living proof that's true.

Thank you.

Mr. Ballard,

I'm very sorry about
the loss of your sister.

Thank you.

Until a short time ago,
what was your net worth?

About $ , .

What's your net worth now?

- Less than that.
- In fact, it is zero.

Because you donated every
cent you had to First Harmony.

I'll make more.

How much have you given First Harmony

over the past four years?

I don't remember.

Does almost $ , sound right?

I donated because that's
the right thing to do.

I owe Pastor Mike. I owe him.

Well, isn't it possible
that the man you say you owe

turned you into a productive citizen

in order to milk you of
everything you earned?

No. Donating to your church
is the right thing to do.

Pastor Mike deserves
every penny I gave him.

Oh, you gave Pastor Mike your money?

No, no, I meant I... I
gave it to First Harm...

this man is trying to fool me!

No, sir.

I am not the one fooling you.

Nothing further.

The parishioners who donated

did so knowing that Pastor
Mike was spending at least

some of the money on himself.

No one was threatened or coerced.

They donated for inspiration,
which is exactly what they got.

Pastor Mike's success was
a beacon to his parish,

which is all that the
prosperity gospel entails.

You get the benefit of your bargain,

it can't be fraud.

Mr. Price?

Fraud needn't be a function
of deceit or coercion.

It can also be manipulation

by a person in a position of trust,

such as a pastor who tells his flock

that their relationship
with God will be compromised

if they don't give money to the church.

These donations were part
of a shameless money grab

by a charismatic and manipulative figure

in a position of control and power.

The defendant concealed these
cash contributions from the IRS

and used the money he received

to finance his opulent lifestyle.

That is not religion. That's fraud.

I agree with Mr. Price.

And since the defense
did not rebut his claims,

I am vitiating the clergy privilege.

Mr. Price.

- Why you doing this?
- Excuse me?

Trying to destroy my church.

No, I can assure you,
that is not my objective.

You're acting like we
don't know what we're doing,

that Pastor Mike is
trying to defraud us.

That's not what's going on here.

We know what we're doing. We
want to give him our money.

That is your choice.
I... I don't really care.

I'm simply trying to
present the facts to the jury

so they know what really happened...

so they know who really
k*lled Emily, your sister.

I-I would've thought that's something

you might be interested in as well.

Don't do that.

Don't you dare suggest that
I don't love my sister Emily.

I do. More than anything.

But she's gone.

Ain't nothing we can do about that.

And nothing you could do to convince me

that Pastor Mike is involved.

- I won't bother trying.
- Wait, wait.


I'm just scared.

If you destroy Pastor
Mike and my church...

I'm left with absolutely nothing.


Pastor Mike Butler

called you at : on the
evening of Emily Wade's m*rder.

- He did.
- And what did he tell you?

He told me he wanted to pray with me

because he had transgressed.

Did he tell you exactly
what the transgression was?

This is not right.

That conversation was sacred.

Pastor Bryant...

Only God should know the contents.

Will the court please
instruct the witness to answer?

Pastor Bryant, the court has ruled

clergy privilege does not apply here.

- Oh.
- If you don't answer,

I will have to hold you in contempt.

Do you understand that?


Ask your question again, Mr. Price.

I'll make it a simple
yes or no question.

Did the defendant tell you

that he had instructed Mr.
Sherman to k*ll Emily Wade?



Nothing further.

Then we are adjourned for the day.


Man one, max.

m*rder two, to life.

I'll start drafting the plea agreement.

I'll, um, talk to Emily's brother,

let him know the case is over.


Lonnie? [KNOCKING]

It's Nolan Price from the DA's office.

Hello, Lonnie? [KNOCKS]



Oh, no. Lonnie?


Lonnie? Lonnie?

Lonnie? Oh, God.


Yeah, I-I need an ambulance. [STAMMERS]

Warshaw, Queens. Apartment B.

He's overdosed. I need help right away.

Lonnie? Lonnie, stay with me.