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01x01 - The Girl of Legend

Posted: 02/03/23 12:16
by bunniefuu
This is the story of a
young girl who single-handedly...

...gathered the
Seven Stars of Suzaku...

...and gained the power to
make all her dreams come true.

The story itself
is an incantation...

...and whomever reads it gains
the main character's power... have their wishes granted.

This is because once
they turn the first page...

...the story will
become real and begin.

A... A double-cheeseburger!

A chocolate mint, vanilla
raisin, and strawberry...

...triple-scoop ice cream cone!

The special pork cutlet rice
bowl at Omuraan's on 2nd Street!

Oh, my beloveds!

Come now! Come to me...

Then go!

Time to eat!

But why?!

Give it up, Miaka Yuki.

A third-year middle school exam
candidate doesn't need food!

No! What you need is STUDY!

Now, then, let's study.

Solve 4x times 3y!

Who wrote "Reflections
in Hours of Idleness"?

"I want him to do his best."

How is this sentence translated?

Will you please
answer the question, Yuki?!


Miaka, who did you just
hit with your desk?



- Yuki...!
- Yes, sir?

Stand like that out in the hall...!

"I want him to do his best."
The translation of this is...

Oh, I'm b*at.

Miaka, we're leaving.

Hold on!

Jeez, an exam candidate
who falls asleep!

If you do that, you'll have a
hard time getting into Yotsubadai.

Uh-uh, Yotsubadai
isn't where I'm applying.

Huh? So where
are you trying for?



Jonan? You mean Jonan Academy?

Well, I'm sure don't mean
the Jonan appliance store!

Are you out of your mind?!

Why don't you ask Yui that?

Because Yui's Jonan material
and you aren't, that's why!

Yup. I'm a genius
and you're an idiot.

Are you really my best friend?

Uh-huh. I think so.

- Miaka, you coming?
- Where to?

The National Library.

Typical! Yui Hongo, the
smartest girl in middle school...

...goes to the
most unusual places.

Wow... It's really...!

The National Library
looks so...national.

Hey, it was a Joke!
Say something!

I just have to return a book.

Don't take too long.

It's no use. Anything with the
word "National" makes me nervous.

Get a grip, Japanese citizen!

Oh? They've got
juice machines in here, too!

What's wrong with me?

You can find Juice
machines everywhere.

Let's see...

Dropped it.

What was...?

"Important Documents Reference Room"

"Important Documents Reference Room" ?


What are you doing in here?

A bird?!

Yeah! I know it was in here!
I heard its wings fluttering.

A bird was flying around in here?


"The Universe of the Four Gods?"

What is it?

It says it's an
ancient Chinese novel.

A Chinese novel?

"And thus, the girl of legend
opened the door to another world"...?

That's so cool! You can
read ancient Chinese, Yui?!

This... This is the bird I saw before!

"This is the story of a
young girl who single-handedly..."

"...gathered the
Seven Stars of Suzaku..."

"...and gained the power to
make all her dreams come true."

"The story itself
is an incantation..."

"...and whomever reads it gains
the main character's power..."

" have their wishes granted."

"This is because,
once they turn the first page..."

"...the story will
become real and begin."

What's that supposed to mean?

If you can't understand it,
how am I supposed to--

What was that just now?

Yui, are you okay?

Where are we...?


Does this hurt?


Ow, ow, ow... It hurts.
Way too much to be a dream.

Whether it's a dream or not...

...there are no double-burgers or
ice cream with nuts and raisins here!

Is food the most important
thing you worry about?!

No Omuraan's on 2nd Street!

What'll we do, Yui?!


M- Miaka!

These ones are real prizes!

We should get a good
price when we sell them.

Who are these guys?

Are you guys Chinese acrobats?


We're sl*ve traders!


Well? Surprised, aren't you--


Yui, run for it!

Quiet down, or else...!

Stop it.

Ow! Why, you...!

Who is this guy?

On his forehead... There's a
Chinese character on his forehead.

Ow, ow, ow! My arm! My arm!


Run for it!

You two! Are you all right?

Thank you so much.

If you're thankful,
you should give me some money.


By "huh", can I take it you
two girls have no money?

Ladies, money makes
the world go round.

Why'd I waste my time saving
girls who don't have any money?

No one asked you to save us!

I may have a little.

I hate poor people! Bye!

Hey, wait! Where are we?!

This is...!

The red light from before...?


Okay! This should cover--


Where are you? Yui!


Miaka... Miaka?!



"Just as the girl
tried to save her friend..."

"...from the party
of sl*ve traders..."

"...a boy with the character
for ogre upon his forehead..."

"...appeared and saved them."

The character for
ogre on his forehead?!

But, how...? How could
what happened before...?!

It wasn't a dream?

"Searching for the boy, the girl
rode upon a cart to the capital..."

Why's everyone staring at me?!

More than that, that guy before
may have been sorta handsome...

...but he kidnapped Yui!
I won't forgive him!

But, still... Where am I?

The atmosphere is
almost like ancient China.

Am I in that book?

Could that be it?

It... It's incredible!

It's like a movie set.

I'm impressed!

I didn't even notice
we were in a city already.

It's him! I've found him!

Thanks, mister!


Excuse me.

Excuse me, let me through.

Excuse me!


Everyone is so full of life!

Oh, no! I lost track of him!

I didn't eat dinner before...

Say, miss, it's not nice to
stand there and drool, you know.

Mister, have you seen
a handsome boy...

...with the character
for ogre on his forehead?

With ogre on his forehead?

There's a handsome guy
right here if you want!


HEY! What kinda money is this?!

Japanese 100 yen Heisei coins!

Excuse me, have you seen someone
with "ogre" on his forehead?

He has the character
for ogre on his forehead!

Does anyone know where he is?

I'm tired...

Where'd he go?



I've been watching you.
I'm alone, too.

Wanna take in the sights of
the Konan capital together?

- Konan?
- Yeah.

So, this place is called Konan.

Hold it! Is this guy
actually hitting on me?!

Yes! He has
to be hitting on me!

I've never had a boyfriend in
all 1 5 years I've been alive...

...and now I'm finally a mature
enough woman to attract a guy!

But I can't say
"Yes!" right away!

The best thing is to
say no a couple of times...

- Umm...
- Sorry, but I'm looking for someone.

Oh, I see.

Get back here!

A guy with ogre written
on his forehead, right?

You know him?!

Yeah, he's a friend of mine.


Why don't I take you to him?


- Have you heard?
- About what?

I just overheard it a little while ago.

There's a strangely-dressed
girl wandering around town.

Oh, yeah, I heard about that.

She's looking for some guy with
ogre written on his forehead, right?

She paid for some food with
foreign money and ran off.

Where'd a girl come
from all by herself?

Excuse me for interrupting.

Yeah, buddy?

This strangely-dressed girl...
Was she with another one?

Well, I don't know all the details...

...but I heard she was alone
when she did that dine and dash.

Alone... Hm, it must
be a different girl.

Excuse me...

Where exactly is your friend?

Right here.

Well, this girl's dressed a lot
more strangely than the usual ones.

She's a rare one. The clothes
alone will fetch a high price.

I wonder if it's true that
foreign girls taste any different.

You tricked me?

It's your fault for following him.

Knock it off!.

Aw, that hurt.

I didn't know they had street
gangs in ancient China, too.

How could I let myself
get tricked by these guys?!

Hold it! This is ancient China.

No matter what I do here, it won't
go on my permanent record!

All right, then!

Hey! Hey! Hey! Do you
see these vaccination scars?!

They have borne witness
to all your misdeeds!

Heaven may forgive you,
but Miaka Yuki does not!

In the name of the heavens,
I'll punish you!

With the k*ller womens'
pro wrestling moves...

{\pos(213,474)}...I saw on the satellite broadcast!


HIP att*ck!

What's with this girl?!

I've never seen this
martial art before!



What do you know?
I could do it!

I might even be able to
take on a pro like Aja!

Make fools of us, will you?!

No... NO!!!

Help me...

Who are you?!

Four guys... Against one girl?

And you call yourselves men?

"As the girl faced peril..."

"...the boy with the mark of
ogre upon his forehead appeared..."

"...and b*at off the hoodlums."

The Lady Miaka finally finds the boy...

...with the character of
ogre upon his forehead.

However, at that moment, she is
surrounded by the emperor's guards.

Within the boy's arms as he
rescues her for a third time...

...the Lady Miaka emits
a mysterious red light.

Next time,
"The Priestess of Suzaku."

The legend is now reviving.